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  1. I hate these stupid canned scripts. She’s just reading the stupid script, which is probably related to nothing that she’s feeling.
  2. You know she’s completely checked out when she answers “Yes sir.”
  3. Doesn’t weight loss surgery come much later in the episode? Seems like this happened pretty early in the episode.
  4. I hate these canned scripts. Everyone’s working really hard??
  5. Wow this is as bad as it gets. On the bright side, he’s actually a handsome man.
  6. Kieyra, if your name is the same I remember you! Wonderful fan fiction! Is there a repository for it? It used to be on LiveJournal but I have no idea where it is now.
  7. I’m not here necessarily to wish Veronica has a happy and satisfying relationship. She’s damaged, and the day she’s not is the day the show really ends. But I really hate the gratuitous killing of Logan which was done for shock value only and not because it enhanced the story.
  8. I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve felt (starting with the movie) that the snap, crackle and pop that was Logan/Jason Dohring just disappeared. I was not impressed with his acting in either the movie or season 4. I don’t know if it’s the scripts or him tbh, but he seemed very drab to me on the screen. I wrote in a previous post that Rob and Kristen were not happy with the Logan character, so I wonder if all of this is related somehow. I was rewatching season 1, and he’s so good and alive on the screen, that the comparison is sad.
  9. The rumor for a long time since I’ve been watching VM from back in the day is that Rob and Kristen (especially Kristen) didn’t like Logan and the fact that he became so popular. For this reason, the ending actually did not surprise me.
  10. Omg, here’s my weekly bleat about these people reading from a script. I HATE IT.
  11. Methinks the producers hinted to Dr. Now she’s on drugs.
  12. I always wonder what they think will happen with weight loss surgery... do they think they can magically eat all they want and poop it out? The truth is a lot of people have horrible issues after the surgery—the thing that is their reason for living has been taken away.
  13. Ugh I hate these effing scripts! “Working as hard” as she can while shoveling down food as fast as she can? Why can’t they just let these people speak truthfully? The few times they did the shows were so much better.
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