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Season 3 Discussion

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First, I think Chantel is as dumb as a pile of rocks.  I also think her family knows that.

Second, I 100% understand why her family feels the way they do.  They know that black people are judged more harshly for doing even minor things, i.e. black children are punished more harshly in school than white children (here's some data.)  So Family Chantel know that if Pedro is into something shady (and I believe he's as shady as fuck), he'll drag Chantel down with him and it won't be good for her, he can run back to DR, but she can't.

Third, I'm annoyed that production didn't stop that fight sooner.  As soon as River and Pedro stood up, they should have jumped in.  I watched the fight a few times and it looked like no one did anything until Nicole and Chantel's mom got knocked down. 

I think Chantel, Nicole, Molly and to an extent Melanie (from the previous season) are very ignorant of the world.  I think that's partially because many of us in the US don't travel enough, don't study enough, so we don't know, really what people's lives are like outside of the US. 

I've been to the Caribbean many times and have been hit on by waiters and bartenders (even now in my 50's), and I know it's a game, they're doing it to get a good tip, it's all good and I don't take them seriously (hear that Molly!).  I worked in a medical school decades ago and I've been approached by foreign doctors who want to marry me so they can stay here, I never did it but I know women who did (for $$$ of course, this was in the 80's so the laws weren't as tough as they are today).

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5 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Let's all be real here.  If you were in a room with Chantal and she left wouldn't you want to clap and say "Thank God!" ?  I know I would.  Was Nicole immature, petty,  and straight up rude? absolutely.  BUT , 1.  She could have done/said something a lot worse, 2.  Chantal is an adult; surely she can navigate this offense without involving her family.  Pedro doesn't back her up or stick up for her when it comes to his family; I get it.  But, she doesn't really back up Pedro or stick up for him when it comes to her family either.  I think Chantal has put him in a very very very bad position when it comes to the family chantel.  Pedro has a TON of faults, but I do think he entered into this marriage with good and honest intentions.  He was very willing to tell the truth from the beginning AND he tried to spend time with/ be civil to/ form a relationship with Chantel's dad and brother in the beginning.  He played basketball with them, worked out with them- tried to please Chantal (against his wishes) by not spilling the beans.  He struggled in his English and probably came off shifty because of that.  They were suspicious from the get go because of what Chantel was feeding them about Pedro.  She lied and lied and lied and tried to pass it off on Pedro or was at least willing to let him take the blame and never fully clear it up with her family.  She also took advantage of his lack of understanding in regards to what her family was saying about him and what she was telling them about him at first.  Also , the family Chantel is as dumb as rocks and don't understand common decency.  On the other end, I don't think Chantel is what mama Pedro wanted for her son either and the ugly has come out.

This. If Chantel was having a problem with Nicole, why not take her out for coffee and talk to her? Go for a walk in the park and have a conversation. 
"Look I know we started off on the wrong foot when I called you a skank ass bitch ass whore. I was mad when you yelled "thank god!" and clapped when I left my apartment. But we both love Pedro and we have to find a way to get along. So lets see if we can try to understand each other." this is what adults do--not rush to mommy and daddy over these silly little childish arguments. (My parents would have laughed themselves silly if I showed up at home with a long face and a whiny story about some girl being petty. Seriously). 

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

This. If Chantel was having a problem with Nicole, why not take her out for coffee and talk to her? Go for a walk in the park and have a conversation. 
"Look I know we started off on the wrong foot when I called you a skank ass bitch ass whore. I was mad when you yelled "thank god!" and clapped when I left my apartment. But we both love Pedro and we have to find a way to get along. So lets see if we can try to understand each other." this is what adults do--not rush to mommy and daddy over these silly little childish arguments. (My parents would have laughed themselves silly if I showed up at home with a long face and a whiny story about some girl being petty. Seriously). 

Don't forget "Slut Ass".  ; )

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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:22 PM, bethster2000 said:

I am, too.  Who behaves like Pedro did in his father-in-law's house?  That's beyond unacceptable!!!  The sense of entitlement and outright SMUG shown by Pedro, his skank sister, and his skank grifter of a mother is astonishing.  Pedro admonishing Chantel about her behavior with her parents sitting right there, while skanky skanky is sittng there like the cat who caught the chicken feet?  Oh, HELL no.  

I may love you, but you act the fool in my father's house?  Next.  (Call it a cultural thing.)

ETA:  TLC, you need to lose the live segments and just show the damn show.

Who invites guests into their home only to provoke a confrontation with them the minute they walk through the door?  Who sets up a confrontation to be 5 against 1?  Family Chantal is as trashy, if not trashier than Family Pedro by a long shot.  

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21 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Who invites guests into their home only to provoke a confrontation with them the minute they walk through the door?  Who sets up a confrontation to be 5 against 1?  Family Chantal is as trashy, if not trashier than Family Pedro by a long shot.  

Technically, it was 5 against 2 . . . but unacceptable for sure.  

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I'm trying to decide who is worse: Family Chantel or Family Pedro. All this tit for tat stuff. Her family DID carry themselves like stupid Americans in the D.R., but that comment was made before they shunned his abuela's home. His family served chicken feet to her family, and to me that was childish as hell. You went out of your way to prepare something that you don't eat and proceeded to laugh about it being offensive. Even after that, Chantel stayed while her family left. I remember Lydia laying on the bench outside the grandmother's house sounding like the ever entitled brat droning on and on about how this was the culture and Chantel just needed to accept it. Nicole and Lydia's talking heads showed their more nasty sides. Just as I believe the family Chantel don't think Pedro was good enough for their daughter, I'm leaning towards Lydia believing the same about Chantel. I definitely don't think she's what/who she wanted Pedro to marry Her comments about Pedro being a "Pure Dominican" in an earlier season just may be the issue. Maybe she wanted him to marry a Dominican woman. Prior to that argument in the resort lobby, it didn't seem like Chantel had done anything or even been remotely rude to Lydia or Nicole, so I wasn't understanding why they came off so rude and mocking in all their talking heads in the D.R. Nicole called her a princess and some other stuff. I don't know many princesses who live in flats so tiny that they have to walk outside to change their minds and drive sensible cars like Volkswagens and Toyotas but okay. I could see if she was demanding to drive a Range Rover and to live in Buckhead or $7.5 million estate. YMMV.

Chantel and Pedro would do well to move to say....California because it's on complete opposite coast and would require a five hour flight to get there for her parents and even longer journey for his family. She needs to stop going to her family and telling them everything. All it has continued to do is add fuel to the fire. Outside of that, it wouldn't matter if she did stop running to them. Just like her family has gotten in her ear about Pedro, his mother has hammered home that all this support, the gifts, etc. are part of his culture and must be done. And if his wife doesn't like it, he should divorce her. His mother's wants come before everything. While Chantel's comment about him making sure he had the rent initially came off as passive aggressive, it might make sense if he's taking from their household to support his mother. I'm willing to bet he paid for Nicole's braces. I don't know if he was working at the point where he paid their rent for a year, but if not, that's a problem and would explain why they were in that studio flat. I do agree with Family Chantel's opinion that his mother is taking advantage. It was one thing to buy dresses, perfume, etc. It's another ballgame to be paying rent, buying laptops, TVs, and also sending $300 home every month, too. His mother is supposedly an attorney, so it's not like she's unemployed and letting her degrees collect dust. At what point is the line drawn where it is no longer doing it for the culture and being taken for a ride?

They need marriage counselling, better communication, and don't need to involve their families in anything in their marriage. I don't get the running home to mummy and daddy every time something happens. You're a few years shy of 30, Chantel. Not three and tattling on the little boy or girl at the nursery who did something. She needs to give up this one big happy family idea. NEVER going to happen, dearie. Your family doesn't respect your husband, your marriage, or you. You don't have the backbone to stand up for him or yourself. At the same token, he does the same thing to you where his family is concerned. He played a part in the festering issues with his wife and sister. He was too busy telling Chantel to not talk to him like that in front of his family when he should've been telling Nicole that the disrespect wouldn't be tolerated. His refusal to tell his mother and sister to respect the woman in his life is a weird one. That conversation should've been had in the D.R., and Nicole and Chantel should've had a conversation then or even when she arrived in Atlanta to hash out their issues. Bringing it up at dinner when there was already beef was childish, petty, and lead to a physical confrontation. There's enough blame to go around on all sides.

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On 7/8/2018 at 10:38 PM, 7isBlue said:

Yes, and yes. She’s at least 5’10” and that chair was on the small side. I think it’s also low, which make one look even more oversized (speaking from experience). 

Just googled her because I remembered she was huge on The View (and I was happy to see her go).  She is 6'1

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28 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

They need marriage counselling, better communication, and don't need to involve their families in anything in their marriage. I don't get the running home to mummy and daddy every time something happens. You're a few years shy of 30, Chantel. Not three and tattling on the little boy or girl at the nursery who did something. She needs to give up this one big happy family idea. NEVER going to happen, dearie. Your family doesn't respect your husband, your marriage, or you. You don't have the backbone to stand up for him or yourself. At the same token, he does the same thing to you where his family is concerned. He played a part in the festering issues with his wife and sister. He was too busy telling Chantel to not talk to him like that in front of his family when he should've been telling Nicole that the disrespect wouldn't be tolerated. His refusal to tell his mother and sister to respect the woman in his life is a weird one. That conversation should've been had in the D.R., and Nicole and Chantel should've had a conversation then or even when she arrived in Atlanta to hash out their issues. Bringing it up at dinner when there was already beef was childish, petty, and lead to a physical confrontation. There's enough blame to go around on all sides.

I have yet to see Chantel have any friends on the show, save for the one who appeared early on (CiCi or similar) who we haven't seen in some time.  Hell, even Nicole had some friend who may or may not be a paid actress (ditto Jorge and Anfisa).  She may not have anyone else to confide in.  Or she's used to having her family fight her battles for her, and that's all she knows.  I had to break my mom of that habit, and it was HARD.  I can excuse it a bit because she's newly married, and it's a rookie move, but she should have learned by now, so that's on her.

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On 7/9/2018 at 5:59 AM, juicyfruit said:

I agree, her reaction was out of character for her.

As to the Fed Ex suggestion or having her father bring the police record with him - I have had to have a criminal record check completed many times for both employment purposes and in preparation to adopt a child, and I had to request it myself in person at the police station (they needed to see 2 pieces of ID).  No one else could request or pick it up for me.  But I am in Canada, it may be different in the U.S.

ETA: Duh, I just realized she has already had it completed so her father would simply need to find it and bring it.  NM...

Maybe someone drugged her french fries with Xanax?

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On 7/9/2018 at 8:04 AM, bichonblitz said:

And still wearing that damn black turtleneck.

Black is slimming doncha know!  HA!!!!  I have to say I am living for this recap.  Better than watching.

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On 7/9/2018 at 9:43 AM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

The live show was so pointless. It was kind of fun to see Jodie from RealiTV but she and the other guests each got about six words in. Why even waste their time? It felt rushed and poorly planned. I'm not entirely opposed to a live after-show but that is not the way to do it. They need to find a personable B- or C-list celebrity who's willing to admit they're obsessed with the show and have watched since Day 1, and get that person to host. Someone like Chrissy Teigen but less polarizing, or like Tori Spelling but less timid. Hell, even another reality person who's fairly well-known, like Brandi Glanville or Melissa Howard Beck. Then have just one or two popular bloggers or podcasters per episode, shell out the $400 to fly them into the studio because Skype is never not awkward, and have a real conversation. Bring in people related to the show we just watched, not losers from two seasons ago who won't go away. Instead of Danielle, why not Winter, or Robbalee, or heck even Storage Cody? That would be hilarious. Call me, TLC!

I know this person can be polarizing but she could be a good host based on how she has been on WWHL.  I am going with Leah Remini.  Chrissy Teigen could be good but Tori no.  

Watched the clip above about the ep.  I really don't like this family and from the looks of it, Chantal wants to be known for her boobs cause that is all you see when you look at her.  I am voting they are fake.  Most women I know with real large boobs are a little less enamored of them.  They are a giant pain in the ass.  

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On 7/9/2018 at 10:59 AM, MakingBacon said:

I didn’t get the idea Cody lived in the apartment, just that he maybe had to clean it up for David to live in. My first thought was that Chris told Cody to make it sound like an awful place to live so David would turn it down. I think Chris, and for sure his wife, were looking for ways to stop the gravy train to David. The apartment was really like a bachelor apartment with no kitchen. How is it different than renting a room where you don’t have kitchen privileges. As someone said, there are electric woks, hot plates and crockpots they can use. College kids live in these types of places all the time. Honestly, when you have no money, you take what you can get for free. A job and housing is a good deal and lot of people trying to get on their feet would take in a heartbeat.  I don’t just see David taking the job because he obviously doesn’t want to work nor do I think Chris is would think David would actually do the job since he knows his friend doesn’t want to work. 

As to Molly and Chris, my understanding is that they are financially responsible for ten years as to any government aid received by Luis and Annie but they do not otherwise have to financially support them on a day to day basis. 

I fast forwarded through the fight but may have to go back and watch it. I am so over Chantal and Pedro. I am team Pedro, even though I hate his family and that he spends loads money without consulting his wife, because Chantal emboldens her family every time she talks crap to them about Pedro. She knows how they are going to react. 

There are also really cool convection ovens that are countertop.  I saw a really cool one on QVC that had two doors that opened side to side and could roast 2 chickens at once, fit a 9x13 pan, etc.  But then again, you have to pay for those.  The only solution David Poor wants is free housing, free food, free everything.  Annie picked poorly.

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On 7/9/2018 at 11:38 AM, heatherchandler said:


Pretty sure the reason things are appearing to turn around for him is due to the very expensive PR person hired with the Hearst money!


Is it funny to anyone else that Nicole lives in Manatee county?  As she herself is a manatee.

It is highly insulting to these gorgeous sea cows to be compared to Nicole.  Take that back @heatherchandler!  HA!  

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On 7/10/2018 at 8:20 PM, PityFree said:

You mean Robilee is going to have to get May’s birthday certificate for school. No way is Nicole going to bother with the mundane tasks of doing things to get her child into school.  Robilee is going to be getting her immunization shots, buying her shoes and supplies for school, and taking her/picking her up every day. 

Nah, May will be homeschooled because its WAY easier than getting up early to get her there on time.  And by homeschooled, I mean staying home and playing on her Ipad.

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34 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Nah, May will be homeschooled because its WAY easier than getting up early to get her there on time.  And by homeschooled, I mean staying home and playing on her Ipad.

I'm sure the YouTube Academy for Kids is a great homeschool program! Plus all the fun apps that teach her colors and numbers. It's all good, right??? Nicole's aspirations for May are probably that she gets a nice, steady job at McDonald's, so she can help out with rent.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this person can be polarizing but she could be a good host based on how she has been on WWHL.  I am going with Leah Remini.  Chrissy Teigen could be good but Tori no.  

Watched the clip above about the ep.  I really don't like this family and from the looks of it, Chantal wants to be known for her boobs cause that is all you see when you look at her.  I am voting they are fake.  Most women I know with real large boobs are a little less enamored of them.  They are a giant pain in the ass.  

I think Leah is too busy taking down $cientology.

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3 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I have yet to see Chantel have any friends on the show, save for the one who appeared early on (CiCi or similar) who we haven't seen in some time.  Hell, even Nicole had some friend who may or may not be a paid actress (ditto Jorge and Anfisa).  She may not have anyone else to confide in.  Or she's used to having her family fight her battles for her, and that's all she knows.  I had to break my mom of that habit, and it was HARD.  I can excuse it a bit because she's newly married, and it's a rookie move, but she should have learned by now, so that's on her.

I don't want to defend any of them because they're all pretty bad although I agree with much of what you said. I also felt that she's never been married before and doesn't seem to have figured out that fine line of letting family know you're miserable. She's giving details and they're parroting it back at Pedro and Sister Pedro and it's making things worse. Rookie move, as you say, Funky, one that sadly she didn't realize sooner.  

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this person can be polarizing but she could be a good host based on how she has been on WWHL.  I am going with Leah Remini.  Chrissy Teigen could be good but Tori no.  

Watched the clip above about the ep.  I really don't like this family and from the looks of it, Chantal wants to be known for her boobs cause that is all you see when you look at her.  I am voting they are fake.  Most women I know with real large boobs are a little less enamored of them.  They are a giant pain in the ass.  

Leah is doing important work now. Chrissy T would be spot on 

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As I said in a previous post, Chantel is stupid, her family knows she's stupid and because of that, they want to get her FAR away from shady-ass Pedro and his super shady ass family.  Maybe they watch Forensic Files and worry about her safety.

Too bad Molly didn't have someone to tell her not to marry Luis.  Too bad someone didn't grab Annie and tell her not to marry broke David.

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Pedro and Chantel have been married for TWO YEARS, I hardly consider them newlyweds. I know she said her family rarely sees Pedro, but how do you live in the same area without at least seeing them for holidays and other events? Does Chantel attend these alone and spend her time complaining about Pedro and their marriage? 

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When we first saw Nicole (Pedro's sister), I thought she was really pretty.  Now, not so much.  I can't decide it's because she wears too much make-up or because of her lovely personality.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Pedro and Chantel have been married for TWO YEARS, I hardly consider them newlyweds. I know she said her family rarely sees Pedro, but how do you live in the same area without at least seeing them for holidays and other events? Does Chantel attend these alone and spend her time complaining about Pedro and their marriage? 

Yes she does and yes she does.

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On 7/12/2018 at 11:45 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

  But I assume places have to have permits or zoning or whatever in order to be a residence, and I quite doubt the storage facility space has it. 

I don't know where they end up moving, but I wouldn't be surprised if this "apartment" was just manufactured plot.  Nothing says "Home Sweet Home" like a "restroom" sign on the wall.

Yep.  @millennium's version is better.


Around here, many storage facilities-- have an onsite manager.  They have an actual little apartment (albeit one with a whole kitchen and bath) that's a part of the manager's income.

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I watched the preview for the next episode and it was interesting that Nicole yelled "Junior why you attack him?" It makes me think the fight was real but perhaps some of Nicole's unreasonable bitchiness was scripted. I am not at all a violent person but Momma Chantel screaming "immigration " at them made me want to smack the smirk and tiny hats off of her bigoted face. Nope, not today satan.

9 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

It is highly insulting to these gorgeous sea cows to be compared to Nicole.  Take that back @heatherchandler!  HA!  

The sea cow is a beautiful gentle and majestic creature. Nicole, not so much.  Another vote for not insulting the poor Manatee ha;)

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On 2018-07-12 at 2:53 PM, Former Nun said:

This was a formal dinner.  Because she knows how impor-ent it is for intelligent conversation to flow, MotherChantel worked on the seating arrangements for days.  She was already upset that she was given little notice.  She hired the area's most famous calligrapher to create the place cards and she was NOT going to have some Voodoo Upstart sit down and take over.

Don't forget they used the best paper plates money can by and that Costco tray of food is Michelin  star worthy.

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On Sunday, my guide said this show was on but it was some stupid live show that was going to have Danielle on, announced like it was a good thing, and then Dr. Pimple Popper. I didn't watch either one because I thought TLC was just pulling their usual trickery. A rerun just aired, the fight at the end had me laughing so hard that I almost had an asthma attack, and I don't have asthma, because I dislike that whole group sooooo much. I haven't read yet but have to get this out of my head in the hopes I'll stop laughing because my stomach and lungs hurt.

INT. SMALL APARTMENT OF FAMILY CHANTEL, DINING ROOM/KITCHEN (I seriously doubt this is their home, but they filmed it like it was so their real home must be worse.)

Winter tells her mom everything smells great and thanks her for cooking, and the camera pans to the table of what appears to be store bought food such as a cheese platter, aluminum foil pans of chicken wings, paper plates, but real wine glasses. No shade on not cooking for her guests, some days it's just too hot to cook, especially for people you don't like, but am laughing at Mom Chantel proving herself to be average and not at all the upper class, China service for all meals type family she tries to convince us she is. This is seriously not anything I ever notice and wouldn't have here either if she wasn't so arrogant.

Nicole walks in and leans toward Mom Chantel (her name is Karen, did you all know that?) to hug her in welcome, Karen blocks it but I'm not throwing shade on her for that; not everyone likes to be touched.

After the non-hug greeting, Nicole thanks them for inviting her to dinner, compliments the food, and with full plates in front of them still, Karen has to start shit by asking Nicole how things were going on in the apartment, and Sister Pedro lies while Pedro braces himself for the upcoming verbal trashing Family Chantel needs in order to continue their delusions of being better than others.

Pedro, rightfully in my opinion, asks Chantel why she told her family negative things since she knows they don't like him, tries to stop the conversation by changing seats with Chantel only to have Karen insist that Chantel stay were she is sitting, and stands up for his sister in a moment I don't fault because I think it was still part of him trying to diffuse the shitshow we viewers deserve for sitting through Chantel's scenes.

Then, River realizes there hasn't been any attention on himself for awhile so he throws something, a roll maybe, at Pedro, who loses whatever very little chill he has and tries to snatch River bald. Suddenly the entire Family Chantel and Family Pedro are physically feuding, the production staff kind of steps in, Pedro kicks over the food while storming out, Father Chantel (name unknown to me) runs to the door to continue to yell at Pedro, without actually leaving the doorway, and Mother Chantel (Karen!) is seen with Nicole's weave in her hand while Chantel breaks out in tears.

It must be a commercial for a future episode, but there is a talking head of Chantel saying that Pedro and Nicole planned to pick a fight with River. It's too bad her mom started it first making Pedro come across as the only adult in the room when I find him equally ridiculous. I wasn't looking forward to this season because it looked dull and I've burnt out on Nicole, Pao, and Chantel, but Nicole and Chantel brought the trash this season proving my initial reaction wrong. Thank you Karen for keeping your word that "it is about to get more stupider." I wonder if I can change my username to More Stupider?


Nicole decides that a photocopy of a document that was supposed to be original is good enough, because it's Nicole's world and whatever she wants or thinks is all that matters. The Country of Morocco doesn't care what Nicole wants and wants the original documents. It actually doesn't make any sense that she would only have the photocopy of her police record. I wonder if a family member snatched it at the last minute in the hopes of putting the breaks on her plans.

I really dislike Annie. It surprises me how much I dislike her; it goes beyond lack of sympathy. She's a con and user just like David, knew she was hitching her wagon to man with nothing because she expected Chris to fund her lifestyle and treat her like he does Nikki, his wife. They need to go away and take Pao, Danielle and Loren with them. Chantel and Nicole can stay if they keep bringing the drama, but Nicole is pretty close to tapped out. Danielle and Loren have long been tapped out and the show can't possibly be that hard up for footage.

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14 hours ago, lucy711 said:

When we first saw Nicole (Pedro's sister), I thought she was really pretty.  Now, not so much.  I can't decide it's because she wears too much make-up or because of her lovely personality.

If you look at her straight on, she's not bad.  But when she turns sideways and you can see her profile, you see her face is very "flat" and that changes her appearance.  I asked at one point if there are different standards of beauty in the DR because she's been referred to as a "beauty queen" but I'm not sure if the pageant she won (someone posted a video somewhere) is a "real" pageant system, ala Miss Universe, or if it's some vanity thing and money making racket, like 99% of the pageant systems in the US.

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On 2018-07-04 at 11:50 AM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

It’s definitely May. Not Mae. No idea where that misspelling came from, but it persists even though several people have confirmed the correct spelling.

I can understand the confusion around “Robbalee” because what the hell even is that name, but “May” is three letters, phoenetic, a common verb, and a month of the year. It could not be easier!

(This isn’t really directed at you, HoT, just the rantings of a good speller with an equally simple first name that people still manage to fuck up!)

Mae is a legitimate spelling of the given name. 

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What is wrong with Costco?  People seem to have issues with Costco.  

I wonder why David and Annie came back to the US.  If they stayed in Thailand, they might have a better life.  Wasn’t he teaching English in Thailand?

There was a couple on a past season, the man was American, the woman was from Thailand.  He lived in New Orleans, and she hated it there, they moved to Oregon, then someone in her family got sick and she wanted to go back to Thailand.  Eventually both of them went back and haven’t appeared on any TLC 90 Day Fiancée spin off.  Maybe David and Annie should go back to Thailand.

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

What is wrong with Costco?  People seem to have issues with Costco.  

I wonder why David and Annie came back to the US.  If they stayed in Thailand, they might have a better life.  Wasn’t he teaching English in Thailand?

There was a couple on a past season, the man was American, the woman was from Thailand.  He lived in New Orleans, and she hated it there, they moved to Oregon, then someone in her family got sick and she wanted to go back to Thailand.  Eventually both of them went back and haven’t appeared on any TLC 90 Day Fiancée spin off.  Maybe David and Annie should go back to Thailand.

I don't think that anyone has any issue with Costco directly.  The issue was more that the family invited someone for dinner who had never been in their home before, and served them food straight in the metal tins that it came pre-cooked in.  I don't have an issue with people serving pre-cooked food, but to me, it's tacky to serve it in metal take-out containers.  At least transfer it to a regular bowl or platter, and make it look nice.  But that's just me.

Kyle and Noon are the ones from the prior season.  They want back to Thailand for a visit, but did not move permanently.  Her father was ill, and they went to see him.  The show made it seem like they were leaving for good.

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7 hours ago, Christina said:

Then, River realizes there hasn't been any attention on himself for awhile so he throws something, a roll maybe, at Pedro, who loses whatever very little chill he has and tries to snatch River bald.

Father Chantel (name unknown to me) runs to the door to continue to yell at Pedro, without actually leaving the doorway,

River didn't actually throw anything . . . he batted at the Ikea light fixture, and it swung towards Pedro.  Good thing it didn't break, or the AirB&B owners would be suing for damages. 

Father Chantel's name is Thomas.  He was just mad because he had to stop eating wings to try to break up the fight.  He was literally chomping away while Karen and River were on either side of him screaming at Pedro.

Hope Pedro didn't break the table when he kicked it . . . the AirB&B owners WOULD sue for that.

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Nobody said it wasn’t. But it’s not May’s name. 

It is her name, just spelled in an alternative way. 

My Aunt’s name was Anna Mae. 

And yes it was often incorrectly spelled May.

Edited by iwasish
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21 hours ago, Neurochick said:

As I said in a previous post, Chantel is stupid, her family knows she's stupid and because of that, they want to get her FAR away from shady-ass Pedro and his super shady ass family.  Maybe they watch Forensic Files and worry about her safety.

Too bad Molly didn't have someone to tell her not to marry Luis.  Too bad someone didn't grab Annie and tell her not to marry broke David.

Actually, Molly's dad told her to slow it down and raised questions about Luis.  Molly's reaction was to accuse her dad of never supporting her, complain about him to her mother, and basically separate herself from him and his opinion/advice.

Ashley (David's daughter) did try to tell Annie about how irresponsible David is, but her delivery was horrible as she was really emotional about it.  However, Annie's bottom line was coming to the U.S., so it didn't matter what anyone had to say.

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32 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Too bad Molly didn't have someone to tell her not to marry Luis.  Too bad someone didn't grab Annie and tell her not to marry broke David.

I bet she had plenty of people telling her not to marry him, not bring him home to be Hazel but she was all ""Y'all don't know him like I do!"

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Molly was 'in lust' and there was no talking her out of it.  Once that period was over she opened her eyes and figured out how much the sex was costing her and headed straight to the immigration and attorneys office.

Love truly is blind.  At least in the beginning.

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We could collectively say that Molly is an idiot. 

We could also say that Molly is a liar, she had already married Luis and was acting like the engagement was real, dress shopping and wedding planning was real as well.  

I have no idea how Molly will ever make it up to Olivia and Kinsey, they will need family therapy until who knows when.

It never dawned on Molly that Luis wanted to come to the US so he could join his brother?  

Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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20 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

We could also say that Molly is a liar, she had already married Luis and was acting like the engagement was real, dress shopping and wedding planning was real as well. 

I think it WAS real, at least to her. Even though she had already married Luis at the courthouse, she wanted her dream wedding, white dress, etc., but Luis showed absolutely no interest in the planning and only him showing his true intentions was enough to call it off. She must be counting that in the "thousands of dollars" she spent on bringing Luis to the US. I still suspect HE was the one behind the quickie downtown wedding because he wanted to get her legally responsible for him as soon as possible. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

 Olivia also tried to discourage the marriage, but just like Molly did with her father, she accused Olivia of not being supportive or caring about her happiness. 

I feel so bad for Olivia and Kensley.  From what I've seen on Instagram lately Molly is still the same.  I think she pisses me off more than any other person on this show.  She's selfish and makes really bad decisions and now she's responsible for Luis for 10 years, oh well maybe she should grow up and be a mother to her kids.

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

For the love of god, after we still discussing how to spell the child's name after 10 days???????

Someone's heavily invested in it, for sho.

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I think it WAS real, at least to her. Even though she had already married Luis at the courthouse, she wanted her dream wedding, white dress, etc., but Luis showed absolutely no interest in the planning and only him showing his true intentions was enough to call it off. She must be counting that in the "thousands of dollars" she spent on bringing Luis to the US. I still suspect HE was the one behind the quickie downtown wedding because he wanted to get her legally responsible for him as soon as possible. 

Absolutely. Once those papers were signed he knew he didn't have to try anymore, didn't have to  pretend to like her kids. You can see it as the show progressed, in the beginning he was so in love with his "chubby girl" and smiling that stupid smile of his.  Later on he seemed much less interested and more rude and that was because they had married behind the scenes and he was done, he got what he wanted.  But stupid Molly kept  trying to keep the love story alive, they had as much chemistry as Nicole and Azan.

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On 2018-07-09 at 7:10 PM, nenya said:

I will have to re-watch, but I don't think Azan had untoward behavior towards May. Plus, in some cultures, especially ones with big families living close together, there is a lot of general affection towards kids. And May is a cutie. So, while he has other very negative qualities, I sincerely hope that it isn't anything near as disgusting as what is being implied. And if TLC caught something with their cameras and didn't do anything about it, then documentary be damned, they should step in and put a stop to this immediately. 

Agreed. I haven't watched a lot but i didn't notice anything creepy. Many people are affectionate with children, without nefarious motives.  In context i totally see Hassan using May as a buffer between him and Nicole and the stroking as unconscious or even self-soothing. Men ARE capable of just being good with kids and false accusations can ruin lives. 

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Since my friend and I rented the top floor of a house during our senior years in college with absolutely no kitchen I would have been delighted with what David has been offered. There's a sink, refrigerator and cabinets for heaven sakes. In retrospect, I don't know how we did it for a year but we used plastic tubs for dishpans and had an electric hot plate and big toaster oven/broiler. All that is missing at the storage unit is a stove and I am quite sure they could find one on Craig's List for less money than an induction cook plate, rice cooker and toaster oven. (BTW I have an induction cook plate which I love because it saves electricity but they are about $100 and it does require proper cookware to function. )

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