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S03.E01 Nine Bucks

Lady Calypso
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44 minutes ago, DFWGina said:

Jack was NOT in his 50s when he died.  He would be in his late 50s / early 60s present day (on the show for their 38th birthday had he lived

He turned 36 the day the kids were born (according to the pilot episode) and died when they were about 16 or 17, right? So that'd be early 50s.

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2 hours ago, LakeLover said:

As a woman with PCOS (I did have three successful pregnancies, was not obese when I was young, but lost my first [single] and third [twins] pregnancies) I have sympathy for Kate. I am obese now, past menopause, and it's a struggle to lose any weight. As the mother of two very large daughters with PCOS (not as large as Kate, but big enough) and a third daughter with PCOS who has a struggle as well, I absolutely, positively understand that Kate feels she's been given the short end of the stick. I see my daughters diet, exercise, forego extras that other women their age can happily, easily eat, and they struggle daily, weekly, monthly to lose weight. I see them take drugs meant to help that do not, I see them fight against diabetes, I see them deal with excess facial hair. This is no picnic. It's not ALS, true, but with the obesity and diabetes threat, it's a ticket to an early death. We see Kate who has worked hard and lost - what did she say, 40 pounds? Were they 35 when the series started? Forty pounds down in three years is great, but really nothing when you are that heavy. To those of you who don't know the struggle, understand that it is real and heartbreaking. All Kate (and my daughters) want to do is to look and be normal. Think it's hard to lose that extra 20 pounds? Try losing 100, 200, 300.

Thank you for stating that.  Yes, obesity isn't ALS but it doesn't mean a person can't feel trapped in their body, trapped in a body that isn't able to lose weight for what ever reason.

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16 hours ago, Amethyst said:

I didn't care about Jack and Rebecca's first date.  We already know they'll live happily ever after, regardless of the other guy.  And I don't need to see anymore of how Jack is the greatest guy who ever lived and no one compares, blah blah.  I'm more interested in seeing what happened in Vietnam

You said it better than I did. LOL 

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17 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Right! I thought the doctor was going to tell Kate "okay, I shouldn't have been so hasty. If you are willing to lose 80 more pounds, we will take you on as a patient," and offered a diet/exercise plan.

That would have made great sense. But I was thinking the doctor was going to tell Kate, "Okay, I shouldn't have been so hasty. I've conferred with the other doctors on staff and we all agree that we'd like more cash to pay for our vacations and luxury autos. So, cough up that first $15,000 and we'll get to work."

Then Kate dies, Toby feels guilty and wishes he hadn't flushed his meds. But that's not until the end of this season. Long way to go yet.

Edited by saber5055
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20 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Oh boo hoo Kate, this is all your own problem, just lose weight.

...says my 115 lb mother in law.  Easy peasy, right?

I refuse to speculate/worry about who Randall and Tess are going to "see".  Won't happen for another year or so or even longer, and I have other things to worry about.

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I was diagnosed with PCOS about 30 years ago, and yup...it can be virtually impossible to lose weight with it. I finally gave up, and just try to eat relatively healthily and engage in modest exercise. As both a heart attack and cancer survivor, I am under constant medical supervision and while I may not visually look healthy on the outside (overweight), I know that my heart and other systems internally are now doing well. Would it be even better if I lost 80 pounds? Absolutely! But it's not happening, after three decades of trying, so I've made peace with it as best I can. Against big odds, I actually did get pregnant the "old fashioned way," which was a complete surprise, and have a 22 year old son. My husband and I thought about fertility treatments for about a year when we tried to have a second child, but in the end, the cost - emotional and financial - was simply too great. I, too, can relate on some level when Kate says she's trapped in her body. I feel that way too, on bad days. It's hard, though, to support her at times - she is not always a sympathetic character. I suppose the same could be said about many of the characters.

I couldn't care less about Jack and Rebecca's courtship and early days. BORING. As has been said, we all know how they fared in the long run. Will likely DVR the show going forward so as to be able to skip over those parts of the show.

I don't want to see Jack's Vietnam experience either. While the horrors of Vietnam is a compelling topic, it's been done so expertly and heartbreakingly many times before. I seriously doubt that this show will add anything new to the horrific experiences suffered by many people during and after their time in Vietnam. And, too, we know Jack's brother dies. All they can do with that is eventually show us how it happened, and if Jack was somehow inadvertently to blame, resulting in severe guilt and PTSD, well...that's awful but not terribly original. 

I'm glad Deja has decided to become part of the family. She's not my favorite character/story line - somehow, I feel she ends up reducing Randall to sort of a jerk, which may be his own fault, but...it became so predictable. I guess we'll see if Deja's birth father inserts himself into the story. If so, Deja and Randall will likely be a united force against him, which will solidify  their relationship and bring them closer. OK, I guess, but somewhat dull. 

I still enjoy Beth very much, even though she's so over the top at times. I get a kick out of the back and forth she and Randall often have. They're well-written.

Edited by Biggie B
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4 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I just don't get it. What is the football game's connection to the characters in this show? They make it too much of a frustrating guessing game. Either show his connection within the episode or do not use it. It becomes bait to get the viewers to keep going back and is manipulative. 

What did that football player have to do with Rebecca and Jack? Who are Randall and Tess going to visit? Who is the guy at the end who looks like Kevin? Is he the dad of the triplets? Enough with cliffhangers. Cliffhangers are usually disappointments after the reveal anyway because the viewers come up with more interesting ideas than the writers. That football segment was way too confusing. It's like a TV show version of "Where's Waldo" or a segment of "Colombo." Why do we have to connect the damn dots? Just tell the story.

That guy who came to Rebecca's door definitely reminded me of young teen Kevin. Very similar.

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Look I get being trapped in your own body.. as I said in a previous post I suffer from a disability and have since I was a child but it’s hard to root for Kate. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I’m also upset that there was no mention of other options for Kate and Toby besides the old fashioned way or ivf. No mention of a surrogate or adoption. I know it’s the dream to be able to carry your own children and I know it hurts and is painful when you cant(believe me.. I understand) but I wish Kate wasn’t so in her own head and could read a room and see Toby’s reaction. He doesn’t want her to do ivf.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Again.. I asked this and others did too, who is funding this? Kate had like temp assistant jobs in the first season and singing gigs here and there, what does Toby do? 

I have nothing to cite from the show but I remember posters here saying he has a job in technology, so yeah, he can afford it. 

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3 hours ago, LakeLover said:

As a woman with PCOS (I did have three successful pregnancies, was not obese when I was young, but lost my first [single] and third [twins] pregnancies) I have sympathy for Kate. I am obese now, past menopause, and it's a struggle to lose any weight. As the mother of two very large daughters with PCOS (not as large as Kate, but big enough) and a third daughter with PCOS who has a struggle as well, I absolutely, positively understand that Kate feels she's been given the short end of the stick. I see my daughters diet, exercise, forego extras that other women their age can happily, easily eat, and they struggle daily, weekly, monthly to lose weight. I see them take drugs meant to help that do not, I see them fight against diabetes, I see them deal with excess facial hair. This is no picnic. It's not ALS, true, but with the obesity and diabetes threat, it's a ticket to an early death. We see Kate who has worked hard and lost - what did she say, 40 pounds? Were they 35 when the series started? Forty pounds down in three years is great, but really nothing when you are that heavy. To those of you who don't know the struggle, understand that it is real and heartbreaking. All Kate (and my daughters) want to do is to look and be normal. Think it's hard to lose that extra 20 pounds? Try losing 100, 200, 300.


Now that I got that off my chest, I am almost disinterested in Jack and (see, I can't even remember her name!) Rebecca's story. I could watch Randall and his family all night long.

Thank you very much for the info on PCOS. I had heard of it, however did not know what it was. I just read up on it on Mayo Clinic. Best wishes to you and your daughters. 

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I'm someone who has no sympathy for Kate's weight issues. There are actual people in the world who are trapped in their bodies thanks to diseases and conditions they can't control, and I count myself among them. Kate needs to lower her daily caloric intake and actually stick to it. No stupid diets or workouts. That's it. She doesn't have a disability. She isn't trapped in any tangible way.

Ugh she makes so irritated with her constant pity party. Run far away, Madison, from your toxic so-called friend.

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Since when does Toby have a low sperm count? Kate was pregnant last year....

The unnatural and unrealistic speeches and pontificating are back stronger than ever. Deja and the dad, Kate at her own birthday party her friends were nice enough to throw for her, Randall bringing Deja to the apartment building. People just don't talk like that in real life. 

Beth mind your damn business. You ruined the party with your big mouth and know it all attitude.  

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8 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I don't think I'm up for a whole season of Rebecca's and Jack's dating history.  I'm not surprised that their first date was Rebecca rattling on about herself, to the point of not even asking Jack's name, and then complaining about what a bad date it had been  -why? because it rained?  For me their whole relationship has been Jack knocking himself out for her while she just rakes it in because it's her due for being so  pretty. Now it looks like he's going to have to compete for her affection from some other guy. Ugh.

Doesn't Beth know that the way to force a casual, boot-knocking relationship into  Romeo and Juliet territory is to forbid their love?

Mandy Moore IS very pretty, but Rebecca was, on this ep, and the whole show, IMO, very full of herself. Maybe the date seemed kind of terrible while it was happening, but when she found out he only had $9 and tried his best to stretch that money out to buy her stuff, her reaction to me seemed really shitty. It should have been , at least, "well that's a sweet thing to do."  But noooo, it was a shitty date because her damn hair got wet ( or whatever she was thinking.) She apparently had money, why didn't she just buy the umbrella ? Other than her being hot, I often wonder why Jack even fell for her ?

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Why doesn't Toby just shave that ridiculous tuft of hair off the front? Also, can he even see his penis with a belly that big--yikes? How has he not had a stroke too if he's taking anti-depressants with all that weight on? I bet Toby would be less depressed if he weren't so fat.

Just really got tired of reading so many posts about Kate's weight when I'm positive Toby hasn't looked down and seen his dick or his toes in years.

Edited by Drumpf1737
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Since when does Toby have a low sperm count? Kate was pregnant last year....

He's not sterile. He's got sperm, just not as many as is typical. Yes, he got Kate pregnant - all it takes is one sperm. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. :-)

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:


I know what you mean, but I can be rooting for a different team and still appreciate a really spectacular play.  I like an exciting game

Oh, I can now, being older and less excitable. But then the Steelers were our biggest rivals, and as I recall, we had a bone of contention about whether the ball was still in play. I forget, the years have dimmed all but the feeling of being pissed off. Lol.

3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


Im with others who don’t quite understand how jack fell madly in love with Rebecca. Because she sang? Also the date was kind of awkward, even forgetting the rain I can’t buy an umbrella because I only have two dollars, they don’t seem to have much in common. Yes we know they end up together but I’m seriously not clear on what brought jacks realiztion that Rebecca is the one.

Since I don't believe in love at first sight, I do think there was enough there for lust at first sight. My brother used to confuse the two, which is why he had more wives than I can remember.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Doesn't mean his name is on the birth certificate.  

What if he was married or in a relationship and Deja's mother didn't put his name on for that reason?

I am confused. I thought I just responded to a question about whether or not Deja knew who her father was. I clearly missed something.

Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Wings said:

What?! And miss all the drama of IVF which will bring crazy mood swings, another miscarriage and so so much more!? 

I was thinking during the episode that the writers would do the adopt a baby and then get pregnant plot for Kate and Toby.

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8 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I was thinking during the episode that the writers would do the adopt a baby and then get pregnant plot for Kate and Toby.

That's chickening out.  They have a good opportunity to explore areas people are still keeping quiet about.  

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37 minutes ago, SuzySmith said:

It's called That Is Them


Speaking of something I just realized, wasn’t the band Rebecca was singing with suppused to include her ex boyfriend? She has that guy and now she has random guy with flowers at her door who she looks shocked/surprised to see? And the show seems to be setting up that he was a great love. Whatever. I’m over the Jack and Rebecca story now like most, I want to see what both of their lives were like before each other. and I would like to see what life was like after Jack died. As I said we know Kate stopped watching her weight, and Kevin started drinking, and then we know he and Sophie got married at some point and he went to LA. I hope the show plans on filling those missing pieces.

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I know he was told that but he doesn’t need to toss the antidepressants if they’re doing ivf. Remember before they went back to the ivf  doctor, he told Kate he would “slow down his meds” and they could try the old fashion way or something  and Kate said no way. Doing it now makes no sense. They’re doing the treatments now so it doesn’t make sense. Also it’s goinf To help no one and again.. he’s clearly not going to tell Kate what he did and she’s going to be doing treatments.. so.. whatever. 

It seemed like he didn't understand that low sperm count wasn't such a big issue once they were doing IVF.

I guess I could see that. He got into his head that antidepressants = bad for conception, and he didn't pay any attention to the details, because all that matters it that he proves his undying love by giving Kate the Princess exactly what she wants, no matter how painful it is for him. Blech.

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Again.. I asked this and others did too, who is funding this? Kate had like temp assistant jobs in the first season and singing gigs here and there, what does Toby do? 

Kevin will probably pay for it. He throws around money like confetti. Remember last year he booked out some restaurant (that was so popular, it was even hard to get reservations at) for Kate (I think it was for their birthday)? Toby groused that he didn't like always being shown up by Kevin. Toby does have a job that gets him an office, so he can probably afford a lot of stuff, but if they get into repeat cycles, Kevin will probably be happy to help. He pays for expensive hotel rooms and then goes and sleeps in his brother's basement. I don't think the money means much to him (he's more about the fame).


Right! I thought the doctor was going to tell Kate "okay, I shouldn't have been so hasty. If you are willing to lose 80 more pounds, we will take you on as a patient," and offered a diet/exercise plan.

I bet the authors are very reluctant to tie anything to major weight loss. The actress is a real person and may find losing weight as difficult as her character. If the plot calls for her to lose 80 pounds by episode 5, what do they do with the plot if she can't do it? When the show first started, there were many interviews about how Chrissy was contractually required to lose weight. They don't talk about that anymore. Weight loss can be difficult and due to the personal nature of the struggle, I am glad the writers aren't creating situations where the actress is put on the spot in this way.

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2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Jack was 36 when the kids were born in 1980 - much was made of that in the pilot, that the kids were then turning the same age Jack was when they were born. That means he was born in 1944, which would make him 74 today. He died in 1997 when the kids were 17, so he was 53.

Jinx, @Lady Calypso.

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The Big Three were born on Jack's 36th birthday. They were seventeen when he died. So Jack was about 53.

2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

He turned 36 the day the kids were born (according to the pilot episode) and died when they were about 16 or 17, right? So that'd be early 50s.

OOPS - my mistake!!!!  I've edited the original post.

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50 minutes ago, willco said:

Mandy Moore IS very pretty, but Rebecca was, on this ep, and the whole show, IMO, very full of herself. Maybe the date seemed kind of terrible while it was happening, but when she found out he only had $9 and tried his best to stretch that money out to buy her stuff, her reaction to me seemed really shitty. It should have been , at least, "well that's a sweet thing to do."  But noooo, it was a shitty date because her damn hair got wet ( or whatever she was thinking.) She apparently had money, why didn't she just buy the umbrella ? Other than her being hot, I often wonder why Jack even fell for her ?

I'll go stand in the corner, but not until I say this....Rebecca is a self centered spoiled little bitch.  [Call me when I can come back]

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8 minutes ago, kili said:

Kevin will probably pay for it. He throws around money like confetti. Remember last year he booked out some restaurant (that was so popular, it was even hard to get reservations at) for Kate (I think it was for their birthday)? Toby groused that he didn't like always being shown up by Kevin. Toby does have a job that gets him an office, so he can probably afford a lot of stuff, but if they get into repeat cycles, Kevin will probably be happy to help. He pays for expensive hotel rooms and then goes and sleeps in his brother's basement. I don't think the money means much to him (he's more about the fame).

I bet the authors are very reluctant to tie anything to major weight loss. The actress is a real person and may find losing weight as difficult as her character. If the plot calls for her to lose 80 pounds by episode 5, what do they do with the plot if she can't do it? When the show first started, there were many interviews about how Chrissy was contractually required to lose weight. They don't talk about that anymore. Weight loss can be difficult and due to the personal nature of the struggle, I am glad the writers aren't creating situations where the actress is put on the spot in this way.

I did wonder if Kevin was giving her the money. 

I actually like Rebecca for the most part and I feel more alone saying that. Even in season one when most people hated her and called her selfish for doing the band at the end I was always confused about why people were angry with her. And to me out of the Pearson bunch, she might be my favorite. And kind of Kevin too? I know Kevin was a brat but I kind of like adult Kevin. Kate just always feels entitled and expects things her way as do jack and Randall at times. Jack and Randall set up situations in their heads for how they want things to go and yes thts ideal but then they get dissapointed when the end result isn’t that ideal.

Case in point: Randall and his speech to Deja. He thought he could do comparisons to their situations because they were both adopted! Totally excluding quite a few things, one Randall was adopted as a baby, and yes he did sort of have two lives once his bio dad was back in the picture and he did wander about his bio parents but he had a stable life for the most part. Deja lived pretty much her whole life with her mom, up until recently (I’m never clear on how long ago she went into the foster homes, her solo episode implies that it was a recent development though) and she was bounced around for a few months. And then her mother returns and chooses to help her boyfriend the man who got Dja and herself into this mess, and then chooses to give her up. 

And then there’s Jack. Who somehow thinks Rebecca is his dream girl because she’s a pretty and sings. And.. something? And she feels like home when he looks at her and talks to her. It sure did not seem that way as a viewer. It kind of looked really awkward. And I mean yeah.. I guess I know they get to that amazing soulmate place but now after seeing their first date, I’m trying to remember their relationship and these great moments and I’m like “what did they have in common?”

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As much as I am not fully feeling Kate's story (I think I am just burned out on people wanting babies on every show I watch lately) I am learning a lot about PCOS, which is really interesting and definitely gives the story more context. I do like learning more about things through this show, and hearing personal stories here, so thats really cool, if nothing else. 

Toby flushing his meds is just too stupid to even comprehend. Even if his meds could lower his sperm count (which is iffy), going cold turkey is just a terrible idea. Its a bad idea any time to go off medication without consulting his doctor, and its an even worse idea to do it in an already stressful time. Come on, Toby.

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10 minutes ago, ScorpioSoul said:

36+38= 74 is the age Jack would be now. 36+17=53 is when Jack died. 

The Big 3 were not quite 17 - their birthday is 8/31 and the Superbowl was in January.  Jack died in '97, so the Big 3 were still 16.  But yeah, 1997 was the year they turned 17.  

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Again.. I asked this and others did too, who is funding this? Kate had like temp assistant jobs in the first season and singing gigs here and there, what does Toby do? 

IIRC, he has a job in IT, with his own office.


1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Look I get being trapped in your own body.. as I said in a previous post I suffer from a disability and have since I was a child but it’s hard to root for Kate. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I’m also upset that there was no mention of other options for Kate and Toby besides the old fashioned way or ivf. No mention of a surrogate or adoption. I know it’s the dream to be able to carry your own children and I know it hurts and is painful when you cant(believe me.. I understand) but I wish Kate wasn’t so in her own head and could read a room and see Toby’s reaction. He doesn’t want her to do ivf.

My feeling is that the gestational surrogacy idea is being saved for a later date/season.


1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Why doesn't Toby just shave that ridiculous tuft of hair off the front? Also, can he even see his penis with a belly that big--yikes? How has he not had a stroke too if he's taking anti-depressants with all that weight on? I bet Toby would be less depressed if he weren't so fat.

Just really got tired of reading so many posts about Kate's weight when I'm positive Toby hasn't looked down and seen his dick or his toes in years.

IRL, the actor's sense of style is equally if not more extra than Toby's, so he probably likes his goatee situation as is.


1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I was thinking during the episode that the writers would do the adopt a baby and then get pregnant plot for Kate and Toby.

My wild prediction is that Kate and Toby go the surrogacy route, Madison the carrier gets pregnant with twins, overlapping Kate conceiving naturally, fulfilling the Circle of Life whereby one of the Big Three becomes the parent of an unorthodox set of triplets.

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3 hours ago, monakane said:

I know from a family member that health issues can make you unqualified for an adoption.  I don't know if obesity would prevent an adoption unless there were health issues because of the weight.  

I thought of this too, when they mentioned other options.  I would think it would matter, because, it directly impacts how the potential parents would provide daily care for the child.  I also wondered if it's the doctor's responsibility to mention how Kate and even Toby are going to care for a child, considering their physical limitations.  How would Kate get down to bathe a child in a tub? Toby too.  He's gotten very large and doesn't look very flexible or able bodied. Could Kate even be physically able to carry a child in a safety seat and secure it into a car?  IDK.  Real life people Kate's size complain of how they are not able to actually participate in the daily child care, due to their obesity.  And, later on, the child becomes the obese person's caretaker, even as a kid. It's not fair to the child, imo.   I just don't see this ending well for them. 

I did laugh at one point when Deja was telling her bio dad how these crazy people loved her and one way they show it is by going to elaborate lengths to tell her bizarre stories. lol  Pure Randall......omg, he gets on my nerves. He just can't shut the hell up! lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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31 minutes ago, PRgal said:

The Big 3 were not quite 17 - their birthday is 8/31 and the Superbowl was in January.  Jack died in '97, so the Big 3 were still 16.  But yeah, 1997 was the year they turned 17.  

 Didn't Jack die in the January of their senior year? Wouldn't they be 17? It was 1998, not 1997.

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I did laugh at one point when Deja was telling her bio dad how these crazy people loved her and one way they show it is by going to elaborate lengths to tell her bizarre stories.

Actually it 's pretty funny, because she appears to have picked up the habit.

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33 minutes ago, Dejana said:

My wild prediction is that Kate and Toby go the surrogacy route, Madison the carrier gets pregnant with twins, overlapping Kate conceiving naturally, fulfilling the Circle of Life whereby one of the Big Three becomes the parent of an unorthodox set of triplets.

Considering Madison has severe body dysmorphia and struggles with anorexia, pregnancy would be mentally and physically exhausting for her, without the added emotional issues of not being the child’s mother, and with her weight issues, she might have as much trouble conceiving as Kate. It’s also best if a surrogate already has children, because then she’s making an informed decision about being pregnant and bonding with the baby. Not that any of these issues matter when we’re dealing with the oh-so-special Pearsons. 

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44 minutes ago, Dejana said:

My wild prediction is that Kate and Toby go the surrogacy route, Madison the carrier gets pregnant with twins, overlapping Kate conceiving naturally, fulfilling the Circle of Life whereby one of the Big Three becomes the parent of an unorthodox set of triplets.


Keep it. I can't hate this idea enough! 

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47 minutes ago, Dejana said:

My wild prediction is that Kate and Toby go the surrogacy route, Madison the carrier gets pregnant with twins, overlapping Kate conceiving naturally, fulfilling the Circle of Life whereby one of the Big Three becomes the parent of an unorthodox set of triplets.

Oh god no. 
I do think Toby and Kate are good candidates for surrogacy. I just don't see how she can carry a baby to term being that heavy. 

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I just wish the writers would save Kate from having to say ridiculous things, like how she's lost a large amount of weight.  That must be a struggle to go with those lines.  They did the same thing last season.  If she had lost all of that weight, she wouldn't look larger than before.  And once again they have her talking about how there were no slip ups or cheating or whatever she called it, which implies she's on a diet, which isn't sustainable and sets her up to break, because she hasn't had any of her favorite treats in months.  Is that really reasonable or realistic?  I don't think so.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

Considering Madison has severe body dysmorphia and struggles with anorexia, pregnancy would be mentally and physically exhausting for her, without the added emotional issues of not being the child’s mother, and with her weight issues, she might have as much trouble conceiving as Kate. It’s also best if a surrogate already has children, because then she’s making an informed decision about being pregnant and bonding with the baby. Not that any of these issues matter when we’re dealing with the oh-so-special Pearsons. 

Of course I know that IRL, Madison would be a terrible candidate to be someone else's surrogate but the writers tend to lay it on thick and not be concerned with reality. Also, writers would more likely than not go with a connected character, for the drama.


1 hour ago, ChromaKelly said:

Oh god no. 
I do think Toby and Kate are good candidates for surrogacy. I just don't see how she can carry a baby to term being that heavy. 

I was surprised the doctor didn't suggest it. Maybe the odds are even lower? Of course, some people have ethical concerns, I think it's illegal in some states (though that's not a problem in California), and there is the issue of money but since this is TV,  the latter tends to get handwaved.

Edited by Dejana
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2 hours ago, Dejana said:

IIRC, he has a job in IT, with his own office.


My feeling is that the gestational surrogacy idea is being saved for a later date/season.


IRL, the actor's sense of style is equally if not more extra than Toby's, so he probably likes his goatee situation as is.


My wild prediction is that Kate and Toby go the surrogacy route, Madison the carrier gets pregnant with twins, overlapping Kate conceiving naturally, fulfilling the Circle of Life whereby one of the Big Three becomes the parent of an unorthodox set of triplets.

While I would love to see a gestational surrogacy storyline done in a positive, (somewhat) realistic manner (because I'm currently expecting by surrogacy - my surrogate is 32 1/2 weeks along as I type this), I don't think Madison would qualify (see other posters' comments).  

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Count me in with those who are over the Rebecca/Jack relationship.  The random other guy showing up with flowers for Rebecca was pointless.  We know they get together, so there's absolutely no tension there.  Also, what I liked about this show when it began was that even though it was tear-jerky, a lot of it felt real and relatable.  Rebecca going on in the car about how she and Jack have nothing in common but "wow, when you look at me like that" is just ridiculous.  People don't say things like that, especially on the first date.  If they had had her talking to a friend about it post-date, then sure.  Or if they had her tell Jack that years later, then I would have bought it.  But that she just says that at the end of their awkward first date?  Ugh, way too cheesy.  (Also, side rant: if Jack had no money, why on earth did he think a carnival was a good idea?  Carnivals are money pits!  Everything is overpriced!  What was he thinking?)

I get what they were going for with the Franco Harris thing (just when you think things are over, bam!, things turn themselves around and are good again) but it was very poorly executed.  Instead of just randomly showing Harris and his family (which was confusing) then cutting to actual footage from the game, they should have had Jack and Rebecca actually attend the game, that way the scenes with Harris would actually tie in to what was going on with the characters.  And yes, I know that Jack was broke, but they could have had him win tickets on the radio or randomly get them in some magical "This Is Us" way.  Then they could have had Jack and Rebecca being all awkward which would have paired well with shots of the Stellers playing poorly and Harris's reactions throughout the game.  They also could have shown Jack penny-pinching by only getting food for Rebecca and her feeling weird because she's drinking a beer while he's having tap water.  Also would have been a nice way to show Rebecca's introduction to football and the foundation for the family's die-hard love of the Stellers.

On a positive note, I did love Kevin's interactions with his nieces.  

Edited by Snapdragon
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49 minutes ago, Dejana said:

Of course I know that IRL, Madison would be a terrible candidate to be someone else's surrogate but the writers tend to lay it on thick and not be concerned with reality. Also, writers would more likely than not go with a connected character, for the drama.


I was surprised the doctor didn't suggest it. Maybe the odds are even lower? Of course, some people have ethical concerns, I think it's illegal in some states (though that's not a problem in California), and there is the issue of money but since this is TV,  the latter tends to get handwaved.


No, the odds are against Kate successfully conceiving and carrying for a number of reasons, mostly her age and her weight.  Most surrogates already have kids and the screening process would eliminate any woman who had difficulty carrying a pregnancy or had significant complications in a prior pregnancy.  A gestational surrogate using an egg donor younger than the age of 35 would have a much higher chance of success than a pregnancy carried by Kate using her own egg.

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3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:


Speaking of something I just realized, wasn’t the band Rebecca was singing with suppused to include her ex boyfriend? She has that guy and now she has random guy with flowers at her door who she looks shocked/surprised to see? And the show seems to be setting up that he was a great love. Whatever. I’m over the Jack and Rebecca story now like most, I want to see what both of their lives were like before each other. and I would like to see what life was like after Jack died. As I said we know Kate stopped watching her weight, and Kevin started drinking, and then we know he and Sophie got married at some point and he went to LA. I hope the show plans on filling those missing pieces.

Next week!!! Looking forward to it. I'd like to see the aftermath of Jack's death. Like a month, 6 months, a few years, etc. Fill in those hunks of time. Looks like 1998 Rebecca is standing in the backyard, looking at a garden of a stately, white home. Her parent's in Connecticut? Makes sense. Then it looks like she pours two cups of coffee in a different kitchen than the house that burnt down. Sliding door. An apartment? Wondering if she, Randall and Kate moved into an apartment. Also, I was thinking last night if they were ever going  to show Kevin being actually told that his dad died in the car in the woods. Looks like they took the time to film it and we have seen snippets of it, with Kate standing there crying. This was in the trailer at the end of 9 bucks.

I was reflecting on last year's season opener and how they showed the ruined house at the end and the kids (R and K) crying on the couch. We were saying on here that maybe Jack was still alive at that point since the kids weren't that hysterical. But then we discover Rebecca told the kids and went off for a drive while the kids cried at Miguel's and Kate said, through sniffles, "We gotta tell Kev. He should hear it from me." Strange, I still don't think Kate and Randall seemed realistically...destroyed, devastated, in shock, traumatized...about losing Jack. 

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23 hours ago, AmandaPanda said:

already hate everything with the IVF storyline. I was so glad when Toby was able to say that he was uncomfortable with the procedure and that he didn't want to go through with it. Naturally, though, it's all about what Kate wants, regardless of how it will affect anyone else.

I swear, I wanted to frickin' punch Kate in the face!  I so agree with you.  She is the most self-absorbed woman ever!  The fact of the matter is, if she's not morbidly obese, she's pretty darn close.  It is going to be very difficult for her to successfully carry a child.  She KNOWS that Toby would do anything for her.  Ultimately, Toby is the one that tossed the pills, but speaking as someone with several family members who deal with mental illness, they can become very suggestible and retain certain bits of things that they see and hear.  Kate had no awareness of that whatsoever.  She said "no" when Toby suggested cutting back on the pills, but then it was back to Kate, Kate, and more Kate.  As soon as I saw Toby in the bathroom with his notebook, I knew exactly what he was going to do, and Kate should have had some inkling that what Toby did could be a possibility.

The thing with "when is the universe going to cut me a break?"  OMG, STFU Kate!   You are alive and don't seem to have significant health problems (that we know of) due to your weight.  You just got married, and Toby loves you!  And newsflash, it is sometimes difficult for 38 year-old women who AREN'T obese to have children at 38.  Kate is not being especially persecuted, even though she thinks she is.  It's called life.  Stuff happens (and sometimes doesn't).  Her parents lost a child!  One of her brothers is adopted!  How can one person be so dense?

Beth was the saving grace of this episode.  I love her...and I love how she's trying to look out for Kevin.

Edited by Ohmo
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8 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I agree.  My friend married a guy that texted her upon meeting her for their first date (they had met on Match.com) “I’m in the bar and waiting for the woman of my dreams”.   If someone texted me that on a first date I wouldn’t have met him.  

Toby tossing his meds was a bit much.  Just keep them in the medicine cabinet and don’t take them.  That being said,  he would have some major dizzy spells without weaning off them.

Toby is such a drama queen. He fits in perfectly.

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