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S05.E02: Polygamists in a Shark Tank

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Seeing Kody throw a temper tantrum at the therapist's office about never being in charge was one of the most embarrassing moments of this show. I guess he has forgotten the fact that he moved his entire family to Vegas against their will, just because he wanted to live there ("his Plymouth rock"). He is shown week after week making idiot choices and stupid decisions. I can guarantee the four bankruptcies were also his idea.


Even after having three weeks to work on a presentation, they still biffed it. That one woman called Christine on the marketing bullshit-15 million hits on the website and only 500 sales? $45,000 in sales the first year and $180,000 in sales the second year? Who the hell is buying that crap? Kody said they have their product in retail outlets with an "s"; I thought it was just in Guilt in outer Vegas.


Kody: "Everything we touch turns to gold." Huh?


I guess Meri can't talk in person but she sure does well on Twitter.....

Edited by Galloway Cave
  • Love 6

That one woman called Christine on the marketing bullshit-15 million hits on the website and only 500 sales?


        Yes! You have lots of hits Brown family, because people like me want to look at your crappy joory and laugh. Kody is like a tired toddler with his rant about   never being in charge of anything, he made the decision to court and marry Robyn, to move and to buy 4 McMansions. If the family gets one nickel from these investors that is a huge red flag that these investors are not good business people.

  • Love 4

Unpopular opinion, they can be quite delusional and even stupid but I am glad they are back.  In many ways they are refreshingly normal.  Getting nervous before the presentation, bickering and everyone not always happy is part of everyday life.  Unlike a lot of other reality shows they show true emotions and I identify.  There is also some true joy.  I would never pick this lifestyle, ever.  I think they all seem to have gotten their "mojo" back and I like it.


I am rooting for this family.

  • Love 2

I really like Christine, but how is she qualified to head marketing for My Sisterwife's Closet? Because she did a little googling and learned that women are doing more shopping on the internet and less in "retail"? (I'm pretty sure selling to consumers on the internet is retail, it's just not brick-and-mortar retail.)


This episode made it clear, once again, that Janelle is the only one with any head for business.


Kody is so delusional. He thought they did such a great job on the presentation when they pretty much just embarrassed themselves and showed that they haven't got a clue.

Edited by absolutelyido
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The Browns stupidity was on full display, starting with Kody knowing what a CFO does. He is that shitty person you work with who wants to be in charge but not do any actual work.

They want a 2.5 million dollar investment on $180,000 in sales? Lol!! This shows that they just want people to hand them $ for more Blue Man group and Disneyland.

"We did all this work!" Means Robyn went to Kinkos and had these poster boards made.

Just because you say something is amazing doesn't make me believe it. If I thought this was real I would be offended.

  • Love 4

How could the Brown's possibly ask for over a million dollars for there crappy, tin jewelry. What investor would give them that kind of money and what would they do with it?


I am over Robyn and her constant whining over the business. At best, it is a very part time job which seems perfect for a mom with kids at home. Expecting Meri to forget about going to college to work on this crap is unbelievable. On top of that, none of the Browns are professional, not even golden girl Janelle. I'm pretty sure they are not getting that money.

  • Love 1

I just can't believe these fools are for real.  This  "presentation"  was so friggin pathetic, I just can't.  Someone needs to tell Robyn that crying at the drop of a hat is not a business plan.  So ludicrous.  The team of Stan and company lost quite a bit of credibility (if they ever had any to start with) by even entertaining this group of yahoos.  Wow.

  • Love 1

Food for thought... They asked for $2.5 million, which would pay off their homes and leave a little left to maybe put into the joory business. And Janelle said they won't be able to repay until 2017. When was the last bankruptcy in the family and how long does one have to wait in order to file again? Something tells me those numbers will add up to 2017. Maybe if you give me three weeks to prepare, I can come up with those numbers. Or just cry.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 17

When is the last time Kodouche washed his hair? How about cleaning yourself up and LOOK professional.


Where did the "When have I ever been in charge?" outburst come from? He gets his way ALL of the time, but acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Then he says, "I've got emotional vomit... and I'm gonna puke on everyone!". Who says that? Has he spent the hiatus from the show making up soundbites to use when he can't think of anything? He also thinks he has an "empire". Kody, you have to actually do a lot of WORK to get ahead.


Another stupid comment was when he said, "everything we touch turns to gold". No. It doesn't. They had to run away from their home in Utah. Kody thought they'd be realtors and "own" the agency they walked into. Only to find out that it's hard. Only 1 of them got their realtor license IIRC. What about them buying a gym? What about them selling those products online, might have been Amway or something? They have millions of hits on their website because of their reality show without EXTRA marketing and still can't get more than 500 sales? THAT is BAAAAADDDDD! That news should have had those investors laughing their asses off.

  • Love 12

The Meri/Robyn meeting in the beginning was presented to the viewers as a conversation but what they did was recite jargon at each other. Robyn's position was the equivalent of playing the race card. "Will Meri's choices take her away from the fambly?" The horror! Making choices/having thoughts that differ from Robyn's equals threatening the very foundation of the fambly.


OMG. I knew Kody was delusional but I hadn't realized the extent of it. I have no words.


The strategy session was revealing. Sometimes they are individuals who do not/are not expected to participate (child care, generating income) and at other times they are the beast with 10 legs. Why is everyone required to speak during the pitch? Some some can do bullet points, some can do paragraphs, some can recite numbers, and some can VannaWhite the poster boards and pass out the info packets. A group presentation need not require that each person performs beyond their strengths.


Their product line is not appealing and does not fill a need. A $2.5 million "marketing plan" is not the answer; admitting defeat is the answer.

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I watch the real Shark Tank. One week I watched The Neighbors, and the character from the show went on Shark Tank to sell a wine purse. It was funny because she didn't know anything about what she was doing, and the Sharks ate her alive. This show was ten times worse! If they get a dime, I'm calling foul!

Could the therapist's name on her office door been any bigger?!

I would like to know the facts and figures on the bankruptcy and what they owe.

I'm several of the hits on their website. No way would I buy a thing from it. I'm I the only one that found it ironic that they make joory for working women?

Edited by Geeky Girl
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Who knew they even had that many sales of that fugly joory?  Like who would even go look at the page if they weren't on TV?  It seems to me that the entire joory b'ness rests on their having a TV show.....But the TV show right now is resting on their having a joory b'ness to make fodder for air time.....Doesn't sound like a sustainable arrangement if you ask me.  Plus most people go look at it out of curiosity, not because they're interested in buying jewelry.  And I doubt they could make them interested, either.  And Janelle - Wasn't she saying last season that she wasn't really invested in the business?  Now all of a sudden she's upset when she's not given the CFO title?  I don't get it.  I understand that she's not into the design and sales end of it, but last season she was acting like she was on the outside of it and not into it at all. 


Somehow I think they realize they have to beef up the fiction/drama angle or people will get bored and tune out, hence them making a plot device out of the business.  Why do I doubt that even they would be that stupid???

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I'm new to this site, and this is my first post on this particular forum, really enjoy reading the posts on here!

Three things stood out for me on this episode: just before they all met with Scott, their business associate, Robyn said that other business people have told them that they need to get over themselves....I almost fell off my recliner!!  Cheers to the ones who told them that!!  Second, did anyone catch the irony of the plaque hanging just above Scott as they were having their 'business' meeting, I believe it was at Meri's place??  I couldn't read the whole thing, but the bottom of the plaque said 'somewhere along the line we have gone terribly wrong'  I thought that was very appropriate!

I do think this episode could be valuable, though, they should offer it for viewing to those who are looking to start a business, the Browns 'presentation' in front of the real business people could be an excellent example of what NOT to do....idiots....

Edited by sandyskyblue
  • Love 3


I would like to know the facts and figures on the bankruptcy and what they owe.

Four bankruptcies in 20 years, the last one was Christine. They take turns running up charges on numerous credit cards. The details for each bankruptcy were listed on another blog. I'll have to go digging to find the date for the last one but I'm thinking it was a year or so before the show started.



So, I took one for the team and went to their website.  Well, I attempted and failed.  Website won't load - go figure.

Apparently that has been a continuing problem with their website.  It crashes anytime more than three people try to access it. Other business problems include charging people's credit cards before they ship and shipping has taken up to 1-2 MONTHS. They are beyond clueless with this company.

  • Love 1

They are so reading about themselves online. Since all the talk about Kody not being attracted to Janelle now they make a big deal about how Kody is attracted to her now. *GAG*. Robyn talking about her "ugly cry". Softening up Meri's image.


I cringe looking at those tight jeans Meri wears, how does she even move in those things?

  • Love 5

This episode was too much. On "Shark Tank," the investors (ok - Sharks) frequently pass on pitches when they deem a business a hobby. That's what MSWC really is - a hobby business (starting out as Robyn's hobby, and the rest of them joining in when convenient). They actually started the business without a business plan!. If that isn't proof that this started as a hobby, I don't know what is. Their real money comes from doing the reality show, but they can't say that, so they pretend the joory business is the family business and pays the bills. I'm guessing they talked about the show to the investors, but that part was edited out.

As another poster said, why did all of them have to present? That was a mistake. Stupid Kody said that the investors needed to see that all five of them were dedicated. Wrong! The investors don't care about that - they want to see a good presentation that impresses them and answers all their questions. Who cares if the shy wife who's in charge of shipping doesn't say anything?! She's just shipping! And speaking of Meri, and I NEVER defend Meri, but when she had that panic attack about presenting, business responsibilities aside, why not support her emotionally? Why not give her a pass? Didn't Robyn say that any relationship Meri forms outside the family won't be as "rewarding" as those with her sister wives? Cuz I didn't see any of them supporting each other. Instead, I see a lot of pressure and passive-aggressive behavior with each other, and that includes Kody.

  • Love 7

I tried to do the math and have failed horribly. I cannot understand their numbers. They sold $45,000 the first year and $180,000 the second year but have 500 in sales total? That averages out to $450 a sale. I refuse to believe someone would spend that amount on that mess. I refuse to believe they even made that amount of money. I refuse to believe that none of the money they do make is used for the business only. 


I was embarrassed for them. I almost had to fast forward through their sales pitch because it was just so awkward. They obviously don't know what they are doing. If you have been running a business for two years you should have a better understanding of where said business is and where you see it going. Although Janelle's presentation was the best, I just did not believe her when she projected one day having $10 million in sales. Unless they plan to sell polygamist porn, their business will never make anywhere near that type of money. I also don't understand why they didnt just have one or two people give the presentation. Janelle and maybe Christine would have been a better idea. I thought Kody was a great salesman in the past but he sucked big time. 


Also, I think they think way too highly of their product and cannot explain why people should want to buy it. I bought a $200 pearl earrings and necklace set for $70 at Macy's yesterday. What about their product should make me want to buy from My Sister Wives Closet, rather than Macy's that has jewelry that is actually cute and is not based on a man married to four women?

  • Love 10

Loved this episode for the chuckle factor.  Kody said it was primarily online sales, and that the product was "flying off the shelves!"  Online shelves.  Whee!  I wonder how they delude themselves so effectively.... do they just practice visualization?  "Everything we touch turns to gold...in the last four years..."  Say, huh?  So many inconsistencies, so little time...

  • Love 3
What kind of "venture capitalist" attends a meeting showing the kind of cleavage that Stephanie woman did? That can't be considered professional even in Las Vegas.


She looked "professional" for some of the "professions" that make a lot of $$ in Las Vegas, if you catch my drift. I will say this, though: she asked the most trenchant question of the presentation: If you have (at least once) garnered 15,000,000 hits in a month, and your highest monthly sales were 500, what the hell is the problem?


(At which point I was yelling, "BECAUSE THE CRAP THEY SELL IS UGLY!!!!! NO ONE WANTS IT!"


Kody apparently made a derogatory tweet about that woman's "unprofessional" cleavage. This from the guy whose hair looks like he skinned it off a roadkill yak. Glass houses, KB. Glass houses.

Edited by NewBaku
  • Love 10

If I roll my eyes any harder I'm going to sprain something.

1. Robyn believes that their crap wares EMPOWER women. Uh, yeah--my invisibility cloak is cool, too!

2. Another day, another weepy breakdown for Meri. She is just a disaster. I mean, what the hell--grow a spine.

3. Kody's hair in a The Last Samurai ponytail again. If there is ANYONE in his life who loves him enough, tell him, for god's sake. I laughed so hard I had to re-watch the scene to hear the dialogue. He's now bypassed Donald Trump for worst hair on TV. Even Captain Kangaroo looked better than this.

4. According to Janelle, MSWC can QUINTUPLE the $2.5 million investment in less than four years. Based on absolutely nothing except Robyn's gem: People know them and trust them 'cause they're a family. (Translation: we're on TV.)

5. Even before they showed the preview snippet: When I heard Christine start babbling about how they don't want to borrow too much money because it might make them get lazy and not pay the money back????? Wha???? That's just....who says that to a potential investor?! They are uneducated dabblers with a history of multiple bankruptcies, 17 kids and counting, and $1.8 million mortgages. Midas touch, my ass.

Edited by NewBaku
  • Love 17

(At which point I was yelling, "BECAUSE THE CRAP THEY SELL IS UGLY!!!!! NO ONE WANTS IT!"


Should someone tell them we click to make fun of the crap - and their crappy site? We're part of those (15 million????????) hits too, you idiots.


(Needing to get this out or I'll burst. Apologies if someone above has already mentioned any of this.)


Kodester also apparently tweeted that the other investors were "too big for their britches." I take this to mean they didn't get the investment.


Oh, and my first thought as the episode opened:

They spent how many months planning that stupid party and writing that ridiculous (and garbled) mission statement, and their little brains are hurting because they have to come up with goals for their two-year-old "business" in a few days.

What the bloody hell???

Okay. I feel better now.


Another stupid comment was when he said, "everything we touch turns to gold".

I shared on Cynical Jinx's post last night that I guffawed so loud and so hard when he said that that I scared my dog. Poor baby's still recovering this morning. May be affected for life.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 7

The pitch was completely lame. Did they say what they needed the 2.5 mil for? I guess I watch Shark Tank too much because the first thing I would say is that their numbers are off, that the company wasn't worth 2.5 mil, much less how ever much they think it's worth. The big elephant in the room was that "we have a TV show and that generates website traffic". I was only half listening to the pitch as I was too distracted by the women investor with her boobs hanging out. THey have a shitty track record in their financial lives. I find it unbelievable that anyone would invest knowing that, irregardless of the veracity of their pitch.


WTF is up Meri and her fear of public speaking? It was 5 people. I get that some people are afraid, but Meri probably had more than 5 people around her when she films and she doesn't seem to bother her. And the crying and wailing about it? What is she going to do in "college" if she has to make a class presentation. Pulieeze

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 8

Sigh, so much drama over the stupidest fecking jewelry business around. Did I really just sit through an hour of that???


First there's Robyn's drama about Meri going back to school, and Meri has to constantly reassure her she will still help with MSWC. I'm sorry, but I really don't understand Robyn getting so freaked out about it. Meri can't have a life outside the home and still be part of the family? Millions of people do it every day. People are multi-faceted, Robyn. 


And then we get to the deeper issue - Kody has never felt in charge of his own family and is one bitter bitch about it. Wow. 


And, oh, Meri's tears and anxiety about "public speaking". Actually, I almost felt sorry for her for a minute. Granted, it was a small group of people - but some do have a crippling fear of talking in front of anyone they don't know. And I hated the way Robyn laughed all dismissively at her. But at the end of the day, it's just one more way for Meri to play victim, and thus all my fucks have already been given. I just can't. And, honestly, she did fairly well. 


In fact, I thought they all did fairly well at the presentation (despite the lack OF a presentation) except Robyn. Even Christine, who stumbled, remained very poised and got herself back on track. Plus, with the kind of editing we know goes on, her pause may not have been as long as it seemed. But Robyn was just so emotional! Gah, she grates on my nerves. No one cares how much your business "means to you". They want to know that it is viable, they want to know how you're going to pay their money back. End of story. No crying in the boardroom!!!


Oh, and the funniest part was hearing that they sometimes get 15 million hits per month, but still only 500 sales (sells). And they're just BAFFLED over how this is possible. Oh, I have your answer right here - all those extra hits are us internet snarksters, who visit the site just to get a chuckle out of it. How sad. 


I look forward to them getting turned down next week. Robyn can take a seat with her, "I put two years of my life into this". TWO??? Please. That's nothing, honey. And I doubt you're spending more than 5 hours per week on it. 

Other business problems include charging people's credit cards before they ship and shipping has taken up to 1-2 MONTHS. They are beyond clueless with this company.



Seriously?? What in the world are these people doing that it takes them that long to ship an item? I guess once Meri goes off to college items will take 3-4 months to ship? Yikes. That right there is a huge problem. You're going to lose any chance of a repeat buyers if your product doesn't arrive in a timely manner. 

  • Love 6

Yo I'm a webmaster and typically ONE page view equals 25-30 hits (on my websites anyway). Their website probably has more hits per page than mine do.


Every element on a page, every image, and a lot of hidden background stuff contributes to the "hit" number. 


Let's say 15,000,000 hits, we have (generously speaking) 500,000 page views.  Each visitor may view 3-4 pages, at most this translates into 150,000 unique visitors.


LOL I have more visitors than that and I don't have an one-hour weekly infomercial on TLC like they do.

  • Love 7

Toaster Strudel- I shop online all of the time and if I am on website dress shopping, I may be on it for 30 minutes- I bet I have well over a hundred hits during that time. Thank you for clarifying that- I thought 50,000,000 hits was huge, but when you explained it- that makes much more sense. For fun a year ago, I checked out My Sister's Wives Closet website. I would have spent $15. on a gag gift for a good friend who loves the show- well nothing came close to my low budget. So excited for next week, I pray they get declined.

  • Love 1

IIRC, they said they need the $2.5 mil to fill that gap between 500 "sells" and 15,000,000 website visits with all the fabulous ideas for joory Robin has in her head to expand their product line.  Because once they have 100 times MORE ugly joory that no one wants to buy the investors will get a 4-fold increase on their investment in less than 4 years.  Because everything they touch turns to gold.

  • Love 5

Kody said a couple of times that lead shark Stan had been a friend for a long time. Perhaps that's why he appeared on the show. No serious investor would put 2 mill into this mess. Anyway, it was never clear to me what the Browns would do with the money. Something about a marketing plan to entice browsers to buy, but I never heard a coherent plan. More ugly overpriced jewelry? Wet bar decorations? Sex manuals? Rubberbands for ponytails? Autographed photos of the Browns? I guess the possibilities are limitless.

Their pitch looked like a typical undergraduate presentation that had been pulled together at the last minute. I've seen many over the years. Meri will be able to do lots of these in college.

  • Love 4

Why oh why did the Browns not go on the REAL Shark Tank? That would have been priceless!! I am disappointed that the group they presented to let them off so easy. Or are they just as dumb as the Browns? I can only assume that since two knew the Browns, they didn't want to embarass them too much. But the investors made themselves look bad by letting them off so easily.


 Why did the investors not ask how the Browns have valued their two bit business at 12.5 MILLION DOLLARS??? That is the first thing a shark would have asked. The Browns asked for 2.5 million dollars in exchange for 20% of their business!!!! How does $181,000 in sales translate into a 12.5 million dollar valuation??  And how the heck does Janelle think their business which brought in $181,000 in 2013 will all of a sudden do 3.3 MILLION dollars in two years??????  ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! AND repay their 2.5 million dollar investment by 2017????? I thought Janelle had some business sense, but IMO she was the most disappointing as her presentation made no sense and was delusional.


The icing on the cake of course was Christine telling the investors that they didn't want to ask for more than 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS because they didn't want to be greedy. These morons have no idea how much 2.5 mill is, or how hard you have to work to attain it. But then if your MO is filing for bankrupcy rather than paying your bills, why would they have a clue about money in the real world?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 7

I agree with Kody.  He doesn’t seem to be in charge of the family and viewers have been saying this from Day One. To me, it seems as if Meri is in charge, much to Janelle’s dismay.  For example, on last week’s episode, when Meri broached the subject of going back to school, Kody made a point of saying that he knew that she was telling him not asking him.  I believe the only reason they “followed” him to Las Vegas was because they had to leave Utah.  I have a feeling they were threatened with being brought up on charges for welfare, bankruptcy and income tax frauds, just to name a few.


What I wouldn’t give to see them on the real Shark Tank.  I think I saw fumes coming out of Janelle's ears when Kody said Robyn was their company’s CFO.  Heh!

  • Love 2


IIRC, they said they need the $2.5 mil to fill that gap between 500 "sells" and 15,000,000 website visits with all the fabulous ideas for joory Robin has in her head to expand their product line.

They have to do a couple things. They have to get people who visit the site to buy, they have to get more people to visit the site, and they have to get buyers to become repeat buyers. Any decent business advisor would tell them that the jewelry market is already over-saturated. Trying to break into it without being a huge celebrity with Macys backing, or being a huge corporation, is almost impossible. They would have done better buying into a franchise like McDonalds. Or just getting regular jobs. It seemed like they had jobs back in Wyoming.


Is anyone besides Robyn even making an effort towards the jewelry business?

  • Love 2

Ironic that they sell jewelry so expensive that they probably couldn't or wouldn't want to buy it. Looking at their website, they obviously got someone to invest because the watches look pretty nice.


I never hated Meri until this episode. Good gracious woman, you do nothing, and break down at even the slightest request! On the other hand, I was very impressed by Christine and her confidence. I thought it was out of character for Janelle to be so possessive of the CFO title.


Glad that Kody was finally honest about wanting to have control over the family every once in a while. The irony was that he was preaching to the choir at that moment. Of course he doesn't have the power to make decisions for the family unilaterally, but neither do any of the wives.

  • Love 1

Upfront disclosure: I don't know a lot about finance, but.... I thought what the Browns were saying was that they were asking for a $2.5 million loan, which would be "secured" (so to speak) by giving the lenders a right to receive 20% of the profits of their business. I don't think we ever heard what their estimate was of the company's value ($12,500,000 or otherwise).

By the way.....they hired (I'm assuming the guy was paid) a "consultant" to advise them -- however, his role seemed mostly to be the audience while they practiced their pitch. Was he with them for the official presentation? He should have been.

Also, why was Janelle up late the night before preparing financial statements? They must have accountants, right? I would think the first thing an investor would want to see is audited financial reports.

Edited by MMLEsq
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I was impressed with Janelle's poise, during their presentation.  But her numbers were beyond wacked, to forecast that obscene amount of growth and profit.  She kept stressing it was a conservative estimate.  I wonder if she was basing everything off of the assumption that everyone visiting their site would buy something.  We know that will never happen.  I hadn't looked at the site until last night's episode, and it was great for a laugh.  But, if I wanted jewelry that looked that like, I'd go to Etsy, and I wouldn't spend more than $15 for a pendant.  That's really where they belong; on Etsy.  Except, they don't actually make this stuff, do they.  Did they ever explain where it is made.  I'm just going to assume underpaid/child labor is involved, so these greedy ingrates could profit as much as possible.


The whole presentation reminded me of a group project my sophomore year of college, presenting a made-up business proposal in my Technical Writing class.  There were even 4 girls and one boy in my group.  But, we did a much better job.  ; )  


I was distracted by the giant cylinder of muck Kody seemed to have at every table he was sitting at.  Was that the unhealthy "health" pyramid scheme drink they are involved with.  That cylinder wasn't exactly a glass.  It looked like it had a solid top.  I kept trying to figure out how one would drink from it. 


Does it bug anyone else how Meri says she's "going back to college", instead of saying she's going back to "school".  I keep expecting her to say "school", and then she says "college" and it sounds so awkward to me.  Is she afraid we'll mistake her for going back to high school, or something?  And when Robyn said she couldn't wrap her head around why Meri feels she wants to do this, I felt my disdain for her growing.  Its so clear that all these women, except for maybe Janelle, have so much to learn about they real world, and conducting yourself as an adult.  Meri's freak-out about speaking to 6 strangers for a couple minutes said it all.  I would have a harder time wrapping my head around why Meri would want to go on living her stagnant life, with no job, no kids at home, being one of Kody's four wives. 


And has Meri even gotten an acceptance letter from UNLV or anything yet?  Her envelope she presented to Kody in the season opener was just her transcripts from Utah, that she needed to give to UNLV to apply to go to school there.          

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