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S10.E11: Leaving Las Vegas

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Whoa, In her confessional, Maddie seemed really pissed off about the move. I was kind of surprised at the things she was saying on camera. Like there is no way she will ever move to Flagstaff because the family is just going to move again and she is not going to go following them around every time they decide it's time to go. 

The parents are not fooling any of their kids. They are all on to their stupidity. It's amazing they are all so smart. 

I wonder if her saying this in public will affect their ability to obtain a construction loan(s).

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"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" sure was a bang-up episode (with many apologies to Hunter Thompson). They maybe had to alter it a bit- "Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas" in honor of the strong educational background of the parents.

Next year tune in for "Fear and Loathing in Flag". More of the same

Edited by Chicklet
Dear Spell check-dill with it.
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6 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Meri also tweeted some pretty critical posts about viewers tonight, too, and then deleted them.  After she wrote a post criticizing the kids for being unhappy about the move, I asked her to explain the real reason for moving, and she responded with a snarky reply (but now it’s gone).  She’s so passive-aggressive.  And they’re all such grifters.  

Maybe this "taking off of the masks" means that they're been told they're not gonna be renewed? 

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3 minutes ago, MV713 said:

I was horrified.  They left wet towels hanging in the bathrooms and counters of fruit?  Like WTF.

That's how they left the Utah house too. Their excuse was that they had to leave in a hurry because the police were coming to get them! Yeah no, you are just lazy and gross. I would be so embarrassed. When you sell a home, aren't you expected to leave it in somewhat clean conditions for the new owners? Those houses have been beaten to a pulp. I would never buy one. You know in real estate listings you see "pride of ownership" mentioned as a selling point, what is the opposite of that?

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42 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

and this can't be stressed enough....apparently they had recently purchased a FRIKKIN' COW! and now had to transport 600 pounds of meat as well as dry ice!!!  Good planning.  Ya know, when you have a moving date set (or even...say....a vacation date) you use up your food beforehand.  

OMG I forgot about the stupid cow.  Now my rage-o-meter is up to 11.

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1 minute ago, preciousperfect said:

That's how they left the Utah house too. Their excuse was that they had to leave in a hurry because the police were coming to get them! Yeah no, you are just lazy and gross. I would be so embarrassed. When you sell a home, aren't you expected to leave it in somewhat clean conditions for the new owners? Those houses have been beaten to a pulp. I would never buy one. You know in real estate listings you see "pride of ownership" mentioned as a selling point, what is the opposite of that?

what's the opposite?  "too lazy to care?"  

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The Kody and Caleb long goodbye and not one tear fell from Kodys eye!  I watched and waited and nope he could not garner even one tear!

Also during the big packing bonanza not one wet under arm!  That bunch had movers.  Bet on it!

What a laugh it all was!  And where were the sons?  They did not need them because they had movers and if the unfavored ones were to show up they would be in on the $$$ distribution for that episode!

Only the favored ones will Sir Kody pay!

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10 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

And all the people who pointed out the older sons wanted no part of this shit show were spot on.  They are probably ALL sick of being used as donkey labor while Kody runs around doing nothing.  For all his talking it didn't look like he was actually doing much hauling.  

This! I think even little Sol did more hauling than Kody!

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2 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Maybe this "taking off of the masks" means that they're been told they're not gonna be renewed? 

Usually networks hold off on making renewal decisions until after a season has completed.  Plus, the show’s been averaging a .3 rating for a few years now, but the series just keeps chugging along, so I don’t get it.  

(.3 seems low to me, but maybe it’s average in the cable tv world.  Or at least good enough).  

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t remember if I put this here already. If I did, here it is again.

In reply to a tweet about the differing spaces:


My guess is that they're getting more than usual of the critical Tweets and responses to this season, judging from the snippy responses from all the parents. Makes you wonder if TLC is taking notice and this could sway them to cancel this hot mess outright, being that the logic behind the move is a colossal FAIL to a majority of viewers. 

And you KNOW that Kody has taken note that his favorite is being called out by fans as the catalyst behind the move AND getting a home mansion that is WAY beyond their means and needs. In other words, no one is buying your fake tears and stress, RoboChin. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Did anyone catch Kody say 'I just like advancing my job position' in response to Madison saying that they like to move a lot?  So he pretty much confirms it's to keep TLC interested?  So far I haven't heard a peep about moving due to a great job opportunity in AZ.  People here have been saying it, but I think Kody slipped and confirmed it.  Oopsy. 

Someone here also said that Kody's got a permanent case of the-grass-is-always-greener.  But you can't get away from your troubles when you're creating it, because wherever you go, there you are.  I have a friend like this.  She always hates where she lives.  Complains about everything, thinks when she gets to the next place life will be a breeze.  But then it's not, and it's because people drive to slow here, too many weirdos come on to her all the time (quit hanging out where the weirdos do, my dear), her job doesn't pay enough.  People are rude.  It was much better where she came from.  But when she lived there, it was too hot and humid, people drove too fast and aggressive....You get it.  Her discontentment is in herself and she can never move away from it.  Just like the Browns. 

ETA: Perhaps the Brown's are each privately wishing they'd chosen monogamy? 

Edited by eskimo
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4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Logic - not a word in the Brown Clown lexicon.  

I think the logic was that Robyn's previously lovely and quiet street was the only place they could park 17 vehicles, including at least 4 moving vans, much to the consternation of the neighbours.

Apparently Robyn's place rents for $3,500/mo.  Part of why they are paying 3X more for living space until the cult-de-sac houses sell. 

Edited by deirdra
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12 hours ago, kicotan said:

So they just pack their crap and drive away...nobody cleans.


RIGHT??? And just LEFT the crap they didn't want laying on the floors.  And THEN.... almost a YEAR later - they wonder why the houses haven't sold???  FINALLY the second house sold.  Only two to go!   

Yeah yeah, I know SOMEONE cleaned it up (whether the Browns came back the next weekend or hired someone or whatever) so that they could show the homes - but the impression they gave was that they loaded their junk - left crap and messy homes behind - and drove off with a single tear in Kody Brown's left eyeball as he waved.

5 hours ago, Retiredcatlady said:

Where's Tony?

He was sitting at Christine's table mowing through whatever he could drag out of the fridge.

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5 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I can't believe no one mentioned how Robin gets the big house!  I guess he really is treating her like 1st wife.  My other thought is he thinking of building one big house so he can go bankrupt and they can not take it away from him?  You are allowed to keep 1 house.  Just made me wonder...

:::::In my broken record voice::::::   First wife doesn't get preferential treatment.  That is only in the minds of non-polygamists.  It is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.  Look at Robyn, you will start to understand.

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17 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Apparently Robyn's place rents for $3,500/mo.  Part of why they are paying 3X more for living space until the cult-de-sac houses sell. 

That giant house for only $3500? I should move to Flagstaff! You could get about 1400 sq ft in LA for that.

I certainly hope they paid someone to clean up their Vegas houses for them after they left. A realtor is going to need to show them, and s/he is not going to do that clean up themselves.

And... if they can afford paying mortgages on the Vegas houses and the Flagstaff land plus the rentals in Flagstaff - they could afford to hire movers. I'm sure if was TLC production's idea that they do all the moving themselves. Or else - what would they film?

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40 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

RIGHT??? And just LEFT the crap they didn't want laying on the floors.  And THEN.... almost a YEAR later - they wonder why the houses haven't sold???  FINALLY the second house sold.  Only two to go!   

Yeah yeah, I know SOMEONE cleaned it up (whether the Browns came back the next weekend or hired someone or whatever) so that they could show the homes - but the impression they gave was that they loaded their junk - left crap and messy homes behind - and drove off with a single tear in Kody Brown's left eyeball as he waved.

He was sitting at Christine's table mowing through whatever he could drag out of the fridge.

Meri’s House is the only one left now

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4 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Who was the pudgy woman in Christine's kitchen when she was cutting watermelon?

I think that was a friend of Ysabel.  Funny that Paedon, Mykelti and FT were conspicuously absent to help.  If only Christine had thought to offer Tony the contents of her freezer, he would have been there before you could say street tacos.

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Just now, Sandy W said:

I think that was a friend of Ysabel.  Funny that Paedon, Mykelti and FT were conspicuously absent to help.  If only Christine had thought to offer Tony the contents of her freezer, he would have been there before you could say street tacos.

The Browns just don't use their common sense (if they have any.)  They could have dangled the organ meats in front of his nose as an incentive.  "Tony, you load up a few things and you can fry this up and toss it on these two packages of tortillas we bought you!"  Easy peasy!

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