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S15.E25: Jump into the Fog

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1 hour ago, displayname said:

Really? I really didn't know before reading your post.

I can't even see a semblance of a storyline or plot anymore. It's so convoluted. They really need to cancel it.

Yeah, there was a post in the "Grey's Anatomy in the news" thread.  Ellen resigned for 2 more years, so the show goes on.  I hope it ends after that point.  Why do I watch these shows with long-ass timeframes?  NCIS-16 seasons (but I started near the end of season 3).  Grey's-15 seasons.  Oh vey.

  • Love 2

I'm too lazy to go back and quote posts, but...

I thought it was clearly shown that Jo was going in for inpatient treatment. However, unless the criteria have changed since I did intake for a psychiatric hospital, no way does she meet the criteria for inpatient treatment. Not a single one. 

My take on the Amelia-Link conversation was that Amelia was responding to Link's expressed need to know where things with the two of them were headed. I interpreted it as her saying I don't have an answer for you yet, but I still want to see where this leads. I didn't see it as a breakup.

I'm still not interested in Glasses, but his mom is very sweet.

I was hoping Jackson or Maggie (or both) would be killed off in the final scene. She is downright insufferable, he's not much better. All their scenes in the last two eps were essentially filler.

Meredith saying "I love you" to Deluca was absurd.

Edited by Jillybean
  • Love 18
6 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I'm too lazy to go back and quote posts, but...

I thought it was clearly shown that Jo was going in for inpatient treatment. However, unless the criteria have changed since I did intake for a psychiatric hospital, no way does she meet the criteria for inpatient treatment. Not a single one.

Would you mind telling what those criteria are? I barely know anything about that topic, but I found the inpatient treatment solution way too excessive for Jo. I'd love to get a little more insight.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

She definitely needs professional help, but inpatient care? Seriously? That seems like overkill. It's not like she tried to kill herself or is a danger to others. And she's had depression only for a few weeks. Why not just go with regular therapy? This looks like it was just done to drive home a point and I hate it when the show puts story/issue over character.

I disagree here because Jo was a danger to others when she showed up drunk to work. Possibly on more than one occasion. She was also unstable to the point of Jackson realizing he needed to supervise her and had a breakdown in front of the parent of a patient. I think inpatient care was totally warranted. She was not functioning in everyday life and with her being a doctor puts patients at risk. Given the degree of the trauma, it would probably be difficult for her to deal with it and her emotions effectively while working. She needs immediate intensive therapy and i'm glad she's getting it. 

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, GSMHvisitor said:

Would you mind telling what those criteria are? I barely know anything about that topic, but I found the inpatient treatment solution way too excessive for Jo. I'd love to get a little more insight.

It's been over 25 years since I did inpatient psych intake, but way back when, the criteria included lack of success in outpatient treatment; danger to self or others; evidence of psychotic break, etc.  Jo seems a much more appropriate candidate for intense outpatient treatment.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Joana said:

I do wonder if her reference to being attracted to a woman has any further significance. If they wanted to go there, they missed a great opportunity - one word: Arizona. 

Actualy that wasn't Amialis first "joke" about being gey. I remember she did it few times already. Im sure it was just a joke and she wont turn out bi 🙂

  • Love 1

I was SO glad that Jo performed her work but was not magically cured, as others pointed out, by some patient revelation, and that she actually told Alex.  I don't know the criteria for inpatient care but if she has been so bad off that Alex didn't want her left alone, plus the fact she did sorta admit to Mer about suicidal ideation, maybe that's enough. 

This fraud thing is stupid.  Hospitals have charitable care. DeLuca would not be in jail in a red jumpsuit for this.  I don't even know how the insurance company would have picked up on one this one instance of fraud so fast unless someone turned her in.  

Barf Teddy and Alex.  Can you please move away now? Teddy went to tell Amelia she was in love with Owen, but she didn't bother to tell Tom first? Was Teddy planning to go back to him if Amelia had professed her own love for Owen and asked Teddy to back off? Grr.  I know some folks don't like Tom, but this is a man who has been nothing but good to Teddy.

Re Mer/DeLuca - thought they had some zingy chemistry in a few scenes early on, but it has fizzled for me.  Didn't buy her proclamation of love. 

Finally, Maggie/Jackson.  Yes, she went camping, but she didn't seem to even give it a chance. Wanted to stay in the tent and read [also, in her early eps, Maggie was shown to be a runner; now it's like she hates any physical activity].  It was like she was determined to not like it.  I get that she was super grumpy after the hike/ankle/bug bite and never wanted to go again, but also, blaming J for her not being at hospital was kinda crap. What if they'd been away but in a luxury hotel? It was her decision to take time off when there is sick kid and the other cardio dr. is about to go into labor [don't get me started on why there are apparently only 2 cardio docs in all of Seattle]. 

Jackson - if she doesn't like camping, she doesn't like it.  Though I didn't think he was being intentionally condescending by his speech, he just meant that Maggie was claiming not to like something that she had never tried, and that you should at least give it a shot.  And Maggie's comments back about his money seemed a little out of proportion - she may not have grown up super wealthy, but don't recall any discussion of her family struggling.  And if she was such a brain that she was graduating high school at 12 or whatever, I'm sure scholarships and job opportunities were not a problem like they are for most "normal" college students. 

Edited by AzraeltheCat
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, whammo said:

Oh, pleeze.  Besides all the issues above, DeLuca in a red jumpsuit is ridiculous.  No sane person confesses a white-collar crime to the police without getting a lawyer.  No sane employer calls the cops on said employee without instructing that person to get a lawyer.  Even without a lawyer to arrange self-surrender, he'd be held for arraignment/bail in a jail cell in street clothes.  He'd get a bail he could easily make, and be out on the street in a couple of hours.

If Meredith winds up in a red jumpsuit, I'm out.

Exactly my thoughts. Absurd. 

Insane that while Amelia had Tom on the phone in the one patient's room, she wouldn't have said "and oh yeah, Teddy's in labor I just had to get her to the hospital". 

I know this show is a soap, and I expect soapiness, but I do not enjoy it when we go into "but the soap part only works because normal smart people instead act incredibly dumb and don't have simple clarifying conversations" mode, a well Grey's constantly falls down. 

  • Love 13

Ugh, so much ick going on during this episode. And so many rhetorical questions. 

Meredith giving her kids a "speech" about "going away for a while"? WTH? Does she mean going to jail? What kind of mother would rather be trying to bail out her short time boyfriend and throwing her kids under the bus (the kids who lost their father in an accident a few short years before?)

Jackson and Maggie annoyed the heck out of me. I was hoping they both got lost in the woods permanently. Why did Maggie act like such a bad A$$ but allowed Jackson to carry her like she's a damsel in distress? 

Why couldn't they just sedate Blood Donor Lady? There's a sublingual Xanax derivative called Niravam. Stick a few of those under her tongue - no needles involved - and she would be able to relax enough to give blood. 

Hunky Asian Ortho Resident and his pissy face need to go away. His face when the lady started moving was soooo stooopid. It's about the patient, not YOU. Glasses needs a nicer object of his affection. 

Why was Teddy screaming her brains out her entire labor? Doesn't that hospital have any epidurals handy? If she was in so much pain, stick a needle in her back. And I was also annoyed that she never let Tom know - meanwhile Tom is gleefully and cluelessly building furniture while that baby is being pushed out. 

My final question is. . . why am I still watching? I've watched since the beginning and it's just gotten sillier and sillier. 

  • Love 16

I’m so tired of the Greys writers trying to weave political agendas into the story line. I get that it reflects what is going on in the country but it is so blatant....the dad saying-they kept us in cages, the insurance issues, the “consent talk” between tucker and Ben....i watch these shows to get away from CNN and FOX News. 

  • Love 12

I get how what Jackson said to her would be taken as condescension but I really don’t think it was meant that way. Maggie’s CRUTCH for why she feels stunted, why she never developed emotionally, why she runs, is cause she’s never experienced things cause she was bullied/younger than her peers/a genius. She falls on this all the time.

jackson discovered something he loved. He wants to share this new thing with her and maybe help her experience something new. But no, she doesn’t actually want to do anything outside her comfort zone. She wants to forever use it as why you should feel sorry for her and give her allowances for when she’s a shitty partner or when he constantly needs a third party to help steer her in her role as Jackson’s girlfriend. 

Last season I didn’t see why Jackson really fell for her and this season I don’t understand what Maggie sees in Jackson. Besides dick honestly. She claims he made her feel safe when her mother died but it’s such a retcon, he was there for her but made her feel safe? Whatever. That’s not what was shown. 

She always looks like Jackson is someone she has to put forth effort in and she would rather not but she feels she has to. I just don’t get it and Debbie Allen’s TV guide interview further proves how out of freaking touch this show is from its audience. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

Meredith giving her kids a "speech" about "going away for a while"? WTH? Does she mean going to jail? What kind of mother would rather be trying to bail out her short time boyfriend and throwing her kids under the bus (the kids who lost their father in an accident a few short years before?)

Well, she wouldn't be bailing DeLuca out because he did nothing wrong; she's the one who committed the fraud, after all, so it's not like she'd be bailing him out as much as she'd be taking responsibility (which she said clearly she was prepared to do anyway).  Why should he have to rot in jail (ridiculously) for her?  If she was so concerned about her kids' welfare, she wouldn't have committed insurance fraud by putting the name of one of her beloved children on an insurance form.  This is all on our St. Meredith the Sun, and she can deal with the consequences, not Andrew.

I hate this storyline.

I get that no one likes Maggie (I don't really either) and has historical affection for Jackson, but he 100% steamrolled her into camping.  She's completely allowed to have no interest in it and not to want to go, and he was totally dismissive of her.  For him to get pissy at her for not enjoying the thing she explicitly told him she wouldn't enjoy is shitty; he gave her basically no choice in the matter and then got assy when she didn't love the thing he all but forced her to do.  And, honestly, she didn't really get shitty with him until he turned into a condescending asshole to her.

I stand by my feelings that he should be eaten by a bear and that she should be smashed by a semi, though.

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5 hours ago, mytmo said:

Saint Benevolent Catherine now is going to pay all expenses for that child after she was adamant about no more pro bono cases?  Really you could just hire Dad making him eligible for health benefits (if he is not illegal of course).  Hell Meredith could've did this being shareholder and all.

Which is what makes the story line completely stupid. Plus, until now, we didn't know that it was Catherine who said "no" to Pro Bono, which she was for when she first showed up. So, no matter how they spin this, this story line was horrible and you could even go with Meredith paying for it herself or as you said, Saint Catherine could have hired him, have him pay a little until his full health benefits kicked in after 90 days. Oh no, we needed DRAMA and how stupid they wrote Deluca in a jumpsuit like he was thrown in without a trial. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, mytmo said:

So wondering if anyone died with Owen commandeering the ambulance for Unicorn blood lady?  Why couldn't Glasses stay behind to help the injured?  The EMT clearly was looking for help.  Wouldn't Glasses prefer helping out saving lives instead of holding Unicorn blood lady's hand and singing lullabies?  Interns past would've jumped at that chance.

The ambulance had someone in it, that's why EMT was so happy to have found Owen.  He agreed to go along with them and help the patient as long as Unicorn Blood lady could go too. Glasses could have stayed to help and see if anyone else was injured but maybe he thought he should stay with agoraphobic lady while Owen did the medical trauma stuff.

15 hours ago, cycworker said:

I am in the minority. I always felt like Owen should've been with Teddy back in season 6. He and Cristina never made sense to me. She adamantly did not want kids. So the notion that he went the more torturous route rather than seeing who was right in front of him because he felt like he deserved to be in a relationship that ultimately was unfulfilling makes sense to me. 

How rotten to Cristina, Beth, Amelia and Tom.  Well we know Teddy was only with Koracick because she couldn't have Owen because she dropped him like a hot coal as soon as Owen said he loved her.  Nice, Teddy.

But Owen put Cristina through hell in their relationship and he was only with her because he felt he didn't deserve real happiness with Teddy?  And then he did the same thing to Amelia. So he courted and married these women and tried to make them into what he wanted them to be not because he really wanted them but because he felt he didn't deserve the woman he really wanted.  In that case, why not leave them free to find their own soulmates?

The storyline, retcon or not, makes both Owen and Teddy to be horrible people.

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, esco1822 said:

I disagree here because Jo was a danger to others when she showed up drunk to work. Possibly on more than one occasion. She was also unstable to the point of Jackson realizing he needed to supervise her and had a breakdown in front of the parent of a patient. I think inpatient care was totally warranted. She was not functioning in everyday life and with her being a doctor puts patients at risk. Given the degree of the trauma, it would probably be difficult for her to deal with it and her emotions effectively while working. She needs immediate intensive therapy and i'm glad she's getting it. 

That simply means she should have been fired or given a leave of absence from the hospital. 

  • Love 2

I really kind of loathe Maggie and would not be mad or sad if she left this show forever. She is so fucking underdeveloped and opinionated and immature and just eww. My only regret would be for Meredith's daughter who has bonded with her and needs some other black people in her life. So, okay, she can stay, but keep her away from Jackson and other men.

Not feeling Meredith and DeLuca beyond that sexy Italian dialogue months ago. And all of last night's drama? Apparently it's a felony but he was stupid to lie. Meredith will get put in a diversion program and have her record expunged if she creates no more crimes, like that school superintendent in Indiana. They'll use TV law to let her keep her medical license. 

I like Amelia and her ortho god and hope they can get it together.

Poor Tom. I like him and he's the only thing that made Teddi minimally palatable for me,

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

she's the one who committed the fraud, after all, so it's not like she'd be bailing him out as much as she'd be taking responsibility (which she said clearly she was prepared to do anyway).  Why should he have to rot in jail (ridiculously) for her?  If she was so concerned about her kids' welfare, she wouldn't have committed insurance fraud by putting the name of one of her beloved children on an insurance form.  This is all on our St. Meredith the Sun, and she can deal with the consequences, not Andrew.

I know why she did it but she WOULD she do it? She's a rich surgeon and probably also has a whole lot of moolah in the bank after Derek got killed - she could pay for the kid's treatment. Or get it donated. Or start a Go Fund Me. All of those would result in treatment for the sick kid AND a stable life for St. Meredith's own children. That's pretty much telling them that "Gee kids, I know your dad is dead but treating this kid I met 10 minutes ago means more to me than the three of you do. . . so see ya later. Meredith always talks in those voice overs about how screwed up her mother was. Well, pot meet kettle. 


I’m so tired of the Greys writers trying to weave political agendas into the story line. I get that it reflects what is going on in the country but it is so blatant....the dad saying-they kept us in cages, the insurance issues, the “consent talk” between tucker and Ben....i watch these shows to get away from CNN and FOX News. 

THANK YOU. You also missed the "I'm the product of rape and my mother hates me" storyline.  I would rather see medical drama and romantic stories rather than the news as portrayed by Shandra and crew. Cos it's a DRAMA, not reality. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

How rotten to Cristina, Beth, Amelia and Tom.  Well we know Teddy was only with Koracick because she couldn't have Owen because she dropped him like a hot coal as soon as Owen said he loved her.  Nice, Teddy.

But Owen put Cristina through hell in their relationship and he was only with her because he felt he didn't deserve real happiness with Teddy?  And then he did the same thing to Amelia. So he courted and married these women and tried to make them into what he wanted them to be not because he really wanted them but because he felt he didn't deserve the woman he really wanted.  In that case, why not leave them free to find their own soulmates?

The storyline, retcon or not, makes both Owen and Teddy to be horrible people.

And...isn't what Teddy did to Tom similar if not the same thing to what Owen did to Teddy all these years, making her a second choice?

  • Love 6

I was not an Owen/Christina fan, but even I cry foul on the load of bull that Owen spewed.  I liked him and Amelia at 1st but that soon became so toxic that I wanted that to end permanently.  Teddy had already stomped on her relationship with Henry and  her treatment of Tom shows she is no better than Owen so they deserve each other. With them together other people are spared the punishment of having them as partners. 

I hope Jaggie will be done, but with the way they have been handling relationships the past few seasons I shouldn't hold my breath. 

While Bailey had a point, I could not help but remember her past transgressions. 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, preeya said:

No, they couldn't. This was a CYA gesture.

I agree it was a CYA gesture, but they still could have asked the foundation to pay for it before this all happened. Granted, the foundation can't pay for every case like this that comes up, but if this girl was so important they could have tried. Or done a million other things to try and help.

9 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I thought it was clearly shown that Jo was going in for inpatient treatment. However, unless the criteria have changed since I did intake for a psychiatric hospital, no way does she meet the criteria for inpatient treatment. Not a single one. 

Would a psychiatric hospital turn someone away if they showed up saying they need help and ask to be admitted? 

7 hours ago, Aethera said:

Exactly my thoughts. Absurd. 

Insane that while Amelia had Tom on the phone in the one patient's room, she wouldn't have said "and oh yeah, Teddy's in labor I just had to get her to the hospital". 

Yeah, it is ridiculous, but if Amelia told him she was in labor, wouldn't she also have to tell him Teddy was about to profess his love to Owen? Because when he showed up he'd see their lovefest. Maybe Amelia wanted to stay out of that minefield. 

2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

And...isn't what Teddy did to Tom similar if not the same thing to what Owen did to Teddy all these years, making her a second choice?

Yes, and it's sort of worse, because Teddy insisted to Tom before they dated that she was really over Owen and they weren't meant to be together. Granted, she was probably lying to herself, but it still really sucks for Tom.

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Yeah, it is ridiculous, but if Amelia told him she was in labor, wouldn't she also have to tell him Teddy was about to profess his love to Owen? Because when he showed up he'd see their lovefest. Maybe Amelia wanted to stay out of that minefield. 

I agree and that's why I really don't blame Amelia for not saying anything to him. She obviously can't break up with him for Teddy (over the phone, no less) and OTOH having him come to the hospital all excited about the childbirth only to witness Teddy's and Owen's newfound love would be cruel. And ultimately, it was up to Teddy. She had enough presence of mind to realize that Tom was waiting for her at home, so she should have been the one to inform him of what was going on. 

  • Love 4

The fact that nobody even thought to call Koracik pissed me off. Isn't Amelia supposed to be his friend? Why wouldn't she have thought to call him once she got Teddy to the hospital? She of all people would've understood what it's like to fall for a baby. She was in Owen's house because of Leo. She and Koracik are basically in the same position.

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I thought the fact that nobody thought to call Koracik was quite telling.  Nobody thought it was any of his business to be there for the birth, especially given that the child's father was there. 

That's too harsh. If he and Teddy were still together (and for all he knew, they were), it would absolutely be his business to be there. He and Teddy didn't just have a fling, they'd been together for months and he was there for her for whatever she needed every step of the way. I mean, he was putting together a crib for her baby, FFS. Of course, one could argue he was overly invested in the relationship/his role in raising the baby, and it's perfectly valid, but if Teddy at point had felt that was being too intrusive, she should have spoken up and told him so, instead of letting him think everything was alright. 

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, Joana said:

That's too harsh. If he and Teddy were still together (and for all he knew, they were), it would absolutely be his business to be there. He and Teddy didn't just have a fling, they'd been together for months and he was there for her for whatever she needed every step of the way. I mean, he was putting together a crib for her baby, FFS. Of course, one could argue he was overly invested in the relationship/his role in raising the baby, and it's perfectly valid, but if Teddy at point had felt that was being too intrusive, she should have spoken up and told him so, instead of letting him think everything was alright. 

I don't think it's harsh.  However, I do think that Teddy should have been clearer with him about her true feelings, instead of sitting back and just letting him pamper her like a pet poodle.  

  • Love 6
On 5/16/2019 at 9:20 PM, deaja said:

In the last scene when he was “emotional” I literally thought he was portraying mad when he was portraying touched.

I was going to wait until I finished reading the thread, but I saw this and actually laughed out loud. I was thinking the same thing! Was he pissed? Is he having second thoughts? Does he feel relief? Does he feel like dancing? Is he plotting to kill Contacts? I have no fucking clue because the actor CANNOT ACT!

  • LOL 3
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If Teddy knew that she didn't have feelings for Koracick and just let him get her an apartment, go with her to childbirth classes and plan for a future together, she was taking advantage of him.  As was Owen when he married Cristina and Amelia when he really wanted Teddy but thought he didn't deserve her.

I've been in labour, there are are times when you're not in pain or actively pushing. Teddy should have thought to tell Koracick that she was having the baby.  When she was waiting in the car for Amelia to figure out a way out of the traffic jam would have been a time to do it.

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Would a psychiatric hospital turn someone away if they showed up saying they need help and ask to be admitted?

Yes, sadly.  I was working as a volunteer counsellor in the emergency department of my local hospital when a man came in very stressed and asking to see someone right away. I took the information, called the on-call psych associate and was told to send him home with an appointment for the next day. I still think it was the wrong call.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

I was going to wait until I finished reading the thread, but I saw this and actually laughed out loud. I was thinking the same thing! Was he pissed? Is he having second thoughts? Does he feel relief? Does he feel like dancing? Is he plotting to kill Contacts? I have no fucking clue because the actor CANNOT ACT!

Ah, but see, this is true romance! According to Grey's Anatomy, of course.


And we thought Minnick was bad. 

  • LOL 10
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Okay, well...the baby was cute? (Shouldn't there have been a nurse or two around for the delivery, too?)

On 5/16/2019 at 5:06 PM, GSMHvisitor said:

I agree that they should just end Jaggie. This camping trip made me dislike both of them (Maggie more though), when I'm usually indifferent towards them.

God, they're annoying to watch when they argue. What was Jackson planning to do out there with the flashlight, anyway? Shining a light into a fog bank makes it even harder to see. That's why you don't turn on your high beams when driving in fog. I was half expecting him to step out of the car (in his dark clothes next to his dark car in the middle of the street) and get taken out by a passing truck. He already fell into a creek because he wasn't watching where he was going. Just pull over and stay there until the weather clears. Jeez.

12 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I thought it was clearly shown that Jo was going in for inpatient treatment. However, unless the criteria have changed since I did intake for a psychiatric hospital, no way does she meet the criteria for inpatient treatment. Not a single one. 

I feel like she shouldn't be getting inpatient psych care at the hospital where she works, either. I assume other local hospitals have psychiatrists, too.

7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Every time Bailey climbs on her high horse and becomes sanctimonious, I simply remember the deactivated HIV virus.

I laughed when she brought up the LVAD wire. Pretty sure deliberately cutting a wire that is keeping someone from dying would be considered a criminal act, too, in normal world. And being an intern wouldn't make you any less culpable.

  • Love 9

I'm not even sure why HAOJ wasn't shirtless during that scene. Surely they could have crammed it in given his probable contract? It would have even worked! For once! They were being cuddly! (Or he was intensely plotting to kill Contacts, in which case it would certainly have added to his intensity.)

Edited by displayname
  • LOL 6
On 5/16/2019 at 9:10 PM, Laurie4H said:

I don’t get why they had to commit insurance fraud.  Couldn’t Meredith and others involved just pay for the surgery?  I’m sure they could afford it.  

Some of the dialogue is just cringeworthy even more than usual this episode.  

That's one reason why shows need to finish after 5 seasons. The writers get worse with every season, they run out of ideas, the actors start to suck, they fire people to make more money that goes to the producers, actors who cannot act get too comfortable doing a shitty job because that's their bread and butter and as long as they don't care about quality, they are employed and don't give a fuck about the art. Did I mention that the writers cannot write? A medical drama becomes a superhero/mafia/fantasy/pastiche/bad comedy/overdramatic whatever, that has little resemblance with medicine - unless you count impossible plots where a little kid is given 30 minutes of chest compressions and a little blood gets him awake and asking to play - hahaha/awn/yikes/ugh.

There are very few shows that can stay interesting for more than five seasons. Medical shows try to copy ER but they can't. ER, with al the problems, is still good. It showed how nurses are overworked and underpaid, for example. Grey's shows doctors being forever children, or over sexualized teens, and they are all selfish. But that's true for all Shondaland productions, so the link is clear to me.

Note: I don't even try to watch it anymore. I tried for a while last year because of some plot lines, then I got bored, just as I did after trying to watch the first seasons, on and off.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, alexvillage said:

That's one reason why shows need to finish after 5 seasons. The writers get worse with every season, they run out of ideas, the actors start to suck, they fire people to make more money that goes to the producers, actors who cannot act get too comfortable doing a shitty job because that's their bread and butter and as long as they don't care about quality, they are employed and don't give a fuck about the art. Did I mention that the writers cannot write? A medical drama becomes a superhero/mafia/fantasy/pastiche/bad comedy/overdramatic whatever, that has little resemblance with medicine - unless you count impossible plots where a little kid is given 30 minutes of chest compressions and a little blood gets him awake and asking to play - hahaha/awn/yikes/ugh.

There are very few shows that can stay interesting for more than five seasons. Medical shows try to copy ER but they can't. ER, with al the problems, is still good. It showed how nurses are overworked and underpaid, for example. Grey's shows doctors being forever children, or over sexualized teens, and they are all selfish. But that's true for all Shondaland productions, so the link is clear to me.

Note: I don't even try to watch it anymore. I tried for a while last year because of some plot lines, then I got bored, just as I did after trying to watch the first seasons, on and off.

And by the end of the series, ER had a completely different cast than the start. One of the issues with Grey's is the title--it kind of has to center around Meredith (I guess it could have switched to a different Grey...). They hang on to many characters way longer than they have a decent plot for them.

As for this episode specifically, as a finale, I think one of the main issues for me is that they were trying to focus on too many plots at once. I feel the best finales of Grey's had them all together dealing with the same issue (like the hospital shooter or the plane crash). Of course, it's over the top to have some major disaster every finale. At the same time, focusing on just a couple plotlines in this one would have made it more effective. It's like you would go from the high-stakes blood donor for the boy to...Maggie and Jackson's camping woes to Teddy giving birth in a fairly straightforward delivery (well, aside from the whole Owen confessing his love--I think if I was in the middle of giving birth, I'd just be like, "shut up until I'm done!"). And Jo getting needed treatment. Oh right, and the whole insurance fraud thing. And Contacts and HAOG. I still feel like I'm forgetting something.

As for Jo going inpatient, she did seem to be having difficulty functioning. Like just laying in bed all day, not really being willing to talk about what happened (except to Meredith), the going to work drunk, saying something suggestive of wanting to die. I think she was a good candidate for voluntary inpatient. Could she have been forced to go legally on a psych hold without seeming more of an immediate threat to herself (or others)? Doubtful. But voluntary, as long as there are beds available--she might be able to get help more quickly than once or twice weekly therapy sessions. Though as someone mentiond, intensive outpatient might have been a better choice, I imagine many viewers wouldn't be familiar with that, so they'd have to do a big explanation. While just showing "Psychiatric Inpatient" on the door was enough.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I hated when Amelia said to the cop that there was a large baby coming out of a small person ( or something like that) why couldn’t she just say that someone was in labor?  Such cutesy clever writing is just unrealistic and doesn’t always work.  

Me too!  I’m like, you’re a fricking doctor (and an ADULT)!  Talk normal!  It was just so stupid and annoying to me.

  • Love 11

I’m glad Jo is getting the help she needs.

I’ve been a bit uncomfortable with the whole storyline, due to how her mother has been spoken about as being in the wrong and as if she did something terrible to Jo - rather than being recognised as the victim that she was/is.

I get that Jo is depressed, and that Meredith and Alex are her people so they want to support her, but I feel that they’ve all been quite dismissive of the trauma that Jo’s mother went through and is still living with. 

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, sadly.  I was working as a volunteer counsellor in the emergency department of my local hospital when a man came in very stressed and asking to see someone right away. I took the information, called the on-call psych associate and was told to send him home with an appointment for the next day. I still think it was the wrong call.

That is really sad.

15 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I feel like she shouldn't be getting inpatient psych care at the hospital where she works, either. I assume other local hospitals have psychiatrists, too.

Everyone on this show gets medical treatment at the hospital where they work. I think when Meredith was in therapy it was at the hospital too, although not in patient.

At least they didn’t ramp up the drama to an even greater degree by having Amelia deliver Teddy’s baby in the car.  I thought that was where they were going at first.

TV births do tend to overdo the screaming, but as she seemed pretty far along in the labor when she arrived at the hospital, I can buy that she didn’t have time for an epidural.  Been there, done that.

I totally agree there should have been at least one nurse in the room during the delivery.

I don’t hate Teddy and Owen (unpopular opinion), but they have screwed over enough people that care about them that at the point I am ready for them to take their baby and to ride off into the sunset (also known as getting onto a plane to Germany.)

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I hated when Amelia said to the cop that there was a large baby coming out of a small person ( or something like that) why couldn’t she just say that someone was in labor?  Such cutesy clever writing is just unrealistic and doesn’t always work.  

That was so annoying. I don't buy that a doctor would talk to a cop that way when explaining that there is a medical emergency going on in her car.

40 minutes ago, Libby96 said:

TV births do tend to overdo the screaming, but as she seemed pretty far along in the labor when she arrived at the hospital, I can buy that she didn’t have time for an epidural.  Been there, done that.

My friend's second kid came so fast there wasn't time. She woke up around 3:30am and realized she was in labor shortly afterwards. Called her sister (who lives upstairs) to watch her daughter, got to the hospital about 4:30, and he was born a little after 5. The nurse assured her they'd give her good drugs afterward and she was like, "that's great but it doesn't help me now!"

  • Love 2

I have a question about Unicorn Blood Lady. So there's this Unicorn Blood Lady and she lives in London. Wouldn't there be a special kind of blood bank where her Special Unicorn Blood could be stored for emergencies like this? She won't live forever (especially if she hangs out in Seattle where there's fog and rain and sunshine all at the same time) and it would be a shame to let all of that Special Unicorn Blood go to waste.

I did enjoy the actress, though. I was waiting for Owen to fall in love with her. Isn't she the only woman he hasn't fallen in love with on the show? (I too forgot about DeLuca's sister.)

And Tom. Poor Tom. I think it was even worse that his pal Amelia didn't think to call him about the impending birth. They're pals, right?

The best part of the Contacts story is Contacts' mom. And is his boyfriend sad, mad, unhappy, happy, constipated? As you all have said, he just can't act. At the beginning of the season, I thought they were going for aloof, but it's not that. Maybe the chicken noodle soup will help.

As for Jo's heading off to the psych ward, my partner has committed himself several times over the course of many years. You walk in and say you think you're not safe, that you might harm yourself or others, and they take you. (They want your money, you see. Just like "regular" hospitals.) I liked that Jo wasn't magically cured after one session with someone like Owen's shrink.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, WendyM said:

I have a question about Unicorn Blood Lady. So there's this Unicorn Blood Lady and she lives in London. Wouldn't there be a special kind of blood bank where her Special Unicorn Blood could be stored for emergencies like this? She won't live forever (especially if she hangs out in Seattle where there's fog and rain and sunshine all at the same time) and it would be a shame to let all of that Special Unicorn Blood go to waste.

According to the Red Cross website: Red cells can only be stored for about 6 weeks. (Platelets are kept only 5 days; some components can be frozen for up to a year.)

  • Useful 1

Good final episode. Immediately I want to include the following, but it is not there, and we should wait until the fall.

One thing pleases is that Owen will definitely be with Teddy. That's just for Koracick hurt ... He tried so hard, tried so hard, and all his efforts, all the love, all the support went to pieces. And most importantly, Teddy knew that he was assembling a cot for her baby, but did not even bother to call. Sadly

For Alex and Joe very happy! I hope Joe will recover and everything will be fine for them.

But Maggie and Jackson, I feel, can break up. Too much they hurt each other expressed. And in general, it scares me that Jackson has been gone for a long time. Maybe something happened to him in the fog?

I wonder how the situation with dismissal will end. After all, Pompeo has signed a contract for another 2 seasons, which means Meredith will definitely return to the hospital, because they will not be able to show it just outside its walls. But if you return only her, it will be too unfair to DeLuca and Webber.

On 5/18/2019 at 5:53 AM, Joana said:

Ah, but see, this is true romance! According to Grey's Anatomy, of course.

The most touching moment in the series! Thank you Grey's Anatomy! But I just love Asian dramas and bromance too much, so if I had more such gentle gatherings, I would fly in the sky with happiness ...😍

Edited by Friendly kitty
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, WendyM said:

I have a question about Unicorn Blood Lady. So there's this Unicorn Blood Lady and she lives in London. Wouldn't there be a special kind of blood bank where her Special Unicorn Blood could be stored for emergencies like this? She won't live forever (especially if she hangs out in Seattle where there's fog and rain and sunshine all at the same time) and it would be a shame to let all of that Special Unicorn Blood go to waste.

There are import/export laws about the shipment of organs and blood. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

According to the Red Cross website: Red cells can only be stored for about 6 weeks. (Platelets are kept only 5 days; some components can be frozen for up to a year.)

1 hour ago, kariyaki said:

There are import/export laws about the shipment of organs and blood. 

Ahhhh, thank you! But I have to say, reality hasn't stopped them from bending the facts a little, right? Although I guess there'd be no story at all without an Agoraphobic Unicorn Blood Lady. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, WendyM said:

Ahhhh, thank you! But I have to say, reality hasn't stopped them from bending the facts a little, right? Although I guess there'd be no story at all without an Agoraphobic Unicorn Blood Lady. 

Good point. Where's the drama in "kid needs rare blood, we find willing donor with rare blood, rare blood gets sent to us, kid lives"?

Edited by ams1001
  • Love 2

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