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S17.E05: High Fashion to High Street

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Rakan making fun of Sebastian's look? Whose look was called genie-like? Hmmm.

Not a fan of Rakan. He's too stubborn. If he can't make it work in his wheelhouse, he doesn't even try. When he can make it work, he does some nice stuff, but otherwise, he skates by and pouts.

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35 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

There should have been a double elimination.  Kovid and Jamal.  I like Kovid on the first episode,  it his non stop hammering made me dislike him.  Not sorry to see him go.  There should been a double win.  Bishme and Venne.  

agree on all counts

bishme's was gorgeous but venne's was so flattering to the model

kovid is a sweetheart but this contest was not for him and I think it was not a good experience for him

that thing on hester's girl would have gotten her in the bottom 3 in my opinion, but I don't know streetwear...…...that flimsy skirt was awful

I was worried about my favorite, Sebastian, because they kept showing him looking unhappy and Christian did not talk to him, so I am relieved he is still there, though his did not meet the challenge either

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Jamal, you should thank your lucky stars that Kovid has been in the bottom so many times.  Otherwise, you would have been out.  That was in no way street wear!  And how in the hell did you get young black people on the street (isn’t that what he said) and Elizabethan, 18th Century in the same sentence!  What??????  

I didn’t really know anything about Rakan before this episode but now I do.  And now I want you gone.  You want to dismiss Christian?  You want to do your own thing?  Fine, soon you won’t have to see Christian and will be free to eat lunch and chill all you wish.  You will not be long for this show hopefully.  

And Tessa, shut the hell up about who you think will be gone or needs to go.  She can go too, as far as I’m concerned.  Just because I agreed with you doesn’t make it okay in the stew room.

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9 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Bishme's jacket was really awesome.  I considered buying it but I don't think I can carry off that much of a strong shoulder.  I already am bigger in that area even though I'm a smaller gal.  Swimmer lol.

I also wouldn't spend $300 on a sparkly bomber jacket, but I'm probably not the target audience anyway.

I was happy with the top three and the bottom three.   I liked both Bishme and Venny's designs a lot.   Garo's was pretty but didn't seem to be streetwear to me.    Jamall and Rakan were lucky that Kovid has been camping out in the bottom a lot thus far.  I thought Jamall's was actually the worst thing in the runway.  Rakan missed an opportunity.  He could have taken the Syrian streetwear inspiration and adapted it to a NYC kind of vibe, but he didn't.  He went basic as heck and then went to enjoy a meal. That will put him on greased skids out the door in future episodes unless he makes substantial changes.

Sebastian's look was a little costume-y, but I easily could see a singer wearing that on stage.  A few tweaks and it could be interesting streetwear.

Edited by terrymct
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11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I like Christian as mentor but some people need to eat especially if they have diabetes. 

OK, but three diabetics? Doubtful. And they were sitting leisurely, talking and laughing and taking their time, while the models stood around waiting to be fitted. It is a competition. It would be wise to take on a bit of a sense of urgency.

10 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

He's lucky he had Kovid as a shield this week.  Next time you dismiss Christian with a wave of your fork and mutter "drama" you better be able to back that up.

That was really something. It was arrogant and dismissive. I haven't been a fan of Rakan's, he hangs onto his idea like a pit bull and is very resistant to any suggestions or feedback. Which would be fine if his stuff was genius. It isn't.

7 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Yay for Bishme!  He seems like a genuinely nice guy.  His joking around with Tessa also makes her more tolerable to me (as in, if he likes her she must be ok).  Anyway, I really liked the shirt and his take on a bomber jacket, though with the exaggerated shoulders it's not something a broad-shouldered me could ever wear.

Venny's look was also great and it was sweet that he was brought to tears by the judges words.  Didn't care for Garo's.  As others have said, the corset looked like a back brace.

Poor Jamall.  He is struggling not just with the constraints of the challenges, but with who he is as a man and a designer.  I didn't realize he was only 23!

I'm one of the few who still liked Kovid so while it was time for him to go, I'm still sad about it.  His exit was as gracious and heartfelt as they come.

I liked Kovid too. But I was glad he was finally eliminated--clearly the pressure cooker of a reality show is not the place for him. I hope he continues to find joy everywhere and sashay through life.

Jamall is from Providence, so I guess recent RISD grad? Providence is chockablock with artsy types and great restaurants (JWU culinary school is there), it a great city. I think he, like Kovid, is not cut out for the rough and tumble of a reality TV show's punishing schedule and goldfish bowl existence. I hope he finds his feet soon.

I didn't like Garo's much and I don't like him much either. He's so patronizing and "above it all". He has the air of someone who's deigning to grace the proles with his presence. Its off putting. And I like a good corset as much as anyone. But change it up a little.

I loved Sebastian's, but not for this challenge! I liked Renee's, too. I was thinking of the old cartoon "Hey Arnold!", which was what I probably would have used as my inspiration too!

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Good riddance to Kovid!  Why did he get so much air time??  There are other interesting designers with interesting stories!  Now maybe we'll get to hear from/about some other designers.

I'm glad Bishme won.  We lived in Baltimore for 15 years, and I know the Greenmount area well.  I thought he did a great job and deserved the win!

Edited by Julia67
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3 hours ago, dleighg said:

For random reasons I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen young men's boxer shorts in quite a while. And that's a good thing.

This look has evolved where I live (Detroit area).  The other day I saw a pair of pants hanging on for dear life to something spandex in a matching color.  And I still can't help but wonder - why?

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12 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Is Hester going to dress in a way that matches her models every (not camping in nature) week?  They’ve given up the idea of blind judging right?  If not, she’s giving that away.

+1.    Hester designs for one customer: Herself.

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I'm glad Kovid got the boot, because he got way too much camera time, and I really don't want to watch another scene of him meditating, or crying. However, he took the elimination like a champ, and really did sashay away! 😂 

However, Jamall really should have been sent home. I really question Jamall's taste, and skill  level. His designs oversized puffy sleeping bag chic, but these week he went for a very odd Elizabethian style dress that was poorly executed, and the complete opposite of street wear. You could tell Dapper Dan was thinking 'WTF' while viewing that garment. 

Hester's design was ugly, and it didn't read street to me. It read K-Pop meets Barbie in a Pepto Bismol factory accident. 

Rakan needs to go next. Not only does his attitude stink, but so does his fashion. 

Tessa is definitely a shit disturber/mean girl. 

Venny is awesome. Definitely deserved to win it too. 

My fav look was Renee's take on tuxedo wear. I'd buy that look, and would also  buy Bishme's jacket. I'm glad he got the win and you could tell it meant a lot to him. 

Now that Kovid is gone I hope there is more focus on some of the other designers like Lela and Sonja. Lela in particular interests me. I like her aesthetic, and she seems well liked by the other designers. 

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10 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Dapper Dan is one of the most influential designers alive.  He combined designer and hip-hop fashion and is STILL being copied. 

If you don't know Dapper Dan, you don't know fashion.

I guess I don't know fashion then because when I hear Dapper Dan I think hair pomade.

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45 minutes ago, Emkat said:

I guess I don't know fashion then because when I hear Dapper Dan I think hair pomade.

I'm even worse.  I kept thinking "Disco Dan" who was a famous graffiti tagger/artist in the Washington DC area in the late 1990's.   I kept thinking, wow, Dan has really done well for himself since he put down the spray paint can....then I'd remember that this is an entirely different man with a distinguished career.

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11 hours ago, Ashforth said:

Dapper Dan is one of the most influential designers alive.  He combined designer and hip-hop fashion and is STILL being copied. 

If you don't know Dapper Dan, you don't know fashion.

I for sure do not know fashion and have never really followed it.  I don't have an eye for it and most of my clothes come from places like Ann Taylor and Nordy's after I see them on a mannequin (it is why I'm always amazed at this show-the designers are SO creative).  But I googled Dapper Dan after seeing everyone's reactions to him and I recognized his influences in celebrity pictures, but had never attributed it to him. I'll add his upcoming memoir to my reading list-looks like it will be good.  My real takeaway was that he is 74.  SEVENTY FOUR. I need to give up drinking too!

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Didn't think it was really 'street', but I would so have worn Garo's tweed dress back when I had a 23 inch waist. 

I can totally see Kylie Jenner squeezing herself into Venne's outfit. Remind me, has a curvy model had a win yet?

Bishme's look made more of an impact than Venne's on the runway, but I wasn't crazy about the parochial school uniform pants or the yellow stilettos.

Glad Kovid won't be sucking up screen time going forward. The worst thing about his look wasn't the Dorothy Zbornak vest, the gauchos from the Goodwill 50 cent rack, or the Sears tank top from back when we wore suits to work- it was the inexplicable non-colors.

Loved Elaine's judging outfit; I wanted to see her stand up in that. I'm not sure what Karlie was wearing, and the others were smart enough to know they couldn't carry off 'street', either due to age or pudge.

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That Teen Vogue editor continues to make me cringe. Her look was like a suburban mom's idea of street wear--like she went to the costume shop and bought "90s hip hop" costume.

Brandon impressed me with his quick response: Yeah you're like 20. You're not supposed to know who you are. But you are supposed to be able to design clothing. (Brandon and Christian are both proof of that.)

And I was impressed with his closing remarks to Kovid about the "cyclical nature of fashion," which were kind and wise.

I agreed with the winning and losing look.

Edited by anonymiss
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2 hours ago, Pj3422 said:

I would’ve added Lela to the bottom. That outfit looked like Eileen Fisher’s take on Luke Skywalker’s 1977 uniform. (But I’m still loving this season!)

The one with the green, right? I also thought Star Wars, but Jedi wife territory. "Honey, come in and get some blue milk!"

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Well, it was time for Kovid to go, it's just one week too late. His outfit to me read 1970 Sears Catalog. Nothing cool or street about it.

I laughed my ass off at Christian and Jamall's interaction: "Oh - you're making a fit and flare and it's a street wear challenge......" I loooove Christian! I hope Jamall is next to go - he has sent nothing but absolute garbage every single week. And his answers were completely nonsensical when he was trying to justify what he was doing.......wft is a 18th century elizabethan puffer dress for street wear?!?? Just nooooooo..........

Tessa can take a seat. Who made her the arbiter of taste when she just sent out an all black yoga outfit I could walk into Target and purchase right now. Hell, maybe Walmart as well........

I really didn't think Rakan's was that bad. I agree with whatever judge said the pants would have been better a little more low rise with pockets, kind of like the pants Karly was wearing, but I actually liked his top and the little bolero. I thought Hester's Barbie outfit was worse - the pink bike shorts with organza topper were an assault to  my eyes......

I see why Bishme won, but I was really pulling for Venny - he seemed so moved by meeting Dapper Dan, and I thought his dress was a better choice for the flash sale. Also, he is one of the only designers to really make his "plus" model look awesome. To me, this says that dress is going to look good on a lot of people. I think Bishme won because of the jacket alone because I thought the pants didn't look very good in the crotch region. And maybe I don't know what street is, but I just didn't see it in what Garo made. It was ugly tweed, and I though the corset/neck brace plus hideous sneakers just looked weird.

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1 hour ago, jmcd44 said:

I for sure do not know fashion and have never really followed it.  I don't have an eye for it and most of my clothes come from places like Ann Taylor and Nordy's after I see them on a mannequin (it is why I'm always amazed at this show-the designers are SO creative).  But I googled Dapper Dan after seeing everyone's reactions to him and I recognized his influences in celebrity pictures, but had never attributed it to him. I'll add his upcoming memoir to my reading list-looks like it will be good.  My real takeaway was that he is 74.  SEVENTY FOUR. I need to give up drinking too!

It's interesting what you learn if you take the time to educate yourself, isn't it?  It's easy to dismiss a little Black man in 'funny' glasses but you miss an amazing story,  I would suggest more people do what @jmcd44 did.

Dapper Dan created a style that others copied and built empires (looking at you, Tommy).  African-American street-style (along with gay street style) are two of the biggest influences in contemporary fashion.  What Black kids and the LGBTQ community are wearing today, the rest of us will be wearing in two years. 

I would definitely recommend his book; it's great!

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I really and truly thought we'd get a double elimination of Kovid and Jamall and they'd bring back Afa after realizing that they had not taken into consideration that his design last week did in fact do a good job with the challenge in relation to where he is from. They could have looked good by righting their bad and gotten rid of dead weight. 

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37 minutes ago, Corgi-ears said:

Meanwhile, Hester, who claims to have been thrown out of fashion school and possibly life because she's such a rebel who doesn't like to follow rules, diagnoses Rakan's problem: "He doesn't follow rules."

Hester's college thing is a whole bunch of word salad.  This is from her bio on the PR website:


Hester attended Parsons School of Design with a double major through Eugene Lang College. Unfortunately, she was kicked out of Parsons during her junior year and finished her degree abroad at Central Saint Martins in London before returning to complete her major at Eugene Lang. She proudly holds degrees in fashion design, history, and theory.

Ok, so she was going to Lang, which is a liberal arts college within The New School in NYC.  Parsons is also a part of The New School.  The New School offers a BA/BFA that involves both schools (Lang and Parsons).   She must have washed out of the program based on her performance in the Parsons classes.

Off to London to regroup.  That's understandable.  

Then she must have returned to the New School and finished the BA side of the BA/BFA degree.     So she has a degree from the school in London and one from Lang/New School.

Boy, she and the website both make that more confusing than it needs to be.   How do you get kicked out of Parson's?  By insisting on doing nothing but embroidering "edgy" statements on berets?  

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Sebastian says he knows nothing about Dapper Dan. At least I'm not the only one.

I'm watching now, haven't read any posts so I may repeat what others have said.

I don't think furs and diamonds represent class. How a person behaves represents class to me. (I know there's lots of different meanings regarding class.)

Hester looks different, maybe less makeup, at the beginning of this episode.

Kovid's sketches look like something Dmitry would make.

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42 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I really and truly thought we'd get a double elimination of Kovid and Jamall and they'd bring back Afa after realizing that they had not taken into consideration that his design last week did in fact do a good job with the challenge in relation to where he is from. They could have looked good by righting their bad and gotten rid of dead weight. 

Yes, seems unfair for Afa to be gone when they could have dumped Kovid last week and Jamal this week.

I'm not sure why Jamal just didn't do one of his signature puffer jackets this week?  Certainly that would be more streetwear than a tea party dress??

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I wish they would include people's names more. This one guy has really cool fabric and I wish I knew who he is. He is doing 18th-century (?) Elizabethan street chic. I'd think that would be 16th century. Otherwise abundance, etc., sounds good. (Later I see his name is Jamal.)

What kind of machine were Sebastian and Tessa using?

Rakan's inspiration is interesting. Plus he doesn't look down on farmers!

Sebastian's gold pants are nice! If Jamal is going to do all that quilting on a model considered "plus size", he needs to exaggerate the proportions - such as shoulders and hips to make the waist look smaller.

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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jamall is from Providence, so I guess recent RISD grad? Providence is chockablock with artsy types and great restaurants (JWU culinary school is there), it a great city. I think he, like Kovid, is not cut out for the rough and tumble of a reality TV show's punishing schedule and goldfish bowl existence. I hope he finds his feet soon.

Yeah, he is RISD class of 2017 and the show was filming in the fall of 2018. So he’d have been out of school a bit over a year at that point.

I think one of his problems is that (looking at stuff he has out there) he has been too true to himself and isn’t adapting to the requirements and aesthetics of the specific challenges. (Though even given that I don’t know where this week’s came from.)

Edited by QuantumMechanic
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28 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

What kind of machine were Sebastian and Tessa using?

I wondered about that as well ... at first I thought there just weren't enough sewing machines to go around and that sounded ridiculous ... has there always been a situation in the work room where people had to share certain pieces of equipment? Sounds like a GREAT way to create friction. 

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3 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I wondered about that as well ... at first I thought there just weren't enough sewing machines to go around and that sounded ridiculous ... has there always been a situation in the work room where people had to share certain pieces of equipment? Sounds like a GREAT way to create friction. 

I'd have to go back and check, but I think it was a coverstitch machine, which is a specialised machine used to make hems on knit garments. Though, it could have also been a serger, that's used to stitch seams on knits and finish raw edges. Often, there may be only one serger or coverstitch per thread colour (as it uses anywhere from 2-5 spools of thread per colour), so it is legit that there may be only one of those machines.

Edited by hula-la
that was some bad spelling there!
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Oh here come's Tessa with her latest in judgmental pronouncements. The person who only does black of course knows everything.

That workroom clock sure is dirty.

Hester's model reminds me of a model used in season 5 - I'm pretty sure it was that season. The model I'm thinking of was in Leanne's final collection wearing white.

Kovid's look is kind of like what he's wearing on the runway.

I like this season - it seems like this season is more like how Project Runway should be.

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4 hours ago, Emkat said:
15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Dapper Dan is one of the most influential designers alive.  He combined designer and hip-hop fashion and is STILL being copied. 

If you don't know Dapper Dan, you don't know fashion.

I guess I don't know fashion then because when I hear Dapper Dan I think hair pomade.

Ha! I used to use a mobile dog groomer called Dapper Dan’s. I had no idea. 🤦‍♀️

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Kovid was exhausting to watch and listen to during his stay on this show so I am very glad that he was aufed.  I started watching "What we do in the shadows" about Vampires living on Staten Island and one of the vampires sucks the energy out of people (instead of blood) and I realized that was exactly the affect that Kovid had on me.  When he was finally eliminated I just wanted him to go but instead he gave a monologue.  Sigh.

I feel that more of these contestants are trying to make a name for themselves rather than win this competition.  It also seemed like some of the contestants weren't worried about the challenge as they kind of have an attitude that they only have to be better than the worst one rather than try to win.  Once the easy fodder are eliminated it will be interesting to see what the designers start creating.

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I just noticed that the first prize for this season is only $50,000! What's up with that? If I were one of the designers, I would be really annoyed. PR always paid $100,000 and All Stars was $250,000. 

But I assume that none of these designers have ever actually watched this show, since they were all so shocked (shocked, I tell you!) that they had a one day challenge, when that was the rule, not the exception on the Lifestyle series. 

I confess that I, too, had never heard of Dandy Dan. But then again, I'm a 68 year old suburban white woman who really doesn't claim to know anything about fashion. I just enjoy watching the competition. 

I really had no idea what street wear was supposed to be, but even I could tell that the brocade party dress horror was not it. 

My feeling about Logos is this, however.  If I am going to advertise some designer's clothing, I expect to be paid, not the other way around. I don't mind small discrete logos, but will not wear anything that has "Ralph Lauren," or "Michael Kors" for example, plastered across the front of it. So I was very glad not to see that on the models this week, when they were talking about logos. 

Glad to see Kovid go. That ramps the drama down a whole lot. Right now I am rooting for Sebastian, but he has been off this past couple of weeks. Hope he ramps things up. 

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6 minutes ago, Jodithgrace said:

I just noticed that the first prize for this season is only $50,000! What's up with that? If I were one of the designers, I would be really annoyed. PR always paid $100,000 and All Stars was $250,000.

Actually, there is a prize of $50,000 to go to their design studio but also a $250,000 prize.

From the Bravo website:

”The wining designer will receive the largest prize in the show's history — $250,000 furnished by the Pilot's FriXion Erasable Gel Ink Pen — a feature in ELLE, and his or her own featured role in a Bluprint digital series as well as $50,000 to put toward their own design studio also courtesy of Bluprint. Plus, for the first time ever, Project Runway is partnering with one of the most prestigious organizations in fashion, CFDA (The Council of Fashion Designers of America) for a one-on-one mentorship including all the tools and connections to create, grow, and sustain a business in fashion.”

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Kovid was finally put out of his--and our--misery. 

Rakan and Jamal are not far behind, and soon we'll be down to the truly talented.  I'm looking forward to that.  (Though I have a fond wish that the Magic Elves will gin up a reason to bring Afa back.)

I can't stand that some of these wanna-be designers are dissing Christian and his advice because...why?  Is it because he's not Tim?  Is it because his small physical stature isn't imposing and authoritative?   Is it because their egos can't deal with substantive and specific advice instead of vague "Make it work!" aphorisms?   Hmph.

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Just now, kirklandia said:

I was curious about Tessa's skirt/pants, but never got a good look at them.

If you go to the Bravo Project Runway website you can see all of the looks from the runway.

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No matter how I feel about Kovid, I appreciated how genuinely sad Karli and Christian seemed at his aufing. I also appreciated that Elaine attempted to dress to fit the challenge, maybe Nina and Karli did to a certain extent as well. Whether or not they succeeded is a matter of mileage, but it does give some context for where they're coming from in terms of their judging.

Brandon is really impressing me with his comments!

I also liked how Christian is so personally invested in how well the contestants are doing, so much so that he was having (rightfully) real issues with the casual dining during the model fitting, and how dismissive the designers were towards him (and by extension, the models). His comments to the designers in the workroom were right on, and although he may have been criticized by some (not me) for giving too specific design directives, this episode was a reminder that ultimately it's the designer's choice whether or not to listen. And if Rakan and Jamal can't listen, that prize of a mentorship at the CFDA would be wasted on them anyway.

From a what I would wear perspective (if I could afford it) Renee's outfit, Bishme's and Venny's. Ms Minimalist's, but only because as someone pointed out, that's a basic ensemble that's readily available right now.

Hester's was an abomination. I feel like I've seen that on the clearance rack in the junior's section......twenty years ago. Getting tired of how the show keeps trying to use her as a narrator.

I was totally relieved that Sebastian was safe, although that outfit was....not good. So sad that we didn't get to see Afa's take on this challenge!

I really like Dapper Dan in the workroom, and that the guest judge was recommended by him with real cred in the fashion world.

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17 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Dapper Dan is one of the most influential designers alive.  He combined designer and hip-hop fashion and is STILL being copied. 

If you don't know Dapper Dan, you don't know fashion.

I guess I don't know fashion. I read the blurb for the episode and thought, "Wasn't Dapper Dan one of those dolls with all the zippers and snaps and buttons and laces so kids could learn to button and tie their own stuff?"

Not being completely ignorant, however, when Karli mentioned casual wear becoming luxurious, I thought of what used to be called old-money people. They didn't dress formally all the time, but their casual clothes were what I would consider luxurious. Sure, the clothes weren't necessarily sparkly or furry, but they were made of top quality fabrics. If sparkles and fur had been appropriate for the venue or activity the wearers were going to or doing, they would have worn sparkles or fur.

14 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

There was a strong case for Jamall to be auf'ed--- he didn't even attempt to make street wear, he made a dress for ladies who lunch!

I don't think ladies who lunch would have been caught dead in that mess.

8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I didn't like Garo's much and I don't like him much either. He's so patronizing and "above it all". He has the air of someone who's deigning to grace the proles with his presence. Its off putting.

I think that must be what I don't like about him. He always seems to me to have a superior look on his face, like he's waiting for the judges to tell him how great he is.

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4 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I guess I don't know fashion. I read the blurb for the episode and thought, "Wasn't Dapper Dan one of those dolls with all the zippers and snaps and buttons and laces so kids could learn to button and tie their own stuff?"

Ha! I was just searching for images for this very thing!


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7 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

I for sure do not know fashion and have never really followed it.  I don't have an eye for it and most of my clothes come from places like Ann Taylor and Nordy's after I see them on a mannequin (it is why I'm always amazed at this show-the designers are SO creative).  But I googled Dapper Dan after seeing everyone's reactions to him and I recognized his influences in celebrity pictures, but had never attributed it to him. I'll add his upcoming memoir to my reading list-looks like it will be good.  My real takeaway was that he is 74.  SEVENTY FOUR. I need to give up drinking too!

Hi @jmcd44! Just for the sake of clarity, I didn't post the comment you quoted, @mightysparrow did. The quote function here leaves something to be desired (or at least I don't know how to use it properly, because I wasn't able to quote your whole post). Like you, I had to google Dapper Dan. 😊

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4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I started watching "What we do in the shadows" about Vampires living on Staten Island and one of the vampires sucks the energy out of people (instead of blood) and I realized that was exactly the affect that Kovid had on me.

The Colin/Evie of PR! 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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2 hours ago, auntlada said:

I guess I don't know fashion. I read the blurb for the episode and thought, "Wasn't Dapper Dan one of those dolls with all the zippers and snaps and buttons and laces so kids could learn to button and tie their own stuff?"

2 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Ha! I was just searching for images for this very thing!


Dressy Bessy was the girl one. I was about to do the same image search.

Edited by jcbrown
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