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S03,E20: Dark Side of the Moon 2018.05.28

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This was a very mediocre episode for what should've been a very BIG episode. 

Finding Argo City isn't something that you pair with 3 other storylines, this IS your story that you focus on full throttle. It isnt "oh...here's a planet...oh here's other Kryptonians...oh...here's my momma that is suppose to be long dead!...Imma just collect this rock and be on my way" This is a storyline that makes the audience go WHOA. It should be earned and this wasn't earned.

We didn't need Alex's boring storyline about some guy she never even knew wanting to exact revenge on her all of a sudden for his brother which just makes her realize "I dont need to have kids right now" Really? Did we really need this subplot, could you not just lump it in with the Reign subplot?

What did the DEO do pre-Winn? And did they need to have him bond with whatshername? Will it even lead anywhere good story wise?

And what is the promo for next week? It makes no sense with how this episode ended lol.

Edited by Primal Slayer
  • Love 20

Why bother have an object brought in by tractor beam and not have someone sent to investigate instead of shoot first? Just blow it up in space.

 After Alex was shot at and had the slowest detonating grenade ever created tossed to her, did J’onn really have to ask Alex if she was the intended target? Maybe in his mind: the hat seller had a no return policy, the guy got pissed and wanted revenge.

Poor Alex! After the writers humiliated her last week by being Ruby’s babysitter, this week they had to come up with this ridiculous plot and self pity. Now it’s Winn’s turn to keep Ruby entertained, next week it will be James watching her at Catco and after that Tessmacher.

Is this the councils first hearing of what Alura and Zor El did by sending Kara away?


55 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Has Erica been hitting the Botox?

Very noticeable. And the Botox hit back hard.

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 7

Good God, but Durance could barely move her face and she had the same expression for what I suppose was supposed to be a varying of emotions? 

And Alex? If every cop, federal agent and fireman, etc. thought the only choice was to quit their jobs in order to be a parent, then the world would have a dearth if people it needed to protect its citizens. It’s not an either or situation.???? But I get it: they’re sowing the seeds for Alex to become Ruby’s mom.??????

And WTF was that promo?

Sorry pod!Alura, but KAL-EL is Earth’s GREATEST HERO. Not your daughter, who gets her ass kicked on a daily basis.

Hearng Reign talk and talk and talk was like hearing the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons: WAHWAHWAHWAHWAH.

  • Love 5

There's always a resurrection of a presumed dead loved one. I guess it was expected the moment they recast Alura. But so far? Not all that impressed. Or maybe the episode in general was lackluster. 

I actually think I liked the solo Mon-El scene the most out of the Argo City plot. 

The Alex stuff seemed like filler. I didn't enjoy it all that much, either. Also, I can't say that I care about her taking on the Mom role with Ruby. I liked her and J'onn getting to share a scene together, but I simply couldn't like much of the context. 

Winn gets another subplot! Even though it's with Ruby, is only two scenes, and doesn't work all that well with the episode. I guess they had Winn and Ruby share something in common, as I always am pleased to hear more of Winn's POV, but I was relatively torn between his attitude toward Ruby. On the one hand, Ruby's annoying so Winn freaking out on her, even just through sleep deprivation, gave me a chuckle. On the other hand, Ruby didn't actually do anything wrong here and though the writing for the scenes were pretty bad, Winn was wrong in snapping so quickly. Oh well; it was just a badly written subplot, but it gave some good moments with Winn. Plus, this subplot is still more than he got in the first half of the season.

Not much new to the Lena/Reign subplot. Just a lot of time wasting in order for Lena's failsafe to not work.

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

 After Alex was shot at and had the slowest detonating grenade ever created tossed to her, did J’onn really have to ask Alex if she was the intended target? Maybe in his mind: the hat seller had a no return policy, the guy got pissed and wanted revenge.

Alex trying to dispose of that bomb reminds this old-timer of a classic super-hero movie:


"Some days you just can't get of a bomb," lol.

Erica Durance went from being the hottest Lois Lane (Smallville) of all to...this.  Sad.

The Martian Manhunter is dismayed that Alex doesn't wait for back-up and doesn't come to her aid until about...5 minutes later?

This show had so much promise.

  • Love 9

Well, I think Supergirl managed quite a feat here. Weaving together three or four different plot lines into one episode...and all of them dull as dishwater.

First of all, Argo City and Alura? Now? That's the kind of thing you do in a season finale, not a throwaway subplot of a meandering episode. On a separate note, I know they had to replace the original actress but I still fail to understand why they picked Erica Durance to play Alura. Dean Cain and Helen Slater were fine because they are meant to be stunt casting and are playing the same characters they always were but ED is just...well, I'll be polite and say distracting.

Alex and...whatever the guy's name was. What even was that? Did the episode run short? I mean, seriously, all of that just so Alex can decide...actually, I'm confused. Was Alex saying at the end she did still need to be a mom NOW or not?

Winn and Ruby. Hooray. Poor Jeremy Jordan looked so bored. And not in a Winn is supposed to be bored here way, I mean genuinely "am I really getting paid for this?" bored. And I'll give the actress playing Ruby credit. She is trying. She just doesn't have a lot to work with, and I still think they are directing her to act way younger than she can passably be. 

I found it odd that J'onn stood there and yelled when Alex took off. You're worried she might get in trouble? You do remember you can fly, right? I know Alex Danvers is a good agent and all but the day a human on foot can outrun a Martian is the day J'onn should pack up and go home. To be fair he did catch up to her, but only after it was dramatically appropriate.

Lena and Reign. So, the mighty World Killer has spent how much of this season in a box?

This wasn't a bad episode. It wasn't a good one either. It was pretty much the definition of filler. Which doesn't make much sense, especially considering how much was going on (or should have been) and how close it is to the finale. It is, right? Somebody tell me it is. How many episodes are left?

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Well, I think Supergirl managed quite a feat here. Weaving together three or four different plot lines into one episode...and all of them dull as dishwater.

First of all, Argo City and Alura? Now? That's the kind of thing you do in a season finale, not a throwaway subplot of a meandering episode. On a separate note, I know they had to replace the original actress but I still fail to understand why they picked Erica Durance to play Alura. Dean Cain and Helen Slater were fine because they are meant to be stunt casting and are playing the same characters they always were but ED is just...well, I'll be polite and say distracting.

Alex and...whatever the guy's name was. What even was that? Did the episode run short? I mean, seriously, all of that just so Alex can decide...actually, I'm confused. Was Alex saying at the end she did still need to be a mom NOW or not?

Winn and Ruby. Hooray. Poor Jeremy Jordan looked so bored. And not in a Winn is supposed to be bored here way, I mean genuinely "am I really getting paid for this?" bored. And I'll give the actress playing Ruby credit. She is trying. She just doesn't have a lot to work with, and I still think they are directing her to act way younger than she can passably be. 

I found it odd that J'onn stood there and yelled when Alex took off. You're worried she might get in trouble? You do remember you can fly, right? I know Alex Danvers is a good agent and all but the day a human on foot can outrun a Martian is the day J'onn should pack up and go home. To be fair he did catch up to her, but only after it was dramatically appropriate.

Lena and Reign. So, the mighty World Killer has spent how much of this season in a box?

This wasn't a bad episode. It wasn't a good one either. It was pretty much the definition of filler. Which doesn't make much sense, especially considering how much was going on (or should have been) and how close it is to the finale. It is, right? Somebody tell me it is. How many episodes are left?

Two, I think.

1 minute ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on.  That whole story line was just stupid.

That was strange. I decided it was somehow a result of the special suit Wynn made but that was mostly just conjecture since otherwise it made absolutely no sense (either way, it made almost no sense but a little is better than none.)

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on.  That whole story line was just stupid.

I thought I was seeing things or maybe that was really J'onn in disguise.  Alex maybe very highly trained and at peak physical skill, but that little stunt had me wondering if she was supposed to have super powers or not.

Edited by AD35
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on.  That whole story line was just stupid.

That scene was so ridiculous it completely took me out of the episode. I kept waiting for them to explain how she did that. What a joke! 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

That was strange. I decided it was somehow a result of the special suit Wynn made but that was mostly just conjecture since otherwise it made absolutely no sense (either way, it made almost no sense but a little is better than none.)

I was waiting for her gloves or something to light up when she did her magic Xena flip.

  • Love 3

How many more episodes left this season? Nice that we get something as canon as Argo City this late, and that Kara basically had to pick something up. Also, Mon cures a kid, and that bastard will probably be the Big Bad next season. On the other hand, other Supergirl canon might come to the CW, including Comet the Super Horse. I'm thinking the diehard fans would "settle" for Streaky, though.

Anybody else thinking that Argo City might prove to have been bullshit? I don't know, maybe built on Kara's memories? But if that was truly the case, we don't get the vote decider revealed as a Reign fan. And forgive me for the density on my part . . . Kara's mom is played by Erica "Worst Lois Lane Ever" Durance? Didn't know that, let alone know enough to make Botox cracks.

Still thinking Sam/Reign will die, still thinking Alex will more or less adopt Ruby. Also dreading Lena becoming a bad guy, because she has more potential as -- at minimum -- an amoral character.

Charcoal-disposing places . . . that's a thing?!? And they can contain a bomb?!? No, seriously, someone educate me.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, KirkB said:

I found it odd that J'onn stood there and yelled when Alex took off. You're worried she might get in trouble? You do remember you can fly, right? I know Alex Danvers is a good agent and all but the day a human on foot can outrun a Martian is the day J'onn should pack up and go home. To be fair he did catch up to her, but only after it was dramatically appropriate.


25 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on.  That whole story line was just stupid.

This was my takeaway from the episode.  J'onn doesn't do anything to help Alex except shout to her to wait for backup when he can both fly and fight better than anyone else, and then Alex does a ridiculous flip and takes out the guy.  None of that made any sense.

Oh, and the tease from Reign that Lena is going to turn EVUL.

53 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I actually think I liked the solo Mon-El scene the most out of the Argo City plot. 

I agree. And I don't even like Mon El.

5 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Anybody else thinking that Argo City might prove to have been bullshit? I don't know, maybe built on Kara's memories?

I kept waiting for that reveal. But no, it's true.

There are two more episodes left. They should have been building the tension to the season's finale, not throwing in a filler episode.

The actress playing Selena looked familiar.  Thank  you imdb, she was Djaq in the BBC's Robin Hood.

  • Love 2

So is the chunk of whatever not really the right thing? like did the decider reign lady actually give her something else to supercharge reign? Or is it going to kill her sort of so Kara leaves and then, oops, I wasn't dead after all! Destruction! Mwa ha ha ha ha!  

I just don't get it... Argo was so weird, it definitely felt like there was some trickery going on, like it was all fakely beautiful and is really a wasteland or something.

  • Love 8
47 minutes ago, roctavia said:

So is the chunk of whatever not really the right thing? like did the decider reign lady actually give her something else to supercharge reign? Or is it going to kill her sort of so Kara leaves and then, oops, I wasn't dead after all! Destruction! Mwa ha ha ha ha! 

Since she was the creator of Reign in the previouslies, I expect that whatever they gave Kara is going to make Reign stronger.

At least it will make an interesting twist.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

I'm sorry, but Alex and the world's most slowest grenade; ending with her just tossing it into a Hot Charcoal Dispenser; was the funniest damn thing I ever saw.  It was almost cartoonish to the point where even if it did blow up in her hand, she wouldn't have died, but would have just ended with the old "Wile E. Coyote" look of being covered in soot and smoke.  Not suspense there.  Hilarious!

But I'll take it over the rest of her stuff, which was basically her throwing a pity party and getting all dramatic because she's now "taking care of Ruby" and what does that mean if she dies?!  Barf!  I see they've just decided to make Alex into a whiner now for whatever reason.  Even her scene with J'onn felt short, despite the always reliable chemistry between Chyler Leigh and Dave Harewood. 

Holy recon, Batman... err, Supergirl!  Now, there are actually quite a few Kryptonians still alive, since they were able to create some kind of Argo City, and a select group were able to survive, including Alura of course.  Also the Kryptonian that is leading Reign is there too.  Oh, and Tim Russ!  Always great seeing Tuvok!

It's now Winn's turn to be stuck with Ruby.  Yep, I'm accepting that she's going to be around for a while, because it is now feeling like they're putting her with all of the regulars in order to ease her in as a bigger character next season.  I can't wait till next week when somehow James ends up babysitting her, and she helps him with his journalism!  That's assuming he will get more then one scene like he did here.  I guess having such a big episode last week was just too much for him!

They're totally setting up Lena to turn to the dark side thanks to Reign's blabbering.  It's the oldest trick in the book, but it somehow always works.

  • Love 4

Kara meeting her mom was emotional on Kara's end but not on Alura's.  I think the re-casting is throwing me for a bigger loop than I thought it would as I kept thinking "that's not Alura" whenever they were talking.  I keep thinking this Argo City is too good to be true and that it's all going to end up being a hallucination.  Something about it feels very off.  I agree with the other posters here that the whole reveal should've been a much bigger deal.

Alex's plotlines are so dull now.

I'm surprised they mentioned Zor-El at all considering that Kara so often only talks about her mom.  

  • Love 3

Yeah, Alura being alive and chunk of Krypton and its population surviving is not something to throw in a few episodes before the end of the season. We could have lost most of the Lena/Reign and the Alex subplot to spend more time with Kara and Argo city.

It's nice to see another, softer side of Alex; on the other hand, I really don't like her whining/worrying about what kind of mother she'll be - to me it seems out-of-character.

J'onn on Supergirl; Cisco on The Flash; who are the other overpowered characters that they have to find excuses (or not half the time) for them NOT to use their powers on the other comic shows?

  • Love 2

Pretty much everyone else hit all the high points of why this episode didn't work very well. One thing that really bugged me in addition was when Alex, Winn, and J'onn were trying to figure out who her mysterious attacker was, they didn't factor in that he had attacked with a very high tech grenade. I'd have thought that would have pretty well ruled out guys like "sheriff from backwoods town" and a couple of those other people.

(I still can't get over how that was just the lamest reveal ever. Even the "reveal" wasn't really one. "I recognize you." "No, that was my twin brother." Lordy.)

  • Love 10

Everything on Argo city felt so weird that I kept waiting for the big reveal that it was all a fake.

Supergirl's Mom barely seemed interested in seeing her daughter. Why are these people who are floating through space with a limited fuel supply not, like, super excited to find a survivor with a space ship and a new world they could live on?

  • Love 11

Silly question -- shouldn't the hunk of Krypton that Argo City was attached to have contained kryptonite ?  And shouldn't Kara have felt its effects ?

So much Ruby.  Ruby really is the Poochie of Supergirl -- when she's not on screen, all the other characters do is talk about her.
Look at Alex's 'I want a career but also want to be a mom' discussion with J'onn -- how will her decision affect Ruby ?  

Or the 'I can't be out there having someone trying to kill me while I'm taking care of Ruby' discussion.

Then there's the 'If Sam is gone, I am all Ruby has left' chat with J'onn -- really ?  Maybe let a family court decide before you claim Ruby like a lost puppy you found.

Of course Selina the Worldkiller whisperer is living on Argo City.  Does that mean that she has known about Earth all along ?  And never told Alura -- Alura will be surprised when she finds that out, her face won't be, but the rest of her will.

Is Argo City orbiting a ringed planet -- or was that just a projection on the dome covering the city ?

How come Kara didn't reveal to the council that in fact 3 Worldkillers followed her to Earth, and that she defeated 2 of them.  That would seem relevant to the conversation.

Where did the rain come all of a sudden on that rooftop ? The roof and ledge were dry when Alex jumped, but after she leapt up and took down the bad guy it appeared to have been pouring rain based on the large puddles on the roof.

Alura seemed positively underwhelmed that Kal-El was alive on Earth.

What was with Reign's weird arm movement in that Rocky 3 final moment between her and Supergirl ? 
After that freezeframe shot at the end of the episode I was almost expecting them to play 'Eye of the Tiger'.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 9
10 hours ago, KirkB said:

Somebody tell me it is. How many episodes are left?

Per TheTVDB, 3:


"Not Kansas," "Make It Reign," and "Supergirl Returns"

.  I'm really hoping for a Ray Palmer guest appearance in that last one :D .  (Spoilers are episode titles only.)


10 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on.  That whole story line was just stupid.

Because she's Batman.


9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Charcoal-disposing places . . . that's a thing?!? And they can contain a bomb?!? No, seriously, someone educate me.

On my one trip to Israel decades ago, I asked our guide what something near our dining patio was (it was labeled in Hebrew); he told me that it was, in fact, a place to get rid of a bomb.  Not saying that any old charcoal bin will do, but suitable receptacles actually do exist.


2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Silly question -- shouldn't the hunk of Krypton that Argo City was attached to have contained kryptonite ?  And shouldn't Kara have felt its effects ?

In the comics, Argo was slowly turning to Kryptonite and becoming lethal (I initially thought that was why the kid had the oxygen-esque machine).  I noticed the lower reaches of the Argo planetoid glowing green, so I'm guessing that the same is happening here.

My interpretation of the preview: Reign gives the impression of having been defeated by their plan, Kara goes home to Argo for vacation (and I am so hoping that she gets a new Kelex for the Fortress of Solitude, she does owe Clark a new robot after all), Reign revives and causes all sorts of misery with Kara away and Superman contractually obligated not to ruin the plot.

  • Love 3

I just hate the name "Ruby" so much now. That character is just a black hole of suck. And poor Alex and Lena and Winn and J'onn getting sucked into to that horrible horrible plotline. Please let her go off with long-lost dad or grandma or Sam who miraculously survived or something at the end of this season. I wish these writers would have learned by now what you should carry into the next season (character development, events that happened, etc) and what you should drop at the end (sucky characters).

Argo City should have been so much more (like others have said) - it should have been a midseason finale type bomb setting up the second act of the season. There's a lot there to deal with - remaining Krypton politics, the Worldkiller origin and controller, Kara reuniting with her mom after both thought the other was dead. There's so much story there and this was just kind of like "oh yeah" and kind of dropped. The way it was introduced as so ho-hum I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop - they're all evil, Mon-El and Kara are hallucinating, they're in a different time period, SOMETHING.

I don't know - everything in this episode was just so far off the rails (Alex's anti-gravity flip onto the top of a building?? WTF??) that I am just throwing my hands up in the air. I know it's a comic book series but COME ON. (sorry, rant over now!)

  • Love 4

Alura being alive and chunk of Krypton and its population surviving is not something to throw in a few episodes before the end of the season. We could have lost most of the Lena/Reign and the Alex subplot to spend more time with Kara and Argo city.

Agreed. That right there is worth a major storyline - it shouldn't be a subplot. And how many actresses have played Kara's mom at this point? Three? Four?

Kara moaning and groaning about having to pretend to be someone else on earth was pretty laughable  considering how little she has to do to disguise herself. Does she even work at Catco anymore? 

All the talk of Astra got me thinking about the first couple of seasons though, and how much better they were. 

I just don't think this show lends itself to having a season-long villain. Doesn't it seem like the whole Reign story has been going on forever?? Maybe that's partly because of the long break, but still. The show started out with a different villain every week, more or less. Having just one main villain the whole season long has felt like a total drag. At most this Reign thing should have been wrapped up mid-season. 

  • Love 6

Yeah, like everyone else has said, the discovery of Argo City and Kara's mom should have been a big season finale, or a midseason finale, or at least a major plot, and not just a Case of the Week story, in the middle of a bunch of other subplots. Or a multi episode story arc. How did they manage to make Kara realizing she and Clark arent the last of their kind so boring? Also, is she going to call Clark about finding this lost Kryptonian city, complete with members of his own family still alive? Or are we just going to ignore all this? Honestly, I spent the whole time waiting for this to be a mirage or something, it felt so weird and fake. 

In general, the theme of the episode is boredom. The Alex plot felt like total filler, and the only enjoyment I got out of this was laughing at the stupid effects and the ridiculous levels of silly with Alex flipping around and running in slow motion from bombs. That guy was the worst killer ever, how hard is it to take out one freaking person? And its just some guy whos related to some other guy? Did we have to suffer through all that tedium just to have Alex realize that her job is dangerous? And thats why she shouldn't have kids? Yeah, because thats why cops or firefighters or soldiers never have kids? Also, J'onn, maybe if your worried about Alex on the roof, maybe fly up to her? With those superpowers you keep forgetting you have?

Now even Winn has been dragged into the boring Ruby vortex? Seriously, why do they write her like an eight year old, instead of a twelve year old? She is almost a teenager, but a preschooler! I just dont care about her plots! The actress is really trying, and I appreciate that, but oh my God the boredom! 

The only parts I liked were Winn and Ruby bonding over have supervillain parents (even after Winn acted weirdly out of character earlier), Mon-El and the kid, and checking up on the Sheriff from the flashback episode. Oh, and seeing Tim Russ playing another logic based alien was cool. Those parts were pretty good. The rest was either boring, or a sad waste. 

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Erica Durance went from being the hottest Lois Lane (Smallville) of all to...this.  Sad.

Shallow pool time!

Maybe it is a function of my disdain for the character of Smallville Lois Lane/admiration for Chloe/contempt for the powers that be's desire to put their Lois in as many costumes as possible, but I'd put her pretty far down in the list.

Teri Hatcher, Amy Adams, Margot Kidder and Dana Delaney were all sexier IMO. 50s Lois Noel Neill probably also, except of course she was operating under the constraints of that era. 

Kate Bosworth is about the only Lois less attractive to me, and that might be a function of my hating Superman Returns.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Trini said:

It's nice to see another, softer side of Alex; on the other hand, I really don't like her whining/worrying about what kind of mother she'll be - to me it seems out-of-character.

So out of character.  Alex had a great mother herself, and once she pulled herself together was always successful at whatever she did. There's no reason she would be worrying about being an inadequate mother.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I just don't think this show lends itself to having a season-long villain. Doesn't it seem like the whole Reign story has been going on forever??

FOREVER.  It took a long time to make Sam a villain, which I can understand if they wanted us to feel sympathy for her, but it feels like the storyline has been treading water for ages.

  • Love 3

Oh my God, it feels like the Reign story has been going on for years! Its like we`re the ones trapped in the Phantom Zone, forever stuck in time watching Sam freak out and Reign try new evil leather poses. I get that they needed to build up Sam as a character and her instant BFF chemistry with Lena and Kara to raise the stakes and make her more tragic, but it feels like we`ve been hitting the same beats forever now!

Last  week, I was wondering what a Supergirl/Krypton crossover would be like, and how it would be cool to see Kara interact with other Kryptonians, including her 20 something grandpa, and a whole Kryptonian city, but if its anything like the Candor plot we got this week, I am suddenly less excited. It would probably be the boring B Plot of an episode where the A Plot was Alex taking Ruby to a movie and worrying about if she was spending too much money on popcorn to be a real mom or something.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I could have sworn there was another Alura in between - maybe just in a flashback or in a hologram? 

I don't think so. I remember reading here, how they were looking to recast because Laura wasn't available--I can't recall if it was due to her pregnancy or Broadway schedule. Then it was announced Erica Durance was cast. UGH.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:
17 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Erica Durance went from being the hottest Lois Lane (Smallville) of all to...this.  Sad.

Shallow pool time!

Maybe it is a function of my disdain for the character of Smallville Lois Lane/admiration for Chloe/contempt for the powers that be's desire to put their Lois in as many costumes as possible, but I'd put her pretty far down in the list.

Teri Hatcher, Amy Adams, Margot Kidder and Dana Delaney were all sexier IMO. 50s Lois Noel Neill probably also, except of course she was operating under the constraints of that era. 

Kate Bosworth is about the only Lois less attractive to me, and that might be a function of my hating Superman Returns.

Not being able to swim, I live at the Shallow end of the pool. ;-)

I'd forgotten how many different actors had played Lois, kind of supports my belief that it's always been one of the most difficult fictional characters to cast.

Had also forgotten about Teri Hatcher from back in the day, yeah she was nice.  The rest, meh.

9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Alura seemed positively underwhelmed that Kal-El was alive on Earth

I noticed that too.  She didn't even ask how Kal-El was doing, if he had a family, all the things an Aunt would want to know.

6 hours ago, Jediknight said:

I liked the Mon-El scene where he gave the kid the medical device

He's actually starting to grow on me, despite myself.  Still, he belongs back in the 31st Century with the Legion.  Surely his staying in the past would alter the timeline.  It'll be interesting to see if that comes up.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

So out of character.  Alex had a great mother herself, and once she pulled herself together was always successful at whatever she did. There's no reason she would be worrying about being an inadequate mother.

I actually wouldn't mind Alex freaking out over being a mother and a DEO agent if the writing had been strong enough. If seeing Ruby in this messed up situation prompted Alex to think about how rough it was for Kara to be raised by complete strangers, then so much the better. Shortly after Kara came to live with them, Jeremiah-a DEO agent, would "die" during a mission. Eliza seems to have retired from the DEO after Jeremiah's death. So there actually is enough foundation for Alex having these concerns. It's too bad that the show chose to forget these details.


FOREVER.  It took a long time to make Sam a villain, which I can understand if they wanted us to feel sympathy for her, but it feels like the storyline has been treading water for ages.

I still have a big issue with Sam's switch to Reign being involuntary. If they can't cure or contain her, they're just going to have to kill her. And that seems really messed for a person who just happened be born with a disease (the Reign powers and separate personality).

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I just don't think this show lends itself to having a season-long villain. Doesn't it seem like the whole Reign story has been going on forever?? Maybe that's partly because of the long break, but still. The show started out with a different villain every week, more or less. Having just one main villain the whole season long has felt like a total drag. At most this Reign thing should have been wrapped up mid-season. 

I think Reign was fine as a season-long villain/arc; my problem with it was that they went from Sam to Reign too fast. I think they could have waited a couple episodes before introducing (fully formed) Reign - because once that happened I knew it was just going to be mainly waiting or losses until the final defeat and/or resolution in the finale.


2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I'm also confused by the seemingly open door policy of the DEO. Aren't they supposed to be a secret? Not ARGUS secret maybe, but at least slightly better than STAR Labs?

Yeah, this is a major nitpick of mine. It started in Season 2, but now it's apparently as secure as any other office in national City -- no longer a covert agency.

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17 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I'm sorry, but Alex and the world's most slowest grenade; ending with her just tossing it into a Hot Charcoal Dispenser; was the funniest damn thing I ever saw.  It was almost cartoonish to the point where even if it did blow up in her hand, she wouldn't have died, but would have just ended with the old "Wile E. Coyote" look of being covered in soot and smoke.  Not suspense there.  Hilarious!

But I'll take it over the rest of her stuff, which was basically her throwing a pity party and getting all dramatic because she's now "taking care of Ruby" and what does that mean if she dies?!  Barf!  I see they've just decided to make Alex into a whiner now for whatever reason.  Even her scene with J'onn felt short, despite the always reliable chemistry between Chyler Leigh and Dave Harewood. 

Holy recon, Batman... err, Supergirl!  Now, there are actually quite a few Kryptonians still alive, since they were able to create some kind of Argo City, and a select group were able to survive, including Alura of course.  Also the Kryptonian that is leading Reign is there too.  Oh, and Tim Russ!  Always great seeing Tuvok!

It's now Winn's turn to be stuck with Ruby.  Yep, I'm accepting that she's going to be around for a while, because it is now feeling like they're putting her with all of the regulars in order to ease her in as a bigger character next season.  I can't wait till next week when somehow James ends up babysitting her, and she helps him with his journalism!  That's assuming he will get more then one scene like he did here.  I guess having such a big episode last week was just too much for him!

They're totally setting up Lena to turn to the dark side thanks to Reign's blabbering.  It's the oldest trick in the book, but it somehow always works.

Lena turning Evil would not work IMO it's lazy, Cliched Writing and these writers should be able to come up with something different. Makes Lena Weak if she does. 

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I've been reading about 1816, the  "Year Without a Summer" where temperatures around the world dropped because ash  in the atmosphere from the eruption of Mt. Tambora in Indonesia letting in less sun.

I wish they used the Fort Rozz explosion at the end of season 1 to explain why National City which was near a desert is now constantly overcast and raining!

3 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Hey, it's Tuvok! I haven't seen Tim Russ in anything since  ST:Voyager went off the air. Erica Durance's botox really freaked me out, so I came over here to see if it was just my imagination. Glad to see it was obvious to everyone else too.

He had a recurring role as the principal on iCarly on Nickelodeon.

2 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Lena turning Evil would not work IMO it's lazy, Cliched Writing and these writers should be able to come up with something different. Makes Lena Weak if she does. 

I apologize for being insensitive last week to people who don't want them to turn Lena  into a villain. As a Veronica Mars fan I should understand the pain of seeing characters I love turn into horrible, evil villains because writers thought it would make a "better story".

Edited by VCRTracking
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I know what this show is, come on it is about a fictional superhero in a fictional city....but my goodness...it has gone to the pit.  I cannot deal with Reign's perfectly lined black lips, the smoky eye, and long manicured talons.  She is all but doing the "evil" laugh.  She is such a cartoon and over the top performance that I just can't care or even watch the Regin scenes.  I am also tired of the high pitched squeal that all these incredible minds have not come up with earplugs for....especially when Kara knows they faced something similar with Black Siren or whomever she was in the Nazi crossover. \

James and Lena are boring...if they were not going with James and Kara why not bring back the Jenna Dewan character that I don't care enough to remember her name?

Winn has never interested me , and Mon El in his super tight suit that does nothing for his body just annoys me. 

Alex was more interesting before the whole mommy drama, and the only thing worse was the alcoholic story they were heading towards. 

Jonn is my favorite. 

I have no thoughts on Kara's mother except why now? 

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20 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

Why are these people who are floating through space with a limited fuel supply not, like, super excited to find a survivor with a space ship and a new world they could live on?

And don't forget that it's a planet that will give everybody on that space rock superpowers. I was thinking the whole time about this so called dilemma over giving some of their oh so precious fuel over to Kara why they couldn't just move to Earth. Sure it might take a while but sooner or later they'd have to move to some actual planet to live on anyway and I'm thinking their fuel source will last longer than the few months it would take just with J'onn's ship alone. In fact, I was wonder why this advanced space faring racing would still even be on that rock rather than having built a spaceship and left a long time ago. I'm actually hoping that Argos actually is a trick or illusion of some kind or whatever because that's the only way anything that happened during this episode makes any sense


12 hours ago, DavidJSnyder said:

Alex and J'Onn seem surprised that the attempted killer sees through their ploy of Alex casually going jogging when she knows someone is trying to kill her.

Yeah, a 5 year old could've seen through THAT ploy. Yet somehow the actual reason was he had an enhanced sense of smell, so apparently he was that stupid.

7 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I'm also confused by the seemingly open door policy of the DEO. Aren't they supposed to be a secret? Not ARGUS secret maybe, but at least slightly better than STAR Labs?

I'm pretty sure that the DEO hasn't been a secret agency for a good while now. I think they've been operating openly ever since whenever it was that aliens being on Earth became common knowledge, sometime early in season 2 I think.


7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I still have a big issue with Sam's switch to Reign being involuntary. If they can't cure or contain her, they're just going to have to kill her. And that seems really messed for a person who just happened be born with a disease (the Reign powers and separate personality).

I wouldn't mind Sam becoming Reign being involuntary if it was at least INTERESTING. It could have been this tragic story of a single mom fighting against her destiny as a destroyer of worlds and ultimately giving into her darker impulses, but no, Sam just has her whole personality forcibly overwritten into a genocidal tyrant right off the bat with Sam being effectively thrown aside. Even the whole "Sam gets trapped in another dimension" thing when Reign takes over didn't take it anywhere close to far enough.

22 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I am also tired of the high pitched squeal that all these incredible minds have not come up with earplugs for....especially when Kara knows they faced something similar with Black Siren or whomever she was in the Nazi crossover. \

The worst thing is that I'm pretty sure they DO have those earplugs already, that they got them when Purity first showed up and never seemed to use them again.

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