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S03.E07: Love Is A Battlefield

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2 hours ago, Drogo said:

I have used those ridiculous things and they're really awesome.  

They're the only thing in my OK Things About Timothy list aside from "Probably showers regularly" and "Isn't trying to meet Maria in Mexico."

I love how this franchise sets the bar so low.  

Interesting about those eye things. I've seen them everywhere but assumed they didn't work,.do you recommend a particular brand?  

11 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

CALLED IT last week that Rebecca would take the jacket off!

You absolutely did!  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Darcys extensions are terrible!  I can see a definite line between long and short!  

I wonder if they are some sort of clip on?  They are so poorly done, she should have taken some money from her Botox fund for a better install.

26 minutes ago, Dobian said:

Darcy is a trainwreck.  And enough with the "you're the love of my life!"  No, Tom is the backup plan of your life.  And I think he kind of senses that from your stench of desperation.

Don't worry, she covers it up with angel.

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Darcy wants to make sure Tom is in "exclusive" mode, and finds out he put the other women on hold, but is just giving their relationship some space...and is befuddled.  She is a disaster!

Avery is planning to get married 6 months after converting.  Oh, swell! 😕

The rest of the sad sacks, well you all know the basics....more delusion!

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, RealReality said:

I wonder if they are some sort of clip on?  They are so poorly done, she should have taken some money from her Botox fund for a better install.

Don't worry, she covers it up with angel.

If Darcey was using clip-ins, her hairline wouldn't look so wrecked. I think what's happening is that she's only putting extensions on the back of her head to minimize the traction alopecia at her hairline.

28 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How is Omar only 24 and already a dentist? Something fishy there

There's nothing fishy about it. Not every country requires the same amount of schooling for professional degrees (medicine, law, dentistry) that the US does. There are even a handful of accelerated programs in the US. Had I not dropped out of my American accelerated medical program, I would have been an MD at 23. There was a guy in my class (he finished) who turned 21 a month after graduation. Though the American accelerated programs differ from their foreign counterparts because the American programs still require a bachelors degree. It's just that you are completing a typical 4 year degree in anything from 1 - 3 years. My program was 2 years.

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33 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

She pulled the same shit with Jesse. On the taxi ride from the airport. He's trying to tell her about the city and the sights and she says it feels like home and she can see herself living there. Like try to spend more than an hour on foreign soil before you start proclaiming that you want to move there. Darcey is an immature lunatic. Luckily her ex has custody of the girls.

She would literally up and move to the Siberia in January if some man dangled a proposal and diamond ring in front of her. 

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8 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

People are so worried about Avery somehow becoming an ISIS bride when the one who is actually in danger of this is dumb ass Darcey. 

Avery is impulsive and naive, and probably rebelling a little, but she DOES appear to have put at least *some* thought into what she's doing. (The bar is set very low, but if nothing else she at least researched some aspects of her new religion and Omar's culture, unlike the lady cougars picking up the Tunisian/Qatar/Moroccan men.) And I'm not totally convinced that Avery will wind up going through with the whole wedding/marriage thing anyway. She may get the whole thing out of her system-hopefully before she moves into an active war zone and can't get back out. Darcy, on the other hand, totally seems like the kind of woman who would pack up her girls, throw some burkas on them, and whisk them off to, well, anywhere if a decent looking man snapped his fingers at her and promised her a ring and a lifetime supply of vino. 

I totally don't mean that to be disrespectful of Islam, either. I respect it as a religion, as I do most all religions. But I have concerns about anyone who suddenly throws themselves into the middle of a huge religious or lifestyle change without any warning. I'm worried about Avery, too, but I'm hoping she'll surprise me and be more logical than the show's making her out to be. 

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I’ve never been to any of these Muslim countries, but I’m curious about something. There’s all this talk about respecting the culture, covering your shoulders, not drinking alcohol, etc. but when Avery was dress shopping, there was a whole rack of traditional western style dresses, low cut, sleeveless, etc. And if people in Muslim countries don’t drink, why are the restaurants serving liquor? 

I also have to say, I feel bad for Avery’s mom. She seems to me like she’s trying to protect her daughter and hates how they’re rushing everything. But at the same time, she can’t turn a blind eye and let her daughter make major mistakes. But she can’t stop her either. I don’t think she necessarily dislikes Omar, I think if they met in the US and had a traditional period of getting to know each other, she might actually like him. Instead, her daughter converted 6 months ago, and right away met someone on a dating site from a war torn country and is planning to marry him as soon as they meet in person. Even 6 months of dating in person is not enough time for a 19 yo to decide to get married, let alone a 6 month internet relationship. 

  • Love 21
8 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Rebecca seems to be looking for trouble.  She appears to be trying to redo her last marriage. She allowed her ex to treat her like crap, so now she is determined to stand up for herself.  Problem is, I believe she picked the wrong guy, because Zied appears to be a hot head. 

Really?  I thought she was being a real jerk (and if she twists her mouth one more time I swear I am going to jump through the tv screen and smack her a good one); she of all people should know--having been married to an observant muslim--that her nightgown/blouse was inappropriate, and why.  I agree that Zied seemed a little quick on the draw in the bar, going after that guy so quickly; I think it would have been a good idea to let Rebecca experience some unwanted attention.  She seemed to think that it was Zied's personal preference that she not wear that very unflattering but boob-outlining shirt, and it wasn't.  Her boobs are indeed very, very wonky, and I'm surprised she wants to put them on display.

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8 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

. . . in fact, she probably had another one on deck while she was boob pic'ing Tom.

How about the fact that every one (so far) of her "introductory" pics to her sections of the ep finds her posed holding back her lapels and thrusting those babies forward?  Like a farmer with thumbs hooked in overall straps.

She's boob-pic'ing all of us.

  • LOL 8
15 minutes ago, FurBabyMama said:

I’ve never been to any of these Muslim countries, but I’m curious about something. There’s all this talk about respecting the culture, covering your shoulders, not drinking alcohol, etc. but when Avery was dress shopping, there was a whole rack of traditional western style dresses, low cut, sleeveless, etc. And if people in Muslim countries don’t drink, why are the restaurants serving liquor? 

My first time seeing Muslim wedding dresses as well, and they were stunning!

So wouldn't the head piece, the part that drapes down from the head, that would cover her shoulders? Forgive my ignorance, I'm unsure what that's called.

The liquor, well I guess even in Beirut they attempt to cater to tourists. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, moonbunnychan said:

I can't believe I'm sticking up for either of these people but....I was on Zied's side.  If you're in another country you follow their rules.  Full stop.  This is part of why Americans have such a bad reputation, this need to be "I'm American, I do what I want!".  He wasn't even telling her not to wear it ever, just not there as it wasn't appropriate.  And Avery's mom....I can't decide if she's deliberately trying to sabotage the relationship (for which I can't blame her) or is also just in that "I'm American, I do and say what I want, screw other cultures. USA, USA!" mindset.  She really has been extremely rude often.   I know TLC casts people for their entertainment value and not their intelligence, but I swear none of these people seem to do ANY research into the countries and cultures they're going to be in.
And maybe...maybe Jessie had a point about Darcy's drinking.  She becomes (even more of) a mess with some drinks in her.

I agree on Rebecca and Zied.  When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I'm not sure the sort of disrespect Rebecca showed is a distinctly American trait, though.  Visitors and immigrants from all over the world often disrespect local customs.  Foreigners and some immigrants do this in America all the time.  But, Americans tend to be much more tolerant of diverse cultures than many other nations.

Zied is a bit difficult to understand, but I got the impression he would have no issue with her dressing that way in the US.  He just didn't want her to make a spectacle of herself in Tunisia.

I don't have a problem with Mother Avery bringing up those questions and feeling out Omar.  Her stupid, naive daughter is about to enter into a potentially disastrous and even life threatening (if she moves to Syria) marriage with a man she barely knows.

I wasn't really impressed with Omar's responses.  How about, "No, I would never raise a hand to you.  Some Muslims believe those things, but I don't and the sect I a from teaches the opposite.". I got the impression that he might hit her, if he felt it was appropriate.

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1 hour ago, FurBabyMama said:

And if people in Muslim countries don’t drink, why are the restaurants serving liquor? 

It doesn’t mean everyone in the country is Muslim.  There probably are specific establishments that cater to Muslim clientele only, just as a vegetarian restaurant in the US wouldn’t serve meat.  Then there are places like we saw that cater to a broader crowd.

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Darcy saying she loved London and would move there. Umm....you have TWO daughters, remember? Dumbass.

Also, Tom lives 3 hours from London. 


40 minutes ago, DiamondGirl said:

Ok, confession time:  when Tim said he has to tell Jeniffer (?) a secret that she might not like, did you think it could be that he used to be a woman?

A lot of people have expressed thinking this, but Tim clearly said this episode she wouldn't like The Secret because she's a jealous person, so more likely he cheated on her at some point when they were supposed to be exclusive, or he was married before Veronica, etc.   

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1 hour ago, DiamondGirl said:

Ok, confession time:  when Tim said he has to tell Jeniffer (?) a secret that she might not like, did you think it could be that he used to be a woman?

I thought that, but my other thought was that he was actually married to his “ex” but for insurance or something. Or they live together for financial reasons. Or something like that. 

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5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I think one of the reasons why he hasn't just up and left for the Ukraine before now is because part of him actually prefers the online "dating." With things how they are, Maria can be anyone he wants her to be. 

Indeed. The fantasy can continue, just like how so many on Love After Lockup were happier when their partner was incarcerated.  

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6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Okay, I am legit girl crushing on Jennifer. That crazy Columbian is HAWT. 

I thought she wasn't as hot as Tim thinks she is, can't really explain why but something about her face is very masculine, her jawline, idk.

Not on board the Tim-is-trans train, but it's odd that these two both are somewhat ambiguous, IMO.

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7 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Darcey is a bland air-headed dimwit.  She's a middle-aged 5 stage clinger cougar who oozes desperation. If there was a Darcey perfume it would contain tears, eye-lash glue, a few strands of Jesse's pube hair, and the sweat of desperation. 

You win the internet today!!

It's a good thing there's no smell-o-vision because I would need to open the windows to get the stench out of the house and it's too hot for that today.

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