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S05.E09: Week 5: Part 2

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I'm not going to be able to explain why, but I LOVED Shu being so overemotional about Eric leaving.  LOL. I  thought it was really cute and sweet.

I know Krystal seemed really psycho on whatever season she was on, I don't even remember which, (I think I remember hearing that baby voice saying "Arrieeeeeeeeeeee?") but now I can see the cold hard truth of the matter.  She's 1000 levels outside of Chris's league!  How can she like this moron?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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6 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I know he is from Melrose Park and that is where his parents live .

I THINK his store is in West Town and I think he also lives in West Town, which is where the "west" comes from. But there are more than a dozen groceries in that small neighborhood. And yes, his parents do live in Melrose Park. The Tribune says he was at Lollapalooza and was spotted with David Ross at a pizza place so his social circle is pretty exclusive.

Also according to the Trib, Becca visited him in Chicago while the B-ette was still airing. He posted their photo on Instagram. As for his store, he was filmed at Eric’s Food Center in the Hegewisch neighborhood for his B-ette intro package, and he was "discovered" and asked to be on B-ette when he was at a Whole Foods in Chicago.

So many stores, so little time.

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What’s worse than few or no couples?  Maybe too many couples?  And now we definitely have too many couples with the arrival of the married couples who are now parents.  They’re held up as the ideal and we and the Bippers are expected not to mention the 98% failure rate in favor of the 2% success rate.  Carly is still insufferable and Evan’s Dime Store D’Artagnan facial hair is even more desperately awful than John’s.

Jordan and Jenna do have their moments of bickering levity but they also seem hopelessly stranded in the Friend Zone no matter how much they try to pretend otherwise.  Both of them simply haven’t grown up.  What’s that Pet Shop Boys lyric?  ‘I love you more than you love me’ – hang on, it was Electronic (a joint project involving Bernard Sumner of New Order and Johnny Marr of The Smiths, although Pet Shop Boys Neil Tennant & Chris Lowe also participated).

The babysitting task proves one thing for certain – crying, wailing babies make for a long 5 minutes of airtime.  Ukulele playing is automatic grounds for a call to Child Protective Services.  Joe’s in desperate need of a visit to the barber shop, even a Mexican one.

Sorry Michiganders but the accent is tragic.  Let’s attempt a phonetic transcription of a Cassandra quote:

‘Avrywan is kappled ap.  An’ it’s kanda harrrd to see how heappy thee arrr.’

Cassandra may be a sunny optimist but Eric isn’t worth the effort on a micro or macro level.  And now he’s dramatically pacing in the surf.  Agony Aunt Kevin hears another confession from another conflicted male.  Cassandra’s rude awakening is made ruder with Eric’s announcement that he’s leaving.

The Agonies Of Eric play out further over an excruciating – and excruciatingly dull – long stretch of minutes marked by his futile attempt to say something profound.  Shushanna has known him for less than two days and is in melodramatic meltdown.  She’s upset that the overhead lights are fixed in place because she wants that Super Trouper spotlight, babes!  John displays keen insight by declaring that ‘going home would suck.’  What a glib catch he truly is.  Eric keeps the tears flowing in the livery car but maybe it’s because the driver won’t exceed 5 mph.  But the roads are a bit narrow, after all, and guardrails are noticeably absent.

Chris & Krystal are as vapid as each other and are always ready with a relationship cliché – take it to the next level etc.  Their canned on-camera lines are rewarded with a date card.  Paradise and the real world have something in common:  blokes getting cleaned up in short order and waiting an eternity for the missus.  C&K’s outfits combine his floral shirt and her floral skirt – they look like they’re off to a dance competition.  Full marks to Yuki who isn’t everyone’s cup of sake but she has stayed around and done her bit.  It must be damned lonely half a world away and knowing only a handful of English words.  We assume – or we hope – that she has communication with the people back home.  Wells takes some stick but he does his best to include her in the discussions with his pantomime.  What’s this?  They’ve got a commercial and the paycheck that goes with it.  Good on them.

The Bippers launch a game of Truth or Dare and the producers must be slapping themselves upside the head for not thinking of it earlier.  It’s a much more revealing on-camera interview than any list of prepared questions could match and the risqué parts can be edited out.  In ABC’s Disneyfied world, randy singletons don’t talk about casual sex, hookups, etc. but only about true love.  The mouth-to-mouth exchange of chewed food is revolting.  But enough about the Carly flashback.  The game puts Shu into full-on bunny boiler mode and fizzles out quickly as a result.  Kiwi Jordan is left with the unappealing task of pursuing a rose while Shu pouts.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Krystal it’s that she prefers to be the hunter, not the prey.  Which means danger for Chris if he oversells things.  Kids, if you’ve seen one ornery raccoon you’ve seen them all.  And if you’ve seen a rabid one staggering in crazy, lazy circles you don’t want to see another.  L words are exchanged, food is ignored and overwrought lounge music follows.  Chris temporarily tacks a ‘t’ onto the end of his name as he walks on water for a dance.

Kiwi Jordan gives it a red hot go, as they say in the Antipodes, but is unable to penetrate Shu’s now-alarming level of obsessive daze.  She makes her rival Anneliese look relaxed and easygoing.  Jordan sensibly opts for the physically and emotionally available Cassandra instead.  Shu tracks down Kamil as the others nervously peek over their shoulders from the bar like ranch hands at an Old West saloon.  Kamil is forced, once again, to give her the shove.  Kamil is the new Jared and Shu the new Ashley in this stalker scenario although Shu cries a damn sight less often.  Thank heaven for small favors.

Shu may have met her codependent match in Anneliese, who is spoiling for a fight.  Shu scores an early point in the bout by asking in droll fashion ‘Do you have to?’  Does Shu ever blink?  Never mind – Anneliese blinks often enough for both of them.  It’s good comedy value watching Anneliese try to talk someone else out of latching on like a barnacle but irony and self-awareness are not her long suits.

They’re chucking someone else in.  Diggy.  Whee.  At this point anyone who’s appeared on the shows, watched the shows or even seen magazine covers related to the shows might be conscripted and flown to Paradise.  They are definitely cycling through the personnel.  ‘You might remember me from….’  Not really.  Just get on with it.

He can barely elicit a few words from Shushanna through her clenched teeth.  Olivia does yeoman’s work trying a second cheer-up session with Shu but Shu’s grabbed the wrong end of the stick – again – and plots to pair up with Jordan, whose, er, tide is rising as he ferries Cassandra (in an always-alluring white bikini) through the surf.

Diggy & Olivia are flowing freely and locking in while clueless John is still stranded on the beach.  A solo muted trumpet is not anyone’s idea of romantic slow-dance music – not least because it lacks a rhythm track - but $5 to a street musician beats paying union scale and ASCAP fees.

Does Joe own a shirt with a collar?  Shu has conveniently found – more likely been provided with - a framed photo of Kamil to burn.  Speaking of burning, Jordan is wisely destroying any and all bridges to Locoland but his conscience prompts him to give Shu one last pep talk, even if Shu herself lacks a conscience.  The producers are probably kicking themselves that Shu wasn’t in the original cast to give them plenty of filler if and when they needed it.

Edited by Rainsong
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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If someone pulls me aside to talk to me and then sticks her finger in her ear and digs around in an effort to fish out whatever's in there, that'd be the end of any relationship that person might have had with me.

Haha I thought I was the only one who noticed. All I could do was stare at her digging that finger into her ear. Oddly enough, IIRC, it was her left ring finger...

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Kamil got some kinda magic d*ck or something, LOL!

I don't wanna comment so much on Shu's personality, but man she is gorgeous.  I don't blame her for saying no to men she doesn't wanna date, but it really sucks that she made Kamil uncomfortable.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

No sympathy for Eric. Angela "went home" because he sent her there. The guy really can't stick with a decision longer than 24 hours.

Exactly, he's the guy that slept and his "truth" changed overnight and he had to go with it. Dude is really all just full of crazy sparking wires inside his head. He's got to figure some shit out... but the funny thing is that so many really screwed up people end up working giving people advice.

But anyhow, once again this shows the remorse of people that know that they will never talk to anyone again if it's not in an officially sanctioned Bachelor Family event. It would be nice if Eric could call Angela and apologize but you can't just call someone afterward, maybe they can talk at the reunion though...

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32 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

Full marks to Yuki who isn’t everyone’s cup of sake but she has stayed around and done her bit.

I’m probably a minority of one, but I think Yuki is adorable.

33 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

Chris temporarily tacks a ‘t’ onto the end of his name as he walks on water for a dance.

What was that dancing on/in water thing?  It looked really cool!

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For a motivational speaker, Eric sure  is indecisive and mealymouthed.

Krystal's voice is still annoying.  And just stop with the affectation of coyness.  Next she'll be batting her eyes at Chris.  Chris, I think, is carrying around a lot of baggage, like 350 pounds of it.  I think he may still have the mental image of being a fat kid--the fat kid who can't believe the beautiful yoga instructor wants HIM! 

Shu is either 1) in love with drama, 2) so damaged that she is trying to get (emotional) intimacy by fighting with her prospective boyfriends, or 3) following the TPTB instructions to the letter to stir up more BIP drama.  I'm leaning towards door #3.   ; )

Poor Diggy, coming in to bat clean up.   Hope he makes a love connection.

I think I like the raccoon more than any of the "contestants."

And a PTV meet-up?  Yes, please!

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I dont think Joe is dumb, I just think that he is a bit awkward on camera, and maybe is a bit of a simple kind of guy, but he certainly seems more well adjusted than most guys in this franchise. 

Of course, he and Kendall also got suckered into babysitting for free AND building a crib...

Joe could be just as awkward in real life but he does not seem particularly comfortable on camera. He is very aware that it's there. I have caught him more than once look straight into it. Tonight it was right after John and Chris were dancing in the pool. Dude is not an actor. I love him.

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35 minutes ago, TomGirl said:

I’m probably a minority of one, but I think Yuki is adorable.

What was that dancing on/in water thing?  It looked really cool!

I didn't see Winter Games but I've enjoyed Yuki to date.  But then I've always had a soft spot for Japanese anything.

The water dancing involved a shelf of thick plexiglas just under the surface of the water.  From an adequate distance and/or a certain camera angle it's invisible.  This effect was probably used most famously in the video for 'Magic' by The Cars.

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Cassandra is so pretty. She looks to me like a combination of Sandra Bullock and Brooke Shields — when they were her age, of course. I could stare at her on the screen and no one else (yes, I'm straight, lol). I could so see her with that tall, exotic New Zealander man-cocktail.

Annaliese/Anneliese (?) looks prettier now that she's more confident. Funny how that works. And her boytoy asked if she wanted a popsicle... Urh....

The baby date was silly -- I love my own child dearly, completely doted on him, but have no interest in tending to anyone else's spawn. (There, I said it.) But Carly's was such a good baby!

Sheshanna/Shoshanna/whatever is such a downer she needs to leave, witch or no witch. I wish Annaleise had told her it was her beloved Zumal/Zamil/Shameil? that first called her a witch. The Russian witchhunt line was funny, but the real one is sure finding a lot of actual criminal behavior.

I loved the synchronized swimming. Now that's what having fun in paradise is all about.

I love Yuki. She was adorable on Winter Games. I hope she made an effort to learn English before coming on the show.

Edited by Andromeda
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I thought Shu was Armenian. Isn't that what she said? Why does everyone keep calling her Russian? Well, either way, I have this urge to grab her hair and deep condition that mess like no other. "Why am I so complicated?" You're not complicated, you just need some hardcore therapy and maybe a personality transplant. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The sight of Chris literally makes me feel a little puke-y, so thank you BiP, for allowing me to save some time and FF through his date with Krystal.

Also, most of these couples have a talent for making kissing look incredibly unappealing and gross. Maybe it's the sound effects, but I just can't believe that half these dudes are even good at kissing. I'd be like, 'uh, can you stop sucking on my face? my lips are over here. are you trying to eat my lips now?'

These women make false lashes look clownish. They need better quality lashes. When it looks obviously fake and weighs down your lids and takes over your eyes, you're doing it wrong. Also, fake lashes every day in that weather/climate? Ugh, no bueno. 

NZ Jordan is not my type of guy, but I do like his accent. I'm going to Australia and NZ in a few months, so I look forward to hearing those lovely Aussie and NZ accents everywhere.

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2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I can’t tell if Joe is simple or just quiet-it’s a toss up. Still handsome though. I live in Chicago and we have been trying to figure out where his store is but all he says is West side which could mean anywhere. If anyone finds out, let me know! 

I think it's Eric's Food Center. 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

I think it's Eric's Food Center. 

Joe probably doesn't want his store found, which would explain his evasive answer when asked where it is. Maybe people should stop trying to dig out where it's located. Let him say if he wants to.

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It's entirely possible to be Russian and Armenian. She could easily be ethnically Armenian but be from Russia. Or vice versa.

More raccoon footage please.

Dear ABC,

I don't care that John died and his friends are all whiny. Why do you think I want to watch that? Bring back Agent Carter. Or Galavant. Or Deception instead.

a viewer

Eric, what a whiner you are. 

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I totally agree, mertensia!   I have no plans to ever watch that suicide show.  When I'm settling down in front of the tv with my cheetos, the last thing I want to watch is a series about a man who offed himself and his grieving family and friends.  Epic fail.

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It seems like ABC is desperately trying to do their spin on This Is Us without any of the joy.  If the suicide concept isn't off-putting enough, the 10 million commercials certainly put it into Hard Pass territory.

Shu is just one of those people who wants whatever guy she can't have.   Jordan wasn't even on her radar until he told her he had fun with Cassandra, and then he suddenly became so desirable that Kamil was yesterday's news.   Head case.

Edited by Suzysite
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Eric trying to make his dramatic story happen was just pitiful.  I was counting the number of  words he misused  when he misused the entire 'follow the cheese' concept.  I hope Angela's flight had already left.

I know baby's get fussy and cry, but little Emma was screaming in terror and no one thought to step in and rescue her. Maybe she isn't held by men that much or it was just Joe's gigantic teeth, but she was frightened and the sobbing went on way too long for my comfort.  Darn show trying to make Joe even more adorable for his fans at the baby's expense. Emma should sue for emotional damage when she's older.

2 hours ago, Suzysite said:

It seems like ABC is desperately trying to do their spin on This Is Us without any of the joy.  If the suicide concept isn't off-putting enough, the 10 million commercials certainly put it into Hard Pass territory.

"Everything happens for a reason and it's our purpose to find out what the reason is."  Who wrote this show?  Eric?

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7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:


But anyhow, once again this shows the remorse of people that know that they will never talk to anyone again if it's not in an officially sanctioned Bachelor Family event. It would be nice if Eric could call Angela and apologize but you can't just call someone afterward, maybe they can talk at the reunion though...

You forgot the ol’ Bachelor Family communication loophole of sliding into one’s DMs. Though, that’s usually reserved for hitting on a Bachelor Family member that one hasn’t yet met, so you might be right there—Paradise Tells All or bust.

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I wonder if the producers have anything to do with Eric's "still looking for love" story line.  Seems that Colton and Eric are both in the running to be the next bachelor, but I would prefer Jason.  He is at least somewhat articulate, and he has a gay brother.

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36 minutes ago, coconutcookie said:

I wonder if the producers have anything to do with Eric's "still looking for love" story line.  Seems that Colton and Eric are both in the running to be the next bachelor, but I would prefer Jason.

It's pretty unlikely since they officially named Colton as the next Bachelor yesterday.

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5 hours ago, mertensia said:

I don't care that John died and his friends are all whiny. Why do you think I want to watch that? Bring back Agent Carter. Or Galavant. Or Deception instead.


Oh, Galavant.  That show was absolutely brilliant.  Loved it.  Broke my heart when they announced no Season 3.

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11 hours ago, comosedice said:

Joe could be just as awkward in real life but he does not seem particularly comfortable on camera. He is very aware that it's there. I have caught him more than once look straight into it. Tonight it was right after John and Chris were dancing in the pool. Dude is not an actor. I love him.

You also could make popsicles with the chemistry between him and the odious Kendall.  She’s a crummy actress, and Joe can’t act for shit.  He’s totally uncomfortable and it shows. 

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

You also could make popsicles with the chemistry between him and the odious Kendall.  She’s a crummy actress, and Joe can’t act for shit.  He’s totally uncomfortable and it shows. 

I personally like their chemistry and the candid moments we get to see of them when they're not aware they're being filmed. Joe just seems like he doesn't want to start acting with her when he knows the camera is on them.

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How did Evan get cast for The Bachelorette in the first place? He seems so unappealing. Not saying he isn't necessarily a decent guy (I haven't seen any of his seasons), but what about him made him castable for this show?

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1 minute ago, el diego said:

How did Evan get cast for The Bachelorette in the first place? He seems so unappealing. Not saying he isn't necessarily a decent guy (I haven't seen any of his seasons), but what about him made him castable for this show?

Cause he runs sex clinics in Nashville, to help men with ED so I guess that was his catch to get on.    He ended up being one of the few guys I remember from JoJo's season and I actually find him pretty funny on Twitter.   And he seems like he's a good dad to Bella and his three boys from his first marriage.  

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3 minutes ago, el diego said:

How did Evan get cast for The Bachelorette in the first place? He seems so unappealing. Not saying he isn't necessarily a decent guy (I haven't seen any of his seasons), but what about him made him castable for this show?

I don’t think ABC casts for “appealing”, they cast for ridiculous. Stable, intelligent, well adjusted people don’t need help finding dates and certainly don’t look for dates on reality TV. That typically means casting emotionally unstable women and creepy dudes. I didn’t see Evan on Bach, but I think he’s a rich owner of fertility clinics? They probably cast him for his humor/creepiness. 

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12 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Cause he runs sex clinics in Nashville, to help men with ED so I guess that was his catch to get on.    He ended up being one of the few guys I remember from JoJo's season and I actually find him pretty funny on Twitter.   And he seems like he's a good dad to Bella and his three boys from his first marriage.  

I've actually seen quite a few of this tweets from him commenting on ongoing seasons. While his humour style (why did I choose such an awkward term?) is not my cup of team, I understand how it would be popular. I didn't know about his previous marriage and kids.

11 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I don’t think ABC casts for “appealing”, they cast for ridiculous. Stable, intelligent, well adjusted people don’t need help finding dates and certainly don’t look for dates on reality TV. That typically means casting emotionally unstable women and creepy dudes. I didn’t see Evan on Bach, but I think he’s a rich owner of fertility clinics? They probably cast him for his humor/creepiness. 

Yeah it's getting ridiculous. It's been so long (and I was actually quite young) since the franchise started but correct me if I'm wrong, the original premise was all these accomplished women were going after this prince type bachelor and it was supposed to be an elegant fantasy. Maybe I'm taking a page out of Shushanna's playbook and mythologizing the series the way she mythologized Kamil, but it seems like ABC has gone so far to wacky "entertainment" that they do cast these caricatures. If I had my way I'd reset the series with a completely new Bachelore or Bachelorette that has never been involved in the show.

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Jordan seems so different now than he was on Becca’s season. He went from a fashionable so called hot model ( I never saw it myself)who was sarcastic and unfriendly,  to a pudgy soccer dad who goes around telling the kids to behave. Which one is real?

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5 minutes ago, el diego said:

I've actually seen quite a few of this tweets from him commenting on ongoing seasons. While his humour style (why did I choose such an awkward term?) is not my cup of team, I understand how it would be popular. I didn't know about his previous marriage and kids.

Yeah it's getting ridiculous. It's been so long (and I was actually quite young) since the franchise started but correct me if I'm wrong, the original premise was all these accomplished women were going after this prince type bachelor and it was supposed to be an elegant fantasy. Maybe I'm taking a page out of Shushanna's playbook and mythologizing the series the way she mythologized Kamil, but it seems like ABC has gone so far to wacky "entertainment" that they do cast these caricatures. If I had my way I'd reset the series with a completely new Bachelore or Bachelorette that has never been involved in the show.

A former producer or something of the show was on Juliet Litman’s podcast pretty much said that was the original intent of the show, but then they decided rich, good-looking men don’t need help finding dates and they thought people would enjoy seeing men and women from past seasons who they knew a little. 


And to the Yuki-lovers, she’s definitely toned down from Winter Games. Her problem on WG was that she wasn’t really in a position to have a romantic connection with anyone, but she just. Wouldn’t. Leave. Even after all the other singles packed up and said their goodbyes, it took Chris Harrison to come in and basically tell her she needs to go home. Having her just chime in for five seconds every three hours is about the right amount of Yuki to have on TV. And her clueless reactions to Wells’ dumb jokes is actually endearing because it shows how lame and immature Wells is. 

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13 hours ago, comosedice said:

Joe could be just as awkward in real life but he does not seem particularly comfortable on camera. He is very aware that it's there. I have caught him more than once look straight into it. Tonight it was right after John and Chris were dancing in the pool. Dude is not an actor. I love him.

Fear of the camera must be why Joe is always looking down or awkwardly off to the side.  I like and feel sorry for him. He's a fish out of water.  He doesn't have the same famewhore gene that the others do.

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Did I miss some scenes?  Why is Eric sad that Angela left?  He gave his rose to Cassandra!  So he’s the one who sent Angela packing.  And everyone is so sad to see him go, yet were so mad at him for lying about being “all in” with Angela, like yesterday!


And what happened to Kristen?  What happened to Chelsea?  Last we saw, they were needing medics.

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Eric is totally regretting bailing on Angela and I hope if he tries to cozy up to her irl, she gives him the heave-ho. He was downright hostile to Cassandra acting like it’s her fault Angela left when he got tempted by the fruit of another. 

Eric needs to “cut the cheese” talk. I can’t believe how long they humored him. He sure got quite the send off. I would have been boy, bye. 

Yuki? Does she have any idea what’s going on? She seems like she’s just a pet on this show. 

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15 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Eric is totally regretting bailing on Angela and I hope if he tries to cozy up to her irl, she gives him the heave-ho. He was downright hostile to Cassandra acting like it’s her fault Angela left when he got tempted by the fruit of another. 

Don't worry, Angela has been seen around with Clay, who I felt like was one of the few decent guys on Becca's season.  A def upgrade for Angela and dare I say they make a cute couple if Clay's twitter is any indication.

So now we have post show:

Angela & Clay

Chelsea back to Nick;  I know some have said "wtf" but he is an attorney and if she's going to travel for love, might as well go down to Florida and hang out with a professional, even if he wears a track suit for fun.

And let the games begin to see which one of the ladies reels in Jason, now that he's not going to be the bachelor.  

Edited by CindyBee
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Eric must be kicking himself for ditching Angela for Cassandra, when it was obvious that Angela would have stuck with him. Angela was gorgeous, and seemed like a nice person, and he dumped her the second the next new shiny thing came along, I guess because he could do better. Which really backfired, because Cassandra saw right through him, and was super turned off by him ditching Angela, so now he has no one. Opps! 

Colton seems to be a decent enough guy...but he is just so boring! The only things about him that make him stand out are being a virgin (which is not as big of a deal as the show is making it out to be), and that he seems to fall in and out of love super fast. I love Becca...no wait now its Tia...now its not...I just cant imagine him being interesting enough to carry a season. I guess the producers love his white bread football playing small town "wholesomeness", but I dont see that translating to a very interesting season. And we could have had Jason... 

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20 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

They're all talking about Eric leaving like he died . Astrid was like " when it's your time to go , you just know . " and shushanna was in paradise for an hour .. why is she crying ? 

I absolutely loved that the other Jordan was comforting her while asking half confused: "So where you close to him?" LMAO like seriously I never saw her talking to Eric 

20 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If someone pulls me aside to talk to me and then sticks her finger in her ear and digs around in an effort to fish out whatever's in there, that'd be the end of any relationship that person might have had with me.

omg Yes! WTH is wrong with her, she also sort of picking her nose when NZ Jordan was trying to ask her out, sheesh how disgusting

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18 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'm not going to be able to explain why, but I LOVED Shu being so overemotional about Eric leaving.  LOL. I  thought it was really cute and sweet.

I know Krystal seemed really psycho on whatever season she was on, I don't even remember which, (I think I remember hearing that baby voice saying "Arrieeeeeeeeeeee?") but now I can see the cold hard truth of the matter.  She's 1000 levels outside of Chris's league!  How can she like this moron?

I cannot believe it either! there is no accounting for taste I guess. 

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I think that the fastest way to take the fun out of paradise is to add two babies/toddlers into the mix.  I know that the producers are selling a "you can find your happily ever after..."  but, really, bringing the babies in?  Maybe if they were still considering Joe for the Bachelor it would have been an attempt to have an adorable segment in his audition reel, but as it was, I think the others would just find it annoying.  I know I didn't want to particularly watch the married couples come back, but maybe it's because I'm just grouchy or something.

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