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On 9/10/2018 at 5:35 PM, Drogo said:

Not gonna lie,  I 100% believe Darcey threw that shoe at Jesse's head.   She's unhinged. 

She's crazy, but I don't think she threw the shoes directly at his head. He probably bent down to pick up his own shoes while arguing with Darcey, and at that moment my guess is Darcy tossed her shoes in front of his face, probably right when he was bent down getting his shoes, and told him to step on hers. Since this toss was too close to his awesome haircut and blue steel face, he took it as a direct threat worthy of calling assault.

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On 9/10/2018 at 10:33 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

We are putting aside money for our kids' college. They seem to be on that track. 

Worst case scenario is that they don't go, and they have the extra money to put into a house, a starter business, etc. 

I agree that it is nice to give your child a head start - and that is if they seem to be heading in a solid direction as well. It was only a few comments on here such as "Darcey is wearing her daughters first semester college tuition on her wrist" or "Ricky could have beefed up his daughters college fund" that make me smile :-). Itsbthe same thing like every single family who has small kids drives an SUV. I started noticing that when I dropped off my kids at preschool and now my son in elementary - the school pick up line was swarmed with SUVs, with only 1 sedan - mine ! I even overheard that some of the moms didnt want to make play dates with my son because we dont have a giant, massive, shiny tank of an SUV. On that token it's crazy how in the US the streets are filled with these giant tanks because everyone wants to keep their kids safe - ironically, it is because of all the huge vehicles on the road that everybody feels they need to buy SUVs to protect their families. 

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5 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I guess I can kind of understand Ricky here. If you give money, you hope it went for dire necessities. I get it. But when exactly did she have the nose job? Did she have it ~after~ he sent her the money? Then maybe Ricky has a right to be annoyed. But if it happened before he sent the money...and even before she lost her job, then his concerns are baseless!

Yeah, but how is using the money to visit her sister and buy stuff for her nephews any more urgent than getting her nose fixed?  I think what's stupid is that he is apparently OK with her using the money for anything *but* a nose job--I guess he thought Melissa's tits were born that way.  If I were to tell a guy I was in financial straits, I wouldn't be talking about wanting to visit my sister and take presents for her sons.  I'd be talking about having trouble paying the rent or a car payment.

Besides that, when you give someone a gift, you don't get to dictate how the gift is used.  That's why it's called a gift.  If he didn't want her to spend money on her nose, he shouldn't have given her money.  I think you could make the case that Ricky benefited from the nose job (his girlfriend is more beautiful) and did not benefit from the visit to her sister, so what's he bitching about?

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23 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Who the hell asks if their SO has a pic of them on their phone, before they even meet?  And she's horrible, but Michael deserves to run the gauntlet if indeed his primary motivation is only to get to the US.

Because Angela is a 52-year old woman in an 80-year old's body who has the mind of a preteen.  "Mykull, whah don't yew have mah picshur on your phone? Aren't ahh yore best gurll??"

Darcey's affliction seems to be histrionic personality disorder.  Everything is dramatic, she sobs at the drop of a hat, and she expects that life is about a storybook where you meet your "twin flame," and everything is perfect. Always. You look pretty; you bang a guy barely half your age; and even though you drive each other nuts- you're sure you are "soulmates" .  They're the ones who ruin parties because they have loud, obnoxious fights and she ends up sobbing in a corner with her girlfriends trying to console her.

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7 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I will give TLC credit for capturing the beautiful scenery. Rachel and Jon's trip to Newquay was great. They should've captured the sunset. They're gorgeous in December. And was that Tintagel Castle where the proposal happened? Aside from Ricky, Medellin is nice. (Someone asked if Ximena had asked for money. He said that she would say things like, "I'm not working," or "I'm in a tough economic situation." Kind of like hinting in his opinion. I definitely suspect they were talking longer than just a few weeks because if he sent $1500 in less than a month, he's an idiot. Nonetheless, why is he on here? Dude, you're not in love after five days. It seems more like an established relationship.

I feel bad for Karine's parents. You can tell this isn't what they want for their daughter. I can't imagine sitting there knowing my child is making a mistake in marrying someone who doesn't treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Poverty or not, Pole isn't a sure thing or secure. Does he even work or have enough income to support a spouse and child? Jon lives with his mum, but housing in England is pricey, and he is gainfully employed. Pole lives with Mother, and we can only assume he does something for work. If I were Mother, I'd tell him that he and his new wife would have to find their own home when Karine does get to the US.

I'm rooting for Rachel and Jon. I hope it works out for them. They're about the only genuine couple. If he cannot get into the States, maybe she can move there and they can be chronicled on the new 90 Day show.

Hazel seems so dead inside and emotionally devoid. It's sad to watch because you can see she is repulsed by him and not even remotely attracted to him. I wonder if she even likes him as a person. And Dean is this season's Antonio: over the top and obviously a producer manipulation.

I think Paul lives with both parents but Dad doesn’t want to be on the show.  I read somewhere that he works for Dad’s company so he may have job stability despite his kookiness.

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5 hours ago, gingerella said:

Maybe Jesse is a deeply closeted gay man who is full of self loathing.

Self-loathing for sure.  No one with once ounce of self-esteem stays in a relationship so awful.  Even if he thinks he's getting notoriety and fame, its all of the wrong kind and not the type anyone - again, with an ounce of self-esteem - would want.

I don't think he's closeted - I think he is a wimpering submissive.  Plays a tough guy when the lights are on, but once they are off, he's all "Mommy, I've been so bad.  I don't know why I behave this way.  My life is illusion.  Punish me please please please"

I think that's why Darcey is confused.  She's not sure which role she is supposed to play or when, so she plays them both all the time.

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11 minutes ago, Horrified said:

don't think he's closeted - I think he is a wimpering submissive.  Plays a tough guy when the lights are on, but once they are off, he's all "Mommy, I've been so bad.  I don't know why I behave this way.  My life is illusion.  Punish me please please please"

I think that's why Darcey is confused.  She's not sure which role she is supposed to play or when, so she plays them both all the time.

Gosh, that could be, couldn't it? I hadn't allowed my mind to do to that place, but thank you for sacrificing some of your grey cells for the cause, @Horrified! Next round of therapy's on me!

Every time they show Nasel, she seems to look at or past Mozambique like she just started smelling someone's shit. Seriously, every.time.

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22 minutes ago, magemaud said:
2 hours ago, Kath94 said:

BTW, what's "Trust a Try" mean, anyway?

Thanks for asking this question. I thought I was the only person who didn’t “get” the episode title. 


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7 hours ago, Mainer said:

I guess I missed th fact he was in the army, must not be like United States Army or he’d act like more of a man... instead he’s bunny hopping threw life meeting bar flies online from other countries ... 


threatening to call police over a high heel shoe? Like come on dude what would do in battle? I couldn’t save my fellow man because he was elbowing me on the way down... or he deserved to die he stepped on my shoe.. ON PURPOSE! 

Good grief get a grip!! Grab ahold of your balls you’ve forgotten you have a set!

 ...maybe why he is no longer in the military? 

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3 hours ago, Horrified said:

She's not sure which role she is supposed to play or when, so she plays them both all the time.

The role she seems to play most often is Ugly Crier.  After she saw the way she looked on TV the first time, one would think she'd have more sense about her appearance.  She's a wack-a-doodle.  Has she been able to scoot through life by crying, blubbering, sobbing, whining?   She's 43 and apparently she thinks it still works.

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5 hours ago, Gobi said:

PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, tell me this was photoshopped!

The Pole/wedding gown - I think there was or is a video. Possibly on youtube. I may have even saved it before it was deleted but I don't youtube much so it could be lost on my end. I am sure someone has it. 

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So.  Because I have insomnia and also don't retain about 90% of what I read here (not because I don't care, or because it isn't interesting -- I legit have the worst short term memory. Thanks forties!)... So I apologize if this has been discussed and I forgot.

If Tarik had only been talking to Hazel for two weeks before trekking off to Manila... at what point in that "two weeks" did he stumble upon TLC's casting call site and think "Hell yeah a trip to see this hot chick I JUST STARTED TALKING TO!"? And STILL get noticed by TLC, interviewed/vetted (as best they do, I mean... Pole, arson...) AND all of the nonsense involved in signing on and getting a flight(s), etc.  

I can't be the only one who thinks there's no way TLC moves that fast when picking applicants.  Unless he was like, only the 3rd person to apply and they were running out of time to find other people?  

Whatchyall think?

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7 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

He is a dignified, handsome, sweet person who looked horrified when Clorox Tyrannosaurus spilled onto the tarmac and he was stuck with her for a couple weeks.

Clorox Tyrannosaurus!  This is genius.


7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I'm still suspicious of her motives after she said words to the effect of, "I never thought of getting married or having children...but I'll make this work so in the future we can be together in the US." Then she tells Ricky she loves kids and wants to be a friend to Amber. I think she'd much prefer it if Ricky didn't have any kids, but she still sees him as a ticket to America so now she's going to play the stepmother card.

I'm one of those people who never wanted children - never got the appeal of babies.  However, that doesn't mean I don't like certain specific children - especially when they are older.  So to say that you never wanted to have children but are willing to accept another's child is not really hypocritical.  Especially since she said she wanted to be a friend to Amber - NOT  mother.  Amber probably has a very nice mother (someone is responsible for giving her some brains and we all know it ain't Ricky) and would not appreciate someone coming in and pulling a Luis and saying "I'm your mother - you must accept me as such."

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8 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

New to this and just binged the whole thing! Whoa!

As for the Angela/Michael story, oh, I feel bad for him. He is a dignified, handsome, sweet person who looked horrified when Clorox Tyrannosaurus spilled onto the tarmac and he was stuck with her for a couple weeks. That said, the Nigerian clothing and fabrics are beautiful! I wonder if you can buy them in the US or Europe? Is it batik? Silkscreen?

Welcome aboard! Clorox Tyrannosaurus is perfect.

It might be Ankara or cotton wax. It can be sourced. Naturally it's cheaper in markets in the respective countries. I stocked up on chitende and fabric in South Africa. It was really inexpensive. I buy dresses from Grass Fields. They're UK based, Ghanaian born (I think) designers, and they frequently source fabric from a multitude of African nations. A search on Google would probably yield results from authentic sources.

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On 9/11/2018 at 7:07 PM, Morgalisa said:

Yeah, but have you ever googled Oprah's feet. She has horrible bunions. 

Nope, never even thought about her feet until you brought them up. : ) Of course I had to take a look. I'm surprised she can wear closed shoes at all. 

The comment about Nigerian fabrics made me laugh. I had a Nigerian student  who had 2 girls who had lived most of their lives (maybe they were even born here) here in my very white bread rural state.  So they take the girls back to Nigeria and when they get in the airport, he told me the girls were just dumbstruck. "Dad, there're so many black people here!"  : )

Edited by aliya
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2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

I’m one of those people who never wanted children - never got the appeal of babies.  However, that doesn't mean I don't like certain specific children - especially when they are older.  So to say that you never wanted to have children but are willing to accept another's child is not really hypocritical.  Especially since she said she wanted to be a friend to Amber - NOT  mother. 

I didn’t mean that Ximena was being hypocritical, it’s just that she seemed to have a very sudden change of heart about both marriage and motherhood, which are usually serious life decisions, after only spending a few hours with Ricky. Could he be that persuasive or could she be so determined to get to the US that she’ll do a total 180? 

Edited by magemaud
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Just finished watching.

Why did Jesse come back to the house? Contractrual obligations or just stupid?

I agree with those that wondered about the Ximena nose timeline.  Ricky didn't notice her picture was different?  I think he's just an idiot.  Nose job aside, Ximena seems like a nice person yet she seems so desperate to get to America.  Xim, you're cute now- you don't have to throw yourself at the mercy of Shrek; you can do better.


Micheal can do better.  He's a scammer, but he's like a million times better than Big Ang.  If he's looking for old; I think he and Darcy could mesh well- he'd be nice to her and she'd buy him clothes and make him rice a roni.  She'd also probably get his mom some designer bags.

You can see Hazel's scheming. She can do better than Torgo and his dipstick brother.  Let her find someone with better looks and a bigger bank account and either no kids or grown kids.

Jon and Rachel- He was pretty sweet to her and respectful to her father on this episode.  She's an idiot mom, but the best thing at this point would be for him to be able to come to the US and marry her so that she stops looking for men online and settles down to focus on being a wife and mom instead of spending more and more money going to visit him for 5 years until he gets tired of it. (or spending hours on an app when she could be parenting her daughters).

Pol/ Karine- I feel awful for her parents.  They love her and seem to dote on her and she repays them by marrying yucky Pol.  She was very cute on her first season; she could have done better too.  Paul is just an all around awful and gross person and it's changed her for the worse.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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18 hours ago, gingerella said:

Jicama it is! Paprika, Jicama, this is what these losers are forcing us to do now...

I feel for Ricky's daughter, who is a sane, mature young teen who will now be able to watch her father and see what a stupid fucking moron he is, and how he degrades women. I only hope she can learn that she deserves someone much, much better than her scumbucket father. Hopefully she has someone in her life to clue her in on that. I would imagine that some of her friends, or at the least, some of her friends parents are watching this shit show and their comments will filter down to their kids, and to his daughter. It's so sad that he doesn't give two shits about his kid and only thinks with his little tiny dick.

Maybe Jesse is a deeply closeted gay man who is full of self loathing. Maybe that's why he's so full of anger...his beard isn't working out and now he has to start all over again. I imagine Dutch girls are much smarter than vapid dullard Twin Flame Darcey.

Does anyone else foresee Jessie, Darcey and Stacey on an episode of Snapped on the Oxygen network?  All 3 of them are scary.   

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I didn’t mean that Ximena was being hypocritical, it’s just that she seemed to have a very sudden change of heart about both marriage and motherhood, which are usually serious life decisions, after only spending a few hours with Ricky. Could he be that persuasive or could she be so determined to get to the US that she’ll do a total 180?

Oh, I completely agree with you about the United States being much more appealing than Ricky (and her prime motivation for being with him.)  I just think she is genuinely willing to make an honest effort to be decent about it.  More like Alla (sp?) than Muhammed.  

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14 hours ago, Kath94 said:

Hazel was "too shy" to skype, remember?

BTW, what's "Trust a Try" mean, anyway?

Googled it, and found that it's likely a reference to a Janet Jackson song from 2001's All For You.  Wikipedia says "The 'avant-garde' aura of 'Trust a Try' fuses elements of mock-operetta and hard rock with classical music, dance, and hip-hop. In the song, Jackson delivers an 'angry aria' of betrayal.  Its 'rock 'n' roll sass'r is laced with theatrical vocal arrangements, electric guitars, violins and cinematic strings."


Wanna second chance with this love
This romance
Wanna make it last
Forget your past
She hurt you bad
Let's start anew
Yes that means me and you
Gonna make it through
But you must give trust a try

In other words, the title of this episode means that (a) they don't care that much for people to get their references at this point, and (b) someone about my age is naming these episodes.

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9 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Micheal can do better.  He's a scammer, but he's like a million times better than Big Ang.  If he's looking for old; I think he and Darcy could mesh well- he'd be nice to her and she'd buy him clothes and make him rice a roni.  She'd also probably get his mom some designer bags.

For every season of this show, I do a wife swap in my head. I hadn’t considered Darcey and Michael, but I like it. I’m shipping.

Now for the others: Angela and Ricky. They’re both looking for people to bang on the first night. Why not each other?

Hazel and Jesse. She wants to go to another country so badly, there ya go. He can take her back home where they can both be equally repulsed by each other.

Rachel and Tarik. What did DeNiro say in Heat? “Don't get attached to anything you aren’t willing to walk out on in 30 seconds if you feel the heat around the corner.” That can be modified for these two by switching out the word “anything” for daughters and “heat” for international genitalia, and you’ve got a perfect match.

That leaves Karine, Pole and Jon. If not lovers, I actually think Pole and Jon could become the best of two freakishly weird friends. “The Adventures of Pyro and Sir Fisticuffs McTrashman: Before the Serial Killing Days.” Karine will have to just go back to Brazil with the home version of our game. She’s better off anyway.

Edited by charmed1
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11 hours ago, LisaWl7TR said:

 ...maybe why he is no longer in the military? 

Several European countries still have conscription.  Mandatory military service for about 2 years. So he would have completed his service by now.  

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8 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Just finished watching.

Why did Jesse come back to the house? Contractrual obligations or just stupid?

I agree with those that wondered about the Ximena nose timeline.  Ricky didn't notice her picture was different?  I think he's just an idiot.  Nose job aside, Ximena seems like a nice person yet she seems so desperate to get to America.  Xim, you're cute now- you don't have to throw yourself at the mercy of Shrek; you can do better.


Micheal can do better.  He's a scammer, but he's like a million times better than Big Ang.  If he's looking for old; I think he and Darcy could mesh well- he'd be nice to her and she'd buy him clothes and make him rice a roni.  She'd also probably get his mom some designer bags.

You can see Hazel's scheming. She can do better than Torgo and his dipstick brother.  Let her find someone with better looks and a bigger bank account and either no kids or grown kids.

Jon and Rachel- He was pretty sweet to her and respectful to her father on this episode.  She's an idiot mom, but the best thing at this point would be for him to be able to come to the US and marry her so that she stops looking for men online and settles down to focus on being a wife and mom instead of spending more and more money going to visit him for 5 years until he gets tired of it. (or spending hours on an app when she could be parenting her daughters).

Pol/ Karine- I feel awful for her parents.  They love her and seem to dote on her and she repays them by marrying yucky Pol.  She was very cute on her first season; she could have done better too.  Paul is just an all around awful and gross person and it's changed her for the worse.

I want to like Hazel.. or at least feel sorry for her, but I can’t. She just is so blah. I don’t see any life in her, no spark.  And her comments about Tarik being chubby? I don’t see him as chubby at all. I think the guy she loved dumped her and she’s broken hearted. I didn’t believe the bit about the stuff the ex has of hers either. Is this ex the father of  her son?  If she’s physically repulsed by Tarik then she should break up with him.  I cant even figure out what her agenda  is  other than to get to the USA. And it seems Tarik is that ticket.... so why the mopey face.

Jon? We don’t need more people that are unable to control their temper in this country. He works in a recycling center. No special skill there.  If Rachel can’t live without him, she’s free to go live there.…

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38 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I want to like Hazel.. or at least feel sorry for her, but I can’t. She just is so blah. I don’t see any life in her, no spark.  And her comments about Tarik being chubby? I don’t see him as chubby at all. I think the guy she loved dumped her and she’s broken hearted. I didn’t believe the bit about the stuff the ex has of hers either. Is this ex the father of  her son?  If she’s physically repulsed by Tarik then she should break up with him.  I cant even figure out what her agenda  is  other than to get to the USA. And it seems Tarik is that ticket.... so why the mopey face.

Jon? We don’t need more people that are unable to control their temper in this country. He works in a recycling center. No special skill there.  If Rachel can’t live without him, she’s free to go live there.…

I don't think the ex she refers to is the father of her son. I could be wrong. 

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On 8/30/2018 at 6:32 PM, Eric said:

Tarik probably spent the only 2 weeks he had online with Hazel (before deciding to go meet her in Manila) just asking her for sexy pictures so he can fantasize or masturbate.  He probably never asked her about her religion, her likes, her dreams, etc..... and taking the time to get to know her properly.  Then, these stupid people are in shock when they discover a whole different truth when they finally meet the foreign lady. He was driven by his dick.  But no worries for him, he is going to be accepted by Hazel and her family because these people have 2 religions; Christianity and the mighty American dollar!

What did Hazel ask Tarik? Probably nothing substantial either. But she was quick enough to post and send sexy pics of herself.  I think Tarik and Ricky are pigs, but  Angela and Rachel were just as  hot  to trot as they were. Angela  was reaching up under  Michael’s long shirt and  leaping on him in bed. It appeared to me when  Jon was putting together the crib for Lucy, that Rachel would  just as easily let Lucy sleep in her car seat right then so that she could get laid.

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23 hours ago, MegD said:

Wasn't there discussion last season that Jose was a little too accepting about Karine staying in a hotel with Paul the first time they met and how she probably was not a virgin even back then and the town knew it. Paul was her best option since it was unlikely that anyone in town would make an honest woman out of her.

Yeah, now that you mention that, I'm reminded of Karine being VERY eager to sex Paul as a demonstration of her love. I actually remember her nagging and badgering him for the opportunity to do so when he was hesitant (I think bc she had not yet taken the STD'pre'ncytest?) Seemed a bit eager for a virgin.

23 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

I don't think Jesse is acting. Darcey's daughters are class acts, however. I do wonder what their financial situation is, if they're all four sharing a condo. Can't be a huge trust fund, if there is one, and TLC doesn't pay well. Never heard of their clothing line.

Trust fund?? Was that ever hinted at? IDK to me it makes perfect sense for two sisters who are single moms to live together. And all the more if they are business partners. (But not so much if they have fist fights...)

23 hours ago, Eric said:

Hazel is looking dead inside and in disgust toward Tarik because she is men-damaged. She has no interest of having a romantic relationship with any men at this point. Just like any western woman above 35 years old. They have had a few failed relationships , have a kid or 2, probably been cheated on or abused a few times by losers. That girl has too many baggage already and probably fed up with the men.

Huh??? I'm a Western woman over 35 and have had a few failed relationships and a couple of kids. And I still love men, am internally alive and am very much interested in having romantic relationships! And i'd say most of my peers feel exactly the same. 

23 hours ago, magemaud said:

To my knowledge, Ximena has never said WHEN she got the nose job. Has it been in the past few weeks that she's been texting and getting money from Ricky? Doesn't it take several months for the swelling to go down? I'll bet she had the nose job months ago, before Ricky was even in the picture, but he stupidly jumped to the conclusion that the money he sent her (unasked, according to both of them) went to financing her surgery. He must have pictures of her from Colombian Cupid, was her nose different when they started communicating than when he met her in person? 

TLC showed pics that looked like they were posted on FB or Intagram, that showed her wearing a nose surgery cast. (And TLC posted a pic from before that, she definitely had a big crooked honker.) And didn't Ricky say Jicama mentioned the nose job to him? I guess if TLC would have shown us the date the nose surgery pic someone would be able to say if it was before or after she and Ricky began communicating.

20 hours ago, Mothra said:

I think you could make the case that Ricky benefited from the nose job (his girlfriend is more beautiful) and did not benefit from the visit to her sister, so what's he bitching about?

But in Ricky's mind, Melissa was supposed to be his girlfriend and he probably thought he was "providing for his woman." He was just playing Captain Save-a-Ho to Jicama. Like you feed your indoor pet dog out of obligation but you may throw some scraps to the local strays out of pity! lol

18 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

i dont think it is an invasion..I'm sure google maps has pics too


Sorry...I actually did pull that from online. I didn't take the pic myself. 

23 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

And kudos to Ricky for his Spanish skills.

Well he is is Latino and his mother emigrated to the US from Panama as an adult so it's not surprising he would speak some Spanish.

Edited by eatsleep
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16 hours ago, Horrified said:

Self-loathing for sure.  No one with once ounce of self-esteem stays in a relationship so awful.  Even if he thinks he's getting notoriety and fame, its all of the wrong kind and not the type anyone - again, with an ounce of self-esteem - would want.

Hadn't thought of this, but I think you're onto something.  Self-loathing would explain his mission to "fix" everyone else in the world.  Only someone unsure of his own emotional stability would expend so much energy trying to get everyone else to stabilize theirs.  It might also be partly the "born-again" phenomenon, where he has become aware of and repaired his own personal shortcomings and is now an expert and evangelist about everyone else's shortcomings.  In fact, does that explain the way he dresses?  Or is that something European that I don't get?  How young is he anyway, to dress like a fifteen-year-old?  That inability to dress his age might be what draws him to Darcey, whose wardrobe seems to believe she's 18.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I want to like Hazel.. or at least feel sorry for her, but I can’t. She just is so blah. I don’t see any life in her, no spark.  And her comments about Tarik being chubby? I don’t see him as chubby at all. I think the guy she loved dumped her and she’s broken hearted. I didn’t believe the bit about the stuff the ex has of hers either. Is this ex the father of  her son?  If she’s physically repulsed by Tarik then she should break up with him.  I cant even figure out what her agenda  is  other than to get to the USA. And it seems Tarik is that ticket.... so why the mopey face.

Jon? We don’t need more people that are unable to control their temper in this country. He works in a recycling center. No special skill there.  If Rachel can’t live without him, she’s free to go live there.…

The ex is not the father !  said in my best Maury voice.    I think she loves the ex.  I want to feel sorry for her too, but she's very focused.  I think I read somewhere that the picture Torgo had on his dating profile was 10 years old so when she saw him in person he WAS chubbier.  That's what you get for not video chatting though.

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There seems to be a belief that many of these folks can "do better", but can they really? 

Is someone "better" than Angela *really* going to answer a cold-hit FB message from a stranger in Nigeria? Are people "better" than Ricky, Paul, and Tarik really looking for women specifically through international dating sites?  I'd argue that the "better" people know that they're being scammed or see women as more that just submissive arm candy.  Sure, Michael, Ximenia, Karine, and Hazel might be able to do "better" if they were to meet someone in everyday life, but if the US/money from the US is part of the goal, I'd think anyone "better" wouldn't have an interest in being used; s/he would see the situation more clearly. 

I do believe that Jon and Rachael met though the karaoke app, so it's a bit different.  Not my interest, but their's, and a far more organic meeting.  They'd be interested in each other, IMO, if they lived in the same place.  The US/UK isn't sweetening the deal.  And, personally, I think they're well suited, equal in looks, personality, temperament, etc.  I think they might just see each other as the best, there is no "better", even if other people can't see the beauty or goodness in them.  

Darcey and Jesse are too f-ed up, individually and as a couple, for me to comment on.  They can probably both do "better", but neither deserve it.

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4 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Sorry...I actually did pull that from online. I didn't take the pic myself. 

<sigh>  I really don't know what to say eatsleep...  I envisioned you leaning out of your car window in enormous sunglasses and fedora pulled down over your forehead, aiming a long-distance lens chez Ricki.  Dreams die hard, girl.  Dreams die hard.

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I do think they can "do better" and I define that as finding better marks that aren't so much drama or baggage or who aren't dirt poor yet still desperate.They will still be weirdos but let's face it , if you get into a relationship with someone who hits you up on FB or a skeevy dating app , you are bound to be weird in some way.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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What is with these people who send pictures that are 10 years old or where they are 75 lbs lighter? Do they really think the person they finally meet won’t be shocked or not attracted?  Darcey, Angela & Tarik all sent old pictures? No video chat? Sorry but their sparkling personalities won’t save the day ?.   Michael especially must have wanted to shoot himself when Grangela showed -  the poster who named her “ Clorox Tyrannasaurus” - i laughed OUT LOUD at that ! Thank you !! 

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20 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

As for the Angela/Michael story, oh, I feel bad for him. He is a dignified, handsome, sweet person who looked horrified when Clorox Tyrannosaurus spilled onto the tarmac and he was stuck with her for a couple weeks. 

IDK about yall, but I just cannot respect liars or find much good to say about them. Didn't they begin their romance with lies that he was 40 (actually 30) and she was 50 (actually 52)?


And how is production getting these people to admit on camera that they were DISAPPOINTED by the way their SOs looked when they first saw them in person? Is this all fake, scripted TLC manipulation? Or do members of these couples really not see the harm in publicly denigrating their SOs over weight, look, body shape, wrinkliness, etc.? Who would do that and think those remarks wouldn't have an injurious effect on the relationship?

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9 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

And how is production getting these people to admit on camera that they were DISAPPOINTED by the way their SOs looked when they first saw them in person? Is this all fake, scripted TLC manipulation? Or do members of these couples really not see the harm in publicly denigrating their SOs over weight, look, body shape, wrinkliness, etc.? Who would do that and think those remarks wouldn't have an injurious effect on the relationshi

If they sent an old picture and not a current one , i don’t feel bad for them if the SO is disappointed - they lied.

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7 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

IDK about yall, but I just cannot respect liars or find much good to say about them. Didn't they begin their romance with lies that he was 40 (actually 30) and she was 50 (actually 52)?


And how is production getting these people to admit on camera that they were DISAPPOINTED by the way their SOs looked when they first saw them in person? Is this all fake, scripted TLC manipulation? Or do members of these couples really not see the harm in publicly denigrating their SOs over weight, look, body shape, wrinkliness, etc.? Who would do that and think those remarks wouldn't have an injurious effect on the relationship?

I wonder if the most egregious instances of this is people who have broken up and sat for an additional TLC interview afterwards, which is then shown out of order.  Or it's "say eleven positive things and one negative thing about your partner" and then they edit out the eleven positive things and the "if I had to say one negative thing, I don't think I'd even say this, but I guess maybe the only thing I could even say is" in front of the "he was a little bit chubbier than I expected" (and they edit the "a little bit" too if they can).

I think it's hard for brains used to tv/film storytelling where our brains are supposed to fill in and ignore continuity errors, etc., to be as vigilant for the manipulation that's happening here which we've kind of been trained to ignore.  That's why I love this board.  I wouldn't have noticed Paul's haircut, for example.

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With the way people filter and crop their photos these days, I don’t think it even matters if the picture is current. Look at Angela’s photos. That Cybil Shepherd Vaseline lens filter was quite generous to her tobacco wrinkles.

Edited by charmed1
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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I want to like Hazel.. or at least feel sorry for her, but I can’t. She just is so blah. I don’t see any life in her, no spark.  And her comments about Tarik being chubby? I don’t see him as chubby at all. I think the guy she loved dumped her and she’s broken hearted. I didn’t believe the bit about the stuff the ex has of hers either. Is this ex the father of  her son?  If she’s physically repulsed by Tarik then she should break up with him.  I cant even figure out what her agenda  is  other than to get to the USA. And it seems Tarik is that ticket.... so why the mopey face.

Exactly! Her situation sucks, but her robotic talking heads and vacant stares make Karine look like Snow White by comparison. Not being attracted to him is fine if your long game of getting to the US is more important (just look at Michael), but she can't even stomach eye contact with Tarik, much less hold a basic conversation. Ok, so you're no Karine or Abbey, who can breezily jump a stranger's bones with their eyes on the prize, but at least interact with him? Tarik is in way too deep with his Asian fetish and really must be see Hazel as his personal sex doll because he doesn't even notice she's borderline catatonic and seemingly doing everything she can to desperately block out his presence.

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38 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Exactly! Her situation sucks, but her robotic talking heads and vacant stares make Karine look like Snow White by comparison. Not being attracted to him is fine if your long game of getting to the US is more important (just look at Michael), but she can't even stomach eye contact with Tarik, much less hold a basic conversation. Ok, so you're no Karine or Abbey, who can breezily jump a stranger's bones with their eyes on the prize, but at least interact with him? Tarik is in way too deep with his Asian fetish and really must be see Hazel as his personal sex doll because he doesn't even notice she's borderline catatonic and seemingly doing everything she can to desperately block out his presence.

I really can't fault Hazel.  She has told the camera that she wants to get to the US, and Torgo is the ticket.  So she's at least self-aware (cf. Dutch Boy's "I honestly love her with all my heart" shit).  She has given Torgo *no* indication that she finds him attractive or even interesting.  She doesn't like his brother, and said so.  She has made no excuses for her wackadoo religion, like saying "in the US I won't be worshipping like that."  She has told him he has bad breath.  She put pillows down the middle of the bed, and we haven't even seen them kissing with any passion.  How much plainer can it be? If Torgo hasn't figured out that he is merely the vehicle to a better life, then he deserves whatever she has in store for him--which I don't think is anything.  If he brings her to the US, I expect she will be a perfect submissive wife for him, doing whatever he wants in bed, as often as he wants it.  But Torgo will learn one day sooner or later that fantastic sex (even if only one-sided) while delightful cannot alone sustain a marriage.  You need someone to talk to every now and then, and Hazel isn't interested in talking to him. 

Torgo is totally on dick drive; it's not even an Asian fetish imo--he's had a gf in Thailand, so he knows there are other Asian women *there in Asia* that he could date or marry, but he wants the one forlorn Asian woman who can't stand to let him touch her.  The problem here is Torgo, not Hazel.  IMO.

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2 hours ago, eatsleep said:
22 hours ago, Eric said:

Hazel is looking dead inside and in disgust toward Tarik because she is men-damaged. She has no interest of having a romantic relationship with any men at this point. Just like any western woman above 35 years old. They have had a few failed relationships , have a kid or 2, probably been cheated on or abused a few times by losers. That girl has too many baggage already and probably fed up with the men.

Huh??? I'm a Western woman over 35 and have had a few failed relationships. And I still love men, am internally alive and am very much interested in having romantic relationships! And i'd say most of my peers feel exactly the same. 

I fully agree with @eatsleep on this. I am also over 35, a Western woman, have had a few failed relationships but I am still very much interested in dating men and having a romantic relationship with them. I am very much alive inside but just have learned over the years what I want/ don't want. I have learned enough to be selective and I choose not to waste time on the douchebags. 

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27 minutes ago, usernameG said:

I fully agree with @eatsleep on this. I am also over 35, a Western woman, have had a few failed relationships but I am still very much interested in dating men and having a romantic relationship with them. I am very much alive inside but just have learned over the years what I want/ don't want. I have learned enough to be selective and I choose not to waste time on the douchebags. 

You know any time someone begins a statement with something like "all western women over 35" what comes next is not going to be stereotyping or offensive at all lol. Some people need to know how to read a room to not offend probably over half of its occupants. Ditto on the sentiment that I also did not become damaged goods at that age. 

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