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S08.E01: Winterfell

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I’m rewatching.  What should’ve been a memorable scene was already forgotten by me when I went to post—-this incredibly lame how to train your dragon scene.  It all just fell incredibly flat to me. And Jon and Dany at the waterfall does remind me of Jon and Ygritte, which is no good, because Jon and Ygritte actually had chemistry.  

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12 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

It feels like they switched Dany's character last season when she expected Jon to bend the knee based on nothing but her lineage and Tyrion started fretting about her BBQ tendencies.

But I also wonder how true that is. Or is it just that this is the first time the people she  is demanding bend to her rule are not slavers and are characters the audience is sympathetic to or outright prefer to Dany.

I think given Dany's history, the idea that there is male Targaryen with a stronger claim on the throne and was chosen to rule by the North is going to go over really badly.

This. All of this.

Lest we forget: her feeding a man to her two dragons and "They can live in my new world or die in their old one" were several seasons ago.

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I'd really love if the show threw a huge curveball and Gendry ended up on the throne with Arya by his side. That's probably the least likely way I could see this going, but also two of the only people I'd ENJOY seeing rule who have any feasible claim to it. Their reunion this episode was second only to Jamie/Bran's as my favorite (and long-lost spouses Sansa/Tyrion coming in third).

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Dany now that she actually has two armies, has been proclaimed the Queen of the North, and has Jon by her side is letting her true colors show. She's always had a ruthless, nasty edge and an entitled attitude about ruling. But in the past she never really had enough power to show it off. Now she does. It will be interesting whether her downfall will be her attitude that she's the queen and that's all there is to it.

It was quite different when her nasty attitude was directed to the slave masters, wasn't it? Now that she is showing her true colors against the likes of Sam Tarly, everyone is starting to notice how ruthless and entitled she has always been but this is not new, the bigger her dragons became the more entitled she felt. 

BTW, did she basically directed a veiled threat against Sansa and Jon didn't say a word about it? Daenerys basically implied that is Sansa didn't respect her ..... Jon should have demanded she finished her sentence, he should have asked, "what exactly would you do to her?" 

Wasn't Jon demanding to Arya that Sansa remembers he is family? what kind of family is Jon letting Daenerys make threats to his face to one of his sisters?  I am baffled. 

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32 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

We'll have to disagree. 

I guess you agree with Sansa that Dany's not bringing anything to the table that the North needs.  Sansa acts as if she really has no idea what they're facing and doesn't really want to know.  Of course, since D&D like her so much that she probably won't suffer the fate that that kind of attitude should usually bring about.

Why on earth, BTW, should I ever believe that someone acting this stupidly and openly antagonistically toward the armies she needs to survive, is savvy about anything?

I'm not saying I agree with Sansa, I just think Dany needs to take her "bend at the knee" BS down a notch or three. 🤷‍♀️

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Arya’s face when she first saw Jon ride in was everything.

I’m here for the reunions, the one-on-one conversations and interpersonal drama, so this was the perfect episode to me.

Sansa is consistently not afraid to speak up to power, in front of an audience, that was nothing new.

it took me seeing it on the internet after the episode to realize the little boy they sent home to gather his troops is the one who ended up on the wall.

Really felt for Sam. I’m glad they acknowledged she killed his family; while they could have glossed over it or had him even be ok with it given how they treated him, they chose to make it a point to affect him and his conversation with Jon. This is setting up some serious tension. Curious how Jon will proceed with his newfound knowledge. 

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But who among the current crop of leaders is willing to die? 

Remember back at Blackwater Bay Battle, when Cersei was about six inches from killing Tommen and herself?  

Someone commented that Jon would and Deny wouldn't.  Even the Margery's grandmother was able to drink poison.  The Blackfish....  

(Wondering where Brienne was.  One thing we do know, she's probably not disguised as a peasant and spying on someone.) 

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Daenerys still isn't really a ruler.  She's a conqueror.  What's more, she's a conqueror who's gotten really, really good at conquering.  She no longer feels the need to string along an opposing force, the way she did at Astapor in S3.  She's gotten too used to going in with blunt force, and being loved for it.  Even "bending the knee" isn't really enough for her - she says she wants Sansa's respect, but Sansa has already formally yielded Winterfell. Dany really wants Sansa to love her as her Queen.

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I was disappointed in the poor CGI of Jon dragon riding. It took me out of what should have been a much more awesome moment. It was great but it should have been spectacular.

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That new credits sequence!! Unbelievably wonderful.  It actually got me hard.  (Or rather, it would have, if I wasn't, y'know, a girl)

I was so thrilled to see the embrace between Jon & Arya, I almost bawled (now *there's a girly reax).  The head-lopping, gutting, nekkidness, & predictably unpredictable treachery can wear on a person, but the one-on-one friendships on this show are what's kept me coming back all these years.

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Have the Iron Islands just been set up as the North's evacuation plan?  Or was that just a random suggestion thrown out to Theon by Yara.  The islands are certainly much closer than King's Landing and once the evacuees were ensconced there, our heroes could home in on Cersei and company.

Edited by Clawdette
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38 minutes ago, Kanner said:

Correct me if I am wrong. Sansa may not like it, even I may not like it but the King bent the knee to her. That means she is the Queen, right? Isn't that how this world works? 

Yes, exactly.  If John was the King in the North (and he was), then he had the right to make the decision to bend the knee.

As for Dany, I always liked her touch of arrogance.  These little flaws make the characters human.  She WAS after all (as far as she knew) the rightful heir to Westeros, and it's understandable that she would want to claim her legacy.  It's no better that Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne, for Pete's sake.  Anyway, she'll get paid back for her arrogance when she finds out she's not the rightful ruler.  And I have my own idea of what will happen to her, but this isn't the speculation thread.

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9 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I love Sam 'The Wizard' Tarly as much as the next person, but his father was a dick and his brother was a fool.

Daenerys considered sending Randyll to the Wall at Tyrion's suggestion when he wouldn't bend the knee, but he quickly told her she couldn't because she's Not My Queen. *You don't say that shit to a woman with dragons.* And IIRC stupid Dickon inserted himself when the death sentence had already been issued. 

There's just no reason for this episode to act like Daenerys should be ashamed of her decision to roast the Tarlys. 

You would support Dany and her violent executions wouldn't you Drogo.

But seriously, I'm not entirely sure she considered it at all. When Tyrion suggested something similar (putting them in prison) she immediately said that she'd already given them their options and she wasn't going back on her word about killing them. Tyrion (and ultimately Sam's) point was that it wasn't in any way necessary. Especially such a violent, prolonged, and painful death.

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13 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I love Sam 'The Wizard' Tarly as much as the next person, but his father was a dick and his brother was a fool.

Daenerys considered sending Randyll to the Wall at Tyrion's suggestion when he wouldn't bend the knee, but he quickly told her she couldn't because she's Not My Queen. *You don't say that shit to a woman with dragons.* And IIRC stupid Dickon inserted himself when the death sentence had already been issued. 

There's just no reason for this episode to act like Daenerys should be ashamed of her decision to roast the Tarlys. 


I thought Dany showed poor political skills, she could have had the Tarlys imprisoned and at least attempt to trade them for Yara and Elaria who were her major allies captured by Cersei. She never even thought about it. 

There is a reason why Jaime wasn't killed by Rob, he was an important prisoner and that is why Tywin was livid when he learned that Ned had been beheaded, sometimes you have to maneuver the political spectrum and negotiate, something that Daenerys hasn't learned to do,  her first go to card is "Dracarys"  

She didn't listen to Tyrion who was there to advise her, she didn't listen to Jon who told her not to burn people before she even went there. At the end Daenerys has advisors but she only listens to them when she wants, most times she just goes rogue. 

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I'm not saying I agree with Sansa, I just think Dany needs to take her "bend at the knee" BS down a notch or three.

And the 'I'm their Queen' stuff too. Granted she didn't demand everyone in the North drop to their knees when she arrived but her I'm the Queen is starting to bug me. I know it's only happening because Jon is the rightful King but ...yeah stop it Dani!

So I found video's for cats on my Amazon Prime video account and I managed to interest one of my cats. Now he is watching tv quite a bit - he was fascinated by the dragons!

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38 minutes ago, The Companion said:

I actually thought Daenerys was unsure of herself and out of her element, rather than arrogant. She seemed shaken that people didn't just listen to her and her general tactics aren't going to work. I don't think she knows what to do, and it shows. Even going to thank Sam went poorly for her. 

Quite agree. On second watch, my take on her smile at the Northerners reaction to the dragons was, here she is in the midst of a crowd that she knows has no love for her and regards her with suspicion. So here she was, feeling very unsure of herself and their reaction gave her a 'yeah, that's right, I'm Daenerys fucking Targaryen, bitches.'

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Thoughts on what's here:

It was Bran -- not revenge -- made Sam run to tell Jon about his birthright.  

Cersei threw Euron a "STFU" fuck.  She weighed her options, and a quickie w/an ugly pirate seemed less aggravation.  She doesn't give a shit about "plausible deni-a-anything" anymore.  She's said as much to Jaime.

I disagree with all the characters who call any other character the "smartest" "toughest" "cleverest" of all.  They all have moments, but those go hand-in-hand with the "dumbest" "weakest" "pinheaded-est".   I'm often torn between wanting to embrace certain people -- and wanting to rip off their arms & beat them about the head.

Teeny Mormont, same goes for you.  First I was charmed; tonight I was all: Eh, the grownups are talking.

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4 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Cersei threw Euron a "STFU" fuck.  She weighed her options, and a quickie w/an ugly pirate seemed less aggravation.  She doesn't give a shit about "plausible deni-a-anything" anymore.  She's said as much to Jaime.

Also the people who matter know Cersei's ploy of banging a man with dark hair but popping out golden haired Lannister kids that can't be the issue of her 'respectable' paramour. Only if that kid comes out with dark hair would anyone believe it wasn't Jamie's and Cersei might be so repulsed by her non purebred Lannister kid she'd chuck it from a tower. 

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4 hours ago, Leroux said:

Exactly, this 1000!!

It was bad enough that he bent the knee without asking anybody about it, but let's say for the sake of the argument that he needed to do that to secure the army and the dragons. 

The fact that she had sex with her only complicates things because now the question that Sansa asked is completely relevant, "Did you bend the knee to protect the north or because you love her? why even put himself in that position when he knows there is a massive war coming, couldn't he/they have waited a little longer just as to not rub it in everyone's face? 

The north remembers that Rob lost the north when he decided to follow his heart rather than duty, who can blame them if they think that this is Rob 2.0 move? If they are mad about Jon bending the knee can you imagine what would their reaction be when they find out they are a couple and he is a Targaryen too? 

Jon was crowned KITN and made a (the right) decision call. He didn't go to Dany to ask for food, a boat, or some horses, he needs her armies and her dragon because all life in Westeroes may come to an end. He doesn't have time to ask anyone about it or go back and forth on the matter as well.

I'm not even sure why Sansa thinks that Jon loves Dany because do we even know that their relationship, whatever it is, is public info, or are people assuming that they're a thing? It's also not relevant in the sense that Sansa is asking because she knows WHY Jon went to Dany and what they're fighting. And people usually have sex in incredibly stressful situations. But, again, is their tryst public knowledge?

Because, the stakes are different, and the North would be idiotic not to recognize this. Jon has been the main one pointing out and constantly highlighting how they don't have the numbers. Jon met up with Dany to arrange a deal to procure more bodies (and dragons). They know that they are gearing up to fighting against an army of undead compared to the living army that Robb was killed by. The North wouldn't have liked Jon bending knee even if he hadn't slept with Dany (if they even know about that) because they are stubborn and don't trust outsiders. 

3 hours ago, nilyank said:

So some criticize Sansa for giving Dany the side-eye but Lady Lyanna basically calls Jon out for being Dany's boytoy and giving up the crown in front of all the lords, but that's not a problem.

Actually that is a problem, but not as much as it is for Sansa. The problem with Sansa openly questioning Jon is that she's done this before on an occasion or two and the Starks are supposed to stick together. Although it may be wrong, it's not unusual for a head of house to have doubts and question you, but your own family, someone who has power inside of your court, isn't supposed to be challenging you so publicly.

Edited by Nanrad
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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

If she did the same while pregnant with Joffrey, might explain why he turned out so unfortunate looking (well, besides the whole incest thing). 

Another unfortunate looking one is Bran. I've never seem a wider forehead matched with the tiniest pointiest chin before.

Glad his mother loves him.

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I like that the characters are flawed. You can see why they may feel the way they do, even if they make you want to reach through the screen and smack them sometimes. I understand why the North would be reluctant to bend the knee to a Targaryen. But sooner or later they are going to realize it is better than the alternative, at least until the White Walkers are dealt with(if they are). 

Love is the death of duty, and Jon’s story of course would lead to this. I think he kneeled to Dany to protect the North AND because he loves her. It’s easy to say it was a mistake to mix duty with love, but these characters are only human. I feel like I know where this is headed, and it won’t be a fairytale ending. 

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I don't know why but I felt like Daenerys was unsure of herself during this episode. Like she didn't know what to do with all the hostile stares she was getting so she reverted back to her queenly status. 

I think her dragons flying over help her feel a little confident and comfortable since they are her children but then she felt unsure of herself when meeting The Starks again. She didn't even talk during the Northerners discussion letting Jon and Tyrion take the lead. 

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The Stark kids back together again! Finally. Boy do they each have some stories to tell.

Heh, I think Jaime's life flashed before his eyes when he saw Bran.

It struck me again tonight how much Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) looks like the Duchess of Sussex. She has at least one biopic in her future if she wants it.


I'm wondering if Jon wll even tell Dany.

Yeah, he might actually be stupid or p-whipped enough not to tell her. But if/when he does it better be in front of a lot of people and not out in the wilderness with the dragons. She'd probably just say "Dracarys" and go on about her day.


'yeah , that's right, I'm Daenerys fucking Targaryen, bitches.'

Reminded me of this oldie but goodie (Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in Stir Crazy; NSFW):

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I really enjoyed the episode. I loved all the callbacks to the pilot episode. Bran had me laughing all episode. That damn kid knows the ending and he’s just playing director at this point. 

Arya-Jon was everything! It feels like Arya is slowly regaining her humanity. First with Jon, and then with Gendry. 

Sansa would be so right about everything if the world wasn’t on the brink of an apocalypse. She’s going to make a good peacetime Ruler of Winterfell, if they can defeat the army of the dead. Which will require that foreign chick, with her dragons and army. So maybe wait until after the Night King is defeated and then start nagging them about how they propose to feed everyone. Because let’s be honest, most of them are going to die. It will work itself out. 

Jon can never enjoy himself. He’s on that Earth to suffer, die, return to save the world, and die again. I love him, but I hold no hope that he will get anything close to a happy ending. 

I can’t wait for Cersei to die. It makes me upset that people would think her cunning. She truly is just as bad as Joffrey and Ramsey. I hope Jaime kills her while making out with Brienne. 

The only scene I wasn’t crazy about was Theon rescuing Yara so easily, but I don’t much care about Yara. And Theon is so going to die fighting with the Starks. He has no real purpose to make it till the end. 

Great start to the end. Sad as it is to see it go. 

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

I think Theon will complete his redemption edit by dying as part of the Stark army, and Yara will rule the Iron Islands after killing Euron.

Theon said before that he should've been with Robb/died with Robb so yep, Theon is gonna go down fighting for the Starks and again if we're paralleling to season one, it'll be somehow in the woods against a wildling/white walker and protecting Bran.  As much as I've hated the things Theon has done, I don't think even he deserves to become part of the AOTD, but then it brings a whole new meaning  for him with 'What us dead may never die'   Hopefully he gets dragonglassed!

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2 hours ago, Ottis said:

She’s always had a nasty edge. And the show flirts with the explanation that it is in her genes (madness). There was even a line this ep where someone said, “She’s not like her father. “ I wonder if she will crash and burn in the end. So to speak. 

I fully expect at some point she will descend into madness and we will know it when she says "Burn them all!"

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47 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Dany, I can sort of understand because she hasn't had many dealings with her, but Jon, Varys and Tyrion? They should know better. 

Actually, I think the Dragonpit/wight scene last season was the first time Jon had been to King's Landing (or the South, period.  Well, except for being born there, which he probably doesn't remember too much about.  😊) or had any dealings with Cersei.  I don't think he knows her any better than Dany does.  

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3 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

PS - Arya and Gendry, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  Oooh, that look. 

I'm really glad nobody's denying it felt flirty when folks have been saying for years that Arya closed herself off to romance at age 11 just because she didn't want to only live through the men in her life. I do so enjoy being right. AND OMG GENDRY'S EVEN ADDED AS YOU WISH TO HIS M'LADYING, STRAIGHT OUT OF THE PRINCESS BRIDE.

I've worried for so long that they'd disappoint with the Arya/Jon reunion because he hasn't even mentioned her unprompted since s1, but it was everything it needed to be. Especially so because it happened in private and the scene got to stand on its own.

Jacob Anderson finally being added to the main credits gives me hope Grey Worm won't die in the first few eps.

Honestly, Lord Glover has always been painted as an asshole with one brief moment of loyalty and regret after Lyanna Mormont bitched him out and everybody was shouting kingindanorth, so can't say I'm surprised he'd rather join the undead.

The Tyrion/Sansa scene was a lot friendlier than I expected given his idiocy with Cersei, complete with her being sorry she left him behind in King's Landing. (As much as I wonder why Arya thinks Sansa is so smart, I wonder how Sansa ever knew Tyrion used to be clever. It's not like she was one of his political confidantes during their marriage.) 

Jon riding Rhaegal reminded me of Harry Potter first riding a hippogriff. I still feel like Dany Neverending Story-style first ride on Drogon looked worse.

Brienne was there, people. She just didn't have any lines.

The pilot had Bran witnessing incest between two secret parents, now he's forcing Jon to accept the secret of his parentage which should come with a realization that Jon's been enjoying incestuous sex of his own.

Edited by Lady S.
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4 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

I freeze-framed it and it looks like a short spear which can eject the tip as a projectile. Presumably made of dragonglass.

Aw geez, now I'm picturing some kind of dragon glass killer dildo, and imagining how it could fit into the plot.  There are a few characters who could legit use it...

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Watching Jon sit between Dany and Sansa sniping at each other cracked me up because it made me think of many debates of whether the better pairing is with his first cousin or his aunt, heh.

Edited by ulkis
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2 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

I think Jaime is  the "old friend" that Bran was waiting for.  Bran, of course, is something of an emotionless automaton at this point who is totally OVER being crippled as a child (being the three-eyed Raven helps one with perspective ye ken), but Jamie doesn't know that.  So, GOOD -- be uncomfortable Jaime!  You tossed a child out a window and it's high time you felt bad about that.  

Yeah, it only occured to me later that Bran the seer could know Jaime's coming and that was why he was being a drama queen in the courtyard all ep. I really don't want Jaime to be let off too easily, it's not like he was trying to give the kid magic powers, and Bran's sisters should still care about his crippling. 

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

t brings a whole new meaning  for him with 'What us dead may never die'   Hopefully he gets dragonglassed!

Yara kind of had the line of the night with "What is dead may never die, but kill the bastards anyway."

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Passing series. So far everyone is gathering, all the heroes are presented to us, so that we remember them - action is close!

And so ... Sansa WOW! As she looked at Dany from top to bottom, and indeed, was the real queen. Where is that Sansa that played dolls and dreamed about the wedding with Jeffrey? No, it was in another life.

Meetings were great. Especially, Theon with her sister and Arya with John and Gendry. Straight touching and cute. 😍

Flying on dragons - wow! It was really cool! True, I already thought that John would be sick of how he would get off the dragon. But no, he is Targaryen, so he withstood. But now he will become depressed, he has learned everything about his birth, and now he does not know what to do, what to think ...

The screensaver, by the way, is also cool! For me, the best of all, I was already spellbound ...

And the final - horror ... the crucified boy on the background of the hands ... 😱

And yes, I liked Bran so much ... there was never such a thing, but here I looked so much that I disappeared into his eyes. And this is the intersection of his gaze and Jaime! Cool moment! The wheel of fate made its turn!

Edited by Friendly kitty
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4 hours ago, kieyra said:

I think Cersei being boring now is a direct result of the writing being subpar in this season (and the previous one). OG Cersei would have murdered Euron with much better-chosen words.

And wouldn’t have banged him. 

My take on that was that she needs to act fast if she’s going to make him think her baby is his. If he knew the child was someone else’s, I don’t think it would live long after its first breath. 

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2 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

My take on that was that she needs to act fast if she’s going to make him think her baby is his. If he knew the child was someone else’s, I don’t think it would live long after its first breath. 

Yeah, it's not about her caring about hiding the incest, it's that she's stuck with Euron now that she and Jaime finally broke up, which does not put her in the safest position. But, hey, she did murder the only two non-Jaime men she slept with before, which doesn't bode well for Euron.

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Game of Thrones finally returns (for the last time!), and naturally the first spoken words are Tyrion making a crack about Varys' not having any balls.  Good to know that some thing won't change!

Oh, boy!  At this rate, this really might end with the Night King and the White Walkers not even having to do anything, and just sit back and let everyone else destroy each other either by infighting or, in Cersei's case, just staying on the sidelines and letting nature take its course.  To be fair, it does make sense that even the threat of undead zombies would not make everyone get on the same page automatically, but I really don't think they have that much time to get their shit together, here.  Focus, folks!  Winter is Coming!  And death!  Lots and lots of death!

Completely unsurprised that Sansa and Dany are butting heads.  I can kind of see both sides.  I understand why Sansa is concern over Dany running the show and how it looks like Jon is just going to do whatever she says, but this really should be something they should deal with after the threat of the ice zombies is dealt with, so Sansa's doubting, snipping and side-eyeing really isn't helping matters. 

But, seriously, for all of her strengths, Dany really doesn't have any tact, does she?  What's interesting is that I don't think she is delusional and she does knows that the Northerns aren't welcoming her with open arms, but it is like she just can't help making things worse by asserting her authority and trying to play the "I'm the big, bad queen!" card, when maybe a more grounded, calmer approach will work.  And while I still don't think Dany is a complete tyrant like those before her, she has shown that she can let her temper drive her to commit violent acts, when other options could have been available.  But I guess I need to remember that almost everyone here are probably younger than the actual age of the actors, so it probably makes sense that folks in their late teens/early twenties would act like this.

And all that said, I'm totally with Sansa over being disappointed with Tyrion, if he truly does think they can trust Cersei.  Come on, buddy!  Even Tywin himself would be spinning in his grave seeing you get played like this!

I do love that Davos continues to be the voice of reason during all of this.  Never doubt the Onion Knight!  And Varys continues to wisely just hang around in the background.  Pay no attention to the guy who is likely the truly smartest person here, folks!

Sam's reaction to what Dany did to his family was killer.  I suspect had it been just his dad, he would have gotten through it, but hearing she also executed Rickon has probably turn him against her, although I doubt he'll do anything, since he is probably all about taking out the Night King first.  But I'm glad he already revealed the truth about Jon's lineage to him.  This should be interesting....

I still can't tell if Cersei actually enjoys Euron's boorish antics, or if she's just using him until she no longer needs him.

Theon's rescue Yara seemed half-hearted, but at least she's safe and I'm looking forward to him joining the fight.

So, besides being used as a way to get some more classic Game of Thrones' nudity into the proceedings, it sounds like Bronn's arc is going to be possibly going after Jaime and Tyrion?  Hmm, I wonder how this will play out?  On one hand, I do think he truly has affection for both of them.  On the other hand, he does loves that money!

Glad that Tormund and Dolorous Edd are both still amongst the living.

So many reunions!  Arya/Jon.  Arya/Gendry.  Arya/ The Hound.  Sansa/Tyrion.  And then last, but certainly not least: Bran/Jaime!  Granted, considering how many folks probably want his head for his various acts, Jaime might be yearning to just be tossed off a tower like what he did to Bran those seasons ago!

The new opening credits are fantastic!

Welcome back, Game of Thrones!  Can't wait to see how all of this plays out.

Edited by thuganomics85
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