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S01.E05: Miracles

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Air date: November 20, 2018


Life-changing news lands in the Conner household when a member of the family makes an announcement that no one saw coming. Meanwhile, Dan is suspicious that Becky isn't sticking to her end of the deal when it comes to her drinking. Darlene continues to look for a job. Jackie offers English lessons to a busboy.

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Happy for Becky. Lecy is totally the MVP of this season.

Continue to love DJ/Geena. Michael Fishman & Maya Robinson's timing is great.

Laurie Metcalf is wonderful. So is John Goodman...when he's motivated.

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51 minutes ago, SHD said:


It's a shame a lot of viewers gave up on this show after Roseanne was gone. I enjoy it much more without her (and I liked it with her). The other characters have more space to develop. They still need to figure out what to do with DJ and his wife, though.


I think the show really hit its Roseanne-less stride tonight.  Up to now, I’ve kind of missed her  presence, but I didn’t tonight.  I do think DJ and his family are the weak links, and wouldn’t mind seeing them go...

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I liked Darlene's new job and perhaps new love interest.  

I liked that there were no kids tonight.

I liked a lot of the one liners especially from Darlene regarding Becky's pregnancy.  However, I guess I'm in the minority -  I don't like that Becky is pregnant.  Actually, I don't like that she's really promiscuous since the show returned.  And I really can't believe that anyone in this day and age would have unprotected sex if they weren't in a committed relationship!  I hope the couple who want to adopt her baby isn't going to happen.  Characters we've never heard of/seen before decide immediately that they want to adopt Becky's baby when she tells them she's pregnant.  She just found out the day before and never mentioned anything about giving it up.  The whole scene seemed odd.

Since when is Jackie bilingual? 

Edited by juliet73
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I liked the scenes with Darlene and her new boss. He's kinda hot, too. And they played well off of one another. I liked her pouring him some coffee and him saying that's where he keeps his paper clips, and Darlene adds, and a dead moth, apparently. Heh. 

I like Becky being pregnant. The bus boy was really sweet and I hope she lets him help her and be a part of the baby's life. He's so happy, and earnest, and she needs a man like that after being alone and sad since Mark's death. 

And yes, I too loved the throwback with the milkshake at the end. 

Edited by jewel21
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Man, I wish Andy existed in this universe. Would have loved a scene with Jackie and Becky bonding over getting pregnant from one night stands later in life. OG!Jackie would be supportive as hell considering how the relationship with Fred turned out.

Love Darlene's new boss and maybe love interest. They have a Roseanne/Dan kind of chemistry to them.

I wonder if we will see the lesbian couple and Sarah Chalke's character vying for Becky's baby. I could see her being tempted or even possibly giving it up for the right price.

I really hope this gets a 2nd season. This show is so great without the toxic, controlling cloud hanging over it. 

Edited by AgentRXS
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I don't know how I feel about Becky's pregnancy yet.  Whatever Becky decides,  it's just gonna be weird for me.

Love Darlene and her new 'boss'.

Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman are so good.  Jackie pretending to understand Spanish....

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I'll sit in my corner alone, because this was my least-favorite episode of the season.  I don't like Becky's pregnancy any more tonight than I did upon learning about it (it could be salvaged if she has an open adoption with her friends, I guess), I don't like Darlene's boss* (or job, really, but it's better than the one she has), and I wanted a lot more snark from Darlene about Becky getting knocked up.  There were some funny lines, mostly from Jackie, I continue to love the Dan/Becky relationship - and I LOVE the milkshake callback - and I don't dislike the episode, but I was far less excited by it than any previous one.  And at least I didn't see Gus (his role on Major Crimes) when Rene Rosado was on screen, and start reflexively yelling at my TV; maybe the fact he's speaking Spanish helps.  (I wonder when/how/why Jackie learned Spanish.)

*I did love, however, when he told her he was a grown-ass person and could eat what he wanted, because Darlene pissed me off in the opening scene -- Don’t tell your date what to eat.  Ethical considerations with food are a fair topic of conversation, of course, but “don’t eat that, eat this” when the person is now making an informed choice is a bad look.

As is firing someone for being pregnant, but I can't expect this show to get into the nuance of essential functions and accommodations. 

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2 hours ago, SHD said:

It's a shame a lot of viewers gave up on this show after Roseanne was gone. I enjoy it much more without her (and I liked it with her).

Yeah, my husband actually commented that the show isn't missing anything without Roseanne.

I don't really like that Becky is pregnant.  I hope that her friends adopt the baby.

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3 hours ago, UYI said:

What was milkshake "thick thick" or "medium thick"? :)

Thick-thick, for sure! Dan couldn't even get it out of the blender. 

1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

I’m surprised at how calm Dan was during the episode. He didn’t react in the same fashion that he did in the past (Becky eloping, Darlene’s pregnancy, Becky’s potential surrogacy). 

Becky and Darlene aren't teenagers anymore, plus Dan has mellowed quite a bit with age.

I'm on the fence about the pregnancy storyline, since it's not very original. On the other hand, if that's what finally drags Becky out of her grief and self-destruction and she starts making better choices and actually achieves some fulfillment and happiness, it would be nice to see.

I like the comedic potential of Darlene's new job and her hot boss, but how can this "magazine" possibly make enough money to employ two people full-time (plus a freelance photographer, I'm guessing)? I doubt the local businesses are lining up to buy ad space. Now, if Darlene does build the website, I can see it becoming a popular fad beyond Lanford, kind of like the "homeless or hipster" blog used to be a few years ago, and bring in some money, but still not much and not permanently. The original show (minus S9) was very good about the economic realities of a town like Lanford.

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1 hour ago, juliet73 said:

I liked Darlene's new job and perhaps new love interest.  

I liked that there were no kids tonight.

I liked a lot of the one liners especially from Darlene regarding Becky's pregnancy.  However, I guess I'm in the minority -  I don't like that Becky is pregnant.  Actually, I don't like that she's really promiscuous since the show returned.  And I really can't believe that anyone in this day and age would have unprotected sex if they weren't in a committed relationship!  I hope the couple who want to adopt her baby isn't going to happen.  Characters we've never heard of/seen before decide immediately that they want to adopt Becky's baby when she tells them she's pregnant.  She just found out the day before and never mentioned anything about giving it up.  The whole scene seemed odd.

Since when is Jackie bilingual? 


Good to see I'm not alone in feeling that way. That scene felt as if the people wanted to steal her baby. Basically befriend her further and then steal it. No, just no, on that one.

Maybe it's part of her job as a life coach to be bilingual.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
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Add in me in the group that thinks this was the best episode yet. I feel like the show has really come into its own and let go of the Roseanne baggage. The mentions of Roseanne are perfectly fine and sweet as they do show she was a huge factor in their lives but now they are moving on and have their own paths to blaze. Becky is really becoming my favorite. The pregnancy could really be a hinder on most shows but I think this is a much better hurdle for her than being an alcoholic. 

Darlene's new job is also a very good match and interesting storyline. Her boss is great and I hope his character sticks around. It does seem like he might be her new love interest which is A-OK with me.

Also loved the milkshake callback. I'm thinking Dan went overboard and it is thick-thick-thick. 

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5 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

Darlene's boss is Stan from Mad Men. I may have let out a squee! when I saw him. And he's way hotter than David, so Go Darlene! 

You can have my and my husband’s first born child for identifying this, because we’ve been driving ourselves INSANE for the last two hours trying to remember who he is. The Conners IMBD page doesn’t list him. 

You’re exactly correct. Thank you!!

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The only thing that would make the milkshake scene better would be Becky trying to use a straw.

Darlene's boss is played by Jay R Ferguson, right? I know him from The Real O'Neal's. I was sad when it was canceled so I'm glad to see him again. I agree he's hot.

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Hate to be contrarian here but this was not my favourite episode. No laughs in this one for me.

Just a smile at the milkshake part. I feel like that scene was only in the ep because someone said "wasn't there something about a milkshake in the original?" They only had a vague remembrance of it. Why do I say that? Because nobody said "thick thick". I know the people who work on the show aren't fans like us and I'm sure none of the actors ever rewatched the whole series (besides maybe Michael), but throw the fans a bone. This show would be way more popular if it acknowledged the original more. I watch because I'm a Roseanne fan. If this show was a standalone show with no connection to a previous immensley popular sitcom, it would have been cancelled long ago. Maybe they don't do that because they want it to be its own show. Personally, I think it's because no one who works on it knows enough about the original to do it justice.

Also, Geena is REALLY grating on me. When we first found out the character was recast, I stated this is probably because with Roseanne's death they wanted to expand the character and get a comedic actress. I think we can definitively now say that was right. I don't mind that she has a bigger role, but why does she have to constantly play it at that "jive talking, tell-it-like-it-is, black woman" stereotype level? Take a lesson from Anne Marie, who was probably my favourite non regular cast member. She acted like a normal person most of the time but then would insert that type of "oh no you didn't" remark when it was appropriate and it was way funnier. Geena is at that level ALL THE TIME and she comes off as someone you wouldn't want to spend time with in real life.

This new Darlene love interest is also disappointing. The actor who plays him is "straight out of central casting" and doesn't look like anyone who would actually live in Lanford. I guess this is a perk of being Exec Producer and getting to pick your boyfriend. Neil should have been the new love interest but he could have been played tough like the newspaper boss instead of a whimp. I could buy him as the editor who singlehandedly runs a small newspaper.

This Becky baby thing and not know the father because she sleeps with all these latino guys who work at a borderline offensively stereotypical Mexican restaurant (again, in Lanford IL? Really?)... What happened to this character? Everytime there's a scene at the restaurant it's like someone changed the channel to Two Drunk Girls.

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In a way, Emilio is being written to suggest that he combines the best of both Healys. He too had a home that he had to leave behind. In Mexico he helped build new Ford engines. He also sees more to Becky than what are now her jagged edges, as David did of Darlene. What's different to the Healy brothers is that Emilio seems secure in his own skin, with no shame or grievance: he's a grown-up, and looks to have been so even when he was young.

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3 minutes ago, LBS said:

@BeachDays was anything cut out from the taping to the airing of the show?


We didn’t see this one (episode 5) we saw episode 7.   Having said that, we were told they filmed over 40 minutes worth of footage, so half won’t make it in.   For episode 5 I know there was a still of Neil and Darlene on the porch so they probably filmed the scene where she dumps him and then cut it for time.   When 7 airs I’ll let everyone know what was cut and what was left in.  

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10 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

Darlene's boss is Stan from Mad Men. I may have let out a squee! when I saw him. And he's way hotter than David, so Go Darlene! Plus I love that he pushed back when Darlene started in on the shrimp-isn't-processed-ethically talk. 


Me too!  I came to the forum to post about Ben.  I loved Jay R. Ferguson on Mad Men and was so excited to see him on The Conners last night.  I hope he is sticking around and will be a romantic interest for Darlene in the future.

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First time posting in this topic :) 

This episode was good,the last few episodes have been depressing & almost painful to watch with the family struggling with roseanne’s Death,especially Dan & Jackie coping with the loss it,hit way to close to home with my life.

Becky’s pregnancy storyline reminds me so much of Jackie’s (even tho we’re suppose to forget about that part) so maybe they will try to create that same story for Becky. 

I’m always amused at Jackie’s snarky comments about Bev, years later it’s still funny to me. 

I’m still trying to figure out if they are going to do anything,exciting interesting maybe? With DJ’s character. He just seems like a prop mostly. And the wife is only there to make short funny sarcastic comments,she’s probably had more lines then DJ. 

Like others have said, I like not having the kids in the episode. Most of us are here to watch the original cast,the kids are just a formality. 

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7 minutes ago, Hellohappylife said:

Like others have said, I like not having the kids in the episode. Most of us are here to watch the original cast,the kids are just a formality. 

I think you’ve totally put your finger on it with this comment!

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11 minutes ago, Dee said:

Becky is a promiscuous alcoholic and Darlene is a sullen bitch but Geena is the problem? Ok.

but hasn't Darlene ALWAYS been a sullen bitch? lol didn't a whole season of Roseanne deal with her not having friends wearing all black and not wanting to do anything?

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9 minutes ago, Dee said:


Becky is a promiscuous alcoholic and Darlene is a sullen bitch but Geena is the problem? Ok.


It’s not a question of who’s a “good person.”  It’s a question of who’s funny and who resonates emotionally.  For me, Geena doesn’t succeed at either of these.

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