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S07.E06: Pedal to the Metal

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26 minutes ago, cinsays said:

Wendy Williams?

Yeah, 'cuz she's got such fashion sense...…….ha

Yeah, and Danica Patrick "designs" athleisure wear.  There has rarely (at least in the last several seasons) been any indication that the guest judges need to have any real clothing design experience. 

Alyssa Milano is affiliated with the NFL on women's clothing.  It takes real talent to design v-necks with team logos, made for women.  If she has moved on to anything more serious than that, I'm not aware, and won't apologize for it, lol. 

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Django's pink dress made me make the most horrid face.

The gold dress is AMAZING.  I love it.  But I also loved it before What's Her Name edited it, so what do I know?  I love any and all versions of that gold dress this man made.  

The runway was so boring until the middle - hate to admit it but liked Michelle's.  Liked the silver/white jumpsuit thing, that was exciting.  And I kind of liked Sean Kelly's pink fringe thing, even though it made me think of like............... X rated things.

Wendy criticizing the gold lame colour even though she's wearing a gold lame dress.  Classic 

Women go crazy for pockets.  It's so predictable.  I guess that a lot of clothes out there are sexist because they DON'T have pockets yet menswear always does but......... IDK

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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For once,  I loved Irina's dress, so maybe I took Georgina's criticism too hard. That said, puh-lease Georgina. It looks "too heavy"? This from the mind behind Marchesa, The House That Unnecessary Frippery Built?

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Good karma to Sean Kelly for helping Anya.  That's a nice story.

The guy's name is Biddell?  Really?  Anyway, his was my favourite this week.

I liked Michelle's.  God, Isaac is such a nasty bitch.

I think people will hate how much the designers helped Anya, but I think some of these designers just really genuinely like her, and it's really sweet.  I remember the same camaraderie from her other seasons too.  Even with high drama people around her (i.e. Orange Joshua), she mostly tries to stay out of it.

I still liked Anya's more than Django's!  I'm sorry, but the workroom critique of his was actually spot on this time.  It DID look like a child playing in a muumuu!  And he didn't even bother to change it?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Sean needs to step away from the fringe.  And Irina was robbed.

Liked the back of Django's, hated the front.  Hated the whole of Biddell's.  It was the fabric for me.  It looked cheap.

Much as I think Anya is overrated, I'd have sent Michelle home.  Michelle's design was butt ugly.  It looked like she went to the rag bin and stitched together all the leftover strips into one hideous garment.  Anya's was a bit odd in the sleeves, but otherwise okay.

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And Wendy Williams and Danica Patrick were judges why? It seems like this show just grabs random celebrities for judges.  I did kind of liked Wendy snarking at Isaac though. 

Both pink gowns reminded me of Pepto Bismol. Why was Dmitri’s safe, I liked his design, very red carpet. 

Irina was robbed. Anya’s was weird, too short and those sleeves were almost mopping the floor. 

It’s funny how much everyone hates Anne. I was hoping she was going to piss off Django just to see if he would have indeed ‘stranguled’ her with his material. 

Edited by Straycat80
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23 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

And Wendy Williams and Danica Patrick were judges why? It seems like this show just grabs random celebrities for judges.  I did kind of liked Wendy snarking at Isaac though. 

Seriously!  WHO IS HE?????????   LOL

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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At least Wendy Williams brought some energy and pizzazz to the judging commentary.

Irina's design was fine, but I personally hate that two-way sequins material. To me, it looked like an unconventional materials challenge where she ripped apart dorm pillows from Five Below.

Anthony Ryan's looked like a superhero costume.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Good karma to Sean Kelly for helping Anya.  That's a nice story.

The guy's name is Biddell?  Really?  Anyway, his was my favourite this week.

It’s Evan Biddell. I guess he goes by one name now.  

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55 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I did kind of liked Wendy snarking at Isaac though. 

I normally find WW just too much extra, but her sniping at blowhard IM was giving me LIFE! "Japon-aise? It's Japanese!!" God, he's such an asshole.

I must have the blandest, most mediocre taste, because my favorites last week were the Jaguar and Antelope, and my favorite this week was the folded pink one first or second out. I can't recall which of the female international designers it was, but I'm really enjoying the middle-of-the-road work.

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The judges kept saying they didn’t “get” Anya’s design - but they were ok with Sean’s??? A heavy looking cropped jacket over an ugly fringed skirt. So bizarre and unflattering. And he won of course. 

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24 minutes ago, milner said:

Anyone know Michelle’s age? She looked so old tonight. 

She was 34 when she won PR, so that would make her about 43 now. If she would stop trying to be the coolest, edgiest, hippest person EVAH, she'd look a lot better. Losing the 12 pound eyelashes, the jet black dye job and the ugliest glasses on the rack would help a lot.

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I don’t know if I really liked the movement of Sean’s fringe... or if it just looked too much like a cheap electrostatic duster. 


Also, not a fan of the super high leg slit in some of the dresses. 

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2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

And Wendy Williams and Danica Patrick were judges why?

That's exactly what I was wondering, I have never heard of either one of them in any way related to fashion. Just because they're famous doesn't mean they know enough to judge a fashion competition.

Anya deserved to go just for not being able to sew her outfit.

I thought Irina should have won.

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I hope as the field thins a bit more, they start letting the cameras linger on the clothes for more than half a second. The kamikaze editing just makes me think they're trying to flash past glaring construction flaws or something.

I would've been fine with any of the low-scorers going, but Django's been in the bottom three consecutive times now, so I was surprised his boob drapes with the asymmetrical twists got him sent to safety first. Probably would've given Irina the win as well; I liked Biddell's at the outset, but earrings that look like car air fresheners are simply not red-carpet.

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I thought the pretty Brazilian lady was a goner for sure, when she opened the show talking about how much she missed home.

Anne is such a Debbie Downer. You can feel the whole room groan when she enters. & that's just at my house. 

I was glad Michelle apologized to Dimitry.

I thought Biddell's dress was breathtaking, the elegant way it hung on the model's body. I even liked the shoulder duster earrings. I can see how the fabric may have looked cheap in person, but it looked ok on my tv.

Irina's dress was my second favorite; usually I don't care for her taste at all. 

The winning look would have ended up on a "what was she thinking?" list, although it looked ok from the back. I think I would have put Dimitry's in the top 3 instead.

I. Cannot. Believe. Anya came back after all these year & still can't sew. She should have put a slit or something on the inside of the sleeve so the dress would be functional. How was the woman wearing her dress supposed to eat, drink, use her cell phone or wipe her ass? 

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OMG why were so many people helping Anya with her dress? FFS! I thought we would finally be rid of her when she started whining about how she wouldn't be able to choose her usual type of fabric (soft, flowy) and do her usual type of "designing" (drape shit on the dress form). In other words, her inability to sew would be on full display! But nooooooo, everyone had to help her. When Sean said that putting in a zipper for her wasn't going to make her win, I thought yeah, but forcing her to sew it in herself might have been enough to finally get her eliminated!

I liked Cynthia's VMA look. The sculptural part of the top would make it interesting to photograph on the red carpet. The gold metallic jacquard was a good choice because it catches the light without being too shiny (versus, say, the glare you would get on a very shiny satiny material), and it adds texture without being bulky.

Dmitry's Grammy dress was fine for the challenge. The sequins were shiny and textured, and the sheer jagged cut out sections on the leg gave it some skin without being too exposed. I didn't love the silhouette from a distance though. It would be super comfy since it was loose and blousy at the waist, but that also means any woman who wore that would have baby bump rumors flying the second she stepped on the red carpet.

I hated everything about Michelle's art gallery opening dress. I found the shape and the color to be unflattering. I could hear Michael Kors and Nina Garcia opining about how no woman wants a dress that makes her look twice as wide as she actually is. I also did not like how stiff the material was. I paused the episode to stare at her dress so that I could come up with one nice thing to say about it and drew a blank. It was just ugly in every way. And then Michelle just made it worse by describing it as "that cool girl." STFU.

Django's pink Oscar gown was loose enough that it would definitely be comfy (no sucking in your stomach while posing on the red carpet) but it could not be worn by anyone with more than an A cup. It looked like a loose sack with a twist under each boob. I'm not like Heidi Klum - I don't think every dress needs to be tight. Loose and flowy can be good. But this just looked like it lacked any kind of design or structure. Like last week, it looked like a six year old took a bed sheet, wrapped it around herself, and ta da, "Look, mommy, I made a dress!" I also didn't care for the anemic shade of pink he chose. Wendy Williams summed it up perfectly for me: "NOPE."

I liked Christina's Cannes outfit. That silver would love great on a red carpet and I loved the precise cut outs on the top. I also loved the tiny bit of delicate beading that was dripping down the shoulders. I didn't totally love the pants, but I thought that they were interesting and different without being weird.

Anthony Ryan's VMA outfit looked like a cross between a Star Trek costume and a futuristic flight attendant uniform. I didn't like the piping on the front pockets. It was too much like an arrow drawing attention to the crotch.

Evan's dress definitely looked like something you would see at the Oscars. I would have preferred a little less side boob and I definitely see why some of the other designers mentioned the cheapness of the fabric, but it still looked good on the runway.

Sean's Met Gala dress was weird, so I guess that's a good thing? In theory, I appreciated the contrast between the sculpted top and the long loose fringe of the skirt, but I still didn't love this look. It looked like the right and left side of the top/jacket/peplum were uneven.

Anya's Grammy look was terrible. It was ill fitting and unflattering. When you can make a runway model look lumpy, wrinkled, and square shaped with a pot belly, you have really fucked up. I also hated the long sleeves. Like seriously, who needs sleeves that go down past their knees?

Irina's Oscars dress was simple in design but it looked great on the runway. I have resisted buying one of those mermaid pillows because I would spend way too much time sweeping my hand back and forth. I wish the slit was a tiny bit lower because I was afraid the model was going to flash someone.

Man, I wish we would have had Django, Anya, and Michelle ALL eliminated this week. They all made hideously disastrous garments that were poorly constructed and unflattering on their models.

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Django is one annoying contestant, and I live for how Anne triggers him. 

I liked Sean’s fabric, and found the  top interesting, but I’m not crazy about fringe. 

Anya got a longer stay than necessary. She seems like a good person, but she is not a designer. 

Not a Wendy fan but clapped when she was taking the piss outta issac. He’s is awful, and so inappropriate in so many ways. He truly creeps me out. 

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Amazed that Anthony Ryan's nasty blue Star Trek outfit was safe! It's all those extra guest judges fudging up the scores - or Isaac and whoever couldn't bear for two of their precious babies to be in the bottom. I would've put Sean's hideous coral pink fringe number in the bottom three with AR and Anya, and sent all three of them home.

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5 hours ago, Supagirl said:

Every time Anne Fulenwhatever comes in to critique, her opinions are met with barely concealed hostility and flat loathing by each and every designer. It is hilarious to me.  Can’t she temper her opinions with a little positive feedback?

Was I the only one that though Django's comment after her critique, something about wearing your grandmother's floral tablecloth or something?, was directly aimed at Anne and her dress choice?

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Ms Blue Jay, Django considerably changed his "muu-muu" design after the workroom critique. As for pockets: Men don't usually carry handbags; women usually do. 

I happen to love the visual effect of a dress with fringe (I never owned one, but my late beautiful mother had a white dress with rows of fringe that looked va-va-va-voom!), so Sean is okay by me! 

I think Dmitry's star is fading.

Anya may be well-liked by this crew, but they weren't (yet) defeated by her, were they? Heh.

Will no-one rid me of the taste-challenged Michelle?!

Japanais: Don't creative disciplines often use French and Italian terms, rather than English? In this instance,  Isaac held back from schooling the execrable Wendy Williams, as the designer was more than likely referencing an iconic 1953 collection, a "fusion of Japanese femininity and Parisian elegance,"  by Dior:


Ms Blue Jay, Are you seriously asking who is Isaac Mizrahi, or are you snarking on his going from Chanel to becoming his own label aimed at the 99%? 


He is also an acclaimed cabaret performer:


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Weirdly, I am aware that women carry handbags.

On 2/7/2019 at 7:51 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Ms Blue Jay, Are you seriously asking who is Isaac Mizrahi, or are you snarking on his going from Chanel to becoming his own label aimed at the 99%? 

Yes, I was being 100% serious.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Ms Blue Jay, Since you seemed to agree with your quoted part, I found the snark a bit too well-disguised (although I did ask). Were you similarly joking about pockets? Django's design?

I admit to once teaching the master Jonathan Swift, but perhaps I need a tune-up of my Satire-O-Meter. 

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5 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

I. Cannot. Believe. Anya came back after all these year & still can't sew. She should have put a slit or something on the inside of the sleeve so the dress would be functional. How was the woman wearing her dress supposed to eat, drink, use her cell phone or wipe her ass? 

I think if she had slit the sleeves up to around the hand or higher, she might still be there. When the model put her hand on her hip, the sleeve would have flowed down. Also, Michelle's dress was hideous. It looked like an ugly '60s muumuu much more than Django's did.

1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

As for pockets: Men don't usually carry handbags; women usually do.

Because they don't have pockets. If I have enough pockets, I skip the purse whenever I can. It's a pain to carry and a pain to keep track of.

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Boy, I was really pulling for a double elimination.   Michelle made a truly hideous looking dress.  She deserved to go home.   Anya's was bad for two reasons.  First, SHE DIDN'T MAKE IT and second, it was weird.  Bog standard miniskirt suit set with weirdly long sleeves.  She should have saved those sleeves for the avante garde week.  

Why couldn't they both have gone home?

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Anya deserved to go home, but I would have been happier if they kicked out Michelle.

What annoys me with those Red Carpet challenges are designers who clearly adjusted their red carped event to fit their design afterwards and its always the friggin gallery opening. Nowadays, even if a designer's style does not fit 'conventional' RCs there are a lot of excentric people out there who will wear something more risky to movie premieres and award shows. But doing a lame A-line beach dress and then making your story fit the dress will not get you any clients in the real world. The designers should have to aim for a specific event and name it before they start sketching.

It was lovely to see Irina, Cynthia and Christina work on this challenge because they clearly understand how to construct a garment.

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On 2/7/2019 at 4:19 PM, NowVoyager said:

How was the woman wearing [Anya's] dress supposed to eat, drink, use her cell phone or wipe her ass?

That's hardly fair -- clearly the toilet paper is built right in.

Edited by Corgi-ears
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On 2/7/2019 at 9:05 AM, auntlada said:

Because they don't have pockets. If I have enough pockets, I skip the purse whenever I can. It's a pain to carry and a pain to keep track of.

There's no way I could fit everything in pockets that I carry in my purse. Even if I could, it would look too bulky and weigh my pants down. And I dont carry half of what women lug around in their oversized bags, lol.

On 2/7/2019 at 5:21 AM, Barbara Please said:

Anya got a longer stay than necessary. She seems like a good person, but she is not a designer. 

She really seems like a lovely person though, doesn't she? I like that she admitted to the judges that she had help, and she exited with grace and class. She rarely said anything even remotely negative about the other designers.

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20 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:
On 2/7/2019 at 5:21 AM, Barbara Please said:

Anya got a longer stay than necessary. She seems like a good person, but she is not a designer. 

She really seems like a lovely person though, doesn't she? I like that she admitted to the judges that she had help, and she exited with grace and class. She rarely said anything even remotely negative about the other designers.

I think she's a great stylist and maybe a good designer - she has a better eye than a lot of the others.  What she cannot do and what she was never able to do, is sew.  Can't remember the conversation between the two of the male designers helping her - "Don't sew this for her and let her win."   "*snort* Sewing a seam up the side of this skirt is NOT going to make her win."  Maybe one of the reasons they were so willing to help her - they knew this was it for her and weren't looking forward to her looking a fool, since she isn't bitchy.

On 2/7/2019 at 7:51 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Japanais: Don't creative disciplines often use French and Italian terms, rather than English? In this instance,  Isaac held back from schooling the execrable Wendy Williams, as the designer was more than likely referencing an iconic 1953 collection, a "fusion of Japanese femininity and Parisian elegance,"  by Dior:

Yes, they do.  And this one goes back even further than Dior for that matter;


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36 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I think she's a great stylist and maybe a good designer - she has a better eye than a lot of the others.  What she cannot do and what she was never able to do, is sew.  Can't remember the conversation between the two of the male designers helping her - "Don't sew this for her and let her win."   "*snort* Sewing a seam up the side of this skirt is NOT going to make her win."  Maybe one of the reasons they were so willing to help her - they knew this was it for her and weren't looking forward to her looking a fool, since she isn't bitchy.

Yes, they do.  And this one goes back even further than Dior for that matter;


Yeah, I also knew that WW was showing both her ass and her ignorance with that comment to Isaac.  He showed restraint in not embarrassing her.

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On 2/7/2019 at 12:24 AM, Supagirl said:

Every time Anne Fulenwhatever comes in to critique, her opinions are met with barely concealed hostility and flat loathing by each and every designer. It is hilarious to me.  Can’t she temper her opinions with a little positive feedback?


Nope.  She can't.  And that is really hilarious considering the fugly dreck she's usually wearing at any given time.  But I did get a good chuckle out of her telling Michelle that every one of her fabrics looked like a curtain in a cheap hotel room. 

Sean and his stupid fringe is back.  Am I being punked?  How was that garment a win?  

Shady Dmitry is the best.  "It's a form of flattery...copying.  I'm very flattered."  HEE!!!

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I thought Sean’s pink creation was hideous. I think I recoiled when it came down runway and of course it wins. Honeslty didn’t care who got booted from the bottom. Anya is frustrating because you know this just isn’t the show for her based on her skills. But she really does seem to be a very nice person. 

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Oh hell no. I can’t believe another one of Sean’s fringe nightmares won! I thought that mess belonged in the bottom! Talk about a One-Way-Monkey! If they wanted an origami jacket to win it should have been Cynthia’s! The real winner was Irina even though she used As Seen On TV Mermaid Pillow fabric. That dress was amazing. I also loved Dimitry’s. How was that just safe?!?

And explain to me how one of the judges (correctly) hated Sean’s and everyone loved Irina’s, but Sean’s ended up winning? What is the point of having 15 guest judges if their opinions are irrelevant? I mean, it’s getting ridiculous how many guest judges there were! And it was even more ludicrous how random they were! Wendy Williams?!! Danica Patrick?? Of course, Lifetime, nothing screams high fashion like NASCAR! What a joke. I can’t wait for this show to go back to Bravo.

Does Django have something against boobs because once again he has managed to make his model’s look horrific. Instead of smashing them down like last week they were droopy and weirdly draped. He has got to go soon....

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3 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I also loved Dimitry’s. How was that just safe?!?

Maybe because he's been doing the same look/treatment for weeks now with the sheer sections? Talk about having seen a dress before.

I think I had other ideas here but the boards being down made me forget...

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

Maybe because he's been doing the same look/treatment for weeks now with the sheer sections? Talk about having seen a dress before.

I know there were sheer sections but I thought the sequin fabric was great and the dress was pretty.  In terms of repeat technique, in my mind shear panels > fringe.......

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I posted these on another forum while PTV was down, but I thought I'd bring my posts here because this usually where I usually snark on my favorite shows.


Michelle's dress did turn out better on the runway than it looked like it would in the workroom. There was something jaunty about they way it swung with the movement of the model.

Django's also had lovely movement, but lost its charm when standing still. Evan's dress had a similar back to it, but the way he cut it the pattern, or draped it, or whatever, his dress retained its grace when standing still. What a compliment when Anne-the-bad-coach told him she could see Charlize Theron wearing it to the Oscars. I loved how that just really made his eyes shine.

I knew Anya was doomed, there was no way she could do her signature floaty beach dress. I didn't really care for Sean's look, but I'm OK with the win.

And fuck you, judges. Older women walk the red carpet too. Somebody's got to dress Barbara Streisand, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Helen Mirren etc.

Too. Many. Judges. Knock it off, show.

Wendy Williams was really getting under Isaac's skin, and she knew it, so she kept needling him. "Who are you?" seemed to arrow right between his scales to the insecure little swishy fat boy from his youth that you just know he harbors inside him. I'd have felt sorry for him, except that I find him rather insufferable on a frequent basis. But that Wendy continued to do it even after it was clear her barbs were hitting home was just unseemly.


I think they must have edited a lot out, because the degree of irritation that Isaac exhibited between the first barb they showed--which he rolled his eyes at and ignored--and the next barb they showed where he did respond with a sarcastic comment meant to be funny but seemed to carry real heat indicated to me that there was missing footage where she was kind of relentless at going after him. Then the final barb they showed had Isaac's body language turned completely away from her, red-faced, and responding with a much greater degree of heat.

It seems to me that Wendy has to be the #1 diva in the room, and she couldn't accept that Isaac's established ownership of that role on his home turf meant that she should cool her jets. Isaac also has to be the #1 diva in the room, and he was not having it from this guest judge.

Like I said, I find Isaac insufferable a lot of the time, but I think as the established full time judge, he deserves the #1 position,and Wendy should just shut up and judge the clothes, not the judges.

Sigh. I miss The Duchess of Orange. Michael Kors would have slapped her down without even breaking stride.

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