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S09.E22: Reunion Part 1

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27 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

Who cares if she quit months before or a day before.

She has zero fucks to give anymore or waste any of her time thinking about this job.

It was her final 1 finger salute, good for her.

And no I am not a rabid LVP fan, in fact I find her over the top a lot (but great tv character).

Obviously she cares.  If she quit months ago then why not announce it then?  She was certainly asked about it.  If she did announce it months ago, then maybe one could say it was a one finger salute.  For me, it was a last minute maneuver to try and save face so she can say that she wasn't fired because that would have been the consequences of not showing up for the reunion.

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46 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

Yes, she did and her skin looks leathery too.

She looked hard as nails tonight. Her facial expressions are beginning to resemble Erika's.

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This may sound funny, but Denise’s reunion look may be one of my favorite looks from any reunion, ever. She looks “herself,” pretty and together, without looking like a school supply, a victim of a taffeta & satin takeover, or the mirrorball girl from the “Dance Hall Days” video (DORIT).

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54 minutes ago, smores said:

That's also what Camille was saying.  Denise, on the other hand got a nasty dig in there about anyone taking a bigger settlement being a "nasty fucking whore" which is not cool. 

I missed the nasty whore comment. 

Camille's statement in the dressing room was a good one I'm not sure why that wasn't what she said in the reunion show instead of her bon bons comment. 

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8 hours ago, oceanview said:

I thought LVP was going to be the officiant for Jax and Brittany.  Read that a long time ago  but could have cared less, so I did not watch.  If that is the  case,  I am sure she did not  want to disappoint the couple because of the loss of her mother, on short notice.

I don't think that's the case. Their original officiant had that scandal about being a homophobe, and I think Lance Bass ended up marrying them in the end? Career-wise, I don't think it'd look good for her to miss that wedding. That's two major show events she would have missed. Bravo wouldn't be too happy with her.

I'd think she's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs if the reason was she didn't want to "disappoint the couple because of the loss of her mother". I mean, could you imagine, putting the feelings of your to chuckle fuk employees and their publicity wedding ahead of your mother's death? Your priorities must be pretty fuked up or your mom was pretty fuked up for that to be one's reasoning. 

Although, that old bitch did die without giving her notice so 🙍

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8 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Well, it's clear that the producers weren't thrilled with LVP's bailing last minute - by playing the whole clip about Adrienne Maloof, they made it clear that they want people to think LVP is a hypocrite. 

Is she not?

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Lisa Rinna isn’t really that much of an actor. When she played that awful character, Taylor, on Melrose Place all those years ago, she was merely being herself. Interestingly, she was married on that series to a guy named Kyle.

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8 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

Good Lordy Camille brought her rent-a-friend to the reunion???

Kimber’s plastic surgery is as bad as Adrienne’s or Brandi’s.

She had to make sure the battery in her back was plugged in right before she went on stage.

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8 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Denise wasn’t asking the questions Camille Andy was. You chose to attack Denise for no reason

I was confused. It had me wondering did Denise say something prior to it or did Camille just want something to say since Denise got in her face on the last finale.

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7 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

She hates everyone and gets away with it.

So for us to dislike them all is okay but it's not okay for Erika...got it.

That whole "Kyle is the Queen" thing is weird and creepy. Since when do we declare queens on these shows. Besides I would caution Kyle to be careful what she wishes for. Any newbie worth her salt is going to come for the crown.

Rinna looked horrible tonight.

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Camille saying they wanted her to be on the hate train, but Camille was a willing passenger until her ticket was punched and she had to get off. She had no problem talking the same shit about LVP. 

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1 hour ago, FancyNancy said:

Is she not?

I think it was hypocritical of her, yes. I also think, though, that it should be a teaching moment for all of them that sometimes a situation becomes so untenable that it's time to move on.

I was mostly commenting on the fact, though, that the producers wanted to make a point about LVP as opposed to the other women. 

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1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Rinna looked horrible tonight.

I did not recognize her, at first I thought it was Dorit!

Also, Dorit and the hair clips? Did she go to Claire's in the mall and buy out all the blingy clips they had?  Remember a few seasons ago she had the gold glob on her hair? Her hair and make up people really hate her, lol.  I guess they never heard that less is more.

Erika looked amazing! 

Camille acts like she is still upset about the popular girls not liking her in high school and she is taking it out on everyone on the show.  

I loved that they showed the clip of Mauricio at the dinner in Hawaii stoned out of his mind, the crew was loving it which makes me wonder if that is where he got the Maui Wowie.

Denise, please stop talking about your husband's dick, but please put that photo back on IG, pretty please.

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22 minutes ago, film noire said:

I love that LVP quit the day before the reunion.  Beyond fucking brilliant. 

She didn't give these monsters a heads-up. She left them hanging.  She left Andy Cohen waiting on her decision, fidget-spinning and  drunk-dialing ("Anderson do you think LVP will come? And then I can SMASH her like I want to smash MY MOMMY?") She left Kyle dreaming of finally destroying LVP ("I will fake-cry and my tears will make deep grooves on my pancaked face like Chernobyl-ash and then pink flowered Lady Luncheons will finally be mine!") She left Teddi sitting there with her paddle-hands waving like Free Willy's giant fins cresting the water,  she left Rinna sitting there with her sickening body-shaming intact (my girls mocked fat people and now one of them is is anorexic - go figure!) as well as all the repulsive after-thoughts: Erika the morally above-it-all child abandoner, Dorit the morally indignant dog dumper,  and Denise (dear god, Denise,  who took a turn so crooked,  she is now the defender of the deeply immoral Brandi and Rinna, the shit-souled ghouls of this franchise).   Congratulations, you smug, festering suck-holed pretend-friends.  You were fucking dismissed.

I sincerely doubt that anyone, including Andy and Kyle, were that surprised that LVP didn't show. In fact, given how smoothly they inserted the LVP clip, I am going to guess that they were very much prepared for that contingency.

They aren't amateurs and in preparing for the show, I am sure that plan around a number of possibilities, including what happens if each of the women don't show. Given that LVP was telegraphing for weeks that she wouldn't, I doubt it was much of a surprise. 

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4 hours ago, suomi said:

re the settlement, I thought Denise said "greedy fucking whore."

She said she wasn't a greedy fucking whore IE..like that tabloids were making her out to be … they labeled her a gold digger the min her and Charlie announced their divorce hell she was labeled a gold digger before they got married and Charlie was broke and she had her own money.... she stated yes she could have taken him for half of what he had (The 2 and a half men money that he got after they were married) but chose NOT to because that's not who she is.... she also stated she would never talk bad about her children's father because that's not who she is and it just ends up hurting her kids and that's not what she wants.... NOTHING Denise has done this season has shown her to be vindictive or have any ill will towards anyone if anything she has shown the opposite she has been level headed and tried to be a peace maker and wasn't shown really gossiping about any of the girls she was mostly lost in their fights anyway  ... if what Camille said had nothing to do with Denise and she was making a point why is what Denise said ABOUT herself not the same? Everything Camille has done since she has been on this show has been bitchy and mean. She has attacked her ex ( he did deserve it but she wasn't a babe in the woods in her marriage herself) Her past behavior on this show can attest to yes she really is a self involved greedy narcissistic asshole ( Ie this house is to small for me im used to compounds bitch you were poor before you married Mr Grammer you lived in small houses before stop acting) and her digs were aimed at Denise to "put her in her place" I own you only rent I didn't set around eating bon bon's I worked ( like Denise didn't work her entire marriage and didn't help Charlie pick himself up) Everything that comes out of Camille's mouth is about her  and how great she is and how below her everyone else is notice she doesn't have any real friends around her its always  her "help" that are hanging and gossiping with her or that she brings to events that's very telling of a person.... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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15 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I sincerely doubt that anyone, including Andy and Kyle, were that surprised that LVP didn't show.

I'm sure Andy & crew were ready, but it probably threw the ladies somewhat of a curve ball.  I'm sure they had it all planned out what they would say to her, but then had to rethink it once they knew she wasn't going to be there.  I think it's funny that they didn't get the chance to unleash on her.  I only watched a few minutes somewhere in the middle, then again when Camille came out, but she went off the rails so quickly that I tuned out and deleted it. 

I noticed when Camille came out and started talking, Denise didn't look happy at all.  Maybe that was the vibe Camille was picking up on.  Maybe Camille remembered Denise's TH when she said she wasn't a "greedy effing whore" (or words to that effect), and took it personally.  I really don't know what happened with her though.  She came out defensive and with guns blazing.  She did herself no favors last night.   

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2 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

So for us to dislike them all is okay but it's not okay for Erika...got it.

That whole "Kyle is the Queen" thing is weird and creepy. Since when do we declare queens on these shows. Besides I would caution Kyle to be careful what she wishes for. Any newbie worth her salt is going to come for the crown.

Rinna looked horrible tonight.

Erika  claims she is their friend which makes her a hypocrite like they accuse lvp of being. Last season Lisa was a hypocrite too but this season she was authentic and they couldn’t take it. Just my opinion.

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I think that Andy is secretly dying to see the actual size of Aaron’s member. Denise said that she thought that she only said was big/huge once, but Andy had the clips all ready to show that she said it 4 times. It’s bigger than Kyle’s shoe BTW. 

Erika was surprisingly quiet when they were going around the room answering the question about how much sex they all had per week. Unanimously, they all stated they had less than Denise was having. 

I think Andy tried really hard to get them down to his gutter level, but the ladies weren’t biting the bait. Andy, next time dangle a Chanel purse. You know one of them would bite for that.  

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3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Erika was surprisingly quiet when they were going around the room answering the question about how much sex they all had per week.

She was rather quiet most of the season.  She faded into the background in many instances.  I could never tell if she didn't feel good, or had issues she was dealing with, or simply didn't care.  

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3 hours ago, renatae said:

Kyle brought her resting bitch face persona in preparation for another confrontation with LVP. Too bad for her that LVP didn't cooperate.

The birthday gift shouting "Manolos" seemed more Dorito than Kyle, but the new "queen" seems to be assimilating all the worst characteristics of her fellow harpies.

I see the puppy dumper was on WWHL tonight. They are giving her way too much airtime whilst holding her accountable for nothing.

Speaking of ... what was holding Doritos dress up on WWHL ?  Guess they took material from the bodice and put it on her cuffs, which were longer than her fingers.  But, what do I know about high fashion?

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9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

The first segment was everything.  LVP 'is' a hypocrite.   Sorry, she is.

As for the rest of the show, they are answering questions from Andy.  Rinna didn't bring up Sheraton.  Andy asked.  Andy asked about doggygate.  Andy asked about Charlie Sheen.  Andy asked  about Denise's divorce settlement.    Andy's controlling the conversations.  Different from RHNY with Beth dominating.

I haven't seen the reunion yet but I would have expected this from Andy given the situation. Outside of LVP and Camille, the women were mostly kumbaya. To make a 3 part reunion where one controversial woman didn't even show up and the other is only a 'friend of' and doesn't start or end on the couch, he had a lot of time to fill. They did their research and it seems they'll be pulling a lot of things out of the woodwork that was unrelated to the show and/or intentionally chosen to be kept off-camera by the women because they have time to fill. 

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3 hours ago, Blindfox said:

I hate the way Kyle always seems to have a mean little smirk on her mouth now. That is not a flattering look.

I thought those were smirky looks too.  She really had it while Teddi was explaining why she's a liar not liar, a control freak who never bothered to call LVP to make sure the details were in place before going after Dorit* and her lack of accountability. 

I'm sure I would have had the same smirk, but I'm not pretending to be Teddi's bestie.

*Teddi being a control freak makes her version hard to believe.  There's just no way, in my mind, that she WOULDN'T have called LVP to go over every single detail in the plot to go after Dorit.

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10 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I thought those were smirky looks too.  She really had it while Teddi was explaining why she's a liar not liar, a control freak who never bothered to call LVP to make sure the details were in place before going after Dorit* and her lack of accountability. 

I'm sure I would have had the same smirk, but I'm not pretending to be Teddi's bestie.

*Teddi being a control freak makes her version hard to believe.  There's just no way, in my mind, that she WOULDN'T have called LVP to go over every single detail in the plot to go after Dorit.

Right!? I mean, the woman schedules when to have sex!

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31 minutes ago, Choco9 said:


The whole thing was set up to pit Camille against Denise and Camille tried to say, "Okay... good for you, not the same scenario" basically, but she handles everything horribly so it came out looking like the battle Andy wanted.

Yes it was Andy pitting them against each other and Camille took it to a nasty dig place... Denise laughed  and said oh god I couldn't wait to get his last name away from me not in a spiteful way but in a it was over (again Denise hasn't been shown being shady to any of these ladies and only told Camille to back off when she was attacked herself at that last party so Camille should have known in no way was that Denise being shady towards her ....Camille confused who she should have been angry with ANDY and directed all her meanness at Denise like it was Denise asking her these things and not Andy 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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30 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

She was rather quiet most of the season.  She faded into the background in many instances.  I could never tell if she didn't feel good, or had issues she was dealing with, or simply didn't care.  

I think she was worried then about Tom being in debt over the lavish style of living he was giving her.  Between her “career” and glam squad, he was going broke.  A price to pay for candy on his arm.  (This, I read in an article on line.)

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18 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

So we are supposed to care that Ms Low Affect Doesn’t Give A F*#@k Erika has anointed Mean Mouth Kyle as the new Queen Bee?

We have sunk to new depths with this show.... zzzzzz.

Quoting myself to add further thoughts....

Why is Erika Don’t Care suddenly spouting out this annointment? Like she cares? Where does this sudden caring and engagement with the show come from? I’m trying to understand this, although Erika is an enigma so I’m probably barking up the wrong tree. It just seems so out of character for Erika.... methinks she is soooo anti Lisa Vanderpump that this is her way of making sure Lisa’s ego is battered and bruised, and so will never return to the show. It’s just hard to understand given we’ve never been shown on the show just why Erika has always seemed so negative about Lisa other than the possibility she was negative toward Lisa based on Ms Munchausen’s opinion of Lisa.... but is that really true since Erika and Ms Munch were not really friends, just presented that way to introduce Erika to the show, surely?! (time flies and I’ve already forgotten her name! Mrs David Whatshisname!)

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11 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Every one else went into the interview with an agenda to disagree with everything Camille says. You can see it on their faces

faces/frozen masks 

fixed it for ya 😉

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