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S10.E11: Faux Weddings and a Funeral

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How old is Tinsley again?  The wedding dresses she was trying on were meant for a younger woman, no?  She looked kind of creepy with her frozen face/hair, peering out from that veil and shrieking with delight.  It's amazing to me how these NYC women (most of them, anyway) can't accept that they're aging.  When are they actually going to be able to enjoy their lives without worrying about every calorie they're consuming?  Other than the ones contained in alcohol, that is.

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16 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm now picturing Tinsley taking a used condom from Scott and squeezing its contents into a specimen cup which will be messengered over to her doctors office STAT

You in danger Molly (Scott) RUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!


Unfortunately , I don’t think he could run fast enough or far enough away.  Not with the Tinsley Twits on his tail - one with a lasso and the other with the container of frozen eggs.  Scott is doomed.

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39 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Where they at the actual funeral or where they just outside?

They were outside of Bobby's memorial.

28 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

With the exception of making the girls know it is absolutely okay to drink in front of Luann...Dorinda isn't going to give up cocktails for anybody!

Dorinda asked Luann if being around the others while they were drinking would be a problem for her and Luann told her No, so she was passing on that info to the rest.

51 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

So does this mean the car scene with Dorinda and Ramona was filmed AFTER the funeral?  Now we are recreating funeral scenes? Gross.i

eta:  On rewatch, Dorinda has white pants on in the car, so she clearly was not on her way to the service.  God Bravo. 

I suspect this photo was from Bobby's Funeral. What we saw tonight was from his Memorial.

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13 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

After seeing this episode, and more of the "Dale and Tinsley Delusional Hour" than I ever care to see again, I can totally understand why Tinsley acts like an immature 20-something.  I think Dale prefers and encourages that behavior, so that either she can control Tinsley, or so that she can feel like a younger woman herself.

Geeze, if I EVER interfered between my daughters and their boyfriends like Dale did, I’d be in big trouble.  BTW, who supports Baby Tinsley?  Trust fund?  The screeching is annoying between the both of them.

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4 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

 BTW, who supports Baby Tinsley?  Trust fund?  The screeching is annoying between the both of them.

I’m assuming part family money part money from 16 years of marriage, investments, she had her own handbag line and other stuff that was HUGE overseas in Japan I think. A lot of people  A B and C string celebs make ALOT of money in the Asian market

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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33 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Dorinda saying she is going to change because of what happened to Luann. Nah. No she will not. She likes drinking too much. And WTF with them making fun of Luann with the mugshots. Really Tins? I bet she didn’t think it was funny when she got arrested. 

I’m glad Lu went to rehab but I hope she apologizes to the policeman she kicked and who got his face slammed  in the door. Poor guy. 

Nice to be “somebody”.  If it was one of us, forget it!

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I am amazed that Carole admitted that she hadn't seen or spoke to Adam in two months. It really does seem (not surprisingly) like she trained for and ran the marathon because Adam was, as a way to keep him in her life. It looks like as soon as the marathon was over, so was her contact with Adam. I wonder what the editor of Cosmo would think if she watched the episode and saw that Carole hadn't even started the article for the mag when she was on the phone with her. Mind you the article was pretty sophomoric, so maybe it would not be a surprise. When the ladies were in the gym and Carole was flirting with the young guy with the dreadlocks I thought "There is Carole's next boyfriend". 

Poor Lu. She spends NYE 2016 getting married to TomCat, and NYE 2017 alone in rehab. Somehow I think I feel more sorry for her spending 2016 marrying Tom. 

Tins and her mother? Yikes. The fake crying (no tears)  over Tinsley's eggs was a bit much. I wonder what Scott thinks, if he watched this episode of the wedding dress shopping. I do agree with others that Tinsley's desperation is linked to her ex having a child a couple of weeks after this episode was filmed. It appears that Scott and Tins are still together, but for the life of me I can't see what he sees in her. She is like a teenager in the body of a 40 something year old. 

Edited to add - RIP Bobby. You were a prince among men. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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3 minutes ago, ichbin said:

It was reported as the funeral, and the video footage here shows the hearse at the curb.

I stand corrected, Thank you. Then Bravo did have some of the HWs film in cars after all was said and done. Tacky but not as bad as some production tricks IMO. 

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Bethenny chartering the private plane to make a big show of going to Bobby's funeral reminded me of Jill taking Bobby's private plane to surprise Bethenny on Scary Island, except that I lean more towards Jill's intentions actually being good. 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Dorinda is the only one coming off likable and semi sane in this episode so far lol

I noticed that they didn't even put her in the episode until it was like 3/4s done.

54 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

BETHENNY. The Skinny?Girl?Jeans?are?FUG?. And of COURSE the samples were too big for her. And of COURSE she had to qualify that on camera.

People on here joke that Sonja likes free stuff but holy shit.  The show takes it to new levels.  Now it's all I can see.

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5 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Another thing about Tinsley and her egg shitcanery, when was the last time you called a doctor, the doctor answered the phone himself and had your information at hand to share with you?   "Glad you called Bronzedog!!  I was sitting here looking at your file, hoping to share this picture of your hemorrhoids with someone! How fortuitous!"

Yeah .. too funny.  A doctor answering the phone.  Usually, you have to leave a message and hope somebody calls back the next day.  Haha.

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38 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

How old is Tinsley again?  The wedding dresses she was trying on were meant for a younger woman, no?  She looked kind of creepy with her frozen face/hair, peering out from that veil and shrieking with delight. 

Way too much Botox, fillers, and work done, so scary looking.

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Can I just ask what the actual heck is with Sonja and now the shoe line? She doesn’t design them she doesn’t make them or produce them what is her actual role? I was gonna say it’s like Kyle and her by Alene Too but she actually owns the store and financially invest in the person making the clothes for her store and line. Other then slapping her name on them is she a spokes person what?  Cause she mentioned that she doesn’t own it so it “might” make her money. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Can I just ask what the actual heck is with Sonja and now the shoe line? She doesn’t design them she doesn’t make them or produce them what is her actual role? I was gonna say it’s like Kyle and her by Alene Too but she actually owns the store and financially invest in the person making the clothes for her store and line. Other then slapping her name on them is she a spokes person what?  Cause she mentioned that she doesn’t own it so it “might” make her money. 

She's fucked up and crazy.

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27 minutes ago, ichbin said:

Bethenny arrived at a funeral looking like Carmen Sandiego out widow's weeding the actual widow.  Is there some particular reason she doesn't seem to be passing up any opportunity to mention private planes this season?  I'm finding nothing amusing about her this season.  Hope she pulls her head out of ass before the season is over and rediscovers her wit and humor.  

Dale and Tinsley crying over those eggs came off like a bad SNL skit.  My friends and I used to go try on wedding dresses too...when we were in high school.  If I were to ask my adult daughter who is not engaged to go try on wedding dresses I think she would consider having me committed.  

Not only was Carol chomping on popcorn while conducting a business meeting, she was also picking it up with the same hand she just used to pet the cat. I love my cat, but I know where she rolls around too.  

Every time Doso lick my face, the voices of 2 children, echo through my head:


I love my dog, but my face does screw up when he "kisses" me.

24 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Nice to be “somebody”.  If it was one of us, forget it!

My father was not a drinker.  It was a rare occasion. On one occasion, my dad, decided to go out in the middle of a 4 lane 50 mph road and direct traffic.  Uh huh. 

He punched a stater when they tried to pull him out of traffic.  Uh huh.

No charges.  It was 1982.  He was also white.  But not a celebrity. So there you go. 

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27 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I’m really judgmental but can divorced women over 40 who are getting married again please skip the princess gowns and veils?  Have some dignity for crisake. 

I agree, but Tinsley is in a state of perpetual immaturity.  It's like her brain won't let her accept the fact that she is older than 26!  (Plus, she's not even engaged...why is she trying on ANY friggin' wedding dresses?  Especially when there are sooo many other things on which she and her Mom could have spent the day shopping in New York!)

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1 hour ago, lamujerdecente said:

Carole? You have ruined everything that is right in the world. I now officially am a Bethany shipper. Damn you. But sorry that shot of your nonexistent ass (you bragged about as a tagline) eating popcorn being a sloth thinking it’s cute in these times when many have nothing. “Allergic to deadlines.” Clown. 

But Bethany throwing out I Chartered a private plane makes her humble and like a comman man? How many people procrastinate when doing their jobs. She’s a writer that writes from home and admits to procrastinating (hell I am even guilty of it sometimes at work) she’s not rubbing it in anyone’s face or flaunting her “wealth” by doing this. Tons of people procrastinate every day. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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26 minutes ago, Portae said:

Bethenny chartering the private plane to make a big show of going to Bobby's funeral reminded me of Jill taking Bobby's private plane to surprise Bethenny on Scary Island, except that I lean more towards Jill's intentions actually being good. 

Or, at least, not completely self-serving or self-promoting.  Jill did that because it was probably expected of her for show purposes.

Edited by njbchlover
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Another episode in the history books. So much happened in this episode (learn something from this RHOBH) its outstanding.

Starting the episode with Bobbys funeral was very sad, we spent 4 years with him that it felt very weird that we came back for his funeral. I was surprised that it was such a small part of the episode, I honestly was expecting it to take up at least half of it but alas it didnt. I have to say that I was pissed that we didnt get to see Jill/Bethennys first major sit down since S3, I'm selfish so I felt that it was owed to us but I am guessing they didnt film because of Brynn tagging along.

I was laughing so much throughout the episode with Carole and the others making light of Luannes arrest, and yet at the same time when we flashed to Lu leaving rehab and talking to everyone on her drive home I felt for her as well. 

Tinsley is the right amount of sweet that I feel we need that doesnt give you a cavity, it's like we're on the verge of one but know just when to stop. Spending a day with her and Dale was hilarious. The wedding dress shopping was so cringe that it was funny, her shrieking about her eggs was as funny as it was sad "ITS MY CHILDREN! I want to frame them!" and she gave us the classic HW attempting to cry but not being able to squeeze anything out due to botox. 

I was disappointed that we didn't get anything more then 1 scene last episode of Tins/Sonja living together. I was thinking we'd at least get 1 full episode of out of it.

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I can’t figure out what is going on with Carole’s jeans. They look like pedal pushers with a deep cuff. Then it looks as if someone cut the legs off another pair of jeans, folded deeps cuffs at both the top hem and bottom hem, then stitched these to the pedal pushers. 

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44 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I stand corrected, Thank you. Then Bravo did have some of the HWs film in cars after all was said and done. Tacky but not as bad as some production tricks IMO. 

I'm willing to give production the benefit of the doubt. It's possible that the scene with Ramona and Dorinda was filmed after Bobby passed but before the memorial or funeral.


*edit* I just rewatched the scene again and they conspicuously never show Dorinda and Ramona walking into the funeral home. They show Bethenny, but as Ramona exits the car it cuts to a shot of the building.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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6 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I got that she and Bethenny have "made peace" but are still on shaky ground. As for Luann, she wondered if Luann was going to do her normal, I'm over it and moving on act but saw Luann really face reality and work to put herself in a better place. 

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3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I got that she and Bethenny have "made peace" but are still on shaky ground. As for Luann, she wondered if Luann was going to do her normal, I'm over it and moving on act but saw Luann really face reality and work to put herself in a better place. 

That blog post seems very hastily written and meant to retroactively cover her ass for her nastiness tonight and what looks like is coming next week. She’s always on Twitter while the show is airing so she has to know how badly it was playing tonight.

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1 minute ago, Pop Tart said:

That blog post seems very hastily written and meant to retroactively cover her ass for her nastiness tonight and what looks like is coming next week. She’s always on Twitter while the show is airing so she has to know how badly it was playing tonight.

Carole was on WWHL tonight so she couldn't be on twitter. Oh, and she repeated her feelings about Luann and how Luann is really facing the truth and making real changes in herself. As for her/Bethenny, she wasn't unkind about her but clarified the conversation she/Bethenny had at their sit down last episode and how she told Bethenny they need to talk face to face when she got back to NYC in 2 days because the text messages were too deep/intense for text messaging. 

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54 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I agree, but Tinsley is in a state of perpetual immaturity.  It's like her brain won't let her accept the fact that she is older than 26!  (Plus, she's not even engaged...why is she trying on ANY friggin' wedding dresses?  Especially when there are sooo many other things on which she and her Mom could have spent the day shopping in New York!)

Yeah! I mean I’m 98.7% sure this was a setup for the show, but even so... she could have had 100% as much princess dress up fun and looked 1075% less overly eager beaver if she had gone to try on ball gowns. 

Because now Scott is all trying to out-MPR raccoon the MPR raccoon by scaling Willis Tower with his bare hands...

Edited by ivygirl
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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

I agree, but Tinsley is in a state of perpetual immaturity.  It's like her brain won't let her accept the fact that she is older than 26!  (Plus, she's not even engaged...why is she trying on ANY friggin' wedding dresses?  Especially when there are sooo many other things on which she and her Mom could have spent the day shopping in New York!)

I know, watching Carole and Tinsley carrying on a conversation, I was watching with my mouth open.  Talk about a couple of cases of arrested development.  From the clothing to the body language to the voice affectations.  You would swear they were teens talking about boys if you didn’t know better.  

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1 minute ago, chewycandy said:

Oh, Carole. You are such a mean girl. You are in no position to be talking about what Luann wore in front of the judge, you always look hideous. Leslie Bibb was so charming on WWHL while Carole sat slumped and smirking with that terrible hair.

(claps) Yes! Everyone covets your jean cuff upon jean cuff jeans. Carole's "self esteem" essay starts with the MARATHON. As you would expect.

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