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Season 7 Discussion

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I always find myself so confused when Mike is the voice of reason.  His wedding narration was great.

That wedding was a mess.  But they seem happy and that’s what matters.  I loved that Tommy was just nonchalant about MJ being late.  

My ex was about 30 minutes late to the venue for our wedding (not the actual start time, the prep time) and I’d asked my make up artist to stay and cover the lingering black eye he had from a sports incident the week before.  Everyone was whispering and acting weird and I finally asked what was going on and they said he was late.  He was always late, I wasn’t concerned.  But, we didn’t swear at each other during our vows. 

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6 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

How many people were at the wedding? Was it ever mentioned? I thought Persians usually have around 500 people or so-correct me If I'm wrong.

Out of all the Persian weddings I've gone to, the largest one was maybe 150 people at most. I've never heard of a Persian wedding at least in my family, or extended family, or family's friends or friends of friends who had 500 people at their wedding ;)

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I could not watch this season..just couldn't.  But I did watch the wedding.  What happened to their other two pal?  The one that had a Jackson baby and sold kaftans?

Asa? She owns a store and keeps in touch with everyone except for MJ. I don't miss her a single bit.

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12 hours ago, knitta please said:

Asa? She owns a store and keeps in touch with everyone except for MJ. I don't miss her a single bit.

Yes Asa.  I liked her.  Seems during and after the baby she was pretty much done.  I thought she and MJ were bosom buddies.  Well I guess until the pregnancy changed all that. 

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Wow that wedding was crazy! MJ was clearly under the influence. I was honestly afraid for her to talk down that long flight of stairs by herself! Why didn't Reza walk her down? I think MJ is beautiful, but I can't imagine her & Tommy becoming parents.

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4 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

Am i the only one who likes Destiney? I like that she's always pleasant, doesn't seem to engage in the venomous gossip that reza and mj bring and she is just cute. 

Kind of warming up to her. I found her totally annoying on People’s Couch, and a little annoying last season, but pretty ok this season.

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I've liked Tommy overall, and bless him for loving MJ and tolerating Vida, but I thought saying "abso-fuckin'-lutely" during his vows was totally classless. Not to mention MJ being completely blitzed on something throughout the whole ceremony. I was appalled.

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4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Kind of warming up to her. I found her totally annoying on People’s Couch, and a little annoying last season, but pretty ok this season.

OMG how have I not realized that was her until just now? I kept thinking I'd seen her on another show but couldn't place her.

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GG looked awful at the wedding.   I don’t find her face attractive on a good day - too ratfaced, but she looked particularly harsh this episode.    Whoever told her that she looked like “ten million bucks” was blowing some serious smoke up her ass.  Nema is absolutely adorable - both in looks and personality.    He should move on from that mess.  They have nothing in common.  

Vida is crazy.   How many times did she say, “I have a gift”.   Damn, full of yourself much.   Every word out of her mouth is driven by the fact that she thinks she is one hundred percent right.   I can’t imagine having that much of an opinionated mother breathing down my neck at all times.  But, damn, she wasn’t wrong about the make up.   She was dead on.   MJ did look like Chinese wood.   

I was expecting MJ and Tommy to French kiss or get to second base during the ceremony.    Two pigs, together forever.   Is it really necessary to get fucked up before the ceremony portion of the wedding?  And the cursing?   Just way too casual for me.  

I was annoyed seeing Mike’s mom.  She didn’t do or say anything particularly offensive tonight, but I’m just so sick of hearing from Mike how amazing she is.   She is just another overbearing, opinionated lady from what I can tell.   I get an ALF vibe from her, sorry to say.  

Agreed that Mike’s narration was on point    “Has MJ ever been to a wedding?”     Apparently not   

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That was a fucking mess…and I loved every minute of it.  It was very much MJ and Tommy and proved they are pretty perfect for each other.  Loved MJ being super late (I think someone predicted that on a previous season's reunion) and stopping to talk to everyone on the way down the aisle.

Vida was a toned-down version of herself…still a dickhead, but, like, 15% less asshole.

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15 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

Sigh, I still can’t make myself watch this episode. I’m still reading here for the snark, but I’m having a hard time watching this group. I have no idea why.

Maybe because this crew is beyond obnoxious.

For me the best thing about this show is the food - some magnificent displays!

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Seriously, MJ is, I continue to be convinced, absolutely wiped out on prescription meds and pretty much all the time. During the makeup scene, or maybe it was just before that with Pedram the dress designer, she threw something down her throat and chased it with what was in her glass. I get this picture of her and Tommy just wasted every night at home: 2 people who met on Tinder and discovered that their heavy drinking/using meshed together in a more or less judgement free zone.

I do admire MJ and her absolute openess but I believe also that she has only achieved this via decades of self medicating. I'd bet hard cash this is what's going on. It's in her affect and her loopiness and especially notable with the 'delay' that goes on frequently before she answers something. Like she needs a moment for whatever is being said to penetrate the haze. Obviously Vida has had a thing or 2 to do with all of this.

It's all a bit terrifying though now that MJ is talking about having babies. i cannot imagine these 2 drunks going through newborn nights, even with Vida's help. 

I loved her in her pantsuit at the reception. Good lord there were some freaks in the crowd! The 2 losers that were sleeping beside Mike, for example, during the ceremony. There was a woman wearing what looked like a tube top (she would have been beyond her 60s) that looked like it had lost half it's elasticity and another woman with greasy limp hair wearing a blue sack. All of this after Nema's earnest little chat with us all about how Persian weddings are where everyone is judged for how expensive they look.. don't know who these people were then. Sammi really hasn't aged well, has he? 

I'm almost prepared to bet there will be no baby. MJ and Tommy fell at this hurdle a season or 2 ago when MJ was trumpeting that she was going to be pregnant in x weeks. And the x weeks kept getting pushed out because she wouldn't stop drinking. I don't think she CAN stop drinking at this point (or taking massive amounts of anti anxiety medication which I think is most likely). I think this is what is at the foundation of the rancour between MJ and Asa too. I think Asa (and Reza and Adam and all of them) know full well just how unhinged MJ is. I think it really irked Asa that MJ is presuming to go after a baby also without changing her lifestyle one iota. And MJ is relishing showing Asa just how far she can push it. Like with this wedding she refused to plan. I just hope that MJ doesn't wind up dead in a bathtub one day accidentally. She really gives me that vibe.

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On 11/11/2018 at 6:39 AM, wallofsound said:

GG looked awful at the wedding.   I don’t find her face attractive on a good day - too ratfaced, but she looked particularly harsh this episode.  

She should stop with the super dark hair and the dark lipstick. 

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That was an odd set up for the guests at the wedding ceremony, it looked like there were seats for the guests where MJ came down the aisle but then on the other side of the stairs there were a lot of people too, like it was SRO.

The second MJ picked up that child (why?) I knew she would snag her dress and oh my that dress had a lot going on.  Why did her dress designer look so familiar to me?

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As the reunion kicks off, the Shahs waste no time shaking things up. Newlyweds Mercedes and husband Tommy have life-changing news to share with their friends, but only after they’ve spoken with Mercedes’ opinionated mother Vida. Reza, joined by his husband Adam, recounts the challenging hurdles that led them to the brink of divorce. Mike finds himself on the defense after talk of his most recent failed relationship leads Destiney and Nema to question his treatment of women. When the group confronts Golnesa about her excessive smoking, it becomes too much for their impulsive friend.

Airs November 15, 2018.

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3 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

I hope we get to keep Nema!

Looks like from the previews of the reunion he and that dickhead Mike get in to it. What beef could he possible have with Nema? Mike is the one that needs to be gone. He brings absolutely nothing to the show except his constant failures, entitled attitude and crying to mommy over and over again, every season. 

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On 11/10/2018 at 11:40 AM, hatchetgirl said:

Am i the only one who likes Destiney? I like that she's always pleasant, doesn't seem to engage in the venomous gossip that reza and mj bring and she is just cute. 

I used to like her but each season she seems to get more and more extra and dramatic. She needs to tone it down by a million. 

Thank god that dress looked great being photographed because it looked like a hot mess on film. I don't even want to know what it cost. 

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On 11/11/2018 at 6:39 AM, wallofsound said:

GG looked awful at the wedding.   I don’t find her face attractive on a good day - too ratfaced, but she looked particularly harsh this episode.    Whoever told her that she looked like “ten million bucks” was blowing some serious smoke up her ass.  Nema is absolutely adorable - both in looks and personality.    He should move on from that mess.  They have nothing in common.  

Vida is crazy.   How many times did she say, “I have a gift”.   Damn, full of yourself much.   Every word out of her mouth is driven by the fact that she thinks she is one hundred percent right.   I can’t imagine having that much of an opinionated mother breathing down my neck at all times.  But, damn, she wasn’t wrong about the make up.   She was dead on.   MJ did look like Chinese wood.   

I was expecting MJ and Tommy to French kiss or get to second base during the ceremony.    Two pigs, together forever.   Is it really necessary to get fucked up before the ceremony portion of the wedding?  And the cursing?   Just way too casual for me.  

I was annoyed seeing Mike’s mom.  She didn’t do or say anything particularly offensive tonight, but I’m just so sick of hearing from Mike how amazing she is.   She is just another overbearing, opinionated lady from what I can tell.   I get an ALF vibe from her, sorry to say.  

Agreed that Mike’s narration was on point    “Has MJ ever been to a wedding?”     Apparently not   

I find GG positively unattractive as of late. This is going to sound horrible, but her grin is so ugly. It looks like a jack-o-lantern. When she smiles, her face goes down, not up, her mouth wraps around her teeth like she forgot to wear her dentures, and her eyes get tiny. Normally I wouldn't get on somebody's looks so full-throttle, but she has been horrible to people in the past about their looks. Also, I would think someone who is shallow enough to get their gums bleached--their freaking gums--could look in a mirror and try to find a pretty smile. She has no brains either, and is spiteful. If I thought Nema were actually into her, I'd ask "how is Nema actually into her?"


Mike and his mom can go slip on banana peels together. All the fussing, all the fawning...I don't get it. Your son is kind of a horrible person who, every so often, probably by accident, manages to give good advice, but he never walks his own walk. He is so caught-up and consumed by image. He feels that he has to project the image of the wise rabbi, while his behavior sucks. Either settle down with the perfect Jewish woman like mommy wants, and be unhappy, or have the courage to live your convictions. If he likes to ho around, why can't he just be honest about that? At 40. This pretending is unhealthy. I think Mike is very shallow, and he can't feel deep feelings. Until that gets solved, he will not be happy to settle down with anybody. So go away. Go to a retreat. Go to a seminar on personal growth. Get a real relationship with your rabbi. Do some work for your schul. And whatever comes of it, just be real. Stop lying about where you slept in Vegas, you man-child!

On 11/12/2018 at 6:38 AM, queenjen said:

Seriously, MJ is, I continue to be convinced, absolutely wiped out on prescription meds and pretty much all the time. During the makeup scene, or maybe it was just before that with Pedram the dress designer, she threw something down her throat and chased it with what was in her glass. I get this picture of her and Tommy just wasted every night at home: 2 people who met on Tinder and discovered that their heavy drinking/using meshed together in a more or less judgement free zone.

I do admire MJ and her absolute openess but I believe also that she has only achieved this via decades of self medicating. I'd bet hard cash this is what's going on. It's in her affect and her loopiness and especially notable with the 'delay' that goes on frequently before she answers something. Like she needs a moment for whatever is being said to penetrate the haze. Obviously Vida has had a thing or 2 to do with all of this.

Nailed it. Not that I have ever had any youthful interaction with intoxicating substances (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), but there is something specific going on there. I don't think it's only Xanax. When you mix just Xanax with alcohol, you kind of just pass out or start slurring. I also don't think it's coke or meth, because those both make you very up. I strongly suspect MJ--with her delays and her haze and her desire to seem to want to speak, but can't find the words--is influenced by opiates. Which ones, I have no idea. I wouldn't be shocked if she was doing heroin. A lot of people snort heroin and nobody has any idea. But if it's oxy or roxy or fentanyl...color me unfazed. Wasn't there the season (season 2?) that Reza nailed her ass to the carpet at the reunion for prescription drug abuse? I also think she smokes a lot of weed. 

Other than the wedding, I saw that switch flip with MJ two times this season, where I was like, "honey, we are well beyond alcohol." One time was in Vegas. I forget the other time. I wish her the best. I think she is deeply troubled and numbing the suffering. 

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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Nailed it. Not that I have ever had any youthful interaction with intoxicating substances (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), but there is something specific going on there. I don't think it's only Xanax. When you mix just Xanax with alcohol, you kind of just pass out or start slurring. I also don't think it's coke or meth, because those both make you very up. I strongly suspect MJ--with her delays and her haze and her desire to seem to want to speak, but can't find the words--is influenced by opiates. Which ones, I have no idea. I wouldn't be shocked if she was doing heroin. A lot of people snort heroin and nobody has any idea. But if it's oxy or roxy or fentanyl...color me unfazed. Wasn't there the season (season 2?) that Reza nailed her ass to the carpet at the reunion for prescription drug abuse? I also think she smokes a lot of weed. 

Other than the wedding, I saw that switch flip with MJ two times this season, where I was like, "honey, we are well beyond alcohol." One time was in Vegas. I forget the other time. I wish her the best. I think she is deeply troubled and numbing the suffering.

You nailed it! I just didn't want to say it. Opiates are the vibe I get from her too, this is why the 'dead in a bathtub' comment, it happens all the time with polysubstance abuse. I forgot that Reza had done that. I think they all know and they are enabling it. And I think this is part of the reason for the enmity between MJ and Asa.

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So sad reading all this about MJ. I saw she was messed up @ the wedding big time (more than alcohol) & I know she always liked to drink (as do they all). But this is my 1st full season watching.  I've only otherwise caught glimpses of past seasons enough to know who I generally like or loathe.

I couldn't take Asa with those caftans & her faux luxe earth mother wannabe b.s. spewing. I can't take Mike or GG. All those characters seem to be getting worse in those superficial caricatures I've gleaned.  This season Destiney got on my nerves with her reality tv awareness (now finding out from previous poster she was on "the people's couch" explains everything). Reza is Reza & makes me laugh but unfortunately he's amping it up too. Please be natural & naturally funny. Trying too hard doesn't look good (take it from a former Bethenny Frankel fan!) 

I hope MJ gets it together bc I genuinely like her & Tommy. 

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On 11/14/2018 at 1:54 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I find GG positively unattractive as of late. This is going to sound horrible, but her grin is so ugly. It looks like a jack-o-lantern. When she smiles, her face goes down, not up, her mouth wraps around her teeth like she forgot to wear her dentures, and her eyes get tiny. Normally I wouldn't get on somebody's looks so full-throttle, but she has been horrible to people in the past about their looks. Also, I would think someone who is shallow enough to get their gums bleached--their freaking gums--could look in a mirror and try to find a pretty smile. She has no brains either, and is spiteful. If I thought Nema were actually into her, I'd ask "how is Nema actually into her?"


Mike and his mom can go slip on banana peels together. All the fussing, all the fawning...I don't get it. Your son is kind of a horrible person who, every so often, probably by accident, manages to give good advice, but he never walks his own walk. He is so caught-up and consumed by image. He feels that he has to project the image of the wise rabbi, while his behavior sucks. Either settle down with the perfect Jewish woman like mommy wants, and be unhappy, or have the courage to live your convictions. If he likes to ho around, why can't he just be honest about that? At 40. This pretending is unhealthy. I think Mike is very shallow, and he can't feel deep feelings. Until that gets solved, he will not be happy to settle down with anybody. So go away. Go to a retreat. Go to a seminar on personal growth. Get a real relationship with your rabbi. Do some work for your schul. And whatever comes of it, just be real. Stop lying about where you slept in Vegas, you man-child!

Nailed it. Not that I have ever had any youthful interaction with intoxicating substances (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), but there is something specific going on there. I don't think it's only Xanax. When you mix just Xanax with alcohol, you kind of just pass out or start slurring. I also don't think it's coke or meth, because those both make you very up. I strongly suspect MJ--with her delays and her haze and her desire to seem to want to speak, but can't find the words--is influenced by opiates. Which ones, I have no idea. I wouldn't be shocked if she was doing heroin. A lot of people snort heroin and nobody has any idea. But if it's oxy or roxy or fentanyl...color me unfazed. Wasn't there the season (season 2?) that Reza nailed her ass to the carpet at the reunion for prescription drug abuse? I also think she smokes a lot of weed. 

Other than the wedding, I saw that switch flip with MJ two times this season, where I was like, "honey, we are well beyond alcohol." One time was in Vegas. I forget the other time. I wish her the best. I think she is deeply troubled and numbing the suffering. 

Fetanyl?? She would be walking around in a literal stupor, or straight up dead, if she were taking anything that strong. That stuff is killing folks up here (Massachusetts). Hell, fetanyl killed Prince. And of MJ were using any of those heavier substances, we'd see it in her face. Plastic surgery can't hide opiate usage for too long. 

Mixing Xanax and alcohol? Yep, I can see it. Weed on top of those two? Wouldn't put it past her, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she actually didn't smoke. 

Anything heavier than that? nah.

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1 hour ago, cyberfruit said:

Fetanyl?? She would be walking around in a literal stupor, or straight up dead, if she were taking anything that strong. That stuff is killing folks up here (Massachusetts). Hell, fetanyl killed Prince. And of MJ were using any of those heavier substances, we'd see it in her face. Plastic surgery can't hide opiate usage for too long. 

Mixing Xanax and alcohol? Yep, I can see it. Weed on top of those two? Wouldn't put it past her, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she actually didn't smoke. 

Anything heavier than that? nah.

Illicit drug use is a different experience across the spectrum. Some people die from it. Some people function for their entire lives. It's not about the substance; it's about how much and how often you use it. Opiates have an especially high rate of tolerance. I've known people who would take 30 Vicodins at a time and you would not know it (I've lived a colorful life). I've never heard of any changes to the face. I just heard it's a bitch to kick. If MJ started with Vicodin or Percocet, moved on to Oxy and is now dabbling in Fentanyl, it wouldn't be surprising. FWIW, she is walking around in a stupor much of the time. I agree with @queenjen, who posted above that she wouldn't be surprised if MJ were found dead in a bathtub someday.

I've had--ahem--an experience or two (or spent much of law school) drinking cocktails out socially and going home and taking Xanax and drinking wine to sleep (colorful life) and the effect was...not that. Never that. Like I posted upthread, it leads to saying silly things, slurring, and sleeping. But it doesn't get you "high" per se. I've never really messed with painkillers, but the few times they've been prescribed to me, I immediately got that MJ feeling, where you are high as a kite and emotionally removed from the world. I've also gotten that feeling off of smoking certain strains of weed, which is why I said that she probably smokes a lot. 

We here can only speculate (unless she dies and the autopsy comes out or if she writes an autobiography). But if I've learned anything, it's that a lot goes on behind closed doors in people's lives. A lot. The fittest, most pro-fitness man or woman in the world may be binging on 6,000 calories a day and then purging it. People with seemingly terrific lives go home and cut razors into their flesh because they are ashamed of something. I'm not prepared to say "nah" about MJ using anything heavier than Xanax. I've seen too much. 

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Just a few things:  I hated MJs gown.  That beige fabric looked cheap and like someone took a scissor and randomly cut it away from her neck.  Poorly done.  A staircase to walk down the aisle, a disaster waiting to happen.  Shaking hands and greeting people you’ve kept waiting for an hour?  The ceremony was a trashy joke, you tell your husband shut the f up during the ceremony, something is wrong with Tommy that he takes it.

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On 11/14/2018 at 12:54 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Mike and his mom can go slip on banana peels together. All the fussing, all the fawning...I don't get it. Your son is kind of a horrible person who, every so often, probably by accident, manages to give good advice, but he never walks his own walk. He is so caught-up and consumed by image. He feels that he has to project the image of the wise rabbi, while his behavior sucks. Either settle down with the perfect Jewish woman like mommy wants, and be unhappy, or have the courage to live your convictions. If he likes to ho around, why can't he just be honest about that? At 40. This pretending is unhealthy. I think Mike is very shallow, and he can't feel deep feelings. Until that gets solved, he will not be happy to settle down with anybody. So go away. Go to a retreat. Go to a seminar on personal growth. Get a real relationship with your rabbi. Do some work for your schul. And whatever comes of it, just be real. Stop lying about where you slept in Vegas, you man-child!

Mike is the least accomplished of his siblings. He overcompensates by trying to get the "hottest" girl because he's not the least bit comparable in terms of life accomplishment. He's the oldest. He's already divorced. His real estate career is a mess. His younger brothers are dentists who have a practice together. I believe one of them may also be married too.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Eh, I just *knew* there'd be shit stirred at this reunion.  The season was more or less sweetness, light, and growth (well, I loved it) (notice the lack of Asa), so there had to be drama somewhere.  And GG lets herself be goaded.   Poor Destiney! Peacemaker for the Shahs is a miserable job.

My big takeaway?  Andy's Farsi is better than mine.  This has forced me into checking out that Babble course during the commercials.         I take comfort in knowing my accent is authentic.  Mostly because I'm a dead-on mimic of my dad's sisters.

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So much for sweetness and light - of course the shahs would bring a boatload of angst! Interesting dynamic between Mike and Nema - didn’t realize so much was going on there. Vida sucks, as usual - Tommy is really caught in the middle, not good.

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It's pretty clear that all of these people went spontaneously deaf or got amnesia when Michelle Obama said "when they go low, we go high." These people are like a dumber worse version of the Hatfields and McCoys. Is it possible to be a worse version of a bunch of half literate moonshining holler folk? If so, then these idiots have managed it.

Also GG only attacked Adam because he stepped in the way when GG went after Reza because Reza pulled his shit with the fake apology letters and roses. Reza pulled this shit because he was still pissed that GG said she had a video of Reza cheating on Adam. He also had to passive aggressively get back at her because he'd already proven to be dead fucking wrong when he claimed that GG was lying about having rheumatoid arthritis.

Also no one looked more fucking foolish than Mike as he sat there arguing with everyone and then reiterating exactly what was said to him 5 seconds later. Nema says the divorce bomb is a big thing to throw out there. Mike tells Nema to STFU and 2 seconds later says throwing out a threat to divorce is a bad idea.

I sort of hope Mona ends up marrying into the Shouhed family just to serve as a constant reminder to Mike about what a complete and utter pathetic tool and loser he is and how he'd never be able to land a woman like her.

Also Reza's suit was hideous.

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All incredibly unlikable.  Mike, MJ and Rezza are the worst. Just horrible people. GG is a mess and she's also awful but I felt for sitting between Mike and Rezza laughing at her. I saw the tears in her eyes and I felt the my  cheeks turn red and hot. Ugh. 

Destiny is the only one i didn't mind. I wanted her to throw her hands up and say well fuck you then, when GG started screaming at her. 

Destiny can't stand Mike and I dont blame her, he's  a misogynistic asshole. 

The weird ass look on MJ's face? when Rezza said that MJ was Mike's type, then Mike trying to say ummm yeah. But meaning no ?

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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MJ looks  like a dirty fat drunk slob.  I like that she loves her body but she looks like she smells to me.

I think GG went through some shii in her youth, and I feel sorry for her. MJ and Reza though are vile people, they like hurting everyone around them. Trying to get GG's ex on the reunion is low and hurtful.  I should stop watching this show since I really don't like any of these people.

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16 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

Fetanyl?? She would be walking around in a literal stupor, or straight up dead, if she were taking anything that strong. That stuff is killing folks up here (Massachusetts). Hell, fetanyl killed Prince. And of MJ were using any of those heavier substances, we'd see it in her face. Plastic surgery can't hide opiate usage for too long. 

Mixing Xanax and alcohol? Yep, I can see it. Weed on top of those two? Wouldn't put it past her, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she actually didn't smoke. 

Anything heavier than that? nah.

No - that is not true.  Yes people are dying on the stuff, but MANY MANY people take opiates daily, and proceed through their day as "normal."  

I knew a surgeon, he was in recovery when I met him, but he was taking 15 oxys a day and performing surgery.  So, yeah people can pop serious pills and act like everything is fine.


On 11/14/2018 at 12:54 PM, LibertarianSlut said:


Other than the wedding, I saw that switch flip with MJ two times this season, where I was like, "honey, we are well beyond alcohol." One time was in Vegas. I forget the other time. I wish her the best. I think she is deeply troubled and numbing the suffering. 

100% on all of your points!  I especially agree with you that MJ is on opiates - probably oxys, it also accounts for her total lack of filter.

I have experience with opiates, let's just say that.

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Mike should stay single. He seems like he would be a terrible boyfriend/husband. His comments about Mona's nail being chipped was insane. He seems like the type to demand that his gf always be fully made up and perfect and criticize her if she isn't. 

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Mike is very sensitive and defensive! It's been mentioned by other cast members on the show before, but I just now realized the extent of it while watching the reunion last night! OMG at the chipped nail comment, talk about petty and insecure and desperate to restore your ego. That's the most lame and pathetic attempt at negging (look it up, it's a thing) I've ever heard in my life. 

Good on Adam for growing a bit of a spine and saying that next time Reza threatens divorce, he may just be like, "Fine," because he doesn't wanna keep being threatening and having to jump through another hoop for him. I've always felt that Adam is far more in love with Reza than Reza is with Adam. I think the only reason Reza is sticking it out w/Adam is because there's no prenup. He'll be damned if Adam is gonna take half of his $$$. 

LMAO @ anyone thinking GG is jealous of MJ!!! ahahahaha. GG is younger and much prettier than MJ, not that those are the only 2 things in life that matter, but yeah. GG is stunning, to me. I believe her about Shalom, I don't think she's making anything up about him. I kinda think her and that new guy, Nema, would be good together.

I like Nema, I think he's a good addition to the cast (whether he and GG end up together or not). I like that he's been man enough to live with consequences of his decision to end it with his ex-girlfriend, even though he's not with GG (the one he was hoping for). 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Apparently most people have stopped watching this show.

Are the rating down?  Or is that just on this board?  

Maybe they won't come back next season?

But let's face it, without the drama, they'll really be in the ratings basement.

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Hahahaha,  apparently Mike is reallllllllyyyyy pissed that Mona did not fall at his feet and profess her mad love for him, so he takes it out on Nema. It's basically all about Mike's ego. I loved how Destiny was poking at him. Where did all that disdain come from? We didn't see it on the show this season. Now, that would have been some good TV. She lost me, though, when she told Mike he was a good looking guy. Ummm no, he is not. He is a sweaty, dirty looking pig who at the reunion was wearing a too tight suit with a ruffled shirt. Sit down and shut up, Mike. He monopolized the entire reunion and as usual Andy Cohen lost all control. 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Apparently most people have stopped watching this show.

Yep.  Took it off my DVR after the wedding episode, and I saw the preview for the Reunion, seeing that after no one having issues all season, they are going after GG yet again.  Reza wants the drama so that we'll all tune in next season to see how it's resolved.  Nope.  I'm out.  

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