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S03.E17: Reunion Part 1

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I cannot stand Kameron. Her intimating, to back up her new bestie LeeAnne, that Brandi has a drinking problem because Brandi did a beer bong with 2 beers, which is like 6% alcohol. Meanwhile, a glass of wine has double that amount of alcohol. Also I can't look at her face. She wasn't particularly gorgeous to start with, but that nose job is unfortunate. And the way her face articulates when she speaks still nauseates me. I know that is terrible to say. I can't tell if it's bad cosmetic work, an affectation, or something that she's always done.

I'm not trusting a single thing D'Andra is saying.

There is something VERY WRONG with LeeAnne. I think LeeAnne is arrogant and unstable, but she's always interesting. Kameron is a boring toadying lickspittle. I've never found her remotely interesting.

  • Love 22

Whether it's acting or not, LeeAnne has done a good job coming across as newly reformed and more grounded.  Thought she looked great at the reunion and overall handled herself well.  Does she have some major issues?  Absolutely, but at least she's willing to admit to it. 

Perhaps it was just the editing but Brandi does come across as being the group drunk.  She always looks like she enjoys "having fun" but to an extreme. Does she not see it herself when looking at the show?

11 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Ugh.  Next week.  D'Andra and her arrogant elitism again.  No, bitch, most of us aren't "part of Dallas society".  And to add to that, most people make our own way in the world.  We are not born with silver spoons in our mouths, coasting on two trust funds at the age of fifty, with a huge closet filled with twenty thousand dollar atrocities, and being gifted an established multi-million dollar company.  And it kills me to remember the way she drove her step-son out of her home (I'm sure that's how she looks at it, even though it's Jeremy's as well) because he wasn't a hard worker making his own way in the world like her.  Hysterical.

I think getting the company has really inflated D'Andra's ego when she's only gotten to where she is by riding her mom's coattails.  She's morphing into Mama Dee in every way and it ain't cute.

  • Love 21

Geez, who put a nickel in Cary? D'Andra was right that Cary was suddenly so full of opinions after a season of riding the fence for the most part. LeAnne is just so unlikable to me. She speaks in these dime store platitudes that come across as insincere. And she seriously has something wrong with her... recording conversations is beyond effed up. 

  • Love 21

D'Andra is a snob who thinks she is better than everyone else and I'm sure she does talk shit about all of these women.  Brandi is a stereotypical mean girl cheerleader who has to pick on someone and ostracize them from the group.  They are not nice people or good friends, but they are jerks in a very familiar, predictable way.

LeeAnn is insane.  She's like the woman in "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong"-she goes completely around the bend over any perceived slight and doesn't seem to have any boundaries.  Her canned therapy-speak just makes it all the more creepy.

It's like the difference between Lisa Vanderpump or Kyle Richards and Danielle Staub or Brandi Glanville.

Edited by ninjago
  • Love 22

Where did the venom come from?!! The 2 couches look like they are about to free for all on the carpet at Andy's feet.

I think whatever text D'Andra sent to Kam dissing Cary's business must be way bigger or have hit her way harder than this idiotic blaming D'Andra for believing a lie LeeAnne told her (as usual). I noticed when creepy Andy asked Steph if her vaginal rejuvenation did indeed make sex with Travis better (a bag over his head and 6 rohypnol more likely ) and then the shadesters in production rolled tape of Cary endorsing just what a difference it would make, Steph didn't jump in quickly enough to gush about it and Cary jumped right in to endorse her business. 

LeeAnne must be loving sitting next to Andy. That meditation opening led by LeeAnne? I would have peed my K Cup. 

  • Love 7

So far everyone is annoying me at the reunion. Except maybe Cary. She atleast says the truth to most ppl.

Leanne is clearly insane but she can fake an apology well. I think she was at one time a good friend to D’Andra but now they both just keep making it worse and worse. 

DAndra is a stuck up bitch. She clearly thinks very highly of herself. Not sure why because she seems to of just been handed everything her whole life. I’m also over her talking about her hot husband constantly too and how much sex they have. When it’s talked about constantly it’s probably not happening that much lol. Also you can totally delete a message from a text convo but I don’t think you can add one in so she’s a total liar about that. Also her total bombshell secret was a total dud lol.

Brandi is a mean girl cheerleader. She’s not even funny with her insults just aggressive and constantly saying bitch. She constantly plays the victim too. She can never admit that she’s done anything wrong and that’s even more annoying.

Kam is just whatever so far lol. Her hair looks stupid tho. 

Why the fuck is Mama Dee coming out I don’t want to see her. Are ppl really requesting to see her? That can’t be true lol.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 14

This is the second Bravo show this week where someone mixed up "infer" and "imply" and it is driving me insane. 

D'Andra's secret was a big non-starter, but Kam's text message actually brought something to the argument.  (I don't think Kam's crafty enough to fake a message in the middle of a exchange thread.)

LeeAnne needs to lay off the fake therapy-speak.  That crap she was spewing at Stephanie was so hard to listen to without wanting to barf.

  • Love 15

LeeAnne is batshit crazy lol I don’t lie I don’t call people alcoholics rolls the tape shit I’m caught well let’s try to spin this. Blame Brandi for starting it. Shit it’s on tape me starting the whole fight by attacking Brandi at the start of the season after we called a truce. Ok deflect and try to blame Brandi again by asking what I did to make her start the fight. Deflect EVERYONE in the group pointing out again she was the cause by offering a caned fake apology that I give every time I have to dig myself out of trouble hoping you suckers let it go. 

  • Love 17

Also D'Andra is doing herself no favors this reunion coming off super hostel. I get it you are trying to defend yourself but when you are defending yourself against crazy you start sounding a little crazy yourself....but she did make a point in the preview that LeeAnne Isn't Dallas Society, she is the help, she isnt one of them no matter how hard she tries......  LeeAnne is now attacking Mama Dee? I think its funny  she thought maybe Mama Dee would throw her daughter under the bus and go along with the your daughter is a drunk thing and got pissed when she didn't but instead told all the shit she tried to sling... I hate dog food barbie so her babble about the adoption and blah blah blah I tuned out her annoying voice.... Cary has balls all the sudden when she was fence rider all season? Steph for the love of god you dont need this show you are beyond to Normal for this shit run, run away this show will only break you down.... Brandi Brandi Brandi I get that LeeAnne is Insane but again fighting with crazy only makes you look crazy its time to just pretend LeeAnne is Windex and look right through her and keep it moving .... but if that happened this show would be super boring

  • Love 7

I love Kameron!


No one ever said she would, or even came close to suggesting she would, and they showed the tape to remind us all that it was a misunderstanding of the ... I don't know...the slang expression "bashing" I guess? Anyway, despite all the evidence, it's like Kameron still somehow doesn't quite buy it.  She does not let herself get distracted by the facts!  Kameron has a genuine sweetness to her. And she's a prude, not a snob, which are different things. (Brandi on the otherhand is a reverse snob --  she thinks there's something wrong with people who don't find her vulgar humor funny, and that makes them worthy targets. She can leave the show any time.)

D'Andra's secret reveal--sigh. Can someone please explain the concept of a damning secret to D'Andra. 

Come to think of it, maybe it's Brandi who is the social climber -- she finally found a member of sossah-eh-tee who wasn't completely turned off by her.

  • Love 16

Hola from Puerto Rico! The hotel has Bravo!  Yessssss!  It's fitting seeing as how RHONY inspired me to pick Puerto Rico vs. Miami for a cruise.

Salty air. Messy hair.  I don't care!  Wheeee!

Kam's twitter has receipts! Man, it seems as if D'Andra can't stand anyone on this show.  D'Andra knows facelifts Cary has botched?  Personally I think that's more of a business killer than your husband getting his dick sucked at the Roundup.

Mama dee you've worn out your welcome.  And take that person you spoiled so horribly with you.  

Brandi....I think there's a possibility that the Bravo stylists don't care for her.  Why put her in a dress that 2 other Bravo women have worn?  Especially because Gina is wearing it for the OC reunion during the same time frame.

It's not even cute.  If it were cute, I could see repeat wearings, but it's not cute.

LeeAnne, at this point, I'm not sure if 10 therapists would help.  Wanting to change is great.  At a certain point you have to move from "wanting" to doing the steps to change.  But you make this show not boring.

You little turtle.

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Geez, who put a nickel in Cary? D'Andra was right that Cary was suddenly so full of opinions after a season of riding the fence for the most part. LeAnne is just so unlikable to me. She speaks in these dime store platitudes that come across as insincere. And she seriously has something wrong with her... recording conversations is beyond effed up. 


I didn't really see much difference in Cary, other than she seemed to have stronger opinions about D'andra - possibly after watching the season back. Yes, Cary was kind of on the fence the entire season. But in a good way, IMO. She listened to everyone and gave them support, but she didn't outright condone anything one way or the other. She told EVERYONE this season when she thought they were being out of line. Like at the finale, she was there for LeeAnn, but basically told her she was being an overdramatic fool. Even at the reunion last night, when Kam was being stupid about Stephanie's surrogacy "lie", she called her out on it. That's the same behavior I saw from her all season. She was basically standing up when she thought she needed to, in a tactful way, and in a very non-biased way. I thought she was basically able to be a good friend to all the ladies, but it didn't really feel fake because she expressed herself honestly. I'm guessing after seeing all the THs and the way things played out, she had enough of D'andra's fakery. Hence going hard for her at the reunion. 


6 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Also, Bravo and D’Andra: that was one of the lamest “reveals” ever.  In a series that has brought us “he gets his dick sucked at the Round Up,” I expect much more from a “secret” spilling. 

Yes!!! I was super excited when I saw the previews. D'andra has some big dirt on LeeAnn. 

Wah, wah, wah. That wasn't even as "juicy" as the cheating/separate lives rumor. 

  • Love 15

I watched part of it this morning.  Clicked off when Kameron was attempting to explain herself about "bashing a baby."  I'll probably watch the rest of it later, because I'm a glutton for punishment, but seriously?  Did someone as stupid as she is actually pass the bar?  I'm starting to think someone must've taken it for her, because this moron couldn't reason her way out of a paper bag.

  • Love 3

Dandra came out swinging, what is it about her voice that she always sounds like she is yelling. Her and her momma seem so elitist.

I get that Brandi was making fun of Leeann and D fighting over queen B status, but it seems everyone really laughed at leeann over it. Hello Dandra was just as petty and sad.

It was interesting they pretty much all agreed Dandra wants to take credit for the show. I mean she could come or go. I think she liked having Leeann as a best friend because Leeann probably kissed her arse. Then when RHOD came around she stopped being th sidekick and started getting more noticed in Dallas, and that was the end of their friendship by Dandras choice.

Edited by janie2002
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

LeeAnne is batshit crazy lol I don’t lie I don’t call people alcoholics rolls the tape shit I’m caught well let’s try to spin this. Blame Brandi for starting it. Shit it’s on tape me starting the whole fight by attacking Brandi at the start of the season after we called a truce. Ok deflect and try to blame Brandi again by asking what I did to make her start the fight. Deflect EVERYONE in the group pointing out again she was the cause by offering a caned fake apology that I give every time I have to dig myself out of trouble hoping you suckers let it go. 

Really. That woman has a serious personality disorder (at least).

  • Love 8

D'Andra's secret that she kept for 2 years was underwhelming. I can not stand her. And yeah, she is desperately trying to be queen bee of the show. After all, she is Dallas Society and LeeAnne is just a carney girl at heart. 

We all know LeeAne lies but damn practically every time she opens her mouth she's spewing a lie. I didn't realize it was that bad!

I still think Brandi needs to lay off the booze a bit. Again, if she was so concerned about the adoption process why was she constantly picking fights, drinking and being practically falling down drunk so much all season? She's a nasty little girl. I don't event think of her as a grown woman. 

Stephanie is a little too fragile for the yelling and screaming. In fact, have we ever seen her lose control and start yelling and screaming and fighting? I know she has had some disagreements but nothing like the rest of the women. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

One thing I can say about LeeAnn - she is capable of owning it and apologizing. I don't know if it's genuine or not, but she's willing to do it. Neither Brandi, nor D'Andra, was capable of showing any introspection or humility. 


She's a pathological liar and will say whatever suits her needs at the time.  I doubt she's really owning it and the apologies are totally insincere.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I still think Brandi needs to lay off the booze a bit. Again, if she was so concerned about the adoption process why was she constantly picking fights, drinking and being practically falling down drunk so much all season? She's a nasty little girl. I don't event think of her as a grown woman. 

When my kids were young I never drank because morning would come around early and real fast, lol, the morning after is not pretty.

I have a friend that went thru the adoption process, it was long, expensive and anxiety ridden, it was suggested that she shut down all social media accounts so she did, best advice ever.  I can only imagine what the adoption agency or social workers thought when they saw Brandi on this show, Leanne did not need to do a thing to make Brandi look bad, she did it all by herself.

  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

 I can only imagine what the adoption agency or social workers thought when they saw Brandi on this show, Leanne did not need to do a thing to make Brandi look bad, she did it all by herself.

The environments are so volatile and there's a lot of conflict, drinking and travel, not to mention all the social media intrusiveness, that I'm surprised anyone on one of these types of shows would be approved for an adoption.  And Brandi in particular drinks a lot and is involved in a lot of conflict.  

I'm actually a little skeptical that they are being honest about the adoption origin story.  Aren't there hundreds of people looking to adopt white infants?  And Brandi is handed one because Stephanie's friend needed to find someone to take this baby?  It doesn't seem to add up.  Throw in the weird coincidence of the baby having red hair and I feel like maybe the parents of the baby are related to Brandi or her husband.

  • Love 15
19 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I spent a majority of this episode thinking shut up D'Andra. Do we really need Mama Dee to appear at the reunion? I know I do not.

Nor do I.  And that bright blue pantsuit?  I can totally see Deandra in that too and it is as fugly and ridiculous as most of her outfits.


17 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Kam somehow managed to be more obnoxious and annoying tonight than she usually is. Her need to make the adoption/surrogacy story/stories about herself is so transparent. And she can’t ever admit she was wrong, even when presented with evidence that she was the one who misunderstood the “baby bashing” thing.  I don’t know why she feels that Brandi owed her an “education” on adoption. Google it, Kam. Her entitlement is exhausting.

She's such an asshole.  At the time I remember her baby-talking that "Stephanie needs to work on her listening skills."  I so wanted that to be thrown in her stupid face at the reunion.


11 hours ago, Lizzing said:

D'Andra's secret was a big non-starter, but Kam's text message actually brought something to the argument.  (I don't think Kam's crafty enough to fake a message in the middle of a exchange thread.)

And if Deandra and Kam have been friends longer than any of the others like they said, then Kam is as big of an asshole for revealing a private text as Deandra was for going after Rich and Leanne's relationship.

I can't stand either of them.  But Deandra could win some points with me if she slapped the smug off the face of that bitch.


37 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Deandra looks like shit. You don't notice her "good skin" because you can't get past that God awful magic marker application of make up.

She looks hideous.

Yes - but at least she wasn't wearing that tomato red lipstick she's been defiling herself with all season!

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I agree. I do not know if I actually like LeeAnne, but I tend to root for her, especially over Brandi. I probably would not watch this show without her, because I just do not find the other women all that interesting to watch.

I have to admit Cary going after D'Andra makes me like Cary more. 

I spent a majority of this episode thinking shut up D'Andra. Do we really need Mama Dee to appear at the reunion? I know I do not.

Pretty much my thoughts. I don’t *like* Leanne but I sure as hell find her more likeable than Brandi. Brandi is an instigating, insecure mean girl. And for as pissy and indignant as she got over L telling D’Andra that she wasn’t trustworthy (in that flashback about the “deep foundations”), pretty much everything that Leanne predicted came true. 

9 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I watched part of it this morning.  Clicked off when Kameron was attempting to explain herself about "bashing a baby."  I'll probably watch the rest of it later, because I'm a glutton for punishment, but seriously?  Did someone as stupid as she is actually pass the bar?  I'm starting to think someone must've taken it for her, because this moron couldn't reason her way out of a paper bag.

Pass the bar? Did Kam go to law school? I must have missed that! 

8 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Poor Stephanie. She seems so emotionally frail and insecure. Her dress was the prettiest but it was too tight!! 

D’Andra and Leeann deserve each other- they are both nuts. 

Andy looked reallllly stoned. 

Stephanie’s hair and makeup were beautiful and I like her dress but... didn’t it seem like her breasts were in the wrong place? Like down way too low or something? Maybe she didn’t wear a bra? 

2 hours ago, Giselle said:

Deandra looks like shit. You don't notice her "good skin" because you can't get past that God awful magic marker application of make up.

She looks hideous.

I couldn’t get past her shiny hideous pantsuit. For a woman who is apparently such an elite part of Dallas society, she sure can’t dress for shit. Maybe she needs to tap into one of her trust funds and hire a stylist. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 9
21 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I agree. I do not know if I actually like LeeAnne, but I tend to root for her, especially over Brandi. I probably would not watch this show without her, because I just do not find the other women all that interesting to watch.

I have to admit Cary going after D'Andra makes me like Cary more. 

I spent a majority of this episode thinking shut up D'Andra. Do we really need Mama Dee to appear at the reunion? I know I do not.

Mama Dee is gunning for a spot as a housewife. She’s had a little taste of fame from this show and she’s ready for her Lone Star.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Marley said:


Why the fuck is Mama Dee coming out I don’t want to see her. Are ppl really requesting to see her? That can’t be true lol.

Andy has a long history of liking these crazy hags that raise these miserable women:

1. Jill Zarin’s mother

2. Tamra’s mother

3. Kandi’s mother

4. I forgot the lady’s name in Miami

5. And now Mama Dee

Just because he’s amused by these hags doesn’t mean the rest of us are amused by their over the top antics. 

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I couldn’t get past her shiny hideous pantsuit. For a woman who is apparently such an elite part of Dallas society, she sure can’t dress for shit. Maybe she needs to tap into one of her trust funds and hire a stylist. 

Agreed. As long as it’s not LeeAnne’s stylist!


10 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Did someone as stupid as she is actually pass the bar?  I'm starting to think someone must've taken it for her, because this moron couldn't reason her way out of a paper bag.

Bootleg Elle Woods did NOT go to law school or take the bar. But I bet she would love it if people thought she did.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I watched part of it this morning.  Clicked off when Kameron was attempting to explain herself about "bashing a baby."  I'll probably watch the rest of it later, because I'm a glutton for punishment, but seriously?  Did someone as stupid as she is actually pass the bar?  I'm starting to think someone must've taken it for her, because this moron couldn't reason her way out of a paper bag.

I’m pretty sure that Kam is not an attorney. She went to art school, I think? 

I will NEVER be on Leeanne’s side. She is fake, insecure, and mentally disordered. 

  • Love 6

I really wish Leeanne would jump over that coffee table and slap the look on Brandi’s face right off. If D’andra gets her face smacked in the process I won’t complain. 

D’andra Needs to shut the fuck up about Cary and Leeanne making up when she did a total 180 on her relationship with Brandi. I don’t blame Cary for outing that text when she started off the hour by outing something her Maid of Honor told her when they were besties so there’s a big Fuck you to you D’andra. Karma is a MF.

I do like how Cary didn’t let Leeanne off the hook though, she just went after D’andra for believing it. At no point does Cary say, “I don’t believe that Leeanne told you this.” All she said was that D’andra was the “stupid Bitch” that believe it. I started this season really liking D’andra but that lasted two episodes now I would like to see her get hers as much as I would like to see Brandi go down. 

If I was adopting a child I would never be on these shows. On our day to day we all do stupid things that can be misconstrued, now you put yourself on one of these shows and it’s all out there for the whole world to see. Honestly the Texas adoption process seriously needs to be looked at if Brandi was allowed to adopt a child. Maybe it’s all a put on for tv but I don’t believe that to be the case. I truly believe that Brandi is as big an ass as Leeanne, I just find Leeanne more amusing.

This will be it for the night, I know y’all are sick of my ranting. Do none of these women remember how Brandi turned on Leeanne last season? Do they not realize that’s where Leeanne’s hurt comes from? Ugh

Good night!

  • Love 16
14 hours ago, Lizzing said:

This is the second Bravo show this week where someone mixed up "infer" and "imply" and it is driving me insane. 

I noticed that too. 

D'Andra is very angry. Was she this angry last season? I'm not minimizing LeeAnne's rage, but at least I find her interesting. D'Andra is unwatchable to me. She is my least favorite, followed by Brandi. I guess it's safe to say she and LeeAnne are no longer besties. Both seem ready to go for the jugular. 

I still think the adoption story is weird. Who calls and asks if there is anyone who wants a baby boy? I mean... come on. It's not a puppy! Don't people wait for years to adopt babies?

If it were up to me, I'd keep LeeAnne, Stephanie and maybe Cary. The rest can go. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
ninjago, you said it first.
  • Love 13

I'm old, my memory fails, but LeeAnne is the only one whose antics could have caused real damage to anyone's reputation/marriage/career/real friendship.  Cary's husband sucks dicks, Brandi is an alcoholic (or a drunk), D'Andra has no money (implying that the business is shaky) -- that all came from LeeAnne.  The other women have made shady comments about who wants to be friends with who -- but nobody cares, that's junior high stuff.

LeeAnne is also the only one who has gotten physical, poking Brandi, breaking a glass, making threats involving strangling (or was it knives?) and probably some other stuff I've forgotten. 

She's not entertaining to me because it all seems so phony, just for the show, to give her a persona.  The question is why she chose that persona.  I think it's because that's all she knows how to be -- mean and conniving and angry wanting to inflict pain.  I feel sorry for Rich, if he marries her. 

  • Love 18

First, Andy Cohen looked like ass.  His eyes were so bloodshot and his makeup was off.  Did he come straight to the studio after an all night bender?!

Second, Leeanne Locken is a cow.  What 50+ year old woman lies day to day, then when caught, lies some more, oh hell, then just admits to it? Deflect, deflect, deflect.  She’s not entertaining, she’s down right scary.  Good luck Rich Emberlin if (big IF) he ever marries her.

  • Love 11

Stephanie looked great...best look of the night. I thought Cary looked nice as well.

D'Andra is so petty, claiming that the show wouldn't exist without her status despite the fact that the show existed and earned a second season without any association to her. Every franchise has THE person that the show and its players tend to revolve around and it's often the most polarizing personality who is often  aggressive, not afraid of confrontation, has solid one-liners and someone who can be self-aware but also can't help being a fuck up with a varying range of crazy thrown in there. LeeAnne isn't wrong in saying all roads lead back to her. They're 3 seasons strong and LeeAnne has been the central figure every year. That's just the truth.

D'Andra's secret was underwhelming and she looked utterly foolish by the time Cary was done with her. D'Andra was a complete try hard and I thought she came off utterly foolish.

I wasn't entirely listening - but was Kameron's argument about feeling personally slighted about the whole adoption thing have to do with her own fertility struggles? At one point she agreed it was intended to be harmless and she agreed that it's not owed to her to know Brandi's business but it's her own personal experience that made her feel personally connected and hurt by being left out of knowing?

Brandi quickly forgave D'Andra for insinuating that she was addicted to Adderall. Brandi got so mad about LeeAnne telling D'Andra to be careful with her but she quickly turned around and told Stephanie repeatedly that LeeAnne was only friend with her to piss Brandi off. Whether genuine or not, LeeAnne can cop to many of her fuckery and yet Brandi hasn't yet taken accountability for her role in anything. She's either the victim or she stands by her aggressive behaviour.

LeeAnne, again, her own worst enemy...lying about recording the conversation, good Lord, lol. I guess she could have continued lying and while disingenuous to blame it on the other women as the reason for her lying, I have to say, almost all of these franchise women lie but I can't recall any of them that openly admit to lying as much as LeeAnne does...sometimes without any need to reveal she lied. She could just continue to lie but it seems that LeeAnne can't fucking see or think straight when she's really riled up and then her calm self has to try and fix all of her mistakes. Very Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde of her.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 11
5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Stephanie looked great...best look of the night. I thought Cary looked nice as well.

D'Andra is so petty, claiming that the show wouldn't exist without her status despite the fact that the show existed and earned a second season without any association to her. Every franchise has THE person that the show and its players tend to revolve around and it's often the most polarizing personality who is often  aggressive, not afraid of confrontation, has solid one-liners and someone who can be self-aware but also can't help being a fuck up with a varying range of crazy thrown in there. LeeAnne isn't wrong in saying all roads lead back to her. They're 3 seasons strong and LeeAnne has been the central figure every year. That's just the truth.

D'Andra's secret was underwhelming and she looked utterly foolish by the time Cary was done with her. D'Andra was a complete try hard and I thought she came off utterly foolish.

I wasn't entirely listening - but was Kameron's argument about feeling personally slighted about the whole adoption thing have to do with her own fertility struggles? At one point she agreed it was intended to be harmless and she agreed that it's not owed to her to know Brandi's business but it's her own personal experience that made her feel personally connected and hurt by being left out of knowing?

Brandi quickly forgave D'Andra for insinuating that she was addicted to Adderall. Brandi got so mad about LeeAnne telling D'Andra to be careful with her but she quickly turned around and told Stephanie repeatedly that LeeAnne was only friend with her to piss Brandi off. Whether genuine or not, LeeAnne can cop to many of her fuckery and yet Brandi hasn't yet taken accountability for her role in anything. She's either the victim or she stands by her aggressive behaviour.

LeeAnne, again, her own worst enemy...lying about recording the conversation, good Lord, lol. I guess she could have continued lying and while disingenuous to blame it on the other women as the reason for her lying, I have to say, almost all of these franchise women lie but I can't recall any of them that openly admit to lying as much as LeeAnne does...sometimes without any need to reveal she lied. She could just continue to lie but it seems that LeeAnne can't fucking see or think straight when she's really riled up and then her calm self has to try and fix all of her mistakes. Very Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde of her.

Yeah, she did words to that effect. The impression I got was that Kam was hurt and felt she'd been made a fool of by Stephanie -- Kam was all wow, you've got a surrogate?! What!? Really? And despite Kam's obvious skepticism, Stephanie kept it going. It was kind of odd. Stephanie's intent may have been to help her friend, but Kam was lied to and I imagine felt tossed aside in that effort. I like Stephanie a lot this year, but I mean she did, technically, lie to Kameron more than once that evening.  Lying is a hot button issue with this cast it seems.

Who knows what was going on in Kam's head re: the fertility issues -- she did say she'd had some of her own. Maybe she used a surrogate or considered it, maybe for her it's just a serious, very emotional thing that's not something to be all casual about. People are entitled to their feelings, and if those are Kam's, I don't really see how any of the HWs can object to that.

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10 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I still think the adoption story is weird. Who calls and asks if there is anyone who wants a baby boy? I mean... come on. It's not a puppy! Don't people wait for years to adopt babies?

Strange story, indeed. A friend of Stephanie calls her. Hey, I know of a red headed baby boy that needs to be adopted. Know anybody? 

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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Strange story, indeed. A friend of Stephanie calls her. Hey, I know of a red headed baby boy that needs to be adopted. Know anybody? 

I’m thinking it was a church connection - private adoption, looking for a good Texas family of gingers through the Christian grapevine. Stephanie was a social worker - maybe she’s involved with a group that encourages women with unplanned pregnancies to have their babies and give them up for adoption.

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4 minutes ago, nexxie said:

I’m thinking it was a church connection - private adoption, looking for a good Texas family of gingers through the Christian grapevine. Stephanie was a social worker - maybe she’s involved with a group that encourages women with unplanned pregnancies to have their babies and give them up for adoption.

It would alleviate a lot of suspicion if Stephanie would explain it just the way you did here, which makes perfect sense. Then again, she and Brandi are not the sharpest pencils in the box. 

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