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  1. Excellent article, not fawning, but as respectful as possible. https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/cowboys-cheerleaders-voyeurism-scandal/
  2. Especially this season -when he is on the screen I see this scene. Every.Single.Time.
  3. Wait -did she just get voted out with an idol in her pocket? And nobody said anything about that? Or was it a bluff that she found something? I keep dozing off this season, so I lost the plot again 😐
  4. Another lurker, if seldom poster here~ I think Kody liked his kids early in this series because he could stand in a crowd of them, flapping his arms like a mad Father Goose, Christine cheering him on with the affect of a groupie. Hijinks! Hilarity! Barf. It looked comfortable for Janelle to have a part time husband and a partnership parent with Christine, while Meri was good to have alone time for her brooding. I couldn’t live that plyg scene, but I sorta got the upside better. Now I ping a little for Meri because she realizes she destroyed the whatever identity she had in this club, and that is an awful feeling. But teensy little pinging sympathy. I keep flashing on her smug smiles before she got the Sam truth. At some restaurant the wives were talking about their struggles again and she just sat there smirking like, “I am SO gonna show you! I am skipping off with my millionaire doting sexpot new man! For that brief time, at least she saw Kody for the asshat he is. She was a savage sneer at them all, so her desperation - meh.
  5. They had time while Jeffy changed in to his dry pants after hopping off the pretty boat
  6. I thought Dom’s book would blow up the plane. No way she should handle anything from that guy... this season has moved at a pretty good pace, but I did ffwd through a lot of chase scenes and dramatic effects/drama moments after the first episode. Did I just forget these In past seasons? Or were they really more tedious to you too?
  7. I did look forward to Kitty’s prep class, even as her edits have been more snark than actual pearls of wisdom. I’ll miss that segment. That said, In What Universe could she demand respect for that buffoon, then claim editing was not legit?! Media backlash was a hard truth too hard for Kitty Carter? Smh She should go away, lose her part time job for a year. She just needs to work on a couple of things.
  8. I wish...that Gina is so wealthy she quit, says eff you and your jewel tone sausage casing, and then goes on to write a book. Wealthy enough to tell ‘em, “Sue me.” ...but then i’m Crabby today, so ymmv...
  9. I giggled at that eye roll because it was (edited to seem?) directed at Victoria’s name called.
  10. To me, it’s worth the wait to ffwd thru as much as I like, and then rewind to enjoy again for fun stuff😃 so thanks! I’ll give it a try!
  11. Are there commercials when you buy the season on Amazon? TIA
  12. I’m calling bullshit on that VK saying it was uncomfy bcs weight issues. I think she was,ever so rarely if ever at all, in a jackpot she made for herself. She could not Cutsie Pie her way around Jinelle, she could not flirt her way by, she could not skate on the bullshit excuses for zero accountability. She tried ducking, lying, Cutsie Meeee buffoonery, and was caught short. Uncomfy? I hope it hurt, dear.
  13. I’ve not been in This thread before because the former seasons are mostly blended in my memories. Would someone help me know what season was the Blue Collar/white Collar/No collar gimmick? Thanks!
  14. In that moment and with that editing context, I totally got on board with her, “jam your hubris up your ass” fake idol play. Not my proudest sensibility ever, but there it was. I hate watched that broad, and thought the rest, especially the stupid second fake idol plot, was her clueless hateable self. But laughing the first time-yeah I did take a beat to stifle my own...
  15. For me, Davie has not disappointed at all -his part in all of the strategic moves with the Davids, his voting for Christian, all make great sense, and done, it seems, without being a jerk around camp. I’m really hoping he gets to Final Tribal and we get to hear his address to the group- just because for all the talk about genius this and brilliant that, I love the way he thinks. Because he had me with, “OCTOPUS!!” and since then, there’s no one else I want to hear from.
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