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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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This reunion is shaping up to be the shitshow that reunions have been known for.  LUV IT

If I were Sonja I would have smacked the shit out of Ramona for putting her hands on me to cover my mouth.  WHO DA HELL are u to lay hands on me to silence me in that way.  So rude and disrespectful. I’m surprised no one called her out on that.

Side note – can we not use the narcissism tag anymore? ALL YOU BITCHES ARE NARCISSISTIC and that goes across the board of all the housewives franchise.  It is narcissistic to feel that your life is so fabulous and wonderful that you feel you should be on TV. ALL ARE GUILTY OF IT!  

Dorinda, Dorinda, Dorinda Jesus take the wheel and the bottle! One thing I hate about not having a good moderator (Lookin at you Andy…) is that there are lil nuggets revealed that need to be focused on.  The crux of the Nutcracker argument is that Dorinda felt that Beth didn’t thank her ENOUGH ON CAMERA.  Not that B didn’t thank her because we saw on film that she did its that D felt she should have thanked her more on camera.  For these women they feel if it doesn’t happen on camera it didn’t happen. 

Dorinda does have a drinking problem.  I wouldn’t go so far to say that she is an alcoholic because (IMO) that is a label only one can give themselves. It is a declaration of self-realization that one has a problem and a label can’t be placed on you by someone else.  That being said, yes Dorinda you have a drinking problem.  There are multiple scenes where you are drunk slurring your words but more specifically by admission when you are drunk you say and do things that you regret the next day tearfully.  If you can’t see that it is a problem that your drinking is making you act out of character (in your mind) and not accurately reflecting your “true self” then that is a drinking problem.  The things you said to Luann, as someone you say is a true friend, was cruel and below the belt.  Also, if you are only giving an apology because you want the other person to apologize as well that you aren’t giving a genuine apology and shouldn’t give it. 

Ramona is UNHINGED and its sad to see.  “Moderator” Andy (insert eyeroll) should have asked “Ramona, why is it so important to you to have Beth’s approval?”  I think Ramona is jealous of B’s Skinny Girl success and that is why she keeps bringing up personal things to knock her down a peg.  B in her defense gives ZERO Fucks about anyone especially Ramona and that grates on Ramona.  If you are comfortable and confident in your own success, then who cares what anyone else says?  B’s point is that she doesn’t consider R “successful” because she has all of these businesses that failed and she jumps around a lot.  To B’s credit she has stuck with Skinny Girl and expanded and diversified its brand.

Next episode looks like it will focus on the Carole and Beth divorce.  One thing I hope they focus on will be the discrepancy in stories that Beth and Carole state about the text.  That was when B said she was hurt by Carole’s response after she texted her (paraphrasing) that the strain on their friendship was bothering her and that she misses her and Carole coldly responded, “This is too much”.  At the dinner Carole told a different story of what happened where she admitted that yes B said that but she also unloaded a lot of other stuff over text and that her “this is too much” response pertained to ALL of the texts and because she had just landed after a flight it was too much to go into over text and they should speak when she got back in town which was the dinner that they were at.  Hopefully someone will call B on her redefining history to suit her own needs. 

  • Love 11
22 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I have LONG believed her Dad's connections helped with Beam.  Louis Lazzinnaro was the guy at the track. He was one of Bobby  Frankel's closest confidants and was at his bedside when he was dying, LL is hooked up in Saratoga and in the racing world, and one of Bobby Frankel's prominent (horse) owners. He was described in an early article as like a sibling to Bethenny also. Bethenny had his wife on her talk show on an entrepreneur segment promoting her cheesecakes. I always felt she was passing off this lady as a stranger, lady bountiful helping a fellow woman entrepreneur. BS she was the wife of someone who was like a sibling to Bethenny. Fake fake fake.  Bethenny can talk all she wants about making it on her own. She didn't. Ramona was right to point out at reunion how her wealthy father paid for college and cars. Bethenny said NOTHING when Ramona accused her of that. Very telling. It was her best way out. 

I think where Ramona looses it is she gets sooo flustered trying to get all the information out that it starts to come a little garbled and mixed up... you kind of get the gist of what she is going for then she kinda rambles on and thats when she can be picked apart. If she could just stay on one coherent point and thought it would do wonders for her :)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 17
12 minutes ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

Hopefully someone will call B on her redefining history to suit her own needs. 

This has been Bethenny from day ONE on RHoNY. She should have branded this and she'd have quadruple her fortune. 

With Andy using her for his HW jollies this edit will never, ever change. He is her enabler, and is smashing her future into smithereens. She does not even see it.  When she DOES see it, and I think she is smart enough that she eventually will, just maybe Dennis' death is going to give her some perspective,  Andy better watch out when HE is the target of her mouth.  Bethenny hope against hope will realize being his Bravo pet isn't everything. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 14
Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

I think where Ramona looses it is she gets sooo flustered trying to get all the information out that it starts to come a little garbled and mixed up... you kind of get the gist of what she is going for them she kinda rambles on and thats when she can be picked apart. If she could just stay on one coherent point and thought it would do wonders for her :)

Yes, but don't hold your breath ;)

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:
12 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

When was the last time we saw Bethenny drunk on camera? Or Carole? Carole, you know the difference. STFU. She even talked about it in a TH this year.

She was naked wasted in Mexico in the pool crying with Ramona(? someone) that felt awkward hugging naked Bethenny.

She was naked wasted in the Bezerkshires fighting over an elf onsie with Dorinda.



ETA: at least Doris doesn't get naked when she's drunk

I would take a naked, happy or sad drunk over a vapid drunk like Dorinda. 

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, knitta please said:

So, Carole, Dorinda, and Ramona were all over Bethenny for being filmed at the funeral, yet they were pissy about her not thanking Dorinda for the GD nutcracker on film?  

They can't have it both ways. 

Dorinda is a drunk. Full stop. I 100% believe that she gets up in the morning and has a Bloody Mary to bridge the hangover from the previous night's slurring binge. She is clearly struggling with something and is self-medicating with alcohol. Which is no excuse for her behaviour and the words she speaks. Her vicious reaction to being told she is "turning" and then the demand for clarification over whether Bethenny said she was a drunk or that she was drunk just smacks of textbook denial. I've seen enough episodes of Intervention to know what's going on with her behaviour.

Carole is such a Bitter Betty. It is not a good look on anyone, much less someone who is already struggling in the looks department. People who engage in revisionist history despite being filmed make me laugh. She has really shot herself in the foot. And she puts her own outfits together. I'm shocked. Just shocked.

And Carole says she does her own makeup and hair.  No wonder.

im wondering why someone doesn’t just call Dorinda out on her drinking.  Seems they all are afraid.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Mozelle said:

This isn’t correct. I think Bethenny would love for people to believe that she was singlehandedly saving Puerto Ricans during the summer while Carole was flitting around with Tinsley, but that simply isn’t the case. Bethenny was also traveling during the summer (thank goodness she posts so damn much on IG for this to be confirmed). 

While Bethenny was IG’ing all about her Europe travel, Hurricane Harvey hit in Houston. That was right around this same time last year—late August. Like I said, Bethenny was vacationing then and not doing anything about hurricane relief. She actually didn’t start posting about it (in the form of a Red Cross mention on her IG) until the last days of August.

Hurricane Maria didn’t hit Puerto Rico until the middle of September and just before filming began for the HWs in October is when Bethenny was going to Puerto Rico.

Bethenny would love for the narrative to be that she was just being so altruistic while Carole was just being shallow, but that is just not it.

I’m speaking to Carole’s possible PTSD and it’s effects. I don’t track Bethenny anywhere, I just watch the show and that’s it. 

I don’t find either one of them a perfect human and believe they’re both at fault here. 

Nowhere did I say B was single handedly saving PR. I said she was busy with her efforts in PR. 

I did say I was posting my “unqualified thesis” .... ie. it’s a message board comment, not testimony in court with exhibits of evidence. 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

And Carole says she does her own makeup and hair.  

Hmmm, I just read something where she said she doesn't. She did her first season but she decided to leave it to the professionals after that. She lies so much about the dumbest things.

The first season of RHONY, I did my own makeup and thought it looked great in real life. Then I saw it on television, and I was like, ‘Oh, I can do it in real life, but I can’t do it in TV life!’ It’s a different thing, so I work with a makeup artist so I have one less thing to worry about. And when you see me on TV, it doesn’t really look like I have my makeup done. It’s just the HD foundation and a little bit of a lash, just so I look awake. 


  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, Tiggertoo said:

I don’t understand the filming of the funeral.  If none of the others knew about the cameras, was the show just going to film the funeral without any castmembers?  Or did they decide to film after Beth said she was attending and Jill agreed to it.

IIRC, Bethenny attended the funeral and Bravo cameras were outside to capture the meeting between her and Jill.  I believe Bethenny said she spoke to Jill inside, but then decided she wanted to speak to her again outside (while, coincidentally, the Bravo cameras were on).

At the time it was reported that Bravo had filmed there, they caught alot of flak for it.  Then Andy put out a statement that Jill had invited the cameras to the funeral.


(Interesting tidbit in the article is that Bethenny sent Skinny Girl wine to the Shiva.  Of course she did.)

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

It would make my week if I was able to find a dress like that on the clearance rack for that price! I also love that Sonja copped to it because a lot of times I feel that she's talking about things that insinuate wealth and status (ex. her home, going on extravagant vacations, yachts, private planes, socializing with royalty, etc.), it was nice to see that even a woman who enjoys all of that still can't resist an amazing deal, lol.

Apologies if someone else posted a response -- still wading through all 8 pages -- but . . . I think Sonja said the dress was from her "fashion line," which is why she talked up the fit and the price. I don't think Lady Morgan would deign (or ever admit it anyway) to wear a dress that is off the rack for $150 unless there was something in it for her. . . . and no way that dress wasn't fitted for her. Like most things with Sonja -- I call BS! 

Edited by SailorGirl
  • Love 9
45 minutes ago, Tiggertoo said:

I don’t understand the filming of the funeral.  If none of the others knew about the cameras, was the show just going to film the funeral without any castmembers?  Or did they decide to film after Beth said she was attending and Jill agreed to it.

None of them except for Beth filmed at the funereal Dorinda and Ramona both said they felt like it would be inappropriate seeing has bobby just died and wanted to let her grieve (forgetting what a total camera hound Jill was when she was on)  the issue they took with it was that it seemed (and it did) that she was using the funeral to bolster her own self and her story line and it wasn't about bobby at all ie had the cameras not been there 90% Bethany wouldn't have been there either.. she is a very shrewd woman who knows reality tv very well and it was super telling that she did it for the camera time when asked do they talk or hang out after that and she said no they text a little (such bs )

  • Love 12

If Dorinda and/or Ramona were asked to be on film at Bobby's funeral they would have done it in a heartbeat - sure is easy to plead "inappropriate" when they weren't asked to do so in the first place. They also had no problem being filmed as though they were going to the funeral (I believe it was mentioned that they were photographed at the actual funeral and had different outfits on - or at least Dorinda did, than what they had in the car) I'd respect it more if they had been asked and declined to do so out of "respect for Bobby", so Bethenny stepped in. But this is not the case. Jill wanted it. She okayed it. She could have said no. And as others have mentioned, Carole had no issue filming her picking up her husband's ashes and clutching on to his urn, nor did Dorinda have issues going to her husband's gravesite on camera... Hypocrites. All of them.

  • Love 22
2 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

Filming at Bobby's funeral was tacky as hell. So was filming at Richard's grave site and retrieving Anthony's ashes on screen.

True but the filming at the funeral was beyond the pale come on the man just died you wernt close with him for how many years? it came off has a stunt if she really wanted to pay respect to the man do it away from cameras why be the only one out of ALL the housewives to have a camera with you there? but oh no not Bethany if it isn't done on camera then she cant get the oh she was being such a good friend or she was the better person because she went bullshit

  • Love 17
34 minutes ago, Tiggertoo said:

I missed the first part of the show.  Stupid PVR.

I liked Beth’s dress but not on her, if you know what I mean. I didn’t think it was her style.   I need to see the rest of the dresses again before commenting.  Do they coordinate on colour choices?

I don’t understand the filming of the funeral.  If none of the others knew about the cameras, was the show just going to film the funeral without any castmembers?  Or did they decide to film after Beth said she was attending and Jill agreed to it.

I'm pretty sure Bravo provides a colour/theme for the women that's why they all look coordinated now at reunions. The most recent Potomac reunion, one of the women mentioned that they were told to wear pastel colours but some of the women were having trouble finding pastels and later Bravo changed the colour theme on them but I think most of them ending up buying bright colourful dresses because they couldn't find pastel, hence why they all looked mismatched. Only one of them showed up in a pastel hue, I think.

According to Andy, Jill requested the cameras so it wasn't production that approached her to ask if they could film. I think Bethenny's intent to attend was somehow communicated to Jill (whether that was her letting production know who in turn told Jill, or she texted Jill directly to send her condolences and say that she was coming) and once Jill knew she was coming, she wanted the cameras there for when her and Bethenny would meet after the funeral.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

If Dorinda and/or Ramona were asked to be on film at Bobby's funeral they would have done it in a heartbeat - sure is easy to plead "inappropriate" when they weren't asked to do so in the first place. They also had no problem being filmed as though they were going to the funeral (I believe it was mentioned that they were photographed at the actual funeral and had different outfits on - or at least Dorinda did, than what they had in the car) I'd respect it more if they had been asked and declined to do so out of "respect for Bobby", so Bethenny stepped in. But this is not the case. Jill wanted it. She okayed it. She could have said no. And as others have mentioned, Carole had no issue filming her picking up her husband's ashes and clutching on to his urn, nor did Dorinda have issues going to her husband's gravesite on camera... Hypocrites. All of them.

I call BS on this why just ask Beth to film when all the housewives were there? There is 100% chance they all were asked to film and didnt

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Ki-in said:

Filming at Bobby's funeral was tacky as hell. So was filming at Richard's grave site and retrieving Anthony's ashes on screen.

I agree, however I  can see a small difference when you are talking 15 years later for Carole or 5 for Dorinda.  It's  still tacky, but at a funeral it's just wow.

I think it was telling that Beth said she talked to Jill inside, got in her car and then just needed to talk to her again so she jumped out of the car( while cameras were near by) She did that all for show, so I can see why the other women were like yeah were all fame whores but even we wont do that.

  • Love 24
10 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

Apologies if someone else posted a response -- still wading through all 8 pages -- but . . . I think Sonja said the dress was from her "fashion line," which is why she talked up the fit and the price. I don't think Lady Morgan would deign (or ever admit it anyway) to wear a dress that is off the rack for $150 unless there was something in it for her. . . . and no way that dress wasn't fitted for her. Like most things with Sonja -- I call BS! 

Oh well in that case, I take back my comment about her having a moment of humility, But now I'm perusing her website to try and find this dress. I will admit, I actually like quite a bit of pieces on there and think the prices are reasonable. I may actually take a chance and buy something from her collection and pray that I don't receive some cheap looking version of it in the mail, lol.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Higgins said:

Jill is a piece of shit as well then. 

This is not new news, the sad part is she is still trying to be friends with Bethenny after how many years? I'd have more respect for her if she declined to film with B and just said it's been years there is really no need for us to be friends at this point. 

The whole JIll fiasco is she is still a groveling POS, and it makes B feel like she is so righteous. Like SEE BOBBY TOLD HER NO FOR ME!

  • Love 12

I would say that by now, everyone has each other’s numbers.  

Nobody will ask Dorinda for favors, as they will hear about it every minute.

Crazy Ramoaner was fun when she was paired up with Sonja fighting over rooms and just acting crazy together.  That’s over.

Luann is in show business and who knows how long that will last as she can’t sing, just s talks thru her three songs.

I don’t know about Sonja.  No story line there.  How long will she be on stage with Luann?

Tinsley is cute.  She needs a boyfriend .. not Scott.  He doesn’t seem that interested.

Something is always up with Bethenny, if she comes back, after all she’s going through.  She’s the type that has to keep busy, so probably.

  • Love 7

The theme song for this series should be "Girls just wanna have fun".  And the joke would be that none of these women have a clue how to have fun.  I went with 5 gal pals to an all-inclusive in the Dominican. We drank, we got stupid, we laughed, we cried, we had fun.  It can be done - even on a shoe string and swimsuits from Walmart.

All that grotesque excess of money and they're all still so miserable and hateful.  Bethany especially has a heart that's two sizes too small (however I do admire her quick nasty wit - she is a cool customer).

I think for the second part of the reunion they should turn the microphones off if they all start screeching at once.  

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

I would say that by now, everyone has each other’s numbers.  

Nobody will ask Dorinda for favors, as they will hear about it every minute.

Crazy Ramoaner was fun when she was paired up with Sonja fighting over rooms and just acting crazy together.  That’s over.

Luann is in show business and who knows how long that will last as she can’t sing, just s talks thru her three songs.

I don’t know about Sonja.  No story line there.  How long will she be on stage with Luann?

Tinsley is cute.  She needs a boyfriend .. not Scott.  He doesn’t seem that interested.

Something is always up with Bethenny, if she comes back, after all she’s going through.  She’s the type that has to keep busy, so probably.

If they did fire carol because of b, then B doesn't come back because of Denise, Andy will be kicking himself.

I hope B doesn't come back for the next season, it will be a really dark season if she does.

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, janie2002 said:


I think it was telling that Beth said she talked to Jill inside, got in her car and then just needed to talk to her again so she jumped out of the car( while cameras were near by) She did that all for show, so I can see why the other women were like yeah were all fame whores but even we wont do that.

That is so staged and cold.

I think it's weird with an ensemble cast that the cameras were there for one cast member only. Have they done that before?  I can see Bethenny totally gloating, "they're here just for me".

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

This reunion is shaping up to be the shitshow that reunions have been known for.  LUV IT

If I were Sonja I would have smacked the shit out of Ramona for putting her hands on me to cover my mouth.  WHO DA HELL are u to lay hands on me to silence me in that way.  So rude and disrespectful. I’m surprised no one called her out on that.

Side note – can we not use the narcissism tag anymore? ALL YOU BITCHES ARE NARCISSISTIC and that goes across the board of all the housewives franchise.  It is narcissistic to feel that your life is so fabulous and wonderful that you feel you should be on TV. ALL ARE GUILTY OF IT!  

Dorinda, Dorinda, Dorinda Jesus take the wheel and the bottle! One thing I hate about not having a good moderator (Lookin at you Andy…) is that there are lil nuggets revealed that need to be focused on.  The crux of the Nutcracker argument is that Dorinda felt that Beth didn’t thank her ENOUGH ON CAMERA.  Not that B didn’t thank her because we saw on film that she did its that D felt she should have thanked her more on camera.  For these women they feel if it doesn’t happen on camera it didn’t happen. 

Dorinda does have a drinking problem.  I wouldn’t go so far to say that she is an alcoholic because (IMO) that is a label only one can give themselves. It is a declaration of self-realization that one has a problem and a label can’t be placed on you by someone else.  That being said, yes Dorinda you have a drinking problem.  There are multiple scenes where you are drunk slurring your words but more specifically by admission when you are drunk you say and do things that you regret the next day tearfully.  If you can’t see that it is a problem that your drinking is making you act out of character (in your mind) and not accurately reflecting your “true self” then that is a drinking problem.  The things you said to Luann, as someone you say is a true friend, was cruel and below the belt.  Also, if you are only giving an apology because you want the other person to apologize as well that you aren’t giving a genuine apology and shouldn’t give it. 

Ramona is UNHINGED and its sad to see.  “Moderator” Andy (insert eyeroll) should have asked “Ramona, why is it so important to you to have Beth’s approval?”  I think Ramona is jealous of B’s Skinny Girl success and that is why she keeps bringing up personal things to knock her down a peg.  B in her defense gives ZERO Fucks about anyone especially Ramona and that grates on Ramona.  If you are comfortable and confident in your own success, then who cares what anyone else says?  B’s point is that she doesn’t consider R “successful” because she has all of these businesses that failed and she jumps around a lot.  To B’s credit she has stuck with Skinny Girl and expanded and diversified its brand.

Next episode looks like it will focus on the Carole and Beth divorce.  One thing I hope they focus on will be the discrepancy in stories that Beth and Carole state about the text.  That was when B said she was hurt by Carole’s response after she texted her (paraphrasing) that the strain on their friendship was bothering her and that she misses her and Carole coldly responded, “This is too much”.  At the dinner Carole told a different story of what happened where she admitted that yes B said that but she also unloaded a lot of other stuff over text and that her “this is too much” response pertained to ALL of the texts and because she had just landed after a flight it was too much to go into over text and they should speak when she got back in town which was the dinner that they were at.  Hopefully someone will call B on her redefining history to suit her own needs. 

LOVE THIS POST!!! They are ALL Narcissists!  They are all bitchy and catty.  Everything they complain about that the other is doing they do too.  

I agree with everything else you said but this one point is what drives me bananas about what happened last night. ALL OF YOU do the same exact shit you are screaming at B about. 

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Mozelle said:

RHONY viewership stats according to Wikipedia


Season 4*, episode 1: 1.96 million viewers

Season 4, episode 16 (finale): 2.44 million viewers 


Season 5, episode 1: 1.66 million viewers

Season 5, episode 18 (finale): 1.83 million viewers


Season 6, episode 1: 1.33 million viewers

Season 6, episode 20 (finale): 1.50 million viewers


Season 7**, episode 1: 1.56 million viewers 

Season 7, episode 19 (finale): 1.40 million viewers 


Season 8, episode 1: 1.24 million viewers 

Season 8, episode 20 (finale): 1.96 million viewers 


Season 9, episode 1: 1.27 million viewers

Season 9, episode 19 (finale): 1.72 million viewers 


Season 10, episode 1: 1.39 million viewers

Season 10, episode 19 (finale): 1.24 million viewers 


*first season without Bethenny

**Bethenny’s return 

If they're showing that the numbers are down when Bethenny is in the cast - there are so many other variables, the first one being that maybe people are just "housewived" out and aren't watching.  Or maybe they hate another HW and aren't watching.  

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

That is so staged and cold.

I think it's weird with an ensemble cast that the cameras were there for one cast member only. Have they done that before?  I can see Bethenny totally gloating, "they're here just for me".

Exactly if she already did her condolences inside what was the need to rush out of a car when you see the cameras to do it again outside? Bethany isn't dumb shes a snake but she isn't dumb.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Jel said:

It was depressing to see them all high fivin' the Dream Teammmm! when the team sport turns out to be Gang Up.  

I cannot tell if Carole left or was fired. I could see her being so pissed at Andy and what she thought was inequitable treatment (and friendship betrayal by choosing Bethenny over her)  that she decided to quit right after the reunion.  I could also see Andy firing her if she refused to film with Beth going forward. (I wonder if the Beth Carole feud was good for ratings.)

No one knows for sure if Carole quit or was fired. Unless we hear it directly from Carole's lips, it's all speculation.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Did you hear Sonja? you poisoned Beth against me talking bad thats the only reason she was saying mean things.. ARE you BLIND DEAF AND STUPID Sonja? No one made Beth talk that shit about you for YEARS that was all Bethany no one made her do that or influenced her ....Sonja has drank the Kool Aid and is so far up her ass now its not even funny .... thats like a battered wife she didnt mean to beat me it was all everyone else fault she would never do that to me on her own ...wake up Sonja as soon as she doesn't need you to stay on this show (cause she has no one else to film with) you will be dumped again

All I could think of was the RHOP reunion when Monique told Robyn that she was Gizelle's puppy and she should be in Gizelle's lap at that point. Sonja should've been in Bethenny's lap because it was very clear that she was looking for petting from Bethenny.

Bethenny sat up there and made Sonja cry and basically caused such an issue that the other women were rearranging things to "save" Bethenny from Sonja, and now because of a falling out with Carole, Bethenny is suddenly about Sonja? And Sonja, because she doesn't have anything going on (all of these fashions and lines that are supposedly coming out--maybe one can pair the Morgan slippers with a Skinnygirl jean?), has decided to stick to Bethenny like glue. It'll be to Sonja's detriment. Bethenny has no loyalty to anyone but herself and her brand.


56 minutes ago, Sunfield said:

I’m speaking to Carole’s possible PTSD and it’s effects. I don’t track Bethenny anywhere, I just watch the show and that’s it. 

I don’t find either one of them a perfect human and believe they’re both at fault here. 

Nowhere did I say B was single handedly saving PR. I said she was busy with her efforts in PR. 

I did say I was posting my “unqualified thesis” .... ie. it’s a message board comment, not testimony in court with exhibits of evidence. 

I was responding to the point that Bethenny was busy with Puerto Rico in the summer. That wasn't the case. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

That is so staged and cold.

I think it's weird with an ensemble cast that the cameras were there for one cast member only. Have they done that before?  I can see Bethenny totally gloating, "they're here just for me".

And apparently Jill went along with it.  She has even defended Bethenny on twitter after some claimed Bethenny's"I'm alone too" comment was insensitive.

Jill Zarin Retweeted INQUISITR Entertainment

"Don’t be hard on her. Who knows what to say in situation like that? She was trying to make me feel better and never took it as selfish. Her coming meant the world to me and Ally but especially Bobby who was only 10 feet away if you watch the videos the press took."

Jill has also thanked Andy for the tribute to Bobby.

With Carole gone and the rest of the girls so anti-Bethenny, I think Jill just might get her apple back.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Ginger Wife said:

What on earth happed to Carol?  She used to be one of the more sane ones. Recently her antics have been horrid. She used to possess an air of natural beauty inside and out. Now she looks like she has had way too much work done, her face doesn’t even look like her own, and she is just plain nasty. Something clearly happened.


Out of all of the house wives she was the one that seemed to have it together the most smart, accomplished, funny, beautiful, for the most part mature, and seemed to see people as they were. Now, she a mean, hot, mess. It’s pretty sad. 

I agree for the most part about Carole, save the beautiful part.  Eye of the beholder and all of that.  I actually think that the Carole/Bethenny alliance from the previous couple of seasons was the anomaly, and this season's split makes much more sense based on their personalities and life history.  I can almost see how spending considerable time with women who are über superficial could rub off a bit.  Maybe that is what happened to Carole.  I sort of think that her change in demeanor could be blamed on a progressive realization that she shouldn't be doing the show, that it wasn't a natural fit, and maybe resented the contract that she willingly signed.  Whether or not her termination was voluntary, I think it will be a saving grace for her psyche.

Ramona never changes.  Bravo/Andy probably love that and count on it, but for me, someone who doesn't change or grow one iota in 10 years...well, something is wrong in the fuse box with that one.

If Sawnya left, I wouldn't notice the difference.  Her performance in Part One sort of sums up her participation imo.  Don't make waves, until your contract is in jeopardy, then WHAM-O!!   I continue to defend Tinsley's participation because I think that this group absolutely needs someone who doesn't appear to have an agenda with the other women, and appears to be a genuinely nice person.  She's the exception to the RHO rule.  Like most of you, I don't need Dorinda on my screen anymore.  I liked her at first, found her to be a welcome change, but yeah, something is going on with her and she needs to seek the solution.  Wouldn't miss her if she left.  I betting that Bravo/Andy will overlook Lu's obvious reunion avoidance scheme, and willingly sign her for another season, as she just has too much messiness to ignore.  Bravo feeds on messiness as we all know.

Bethenny.  Like a lot of people, I'm conflicted about the B.  I realize that her participation is pretty important to this franchise, but I'm tired of the format of B can do no wrong in front of the camera.  I think she'll hedge on renewing in light of Dennis' death, and Bravo will massage her for as long as needed until she is of a right mind to make the decision.  Someone else suggested she might come in mid-season, and that could be.  I think it will either be that, or she'll not come back at all.  Maybe like the sniper she is, she'll be paid handsomely to make drive-by appearances, you know, whenever there's a new SG product to hype.  I want to like her and her humor, as I did in the first couple of seasons, but it's not the same.  She's different and I'm not liking the difference.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
Sorry for the essay. I hate essays.
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

If they're showing that the numbers are down when Bethenny is in the cast - there are so many other variables, the first one being that maybe people are just "housewived" out and aren't watching.  Or maybe they hate another HW and aren't watching.  

I suppose. However, it also just makes me side eye the idea that Bethenny is the bringer of ratings, which has been the narrative Bethenny tried to sling.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 17
10 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

 Well, that hour went by fast! They are already 6 pages of comments and I think I already liked about 50 of them.  LOL!

Wow, they are sure piling it on Bethenny!  So far though, B's been keeping it cool.  She sure put Carole in her place "we'll call you when we need you" - Hahaha!  These women, though, all have the syndrome of not being able to see the log in their own eye while pointedly telling someone else about the straw in theirs.  It's really amazing, especially Ramoana.  Girl, you need to quit it!  Talking about you never say/said any mean things to Bethenny.  Then they show all the low down stuff you said.  Really, Girl!  Wow, wow, wow, just wow!  But at least she did say those things to her face, unlike the mumbling, side swiping, blog writing, two faced Radzigirl who says things under her breath and tells the other grown women before they sit down, "I got your back and I got your back and I got your back".  Dream Team.  WTH!  More like Mean Team.  How old is she again?

Well, can't wait for next week!  Oh, was it addressed why Ramoana's face was bruised (I know, Anti-skin care), but for real.  I thought Dorinda's face looked a little bruised also, the left cheek, as well as the upper part of her left arm.  Or she just had too much bronzer on.  

That line to Carole was a really nasty one though, especially since B jumps into all conversations, regardless of whether they involve her.  The reunion is all about all the women talking about the season.

b is intelligent, she knows the others (except Carole) don’t think well on their feet and get overly emotional.  So she tries to remain calm (though we have seen that fail spectacularly!) and can “win” the fight that way.  Even if the equities are on the other side.  She has probably said more of  the meanest things to the other women than any other RHNY.  Not a prize to attempt, though she may revel in it.

  • Love 16
8 hours ago, film noire said:

I think she's plenty sane, but almost everybody who tries to get close to Bethenny ends up crazy.

I'm not saying that to be incendiary; it's just what narcs do. Drive people mad, and then drive them away. Up is down and down is sideways and I never called you a bad businesswoman and they're always right and you're always wrong, even when you prove them 100 percent wrong with real world evidence  (wanna get a judge in here?)  they deny it and sob and cry and interrupt you and deflect your points and talk and talk and talk and never say anything  meaningful -- only barbs and bullshit and bloviating -- and the insults flow and they call them quips and their bitterness rains down like battery acid, even as they say I love you but when push comes to shove, they will filet you like a fish if you threaten their self image, if you dare to breathe  a word of anything but praise, dare to say wait, but that's not how it went down and once that happentheir only goal is to shame and demean you so they can feel good about themselves;  about their up is down & down is sideways selves.

There is no sane response to that other than to walk away.

So brava to Carole -- someone I never liked, and outright loathed over her treatment of Jules -- for being the only one in Frankel's orbit to figure that out, the only one to walk away, and in the leaving, remain sane.  

THIS ^^^ a million billion trillion gozillion times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beth is a classic narcissist. I have a family member that fits this description to a T! They twist and turn your words and drive you so mad that you end up thinking you're the crazy one! It's so toxic that you just have to run away from the relationship.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

And apparently Jill went along with it.  She has even defended Bethenny on twitter after some claimed Bethenny's"I'm alone too" comment was insensitive.

Jill Zarin Retweeted INQUISITR Entertainment

"Don’t be hard on her. Who knows what to say in situation like that? She was trying to make me feel better and never took it as selfish. Her coming meant the world to me and Ally but especially Bobby who was only 10 feet away if you watch the videos the press took."

Jill has also thanked Andy for the tribute to Bobby.

With Carole gone and the rest of the girls so anti-Bethenny, I think Jill just might get her apple back.

True, all. I believe Jill was happy. Still staged. Wait, is Jill referring to Bobby being 10 feet away as in, like, in the hearse in his casket which we'll notice if we watch the press videos? Um OK? 

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:


Can someone move my water and purse? Lol

Really, what the hell, Ramona. She must really think she's something--to high and mighty to move her own damn belongings. Can't stand the woman! And on a shallow note, she didn't look to great during the Great Cellphone Diatribe Against Bethenney on the street. Squinty and mean!

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

Really, what the hell, Ramona. She must really think she's something--to high and mighty to move her own damn belongings. Can't stand the woman! And on a shallow note, she didn't look to great during the Great Cellphone Diatribe Against Bethenney on the street. Squinty and mean!

I cannot quit Ramona. Asking someone to move her water and purse and the yelling on the street are two of my fave Ramona moments this season. It's all kinds of awful and awesome at the same time.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I have LONG believed her Dad's connections helped with Beam.  Louis Lazzinnaro was the guy at the track. He was one of Bobby  Frankel's closest confidants and was at his bedside when he was dying, LL is hooked up in Saratoga and in the racing world, and one of Bobby Frankel's prominent (horse) owners. He was described in an early article as like a sibling to Bethenny also. Bethenny had his wife on her talk show on an entrepreneur segment promoting her cheesecakes. I always felt she was passing off this lady as a stranger, lady bountiful helping a fellow woman entrepreneur. BS she was the wife of someone who was like a sibling to Bethenny. Fake fake fake.  Bethenny can talk all she wants about making it on her own. She didn't. Ramona was right to point out at reunion how her wealthy father paid for college and cars. Bethenny said NOTHING when Ramona accused her of that. Very telling. It was her best way out. 

Agree.  Some people are just lucky to have those connections, and I think Bethenny was indeed very lucky with her connections.  My dad was lucky.  He's worked hard all his life and owns a company with a name that is known world wide, but he'll be the very first to tell you that without luck, it would have never happened.  He would have worked the same and never made it anywhere near as far without having been in the right place at the right time with the right person, who is a certified legend.  He was lucky.

  • Love 17
13 minutes ago, Sharonana said:

THIS ^^^ a million billion trillion gozillion times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beth is a classic narcissist. I have a family member that fits this description to a T! They twist and turn your words and drive you so mad that you end up thinking you're the crazy one! It's so toxic that you just have to run away from the relationship.

I thought  that fit people with BPD.  Have one in my family, my mother used to call me occasionally “do you remember when X happened?”  Well yes, but it didn’t happen that way.  Mom “that’s what I thought but other family member claims the story is different.”  Rinse and repeat, exhausting.

3 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Agree.  Some people are just lucky to have those connections, and I think Bethenny was indeed very lucky with her connections.  My dad was lucky.  He's worked hard all his life and owns a company with a name that is known world wide, but he'll be the very first to tell you that without luck, it would have never happened.  He would have worked the same and never made it anywhere near as far without having been in the right place at the right time with the right person, who is a certified legend.  He was lucky.

B was working with 2 companies whose role is to put together the people who have the idea and the companies who can execute the idea.  Both were to get I think a percentage, one later claimed not to have been paid.  She could have had family connections too, but she certainly didn’t go hat in hand to the headquarters of Bram on her lone self.

and I totally agree with others that the main culprit on the funeral filming was Jill for asking to be filmed.  Bravo could have shown some class and refused, but..........

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I call BS on this why just ask Beth to film when all the housewives were there? There is 100% chance they all were asked to film and didnt

Because of the history btwn Bethenny and Jill - this is why she was asked. If the other two were asked they would have taken the opportunity to say so at the reunion, especially given the dogpile on Bethenny plan... if they had no problem being self righteous and saying it's tacky or gross to film (which BTW - they just dissed Jill, their dear friend, saying that), they could have easily said "we were asked and we declined" which would have made BF look worse. 

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, ryebread said:

The look he gave Carole when her phone chirped might be worse than him yelling at her.  It made me believe the reports that he is not a nice person to work with/for.

While I don't know one way or the other is Andy is nice or not, I will say that while Andy plays the coy aloof guy in the office, he's a pretty smart business man, he didn't get to where he is by being nice (not saying that he's mean, but there's a certain personality that rises to his level)  he can be firm with his staff, but I'm also pretty sure he's appreciative too.  I'm been an exec assistant to some pretty high up (very high up) people who are very "nice", but they also feel that YOU need to do your job too, so I can do mine.  Carole wasn't doing her job, she's on a live set and she has her phone on.  Miss ABC reporter should probably be the last one in the bunch to have her damn phone on.  

  • Love 13

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