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S03.E23: Battles Lost and Won 2018.06.18


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This was a very safe finale.

There was no real reason why James had to out himself as Guardian, but ok if it makes people feel safer then go for it?

Erika Durance looks AWKWARD flying, they couldnt even keep her frame lol.

Pop culture references don't really work with Kara saying them, it just doesnt flow well.

J'onn and his dad has to be the longest goodbye ever. On Arrow characters dont get to say goodbye to each other before they die, on Supergirl we get like 5 episodes of them dying and saying goodbye. Ok wait....did J'onns dad dying seal the earthquake thing? This whole storyline was just so lackluster. Thank god it is over but wow he was just wasted the entire season. J'onn dad fades into oblivion in order to stop the earth from cracking? It was just....sure...

Brainy and Saturn Girl return just so SG can have a proper "goodbye" with Mon-El while Brainiac has to switch places with Winn to save the future because they just stopped one plague but another took its spot except this one kills A.I.s which I guess the future is littered with? Brainy has to run away instead of fighting it head on and helping save his people? Winn MUST switch places with him because Winn is a super genious and of course the future would be destroyed if Mon-El isnt there. The Legion of Superheroes cant operate properly with out afteralll. 

This whole Alex and "I need a kid" storyline....


Alex's storyline could've been a bit better if she had gone through some near death experience. But I love that Alex goes "I want to step back and start my life" so J'onn goes "no...I want to start MY LIFE, and you take MY PLACE!"

The whole Reign/Sam storyline started off REALLY strong but it ended just really mediocre. Her Canary Cry effect is so damn good. Arrow needs to rip them off. But the entire fight scene with her and everyone was lackluster, it needed way better choreography. But we had some people die because it is a battle and then that? Supergirl doesnt even mourn them because she knows she can just go back in time so the scene carries zero weight. And what happens? How do they defeat Reign? Kara goes back in time just so they could Wicked Witch her? Throw some water on her and she melts. She's destroyed, they saved the day. Everyone lives, everyone is happy.

I was really wanting a knock out, dragged out fight betwen Kara and Reign. I wanted them to rip off Buffy, Reign has to die and Kara is ready to throw out her morals to do what has to be done but she cant so she immobilizes Reign and then we couldve had J''onn or Alex off Reign. 

Why couldn't they just steal this? Yeah it was basically the superior version of what we got on SG but SG needs all the good storytelling it can get.

So what is the moment where Kara decided that Earth is her home vs. just dipping out to Argo?

We alreazy got Bizzaro Girl so what is this?

  • Love 3

So, that was a finale. They effectively got rid of half the cast, James outed himself as Guardian and will definitely run into trouble as CatCo James and as Guardian James, and Alex has been promoted, which may mean less Alex on the field.

Alex's whines about wanting to be a mom? Jesus effing Christ, did the writers watch the first half of the season here? Or the rest of the show? Come on. Alex's complaining about taking forever to meet Maggie and feeling like she'll never be a mom and she'll never find love again or whatnot? Seriously, what a stupid and ridiculous subplot for Alex. It undermines her as a woman and as the character we've known for three seasons. I can't believe they're going full steam ahead on Mommy Alex, as if she's running out of time. She's not some forty year old woman, here. I get she's involved with a dangerous job, but she doesn't need to be a mother RIGHT NOW and seriously, she's had a total of one relationship with a woman, and suddenly it's "I might never find love again with a woman who wants kids"? 

OTHERWISE, it really was a decent finale. I teared up at Winn's goodbye at everyone. FINALLY Kara and Winn actually get to have a conversation with each other, even if it's only ten seconds. It only took all season for it to happen. Too bad they never utilized it before and they seemed to go all gung-ho on James/Winn. However, what a neat exit for Winn, and it doesn't mean he's fully gone. And he took Mon-El with him, though I actually grew to like Mon-El. At least them and Imra will have fun future adventures together. And it seems like Brainy's sticking around to work at the DEO. How...random.

I'm not disappointed Sam survived, because she took Ruby away! I didn't mind the way Reign died, either.

J'onn's gone to find himself, but he's not gone-gone. I'm ok with him figuring his life out, especially after his father's death.

Lena lies about the rock stuff, which is no surprise. 

I don't know what that ending was. A second Kara?

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, opus said:

I'll just sit here quietly till someone smarter than me comes along and explains the ending.

I assume the rock is actually Black Kryponite, which splits Kryptonians in two, one good and one evil.   

So sick of the baby rabies.  But not as sick as I am of the 'I will not kill' shit.   It's one thing to have a hero refuse to kill some thug or nutjob who killed a member of their family.  It's another to build up a villain so powerful that they can't be stopped who's leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake and the hero to put on their halo and say even evil incarnate shouldn't be killed.

Lena is shady.  That's original.  

  • Love 9

 They effectively got rid of half the cast, James outed himself as Guardian and will definitely run into trouble as CatCo James and as Guardian James, and Alex has been promoted, which may mean less Alex on the field.

Alex being director could be interesting if she were more hands on and in the field than J'onn. But there basically indicating that Alex will be sidelined from the field so she's basically be standing around the DEO even more. Why are the writers so eager to sideline Alex from the action, when most viewers like Alex kicking ass, yet continue to push Guardian when he is polarizing at best. They basically want James to replace Alex as the main non-powered action character and I don't get why. 


MB even indicated Guardian will be working for the DEO so he will likely be getting action scenes that would otherwise go to Alex. 

It was good to see Mon-el leave. It makes much more sense than staying, which would just undue his growth. That last scene between Chris and Melissa was nicely acted.

I will miss Winn a lot. He was the most consistently likeable and in-character person on the show.

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, MarquisDeCarabas said:

I’m guessing next season is going to be their take on Red Son 

That's what I thought when doppel-Kara walked towards the Russian soldiers at the end.   And there was a plausible reason given as to why Superman wasn't able to help Kara & company.  And the season premiere should at least have Kara mentioning speaking to Clark about survivors from their home planet.

  • Love 3

Mon El studied Greek mythology in his months on Earth? Good to know.

Also good to know that Superman didn't show up because he was saving Madagascar.  I'm glad, I love real vanilla.

I knew that Winn and Mon El weren't going to be on the show next season but wow, the strings were showing glaringly during that storyline. That was some really bad writing.

One thing I've always hated about The Flash is the constant need to tell Barry that he's a hero because he needs constant propping or he gives up.  (That a problem the Legends and Oliver don't seem to have.) It looks like Supergirl has caught the disease because there was just so much "You're great, you're a hero" going on here.  Brainey to Winn, James to Winn (these two are understandable because he had to go to the future), Alura to Kara, Alex to J'onn, J'onn to Alex, Alex to Kara (why is it so amazing she stayed on Earth?  She's lived there longer than she lived on Krypton and it's not like she can't ever visit her mother), Kara to Alex and the worst was Mon El telling Kara that she handled it perfectly when she got both him and Alura killed and had to go back in time to do a do-over.

Alex:  It took me forever to find Maggie.  (Me;  You have to be thirty at the oldest, and you only came out about a year ago. That's not forever.) Is Chyler Leigh planning on another  pregnancy?  Is that why we have to get this out of nowhere storyline about Alex wanting a family.

So I guess that the villain next season is Evil Supergirl?  Mon El is gone and J'onn and Alex are sidelined. Who is going to be doing the fighting? Brainy?

31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Lena lies about the rock stuff, which is no surprise.

I've found that kids lie mostly because they feel that they can't be honest and tell the truth.  In spite of how useful Lena's kryptonite was to fight the World Killers and the black stuff she manufacture for ARGO, Kara Supergirl has been so against anything to do with Kryptonite and anyone having it that Lena was left with no alternative but to lie if she wanted to expand her knowledge.

  • Love 4

I feel like the writers don't know what to do with the Alex character. It's a shame.

The only thing they know how to do is sideline her from the action and main plot so she can whine about her personal life. I feel like the new showrunners don't have the same fondness for Alex that the original showrunners had and don't get why viewers like her. It's almost like they are deliberately finding ways to diminish her most interesting traits. 

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Maverick said:

I assume the rock is actually Black Kryponite, which splits Kryptonians in two, one good and one evil.   

So sick of the baby rabies.  But not as sick as I am of the 'I will not kill' shit.   It's one thing to have a hero refuse to kill some thug or nutjob who killed a member of their family.  It's another to build up a villain so powerful that they can't be stopped who's leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake and the hero to put on their halo and say even evil incarnate shouldn't be killed.

Lena is shady.  That's original.  

The "no kill" rule is so stupid because it's ego driven. 99% of the time, if the hero doesn't kill the villain they end up dead anyway, so it just means they're willing to stand by while a bunch of innocents are killed so they don't get blood on their hands. Flash was filled with that crap this season. Of course, the one time Supergirl supposedly kills someone, most of her friends and family are killed, therefore proving her right under the comic book code of the CW.

Lena is shady, but when she gets caught it's because she didn't want to deal with Supergirl's crap where Lena supposedly has to do everything she wants.

  • Love 2

That was odd. And surprising. I had been saying that Sam would die by the season of the season, and she got to live. Hopefully, she moves to a faraway farm with Ruby, because there's no reason for them to stay. Of course, Sam is entirely human. I probably misread the situation . . . I thought that she was from Krypton, and that "Sam" was developed over time, with "Reign" seething below. But she's human. And presumably, so is Ruby, meaning we don't get a Jon Kent/Superboy situation.

Poor Winn. I mean, I know he'll eventually fit into the future, but all those pop culture references are going to be wasted. Anybody got fanfic ideas as to which Legionnaire he'd get to interact with the most hilarity? I'm not hardcore, so the only one I can think of is Gates . . . perhaps the one guy more tetchy than Brainy. Also, he's a giant bug, albeit a cute one.

Kinda felt like the end of the series. Also thinking that there would be a swerve, and most of the characters' new directions would prove to be false somehow. Another Supergirl? Okay, then. Maybe a time remnant like Flash? @Maverick probably nailed it with black kryptonite splitting Kara in two. And now, let us whistle softly and pretend that wasn't based off Superman III. Or think that Lena put tar into the stuff. Once again . . . Supergirl doesn't smoke, right?

I don't think we'll be getting much CatCo next season. It's like CCPD . . . just holding back the main characters, at least in the eyes of the producers.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Well.. That was somn... Kinda weak that kara went back in time but w/e


1 hour ago, shantown said:

Legends? Time travel. The Flash? Time travel? And now Supergirl? Time travel. Getting pretty sick of that as a solution.

"There's only one thing I can do.......... time-travel!!!"

"DAMN IT, BARRY- oh wait, never mind."

and once again, Kara proves that Barry is the "only" idiot who can mess things up even worse while time-travelling.

2 hours ago, opus said:

I'll just sit here quietly till someone smarter than me comes along and explains the ending.


1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

We alreazy got Bizzaro Girl so what is this?


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't know what that ending was. A second Kara?

So, two Supergirls???    Oh God, please don't remind me of Countdown.

(OK, so it happened in the last issue of "52". but you get the idea.)

One of them time traveled into the future and worked with the Legion,

the other went to the bottle city and teamed up with Power Girl

(although I must admit, I really loved PG's version of the Nightwing costume).

1 hour ago, Maverick said:

I assume the rock is actually Black Kryptonite, which splits Kryptonians in two, one good and one evil. 


1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

So I guess that the villain next season is Evil Supergirl?

Oh good.  Evil Supergirl; much better.

This will give Melissa a chance to practice more of her evil posing that she did during the Earth-X storyline.

1 hour ago, MarquisDeCarabas said:

I’m guessing next season is going to be their take on Red Son 


1 hour ago, AD35 said:

That's what I thought when doppel-Kara walked towards the Russian soldiers at the end. 

Evil Russian Supergirl;  still better.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ketose said:

The "no kill" rule is so stupid because it's ego driven. 99% of the time, if the hero doesn't kill the villain they end up dead anyway, so it just means they're willing to stand by while a bunch of innocents are killed so they don't get blood on their hands. Flash was filled with that crap this season. Of course, the one time Supergirl supposedly kills someone, most of her friends and family are killed, therefore proving her right under the comic book code of the CW.


I'd say it's deeper than that, more like outright insanity. 99% of the time if a hero with a "No Kill" Rule kills they quickly turn into a bloodthirsty psychopath who kills anybody who catches their attention while at best throwing out a token "they did X! They deserve to die!" with X being any random bad thing no matter how minor. If you are unwilling To kill under ANY circumstances no matter how justified you are insane, that's all there is to it, especially if you turn around and start killing wantonly after finally being pushed that far.


If you're me a hero is three things:

1. Not referring to themselves as a hero and not approving of being called one, while genuinely being one. A person who calls themselves a hero is simply looking for adulation, not actually being one. A hero isn't born or made, a hero simply IS.

2. Helping people not because they can and/or should, but because they want to.

3. Being willing to kill. There's a big BIG difference between resorting to killing any random mugger who crosses one's path and killing a psychopath in order to stop them from committing an atrocity and/or who literally has gone out of their way to show that they can't be stopped any other way (I'm looking at YOU Batman! Kill the Joker already!)

Needless to say, I very very rarely see actual heroes anymore. Reign killing everybody didn't prove that Kara's "No Kill" Rule was correct, just that she was dumb enough to kill her in a way that let her thrash around like a wounded animal rather than just snap her neck or something. Then Kara ends up basically killing Reign anyway.


Lena is shady, but when she gets caught it's because she didn't want to deal with Supergirl's crap where Lena supposedly has to do everything she wants.

It's just like how Superman got all pissed off at J'onn and the DEO because they had Kryptonite, which was revealed the season after they had to deal with a bunch of Kryptonian supervillains trying to brainwash the whole planet. Now again, we've got Supergirl getting all pissed off at Lena making artificial Kryptonite right when they're having to deal with a bunch of Kryptonian supervillains trying to destroy all life on the whole planet. I hope this is another one of those "Lena looks like she's going evil but actually isn't" storylines and then they KNOCK IT OFF!

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 3

They're doing "Red Son", one of the more popular Superman Elseworld stories.  Except with Kara.

2 hours ago, opus said:

I'll just sit here quietly till someone smarter than me comes along and explains the ending.


For a hero that's supposed to stand on their own and be better than Superman, they sure love cribbing his stories.  

Hopefully we see Anatoli in Season 4.  It's a good season finale but I would've been okay if they killed off all those people.

  • Love 1

First thing we see next season will be the Waverider showing up right outside Kara's office. Damn it Barr I MEAN KARA! So, Red Daughter next season I guess? Could be interesting...maybe...

That honestly felt like a series finale half the time, with Winn and Mon-El leaving, Kara screwing with time, Alex deciding she MUST BE MOMMY, J'onn going off to deal with his stuff, and James admitting to be Guardian. But really, it seems more like a reason to get rid of the supporting cast for next season.

Is it bad that I am more sad about Winn leaving than anyone dying in this whole season? I know he can come back, but I love Winn, and JJ is such a great actor, and they were just noticing that, it sucks that they're seemingly writing him off now. His scenes were almost always my favorites this season, so now what next season? We just get second Kara and Alex acting like her womb is about to shrivel? Maybe they'll give James an actual plot again instead? His send off was nice at least, but I am super salty none the less. 

I know the show has always struggled with something for Alex to do, but this is just sad. Yeah, give her literally the most stereotypical trait for a female character in the history of ever, and have her totally abandon reality and everything we`ve known about her because of BABIES! Before she and Maggie split, she never mentioned babies, and even when they broke up, it was because she wanted kids eventually, not in the next six months or something, so why the obsession now? She isnt in her 50s, she still has plenty of time!

  • Love 12

So I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to this (or the past few episodes) so I’ve probably missed some of the important parts. Eh.

Damn I’m sorry to lose Winn! He’s finally gotten a chance to shine this year, and I’m really going to miss him. Hopefully Jeremy Jordan will come back for a few guest appearances next season. Having Brainy around could be interesting - at least, I hope it will, because without Winn there isn’t going to be much to hold my interest. No Jonn, no Cat, Alex watered down and sidelined... remind me why I still watch this, again?

Other thoughts:

  • J’onn rocked that fedora.
  • So after an entire season of build up they defeat the evil witches in, what, ten minutes? If it was that easy, couldn’t they have done it earlier and spare us the last half dozen episodes or so?
  • Alex has a severe case of baby rabies and J’onn retires. ‘Kay, show, whatever. Have you ever bothered to watch yourself before?

I’m glad to have a break from this show, because I can’t seem to find anything good to say about. Shame, really. It had so much potential.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

As soon as Supergirl turned back time I knew that would be the set up for the next season. 

I have it on good authority this will be the new opening number for next season:



But seriously, they saved all their SFX budget for this episode, and while the opener was okay, the resolution kind of was a wtf? moment. Glad Mon-El is gone, but sad that he took Winn with him. Then again, Winn hasn't gotten a decent storyline in a while (and he didn't even say goodbye or mention his mom?) J'onn going is also a big loss for the show.

Not looking forward to next season so far.

  • Love 2

This was such a weird finale. There was a lot of 'I don't know what's going on/this doesn't make any sense' in the second act. Plus, a time travel deus ex machina? Really?? To me, a lot of the conclusions for the characters in this last episode didn't line up with the rest of the season. Like most of it were last minute decisions.

And I wasn't a fan of the Kara/Mon-El pairing; but now Mon-El's arc seems like an even bigger waste of space if he was just going to leave AGAIN, and he and Kara weren't getting back together.

And I feel like the only person who didn't really have a big life change in the finale/season was Kara. And then in the last scene she talks about balancing Kara and Supergirl, but that was the story I wanted to see THIS season. I don't know if I'll be back next season to watch their attempts.

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2 hours ago, MarquisDeCarabas said:

I’m guessing next season is going to be their take on Red Son 

Could be, but unless they reveal that evil Kara went back in time to the Cold War era to get indoctrinated into Communist beliefs, then I'm not sure they can pull it off all that well. "She was with the modern day Russians for 3 months and is totally on board with anti-American rhetoric" doesn't quite have the same gravitas.

  • Love 5

That seemed ......... rushed.  And a lot of it didn't make sense.  And then it just dragged with the umpteen goodbyes.

Just what this show needed -- even more scenes with Sam lying down apparently unconscious.  Tremendous acting ability there.

How did Superman know to go to Madagascar ?

How come Kara demanded that Winn find her a disruption in order to travel through time --- only to simply fly straight up without Winn even saying a word to her.  Who knew that there was a disruption directly above National City all this time ?

Allura has been on Earth all of 5 minutes and yet has somehow mastered all her newly acquired superpowers in no time at all.  WTF ?

Reign makes some crack about "the Earth's core tried to hold me captive" -- how exactly ? 
There is nothing that can defeat her, but some dirt and rocks can easily trap her ?

Alex, talking to Lena about Sam: "She's a warrior for Ruby".   Ummm.  How about no ?

Why did Reign reveal how to kill her ?  "There's no one on this planet ..... of equal power ..... that can kill me."

Where did that sword come from that Sam stabbed Reign with ?  Was it a magic sword ?

What were those black ghost-like things that grabbed Reign and took her into the well of Lilith ?
I'm more curious why the Time Wraiths haven't been all over this episode.  What with the screwing with the timeline and all.

I'm getting really tired of the Black Canary-style acoustic weapons.  Can't they come up with anything else ?  At this point I would settle for the powers of the Shoveller from Mystery Men.
Interesting how everyone else was impacted by Reign's screams, but Kara barely flinched -- and she was right next to Reign.

Siberian Border --- border with what exactly ?  Narnia ? Wakanda ? Mordor ?

So, was Siberian Supergirl naked under that blanket ?  Or did the black kryptonite duplicate her outfit too ? 
Because she appeared to have bare shoulders, but also seemed to have shoes or boots on.  And where did she get that blanket ?

  • Love 7

Yeah, that was...strange.  Don't get me wrong, I was largely entertained by it.  Even if some of it really didn't make a lot of sense to me.

I like Brainy.  But I'm not sure I'd trade Winn for him though.  And I will also miss Winn/Mon-El goofy moments well.  But I suppose that makes some degree of sense for him to rejoin the rest of the legion in the future. 

Thought for sure Sam was going to buy it in that fight.  And maybe Lena having something to do with it, giving her an extreme guilt trip about it.  And then having Ruby stay with Alex next season.  But since Sam did survive, maybe she and Ruby can exit stage left now.

Guardian coming out pretty much nukes the CatCo thing, doesn't it?  I mean, Kara was hardly ever in her disguise for a lot of the season, and only a few times did we see James in his office.  With him outing himself, no way will be head of CatCo any longer, right? 

Baby rabies?  LOL.  You kids today.  :)   Yes, I am also tired of Alex pining for children.  But I do think it's kinda cool to see her in charge of the DEO.  And to have J'onn now out and about, free of the confines of the DEO structure. 

And so...Siberian Supergirl is probably going to be EEEEEEEEEVIL, right? 

  • Love 1

Unlike Star City, National City doesn't have an anti-vigilante law does it?  So James could still continue to run CatCo, like Lena runs her Corp while spending all her time being a scientist.

58 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Could be, but unless they reveal that evil Kara went back in time to the Cold War era to get indoctrinated into Communist beliefs, then I'm not sure they can pull it off all that well. "She was with the modern day Russians for 3 months and is totally on board with anti-American rhetoric" doesn't quite have the same gravitas.

They should have moved it to North Korea, which currently has the kind of indoctrination the USSR had during Stalin's reign.

  • Love 4

Well, that was a finale, I guess.

I knew about the Winn and Mon-El exits going in and I guess it was handled decently, but it basically feels like Winn is being replaced by Brainy and; as much as I love Jesse Rath; I'm not sure what is the point unless they're just run out of ideas or they're trying to save on budget and Jeremy Jordan is more expensive.  And really feels like Mon-El's return this season was just an excuse to the bring the Legion into the universe, and an overall waste of a character and Chris Wood.  It just felt like he went through similar beats and nothing really new came out of him and his relationship with Kara.

Meanwhile, Alex at least is the new director now, but that still doesn't change how horribly they've wasted the character this season.  And how long is J'onn going to be gone?  I haven't heard anything about David Harewood leaving.

I am surprised that Sam lived.  I won't be against her showing back up, but hopefully they'll leave Ruby behind.

James now outs himself as Vigilante, I see.  Meanwhile, Lena is beginning her likely future villain arc.

Alura is already gone as well.  The Dark Kryptonians all went out like punks.  The Argo City arc was a waste of time.

I will miss Carl Lumbly on this show.

I guess next season's villain will be Alternate (Red Sun) Kara.

Overall, a pretty disappointing season.  I do get a sense that the show realizes this, because it feels like they're trying to hit the reset button here.  We'll see if it works out.  But it wasn't a total bust, because it did bring in Imra and Amy Jackson, who is truly one of he most breathtaking women on television.  Really hope she starts getting more offers.

  • Love 6

Hey, if David Harewood and Jeremy Jordan want to cut their losses I'm not surprised. They doubtless have many projects they could pick up and have had three years of a regular paycheck (which is the real reason actors like this do TV). Brainy will not be a substitute for Winn though, unless they tone him down a bit. At the moment, he's super annoying (no pun intended).

I was one of the few who quite liked Mon-El and his hero's journey so I'll be sad to see him go, even though he's been too dour and angsty in the back half of this season. So now I think about it, I'm not too sad to see him go since he didn't have much to do lately but walk around in a silly costume and looked pained. 

Let's hope next season has plotllines that don't involve "witches", "magic" or villains being defeated by Fountains of Weakness in their own minds. Or whatever that Valley was. Idk and I don't even really care. The fact the conflict in this season was resolved by a last-minute addition to the topography of an imaginary valley just blows my mind and not in a good way. This is like that season of Arrow where everybody was fighting with MAGIC and WILL and it really really sucked.

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I thought Supergirl/Reign flew through the Legion's ship and it crashed in an explosion. I guess it was just "minor damage" and was ready to go again whenever Winn is ready to leave. For a second there I thought Brainy and Imra might have died in the crash since they weren't shown again for quite some time.

The Legion's ship did crash in an explosion after Supergirl/Reign hit it -- but then Kara traveled back in time, and the 2nd time through they never even went near the Legion ship so Imra and Brainy were fine.

2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I do get a sense that the show realizes this, because it feels like they're trying to hit the reset button here.  

They did hit the reset button already -- nearly everyone was dead, and then Kara traveled back in time. 

And not to ask a stupid question, but how come there weren't 2 Supergirls fighting Reign after the time traveling ?

2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

But it wasn't a total bust, because it did bring in Imra and Amy Jackson, who is truly one of he most breathtaking women on television.  Really hope she starts getting more offers.

Totally agree -- having both Amy Jackson and Katie McGrath on this show really helps look past the glaring plot holes.

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24 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:
52 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I thought Supergirl/Reign flew through the Legion's ship and it crashed in an explosion. I guess it was just "minor damage" and was ready to go again whenever Winn is ready to leave. For a second there I thought Brainy and Imra might have died in the crash since they weren't shown again for quite some time.

The Legion's ship did crash in an explosion after Supergirl/Reign hit it -- but then Kara traveled back in time, and the 2nd time through they never even went near the Legion ship so Imra and Brainy were fine.

That is what bothered me about the scene, in Supergirl's mind they show her rewinding time, including seeing the Legion ship explosion. But where they show time start again and diverge was after the Legion ship explosion, so that didn't necessarily convince me that that didn't happen since she ends up in exactly the same place as when it did happen. I hate when any TV show uses time travel to get out of a sticky situation. I was kinda hoping that Brainy and Imra dead, I would love to hear Kara talk her way out of that one to Mon-El.

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It was all a bit lacklustre, but there were a few really nice scenes.

I liked the scene where Mon-El said goodbye to Kara. Nice acting.

Really liked the scene where J'onn promoted Alex.

Loved Alex's goodbye to Winn. Was really sweet.

Overall, this season has been hit and miss, the strongest part easily being the first few episodes after the January break.

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 I'm a Karamel fan, and I know there's not many on this site, but tough.  I'm going to rant.  Their ending was written shitty (I usually substitute an asterisk for the "i" when I write that in a post but this called for the full blown word).  The writers really dissed the fans after teasing us over the last 3-4 episodes with tons of Kara/Mon-El angsty will they/won't they scenes.  Yeah, I read the spoilers that Mon-El was going back to the future.  I prepared myself and was sure they would give their fans ONE scene where they declare their love for each other before parting, one kiss...some sign of affection.  Especially after the Mon-El/Imra scene where it seemed they were definitely breaking up.  Instead, Mon-El gives Imra, and Kara gives Winn hugs, but there's no touching WHATSOEVER in their scene on the balcony.  What the hell?  Speaking of that scene, Chris acted the hell out of it.....Melissa not so much.  She looked like she was saying goodbye to the janitor.  Maybe she was told to downplay it, I don't know.  Anyway, what a crappy way to treat the fandom.  I know there were a LOT of viewers that didn't like Mon-El, and I think the show was scared off by the negative comments, but they also had their share of fans, and the show owed it to us to at least write a decent farewell scene.  I mean, he was forced to leave at the end of Season 2, but we all knew he would eventually be back.  If he is now written off forever, I don't think they conveyed that very well in their final scene.  They should have professed their love, said they would never forget each other, wish each other a long and happy life, and kissed or hugged.  But the way they did it, there's a question mark for me...might he be back?  Did anyone else feel that way?  Stop giving hope, writers, if there's no hope.  

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7 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I knew about the Winn and Mon-El exits going in and I guess it was handled decently, but it basically feels like Winn is being replaced by Brainy and; as much as I love Jesse Rath; I'm not sure what is the point unless they're just run out of ideas or they're trying to save on budget and Jeremy Jordan is more expensive.  And really feels like Mon-El's return this season was just an excuse to the bring the Legion into the universe, and an overall waste of a character and Chris Wood.  It just felt like he went through similar beats and nothing really new came out of him and his relationship with Kara.

It was Jeremy Jordan's decision rather than the show dumping him (he's on recurring status for next season). Stage actors have a love/hate relationship with TV shows: they like the steady work and the pay but it doesn't feed their soul the same way being on a stage does.  JJ had an impressive Broadway career before Supergirl, and I believe his wife never moved to Vancouver to be with him.

The plan (so they say) was to have Mon El on the show for two seasons only.  Beats me why they wrote Mon El as such an OTP for Kara when they knew he was leaving.

I wonder what the plan is for J'onn. I'm assuming that he's still a regular just on walkabout unless David Harewood wants to move back to England. He has two young children.

Edited by statsgirl
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I'm sad about Winn he was the comedy on this show. I really hope J'onn isn't leaving because Harewood is one of the best actors on the show. I 'm happy to see Mon-el go, I have never liked him and his very presence was always a reminder of James getting shoved to the background and the reason I belive that happened which still leaved a bad taste in my mouth. Hopefully James will move back toward the forefront as he was the original romantic male lead after all. They could go some interesting places with the Gaurdian stuff. And with Lean possibly going evil who knows he may even get another shot at Kara lol.

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19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The plan (so they say) was to have Mon El on the show for two seasons only.  Beats me why they wrote Mon El as such an OTP for Kara when they knew he was leaving.

Once they brought Mon-El back with a wife, that's what I began to think, too.  Whether that was how it was always planned, I don't know.  

2 minutes ago, mommalib said:

They could go some interesting places with the Gaurdian stuff.

Really?  It's never been interesting, so why would they start now?

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