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  1. Oh I agree, but the Quest for Peace movie itself was still, IMO, awful. Ironically, the best part of both QfP's was Lex. Hackman was the only one who seemed to be having any fun and Cryer made the most out of a fairly small role.
  2. Until it was mentioned here I had completely forgotten Jon Cryer was in the Quest for Peace movie. I wish I could forget the Quest for Peace movie itself. That thing was awful on a level it's difficult to describe (and I saw it in the theater) but at least this episode was able to redeem the title. So, Brainy was basically fixed by his just rebooting? Nice to see future tech is so much more advanced than ours. Wow. Lex's big plan boils down to him wanting to kill Superman? Way to be creative, Lex. I must admit, I loved how Lillian can so casually say "Well I tried to poison your brother but he wouldn't shut up long enough to drink it." That's one hell of a family dynamic. Lex's pride at the fact Lena was actually able to kill him was priceless. I still don't understand Red Daughter's special purple powers but I guess Kara has them too now? Now Lena knows. Lena is understandably pissed. Kara really should have told her a long time ago. I just hope they don't make Lena do something really stupid. I like Lena conflicted, I don't want her evil. Was not expecting the Monitor to show up. Seems a little early to start the Crisis prep but okay. Don't know about the martian but I'm not sure what use Lex is to him. He's already failed.
  3. Wasted potential. I think that pretty accurately describes both this episode and the season as a whole. GOOD THINGS: Brainy turning bad, however temporary. First time in a while I didn't want to slap him for being annoying (and for replacing Winn). MB and CL reminding everyone how good they are together. BAD THINGS: Hmm...I wonder what the character limit is? Seriously, I'll just name a few. So...Alex's mindwipe is over, huh? What was the point of that again? Other than giving Kara a couple of extra angsty moments I mean. Red daughter is dead? Maybe not, in which case I'll take this one off, but wow if she's really gone off screen like that...I have no words for what kind of a "we just gave up trying" moment that would be. Lex being viewed as a hero. Kara being public enemy number one, fine, the world at large saw it and didn't know she had a clone, but Lex is a certified, publicly known psycho, and even if they wanted to credit him for stopping an invasion how would anyone besides his presidential puppet CALL him a hero? James having superpowers in general. The Guardian thing didn't (IMO) work out so why would making him as strong as Kara? If you have to keep going to these lengths to make/keep the character relevant, maybe the character isn't working out, SPECIAL NOTE: The sudden change from day to night when RD punched Kara. Count me as one of those who originally though RD hit her so hard she flew to the other side of the Earth or something but unless there is a better explanation coming that was some seriously bad editing. I'm curious to see how/if the finale wraps everything up.
  4. Well, show, I didn't think it was possible. But you've actually made me like Ralph. They've toned him down a lot this season and were even smart enough to keep him away when he had nothing to contribute. And he's the one who figured what Thawne was up to. As concerned as Barry was for Thawne messing with his daughter he didn't bother to ask why. I, too, feel bad for Killer Frost. If she's going to just get knocked out every time they might need to change her name. Seriously? You actually have Cicada down and no one brought meta dampening cuffs? You know, like the ones you had earlier in the episode and thought to bring with you when she was after Sherloque's girlfriend? Speaking of, this version of Wells doesn't bother me nearly as much as HR did. Still, I won't be sad to see him go. Nora either. I liked her at first but I really want her to go home now.
  5. The whole "Maybe I can help them change" thing seems to be an Allen family trait. And to be fair, it worked with Snart. It even worked (though I know he wasn't a villain) in a different way with Ralph. So I can kind of see where giving someone a chance to change by working with them comes from. Not Thawne, though. A guy like Thawne, a brilliant egotist around whom the world revolves, that kind of person doesn't change. No matter what. He'll work with you when it suits him, he may even come to like you a lot, but that doesn't mean he won't vibrate his hand through your chest and rip out your heart once you have outlived your usefulness or have annoyed him. Nora spent all that time in the Flash museum. Even if she didn't know he killed her grandmother, she has to know he is a master manipulator who only acts polite but is cold and ruthless and absolutely untrustworthy. I get that he has helped her, and I can even see why she would accept training from literally the only person in the world who could help her, but going back to him time and again while lying to her parents is stupid for a grown woman. I come back to the idea she should really have been a teenager.
  6. Credit where credit is due. GG and CP really killed it in that opening argument. I understood what Barry was saying and I mostly agreed with him, but Iris was right in that it wasn't a decision he should have made on his own. OUR daughter, Barry. Not your, OUR. That's the part he missed. Iris not caring Nora was working with Thawne is kind of weird, but I also can't forget it was Barry who let Thawne go the last time he had the chance to capture or end him. I'm with everybody who's complaining about Nora acting like a teenager. And that if she WAS a teenager a lot of what the writers are doing would make more sense. Thawne is obviously up to something. The man is pathologically incapable of not being up to something. But I cant tell if he's trying to escape execution/prison by using Nora to alter the timeline somehow, or if he knows it's the end and just wants to mess with Barry one last time before he dies. Man, these writers really don't want Caitlin to be happy. Like, at all. I like Cisco, but at this point if he just left the show I'm not sure it would be that big of a deal.
  7. I had a thought. Would the cure work on Grodd? He IS a meta after all. It would solve a lot of their problems. And would they have to worry about an animal, even an intelligent one, giving consent?
  8. I've been waiting to see Grodd vs King Shark ever since KS was introduced. Thank you, Flash. :) Welcome back, Joe. We missed you. I liked Barry's new suit...until I saw it in the bright sunlight and now I can't unsee some of the odder details.
  9. In the first season WE knew Wells was bad from the first episode but the characters didn't, and we got the build up to who he was over the course of the season. It was perfectly paced and IMO was Cavanaugh at his finest. In season 2 we spent half the season fearing Zoom and wondering who he was, and the second half...wondering why he didn't just kill Barry and get it over with. They seemed to lose focus and never really got it back. In 3 they waited a little introducing Savitar, and then a long while hiding who he was (even though a lot of people had already figured it out long before the reveal) and the rest of the season running in circles until finally defeating him. 4 came along and we thought it would be a change of pace because the villain was not a speedster. And it was a change of pace. Unfortunately that pace was really slow, because Devoe didn't do much but smirk at first and when he finally started doing something it was always winning so handily against Barry and the others I wondered why they were even bothering to fight. Now we get Cicada. Who has no powers, just a fancy power stealing knife, which should make him fairly easy to beat for a guy who can run faster than the speed of sound, a guy who can make portals from a distance and a woman whose powers aren't even affected by the knife, and yet every time they have him down they get distracted and let him get away. I think the pacing is their biggest problem, followed by the fact they don't seem to know how to build the menace of a villain the way they did Thawne. It might be better if they introduce somebody as a villain, like Alchemy, focus on him, and when they beat him halfway through the season or so it is revealed the true villain is waiting to really mess with them.
  10. Who decided Cicada was a good name for a villain anyway? I mean, if you're going to name your bad guy after an insect I can easily come up with some that sound scarier or more menacing. https://www.momtastic.com/webecoist/2010/03/02/sounds-dangerous-10-insects-with-scary-names/ It's not helped by the actor. Half the time Chris Klein seems like he's asleep and someone pokes him to get him to recite his lines. The rest of the time it's as if he ate something that didn't agree with him and looks ready to throw up as he tries to be menacing. I agree with everyone who said it was so stupid how they kept letting Cicada get away. Then again, Barry let Thawne walk so at least he's consistent. Jessica Parker Kennedy really sold the fear of being paralyzed. I felt for her. I haven't been too thrilled with the character as a whole, I didn't think the show really needed another speedster, but she's growing on me. Sherloque...come on Tom. I know you must have some pretty significant blackmail on the producers to keep yourself on the show, but please stop with the accents already. I know you're a better actor than this.
  11. Clearly. A guy who didn't bat an eye sending a little girl to hell. If Neron had taken five minutes to look into Constantine he probably would have run away screaming.
  12. I may have misspoke. I get why she looks like Amaya. What I don't get is why Legends is keeping Maisie around, but not actually as Amaya. If the actress is still on the show, why did they have her play a new character? Why not continue being Amaya? Or perhaps it was Maisie herself? And is that her real accent? Did they? I must have missed that. I was probably laughing too hard.
  13. When I heard Constantine was going to be a regular on the show I figured he would eat up a lot of the screen time and take it away from the other Legends and he has, but so far it hasn't been as bad as I thought. Not that I'll be sad to see him leave. Mick isn't losing much since they rarely give him anything to do and I imagine Purcelll is just hanging around for the paycheck and the fun of it. I'm fine with Nate being off the Waverider. While I like the idea of a shape-shifter (my persona;l favorite super power) on the team, I'm not sure why she has to look like Amaya. Are they just trying to keep the actress around? Sara and Ava are just so adorable. I have nothing negative to say here. Is anyone out there a big Gary fan? On a show this goofy, why do we need comic relief? Especially when, IMO, he's not really that funny? I like the actress playing Mona. I'm not sure why she needs this much screen time though. I thought I would be annoyed by Legends not being part of the crossover. But on a show with a possessed puppet (and no one made a Child's Play joke either) that has one of the main cast being turned into a kitten, I don't really mind.
  14. I somehow missed the whole tattoo thing. I chalk it up to zoning out whenever Dinah is on-screen, much like I used to do with Laurel. Which is ironic, because now as bad Laurel Katie is actually kind of amusing to watch. Seriously though, I want to know what Kirk Acevedo has on the Arrow writers to keep Diaz around. No offense to the actor, who I imagine is doing the best he can with what is being given to him, but Diaz wore out his welcome for me before last season was even over. I forgave it with Malcolm for years because I liked JB nearly as much as the Arrow writers did but this is getting ridiculous. So, we've traded flashbacks for flashforwards, which are somehow even more boring to watch. I don't give up on a show I have invested years in unless I really hate it or am just so bored I can miss entire episodes and not care. I am not quite there with Arrow but I am getting damn close.
  15. In the original timeline Thawne and that Gideon came from, Barry didn't become the Flash until much later. So he did have a little more time to take some Computer Programming for Dummies classes and perhaps get help from Cisco and Felicity to create Gideon. Time travel is funny that way. I'd be more curious to know why Thawne would use a version of Gideon that responded to Barry at all, since surely HE was smart enough to reprogram her so his arch-enemy would not be able to use her against him?
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