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S09.E06: Last Fling Before The Ring

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Dolores catches Frank in another lie; Jackie considers reconciling with her sister; Melissa plans little Joey’s communion; Margaret, Melissa and Teresa plan Danielle’s bachelorette party, but Danielle’s ways leads to an explosive confrontation.

Airs 12/12/18 at 9:00 PM Eastern

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

What nut would marry Danielle?! Is it just for the show?

At least he came to his senses 4 months later. 

Gawd Danielle is a crazy Bridezilla Bitch and deserved every bit of that smack down from The Marge. But so help me, I’d rather watch insane Danielle than any scene with Dolores and her roided-out ex any day. Her scenes bore me to tears. 

Little Joey is just ridiculously adorable. 

Edited by Duke2801
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What is with these people and fitness competitions? I mean, to each their own, but I don't get the appeal. Frankie looked HUGE. And his skin looked bad as well. Steroids?

I'd love to sit on on a therapy session with Dolores. She's got some real issues. Two men, and she's never felt so alone. 


Melissa and Margaret at Danielle's house looked like they just walked off the set of a Paula Abdul music video.

Danielle truly is a bridezilla. She wants all this stuff done for her. But she won't ask for it. You're expected to constantly call her and ask what you can do.

I loved when Margaret lost her shit; told Danielle she didn't need any more stuff and should just accept donations to charity. But then she gets sucked right back into Danielle's bullshit. So disappointing. 


Did you see the way Joe's face lit up when he heard what Jackie said about Joe being in jail. He loved that just a little too much. 

Meanwhile, Teresa still can't even say the word. When relaying what Jackie said to Danielle, she had to paraphrase. Girl, we all know he's in the clink! Drop the pretense. 


Jennifer :"Three shots in a row and you can get anything from Amazon." If I were her husband, I'd send her to work and get a full time nanny. 

Edited by ghoulina
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Uh......That bridal shower was..........something. 

I have the unpopular opinion of not liking Jackie. I do not like Jennifer either. They both annoy me far more than the rest of the ladies.

Jennifer buying stuff off Amazon to get her kids to play, because a 14 year old does not like the same things as however old her youngest is. Really? Do the kids always have to play together? Can't they all go their separate ways and do whatever each one is interested in? I am surprised Jennifer does not have a nanny for each kid. 

Joe's constant sex talk or references are so tired. I was glad when Melissa told him to stop it.

Delores really needs to stop relying on Frank so much. Maybe have him move out of her house. I hope she is in therapy or something. Was the gym that she and her mom worked out in the same one that Delores owned/was a partner in during the previous season?

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When Delores and Frank were married he cheated on her and left her with two young kids. She still treats him like he's her moon and stars. Frank only knows one way to treat her. She wants to be the wife and he's treating her like he used to. Her threats are empty so his behavior never changes.

The scene at Danielle's was so fake. Melissa could barely stifle her laughter. Danielle is a narcissist who will do anything for screen time and attention. Her daughter is still so pretty and seems normal. 

I don't like Jackie, either, Misslindsey. Personally I have trouble trusting people who are estranged from immediate family and are so casual about it. Fifteen years, really?

Jackie actually thinks that she's going to buddy up to Melissa and the two of them are going to take down Queen Teresa. Someone tell her to watch Jacqueline Laurita's final seasons on the show. Wacky Jac thought she could do the same thing and then Melissa turned around and sided with Tre. She knows where her bread is buttered. It's only a matter of time before there is a huge fight, she is forced to choose between them, and Melissa the turncoat whines, "well, Teresa is FAMILY." Jackie will be out on that limb all alone. Jacqueline, Kathy, Caroline Manzo and Rosie all learned that lesson the hard way.

Does Jennifer's husband have a girlfriend? He misses dinner most nights? Those kids are spoiled and overweight.

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4 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Wait, wait, wait!!!  Jennifer buys those little trolls something from Amazon if they agree to PLAY?  Where do they find these horrible people??

Danielle is back to being insane.

Curious...was Danielle ever not insane? Seriously Margaret should have punched her in the throat and resign as Danielle's slave.


Joe Gorga is a pig. How does Melissa put up with him?


Why is it okay to say asshole and cock on this show, but not shit?


I have to say these "ladies" are bringing the drama this season and i'm loving it. SOOO much better than the borefest that was Orange County this past season.

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3 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Jackie actually thinks that she's going to buddy up to Melissa and the two of them are going to take down Queen Teresa. Someone tell her to watch Jacqueline Laurita's final seasons on the show. Wacky Jac thought she could do the same thing and then Melissa turned around and sided with Tre. She knows where her bread is buttered. It's only a matter of time before there is a huge fight, she is forced to choose between them, and Melissa the turncoat whines, "well, Teresa is FAMILY." Jackie will be out on that limb all alone. Jacqueline, Kathy, Caroline Manzo and Rosie all learned that lesson the hard way.

I love this. That season is spectacular. Caroline, Jacqueline and Caro's daughter were furious at the reunion while Teresa pretty much kept her cool. 

I think Melissa and Joe really can't stand Teresa but they're smart enough to cling to the "Money Tre".

I just feel really sad for Danielle. She's so desperate to have a beautiful suburban life. I loved the brick pillar and rustic ladder/blanket holder in her home. 

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I passed on "Vikings" for this? Won't make that mistake next week.

The shower was just gross.  Just gross.   Ugh.   These women are well into their 40s and 50s. 

6 hours ago, Marley said:

Melissa’s kid Joey jr is a little brat. He seemed to think he was so cute and funny at the suit store but he annoyed me.

I thought so too.  Kids like that annoy the crap out of me.   As far as Jennifer's kids - their biggest problem is Jennifer.     What is it with Bravo continually showcasing these brats? 

Delores and Frank are boring.   Delores needs something other than "I live with my Ex" and "I'm Teresa's mouthpiece" and "here Mom, have a whey shake".

And while I'm thinking about it - Teresa has some nerve to say that Melissa should have defended her to Jackie when Jackie made the "jail" comment.  Not Melissa's place, especially since Tre has been going after her all season in front of the others.   Teresa's a big girl.  She can fight her own battles. 

(Don't worry Vikings, I'll be back next week since it look like more of the Danielle show and I have zero interest.  Bravo-we know how it ends.)

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2 hours ago, HadleyFields said:

I just feel really sad for Danielle. She's so desperate to have a beautiful suburban life. I loved the brick pillar and rustic ladder/blanket holder in her home. 

I kept looking at that ladder too, so tempted to get one for my house if I thought my crazy Cornish rex wouldn't claw his way up that blanket ladder.  

6 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Does Jennifer's husband have a girlfriend?

My thought exactly! I would say yes and she just looks the other way, enjoys her status, ugly furniture filled McMansion and Chanel.  

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4 hours ago, MadLove said:

Joe Gorga is a pig. How does Melissa put up with him?

Joe is hyper sexualized, that kid of theirs has been using the words "sexy" and "hot" for sometime now something that he hears at home on the regular.  In this day of Me Too Melissa should really have a talk with that kid, Joe may be skewing that kids take on women, thinking their value is based on whether or not they are hot or sexy.  Joe may be raising a cretin.

Danielle is mess in a very nice house.  The shower was stupid and frankly the whole naughty lingerie store is juvenile at best. They are women in their 40's, enough already! Tre asking what some butt plug toy was?  Really Tre? Nobody is believing that feigned innocence.  BTW, who paid for that Flapper Shower anyway?  I thought Margaret was broke?  Male strippers are not my thing and even if it were I would not want one doing a headstand in my crotch whilst I lay on the floor in front of all my friends.  You want a sexy looking guy, have him do the laundry or clean a bathroom, THAT is sexy, lol.  Danielle complaining about going to her fitting alone?  Why didn't she take her daughters, 

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Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

Joe is hyper sexualized, that kid of theirs has been using the words "sexy" and "hot" for sometime now something that he hears at home on the regular.  In this day of Me Too Melissa should really have a talk with that kid, Joe may be skewing that kids take on women, thinking their value is based on whether or not they are hot or sexy.  Joe may be raising a cretin.

Danielle is mess in a very nice house.  The shower was stupid and frankly the whole naughty lingerie store is juvenile at best. They are women in their 40's, enough already! Tre asking what some butt plug toy was?  Really Tre? Nobody is believing that feigned innocence.  BTW, who paid for that Flapper Shower anyway?  I thought Margaret was broke?  Male strippers are not my thing and even if it were I would not want one doing a headstand in my crotch whilst I lay on the floor in front of all my friends.  You want a sexy looking guy, have him do the laundry or clean a bathroom, THAT is sexy, lol.  Danielle complaining about going to her fitting alone?  Why didn't she take her daughters, 

I am not sure why but there is something odd going on my cursor kept jumping around...I could not finish my entire post. 

Danielle should have taken her daughters to the fitting or actually scheduled a time with Melissa and Marge instead of telling them after the fact and expecting them to be psychic about when her fittings were.  All this mishagash (Yiddish for craziness) for a second wedding?  Danielle expecting expensive gifts from everyone?  I'd buy her a crockpot and call it a day.  

Tre is looking awful.

I am tired of watching Melissa and Tre do that hair thing where they run their hands down the front of their extensions, constantly, anyone else notice this? 

Jennifer is interesting.  She could easily go toe to toe with Tre.

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7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Delores is just boring

Yawn.  How is she surprised that her husband has done something stupid again, she is a bad judge of character and keeps inviting him back in to her life.  I could see when her kids were little she wanted to keep him around and have a united front for the kids but those kids are adults now, time to shake that ex loose.  What is with her boyfriend?  Did she say he works until 1am every day and that they do not see each other often?  Some BF, sounds like he works like Vicki G. worked until 1am, wink, wink.

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So in real life Danielle's marriage was over in 3 months, the house belonged to her 'husband' and is on the market and they have TROs on one another. He apparently moved out. 


It's obvious from this episode that Danielle is already aware that the relationship is in trouble. 'Peaks and lows ' she said. 'A lot of peaks and lows '. 


I think that Danielle hasn't got a pot to piss in. She HAD to have this wedding for screentime and the insane demands, like the Versace and Hermes bridal registry, despite as Marg said having a house 'full of plates', was because THIS stuff would then belong to her. Free fancy crap that her friends bought for when he takes back his house.  

On top of this we get the brains trust, Danielle and Teresa, aligning to take down Melissa. Danielle has played this game before and if she and Teresa aren't bringing drama via yoga, body building and general inzenity, they will fall back to the insanity they're more comfortable with. 

Not interested in more Bravo brats and every one of Jennifer’s children plus the Gorga kids are in this category. Jennifer's kids need to be making more use of the indoor outdoor basketball courts and less use of the kitchen and cokes. Or iced tea. Like that's a healthy alternative! 

Danielle's daughter looked like a supermodel and was way too classy for that trashtastic bridal shower. Teresa is a troglodyte with her 'underwears' and dildo. Imagine the intergenerational bloid feud that would have been sparked if Melissa handed such an object to Gia? 

I can't believe Danielle has this much crazy on full display. Marg is a classy woman and a saint. She walked out then gritted her teeth and honored her commitment to continue organising Danielle's shitacular wedding extravagaaanza. The whining and the demands and the smug smirk at the party as this 50 something woman is lowered on a swing? Has she no self awareness at all? Does she not have any idea how ridiculously inappropriate this kind of nonsense is for a woman her age? I am around her age and all for letting my hair down and celebrating a marriage at this age but Cmon! 2nd marriage, later in life, this isn't Vanderpump Rules! Get some decorum!

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So I’m watching last night w my daughter who just came home for winter break. She vaguely knows the show. We’re watching the stripper do his thing on Danielle and DD says “wait, I thought those two hated each other”. I rewind and in the background are Tre and Mel, laughing their asses off and leaning on each other. Trust me. I had a SIL that I didn’t get along with, and now way in gods green earth would I cozy up to her like that. Sealed the deal for me  their drama is all for the cameras. 

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

There's no such thing as too much love for bringing up jail to that FELON Teresa, in my book.  If I won the lotto, I'd be tempted to rent 3 billboards outside Montville, New Jersey calling her & Joe jailbirds.  ;-)

Yea, but my thing is that Joey is too scared to ever say that shit to her face. Or even on camera outside of her presence. So he just loved that someone else said it. 


1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Joe is hyper sexualized, that kid of theirs has been using the words "sexy" and "hot" for sometime now something that he hears at home on the regular.  In this day of Me Too Melissa should really have a talk with that kid, Joe may be skewing that kids take on women, thinking their value is based on whether or not they are hot or sexy.  Joe may be raising a cretin.

Yet he has such double-standards for his kids. I remember watching various conversations, where he eggs his boys on to be little horn-dogs like him, but makes claims about keeping Antonia under lock and key until she's an adult. I hate that shit. I have 2 boys and a girl, and I don't relish ANY of them starting to be sexually active before they're ready. 

Joe Gorga brags about losing his virginity around 9, I believe. That is some fucked up shit. 

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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Teresa has some nerve to say that Melissa should have defended her to Jackie when Jackie made the "jail" comment. 

Oh, and don't you love Terrible Tre's retelling of the convo to Danielle?  Seems she forgot to mention that the reason Jackie piped up was because she was watching Tre and her "yes man" Dolores piling on Melissa, with, sad to say, the Marge throwing in as well.  And yeah, she did go there.   I love how this show seems to want to gloss over that two of the main players are convicted felons.  

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what are the odds of 5 kids ages 5-14 needing mom's attention ... outside and/or in the kitchen at the same time ?

I can understand the need to find a bond with your college kiddo... but asking him to bulk up from 170 to 225 for a body building competition? Why - does it have a scholarship $$ as a prize ?

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Danielle is crazy. There's no way around it. Sucks for her but not surprised the marriage didn't list. Maybe it's me that has a really odd relationship with my mother but no way in hell do I want to attend her bachelorette party with those kinds of festivities going on. Go do that with your friends and let me be none the wiser about it.

Jackie said she was inspired to reconnect with her sister after dinner with the Gorgas. Is that because she realized that what has happened between her and her sister is small shit compared to what goes on in Joe, Melissa and Teresa's relationship yet they still manage to co-exist and can even enjoy each other sometimes?

Teresa and Joe both exhibit the same kind of fucked up behaviour. Joe has never taken accountability for his relationship with his parents. He has spent all of these years blaming Teresa and her husband for the reason why he didn't have a close relationship with his parents. Even now when his father says to his face that Joe forgets all about him, and his own niece mirrors Teresa's sentiments that their father is always complaining that Joe has no time for him, Joe immediately assumes that it's Teresa putting these thoughts in their father's head. Joe idolized his parents and uses Teresa as his scapegoat so that he doesn't have to think lesser of his parents. Teresa does the same thing with Melissa. She uses Melissa as the scapegoat so that she doesn't have to think lesser of her brother because she idolizes him. It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me that when Teresa and Joe are on good terms, so is Melissa and Teresa but when Teresa has an issue with Joe, there's tension between her and Melissa.

Dolores, Frank is not your husband. You don't have to be the first person he tells anything to unless it has to do with your kids. Dolores wants to appear tough and strong for walking away from a man who lied and was unfaithful to her but emotionally, she is still married to Frank.

I just can't feel bad for Jennifer. Being a mother is hard for her because she doesn't seem to know how to do it without throwing money and gifts their way and she seems inclined to believe that it's impossible to do it any other way than the way she currently is doing it.

Edited by RHJunkie
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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My thought exactly! I would say yes and she just looks the other way, enjoys her status, ugly furniture filled McMansion and Chanel.  

...and ruins his kids too so he has nothing to be particularly proud of when they reach adulthood. Touchè, Dr. Bill!

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12 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Anyone else feel like they need a shower ?- I don't mean a bridal one

That was just a great big hour of gross.  The only stuff I liked was Jackie related.  But I'm withholding judgement until we get to the bottom of why she hasn't spoken to her sister in 15 years.  Maybe her sister is an asshole; maybe she is an asshole.

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Did jennifer say what was the argument (I know it will be her side of the story) that her and and her sister have not spoken for 15 YEARS... Goodness.. jail time for capital offenses are less time...

And she's a dedescendant of a Holocaust survivor... do all of the girls know - before someone says something that would offend her ?

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15 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

At least he came to his senses 4 months later. 

Gawd Danielle is a crazy Bridezilla Bitch and deserved every bit of that smack down from The Marge. But so help me, I’d rather watch insane Danielle than any scene with Dolores and her roided-out ex any day. Her scenes bore me to tears. 

Little Joey is just ridiculously adorable. 

I think they have Bridezilla Bitch on the show to relieve us from the tedious and never-ending Melissa v. Tre feud, sad singleton Delores and the other boring people. Is she getting to keep the new house?

Wasn't the kid we saw last night Gino? Anyway, he could be adorable if he didn't work overtime to mimic his crude father. Melissa better nip that in the bud before the kid gets himself in trouble at school for pushing a first-grade girl into the #MeToo movement.

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One teeny thing I have to comment on is that Marge was incorrect--this is Danielle's third, not second, wedding.  She was married to the man who authored Da Book about her, and then she was married to the father of her children, so....there's even less justification to arrive at your Gatsby-themed bachelorette party from the ceiling only to have penises dancing on one's face.

Speaking of penis, every single time they showed that dumb sign, I kept thinking it would have been more appropriate if they have substituted an "o" for the "a", and it read "some penis for life."  Just me?  

Oh my God, that drop dead gorgeous, seemingly classy woman is Danielle's spawn?  She was like a supermodel.  I found her well more attractive than Gigi Hadid (whom I don't really find attractive). I now know what it means for one woman to pale in comparison to another. I think Teresa and Melissa are both very attractive in their figures and clothing/hair, and Melissa is rather pretty, but this woman put them to shame. Damn aging. And fuck you Caroline Manzo, for saying Danielle's children had a dead look in their eyes.  I have a feeling that this Christine and the equally as compelling Jillian are lighting up the world with a little more than a beauty bar that daddy paid for, and Black Water.  

I can't wait for this Danielle story to resolve itself.  She is not a main member of the cast.  I feel like this episode went left.  Who cares about the vast majority of it?

I just had to sprinkle myself with holy water, because I am about to defend Dolores, but here goes:  as a business partner, she has every right in the world to know if her business partner is losing his license to practice law.  As I have stated on here previously, the whole thing is humiliating.  Frank had longtime family friends testify for him before the board, and all the while Dolores had no idea that any of this was going on?  Nah, Frank, that's not disrespect in the least.  Go take some more roids and make yourself look like more of a caricature than you already are.  Also, great idea?  Bring your son in on that shit.  

Jennifer needs to wake up and realize that she is overcompensating.  She was raised in a strict environment?  Fine.  Doesn't mean you have to spoil your kids rotten and draw no boundaries.  Those kids did not look happy to me.  Read a book or go online and learn about healthy family boundaries and discipline, damn!  

I'm sorry, but until proven otherwise, Jackie can do no wrong in my eyes.  Anyone who says "jail" and "husband" to Teresa in the same sentence without batting an eyelash has my respect until they lose it.  

Since I started on a minor quibble, I will end on one:  I didn't like how Melissa explained to her son (Gino, Joey?  I can't tell the difference between them) that he needs to get a communion in order to marry a nice Italian, Catholic girl.  I can't stand it when people distort acts of faith for their own ends.  I am not Catholic, so I don't know exactly what a first communion means outside of what I learned on Boardwalk Empire (hey, another Jersey show!) that it symbolizes some acceptance of  responsibility for adulthood.  Not everything is about snagging a mate.  I feel like Melissa should instill the proper context of the importance of a first communion into the kid, rather than telling him which girls he will get as a result of it.  AND--I know this might come as a shock to these Gorgas--but maybe Gino/Joey will want to find a partner who does not share his faith and ethnicity.  Oh, the horror!  Sometimes I think that Melissa is as bad as Joe when it comes to being reductive about life, and basing decisions on the lowest common denominator.  Same advice I have for Jennifer--read a freaking book!

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This is so shallow to start with but Danielle's daughter Christine is so pretty and since season 1 always seems age appropriate pretty. She wasn't walking around the house as a teen with giant nails and an overly caked up face. That party must have been super awkward for her I know she's an adult and maybe that's immature of me but I wouldn't want to see those items at my mom's party at any age.


Agree with Marge when you have money you don't make insane registries. Does Danielle actually have no other friends in her bridal party? That doesn't surprise me if so but yikes anyway. I didn't like either dress they showed Danielle in. 


Oh Jackie I like you, please don't pimp out your problems with your sister for a story. That doesn't go well.


Teresa "doesn't give a shit" if Melissa feels like Teresa loves her because she's married to her brother not her but Melissa should have had her back as her sister in law . There's a correlation you idiot. You don't defend people who don't care about you. As for the Communion shopping, I love bow ties on little boys. But Joey being a mini version of his father with half-hearted comments from Melissa isn't a good look. 


I thought it was an odd thing Delores said about her mom always wanting to get long with Frank "so he wouldn't keep the kids from her." Aside from Delores being on team Wife Controls the Husband, family harmony is one thing but the leap to she might not see her grandkids so be nice is just oddly wtf. There's all kinds of weirdness to the Delores/Frank relationship.

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28 minutes ago, politichick said:

I think they have Bridezilla Bitch on the show to relieve us from the tedious and never-ending Melissa v. Tre feud, sad singleton Delores and the other boring people. Is she getting to keep the new house?

Wasn't the kid we saw last night Gino? Anyway, he could be adorable if he didn't work overtime to mimic his crude father. Melissa better nip that in the bud before the kid gets himself in trouble at school for pushing a first-grade girl into the #MeToo movement.

No it was little Joey/Giuseppe; it's his communion coming up. The same Joey whose christening was the site of The Brawl in season 3.  

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I just can't feel bad for Jennifer. Being a mother is hard for her because she doesn't seem to know how to do it without throwing money and gifts their way and she seems inclined to believe that it's impossible to do it any other way than the way she currently is doing it.

She mentioned HER mother being super strict, and how she doesn't want to be that way with her kids. Okay, fine. Have you never heard of finding a happy medium? 


47 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Because Frank's an asshole and this is the only level on which he can bond with his son.   In Delores' TH when she said Frank "wasn't a little kid person" I was like who, with little kids, even has that fucking option?  What does that mean, I'm a dad but not a little kid person and oh yeah, my kids are 4 and 6 years old.   What the hell took her so long to leave him?  And why is he back? 

I found that so infurating when he said that. And the way she just casually brushed it off. Like, "Eh, it's okay. He doesn't dig toddlers, but he'll be back when you pump iron and talk about hot chicks together."  Fuck that. What kind of person, GOOD person, doesn't instantly fall in love with their child and want to spend time with them every day? 

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I agree with all who are into Jackie. I wasn't sure about her at first either but she won me over. When Tree threatens "she better apologize or say goodbye " -whatever the comment was- I had 2 thoughts: 1) Jackie seemed to be fine before the show and will be fine after the show If it comes to it. She strikes me ad that type of person.  2) Jackie BETTER hold onto her sensibilities and not apologize. She has zero to apologize for.  How would that go?--"sorry for umm...bringing up the...truth?"

And Tree sitting in Danyell's kitchen when Marge went off , mouth hanging open...looked like a blowup doll.  Horrible face lately. Close your mouth, Tree if you're not going to say something to defend your "true friend" Danyell as you'd expect her to! But let's face it- this wedding farce is for t.v. time and clearly fake drama. 

Jennifer is living a sad, vacuous existence. Even five children can't fulfill her. Overeating and Chanel can't fulfill her. She needs some psychotherapy. Reminds me of Goldie Hawn in Overboard "everyone wants to be ME!" Turns out everyone just wants to get AWAY from YOU. It is sad.  I hope she gets help. But on a shallow note, her look appears to morph throughout the episode. Fillers? She becomes more and more of a bad, bloated drag queen with each ep. No offense to drag queens. 

Jackie may have many reasons  to be estranged from her sister. Been there , done that. Believe it or not, there are parents and siblings who will try to take down your nuclear family. Most likely out of jealousy. There are those who won't leave you alone to your normalcy. Watching old episodes of Gia crying over her mom and uncle Joe's feud at the Milania pizzeria bday party was gut wrenching.  If they just stayed away from each other, the child wouldn't be shaking and crying at school.  I'll do anything for my kids , even "take away " their extended family. For their own good. When nothing good can come from that other family. 

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The shower was just gross.  Just gross.   Ugh.   These women are well into their 40s and 50s. 



 The shower was stupid and frankly the whole naughty lingerie store is juvenile at best. They are women in their 40's, enough already! Tre asking what some butt plug toy was?  

I thought it was gross too, don't get me wrong (and I hate, hate, hate the stupid "penis" theme at any bridal shower/bachelorette party, and both are events I've always tried to avoid like the plague), but I am not getting what age has to do with it. Also, not all of us know what a butt plug looks like, haha! While I always vaguely knew they existed, my first sighting of one (on TV, mind you--my love life is a simple, no-frills one) was kind of a wake-up call.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I feel like Dolores and Frank's relationship is all a cover-up and they've never really stopped being "married".  Like, they divorced so she could have assets in her name that couldn't be seized when he inevitably got busted on some grifting charge, and him "moving to Florida" is really he rented an apartment in Florida so he could claim residency there and not pay income taxes.  They seem like low-life, low-level members of Tony Soprano's crew.

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25 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

She has zero to apologize for.

True dat.   And by the way, Tre - Melissa and Jackie kept their cool in that instance -- You were the one that was blowing a head gasket.  So much for this season's tag line - you want to throw a punch so bad it's taken over your face.  

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25 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I thought it was gross too, don't get me wrong (and I hate, hate, hate the stupid "penis" theme at any bridal shower/bachelorette party, and both are events I've always tried to avoid like the plague), but I am not getting what age has to do with it. 

Exactly...and didn't Danielle say she wanted something high class and expensive? Ha Ha....Marge should have saved some money and just had the shower at the Bada Bing which is probably just down the road from all of them.

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Ha, more or less; they don't all live in the same town but it's probably about 30ish minutes away from each of them, depending what time of day it is. (It was actually closed for a while pretty recently due to some questionable dealings with its liquor license.)

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Gotta say...WTF is wrong with Jennifer??? Her husband is never home for dinner, not home on the weekends...why have all those kids if you are never home to interact with them. I have to say that her husband might have a busy practice but to be working it 24/7 and never come home even to to eat dinner smells very suspicious to me. Bet he has a side piece. Although if those were my kids I wouldn't want to be there either! Ugh...those kids are a nightmare! They're all fat and obnoxious. And the way they interact with their mother is truly abhorrent. They have to be bribed with purchases from Amazon in order to play together??? Wow...what a mess. That house is as obnoxious as the residents of it!  Actually, most of the kids on this show are brats...Melissa and Joe's kids are unruly brats that either mouth off misogynistic stuff that they learned from their Dad or like their daughter, roll their eyes and give lip back when asked to help with something. How Danielle ended up with two classy gorgeous daughters is a mystery...

Edited by kicksave
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