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S6.E16: Reunion Part 2

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While, I found Shep’s behavior appalling this year, I don’t have a problem with him asking Austin if he doesn’t just ever tell Madison to stfu.  He said this right after Madison dropped the chlamydia bomb.  I would agree that Madison needed to stfu.

I know people are coming down on Cam for her defense of the comment, but I’d be lying if I said that my husband never told me to stfu.  My response is usually to be disgusted and appalled, but I also stfu.   (It’s happened twice).  There are times when people need to be told bluntly to be quiet and Madison definitely needed someone to shut her up.  

I cant get on the Kathryn train.  The fact that Thomas is terrible doesn’t make Kathryn likable.  I sensed that Austin was trying to interject that Kathryn uses Madison as s babysitter.  I’m not convinced that it was only weed that brought Kathryn down.  I fully agree that Thomas’ family name has influenced the custody proceedings, but Kathryn has more than weed issues.  

  • Love 14

What a disappointing ending to a disappointing overall season. I really don’t know what they can do to spice up the show anymore after this point. There needs to be a marriage, someone moving in, a new big business venture, just SOMETHING, because this current SC formula is officially stale and the entire OG cast seems pretty over it all as well. Count me in on agreeing that this show will be lucky to squeeze out one last season at this rate.

Kathryn is a shitty friend because she’s too damned self-centered to think of anyone but herself...even over her own children, I dare add. ..she sure wouldn’t be so casually drinking in her “sobriety” if she gave a damn about their future. Even when everyone was trying to show why they cared and reached out to her, she couldn’t remotely consider their feelings, just brought it all back to her own shit(“Thomas will see this in court!”).

Shep just digs his hole deeper and deeper...I can’t believe how far he’s fallen. And I never realized how big of a pompous asshole he truly is. I was so pleasantly surprised how Andy completely owned him throughout this reunion; to go from Andy’s crush to Andy’s annoyance is a huge step down. And then Mr. “I’m So Well-Bred, Well-Raised And Know Everything” didn’t even know who Brooke Astor was?! What a jackass.

Andddd Danny is still weeping about how she may or may not have the clap. Good lord. In the words of Ashley from RH of Potomac, I don’t think she’s mentally strong enough to hang with this group. Ditto Eliza and her random poor little rich girl babbling.

Also CAMERON, if my husband told me to STFU he’d have serious consequences; but then again, my husband actually respects me. Sorry not sorry, but that kind of crude behavior is unacceptable in a healthy relationship.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 16
5 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'm not sure what Madison's deal is but she liked hurting Danni.  Maybe she dislikes her for whatever it was that was going on at the beginning of the season. Or maybe she relishes being the center of drama on a TV show.

When this reunion was filmed, one of her BFFs posted on IG something like "When she said she was going to be on the show, I was not sure if it would be good for her...but now I'm proud she did it." Something like that. 

I think she wants to be famous. She's seen the show before and thought "why couldn't one of them be me?!" Especially as she's already in with the crowd like Pat, Cam and Naomie. And the only way to be in the show and be memorable is to be the harbinger of drama. I mean, look at Austen's ex, Victoria. She didn't bring enough crazy last season and so she went out with a whimper and not brought back. This way, especially going against Shep, she stands a good chance of being asked back. 

I've never seen anyone get the blue check on IG as fast as Madison did just after her first episode. She wants the fame and notoriety and is unashamed of it.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 8
16 hours ago, bosawks said:

Kathryn does seem to be a very frustrating person to be friends with.

”Hey Kathryn, did you take the last bagel?”

”Stop, Thomas will talk about that in court!”

”Hey Kathryn, did you leave the light on?”

”OMG, Thomas will mention that in court!”


Katherine’s bandwagon of “We can’t stand Thomas...so cater to me...the victim of evil TRav AND Ashley...” the whole sitch has grown old and she can’t use any of it to defend bad..diva-like...unapologetic...duplicitous behavior....

and I LOVED TO LIKE Katherine....! Truly! ...and I can’t stand TrAv and I despise Ashley...I find the both repulsive...

however a person has to be held accountable at a certain point....she or he can not lay back lapping up the adulation that was arguably only deserved by default in this case...(unfortunately...the expression “choice of evils” comes to mind..at this point).

How unaware!!! It is shocking to Katherine ......the “fall out” she is receiving at this reunion...one can hear her surprise...her nervous cracking voice...that is a real “tell”...

especially when she was claiming weed was the only substance she wasn’t allowed to do to maintain sobriety...Katherine has been making it up as she’s gone along...expecting cast to have her back regardless of her indifference.

Blowin up in her face now!

Edited by Shellbell59
  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

It's disappointing because he started the show as a working man who seemed to enjoy what he was doing - he was shown going from bar to bar and sell beers. It all went downhill from there. 

I don’t know by the looks and sighs shared by his parents when he first started this show I don’t think the slacker attitude is anything new.

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This season's reunion was painful and uncomfortable to watch, in that there was so much hurt and so many bad feelings swirling throughout.  I agree that this season wasn't as entertaining as some in the past, and I think it's because this season was the most REAL it's ever been - true colors came out left and right, and they weren't the least bit pretty.

Shep's elitism, Austen's nastiness, Cameran really having no true worries in life, Katherine's self-centeredness - I think these were all things that they had been hiding all this time, and once they hit season 6 and were comfortable with each other and the cameras, they either forgot or no longer felt the need to cover them up.  As a result, what we got was the cast at their most authentic, and we saw that these aren't very likable people.  Landon annoyed the crap out of me, and Ashley was all flustered, blustery anger, and the two of them caused some damage - but this season was different.  These people both meant to hurt each other and didn't care whether they did or not, and that's a whole different kind of damage.

That's only half of them, though.  I absolutely adore Chelsea, I believe 100% that Craig does have a good heart, I think Eliza also means well but is too young to understand that people don't necessarily appreciate or see things as she does, Naomie has her own agenda in life (and that's fine - she's not hurting anyone by it), and Danni . . . I suspect Danni has a whole mess of some kind going on outside the show that we know nothing about but is affecting her physically and emotionally, so I can't judge her for that.

I hope that those who need to watched themselves this season and realized that they have a lot of growing up to do.

  • Love 14
36 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

ETA: I'm with Chelsea on working. I adore my little business, what it puts out to the world, and what I get back from it. It's not solely about the money.

I was retired for all of 6 months before I ran and got a job.  I was too young, 53, and was walked out the door with all the remaining pension people.  I got sick, had accidents etc.  Going to work gives you something to plan your week around.  Granted I only work 15 - 20 hours a week but it has made all the difference.  

I think all Shep's accidents are because he lives each day in a daze.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

To change direction, I don't agree with Chelsea's viewpoint on working.  Also, she was moving the goalposts.  She started off by saying she would never not work as a matter of principal, and then she changed it to the fact that she had no choice but to work (or should could have made those points in the opposite order; my point is that she was conflating two things).  I don't believe in work for work's sake.  If I had the money to live a life of leisure without having to work, I would quit my job in a second.  There are so many more interesting and worthwhile things to pursue.  I have a feeling Chelsea agrees with this, but hasn't thought it out fully.  All we have ever seen her do is cut like a half a millimeter off Shep's hair a few times.  Wouldn't she rather go to hair shows on her time and see avante garde hairstyles and mix and mingle with the people there and take on projects that interest her?  Maybe that's not her thing.  Wouldn't she rather open a salon and hire a really competent manager and just come by every few weeks to see what's happening and teach classes to the stylists?  Or style the poor for free, but wake up at whatever time she wants?   It's very difficult to imagine she'd rather have to take appointments and stand on her feet for hours at a time so she can give a man a haircut or give a woman highlights.  If that is what she meant and I am mistaken, then great, she's living her own personal dream, but I don't think it makes her better in any way than someone who wouldn't have a job if they didn't need one.  That idea strikes me like a little bit of reverse snobbery.

She said at the end of that segment "I feel worthless if I don't have a job." So she sees her job as both a necessity and a fulfillment for her. She can be both needing and enjoying her job. Which she does.

People always say if I have all the money in the world, that they would quit their job in a hot second. Maybe it's true, but I've also encountered people who retired from their job with enough money to last them their lifetime and beyond, can do whatever they want, and then lo and behold, come back to their old job in an "emeritus" or "honorary" position not even a year out from their retirement date because "they want to do something". To some people, you can only travel and explore so much, you may end up just sitting in your couch counting the hours and minutes until the pass by. 

I think she does enjoyy cutting hair and doing highlights. IMO, hairdressers have one of the more underrated, enjoyable jobs - they get all the good, neighborhood gossip. 

FWIW though, I think she's opening up her own salon soon. Or partnering with someone. 

  • Love 12
17 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I was retired for all of 6 months before I ran and got a job.  I was too young, 53, and was walked out the door with all the remaining pension people.  I got sick, had accidents etc.  Going to work gives you something to plan your week around.  Granted I only work 15 - 20 hours a week but it has made all the difference.  

I think all Shep's accidents are because he lives each day in a daze.

An alcohol daze (or haze). 

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Per Eliza:   No quarter was given to Kathryn when she was 22-23; I give none to a pampered self-adoring GROWN woman whining about insignificant whatevers in her built-upon-the back of slavery-privileged bubble.     ...yes, yes, Kathryn’s ancestry +slavery and  ole Calhoun, i know.

Edited by BookElitist
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2 hours ago, TeeMo said:

I agree and I think part of the reason Shep can’t help himself with the “I’m smarter than everyone else in the room” BS is that in his real non TV life nearly every who surrounds him is far more accomplished than he is. Sometimes he will post on IG from trips with old friends and it is clear that while many of these guys also seem like they can be drunken d-bags, they actually have real non reality TV careers and in many cases, wives and kids. His brother and sister are both lawyers. His dad is a lawyer who was appointed to a big Justice Dept position by Ronald Reagan. Shep went to boarding school and then the University of Georgia and then Vanderbilt. It stands to reason that his real life friends are all way more intellectually and professionally accomplished than he is. So he behaves like an arrogant asshole who is so much smarter and better than the rest of the cast because they are easier targets to feel superiority about.

He’a a snob who knows he has underachieved based on his advantages in life and he can’t puff his chest out about his superior intellect around his lawyer, doctor, business friends without blowback so he takes it out on Chelsea the hairdresser and Austen the failed beer man or Kathryn the hot mess express. It is ridiculous because none of it really matters to anyone and all of these people are doing just fine for themselves but it matters to Shep. It matters so much to Shep. I think he is really quite bothered by what his life has become despite his protestations and that is where all that seething anger comes from. He needs some serious therapy and a real job with some accountability. 

Best post ever! Can someone email this to Shep and shut him up once and for all.

  • Love 14

With regard to Chelsea, I may not have expressed myself as cogently as I could:  I completely agree with the idea that for those of us who say we would want to drink margaritas on the beach instead of working, we may be shortsighted.  A very famous clinical psychologist broke that down on his podcast a few months ago and he was like, "how long would we be able to do that without getting bored?  Maybe four days?"  I agree with that.

I just think that if most of us had enough money not to work again--not just a million, but a billion--there would be a lot of things we would change.  Like I said in my post upthread, Chelsea can have her own salon and thus get the benefit of the gossip and a place to hang that is hers, she can make aesthetic choices, but she can also hire a manager or a team of managers so that she can coast in and out when she pleases, leave for good periods of time to go hang with her boyfriend, go to hair shows, take classes in NYC that she can disseminate to her team, etc.  

If Chelsea is opening a shop, good for her.  I applaud anyone who takes steps to give themselves a steady income stream.  

 I just remember my former hair stylist getting arthritis from having had to do so much hair (and she wasn't old; she was in her forties), and I always had to put the foils on the board for her, because she couldn't physically do it anymore.  I can't imagine Chelsea wanting this as her future, but if she did, cool.  Apparently she's taking a different path, which is also cool.

There just seemed to be a little something self-righteous about the way Chelsea said it.  I think that's why Shep shot back with "Would it be better if I were a coal miner who makes minimum wage?" (Coal miners tend to make much more than minimum wage in this country; he's failing to understand the market, but ok).  I don't think someone is virtuous just because they work.  If they are working to put food on the table, that is virtuous.  If they have a ton of money and they work anyway, good on them, but I don't think it puts them on a higher moral plane than someone with the same amount of money who chooses not to work, but to take classes or to bet on sports instead.  And I felt a little bit of that superiority coming off of Chelsea, and that is what I was commenting on.

It's like last week with the Cameran and wanting separate money from her husband--it's not my style to want separate money, but if it's hers, ok.  If my husband and I were absolutely swimming in it, we'd still 100% pool our finances, we'd invest, we certainly wouldn't have 9-5 jobs, and we would travel and pursue causes dear to our hearts.  Anyone who wants to do it a different way is entitled, and we'll probably all have reasons why we are doing it right and the others are not, and that's what makes the world go around.  I guess I am just not crazy about labels or stigmas on behavior that is not harmful, and that's when I spoke up--when people on the show--this time, Chelsea--seem to think they're doing it the only way that's right, I am like, well, no, that's your opinion, dude.  

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Shellbell59 said:


Katherine’s bandwagon of “We can’t stand Thomas...so cater to me...the victim of evil TRav AND Ashley...” the whole sitch has grown old and she can’t use any of it to defend bad..diva-like...unapologetic...duplicitous behavior....

and I LOVED TO LIKE Katherine....! Truly! ...and I can’t stand TrAv and I despise Ashley...I find the both repulsive...

however a person has to be held accountable at a certain point....she or he can not lay back lapping up the adulation that was arguably only deserved by default in this case...(unfortunately...the expression “choice of evils” comes to mind..at this point).

How unaware!!! It is shocking to Katherine ......the “fall out” she is receiving at this reunion...one can hear her surprise...her nervous cracking voice...that is a real “tell”...

especially when she was claiming weed was the only substance she wasn’t allowed to do to maintain sobriety...Katherine has been making it up as she’s gone along...expecting cast to have her back regardless of her indifference.

Blowin up in her face now!

Oh!!!...and besides all that...

she tries to “guilt” the reunion cast saying...”all of this y’all are saying...Thomas will use against me in court...so you know”...

well Katherine...what about your storyline insisting you and Whitney hooked up? Do I believe you over Whitney? Ef Yes!...but you’re more worried about whether you text back your friends as being evidentiary in a court of law? Ya Gotta be kidding 

all the not getting back to friends matters under oath....but you trying so hard to let it be known you hook up is okay?

(Not that either should matter in my opinion...I just don’t understand her logic...but.  I forgot… She’s making it up as she goes along).  And I don’t like it because I said before... and I’ll say it again I really loved starting to like Katherine... 

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, scrb said:

Chelsea may have a good job situation, where she doesn't have a boss or coworkers which annoy her or piss her off.

Even if she's her own boss, there could be headaches.

But does she have a passion about doing hair?  How was she able to devote so much time to renovating her home?

Hair is a GREAT “cash and carry” biz...(here in CA $1200 weekly EASY for reputable)...make your own hours and if popular...very HIGH DIGITS for services...hours whenever you please to accommodate children...and/or refurbishing house...and there IS a passion IMO...for ppl that are creative....

The talented stylists/technician if “GIFTED”...and has an artistic sensibility....

frustrated artists that have no time to pick up the proverbial palette as has been said....find vocations like this

plus your clients become your friends...just sayin..

Edited by Shellbell59
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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I don’t know by the looks and sighs shared by his parents when he first started this show I don’t think the slacker attitude is anything new.

True. They probably tempered his slacker qualities in the first season so they have a "good guy" to go against Shep.

Edited by slowpoked
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17 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Chlamydia can be there for awhile because it’s often symptomless and it’s not always easy to say from whom you got it unless you were tested negatively and only slept with one person and then had a positive test. I used to work at a std clinic on a college campus and it was practically endemic. Fortunately it’s a short dose of antibiotics that clears it up. 

I don’t know if Danni did or did not have it but it wasn’t Madison’s story to tell. I can’t believe Danielle made up with her. I don’t see anything redeeming about Madison 


  • Love 8
3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

With regard to Chelsea, I may not have expressed myself as cogently as I could:  I completely agree with the idea that for those of us who say we would want to drink margaritas on the beach instead of working, we may be shortsighted.  A very famous clinical psychologist broke that down on his podcast a few months ago and he was like, "how long would we be able to do that without getting bored?  Maybe four days?"  I agree with that.

I just think that if most of us had enough money not to work again--not just a million, but a billion--there would be a lot of things we would change.  Like I said in my post upthread, Chelsea can have her own salon and thus get the benefit of the gossip and a place to hang that is hers, she can make aesthetic choices, but she can also hire a manager or a team of managers so that she can coast in and out when she pleases, leave for good periods of time to go hang with her boyfriend, go to hair shows, take classes in NYC that she can disseminate to her team, etc.  

If Chelsea is opening a shop, good for her.  I applaud anyone who takes steps to give themselves a steady income stream.  

 I just remember my former hair stylist getting arthritis from having had to do so much hair (and she wasn't old; she was in her forties), and I always had to put the foils on the board for her, because she couldn't physically do it anymore.  I can't imagine Chelsea wanting this as her future, but if she did, cool.  Apparently she's taking a different path, which is also cool.

There just seemed to be a little something self-righteous about the way Chelsea said it.  I think that's why Shep shot back with "Would it be better if I were a coal miner who makes minimum wage?" (Coal miners tend to make much more than minimum wage in this country; he's failing to understand the market, but ok).  I don't think someone is virtuous just because they work.  If they are working to put food on the table, that is virtuous.  If they have a ton of money and they work anyway, good on them, but I don't think it puts them on a higher moral plane than someone with the same amount of money who chooses not to work, but to take classes or to bet on sports instead.  And I felt a little bit of that superiority coming off of Chelsea, and that is what I was commenting on.

It's like last week with the Cameran and wanting separate money from her husband--it's not my style to want separate money, but if it's hers, ok.  If my husband and I were absolutely swimming in it, we'd still 100% pool our finances, we'd invest, we certainly wouldn't have 9-5 jobs, and we would travel and pursue causes dear to our hearts.  Anyone who wants to do it a different way is entitled, and we'll probably all have reasons why we are doing it right and the others are not, and that's what makes the world go around.  I guess I am just not crazy about labels or stigmas on behavior that is not harmful, and that's when I spoke up--when people on the show--this time, Chelsea--seem to think they're doing it the only way that's right, I am like, well, no, that's your opinion, dude.  

I like your reference to a wise man's observation about meaning and purpose. Shep is angry because he lacks this.

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16 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I think it was meant to take Shep down a few notches, in other words, don’t call me  trash when you’re the one who spread STDs. I personally don’t think Madison thought it would blow up the way that it did. I really don’t. And at the end of the day, I’d rather be like Madison, who calmly defends herself and is well spoken, than Danni who to me is a blubbering fool. I think that Madison shouldn’t have said what she said to Shep with Danni in the room, but again I think that was producer driven and Danni is a terrible actress.

I just can't with Danni. I don't like weak women anyway, and I find her ridiculous. I really could not care less if she had it or didn't have it, it is simply a sexually transmitted disease. She carries on like she was accused of a crime.  

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17 hours ago, bencr said:

Newsflash for Austen and Shep: men who work in coal mines are hardworking guys and there is dignity in their work. Most people think being productive is an admirable trait in and of itself.

VERY proud to be a coal miner's daughter. And trash is as trash does. Shep is a fucking landfill. I can't believe I ever found him amusing. When I was growing up in northern WV, calling someone trash was about the worst insult you could give. It meant you were rude, lazy, careless, etc. Had nothing to do with your bank account or occupation. It's how you treat people and your community. So Shep...stop projecting. You know you're trash. Trash, like shit, rolls downhill. I bet his parents are just lovely. But hey - they know someone from India! 

Austen and Madison are one of those couples who manage to be super dramatic yet super boring. I could not care less if they are together or not, who cheats on who, etc. This reunion sucked because they are so damn boring. 

Wait, so Eliza showed up and cried and something?

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For me it’s not just that the dudes in this show don’t work-it’s the fact that they don’t do shit period. I don’t have a job outside of the house. I take care of my children. While they are at school I workout, do housework, make dinner, volunteer and I am a musician that actually has to practice and play with other accomplished musicians. What do these fools do? Fucking nothing. Their bodies are jello, their houses are nasty as fuck. They don’t give to the community, unless you count STI’s. I’m fine with them making money off the show or having a trust fund and not needed or wanting a conventional job. But damn, do something. 

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1 hour ago, chlban said:

I just can't with Danni. I don't like weak women anyway, and I find her ridiculous. I really could not care less if she had it or didn't have it, it is simply a sexually transmitted disease. She carries on like she was accused of a crime.  

To me it was like she was accused of a crime.  I would be mortified if someone said that about me.  Some people take great care in protecting themselves and others.

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8 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

To me it was like she was accused of a crime.  I would be mortified if someone said that about me.  Some people take great care in protecting themselves and others.

And as Cam astutely pointed out, there's a difference in perception and stigma between a man having STDs and a woman having STDs.

Shep probably had it before, and probably had other STDs too, but he doesn't care and/or it's not that big of a deal for him. I wouldn't be surprised if Austen had his share too. 

But for women, the stigma is way different. The stigma and perception of being a slut and sleeping around enough that you got an STD is all too embarrassing and mortifying.

I mean, in an ideal world, it shouldn't be. But we're not there yet. There's a reason why Shep is just calmly sitting down there while Danni is reduced to tears. 

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1 hour ago, slowpoked said:

And as Cam astutely pointed out, there's a difference in perception and stigma between a man having STDs and a woman having STDs.

Shep probably had it before, and probably had other STDs too, but he doesn't care and/or it's not that big of a deal for him. I wouldn't be surprised if Austen had his share too. 

But for women, the stigma is way different. The stigma and perception of being a slut and sleeping around enough that you got an STD is all too embarrassing and mortifying.

I mean, in an ideal world, it shouldn't be. But we're not there yet. There's a reason why Shep is just calmly sitting down there while Danni is reduced to tears. 

Danni is reduced to tears because she is a weak Drama Queen. I sincerely hope they cut her since she brings nothing to the show and never has. She should have told Madison to F off and it should have been over, instead of giving it any value. But then, it is pretty much the only story line she has ever had  other than acting as Katherines doormat.

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So Kathryn is drinking apparently, and many have speculated on her pharmaceuticals of choice, but it's marijuana that got the kids yanked?

I have tried, really I have, to be a Kathryn supporter.  This season has moved the needle on that.  She is completely self-absorbed, seemingly devoid of empathy or sympathy for anyone, and imo has underlying mental illness that is either not being treated or is being treated unsuccessfully.  The latter is not something deserving of scorn, but it is something that should cause her to be sober I would think.  She clearly is not sober.  

I'll say it again, those children are in grave danger of being horribly damaged adults.

After this reunion, I am in mourning for my Southern Charm; the one that I really liked after season 1 & 2, maybe 3.  Bravo has a way of taking an ensemble of reasonably likeable people, and converting them into sociopaths.  I used to giggle after watching any given Bravo show (RHOs mostly), delighting in my guilty pleasure.  I now feel the need for a Silkwood scrubbing* after viewing.  

* - Credit to whichever poster on whichever board this was referenced.

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On 8/29/2019 at 3:44 PM, chlban said:

How sad that in this day and age anyone would equate a sexually transmitted disease to a crime. 

You’re so right..in today’s world..

i think the huge reaction was due to the fact that NOBODY wants or deserves their HIGHLY private life to be advertised on national television..reality TV-or not.

You CANNOT UNRING that bell...a rumor around town is one thing...but this is beyond...

i only imagine especially down south...where they are from. I’d die if my parents had to hear it..for sure.

 The weird thing is… Chlamydia doesn’t always present itself in a man immediately..

Shep May have made a blanket statement about having it back in day...not even knowing exactly who he infected...and Muppet mouth Austen was just trying to appease Mad (and her distaste for Danni) in a gross trashy way...without knowing Danni was one of the recipients of said STD!

Austen needs to just shut the fuck up and get his mouth straight so his wishy washy ass stops talking outta both sides.

what a prick

i almost forgot...since it’s end of season..thanks a 1,000,000 again to person who started the Austen Muppet Mouth!!! Hats 🎩 off!

if/when he comes back...is there a Muppet with a big “brown nose”? What a kiss arse Austen is!!!

Edited by Shellbell59
Thanks for Muppet Mouth addendum
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Shep thinks he has been raised so well and is superior to everyone else. Well, what kind of person continually hooks up with random women, college coeds, whoever---night after night after night. He cannot even recall some of their names as he is hooking up with them. Is that how a well bred, superior person conducts themselves? Never mind the excessive drinking. Most likely, he is an alcoholic. Does he feel like his parents are proud of this behavior? And he is not 21 anymore. He is almost 40! Really disgraceful. 

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Madison gives me the same "Hillbilly Elegy" vibe as LeeAnn Locken (RHOD), Tamra Barney (OC), and Brandi Glanville (BH): mean, hard women who assume everyone else is going to be as mean and hard as they are, who are always distrustful and suspicious, who think kindness is for the naive and weak, who are constantly stowing away hurtful, humiliating information, even about their friends because their vengefulness is deep and long-lived, and they don't believe in "proportionate response", only the nuclear option.  

A lot of the people on this show are jerks.  But she's a gutter-fighter with no boundaries.  They should all run from her.

Edited by ninjago
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5 hours ago, Stiggs said:

VERY proud to be a coal miner's daughter. And trash is as trash does. Shep is a fucking landfill. I can't believe I ever found him amusing. When I was growing up in northern WV, calling someone trash was about the worst insult you could give. It meant you were rude, lazy, careless, etc. Had nothing to do with your bank account or occupation. It's how you treat people and your community. So Shep...stop projecting. You know you're trash. Trash, like shit, rolls downhill. I bet his parents are just lovely. But hey - they know someone from India! 

Love this!!  

And why are Shep and Austen under the impression that coal miners are paid minimum wage? (Not that there is anything wrong with working a minimum wage job, but their ignorance is embarrassing). 

Edited by SimonSeymour
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3 hours ago, ninjago said:

Madison gives me the same "Hillbilly Elegy" vibe as LeeAnn Locken (RHOD), Tamra Barney (OC), and Brandi Glanville (BH): mean, hard women who assume everyone else is going to be as mean and hard as they are, who are always distrustful and suspicious, who think kindness is for the naive and weak, who are constantly stowing away hurtful, humiliating information, even about their friends because their vengefulness is deep and long-lived, and they don't believe in "proportionate response", only the nuclear option.  

A lot of the people on this show are jerks.  But she's a gutter-fighter with no boundaries.  They should all run from her.

No wonder Kathryn 'relates' to Madison and uses her to babysit her children.  They are cut from the same cloth.

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13 hours ago, Higgins said:

I like your reference to a wise man's observation about meaning and purpose. Shep is angry because he lacks this.

But a lot of people don’t work because of meaning and purpose, but to pay the bills.

Including many highly-paid, highly-skilled, highly-educated people.

No matter how many responsibilities or how many employees someone manages, he or she is still working for someone.  A CEO may have gotten her job because she has strong ideas about the market for her products or is driving the development (though most of the time they don’t micromanage details) but she’s trying to maximize her compensation.  Obviously she’s making way more than she needs to pay the bills — though some people will raise their spending faster than their salary — but the goal is to maximize her payout in case she is let go (see Carly Fiorina).

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I would expect some changes next season. Most seem to hate Madison, but BRAVO often brings back "love to hate". I hope she is back, she is the only remotely interesting thing about Austen, or they could dump both of them. I hope Danni is gone, and I am finding Katherine just tedious at this point. Seems to me, if she was really worried about her kids, she would clean up her act. Whining about "Thomas will see this" when discussing her obviously "impaired" appearance on WWHL, while spending however many episodes discussing her casual hook up with Whitney. Thomas says she is a sex addict, she also alluded to "friendly" hook ups with Shep, all that is fine for TV, but anything real and she starts whining. She still has "supervised" visits? And Madison is the appropriate supervisor? Was Shep busy?  Those poor kids. The only thing entertaining about Katherine are the costumes (because outfit is too much of an understatement). The Pipi Longsticking look was everything. I wonder if Naomie will be back or Metul will pressure her to quit since he did not exactly look like a prize this season. Eliza brought the best Real Estate Porn, and ultimately seems like a sweet, but very naive, young woman, I kind of doubt she will return.

Edited by chlban
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1 hour ago, scrb said:

But a lot of people don’t work because of meaning and purpose, but to pay the bills.

Including many highly-paid, highly-skilled, highly-educated people.

No matter how many responsibilities or how many employees someone manages, he or she is still working for someone.  A CEO may have gotten her job because she has strong ideas about the market for her products or is driving the development (though most of the time they don’t micromanage details) but she’s trying to maximize her compensation.  Obviously she’s making way more than she needs to pay the bills — though some people will raise their spending faster than their salary — but the goal is to maximize her payout in case she is let go (see Carly Fiorina).

I don't think work is the only avenue to meaning and purpose. I think responsibility for and to  others is. Living for impulsive self satisfaction IS SOUL SUCKING.

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On 8/28/2019 at 10:27 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Madison has sociopathic tendencies. I’m glad Chelsea didn’t go into business with her. 

She sure does. She gives me the creeps-that self satisfied smirk when she knows that she hurt Danni/Danni is crying. Very sick. 

Kathryn and Thomas-what a pair. I feel so badly for those kids. She couldn’t even handle full custody if she was awarded it. I think part-time parenting is right up her alley. 

This kills me to say but I’m not sure the show will return. Andy seemed very over the cast this time. He was not his usual jovial self with them. 

He went in hard/unamused on his “Sheppie” (which he should have!) and was also relentless on Kathryn about her drinking on WWHL, her sobriety, Thomas calling her a sex addict, etc... I could really sense his disapproval of them. 

Chelsea admitted that her BF would never be on the show. Naomie isn’t that exciting. Cameran is in mom mode now. Craig has been played out and apparently is never moving on from Naomie so there are no romantic storylines for him coming up. Shep is now very much disliked. Austen is just okay and Madison is horrible. Eliza is sweet but not bringing a lot. I was all-in from the very beginning of the show, but it has really wound down sadly.  

Edited by Sage47
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