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S09.E16: Meet Rinna Jayne

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1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Wow; at my clinic you go home after the mammo.  If you get a call, that's not good -- back for more intensive mammos.  If you get a letter or email, you are in the clear. Have never spoken directly with the radiologist!  Guess it pays to be a celebrity on TV.

I once needed a followup ultrasound and they told me shortly after I left. I think they called and got it cleared with insurance before telling me.  Now I have an online hospital chart and was able to see my complete results a few hours later.  Regarding Kyle getting more images taken, I always have to do that.  It's because they may not have got a clear picture the first time. There might have been a shadow of something. Or the whole breast didn't make the first picture.  Not something to freak about. In fact with any xray, they don't let you leave until they see the completed picture.  Even a chest xray.   My last mammogram I glanced over at the picture and saw the cyst I have had for years.  It did freak me a second but, I didn't stand in the hall and bother the technicians.  I just waited until I got my results a few hours later.

30 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

That was pretty dumb.  She's desperately trying to be EJ.  Sigh.  Rinna needs to STFU about everything.

LVP politely declined the invitation to Hawaii because she knew that there would be tension between her and the other ladies.  She didn't want anything to spoil Camille's big day.  I don't blame her for not going.  Camille is talking out of both sides of her mouth.  One minute she's okay with LVP's decision, but the next minute she's ragging on her with the other ladies.  She is not a true friend.

If I was Camille, I would be happy that the person a lot of people were mad at didn't attend my wedding.  I wouldn't want any altercations.  

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I get Kyle's anxiety.  She has general anxiety disorder.  She has the classic symptoms.  It may seem stupid to a lot of people.  However, it is real.  I was right there with her when they told her they had to take some more pictures.

I can't stand Kim and was fine with what LR said to her.  Kim has done more than her fair share and never seems to apologize.  It's always about her hurt.  Just walk away into the sunset Kim.  Or across the road.

That party seemed like a lot of fun.  Ferris Wheel?  No.  Just no.  Don't like them.

Teddi continues to be right about Camille.  She talks out both sides of her mouth.

Tom sighting?  Is that three now in one season?  I think that's a record.  No?

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1 hour ago, Straycat80 said:

The hospital where I live actually does their mammograms exactly the same way Kyle had hers done. And the tech’s will tell you and point out things that might be an issue. Same thing happened to me. Oh, but I never talked to the radiologist either. 

The Breast Clinic at the hospital I use has a doctor there to read every set of graphs while you wait and then the dr. comes in and explains to you.   And you cannot leave until you book next year's appointment, which is a good idea.   I had a small cancer tumor caught very early, had radiation, thankfully no chemo, and am 8 years clean.   Would not miss an appointment.  No one likes going, but they would like it less if they had a problem that could not be detected easily

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22 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

If I was Camille, I would be happy that the person a lot of people were mad at didn't attend my wedding.  I wouldn't want any altercations.  

That’s no guarantee of no altercations. As we’ve seen since Lisa stopped filming with them, they’ve all turned on each other.

Best bet would be to tell Rinna to stay home.

Edited by brillia79
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Well, well, look who crawled out of the Beverly Hill’s sewer drain but Kim Richards. I wonder who paid for her facelift.  See, praying next to a trash can works!

Kyle looked good In her costume. . Maurgreasio looked like Maurgreasio in a housecoat. Lame. 

Camille was wearing her former work uniform minus the whip. 

Rinna looked good as Erika. Lisa acts out because Harry is never around.  She strikes me as a lonely person who acts out and gossips to make herself feel better about her own  life. 

What was Denise and Aaron dressed as? I honestly thought she wore her wedding dress again.

oh goody, , drunky Brandi next week. Who is next, trout mouth Taylor? 🙄

Edited by Barbara Please
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So Lisa Rinna says LVP “doesn’t have to be like that.” Well, Rinna, you don’t have to be a shady phony baloney instigator, either, so can we call it even? 

Edwin and Teddi, please don’t with the “sexy” talk. At least onscreen.

Confidential to Dorit: You really can’t cajole someone into losing weight. They have to at least somewhat want to do it themselves. And—unless under doctor’s orders—denial is the quickest way to lead someone to failure.

Edited by ivygirl
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7 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Me either. Suspicion, biopsy, DCIS, two lumpectomies, radiation,mammograms and I never cried. I just looked at it like a bump in the road to get over because I had 4 little kids and wasn't going to upset them. 15 years later, still good. Kyle, grow up.

Same here. Good grief, she was spazzing out, from what I could tell, just because there was a delay in making sure the films were good. My family is riddled with cancer. No reason to borrow trouble. Wait until you know something for sure, then buck up, sister.

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Denise looked pretty, though I couldn't tell what her costume was.  Much as I can't stand Teddi/Edwin, I liked their costume the best.  Kyle looked surprisingly good.  Why is she always hiding under caftans and muumuus, she has a nice figure.

Rinna looked stupid.  I don't believe she was trolling Erika, she has her head so far up EJs ass.  I hope someone shows up next Halloween as Rinna, with balloon lips and carrying a Big bag of pills - or maybe a bunny and a lone fake tear painted on her face.

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9 hours ago, Thumper said:

Wow; at my clinic you go home after the mammo.  If you get a call, that's not good -- back for more intensive mammos.  If you get a letter or email, you are in the clear. Have never spoken directly with the radiologist!  Guess it pays to be a celebrity on TV.

Well I’m not a reality star nor do I have Agency $, but at my very first mammogram, the radiologist actually came down to speak with me.  That was how I knew that I was in trouble.  They obviously didn’t diagnose me as I would need a biopsy, but he was taking the time to prepare me for the possibility of cancer. He told me there was definitely a mass.  Prior to coming down to speak to me, he called the technician to direct me to the ultrasound room.  I’m still very grateful to him for doing this, but my husband (who reps doctors) told me this was not unusual.  It was also how he knew I was in trouble.

And as much as I hate to defend Kyle, if my mother died of breast cancer, as her’s did, I’d be stressed out too.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

That speech was amazing (I'm surprised we didn't hear Mauricio say that!!) - but not in a good way.

It was filled with "I's"....I can't believe I have a 30 year old, I'm so excited to have a wonderful daughter, I, I, I......how about talking about Farrah - the actual birthday girl (who looked gorgeous, by the way - in fact, Kyle and all her daughters looked beautiful!) 

Where was Farrah's father, or are we supposed to forget that Kyle married one rich guy before glomming onto the second? 

8 hours ago, twilightzone said:

But Camille did flip flop and changed her story when it came to LVP.  She said she was hurt with the wedding snub and said things about LVP that weren't very flattering.  But then tells a different story to People Magazine.  So, I can see why her sincerity is being questioned. I'm sure LVP questioned it as well after watching the show.

They ALL flip flop depending on what side suits them better at the time. Camille is just more obvious about it.

So Rinna can forgive Kim for humiliating her on nathional tv, but she still holds a grudge against VDP for something Rinna chose to say, influenced or not. Yup, the ultimate flip flop.

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5 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Rinna looked good as Erika. Lisa acts out because Harry is never around.  She strikes me as a lonely person who acts out and gossips to make herself feel better about her own  life.

Spot on. Rinna starting shit about Camille before the wedding reception ice sculptures were even melted was shitty.....  then barbing Kim like that.. these are deeper issues, I completely agree she and Harry are distant  . He is never in her life.  

Loved Denise sticking up to sewer drain Kim tho. Well done. Denise says it! Rinna acted out with that photo shoot barb, which was unnecessary. But in general Rinna is right globally about Kim. 

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7 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Can you just walk in and get a mammogram without a prescription the way Kyle did? 

Yes you can. There was a big push a few years back to make it so you don't need a prescription because it was felt that was an impediment to women getting them done. It's probably the only test you can get without a prescription.

Doctors will still write out prescriptions, however, probably to make sure patients realize how important it is and cover the bases.

Imaging centers can refuse walk ins if they want, or if the person has no primary care physician to send results to.

Edited by renatae
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31 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Spot on. Rinna starting shit about Camille before the wedding reception ice sculptures were even melted was shitty.....  then barbing Kim like that.. these are deeper issues, I completely agree she and Harry are distant  . He is never in her life.  

IIRC from one of those tv profile things on E! or Lifetime a million years ago, she had to practically drag him down the aisle after years of him waffling on marriage.

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I didn't miss LVP. I don't need another weird scene with her new sidekick Cedric 2.0 kissing her arse. I wonder if C2 will do the opposite of C1 and move to England with them and be her house boy. Anywho.

Kyle reminds me of someone I know who gets dramatic about almost everything and I see it as a grab for attention. Not that I don't doubt her anxiety - and I don't know Kyle IRL so I can't totally pick up on her vibe but, I do think some of it is a grab for attention. Overall I'm fine with Kyle (she has her moments).

Denise's defense of Rinna was odd. I like Denise, but I wasn't terribly fond of her in those scenes involving Kim. She should just stay in her lane. So odd because she seems like a very compassionate person for the most part. I get her defending her friend, but given she's friends with Brandi, who is friends with Kim - it seemed weird. And I agree with the other poster that brought up Denise saying Kim needs to let it go when it was Rinna who brought it up.

I loved the return of a Kyle party. I missed the white parties. Is it over the top? Yeah - but, it's part of what I watch these shows for - to see a life I can't relate to. I doubt she paid 300K for it. Even if she did - oh well. This party wasn't as fun as the white parties, but I enjoyed the return of it. I wonder where the fat burger truck was parked? LOL

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9 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

I'm so sick of hearing 20 bleeps every episode because she doesn't know any other words but fuck or fucking. I curse, too, obviously, but enough already. She's inarticulate and has the nerve to be boring on top of it.

This. She would be moderately likeable, if she could actually form a sentence without the profanity and stop talking so much about her sex life. Sorry to sound like a prude, but I shudder to think how embarassing she must be for her daughters. As if having Charlie as their dad isn't bad enough.

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If these women were really smart, they would never ever mention LVP's name.  They would bend over backwards to show us fabulous houses and trips and parties.  They would plan and scheme for an outside source of drama.  They would truly kill themselves showing us that LVP and her pink ponies and pointed British humor are not needed to make this show.  If only they were truly smart....

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10 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

A technician would NEVER discuss results from a mammogram with the patient. That is up to the doctor, and once the entire thing is done. They might say they want to take more films, but they don't say what is on the films.

Exactly. There was something on my last mammo and I got a letter to come back in. Everything was fine. Luckily my daughter does mammos there and talked to the doctor. It was an enlarged blood vessel. Even with her working there, I didn't get Kyle's special treatment. I call bullshit on this impromptu mammo and reading by tech.

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39 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

Rinna asked Dorit if there was coke at her party.  Rinna whipped out a bag of pills.  Rinna said Kim was near death.  Rinna has told us multiple times that she is a hustler who will do anything for a buck.   So, I just can't with the "LVP made me say munchausen."  Rinna is a shock value player all on her own.  I'm sure she jumped at the chance to be the one to say munchausen.

Rinna went at Kim tonight despite Kyle asking everyone to suspend the drama for her daughter's party.  Also, Kim is Kyle's sister and Farrah's aunt, so it was in seriously poor taste.

And, although I find Kim to be a foul person, she is also ill with alcoholism and picking a new fight with her over an old event is even worse taste.   Rinna was indeed *unty tonight.

Denise- stay home and play with your daughters on the beach.  Tell us about your absurd sex life.  You can even bring up your ex-husband a few thousand times, but don't engage in the drama.  We already have enough of that, and it isn't interesting.

In all fairness (sarcastifont), Kyle only asked them to refrain from Camille drama at Farrah's party.

I think Rinna dressed as Erika Jayne with the sole intent to "bring it" cause drama by using the word *unty. Camille was probably the original intended target, but Kyle said no, and another opportunity arose.

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Thoughts on the Episode.... after sleeping on it I got nothing It wasn't a bad episode wasn't a great one .... Camille is still a mean girl ( she has talked shit about them all behind their backs on camera she has to know this is gonna be called out or is she that self involved that she doesn't really remember it being on camera?)..... Kyle was correct in trying to shut it down before anyone went ham at the party ....see when a ADULT doesn't want something said?? they tell the fuckers then and there this ISNT the place to do that do it later... Not fake oh no darling don't do that don't say that I'm not part of this really don't ( nudge nudge do it) that some other lady does .......I did like that Denise did cut through all the bullshit (why are you talking about her outfit what does that have to do with anything?) But Rinna did have it coming I think she was more channeling Lisa R with the passive aggressive attacks then she was Erika Jayne tho ... (I really wish Kyle would have told me her sister would be at her daughters birthday party? why the fuck would she not be there? they are related she would be invited to a family birthday party before Rinna anyway lol)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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5 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Confidential to Dorit: You really can’t cajole someone into losing weight. They have to at least somewhat want to do it themselves.

And, assuming she does the grocery shopping, don't bring home bags of chips or other items that are off limits to PK, or hide them better.  Anything he stops and buys for himself is on him though.  

1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think Rinna dressed as Erika Jayne with the sole intent to "bring it" cause drama by using the word *unty.

I thought it was pretty *unty of Rinna to confront Kim like that.  Kim was cordial to her when she walked into the party, so it was in poor taste for Rinna to bring it up.  Her attempted EJ persona was ridiculous.  

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2 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Was I the only one confused as to why Denise was yelling at Kim to let it go when Rinna was the one to bring it up again???

6 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

In all fairness (sarcastifont), Kyle only asked them to refrain from Camille drama at Farrah's party.

I think Rinna dressed as Erika Jayne with the sole intent to "bring it" cause drama by using the word *unty. Camille was probably the original intended target, but Kyle said no, and another opportunity arose.

I find it weird that Ericka did not tell Rinna to shut up and then angrily push a small dessert plate across the table. 

She said nothing about Rinna using her persona to trash Kim.  Nothing.  Not even privately. 

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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

And, assuming she does the grocery shopping, don't bring home bags of chips or other items that are off limits to PK, or hide them better.  Anything he stops and buys for himself is on him though.  

I thought it was pretty *unty of Rinna to confront Kim like that.  Kim was cordial to her when she walked into the party, so it was in poor taste for Rinna to bring it up.  Her attempted EJ persona was ridiculous.  

Kim came through the bushes, and went back into the bushes a fragile, shaking mess.  Nice work Rinna.  Your name is now “Bunny”.

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