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S03.E07: Walking on Broken Glass

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9 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

My least favorite part of this show is when they go out drinking.  It's boring because it's all the same no matter where they are, who's flirting, who's fighting, or whatever else is going on.  Yes, go out to a nice dinner to relax.  Yes, have a drink or two.  But they get ridiculously drunk every time, and it just seems so childish and "lather rinse repeat" to me, like it's Spring Break or freshman year at college.  Just not interesting.  Hannah, especially, always looks like an immature fool.   The goal seems to be to drink as much as possible, and it just comes across as stupid.  It annoys me that they do it, but it annoys me even more that we have to see it over and over.  I completely agree - Drunken antics are not at all entertaining.   There are other ways to move the "storylines" forward, and I cringe every time a charter ends because I know what's coming.

More scenes on the boat (during charters or in between), or walking around off the boat - would be so much more interesting. 

I agree about the "we're going out to get plastered tonight, so the film crew can capture something dramatic" scenes.  So boring.  It's like the producers are emulating reality shows from yesteryear like The Real World or Jersey Shore.  

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14 hours ago, rehoboth said:

If I had to sleep underneath those two, I might get blackout drunk over and over too.

But, really, I am getting tired of seeing these twenty somethings and thirty somethings going out and drinking that much every time they have time off.  It is not entertaining to me, in fact I find it quite stupid.  Is that all you want to do with your downtime in these fabulous places?  So boring when that is all that ever happens.  Adam appreciating the good food and good presentation was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you Adam for having an interest in something else in the world around you.

Thank you!  I have thought this many times myself, not just with the crew but some of the more obnoxious guests in previous seasons who have spent  the majority of their time getting lit.  You're in Naples!  Why on earth wouldn't you go see some of the city's highlights rather than clubbing yet again.  

Adam was right in appreciating the good food available.  The rest of these idiots only want to do shots and get hammered.  What a waste.

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37 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Adam was right in appreciating the good food available.  The rest of these idiots only want to do shots and get hammered.  What a waste.

Adam seemed about 50/50 enjoying the meal and shitting on Hannah even during the meal not just in his talking heads and also likes to get wasted.

Edited by biakbiak
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15 hours ago, snarts said:

I applaud Adam wanting to elevate his cooking but I hate how he's always to critical of everyone around him yet accepts none of the blame.  He has one job, to cook.  Meanwhile, Hannah manages the entire interior: cleaning, laundry, guest services, provisioning, entertaining, decorating, , training etc.  How about you take 5 minutes to cover the menu so that the stews can accurately describe it?

This. I don't get all the Hannah bashing on here. As you said she manages the whole interior - that is a huge job. And judging by their tips (minus the asshole cheapskate guests), I'd say she's doing a good job. It's hard enough to do all this when you have 2 stews to help out. With Casey aboard, it's more like 1 stew and a lazy child you have to constantly supervise and pick up her slack. What grown ass person can't do laundry or make coffee? She's a bartender who doesn't know how to make a Bloody Mary? 

I was in the restaurant/bar  biz for many years. You have to have a TEAM that works together to provide good service. This starts with Adam, who in constantly undermining her. He's a petulant child. It's certainly annoying when the guests are 3 hours late for dinner, but how is that Hannah's fault? And all the chefs I've worked with called everyone together before service to explain the menu. In detail. And read the goddamn preference sheet Adam.

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On 6/27/2018 at 9:06 AM, mytmo said:

cock guzzling thundercunt

That is not a phrase you think up on the fly. Which is disturbing, because it means he has either thought it before or even said it before. Horrible that he has a phrase like that ready to utter when he thinks the need arises. Yikes.

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The scenery in this episode, and all season is so beautiful.  I’m inspired to plan a vacation to the Almafi Coast one day.

While I enjoy the personal interactions amoungst the crew, I dislike all the ugly fighting between Hannah and Joao. It just distracts from an otherwise fun and entertaining show.

Hannah and Conrad are cute together, I hope they last. (Though please stop showing all the smoking)

Joao and Kasey would be good together too if they could actually have a real discussion about how they’ve both been cheated on and how that impacts their views on relationships.

Brooke should go for Colin, he seems to really like her and would appreciate her and treat her right.

I enjoyed seeing the Michelin starred restaurant and how it inspired Adam to up his game.  His fish dish the next night looked good.  Hannah about to say parsley instead of parsnip and Brook correcting her was funny.  If Adam can find parsnips in the Mediterranean, then surely Hannah should know what they are? 

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11 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

 I don't get all the Hannah bashing on here.

I can only speak for myself, but I bash Hannah because of her personality and sense of entitlement.  She's a bitch, IMO, who is far too eager to point fingers and blame other people rather than actually fix things and make them better.   She often puts herself up on a pedestal by criticizing others.   I don't think she wants inexperienced/lazy/unqualified stews to improve.  I think she'd rather they fail so she can look superior and be proven right.   She gets into conflicts with co-workers all the time, and she is not a good manager.   Very often she's completely unprofessional.  For all the worldliness and experience she claims to have, she comes across as very immature.  She has no impulse control, and I'm tired of seeing her scream into other people's faces while throwing her weight around.  There are better ways to deal with people who aren't up to her standards or who she feels are out of line.  Most grown adults know not to poke the bear, but her behavior with Jwow is exactly that - poking the bear.    And that behavior is not new.

My gripe isn't with how she does her job.  Even though I've never seen any indication that she's a fabulous chief stew, I can acknowledge that she probably does a decent job.  (My son owns a restaurant, and worked his way up, so I'm well aware of the teamwork that's required.  Teamwork is not at all Hannah's strong suit, IMO.  Hannah is all about Hannah.)  In any case, my gripe is about her personality and attitude more than anything else.  Unpopular opinion, I know, since I realize there are many here who really like her.  But I really don't!   :-)

Edited by DebbieM4
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Well DebbieM4, I agree with most of your assessments and yet I like Hannah and am on her team. I think she's a vulnerable and damaged human and her humanity shines through her poor management and human interaction skills. So often she'll react with an unpleasant line ("I don't care what the f*** you think" to Brooke about B's feelings for JWWOW). She sure as hell does care!! But she can't admit to herself she cares so she sounds like a female dog and/or completely out of touch with her own feelings and opinions.
I have no doubt she's worked hard, very hard, to get to where she is. I'll bet she's unmatchable in some aspects of her job, but managing people is not one of them.                           Hannah is not nearly as tough as she pretends to be nor as tough as she thinks she needs to be. If she could let down her defenses a little bit she could be a phenomenal leader (I think so anyway) but for now, she's in highly protective mode, and no one grows or wins in that space.
She seeks allies (Conrad and joking with Adam in the kitchen) when she should be building her team so THEY are her allies. But no, while unhappy with Adam for talking down to her team (I still don't understand what he wanted to accomplish in that "salon while wearing epaulets" meeting) she also beats them down herself. I realize she tried to be sweet to Brooke when Brooke was carried home from the latest drinking episode, but Brooke doesn't know that.

By the way Brooke, I smell a drinking problem in your future!

Conrad is a dream and total sweetheart, but he's not quite tough enough to stand up to the YUCK factor that JWWOW and Adam are bringing, so not enough of an ally. And Captain Sandy? Her defense of creepazoid extraordinaire JWWOW is enough that I don't respect her anymore. How can Hannah?

Adam? Hey, the word "Chef" comes from "Chief" and "Chief" indicates leadership. Complaining ain't leadership. Adam is the one person who could back up Hannah and establish discipline to the ship. But no. No.Can.Do. 
Basically because he's a little "female dog" himself.

Conrad is a sweetheart, professional, and a decent person. 

Brooke? Seems nice and competent.

Kalsey/Kacie/Whatever her name is: Her bleach job is growing out and annoying me. Her lack of affect is irritating me. She's a nitwit who had better be giving 150% because she owes Hannah and Brooke nothing less!! Her parents relationship sounds creepy. I hope I misunderstood and they're happy.

Colin: Cute. Let's see more! Does he have to be working on getting laid to get camera time?
Jamie: See above comment for Colin. She's cute. I want Nestle's chocolate milk now!

Sandy looks like another incompetent people manager. Piloting a boat is one kind of skill. Recognizing a major creep and/or supporting an underling who is struggling are not in her boathouse of skills. Once again Below Deck Med struggles, and fails, to find a good tv captain.

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Joao has now apologized for his behavior. I guess when he saw that people were speculating who would play him in a true crime movie when he eventually murdered his girlfriend, he realized that his behavior was out of line.

Of course he only apologized to Sandy and not the women to whom he has been an abusive misogynist.


Congrats to Sandy for playing this so fucking wrong.

Edited by HunterHunted
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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Seriously. Curious to see her at the reunion.


If she has any character she'll admit she was wrong and apologize. I doubt we'll see that. She can't, even now on Social media she can't, instead she bitches at Colin for calling out Joran JWoWW's bad behavior.

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13 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

I can only speak for myself, but I bash Hannah because of her personality and sense of entitlement.  She's a bitch, IMO, who is far too eager to point fingers and blame other people rather than actually fix things and make them better.   She often puts herself up on a pedestal by criticizing others.   I don't think she wants inexperienced/lazy/unqualified stews to improve.  I think she'd rather they fail so she can look superior and be proven right.   She gets into conflicts with co-workers all the time, and she is not a good manager.   Very often she's completely unprofessional.  For all the worldliness and experience she claims to have, she comes across as very immature.  She has no impulse control, and I'm tired of seeing her scream into other people's faces while throwing her weight around.  There are better ways to deal with people who aren't up to her standards or who she feels are out of line.  Most grown adults know not to poke the bear, but her behavior with Jwow is exactly that - poking the bear.    And that behavior is not new.

My gripe isn't with how she does her job.  Even though I've never seen any indication that she's a fabulous chief stew, I can acknowledge that she probably does a decent job.  (My son owns a restaurant, and worked his way up, so I'm well aware of the teamwork that's required.  Teamwork is not at all Hannah's strong suit, IMO.  Hannah is all about Hannah.)  In any case, my gripe is about her personality and attitude more than anything else.  Unpopular opinion, I know, since I realize there are many here who really like her.  But I really don't!   :-)

Hi DEBBIEM4!  My name is Dosodog.  May I sit next to you at the lunch table of "we see you Hannah."?

I have cotton candy grapes to share.  :)

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On 6/27/2018 at 1:35 PM, HunterHunted said:

Someone in the comments of the TT recap said Joao reminded them of Joran van der Sloot. I can't unsee it.

So true.  I like how Conrad carried unconscious Brooke back to the yacht and kept her away from Jwoww.  I can see a sexual assault happening if Brooke had been left with Jwoww.

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When Casey said her last relationship was 8 years ago, then the camera shows a pic of her and a dog, was I the only one that laughed? It looked like she was saying her last relationship was with that dog and he broke her heart.

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On 6/26/2018 at 10:44 PM, Fiero425 said:

It's not being bossy and insulting the girl to her face, it becomes bullying to me when Hannah's going all over the ship badmouthing the girl! I'd be upset too when her true lack of experience came to light, but Sandy told her to make the best of it! "Train the girl and quit kvetchin' about it!" There's still no excuse for this behavior with Kasey or Adam! He's no day at the beach, but all Hannah's doing is wandering around with a dark cloud hanging over her! If Conrad was mooning over me, I'd be flattered and go with it! At the same time she's coming off quite negative and a "desperate cougar!" How does she fault Brooke for her drunkenness, when she's had her share of others having to take care of her; including ADAM! ;-)

Hannah isn't badmouthing Kasey.  Hannah's going around telling people about Kasey because she can't fucking believe Captain Sandy's like, "deal with it".  Come on, Kasey doesn't know how to do laundry, I mean that's beyond not knowing your job, that's not knowing how to be a grown up.  Most people I know learned about laundry when they were children, unless they had maids growing up or something.  If Kasey were not cute and blonde, no one would be quite over the moon about her.

Also, I HATE the term cougar because it's always thrown at women, but strangely, never at men.

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I'd just like to add that if Hannah were doing her job seamlessly, maintaining an even and professional decorum,  and exhibiting  courteous and exemplary behavior to guests and crew, she would'n't have a job with Bravo.  lol 

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10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Hannah isn't badmouthing Kasey.  Hannah's going around telling people about Kasey because she can't fucking believe Captain Sandy's like, "deal with it".  Come on, Kasey doesn't know how to do laundry, I mean that's beyond not knowing your job, that's not knowing how to be a grown up.  Most people I know learned about laundry when they were children, unless they had maids growing up or something.  If Kasey were not cute and blonde, no one would be quite over the moon about her.

Also, I HATE the term cougar because it's always thrown at women, but strangely, never at men.

It's unfair and I agree it's hypocritical that the reverse doesn't have the same negative connotations, but the truth about it is that it doesn't work! I'm sure there's some isolated case where a May/Dec. relationship works with the older women, but 9 times out of 10 it's going to end in tears; look at Demi/Ashton! Kutcher had the backing of Moore's ex-husband and the kids, but he couldn't help cheating on her with a younger girl! The reverse isn't as likely so eventually it becomes a one-sided relationship where the dude's ready "to bolt" after a few years or hang on waiting for the old lady to pass on! SORRY; that's the general consensus by most people! It's unfortunate but true regardless of how it isn't fair! ;-(

As for Kasey; if that ain't badmouthing, I don't know what is! It's something I'm sure Hannah wouldn't want someone doing to her if she was wanting in some circumstance! Remember the previews for the season with Sandy wanting "to fire Hannah!" She's probably stressed over the situation with Kasey, but she's being observed by the captain seeming to slack off spending too much time with Conrad who's "up Hannah's butt!" I didn't say it Sandy did! Pouring salt into the wound comes into play when it appears people are cheering Kasey on no matter her shortcomings learned by Hannah! It all just looks bad for "the b!tch" boss who's picking on the new stew! Again, it may not be fair, but that's how life is a lot of time! A hottie gets excused; heaven knows I'm willing to overlook things when the person's attractive! What Hannah's been doing this season has not been even CUTE! She better get over this before she's the one being replaced! ;-)

5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'd just like to add that if Hannah were doing her job seamlessly, maintaining even and professional decorum,  plus exhibiting courteous and exemplary behavior to guests and crew, she wouldn't have a job with Bravo.  lol 

No doubt about it! It just makes her look bad! She truly is bringing the drama! Money well spent by Bravo! ;-)

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Sandy's treatment of Hannah is just bizarre.  Did Hannah dump Sandy at some point?  It just makes no sense to compliment Casey who's only in charge of laundry and making Sandy's bed in front of the crew three times.  To be fair, Casey has improved from the first charter, she's no longer constantly throwing up.


i don't see Hannah as a bad manager.  Sandy is unfairly targeting her, Joao is threatening her, Casey is lazy and she never knows which Adam she's going to get when she walks into the galley.  Conrad,  Sandy. Adam and Brooke should've been told about Casey lying because her work can directly effect the charters.


Brooke is a terrible judge of character.  Of course she likes the jerk Joao when nice Collin is in the wings.

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1 hour ago, Fiero425 said:

It's unfair and I agree it's hypocritical that the reverse doesn't have the same negative connotations, but the truth about it is that it doesn't work! I'm sure there's some isolated case where a May/Dec. relationship works with the older women, but 9 times out of 10 it's going to end in tears; look at Demi/Ashton! Kutcher had the backing of Moore's ex-husband and the kids, but he couldn't help cheating on her with a younger girl! The reverse isn't as likely so eventually it becomes a one-sided relationship where the dude's ready "to bolt" after a few years or hang on waiting for the old lady to pass on! SORRY; that's the general consensus by most people! It's unfortunate but true regardless of how it isn't fair! ;-(

As for Kasey; if that ain't badmouthing, I don't know what is! It's something I'm sure Hannah wouldn't want someone doing to her if she was wanting in some circumstance! Remember the previews for the season with Sandy wanting "to fire Hannah!" She's probably stressed over the situation with Kasey, but she's being observed by the captain seeming to slack off spending too much time with Conrad who's "up Hannah's butt!" I didn't say it Sandy did! Pouring salt into the wound comes into play when it appears people are cheering Kasey on no matter her shortcomings learned by Hannah! It all just looks bad for "the b!tch" boss who's picking on the new stew! Again, it may not be fair, but that's how life is a lot of time!

You keep saying, "that's life."  If people kept saying shit like that, women wouldn't have the right to vote and black people would still be slaves because at those times, "that was the way things were," and even though it wasn't right or fair, "hey, that's life."

How much older is Hannah than Conrad?  I don't think it's the same as Demi and Ashton. 

I think the reason why older men/younger women was and still is more acceptable, is because in the past (and some people want this to still be this way) a woman's main function was to have as many children as she could and the younger the woman was, the better.  My great grandfather was considerably older than my great grandmother.  Today, relationships really shouldn't be a quid pro quo, many people are looking for life partners, and yes, if one of the partners is considerably older than the other, there might be issues.  I see it this way:  20/40 great; 50/70 might be issues; 75/95 probably not so many issues, these are generalizations but this is what I see.  I know women in their 50's married to men in their 70's and they complain that their husbands don't want to do as much as they still can do. 

Edited by Neurochick
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9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

How much older is Hannah than Conrad?  I don't think it's the same as Demi and Ashton. 

Hannah is 31. Conrad is 24. Demi and Ashton were 17 years apart. Additionally quite a number of things broke them up--his cheating, his growing desire to have children, her fixation on youth and beauty, and her drug use and partying.

I don't think we've ever seen a 3rd stew quite like Kasey. Rocky was a flaky brat who didn't want to do her job, but she knew how to do it. Sierra was a moron who'd forget to turn off the iron and burn all the sheets and not take sugar out of the packet when she put it in Captain Lee's coffee, but she knew how to iron and make coffee. Kasey is just remedial as to everything. Captain Sandy needed to teach Kasey how to vacuum. Kasey plugged in the vacuum, turned it on, ran it around the room, and never noticed it didn't pick up anything. And this isn't some The Gods Must Be Crazy/Cargo Cult shit. Her ass fucking knew what all of this stuff is and what it was supposed to do, but had no clue how to use it. That was some Queen of Versailles nonsense. She's not dumb, she's just incredibly spoiled. It's like before you learn how to drive, you never pay attention to how to get places. That's Kasey's whole life.

If they hadn't been on a working ship that needed someone to actually get things done, they could have just fucked with her and told her it was all voice activated, but only in Italian.

Edited by HunterHunted
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'd just like to add that if Hannah were doing her job seamlessly, maintaining an even and professional decorum,  and exhibiting  courteous and exemplary behavior to guests and crew, she would'n't have a job with Bravo.  lol 


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

You keep saying, "that's life."  If people kept saying shit like that, women wouldn't have the right to vote and black people would still be slaves because at those times, "that's life," and even though it wasn't right or fair, "hey, that's life."

How much older is Hannah than Conrad?  I don't think it's the same as Demi and Ashton. 

Because trivial situations and concerns can't be that much of an issue at my age! I'm more concerned with much more serious issues going on right under our noses, but we don't seem to care! Social media has taken over and the MSM would rather concentrate on the sensationalism of one idiot in power and the "going ons" of Jay Z, Beyoncé, & The Kardashians! ;-)

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On 6/29/2018 at 11:38 AM, dosodog said:

Hi DEBBIEM4!  My name is Dosodog.  May I sit next to you at the lunch table of "we see you Hannah."?

I have cotton candy grapes to share.  :)

Absolutely!  I think there's probably lots of room, but that's fine - More cotton candy grapes for us!  (I'll try to come up with something that sounds like fun too.)  :-)

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I know I’m late to the party but I actually thought this was kind of a boring episode. I tried watching it twice and fell asleep both times.


JWOWW van der Sloot. Love it.

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On 6/28/2018 at 10:27 AM, jennylauren123 said:

That is not a phrase you think up on the fly. Which is disturbing, because it means he has either thought it before or even said it before. Horrible that he has a phrase like that ready to utter when he thinks the need arises. Yikes.

I had to google it to make sure but, it’s an established ? “insult” or whatever already, so he’s not original in his gross slur choice. It goes back to 2005! Warning: offensive material for sure! Disgusting, actually. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=cock-juggling%2bthunder%2bcunt&amp=true

I’d never heard it before Joao. It’s from a movie, apparently. 


Edited by Rebecca
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On 6/30/2018 at 4:58 PM, Fiero425 said:

Because trivial situations and concerns can't be that much of an issue at my age! I'm more concerned with much more serious issues going on right under our noses, but we don't seem to care! Social media has taken over and the MSM would rather concentrate on the sensationalism of one idiot in power and the "going ons" of Jay Z, Beyoncé, & The Kardashians! ;-)

Perpetuating denigrating stereotypes about women isn’t trivial to everyone. And if there’s much more pressing issues, no one’s making you stick around a message board about a TV show. :-)!!!!! :-)!!!!!

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On 6/30/2018 at 11:44 PM, Rebecca said:

I had to google it to make sure but, it’s an established ? “insult” or whatever already, so he’s not original in his gross slur choice. It goes back to 2005! Warning: offensive material for sure! Disgusting, actually. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=cock-juggling%2bthunder%2bcunt&amp=true

I’d never heard it before Joao. It’s from a movie, apparently. 


If he's quoting Blade: Trinity, he's more than a misogynist, he's a nihilist. The only thing redeemable about that movie are the cast stories about how screwed up the production was and the commentary track, where David Goyer talks about his process and inspiration, but doesn't realize he's directed a mess. No one in their right mind would quote that movie because the movie is terrible and dumb.

Now that you've reminded me that the insult is from Blade: Trinity, it even comes across as kind of misogynistic in the film. Ryan Reynolds is recounting to Parker Posey how she tortured, raped him (I think it's implied), and turned him into a vampire against his will. But at no point does the movie make it clear that Posey's character does this with lots of men. There's an element of slut shaming in the insult that makes absolutely no sense in the movie because there is never any info about Posey's character's sexual past except for this scene. And there is absolutely an element of slut shaming in the insult. So if Joao learned the insult from Blade: Trinity and decided it was aces, he is misogynist and a moron with terrible taste. I mean just so terrible.

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On 6/27/2018 at 4:16 PM, Gem 10 said:

OMG .. these parent - grandparent stories crack me up.  Reminds me of growing up.  My mother always told me about the underwear and hospital bit.  Hahaha.  Anybody ever get the “Ex-Lax” and told it was chocolate candy?

Do you mean the chocolate laxative AYDS.. AYDS lost its lustre after AIDS. Unfortunate name

oops, apparently it was a diet suppresent ..UM.. Ironic

Edited by JennyMominFL
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1 hour ago, JennyMominFL said:

Do you mean the chocolate laxative AYDS.. AYDS lost its lustre after AIDS. Unfortunate name

oops, apparently it was a diet suppresent ..UM.. Ironic

Yes, an appetite supressant.  My mother used them, and I would get into those too, lol.  

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I'd just like to add that if Hannah were doing her job seamlessly, maintaining an even and professional decorum,  and exhibiting  courteous and exemplary behavior to guests and crew, she would'n't have a job with Bravo.  lol 

So true...just look at poor Colin and the airtime he gets.

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I'm pretty sure Sandy's new demeanor this season is entirely producer-driven. She's playing an obviously scripted role (favoring jwow and Kasey) just to get under Hannah's skin and have drama.

I think jwow, Hannah and Adam are jerks in real life. There's something about spending much of your life traveling the world on luxury yachts that distorts people's perceptions of their own importance. Add cameras and the lousy attitudes ratchet up.

Brooke is unintentionally funny, going from a weepy heartbroken mess to cornering Jaoa with a stern demand TELL ME WHERE I STAND RIGHT NOW.

Not sure I'm buying Jaoa's portrayal as a skirt chaser.

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 6/27/2018 at 9:44 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't understand why they seem to think that a salad is proper meal for their yacht guests, even if it is lunch.   It seems so cheap and lazy to me. Unless, it's specifically requested by the guests, I'd consider the salad a side dish and serve a true main course. 

For what they are paying, even at a  highly discounted rate, Adam's salads for lunch are very pedestrian at best. He's barely reaching fast food salad levels, and some of those blow his away (Wendy's summer salads are always very good and are my go to dinner while they have them). 


On 6/28/2018 at 1:17 AM, Giselle said:

 Rah Rah Sandy wants honesty from her crew but is only fishing for yes men answers. The only one who gave her an honest opinion at the crew meeting was Hannah and that wasn't good enough for Sandy. Glad Hannah stuck to her guns about how she felt.

Nice to know that Kasey wants to give "above and behind service" to the guests. That resume...man.

I loved when Kasey was chatting the guests up while they were in the hot tub and she asked if they wanted her to get them a "thing" of water. A thing of water! She's so dim she can't think of carafe, pitcher, or bottle? If anyone serving me anything referred to it as a "thing" of said item, I'd be giving them the side eye and commenting on it the second they walked away. 

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On 6/30/2018 at 12:43 PM, scenicbyway said:

Sandy's treatment of Hannah is just bizarre.  Did Hannah dump Sandy at some point?  It just makes no sense to compliment Casey who's only in charge of laundry and making Sandy's bed in front of the crew three times.  To be fair, Casey has improved from the first charter, she's no longer constantly throwing up.


i don't see Hannah as a bad manager.  Sandy is unfairly targeting her, Joao is threatening her, Casey is lazy and she never knows which Adam she's going to get when she walks into the galley.  Conrad,  Sandy. Adam and Brooke should've been told about Casey lying because her work can directly effect the charters.


Brooke is a terrible judge of character.  Of course she likes the jerk Joao when nice Collin is in the wings.

A good manager doesn't run around the office, or in this case boat, and talk shit about their subordinate to anyone that will listen.  

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On 7/6/2018 at 2:23 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

A good manager doesn't run around the office, or in this case boat, and talk shit about their subordinate to anyone that will listen.  

Eh, I go back and forth here, as said subordinate has been impacting all the jobs on board for weeks because of her lies about her experience. 

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I don’t blame Hannah for being mad that one of her staff is woefully inadequate (and lied on her resume). However it is unprofessional to discuss it with the rest of the crew, and reflects poorly on Hannah. 

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2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

I don’t blame Hannah for being mad that one of her staff is woefully inadequate (and lied on her resume). However it is unprofessional to discuss it with the rest of the crew, and reflects poorly on Hannah

I'm quoting you, but it could have been someone else, and earlier ;)

When your tip and your job depends on eachother, no, I disagree... They had to step in to cover her tasks, share the tip, etc, so, yes, in THAT case, it's not... How can I say it.. Ok, it's not "gossip", it's "information", if that makes sense... ;)

Edited by Diane Mars
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Part of being a good manager is discretion.  When you have a problem with a subordinate you do not go running around discussing it with any and everybody.  If it was information that needed to be shared with the entire crew that should have been left to Sandy and taken place in a staff meeting, not Hannah scurrying around the halls gossiping.  Hannah talking to Conrad about it as the head of another department that it impacted would also be acceptable, but not Hannah gossiping to Conrad the guy she's trying to get to motorboat her.  

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23 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Part of being a good manager is discretion.  When you have a problem with a subordinate you do not go running around discussing it with any and everybody.  If it was information that needed to be shared with the entire crew that should have been left to Sandy and taken place in a staff meeting, not Hannah scurrying around the halls gossiping.  Hannah talking to Conrad about it as the head of another department that it impacted would also be acceptable, but not Hannah gossiping to Conrad the guy she's trying to get to motorboat her.  

Horrible management trait.  Hannah needs to dismount that high horse, and find herself a job with the authority to actually fire someone, rather than boil and 'stew' over not having that ability, and airing the dirty laundry.  The point Sandy was trying to make to her, was that rather than continue to rehash the issue ad nauseum, learn how to cope and make the best of it, train the offender as well as you can, and move the f*ck on.  That is what makes a good manager.

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4 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The point Sandy was trying to make to her, was that rather than continue to rehash the issue ad nauseum, learn how to cope and make the best of it, train the offender as well as you can, and move the f*ck on.  That is what makes a good manager.

exactly. Rehashing the resume thing is pointless. Now we know what we know, she isn't getting canned, so deal with it. It's tiresome to keep WHINING.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The point Sandy was trying to make to her, was that rather than continue to rehash the issue ad nauseum, learn how to cope and make the best of it, train the offender as well as you can, and move the f*ck on.  That is what makes a good manager.

Except that what was frustrating Hannah at that point was Sandy praising her at  the tip meeting even though her work isn’t actually up to snuff she is just kissing up to Sandy and since we never saw Sandy address the issue of lying on the resume or actually ask Hannah and others about her work she decided to praise her because she asked her what she liked in her coffee and is actually really bad management of both Hannah and whats her name.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Except that what was frustrating Hannah at that point was Sandy praising her at  the tip meeting even though her work isn’t actually up to snuff she is just kissing up to Sandy and since we never saw Sandy address the issue of lying on the resume or actually ask Hannah and others about her work she decided to praise her because she asked her what she liked in her coffee and is actually really bad management of both Hannah and whats her name.

The sooner Hannah realizes that her approval of Sandy's methods isn't a requirement, the better off she'll be though.

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On 6/26/2018 at 10:27 PM, AttackTurtle said:

For the life of me I don’t get the attraction to Casey.  She comes off as incredibly entitled and slow.   Physically, I honestly think she is the least attractive girl on the boat.  

Amen.  I don't think she's even remotely cute.  Just a thin blonde.  Even though she's young, her skin looks funky.   Looks oddly ashened.  

And what the fuck is it with her and the need to have someone fight for her like her dad did with the mom?  Looking at the photos, my guess is mom blew off dad or a long time until she realized she wasn't going to find a better looking sugar daddy.

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On 6/26/2018 at 6:37 PM, FrankieTankie said:

I don’t care what anyone says Hannah is a super bitch .... jwow is douchie but Hannah is a piece of shit .... all she wants to do is start shit and run her mouth and she’s got her lil puppy dog Conrad wrapped around her finger .... he’s such a pussy 

No, he's more of a penis than a pussy. A pussy is strong and can take a beating, on the other hand a penis is a weak, wimpy thing that falls to it's knees at the slightest tap.  I never understand when people call someone who is weak a pussy, the penis is the weak one. 

Sorry, just my own personal opinion. 

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On 6/27/2018 at 3:33 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

The dark hair was not flattering at all imo.  It was so thick/heavily styled that it almost looked like a wig.  He looked far older than his age, which may have been the point.  No mention of his relationship status, at least not that I saw.  I assumed Andy didn't want to spill any beans.

I’m sure Hannah is sucking him dry like a spider if they’re still together.

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19 hours ago, Maharincess said:

No, he's more of a penis than a pussy. A pussy is strong and can take a beating, on the other hand a penis is a weak, wimpy thing that falls to it's knees at the slightest tap.  I never understand when people call someone who is weak a pussy, the penis is the weak one. 

Sorry, just my own personal opinion. 

Dang I'm glad to have wandered into this thread today.  Best observation ever.

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On 6/29/2018 at 4:12 AM, HunterHunted said:

Joao has now apologized for his behavior. I guess when he saw that people were speculating who would play him in a true crime movie when he eventually murdered his girlfriend, he realized that his behavior was out of line.

Of course he only apologized to Sandy and not the women to whom he has been an abusive misogynist.


Congrats to Sandy for playing this so fucking wrong.

He's deleted his entire account.  Gee, I wonder why.

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