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Season 3 Discussion

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2 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I have read that Rivera called Pedro the N word. I didn’t hear it, did anyone else? Was it close captioned?

It was censored, but I read his lips.

While Winter and Chantel were arguing with Nicole, Pedro asked Chantel to trade him seats. Winter and the mom replied that Chantel wasn't moving. Pedro started the "Aye, aye, aye, aye," pointing in the direction of the parents. The dad seemed unaffected and continued gnawing on the Costco chicken wings, but the mom began arguing with Pedro. Neither were really yelling; they talked over each other but remained seated. River interjected "Who the f$@& you talking to, n----?" That was when Pedro's demeanor changed and he yelled "What you say?" He then stood, River threw something at hit the lamp. Pedro flinched as if anticipating being hit. He then charged around the table and the fight ensued.

  • Love 16
14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I had to look that one up.  It appears, though, that the name is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot. 

But actually, I like your "J" better; the "Chesterfield" seems like it's trying a little too hard.  No need to gild that lily.

*sprays you with purple knockout gas from the tip of an umbrella* They’re on to us, RUN! ? 

Good quick catch on that though! I have a Cobblepot T-shirt and i glossed over the J because it’s got a nice flow.

sorry, everybody! Back on topic... I still cannot get the arc I desire on my vaginally launched spheres. I will keep trying, or suck it up and take David’s Ringa-Ding-Pings-Dong Tour. Or whatever it’s called.

  • Love 5
On 7/8/2018 at 10:09 PM, ALittleShelfish said:

So... does TLC have a bandwidth budget for each person? Because I felt like as soon as Michele gets her introduction (lengthy introduction bc who TF are these people?) in, asks them a very simple question, and they get a short sentence in, she interjects with OKAY SORRY WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME, THANKS AND BYE NOW.  

That camera guy with a birds eye view of the fight seemed especially shocked he was being cut off...he was probably told it would literally be his 15 minutes of fame not 60 seconds.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I'm all for a drinks fridge in the bathroom.  It's not like it's a salad bar.  And Annie can keep her practice beers nicely chilled.

Too funny.

My first thought about the storage facility apartment (SFA) was so you get a hot plate for your wok a microwave and toaster oven and deal with it but when the manager said the windows don't open I thought about cooking in there and that might be an issue.  Then I thought it might be a good thing the windows don't open because I am pretty sure Annie has thought about throwing herself out of a window, (that is just a joke and not intended to make fun of suicide). 

The sad truth about said that SFA was David was not even going to be the manager!  

I know it is all bull shit for the cameras.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Kangatush said:

The major differences are 1. Pedro has answered their questions, Azan dodges, 2. Chantal and Pedro are married, the try to end the relationship boat has sailed.  Nicole and Azan aren't legally joined yet.  And 3. Nicole has a minor child she's dragging around the globe in this nonsense.  Chantal and Pedro have only themselves. And a bonus 4. Nicole's family is asking how a guy without a job can support two additional people, a legitimate concern.  Family Chantal is accusing Mother Pedro of running an illegal marriage ring and saying Pedro has another family back home.  Crazy pants concerns.

This. Family Chantel have been muttering darkly "I don't trust him", threatening to have him investigated and hinted at another family in the DR. In two years they have not been able to produce one shred of evidence of any of these fantasies of theirs. Bottom line, they don't like Pedro. They never have. They are bigoted and classist. They fancy themselves middle class and "classy". Pedro is a dark skinned, working class guy whose first language is Spanish. This mortifies them. They are just as tacky and racist as Pedro's hose beast mother. They do not have a leg to stand on in their "suspicions" about Pedro. They will never accept Chantel's marriage. So their only hope is to harass and make Pedro so miserable he'll leave. This still gives Family Chantel what they will consider to be the moral high ground. They will spend the rest of their lives using it as a club to beat Chantel with. "We told you he was no good!" "He was not right for you" "Next time maybe you'll listen to us" "why don't you go for coffee with that nice boy you used to play with at Jack and Jill? He's doing so well now that he's gone into his daddy's dental practice." They will sweep her first marriage under the rug, like it never existed, to their friends. But Chantel will never, ever hear the end of it. She will be reminded of her lucky escape from that international criminal, by a smirking Mama Chantel, and that smug little prick River, until her dying day. If she wasn't such a silly, vain, trifling little twitch I'd almost feel sorry for her.

  • Love 21
16 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I only find it creepy when spouses refer to each other as mother and father, and they're not talking to their kids at the time.

My late Pappy called my Grammy "Mom" (she didn't call him "Dad").  It never really phased me.  My one cousin, when he was pretty little, got all offended when he heard it and said rather loudly in a public place "HEY!!  Her name IS NOT MOM!!  Her name is GRANDMA!!!".  They never let him live that down.

11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Why is Chantel’s family wrong to be concerned about Pedro but it’s fine for Nicole’s family to be concerned about Azan?  Seems like everyone here adores Pedro.  Me, I can’t stand him or his tacky, racist family.

I can't stand either of them, or their respective horrible families. They all deserve each other.

  • Love 2

I'm still struggling with the Azan and Nicole document issue.  If it wasn't some TLC plot line to amp up the "will they/won't they" drama it just seems absurd that a person who has seemed to be pretty adept at working the different systems in her life (i.e., obtaining a passport, seeing immigration lawyers, submitting K1 visa paperwork, probably (or not) applying for some type of federal aid for herself and her young child, flying herself and young child halfway across the world, etc) would go to the trouble of obtaining whatever police document this is, THEN further going to the trouble of MAKING A COPY and taking the COPY and not the original.  In addition her meekly sitting there whining that "welp, I thought it would work" is out of character.  She bulldozes her way through life and I don't for one minute buy this.  Either it's a plot line or there was something unfavorable in the police report that she edited out and copied, which is why we don't see her making a fuss, calling her family to bring the original, etc. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, nr65000 said:

I'm still struggling with the Azan and Nicole document issue.  If it wasn't some TLC plot line to amp up the "will they/won't they" drama it just seems absurd that a person who has seemed to be pretty adept at working the different systems in her life (i.e., obtaining a passport, seeing immigration lawyers, submitting K1 visa paperwork, probably (or not) applying for some type of federal aid for herself and her young child, flying herself and young child halfway across the world, etc) would go to the trouble of obtaining whatever police document this is, THEN further going to the trouble of MAKING A COPY and taking the COPY and not the original.  In addition her meekly sitting there whining that "welp, I thought it would work" is out of character.  She bulldozes her way through life and I don't for one minute buy this.  Either it's a plot line or there was something unfavorable in the police report that she edited out and copied, which is why we don't see her making a fuss, calling her family to bring the original, etc. 

This! She's a classic bulldozer, but at the same token, she accepted an email that said he was refused the visa without question. A sane and logical person would have questions. She believed his lies about drunk calling random women and telling them that he enjoyed their kisses, so she's not as bright in some areas. Hassan was spinning it like she needed ALL new original documents. His translation of what the clerk said versus what she actually said was different. I would've been using Google Translate or something during that conversation instead of taking his word as bond. He made it seem like Nicole just had to go back to Florida to get all new documentation. And he casually slid in about how his family and relatives had spent money for a wedding that wasn't going to happen.

Or it could be that there's something that has been sealed in her record and wouldn't come up in a public search if it happened while she was a minor. Either way it goes, something isn't right. These two don't need a plot line. He's a scheming scammer whose dislike of her and her touch is visibly apparent, and she's an insecure, thirst bucket with low self-esteem. Ratings gold.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

This! She's a classic bulldozer, but at the same token, she accepted an email that said he was refused the visa without question. A sane and logical person would have questions. She believed his lies about drunk calling random women and telling them that he enjoyed their kisses, so she's not as bright in some areas. Hassan was spinning it like she needed ALL new original documents. His translation of what the clerk said versus what she actually said was different. I would've been using Google Translate or something during that conversation instead of taking his word as bond. He made it seem like Nicole just had to go back to Florida to get all new documentation. And he casually slid in about how his family and relatives had spent money for a wedding that wasn't going to happen.

Or it could be that there's something that has been sealed in her record and wouldn't come up in a public search if it happened while she was a minor. Either way it goes, something isn't right. These two don't need a plot line. He's a scheming scammer whose dislike of her and her touch is visibly apparent, and she's an insecure, thirst bucket with low self-esteem. Ratings gold.

It could be a combo of his and hers issues. Both immediately jumped on the “ My family spent money and time on the wedding.... I hope they can get their airfare refunded” 

And why wait till two weeks before the wedding to get the license? Especially in a foreign country where documentation is everything. That’s the first thing you get. If they had done that, she might have been able to have her mom bring it with her. 

In the previews Azan is having a convo with Robbalee and she’s discussing the “ other women” IMO, there is more to come about his secrets. I think he has an easier time manipulating Nicole, especially over the phone, I don’t think he’s as sure of himself when confronted by Robbalee.

As far as being a bulldozer, yeah Nicole definitely is. Even though she seems to fall for Azans answers/excuses, there is a part that is deeply suspicious. The panic attacks, IMO, are a sign and she couldn’t wait to have a sit down in Morocco with Azan about the phone calls and didn’t seem all that convinced.  

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

I thought Annie had a terrible life in Thailand, suddenly she can't live with 2 minute showers? I don't buy it. She wants out, period, and I don't blame her.

This water heater business.  It made me realize that this "apartment" isn't an apartment at all.  It's an office space with an office-y kitchen, and I assume the little water heater is designed just for use at the sink, and somebody added a shower. 

I've wondered about that--putting a shower in an office space so I could ride my bike to work and shower when I got there.  And then I wondered about just living there if it had a functioning bathroom, if I needed to do things on the cheap.  But I assume places have to have permits or zoning or whatever in order to be a residence, and I quite doubt the storage facility space has it. 

I don't know where they end up moving, but I wouldn't be surprised if this "apartment" was just manufactured plot.  Nothing says "Home Sweet Home" like a "restroom" sign on the wall.


12 hours ago, Jodie Landon said:

While Winter and Chantel were arguing with Nicole, Pedro asked Chantel to trade him seats. Winter and the mom replied that Chantel wasn't moving. Pedro started the "Aye, aye, aye, aye," pointing in the direction of the parents.

I started the "Aye, aye, aye, aye" too.  He was trying to defuse the situation by having people who are not Mother Chantel change seats, and Mother Chantel says no?  The hell?


11 hours ago, Enya Face said:

Good quick catch on that though! I have a Cobblepot T-shirt and i glossed over the J because it’s got a nice flow.

Yep.  @millennium's version is better.

  • Love 3

If I ever asked anyone at work what they thought about Molly and Luis or Janelle and David or Lu and the Count or Hannah and J(however you spell the Rhodesian's name) or Trav and Katherine, I would be met with blank stares.  After they had time to google the names,  they would lose all kinds of respect for me...except for the other closeted reality TV fans who would approach me later, when no one was around, and ask, " I KNOW!  Isn't David the WORST?!!!".

Come work in technology. We're all low brow over here;-)

I agree with everyone who says this show is increasingly fake. Its becoming so obvious that its less fun to watch as time goes on. Chantel is a horrible actress. But I still think David did something to force him to flee to Thailand for 4 years. That part I believe.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Jodie Landon said:

It was censored, but I read his lips.

While Winter and Chantel were arguing with Nicole, Pedro asked Chantel to trade him seats. Winter and the mom replied that Chantel wasn't moving. Pedro started the "Aye, aye, aye, aye," pointing in the direction of the parents. The dad seemed unaffected and continued gnawing on the Costco chicken wings, but the mom began arguing with Pedro. Neither were really yelling; they talked over each other but remained seated. River interjected "Who the f$@& you talking to, n----?" That was when Pedro's demeanor changed and he yelled "What you say?" He then stood, River threw something at hit the lamp. Pedro flinched as if anticipating being hit. He then charged around the table and the fight ensued.

I knew something was bleeped out but I'm shocked that River used the N word.   Isn't Mother Chantel AA?  I wouldn't be surprised if Father Chantel isn't, as he looks just like an older version of my cousin, whose mother is white and father is Puerto Rican.  But to use the N word?  Does he think that their "wealth" makes him superior to other POC?  Why is Family Pedro being called horrible racists, and River is getting away with it?  And why are we pretending that bigotry against Hispanics, and particularly against the majority of Dominicans who are of mixed race (Indigenous, European, African), is okay?

  • Love 13

Boy that 90-Day Live show had zero content.  Who cares what some Z-list blogger or podcaster thinks?

I noticed that Michelle described Antonio as a close friend of Chris rather than as Nicki’s brother, which is how he was identified in the episode that he appeared in.  In the Chris and Nicki YouTube video that someone posted a link to, they explain that production knew that Antonio was not Nicki’s brother but falsely described him as such regardless.  I assume that this is because David Poor’s accusation that Antonio wanted to have sex with Chris would be that much more provocative if the audience thought Chris was his brother-in-law as opposed to his friend’s spouse. (The video also claims that the restaurant scene that TLC pretended took place in California where Chris tells David that he needs to leave their house and move to Kentucky was actually shot in Kentucky after David and Annie already moved there.)

So Michelle did not perpetuate the lie that Antonio is Nicki’s brother but she also did not acknowledge or correct it.

Edited by Spike
  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Former Nun said:

Count me out.   Me no adorar Pedro OR FamilyPedro.  Tacky and racist...yep!

I don't adore Pedro either, and most posters pointing out Family Chantel's gang up don't seem to like Pedro either.  But why is Pedro's family being called racist and River, and perhaps even his family, are getting off scot free?  Do we know if Pedro considers himself black?  Hispanic?  Multi-racial?  Regardless, he's a POC.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

He was trying to defuse the situation by having people who are not Mother Chantel change seats, and Mother Chantel says no? 

This was a formal dinner.  Because she knows how impor-ent it is for intelligent conversation to flow, MotherChantel worked on the seating arrangements for days.  She was already upset that she was given little notice.  She hired the area's most famous calligrapher to create the place cards and she was NOT going to have some Voodoo Upstart sit down and take over.

  • Love 15
23 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I don't adore Pedro either, and most posters pointing out Family Chantel's gang up don't seem to like Pedro either.  But why is Pedro's family being called racist and River, and perhaps even his family, are getting off scot free?  Do we know if Pedro considers himself black?  Hispanic?  Multi-racial?  Regardless, he's a POC.

It goes back to their first season on the show, when Mother Pedro was shown saying over Skype that Pedro was "Pure Dominican" and someone on the boards stated that people in the DR can be racist toward AA's.  I'm only remembering parts.  If you peruse their board on the original 90 Day Fiance forum, you may find it.

3 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

It goes back to their first season on the show, when Mother Pedro was shown saying over Skype that Pedro was "Pure Dominican" and someone on the boards stated that people in the DR can be racist toward AA's.  I'm only remembering parts.  If you peruse their board on the original 90 Day Fiance forum, you may find it.

Pure Dominican?  Sounds like Mother Chantel meant it as an insult, and possibly a slur.  She has clearly looked down her nose at Pedro from the beginning.  Since they are such poseurs, she quite possibly doesn't understand that there is plenty of African in the DR population.  

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Pure Dominican?  Sounds like Mother Chantel meant it as an insult, and possibly a slur.  She has clearly looked down her nose at Pedro from the beginning.  Since they are such poseurs, she quite possibly doesn't understand that there is plenty of African in the DR population.  

No - that was said by Mother Pedro, not Mother Chantal.  From the subtitles, it made it sound like she was saying that he was more desirable because he was "Pure Dominican".

  • Love 1
Just now, funky-rat said:

No - that was said by Mother Pedro, not Mother Chantal.  From the subtitles, it made it sound like she was saying that he was more desirable because he was "Pure Dominican".

Well she's not better than Family Chantel, obviously.  They both think they're better than the other, and I think they're both posing a little too hard. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I knew something was bleeped out but I'm shocked that River used the N word.   Isn't Mother Chantel AA?  I wouldn't be surprised if Father Chantel isn't, as he looks just like an older version of my cousin, whose mother is white and father is Puerto Rican.  But to use the N word?  Does he think that their "wealth" makes him superior to other POC?  Why is Family Pedro being called horrible racists, and River is getting away with it?  And why are we pretending that bigotry against Hispanics, and particularly against the majority of Dominicans who are of mixed race (Indigenous, European, African), is okay?

Family Chantel are AA, and very, very light skinned. Color prejudice in the AA community is real. (my husband, who is AA, went to a HBCU and his mother and aunts were all in AA sororities. Apparently one of the "Divine Nine" sororities used a paper bag test--if your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not get in. I damn near dropped my teeth when I heard this!)

If you’re black, get back.

If you’re brown, stick around

If you’re light, you’re alright


Pedro's mother is a racist shitbag, her "pure Dominican" crap is shameful and that attitude is pervasive in the DR and is causing unbelievable anguish there. I have a young friend who is Dominican, she told me her mother told her she should straighten her hair so people won't think she's Haitian. That shit is real and its horrible.

But Family Chantel are bigoted too. They clearly consider themselves superior to their dark skinned, Spanish speaking son in law. They are all awful.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I knew something was bleeped out but I'm shocked that River used the N word.   Isn't Mother Chantel AA?  I wouldn't be surprised if Father Chantel isn't, as he looks just like an older version of my cousin, whose mother is white and father is Puerto Rican.  But to use the N word?  Does he think that their "wealth" makes him superior to other POC?  Why is Family Pedro being called horrible racists, and River is getting away with it?  And why are we pretending that bigotry against Hispanics, and particularly against the majority of Dominicans who are of mixed race (Indigenous, European, African), is okay?

Father Chantel is African American too.  He’d fit right in in New Orleans or SW Louisiana.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Family Chantel are AA, and very, very light skinned. Color prejudice in the AA community is real. (my husband, who is AA, went to a HBCU and his mother and aunts were all in AA sororities. Apparently one of the "Divine Nine" sororities used a paper bag test--if your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not get in. I damn near dropped my teeth when I heard this!)

If you’re black, get back.

If you’re brown, stick around

If you’re light, you’re alright


Pedro's mother is a racist shitbag, her "pure Dominican" crap is shameful and that attitude is pervasive in the DR and is causing unbelievable anguish there. I have a young friend who is Dominican, she told me her mother told her she should straighten her hair so people won't think she's Haitian. That shit is real and its horrible.

But Family Chantel are bigoted too. They clearly consider themselves superior to their dark skinned, Spanish speaking son in law. They are all awful.

Many years ago, when my mom was visiting Santo Domingo, she was talking to a black Dominican who was very dark. She told the woman that she was from the northern part of the island. The woman said, the blacks are so much lighter up there. My mom isn't black but it struck me that this woman, who is dark seemed prejudice against herself. Its kind of hard to explain how people view themselves and others in other countries. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Family Chantel are AA, and very, very light skinned. Color prejudice in the AA community is real. (my husband, who is AA, went to a HBCU and his mother and aunts were all in AA sororities. Apparently one of the "Divine Nine" sororities used a paper bag test--if your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not get in. I damn near dropped my teeth when I heard this!)

If you’re black, get back.

If you’re brown, stick around

If you’re light, you’re alright


Pedro's mother is a racist shitbag, her "pure Dominican" crap is shameful and that attitude is pervasive in the DR and is causing unbelievable anguish there. I have a young friend who is Dominican, she told me her mother told her she should straighten her hair so people won't think she's Haitian. That shit is real and its horrible.

But Family Chantel are bigoted too. They clearly consider themselves superior to their dark skinned, Spanish speaking son in law. They are all awful.

Yep, the paper bag test went on for a long time here.  And although that practice is not used anymore, it is sometimes assumed that you must look a certain way to be accepted in certain social circles and families.  Some people still don’t like to mix because of skin tone.  SW Louisiana is an “interesting” place.

I don’t think it’s skin tone for Family Chantal as much as it is social status.  I can almost guarantee you that if they were worried about skin tone, the hair texture would win them over.  Some people refuse to let the horrible vestiges of slavery go?

IMHO if Pedro was a Dominican doctor or entrepreneur they’d parade him around like a damned show pony.  They look at him and his family as poor, unsophisticated, greedy “foreigners” not worthy of their middle class daughter.  I also think if he were from a wealthier island like St. Martin or Curaçao, they wouldn’t mind.  Thye’ve bought into the Dominican stereotypes they see on tv.  Both families are assholes!

  • Love 7
On 7/9/2018 at 1:53 AM, loki310 said:

Great recap - I snipped a part for brevity...

I totally agree that Family Chantal was lying next in wait. As soon as they sat down Mother C was asking about the “apartamente.” Chantal was amping up the tension, when she should have been trying to postpone it for a more suitable time and place. She saw how disastrous the cabin was - why would she go for the sequel? But Chantal had already ran back to her family and gave them a ton of ammo. What did she think was going to happen, especially when aggro Pedro was with his sister and his hackles were already raised?

My husband thought the fight was staged because the family was eating on paper plates and eating out of foil pans, but I had to explain that this was typical of the fakery of Family Chantal. Besides that fight was way too raw with way too much collateral damage. MC got knocked down and could have broken her hip. She got up okay though and was waving Nicole’s extensions around like a damn trophy. 

I agree that if Pedro/Chantal want to make their marriage work, they need to cease contact with both of their families for a decent period. Especially with FC.


Isn’t Chris Annie’s sponsor? Does he have any obligation to provide her with money or lodging? If so, David might want to think about calling in his chips, and forcing  Chris  to help him out. God knows he’s got no options for jobs he wants and he’s not willing to do the jobs he can get.


eta: I did like how one of those after the show commenters said that Pedro was inspired with all of his video game playing when he landed that perfect side kick to the remainder of the Costco dinner. And I love how that got FC all heated - why did you do that?! Why did you do that????!” Lolol

Father Chantal kept chowing down until the fight actually started.  While everyone else was exchanging death glares.

  • Love 4
On 7/9/2018 at 9:11 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

Okay....I'm embarrassed that I posted previous comments in defense of Annie.  Nevermind that...lol.  I really wish that she and David would realize that the apt over the storage facility was a WONDERFUL gift.  Are you kidding me?  A free place to stay right over your job.  So what if the salary isn't that high.  You have to figure in that you also get free rent, utilities, maybe wi fi, and no transportation costs, since you are already at your job.  Those are huge benefits of considerable value!  Annie could cook on an electric wok, toaster oven and crock pot.  It's doable. When she says, she can't live in that apt, would she rather live in the car or in a shelter? I would chose a 2 minute shower over no shower.  I really have no patience for her or David anymore.  Enough already.  I just wanted David to tell her to go back home. 

Nicole and Azan.  Just don't care.  Doesn't matter.  They are both liars and ridiculous.

Jorge and Anifisa. Just don't care. 

Paolo and Russ. No longer care.

Molly and Luis. Just don't care.  Still don't trust Molly.

Chantel and Pedro.  I wish family Chantel would just send her and Pedro far away.  She's ruining their family.  I've yet to see any love between Chantel and Pedro.  They seem to detest each other.  Don't buy it at all.  Chantel is a horrible liar.  She's not trying to do anything but create drama. not bring families together. Plus, Pedro doesn't want that. Accept him for what he is, which is horrible.   I suppose that she hates her life, so she wants to get her family to end things for her, because she is too chicken ship to do it herself.   But, causing your family members to get hurt or arrested, because you are a drama queen is inexcusable, so, now,  I don't care for Chantel either.  

The shower doesn’t have to be two minutes.  It just won’t be hot after that.  In high school we always took cold showers.

  • Love 1

The storage "apartment" was likely an office or an employee break room. A relative of mine was allowed to build a pool house with a full bath, kitchen, and laundry. It could have everything but a stove, which would turn it from a pool house into an apartment that would create all kinds of regulations and restrictions. That was the setup of the storage place. No stove, no legal apartment. 

  • Love 10

I am on Family Chantel’s side because Pedro kicked over all that good food.  I work in a food pantry motherfucker, there are people in this country who don’t have enough food to eat and he throws food down.  What a fucking child.

I think Chantel’s parents are probably class conscious, but so what?  What is wrong with Jack and Jill?  Trust me, there is nothing spiritual about poverty, nothing beautiful about starvation. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Father Chantel is African American too.  He’d fit right in in New Orleans or SW Louisiana.

He would fit right in with my husband's family. 

1 hour ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Yep, the paper bag test went on for a long time here.  And although that practice is not used anymore, it is sometimes assumed that you must look a certain way to be accepted in certain social circles and families.  Some people still don’t like to mix because of skin tone.  SW Louisiana is an “interesting” place.

I don’t think it’s skin tone for Family Chantal as much as it is social status.  I can almost guarantee you that if they were worried about skin tone, the hair texture would win them over.  Some people refuse to let the horrible vestiges of slavery go?

IMHO if Pedro was a Dominican doctor or entrepreneur they’d parade him around like a damned show pony.  They look at him and his family as poor, unsophisticated, greedy “foreigners” not worthy of their middle class daughter.  I also think if he were from a wealthier island like St. Martin or Curaçao, they wouldn’t mind.  Thye’ve bought into the Dominican stereotypes they see on tv.  Both families are assholes!

Girls, you're both pretty! 

Seriously, I think Family Chantel is both classist and colorist! Pedro might have been more palatable to them if he was fairer in skin tone, or a professional, or from somewhere "classier". But they have a bouquet of reasons to hate him, and it looks like they just reach into one of Mama Chantel's tiny hats and pick one that suits them that day. 

2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think Chantel’s parents are probably class conscious, but so what?  What is wrong with Jack and Jill?  Trust me, there is nothing spiritual about poverty, nothing beautiful about starvation. 

Nothing wrong with Jack and Jill. My husband went as a kid. His family is solidly middle class but somehow they escaped being bougie and hateful. And who said anything about the beauty of poverty? I said Chantel's family are horrible piss elegant social climbers. They don't have to be starving to not be that. 

  • Love 13
On 7/10/2018 at 3:19 PM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I’m convinced he’s gay, and May is probably the child he always wanted but never thought he’d have. 

Agree, Nicole is his beard and his way out of a Muslim country. 

On 7/10/2018 at 7:34 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

 His in laws made it crystal clear that Chantel's money was hers. So, Pedro's money is his.

This is so well said. They want him to have no access to Chantel's money but scald him for spending his own (on his family!).

  • Love 6

I trace all of Chantel/Pedro's problems back to Chantel herself. SHE was the one who lied to her parents about Pedro being here on a student visa in the first place. SHE was the one who misinterpreted Nicole calling her a bitch and possibly also misheard that Nicole clapped and said "thank God" when she left the apartment. Then she runs to her parents AND over-invested siblings with every complaint about Pedro and his family and pits them against each other. 

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I trace all of Chantel/Pedro's problems back to Chantel herself. SHE was the one who lied to her parents about Pedro being here on a student visa in the first place. SHE was the one who misinterpreted Nicole calling her a bitch and possibly also misheard that Nicole clapped and said "thank God" when she left the apartment. Then she runs to her parents AND over-invested siblings with every complaint about Pedro and his family and pits them against each other. 

Wordy McWord Word.  With all the ruckus over both these families (and yes there is plenty to go around) Chantal's own family FAILS TO SEE OR ACKNOWLEDGE THESE FACTS.  It is much easier to point the many elitist fingers at Pedro.  He is no catch but let's put blame where it belongs!!!

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I knew something was bleeped out but I'm shocked that River used the N word.   Isn't Mother Chantel AA?  I wouldn't be surprised if Father Chantel isn't, as he looks just like an older version of my cousin, whose mother is white and father is Puerto Rican.  But to use the N word?  Does he think that their "wealth" makes him superior to other POC?  Why is Family Pedro being called horrible racists, and River is getting away with it?  And why are we pretending that bigotry against Hispanics, and particularly against the majority of Dominicans who are of mixed race (Indigenous, European, African), is okay?

Mixed race?  Some black people are just Light Skinned.  Not mixed race at all.  I’m the same color has Chantel’s father and both of my parents are black.  Sorry but it annoys me when people assume a person is mixed just because they are light skinned,

And I hear black people use the N word often, I don’t like it but I’ve heard it.

  • Love 4

I want to be clear on my logic for being team Pedro.  It's kind of process of elimination.  I hate all of Family Chantal, I dislike Mother and Sister Pedro, and I think Chantal makes her own problems by way oversharing with her family and never defending her husband.  That really only leaves Pedro.  I think he had the most honest intentions when this shit show began, and he's just been ground down and getting reactive.  Does he have room to improve as a husband?  Does he need to learn to discuss things with his wife, like money?  Hell yeah, but he's trying, or at least he was.

  • Love 15

Let's all be real here.  If you were in a room with Chantal and she left wouldn't you want to clap and say "Thank God!" ?  I know I would.  Was Nicole immature, petty,  and straight up rude? absolutely.  BUT , 1.  She could have done/said something a lot worse, 2.  Chantal is an adult; surely she can navigate this offense without involving her family.  Pedro doesn't back her up or stick up for her when it comes to his family; I get it.  But, she doesn't really back up Pedro or stick up for him when it comes to her family either.  I think Chantal has put him in a very very very bad position when it comes to the family chantel.  Pedro has a TON of faults, but I do think he entered into this marriage with good and honest intentions.  He was very willing to tell the truth from the beginning AND he tried to spend time with/ be civil to/ form a relationship with Chantel's dad and brother in the beginning.  He played basketball with them, worked out with them- tried to please Chantal (against his wishes) by not spilling the beans.  He struggled in his English and probably came off shifty because of that.  They were suspicious from the get go because of what Chantel was feeding them about Pedro.  She lied and lied and lied and tried to pass it off on Pedro or was at least willing to let him take the blame and never fully clear it up with her family.  She also took advantage of his lack of understanding in regards to what her family was saying about him and what she was telling them about him at first.  Also , the family Chantel is as dumb as rocks and don't understand common decency.  On the other end, I don't think Chantel is what mama Pedro wanted for her son either and the ugly has come out.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Mixed race?  Some black people are just Light Skinned.  Not mixed race at all.  I’m the same color has Chantel’s father and both of my parents are black.  Sorry but it annoys me when people assume a person is mixed just because they are light skinned,

And I hear black people use the N word often, I don’t like it but I’ve heard it.

No need to be sorry.  If you read my post again you will see that I used mixed race in reference to the overall population of the DR, not Father Chantel.  

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