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S03.E10: The Rest Is Still Unwritten

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37 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Why couldn't Darcy's sister come to London instead of Darcy having to go to Albania?  London's a much nicer place than Albania.  If Tom had gone to all the trouble scheduling the Canaria Island trip, couldn't Darcy just tell Stacey.....hey girl, we got a trip booked, y'all come to London when we're back?  Plus, production's already set up in London.  Don't get it.  Is Stacey's "fiancé" maybe not allowed to travel for some reason?  Maybe London won't let him in? What's his story?

Plus, why does Stacey need to meet Tom anyway?  You're twins, but you're not 12 year-old twins.  This isn't junior high.

And why does Darcy turn Every. Single. Thing. into a marriage reference?  Walking into a restaurant is "walking down the aisle".  Seriously???  Desperate much???

If it annoys me, its got to be annoying as hell for Tom!

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48 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Does this mean we won't get to see Caesar in his new candy posing pouch?


**I bet many of you thought the edible underwear was for Maria only. YOU'RE WELCOME.

Omg Drogo! Dying laughing!

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50 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Her Albanian boyfriend can't leave.

Of course he can't!!!  These fools get tied up with dudes who are so restricted and limiting then wonder why things are so hard.

Why does Darcy's sister have to meet Tom?  I am so tired of the "It's a twin thing" but then again I am kinda sick of Darcy as well.  Her CONSTANT wedding talk is beyond off putting.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Of course he can't!!!  These fools get tied up with dudes who are so restricted and limiting then wonder why things are so hard.

Why does Darcy's sister have to meet Tom?  I am so tired of the "It's a twin thing" but then again I am kinda sick of Darcy as well.  Her CONSTANT wedding talk is beyond off putting.

That was hard to watch, Tom directly addressing her over the top response to everything. Something's going to happen and I bet it has nothing to do with a proposal.

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11 hours ago, hookedontv said:

Family Zucchini-Bikini is hoping that Benjamin will make them Family Lamborghini with the American dollar. 

That ain’t happening with Benjamin. Not even close. 

Benjamin is not about the Benjamins.

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5 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Outside the airport in the loudest voice possible: “Mikhul, you dun got fat!”  *braying laugh*  So sayeth the nicotine soaked, bleached frizzy- haired blonde, refrigerator-sized trollop of white trash . 

Omar has such sad eyes. He’s marrying Avery to get a chance to leave Syria. Who can blame him?

Rebecca picks another version of a man just  like the previous one. Is that a sign of insanity? She  enjoys the attention until it infringes on her freedom to have bad tattoos, and wear  ill fitting satiny tank tops.  Personally I was beyond thrilled that her greasy nugget of love covered his head this episode.

There was a brief (3 secs) moment of feeling badly for Darcey when she said she’s wasn’t use to being treated well. Everyone deserves to be treated decently, and to be offered a slice of delicious cheesecake served on fine china. 

Darcey has a very screwed up view of relationships and her role as a woman. She only sees her worth as a sexual object.

I have to say that I enjoy Tom’s sense of humour. It’s such a vast improvement from glum Jesse. He was as much fun as a wet paper bag. 

I have a hot guy in my bed. What is the first thing I do? I buff his nails, and put a clay mud mask on his face.  😂🤣  Oh Tim. You have no game. 

Ceasar. Fake. Boring.  Same story every week. 

Ben is creepy, but it could be his overall awkwardness, and lack of personality. He has a very nervous laugh.  I’m liking Akinyi’s family so far. I’d be giving that face  upon seeing the most bland person on the planet walk into my home too. 😂


@Barbara Please, your whole post is genius;  "nicotine soaked, bleached frizzy- haired blonde, refrigerator-sized trollop of white trash" killed me. But I came back to life for  "greasy nugget of love". Then I died again. 

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17 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

That was hard to watch, Tom directly addressing her over the top response to everything. Something's going to happen and I bet it has nothing to do with a proposal.

He says that being reserved with someone you just met is a British thing. I think Darcey is over the top and repulsive for nonfamewhores in any country 

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2 hours ago, Cammi said:

I don’t think Akyni is all that attractive. Huge alien head, and her hair pulled back ain’t doing her any favors. Maybe Benjamin has a hard time finding “chocolate” in Phoenix, but a flight to Atlanta (or anywhere really) would be cheaper than Nairobi! And much more attractive American women imo. Also, I don’t think most of these women (or men) try all that hard to look like their filtered photos, except for Darcy. She tries, so I give her that. But she’s got the conversation skills of a preteen at a slumber party complete with that vomit inducing breathless Marilyn Monroe speak. I thank my stars at least it ain’t vocal fry.

And it was vomit inducing when Darcy complimented Tom on his fashion labels he wears or whatever her exact words were. Shallow, superficial, histrionic Darcy. I remember being a teen and one of my circle of friends was a DuPont (by marriage). I asked why her mom didn’t wear a lot of “labels”. She literally laughed at me. Her mom said she most certainly owned Gucci, Hermès, Ferragamo and lots of Vuitton etc. But those “brand logo labels” on everything were tacky and for the nouveau riche. She was such a bitch about it, I immediately loved her. Before that, I never knew you could buy Vuitton without the LV all over it. She used to give me the best hand me downs.

And I have a hard time believing NO ONE Darcy has been with ever treated her decent. I think she’s just playing “damsel in distress” as some sorta twisted fantasy to bring out the knight in shining armor with pudgy Tom.  

Good points above, but, ref. that in boldface....I do wonder if Darcy has had people treat her oddly, but, only due to the fact that she comes off as so bizarre.  I can't imagine anyone really being around her for more than five minutes that didn't put her in the "acquaintance to keep at bay, because, she's fake, socially inept and superficial" category.  She has no concept that less is more or that you might get more attention if you carefully choose your words and reserve intimate thoughts for special times, after getting ques from the other party.  Could she be mimicking what she's seen in adult films?  How many times must a man tell you to back off, before you heed the warning?  She just looks confused, figures that he really didn't mean it and jumps right back into it again.  Tom has to know by now that she's not very smart.  She cares more about playing this role, than respecting his comfort level.  AND, it's unfortunate, but, she is really showing the affects of wearing too tight extensions. Her hairline is seriously receded and looks very thin at the top.  I'm not sure how you regrow once that happens.  

I'm not fond of Rebecca.  Maybe, Ziad's family can help her out. He's no more unlikable than her, imo.  She is a malcontent and they rarely change. 

Yes, Tim would make for a fun sleep over, with a G rating.  There's no way he's interesting in her. Not sure why he's there. 

I've come to believe that Angela is doing this gig for fun, too.  She really wants some attention and this is her ticket. She's hoping and praying that Michael messes up, so she can go off on him again, flare her nostrils and act hurt.....no way. Just fakery, imo.  

Ceasar is a joke.  I just wish he would shut up.  I'm not amused at him anymore and I don't think that he's really that naive. 

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When Caesar is on the plane to Mexico and gives the big thumbs up, it makes him look insane. Here he hasn't heard from this person in days, he's out whatever money he actually spent, and he's still grinning like a kid on his birthday. Imagining entire conversations, complete with Maria's "thoughts", wtf??

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I noticed that when Avery and Omar were sitting at the table at the end, he had a ring on his left ring finger.  Anyone notice what type? It looked like a band to me. They showed it when he first sat down, then he covered it up.  Avery and her mother seem to be rather delusional.  I can't blame Avery for wanting to get away from her mom. She really is clueless though. I get the feeling that Omar thinks that living in Syria may be easier than dealing with Avery and her mother.  lol  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

If Darcey has never been treated this way by a guy, it doesn't make Tom great. It means that Darcey only picks douchebags. She needs to stop dating and work on herself.

The implications are terrible.  We've got that (above), and/or....she's been a booty call.

Or, how could this be, no matter how desperate she's been with a guy in the past, she apparently didn't like them. 😮

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5 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

The implications are terrible.  We've got that (above), and/or....she's been a booty call.

Or, how could this be, no matter how desperate she's been with a guy in the past, she apparently didn't like them. 😮

Darcey is one who constantly needs a man whom she can put a label on -  boyfriend, fiancé, husband.  She is afraid that she will be judged by her peers as lacking if she cannot attract and keep a man at all times.

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3 hours ago, Cammi said:

And I have a hard time believing NO ONE Darcy has been with ever treated her decent. I think she’s just playing “damsel in distress as some sorta twisted fantasy to bring out the knight in shining armor with pudgy Tom.  

Well that may be her angle, but Tom's (or any self-respecting) man's reaction would be to keep walking on by!  On a technical note, her plan fails because he can sense desperation masquerading as "distress", like that perfume she put on in the bathroom, it is so overwhelming!

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Has Darcy ever been real? I mean, has she ever just exposed  her hair natural and,clean, with a clean face and a little lip color? And then with some casual clothing?  It might be an improvement.  I was a little surprised that when she has shown her skin, it doesn't look very taunt. She seems a little out of shape. So, she might not be in the best position to put Tom down.  After what we have seen so far.....do we really think that Tom is a tiger in the sheets? lol  I don't even want to think about it.  Oh, Darcy......let it go.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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19 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I noticed that when Avery and Omar were sitting at the table at the end, he had a ring on his left ring finger

I noticed that, too. Definitely looked like a plain wedding band to me. I couldn’t tell if Avery was just wearing her engagement ring or a wedding ring, too. I just figured they recreated the scene after the mosque wedding took place. 

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12 hours ago, hookedontv said:

Question-what is it with some of these women constantly “petting” their hair (I’m looking at you Darcey and Jeniffer.) Is it a hair extension thing? Do they think it’s sexy? It’s just so weird to me. 

Also, why is Avery concerned about the availability of makeup in Syria when there’s a fucking war going on?!? Omar tried to explain it a bit, but all she has to do is Google Syria, she will see the blown up buildings, injured/killed people, no basic amenities such as electricity and water. W.T.F. 

It's their extensions, so I'm told. The first time I was around someone who was constantly patting her head, I wondered, too. None of my friends have extensions, so I had no idea and thought it was kind of crazy.

Avery is a stupid cow. Wasn't there a viral photo of a traumatized AF little boy in Syria that was on every computer and television and smart phone screen, newspapers, magazines, etc.? She was still an even younger and just as dumb teenager then, I suppose, but, shit. Do your research. And I can't believe her mother was actively helping her find a marriage venue. Get your green card, establish your American dentist creds, Omar, and then ditch this bitch.

Michael doesn't work because Angela asked him not to and she sends him money? Holy fuck! I couldn't believe my ears. Cracked up when his friend said he's about to become a grandpa. Too true. And he has gained a lot of weight.

I don't care about Benjamin and the Nigerian girl. As someone else said, he could have gotten down with the swirl in Atlanta and many other American cities for way cheaper. 

Tim and Jennifer. OMG. He's so asexual. And weird. 

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15 minutes ago, politichick said:

It's their extensions, so I'm told. The first time I was around someone who was constantly patting her head, I wondered, too. None of my friends have extensions, so I had no idea and thought it was kind of crazy.

A weave can itch when it's first installed.  I thought it was the fact that the hair was braided but it might also be the hair.  Cheap hair is coated in alkaline, which makes the scalp itch.  

I had been fiddling around with a cheap backup wig I had bought in case the more expensive one I bought didn't arrive on time.  I loved the style but that wig itched for the gadz! 

I went online and found out about the alkaline coating on the hair, which can be removed by allowing the hair to soak in ACV for a while and drying it.  It made a huge difference. 

So long story short, I think this is why people with extensions will pat their hair.  Particularly with a poorly done install you don't want to get your fingers all up in your scalp for a really satisfying scratch. 

Edited by RealReality
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9 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Didn't Angela's daughter go to jail for child endangerment or something?  And she's still acting a fool?  Fuuuuuu.  Michael, I hope that disgusting underwear was worth your soul.

Angela's daughter is in prison because she's a child molester.



Michael cannot even contemplate bringing a child around these people especially knowing that the daughter is only going to serve 2 years in prison.

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14 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Didn't Angela's daughter go to jail for child endangerment or something?  And she's still acting a fool?  Fuuuuuu.  Michael, I hope that disgusting underwear was worth your soul.

Worse.  It was sex with underage boys.

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6 hours ago, Spike said:

Worse.  It was sex with underage boys.

That was a different daughter, right?  Yeah I remember her now from the last season of Angela.  This one Angela wants to be her baby factory.  This is probably the grossest 90 Day Story of them all.

Edited by Dobian
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2 minutes ago, Dobian said:

That was a different daughter, right?  This one Angela wants to be her baby factory.  This is probably the grossest 90 Story of them all.

Different daughter, not the potential egg toter. She was on the show before, and obviously won't be again.

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53 minutes ago, Dobian said:
55 minutes ago, Spike said:

That was a different daughter, right?  Yeah I remember her now from the last season of Angela.  This one Angela wants to be her baby factory.  This is probably the grossest 90 Story of them all.

Are the three grandchildren we see on the show from the potential egg-toter or the molester?

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8 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

I have a hot guy in my bed. What is the first thing I do? I buff his nails, and put a clay mud mask on his face.  😂🤣  Oh Tim. You have no game. 

If Tim had any real game he would have organized a couple's massage for them.  Then he would have had a slim chance at getting her in the sack.

5 hours ago, Cammi said:

I don’t think Akyni is all that attractive. Huge alien head, and her hair pulled back ain’t doing her any favors. Maybe Benjamin has a hard time finding “chocolate” in Phoenix, but a flight to Atlanta (or anywhere really) would be cheaper than Nairobi! And much more attractive American women imo. Also, I don’t think most of these women (or men) try all that hard to look like their filtered photos, except for Darcy.

Most of these people don't want to "settle" for what they can get in the States.  They feel very superior with the fact that they are owed with someone "out of their league" and that with the promise to Amrika they can obtain that 8 or 9/10 instead of a 5 or 6 back home.  In Ben's case he must have had some sort of "chocolate", wasn't his son mixed ?  

4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

So we have chocolate underwear and Trump underwear.  Next week will we see chocolate Trump underwear?

I really don't mind Michael scamming Rebecca.  She is trying to use him as much as he is using her.  I seriously hope the surrogate mother comment was scripted and not really being considered.

Dont give anyone any ideas for the Tump chocolate undies!

I thought Zied was with Rebecca and Michael was scamming Big Ang.  In the case of Michael and Big Ang, they are both scamming each other.

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1 hour ago, Spike said:

Darcey is one who constantly needs a man whom she can put a label on -  boyfriend, fiancé, husband.

To Darcey, labeling her men seems as important as the labels on her clothes (which turn out to be fake knock offs, so I'm not surprised her men are not genuine, either.) 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Has Darcy ever been real? I mean, has she ever just exposed  her hair natural and,clean, with a clean face and a little lip color?

Back in the Jesse days, her hair was dyed black, but we got a glimpse of her face without makeup when she was ugly crying after their argument (and her subsequent fall into the bushes) and it wasn't attractive. Photos are on the Darcey thread and also photos of her and Stacy before they got into having work done and they looked totally different and cute. 

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14 hours ago, Honey said:

Trying to figure out what the bolded section meant, gave me a migraine.  Lol  😉 

I find myself sucked into believing that these stories are real, that Caesar really believes that there is a Maria, etc., and then I snap out of it and realize it's all pretend.   I think Caesar thinks he is doing a real good job of making the audience believe it's all real--unless it *is* all for real, and he's a bigger dupe than we are.  If he thinks he's doing a good job of fooling us, then he is really, really stupid.  IMHO.  Stupider than if he really believed in Maria.

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2 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I think Caesar thinks he is doing a real good job of making the audience believe it's all real--unless it *is* all for real, and he's a bigger dupe than we are.  If he thinks he's doing a good job of fooling us, then he is really, really stupid.  IMHO.  Stupider than if he really believed in Maria.

and Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy (who at least give you gifts and don't ask YOU for money!) 

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10 minutes ago, nytonc said:

Avery wants to know if they have make up in Syria?? Yes, you’ll find it in the bombed out Nordstrom on the corner, just past the huge pile of rubble from the latest scud. And by the way Avery, Omar doesn’t seem too anxious to bring you to Syria. This girl doesn’t have a clue. 

I thought last night he looks completely over her! She isn't subservient to him in the way a woman born into it would be, she has unrealistic expectations about what her life will be, and he's a grown man who knows better.

Not sure at this point they'll actually get married. (Speculation only).

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1 hour ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Didn't Angela's daughter go to jail for child endangerment or something?  And she's still acting a fool?

That's her other daughter, Scottie. The biracial children Angela is raising are hers. She was on last year and took Ange to the airport. The current seasons feature Skyla, another daughter. 

Edited by magemaud
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16 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Not to be a downer but for those who don't live in East Coast time, it sucks to try and post in a deserted thread. I'd personally rather just have no LIVE thread and have all the episode posts in that episode's thread. This is getting too unwieldy with too many threads and areas and ends up disuading me from posting when I go to post on an epi thread and there's no/few posts and it's aired 3 hours ago in East Coast time.  @Drogo, why not just open up the epi threads when the epi begins so folks can post in that epi thread and then those in other time zones can join in when that epi airs in their time zone? To me, that makes a lot more sense than having all 90 day shows crammed into one giant never ending 'live posting' thread.

I enjoyed Tom taking DUHrcy to task about everything being AMAZING and MAGNIFICENT and all the BS adjectives she spews on the daily! I also thought it was sad that even when someone is being INCREDIBLY DIRECT about that shit, she CONTINUES to do it! I can't figure out if she's intellectually an idiot and just plain stupid, or if she's got a mental problem. I know, I know, it's both, right?

GREAT points!

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Live chat will remain as it is.  It was created to circumvent the chaos that the proposed solution (aka the original forum setup) brought, i.e. 40 pages of short comments.  It's meant to be open during the episode's original airing, which is always the Eastern/ET airing.

If anyone is confused, please review the pinned guidelines: READ ME BEFORE POSTING IN 90DF.

If you have complaints about the forum, please contact me via private message instead of airing it out in the episode thread. 

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On 8/26/2019 at 5:48 AM, Hannah94 said:

I agree. I think they went full blown batshit crazy overboard with Caesar's story in this episode. Overkill. Calm down, Production. 

I don't believe Caesar's story is real.

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8 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I was dying laughing when Tom schooled Darcy on her over the top response to everything: "I'm not a disciple!"

It is so embarrassing to watch Darcey kiss up to this nothing of a guy. She just wants to get revenge on Jesse that she has moved on and is married   So obvious marriage to Tom is her end game.  

Omar looks like a deer in headlights.  No way he wants to marry Avery right now.  Mom is pushing it cause I really believe she hates him more than she loves her daughter and she is calling his bluff hoping he runs and not like Pole!

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