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S21.E26: Live Eviction #8; Head of Household #9

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These people are the dumbest BB HGs ever.  The only person Christie is loyal to is herself.  The only "longevity" she cares about is her own.  If they all choose to believe in her "authenticity", they all deserve to lose.  When Nick is gone, she'll just find someone else to vilify.  She's done it all season...Bella, Sam, Jackson.  She has been playing the game that she's accusing Nick of playing, and he should have pointed that out.  Not rooting for Nick, just hate her hypocrisy.

That being said, Analyse is no great loss.  She'll be just as happy with Jack in the JH.

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Thoughts for Prank Week's PoV:

Start it out in the same set yet again, but make it seem like the bird info is back in play after they've all forgotten all about it. Do the first few questions based on the bird sounds then open up the screen behind them again to the real PoV game. Two for one pranking, get some mileage out of those bird sounds.

And/or get them all dressed up in crazy outfits that then have nothing to do with the game.

Or start up another similar audio thing but with different info that they'll assume they are being pranked over again and have it really be the PoV comp this time.

Are you f'ing kidding me? Jackson goes through all the trouble of nominating Christie and winning the Veto to ensure he gets her evicted and then wussies out by co-signing on the keeping her?!

All for nothing too as it turns out. With Holly as HOH he could have gotten rid of Christie and she could get rid of Nick if they were worried about him enough to keep Christie.

Honestly, Jackson will deserve to get evicted in a Christie HOH so he can spend the rest of his life stewing about all he had to do was stick to his plan!

If Nick is so frustrated he should have gone home before Jury and spent the summer getting busy with Bella.

Julie's hair and whole appearance was off the hook. Loved it.

anyway, tonight comes down to this:

Universe to BB Fans-Drop dead.

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Julie looked like she just did a walk of shame from last night’s conquest straight to the studio. You go, girl!

Oh, Nick will most definitely win for Prankster. If there’s one thing history has shown us, it’s that BB fans love nothing more than voting out of spite. (See: Cody’s Fan Fave victory and Janelle’s 729 America’s Choice wins). Sunday’s episode should be delicious!

1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Honestly, Jackson will deserve to get evicted in a Christie HOH so he can spend the rest of his life stewing about all he had to do was stick to his plan!

This, too, would be delicious! All I’m rooting for now is to see Jackson and Christie get booted in spectacular fashion. (Yes, Jackson has been getting a good edit lately but I haven’t forgotten “The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.” Jerk.) Sadly, then I’d be left with a house of boring ass people who really haven’t done anything. I guess one could argue that Cliff’s “lay low and let them turn on each other” strategy worked perfectly but it’ll be hard to convince a jury that you were actually playing.

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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

This, too, would be delicious! All I’m rooting for now is to see Jackson and Christie get booted in spectacular fashion. (Yes, Jackson has been getting a good edit lately but I haven’t forgotten “The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.” Jerk.) Sadly, then I’d be left with a house of boring ass people who really haven’t done anything. I guess one could argue that Cliff’s “lay low and let them turn on each other” strategy worked perfectly but it’ll be hard to convince a jury that you were actually playing.

I haven’t forgotten either and hate his false (b/c he realized he forgot about the cameras & the field trip vote) personality change. So I totally hope this vote flip backsides on him big time. 

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What the hell HGs! You had one job this week and you blew it! It was Christie’s time to go. Now she’s going to be worst then ever and for what? You can get rid of Nick next week if you want. I don’t like Sis either but, Christie should’ve gone before her.

Edited by TroopinFairy
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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Every week should be Prank Week on Big Brother.  Remember the early days when BB was like an extra, Loki-like authority figure in the house?  I want that back.  I like when the hamsters get dicked with.

Most Big Brother around the world is like that.  Even the Canadian version which took on the American format imported the idea of pranks on HGs.  The psychological games aspect, which includes the public influence, has always been part of the experimental concept of Big Brother.

Edited by amazingracefan
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10 hours ago, LavenderSunset said:

The pranks started with Holly's outfit.  Someone cut the sides out of her top!

It also showed how saggy her chest is. Not a good look no matter how skinny you are.

I may be in the minority here, but I HATE Zingbot and am not looking forward to next week's show.

Edited by sunshine23
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10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Everyone, VOTE NICK!.

Wouldn't it be a good prank if Holly nominated Nick and he actually is the secret prankster??

What the?  No, no, a bajillion times NO!

Since it is obvious that she's never going to win an HOH, I say it goes to Nicole.

8 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Honestly, Jackson will deserve to get evicted in a Christie HOH so he can spend the rest of his life stewing about all he had to do was stick to his plan!

Chile yes!  I'm fucking amazed that Christie is still in the house, that stunt she pulled on Taco Tuesday puts her in the Dan Gheesling tier.

My cat Spooky kept looking at me as I screamed at each...dumbass....HG (with the exception of Tommy) voting to evict Sourpuss.

Still cain't believe this shit!

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11 hours ago, Nashville said:

So Julie decided to punk Christie a bit:

”By a vote of five to one, Christie... you are safe.  Analyse, you are evicted from the Big Brother House.”

Good on Julie.

The bluedilly fuck it was!  I wanted to punch her in her face when she did that bad enough Christie's still in the house, I don't need a gotdamned joke about it.

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Why are we being asked to locate Julie Chen-Moonves's extended interviews to listen to the good-bye messages this season?  I want to see them during the show, please!

Who rebooted the Chenbot?  She seems much less computer-animated and far more snarky on this season than ever before.  Not that I necessarily mind, it's just such a departure from the polished, dressed to the nines, carefully produced interviewer than I'm used to.  This season she's just so different.  It's jarring.

Might as well hand the BB21 Winner/Runner-Up to Christie/Tommy right now.  Well played, Snackson.  Great waste of an HOH.  That said, I cannot stand Christie but congrats, girl.  You earned that flip.

And is there seriously nothing else production can do with Nicole than air her concerns about birds?  There's got to be more to her than that.  We get it, she hates birds!  WE. GET. IT.

Cliff, put down the owl.  

Stupid season..........but I can't not watch.

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I'm convinced Julie Chen is deliberately screwing with us.

The only good thing about the houseguests being dumb enough to keep Christie is that (maybe) now Jackson's newfound popularity will begin to wane. It seemed like everyone turned pro-Jackson all of a sudden just because he was against Christie, like it didn't matter anymore that he was an entitled, arrogant asshole.

Nick winning the prank thing would be delicious but I suspect "America" will give it to either Cliff or Nicole, and who knows what they'd do with it. 

Oh, and word to the wise. If you have to keep tugging at your dress to keep your boobs covered up, your dress is too small, Analyse. That's how clothes work.

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Analy-eze looked like she was stuffed in a sausage casing.  Maybe she borrowed one of Tommy's frocks from Pretty Woman.

Snackson was eating in just about every shot of him.

Why is Nick always taking off his shirt or running around the house shirtless?  Ain't nobody wanna see dat!  If I NEVER see your Charlize Theron as Pocahontas tattoo again, I will die happy.

At least we got to see the unforgettable Jessica's reactions during martes de tacos.  Hola, famila!  It was a mix of confused, constipated, angry and sad.

This season's house must have walls made of papier mâché.  These people seem to be able to spy on the stealthiest of whisperers - or maybe they just aren't whispering.

I anticipate this prank week to be a weak prank.  Few of Grodner's "twists" ever seems to have much of an affect on the game. 

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