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S03.E06: Smashing Friendships

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17 hours ago, zenme said:

Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm still extremely skeptical about a family of gingers JUST SO HAPPEN to have a ginger baby randomly drop into their lives for adoption...no waiting, nothing. I wasn't born yesterday. The theory I'm tossing around is that Bryan had an affair with a young college co-ed. She doesn't want to be a mother now and Bryan doesn't want  to be entangled with her, BUT she doesn't want to have an abortion. So Bryan either convinces Brandy to adopt the baby, or he has Travis (friend of the adoption service guy) help him plot to have Stephanie coincidentally find out the adoption agency has a white baby boy who needs a home. 

Ohhhh, damn girl!!  That’s some Lifetime movie shit!  I love it!

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23 minutes ago, Jack Terrier said:

Ohhhh, damn girl!!  That’s some Lifetime movie shit!  I love it!

I also thought yeah thats a side baby he had. That's why Brandi gets all teary eyed about the adoption being secret in Aspen.

I think she feared it would lead to more questions.


Dandra is a person born on 3 and thinks they hit a homerun.. She can lecture but wants everyone to be nice about her failures.

Also WHO the eff put 4k of personal shopping on their compan card ON TV. That is some shady dealing and calls in IRS red flags.

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18 hours ago, zenme said:

Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm still extremely skeptical about a family of gingers JUST SO HAPPEN to have a ginger baby randomly drop into their lives for adoption...no waiting, nothing. I wasn't born yesterday. The theory I'm tossing around is that Bryan had an affair with a young college co-ed. She doesn't want to be a mother now and Bryan doesn't want  to be entangled with her, BUT she doesn't want to have an abortion. So Bryan either convinces Brandy to adopt the baby, or he has Travis (friend of the adoption service guy) help him plot to have Stephanie coincidentally find out the adoption agency has a white baby boy who needs a home. 

please don't burst my bubble!

18 hours ago, Pickles said:

Maybe. But, have you seen Brandy’s husband? I don’t know how many women would be tempted to have an affair with him. Not exactly Mr Irresistible. JMO.

my thoughts exactly.  besides i want someone on these shows to be nice and happy.  as i said i don't want my bubble burst.  also, the thought never crossed my mind.  another thing, brandi is not dumb and would not go 'silently in the good night'.

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1 hour ago, jaybird2 said:

please don't burst my bubble!

my thoughts exactly.  besides i want someone on these shows to be nice and happy.  as i said i don't want my bubble burst.  also, the thought never crossed my mind.  another thing, brandi is not dumb and would not go 'silently in the good night'.

I think your bubble is safe. Lol there isn’t one iota of evidence that points to them concocting this Lifetime made for tv wife tricking/baby heist. I mean that would take a lot of planning on everyone’s part and I just don’t see Brandi or Stephany having that much capability to keep it all hush or the husbands to have that much control over the whole situation that it wouldn’t leak. Also Having the balls to do it on a national television show where anyone remotely connected to the woman could come out and tell the truth is a long shot. And seeing how much time has past since filming and now and NO ONE has made a claim not even LeeAnne who would smell something fishy and run with it. I see Brandi taking her kids and leaving not sticking around raising the baby of a woman her husband cheated on her with like a doormat if it were true. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I found it telling that the wedding planner didn't start with "what is your budget"?  He kept harping on the number of guests and that everything would be dependent on the number of guests.  But it seems like the overall budget would be more important.  I assume LeeAnn is hoping to get a lot of free stuff for her wedding.

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2 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

I found it telling that the wedding planner didn't start with "what is your budget"?  He kept harping on the number of guests and that everything would be dependent on the number of guests.  But it seems like the overall budget would be more important.  I assume LeeAnn is hoping to get a lot of free stuff for her wedding.

 If she truly is an event planner, then I advise every vendor she's ever worked with to run for the hills.  She's a coming for you, and she's coming hard.

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Deandra's story about the $200 kept changing, too. First she said it was the tequila and it was a joke. Then she said that she has five accounts and she only had a small amount in that account because she had shoveled the rest of her money into other accounts. Next it was that she had used the company card because she had limited herself on her account to $200, because she didn't want to spend money.

Watching Stephanie's conversation with Travis about how she can't handle the kids and the house without him was even more odd the second time around. This woman has given birth twice, donated bone marrow to a total stranger, survived a suicide attempt, etc but she acts terrified of him leaving. Surely she has a nanny and/or other household staff to do the grunt work. Are her boys that wild and unruly, or do they not listen to her? Maybe she's a pushover with them and genuinely can't control them? Interesting.

Kameron's "Who in the world would even believe this rumor? Is this her Starbucks account?" was hilarious.

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17 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Throw in strip clubs and brothels and I'm in agreement.

i am liking Stephanie more and more.  She truly does seem to have a good heart.  What I like about her and Brandi is that they come from humble beginning and are not snobs, KAMERON.

i think kameron married into all that money and she is not southern.  i also think that's the reason she acts the way she does.  she thinks this is how she's suppose to act.

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42 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

i think kameron married into all that money and she is not southern.  i also think that's the reason she acts the way she does.  she thinks this is how she's suppose to act.

Agreed.  Kameron is from Southern California and I think she really likes to pull that "Southern Belle" routine.  Like, she was actually right last season that Brandi was rude to give gifts in front of her.  But someone who is truly polite and gracious doesn't BRING IT UP OVER AND OVER AGAIN EVERY DAMN TIME YOU SEE HER!!  You don't acknowledge it and you certainly don't call people out to their faces.  That is the opposite of being gracious!

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2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Watching Stephanie's conversation with Travis about how she can't handle the kids and the house without him was even more odd the second time around. This woman has given birth twice, donated bone marrow to a total stranger, survived a suicide attempt, etc but she acts terrified of him leaving. Surely she has a nanny and/or other household staff to do the grunt work. Are her boys that wild and unruly, or do they not listen to her? Maybe she's a pushover with them and genuinely can't control them? Interesting.

Kameron's "Who in the world would even believe this rumor? Is this her Starbucks account?" was hilarious.

I think Stephanie has anxiety issues. She seemed terrified talking to Travis about the prospect of his going away for a month. i recognise the fear in her eyes. "When have i ever been a leader?" was very sad and we have heard it from her before.

I didn't want to give Kameron any oxygen, but on the rewatch, I realised the whole "The Simple Life" thing got lost in the wash. Are you serious, Kam? I genuinely believe her idea of the 'simple life' comes straight from watching Nicole and Paris on their show.

Also, what's the deal with being a 'Westcott Woman'? It sounds like scouts are sent to colleges by the Westcott family to recruit potential candidates to become a 'Westcott Woman'. A Westcott Woman does charity. A Westcott Woman improves the bloodline.  A Westcott Woman is BOOKED UP A YEAR IN ADVANCE. For what?????????? Sparkle Dog hasn't actually happened yet, and Kam is already telling us that she doesn't have time to be a mommy or spend time at home with her family, so wtf is she actually doing all day? Gardening? Do the Westcott Woman garden? Or is she 'at events'. I had a vision in my head of Kam as a kind of Westcott family escort, getting booked out to sit next to rich people 'at events' so they'll donate to whatever Westcott charity she's being pimped out for. It's the only way I can make 'booked out a year in advance' work for me when it doesn't involve looking after her kids or being at home or Sparkle Dog. If she's that busy being a Westcott Woman, then she isn't going to have time for dog food. 

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19 hours ago, Thumper said:

Probably not paying attention.  Can someone explain the deal with D'Andra and her mama?  Mama doesn't want D'Andra to make changes to the existing company, so now D has to go on her own??  Lost track of this and dislike Mama a lot.

I like seeing D with out full makeup -- very fresh and pretty.

D'Andra works for the family company, which is Deeeeeee SIMmons, who seems to be famous all over Texas. During her time with the company it seems as though D'Andra developed a product or product line called 'Late night, good morning' or something like that, she said it a couple of times this episode. Her mother has told her that she can take her company/line out on her own, but that's all she will be doing if she leaves the Deathstar. No one has much sympathy for rich girl/trust fund baby D'Andra, but I get that she has been brought up this way and she is genuinely terrified about striking out on her own and worried that she has left it too late. I suspect Dee, the mother, has kept her on a very short leash and possibly there is quite a toxic relationship between them 'you'll NEVER stand on your own feet' and worse. LeeAnne was pretty foul to D'Andra, like 'welcome to the real world, bitch'. Made me think that LeeAnne must REALLY hate all these charity world mavens she spends her life toadying for. 

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49 minutes ago, queenjen said:

I suspect Dee, the mother, has kept her on a very short leash and possibly there is quite a toxic relationship between them 'you'll NEVER stand on your own feet' and worse. 

I think the "you're jealous of me" chat is enough to remove the possibly.

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Hmmm...have I been doing meditation wrong? I've never used meditation to find the root cause of my issues. If I wanted that, I would go to a therapist. I meditate to clear my mind and find some internal calmness that allows my entire body to relax. 

D'Andra was raised a certain way and not many people who are born into luxury and opportunities walk away from it. I don't begrudge her for having it and I do think it's nice to see her willing to put the hard work in so that she can make something on her own and find her own independence away from her family. My impression is that while she's scared about taking that leap business wise and having to be more conscious of how she invests in her business and upkeeps her personal life, I think she's maybe even more scared that being cut off from her family will result in her losing friendships that she cares about. From a business point of view, she's starting off with a lot more than most entrepreneurs have - they don't start off living a fancy life and having a trust fund, they don't often get to have established a name and built a clientele from under a flagship company...she has opportunities out of the gate that most would love to have. She'll be fine if she's committed and smart about it. 

LeeAnne was a complete bitch to D'Andra. I realize D'Andra was harsh with her but D'Andra came at her with good intentions. LeeAnne was only being harsh as payback for what D'Andra said about her and Rich setting a wedding date. 

I felt bad for Stephanie. She definitely has insecurities about her own abilities and capabilities. This isn't the first time we've seen her say things like this. Hopefully the month away from Travis will build her confidence that she is able to take care of the kids, run a household and make decisions. Also, you can tell how sincerely Stephanie doesn't like confrontation. You could see the anxiety on her face when D'Andra was going off on LeeAnne. 

I wonder if Kameron's facade has an off switch. 

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I did some really basic arithmetic in my head when Dee was going off on D'Andra one episode and concluded that Dee's company/product only took off when Dee was in her 50s. Correct me if I'm wrong. So this is the age D'Andra is now and I think her mother resents her because when SHE was D'Andra's age, she'd taken this product to market and took it all the way to the bank, goshdarnit, plus brought up an ungrateful trial of a daughter! Did ah say UNGRATEFUL?! I agree with @RHJunkie, she doesn't seem to be aware of how good she's got it given the product she's taking is already recognised and she's not really starting from scratch at all. If Dee could take 'Simmons' back plus the 'D' in 'D'Andra', I'm sure she would. Then there's the whole 'my STEP father set me up for life'. Wow. Momma Dee might have some resentment about that too: that this man who isn't even her daughter's bio father left her with that swag.Dee seems like that kinda woman.

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1 hour ago, queenjen said:

D'Andra works for the family company, which is Deeeeeee SIMmons, who seems to be famous all over Texas. During her time with the company it seems as though D'Andra developed a product or product line called 'Late night, good morning' or something like that, she said it a couple of times this episode. Her mother has told her that she can take her company/line out on her own, but that's all she will be doing if she leaves the Deathstar. No one has much sympathy for rich girl/trust fund baby D'Andra, but I get that she has been brought up this way and she is genuinely terrified about striking out on her own and worried that she has left it too late. I suspect Dee, the mother, has kept her on a very short leash and possibly there is quite a toxic relationship between them 'you'll NEVER stand on your own feet' and worse. LeeAnne was pretty foul to D'Andra, like 'welcome to the real world, bitch'. Made me think that LeeAnne must REALLY hate all these charity world mavens she spends her life toadying for. 

Thank you for the explanation.  (Love the "Deathstar" label!).  Is Mamma pushing her out?  Why can't she just market her line under the Deathstar brand?

I dislike Mamma.  She is well-preserved, but seems like she is jealous of her daughter's youth.  

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22 hours ago, queenjen said:

Imma say it again. Bravo. Get it together. This demographic DOES NOT want to be watching screaming road rats. There's been too much, the audience is sick of it. 

Yes! I like that most of the women on this show are actually housewives (unlike RHNY), but I can't stand the bratty or screaming kids! It is not entertaining for me at all. I was irritated at Brandi's impertinent daughters. 

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21 hours ago, MinorL said:

Sorry, I have no tears for D’Andra who has a trust fund she says she and her husband could live on for the rest of their lives. It’s not like she needs her business to live off the income. She just wants it. I understand wanting to get out from under her mother’s thumb but she isn’t exactly struggling financially. She seems more worried that a bunch of rich assholes will shun her. 

Yeah who would they be?  Her gruesome mother?  Kameron?  That ghoulish fiend Heidi from last season?  Good riddance!

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

After watching this video, I doubt that Bruin is Bryan’s natural son - Brandi is too excited for that scenario imo.


Add being a preemie in the NICU as another factor why people might not have wanted to adopt the baby.  Brandi does seem way more excited than Bryan at the end of the video and I don't think she's that good of an actress.  

2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I give credit to Travis and Stephanie’s company for funding education for their employees and the employees’ kids. Of course it’s a tax write off, all 501c3 charities are (or were under the former tax laws).  Also, why would it make it any less worthwhile if they willingly fund education, but do not wish to fund a side business? Not every charity is for every cause, it’s like when people get upset about charities that benefit animals and ask “but what about homeless people?” Everyone is free to support whichever charity they are most passionate about.

Leeann admitted in a talking head that she went after D’Andra’s Princess lifestyle as revenge for D’Andra’s grilling her about a wedding date. Leeann needs revenge like I need chocolate, it might not be good for either of us, but without it, life would be very drab indeed.

I <3 you

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I’ve always liked Stephanie and never understood people’s dislike of her.  I do think she suffers from low self esteem...why the hell else would she not have thrown Leanne out of her Halloween party last year?  

I don’t buy into the conspiracy theories about Brandi’s adoption simply because the one scene we saw of Brian discussing the adoption seemed very sweet and genuine.  Further, I just don’t think Stephanie would play a role in something deceitful.  And I’m in the minority, but I like Brandi.  Her (and Strphanie’s) self awareness of their humble upbringings is a nice contrast to the b.s. from Cameran (who I still can’t believe is anything but a character she’s playing).  

11 hours ago, OnceSane said:

IDK…Theresa's daughter Milania was pretty much a holy terror.

The Curtain girls and the Hamlin girls are far worse than Melania and/or Brandi’s kids.  Melania referring to Juicy Joe as an “old Troll” will forever be one of my favorite moments.  

Brandi’s girls were playing it up for the camera and the guests and they’re really young.

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5 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:


I’ve always liked Stephanie and never understood people’s dislike of her.  I do think she suffers from low self esteem...why the hell else would she not have thrown Leanne out of her Halloween party last year?  


I *adored* the fact that she didn’t throw Leanne out of her house; that would’ve caused a huge scene from Leanne that Stephanie likely didn’t want, not to mention give her all the excess attention she desperately was craving with that ridiculous outfit. Not only was Stephanie the bigger person for that, but she made Leanne look like an even bigger buffoon in the end. I thought it was a brillliant move from Stephanie and I’ve loved her ever since then.

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9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I’ve always liked Stephanie and never understood people’s dislike of her.  I do think she suffers from low self esteem...why the hell else would she not have thrown Leanne out of her Halloween party last year? 

I like Stephanie as well. She had that hiccup with Brandi and I did understand Brandi's point of view that it was hard to see her best friend characterize her marriage the way she did because Stephanie knows more than anyone else about Brandi's personal life so for her to comment holds a lot more weight than any of the other women. I do think Stephanie was a bit jealous of Brandi and LeeeAnne's budding friendship but I think mostly it was because she desperately wanted mend fences with Brandi and seeing her cozy up with LeeAnne was a reminder that she was no longer part of Brandi's life. Of the shows across this franchise, I think she's probably the most genuinely kind person of all of them. She doesn't seem malicious or judgemental. She just wants to love her family, spoil herself when she can and have fun. Her situation can afford her that lifestyle but I really do like that she's been involved in such a great cause with Travis' company.

I also like Brandi too though I'm not sure if that's a minority opinion, lol. Brandi can be a bit much but I think it's because her personality is a mix of wanting to have fun but also too fiery to back down when she feels challenged.

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15 hours ago, queenjen said:

D'Andra works for the family company, which is Deeeeeee SIMmons, who seems to be famous all over Texas. During her time with the company it seems as though D'Andra developed a product or product line called 'Late night, good morning' or something like that, she said it a couple of times this episode. Her mother has told her that she can take her company/line out on her own, but that's all she will be doing if she leaves the Deathstar. No one has much sympathy for rich girl/trust fund baby D'Andra, but I get that she has been brought up this way and she is genuinely terrified about striking out on her own and worried that she has left it too late. I suspect Dee, the mother, has kept her on a very short leash and possibly there is quite a toxic relationship between them 'you'll NEVER stand on your own feet' and worse. LeeAnne was pretty foul to D'Andra, like 'welcome to the real world, bitch'. Made me think that LeeAnne must REALLY hate all these charity world mavens she spends her life toadying for. 

Why doesn't D'Andra's understand that this product belongs to the mother's company?  I get that its her mother and her mother should be understanding and all, but "Late Night, Good Morning" belongs to the mother and D'Andra should be thankful her mom will get her take it to her new company

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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Why doesn't D'Andra's understand that this product belongs to the mother's company?  I get that its her mother and her mother should be understanding and all, but "Late Night, Good Morning" belongs to the mother and D'Andra should be thankful her mom will get her take it to her new company

I think D'andra owns the company (IE the llc  or corporation and name rights or trademark) that is under the umbrella of her mothers company so while she wouldn't be able to take anything that the company has made for other "brands" under the umbrella (due to trade mark with her mothers company or just not being able to buy the rights from her mother str8 out) she can take the business itself and I'm assuming anything that is branded to her company like lotions and creams. so basically she would be starting over from scratch with just the name hard night good morning and its employees that i guess would chose to follow her. however having already had a business relationship with those other vendors and with them knowing her product line gives her a huge head start .....so anything that her business makes from that day forward would be all hers.  She just wouldn't have her mothers resources for promotion or new ideas and testing and production of new products or payroll or office needs things like that....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 9/19/2018 at 8:34 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Stephanie is way to much of a sweet kind good person for a show like this lol Jesus 

I'm thinking more like she is too dumb to be trying to raise two young boys.  How can a person be so low on themselves and say they have zero leadership ability? 

Also, Harvard is UP there not down there when you go visit Travis with the boys. 

I actually love when my husband goes on a business trip...I miss him a little but dang I love having a quiet house for a few days! 

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7 minutes ago, raiderred1 said:

I actually love when my husband goes on a business trip...I miss him a little but dang I love having a quiet house for a few days! 

I do too. But this was an entire month. I know my kids would miss their daddy fiercely if he went away for a month, and vice versa. 

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48 minutes ago, raiderred1 said:


Also, Harvard is UP there not down there when you go visit Travis with the boys. 


Maybe it’s just what she’s used to saying I live in key west and my mother in Tennessee anytime she speaks about visiting she always says I’m coming up lol

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, raiderred1 said:

I'm thinking more like she is too dumb to be trying to raise two young boys.  How can a person be so low on themselves and say they have zero leadership ability? 

Also, Harvard is UP there not down there when you go visit Travis with the boys. 

I actually love when my husband goes on a business trip...I miss him a little but dang I love having a quiet house for a few days! 

I don't think Stephanie is dumb at all. Far from it.  I believe she has self esteem issues and is probably way too empathetic for her own good.  You can see on her face that she hurts when other people hurt.  Stephanie leads with her kindness and understanding and hopefully one day she will realize her self worth.  

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Stephanie has expressed her concerns are partially due to being responsible for the boys alone. When my husband was in the Army I, and all my friends had to be alone with our kids, raising and disciplining them. I do understand her anxiety because I felt the same way when I knew my husband was leaving. Something major would always happen and in those days I couldn't get a hold of him. He'd have to call me. My anxiety was largely in part due to "what if..." but we didn't have the money that Stephanie has. So, while I understand the anxiety, I don't feel too bad for her. Hire help! She has the means to help alleviate her problems.

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

She has help, we just don’t see it on the show, and Travis travels a lot for work which made the whole argument weird. 

Then in that case she needs different kind of help, like therapy.

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Oooof,  I am not feeling D'Andra this season, and she had been my absolute favorite until now. I don't think she had any right to complain about a lack of propriety when she called out her best friend's relationship issues in front of God and a nationally televised audience. Now that is HU-MIL-I-ATING, LEEANNE! Also, she was so defensive about that $200 comment, it had to be at least partially true, no matter how unlikely it seems. I cringed every time she tried to clarify that it was her "shopping account" and she still has a trust fund. Noted! AND THEN she tells the audience she HAS to have money because her husband is a mere plebe. Nice. It's so terrible to be called out for having no money, huh? Anyway...help me, because this is where reality tv loses me...no one would have known about that conversation if Cary hadn't restated it to the cameras, correct? So I'd be pretty irritated with Cary rather than LeeAnne. Am I missing the part where it's 100% set up for Bravo? 

Edited by RedInk
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On 9/21/2018 at 2:43 PM, raiderred1 said:

Also, Harvard is UP there not down there when you go visit Travis with the boys. 

I know that bugged me too but I think that this maybe a leadership program sponsored by Harvard held in a different city in Texas at a hotel or conference center sort of thing.

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23 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know that bugged me too but I think that this maybe a leadership program sponsored by Harvard held in a different city in Texas at a hotel or conference center sort of thing.

If he is doing the actual Harvard Business Leadership program it’s four modules two that are done online and two that are done on campus. I don’t believe they have any remote programs at other places. A lot of people just say down, up, etc. regardless of the actual location and it annoys me every time.

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Loved Kam’s Starbucks account comments. Hilarious. I totally think she would be the kind of friend that would dump a friend if they lost their money. It was also super rude to tell Brandi that she was worried Brandi would influence DAndra. Total BS attempt to walk it back by saying I’m not say a BAD influence... 

I want to go to the anger room.

i agree with Stephanie that Leanne is at least trying to be better by not freaking out when being called out. The Hollman education thing is awesome!

i just can’t feel sorry for DAndra. I can certainly understand that it must be very stressful to try and decide what to do with the company but yeah I’m not crying for her that her mom let her start a business and now she has to stop buying $2000 necklaces when she feels like it in order to get out from under moms thumb.

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My guess with D'Andra is that while her inheritance leaves her quite well off, it isn't "don't have to think of money rich." Let's say if she has 2-3 million. Living off the interest probably gives her somewhere around 100-150k per year. If her house is mostly paid, and she has not kids, it is enough to live very comfortably and to travel, but not enough to buy those designer gowns and bags, or to be able to travel first class, etc. 

So the income she gets from the company is what keeps her in the comfortable level. If she is earning a few hundred thousand, then she can splurge and enjoy life. A few thousand in fun spending a month is fine. But without that income, she has to live closer to a normal person. 

As for Travis - I remember when hubby was in a similar program, and at the orientation, they told us to not expect any time with our spouse/partner during their time in the program. While I think Travis may have something on the side (sadly, it seems like so many of these men do), I don't think that is the reason for his being uncertain whether there is a good time for the kids to visit. The program is both a long month but also only a month (if that makes sense).

Also, I hope Travis isn't cheating. There are moments between the two of them where I think he is in awe of his wife. I really liked how he wanted to come to her defense against LeAnne, and I don't think it was an ego thing. I think it was out of genuine love for his wife, because he also backed down when she asked him to. And I can't help it, I like Stephanie, so definitely hope for good things for her.  

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On 9/19/2018 at 10:55 PM, Thumper said:

Probably not paying attention.  Can someone explain the deal with D'Andra and her mama?  Mama doesn't want D'Andra to make changes to the existing company, so now D has to go on her own??  Lost track of this and dislike Mama a lot.

I like seeing D with out full makeup -- very fresh and pretty.

I just started watching Dallas and came here to say that d’andra has got to be one of the most beautiful women on any tv show when she doesn’t have make up on.

the skin is flawless I want to go all Silence of the Lambs on her and make me a D suit.

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21 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know that bugged me too but I think that this maybe a leadership program sponsored by Harvard held in a different city in Texas at a hotel or conference center sort of thing.

It’s a Texas thing. We are always going down to somewhere. Geographical location be damned.

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:25 AM, MinorL said:

Sorry, I have no tears for D’Andra who has a trust fund she says she and her husband could live on for the rest of their lives. It’s not like she needs her business to live off the income. She just wants it. I understand wanting to get out from under her mother’s thumb but she isn’t exactly struggling financially. She seems more worried that a bunch of rich assholes will shun her. 

Ahhh, I cannot stand this bitch.  She actually charges clothing on her business credit card!  And let's not forget that she couldn't get her stupid personalized skin care sold until she marketed it under her mother's line.  She's a failure on her own, yet complains that her mother doesn't sign over a very successful company to her.  Boo hoo.  I'm so over D'Andra.  She trashed her mother non-stop last season, yet can't handle her mother's response.  

Don't you know how tortured I am!!!!  My billionaire friends are questioning my personal wealth!  That is so wrong, and I'm far richer than any of my co-house wives.  I have two trust funds and a husband who lives to fuck me!

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On 9/19/2018 at 8:38 PM, zenme said:

Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm still extremely skeptical about a family of gingers JUST SO HAPPEN to have a ginger baby randomly drop into their lives for adoption...no waiting, nothing. I wasn't born yesterday. The theory I'm tossing around is that Bryan had an affair with a young college co-ed. She doesn't want to be a mother now and Bryan doesn't want  to be entangled with her, BUT she doesn't want to have an abortion. So Bryan either convinces Brandy to adopt the baby, or he has Travis (friend of the adoption service guy) help him plot to have Stephanie coincidentally find out the adoption agency has a white baby boy who needs a home. 

I dunno... ginger babies seem to be popping up (or out?) a lot lately.... especially to couples that normally wouldn't have a ginger baby (I know two).  I think they're about ready to take over the world. 

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