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Season 3 Discussion

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Even if Baby Hughie bothered to look up Muslim wedding customs she wouldn’t care. She’s going to wear her dream wedding dress and look so frickin smug doing it.  She’s gross!  Too bad her stepdad doesn’t seem to have much influence on BH’s Mom to stop spending money enabling her.  Have fun, Nicole twirling around in front of the mirror, like the cat who caught the canary because Azan is never going to marry you.  

I wouldn’t be surprised if Annie has had a few unclean abortion situations and had way too much scar tissue to conceive anyway.  She’s be a dumbass to have a baby with someone who didn’t support his children from before.  

Molly needs to believe Luis that he’s not going to be relegated to taking care of Kinsley and housework.  He told you in so many words that he’s not interested in playing daddy so not sure why she’s convincing herself he doesn’t mean it.  She seems to have a pretty bad track record with men and she was just all too happy when one of them agreed to marry her.

if they didn’t annoy me so much, I’d feel sorry for them.  

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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wonder if Step Daddy Nicole knows that Mommy Nicole is paying $2000 for dress and all the trimmings.  He seemed quite sensible when he chewed into Nicole and told her how stupid all of it was.  I'm thinking NicoleMom keeps some secret money for Baby Hewey Nicole. I'm really waiting to see how Azan gets himself out of this on

28 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Closed caption said $795.


I wonder how much it will cost to add the jaws of life to her alteration budget?  Just curious....

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1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

It reminds of that Russian woman who married some American guy. I forget their names. She had a 6-7 year old very undisciplined boy who didn't mind her. She was his fourth wife? Anyway, she actually said to the guy's best friend "I never told him that I loved him."  Maybe Russian women are just more honest all around. Or is that 2 different cultures just do not have enough in common to make it work?

On the update on Mat and Alla seemed like they were doing better. She was going to college and her son was speaking English well and had friends. I think Matt enjoyed being a dad. I can see them working. Most of the drama about his 3 marriages , his best friend, and wanting a house near his mom could have been played up for extra drama.  I think the common thread was all 3 Russian women have all gone on to college, and all had very grasp of the language. 

18 hours ago, iwasish said:

Her parents won’t take custody of May. She may dump her on them, but they won’t take her to court.  None of them want to raise another kid. 

Did Nicole even go for a child support order for her daughter? I doubt it. 

Nicole moved to TX and got pregnant with Mae. She left Texas before she had Mae to live with her family in FL. From all the stories I have read, she did not go for child support. I kind of get the feeling her family said they would help her and to forgot about the TX dad. The TX dad was a teen as well and didn't have the funds to try and fight for Mae. Mae's dad recently got married and is stable now and rumors are he might be wanting to try and get back in her life. I just hope if their are any future custody issues that TLC stays out of filming it. Mae already is on more TV then she should be. 

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So some of the trash magazines are reporting that Nicole is back from Morocco. I think I was reading on this forum that the time line of the show was filmed around Jan/Feb - so I can safely assume as soon as Nicole got her tax return she booked a flight to "my worldland" and once her tax return was spent Morocco ran out of french fries - she had to come back to her palatial swamp digs.

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3 hours ago, seniorpatriot said:

It reminds of that Russian woman who married some American guy. I forget their names. She had a 6-7 year old very undisciplined boy who didn't mind her. She was his fourth wife? Anyway, she actually said to the guy's best friend "I never told him that I loved him."  Maybe Russian women are just more honest all around. Or is that 2 different cultures just do not have enough in common to make it work?

I totally agree. For some men and women in many cultures, these commitments are not love-centered, like we do in the U.S. Anfisa was honest. I feel like Paola lied. I also feel like Annie was honest, as well. There was the expectation that David was going to take care of her. Ugh. Think of that. David's broke, he looks like Penguin, AND Annie has to sleep with him?  Ay yay yay.

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I am only 21 minutes in and my few observations so far:  (sorry if this has been repeated - I have not checked any comments yet)


1) Nicole's stepdad has said what we have all been screaming at our TV for years lol result! too bad Nicole gives no fucks about anyone but herself (Mae included) and has no one considered that if the US denied him access via a K-1 why would they let him come in just bc she flies her dumb arse to marry him abroad in a country that Donald Trump prolly doesn't like much atm... smh.  Also..I was surprised to hear that she wont have to convert to marry Hassan.. I tried to research it but it was a bit confusing. I really hope the parents petition the courts to take temporary custody of Mae while she is away bedding her prince...**shudders**

2) When Paolas crazy drama queen friend makes the most damn sense out of all of them you have to tip your hat to him lol literally everything he said at that table with her was spot on!


3) ...and most importantly...

Dayyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum! Chantel titties!! she must have had a second boob job..? in that blue dress they look lots bigger than last season.. 

Jorfisa : not sure I even care about these plebs anymore... 

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8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:
22 hours ago, Mothra said:

But the question remains--what does Ashley want David to do to rectify that situation?  And her complaint, over and over and over, is that he's putting his (new) wife ahead of his flesh and blood--which is as it should be, when your flesh and blood are adults.  I understand that Jacob is still young and needs his parents, but Ashley is the one carrying on.

I think David needs to apologize to Ashley--not some self-justifying "I've suffered myself thinking of what I did to you"--but a genuine, groveling "i'm sorry" apology.  A sincere apology goes a long way to mending hurt feelings.  And I don't blame Ashley for being mad at him--it's awful that he abandoned his children--but she seems to think that he ought to be acting toward her now as he should have behaved when she was a child, and that's unrealistic.  Honestly, I don't think Ashley knows what she wants from David--that's why it's up to him to step up and apologize.  She has said she wants him in her children's lives, and that should be easy; it's clear Annie has an affinity with the kids, and he can just go along (I don't think I'd want him to be grandpa to my children, but if Annie stayed in the room I wouldn't object to his creepy presence).

I agree. I can't figure out what Ashley wants (besides being on TV, anyway). She's a grown woman with three children. No matter how much she badgers him, David is never going to be the father she wants.

I know what she wants.  She wants acknowledgement that he was a crappy dad and it hurt her and the rest of the family.  She also wants him to feel some regret for it.  Instead, she gets "that's in the past...let's put it behind us."  

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Sorry for my ignorance not knowing how to copy. The poster above who made the comment about Nicole's parents probably not wanting to raise another toddler is right-on. My grandkids are cute, but after a full day I'm wiped out, sometimes needing a couple of days to recover. I'm not a spring chicken. 

Additionally, it's obvious Robbalee's partial facial paralysis waxes and wanes, probably depending on how much Nicole is stressing her out. Her health might also be the reason she caves in to Giant Toddler, not doing so equals more stress.

I think step-dad's firmness with Nicole was more about being worried about his wife, not really caring what foolishness Nicole was planning. 

Thanks for this great site & smart posters.

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3 minutes ago, zenme said:

So does Robbalee have Bell's Palsy? Isn't that due to stress?

I was wondering about Myasthenia Gravis when I saw her eye. Myasthenia Gravis  can go into remission and come back. I just hope if she does have a medical condition that stress can make worse or that goes in and out of remission, Nicole will snap to it and realize she needs to treat her mom better. 

Do we know if Nicole is her youngest child? just curious Robalee called Nicole her baby a few times. I know Nicole has at least 2 sisters and I thought one might be younger?

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Would not surprise me to learn that Annie has done some babysitting for Ashley's kids. They were too happy to see her and be with her if she was more or less a stranger.

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On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 8:32 AM, Mswldflwr said:

I really like Robbalee, but she's truly exasperating me.  Robbalee, put your foot down with Nicole now.  Tell here, no, I'm not going to Morrocco to participate in this ridiculous marriage you're fantasizing about.  No, I'm not paying for your wedding dress.  And no, I will not continue to support your sizable ass financially while I know you're just pissing it away on that asshat from Morocco.  And tell her you will go after custody of Mae if she doesn't start doing right by that child.  The girl seriously needs a two-by-four-upside-the-head reality check and you're pretty much the only one that can give it to her.  Why do you continue to placate and coddle her?  It's  maddening.  I'm pretty sure her mental faculties got stunted at about the age of 15 and she's going to be stuck there the rest of her life unless she's dragged kicking and screaming forward into adulthood.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Because Baby Beluga uses Mae to extort her parents.   I'm fairly certain the only reason they continue to coddle and enable her is for Mae's sake.  Nicole hasn't actually done anything to warrant losing custody so all going after custody would do is ensure they'd never see Mae again.   They're really screwed when it comes to Nicole.  I desperately hope Nicole gets a swift, hard kick in the ass from the karma fairy.

Edited by lezlers
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1 hour ago, zenme said:

I totally agree. For some men and women in many cultures, these commitments are not love-centered, like we do in the U.S. Anfisa was honest. I feel like Paola lied. I also feel like Annie was honest, as well. There was the expectation that David was going to take care of her. Ugh. Think of that. David's broke, he looks like Penguin, AND Annie has to sleep with him?  Ay yay yay.

I don’t think that Annie is all that bothered by her nightly marital duties. She’s given us a demonstration of her vocalizations during the act and seems more amused than grossed out by the sounds of David’s sweaty ass keeping time. I think her unhappiness and disillusionment with America are born of the realization that she got hoodwinked. If David had delivered on even 50% of what he promised, Annie would happily fuck him 2x a day and 3 on Sunday. 

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I know what she wants.  She wants acknowledgement that he was a crappy dad and it hurt her and the rest of the family.  She also wants him to feel some regret for it.  Instead, she gets "that's in the past...let's put it behind us."  

David’s  handing her the same bullshit Caitlyn Jenner gave her son when he told her how hurt he was that Caitlyn just dropped out of his life. The response was pretty much “oh well, too bad that happened,but time to get over it”

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On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:36 AM, Mothra said:

It's more than that.  She's willfully ignorant.  When Nicole was in Morocco the first time and tried to get physical with Azan in public, he explained to her several times that he could get in trouble if someone reported them (to whom I don't know).  She chose to ignore what he said; it's as if she hadn't heard him say it.  She continued to try to kiss him in public, and that led to some of the first fights they had.  She's clearly horny and can't or won't control herself, but in a conservative, theocratic society, she'd better settle down and behave herself.  It's really a matter of good manners to respect the culture you're visiting, and she's just too fucking dumb to accept that.

And I'm on the team that thinks she is not the only horny American who is sending him money Azan is involved with.

That's because she's a giant walking, talking ID.  All she cares about is herself: her wants and her needs.  Everyone else (including Mae) can just go to hell. 

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18 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Because Baby Beluga uses Mae to extort her parents.   I'm fairly certain the only reason they continue to coddle and enable her is for Mae's sake.  Nicole hasn't actually done anything to warrant losing custody so all going after custody would do is ensure they'd never see Mae again.   They're really screwed when it comes to Nicole.  I desperately hope Nicole gets a swift, hard kick in the ass from the karma fairy.

I don’t see her holding May over their heads, she’s never said a word even close to “you’ll never see your grandkid again”. Nicole must dump May on them every chance she gets, who watches her while she’s serving lattes? I think they’re more scared that she WILL take off and leave them stuck with May. 

Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see the grandparents giving May much more than a perfunctory hug and kiss and pat on the head, the rest of the time she’s lolling on the floor playing with lint or hanging upside down on the chair in a restaurant. It’s all about Nicole. 

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42 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Because Baby Beluga uses Mae to extort her parents.   I'm fairly certain the only reason they continue to coddle and enable her is for Mae's sake.  Nicole hasn't actually done anything to warrant losing custody so all going after custody would do is ensure they'd never see Mae again.   They're really screwed when it comes to Nicole.  I desperately hope Nicole gets a swift, hard kick in the ass from the karma fairy.

I've thought of a way for Robbalee to rain on Nicole's parade.  If this were a legit engagement, she, as mother of the bride-to-be, would have wanted to meet the groom-to-be's mother to talk about the wedding.  It should be a simple matter for Nicole to arrange a Skype meeting for the two moms.  I'd like to see Robbalee to press for this.  Of course it will never happen because Azan has no idea at all of marrying Nicole, but maybe a refusal to put the moms in touch with each other would jar Nicole's smugness--without Robbalee having to be the Bad Guy.

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On 6/10/2018 at 10:18 PM, Miss Chevious said:

Nicole had cleavage front and back in that dress. Strapless is not a good look for her.

The woman at that bridal shop should be ashamed of herself! Even though the bride choses the style the salon owner is the expert on the fit! She just didn't care because Azan is going to be stuck finding clear WD-40 and industrial clamps to hold that dress up  and then find a place to hide when the entire country is offended by the cleavage. The store could at least order the correct size. What nonsense 

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1 hour ago, spankydoll said:

The store could at least order the correct size. What nonsense 

Apparently, there's not enough time to special order a dress in the correct size, but they can add the CorSET top on site. I would  imagine that means letting it out as much as possible, changing the back zipper to a lace up, industrial strength boning and hopefully adding more fabric coverage to the bra cups (but that's just a guess.) Where's VERA when you need her? 

Edited by magemaud
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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Apparently, there's not enough time to special order a dress in the correct size, but they can add the CorSET top on site. I would  imagine that means letting it out as much as possible, changing the back zipper to a lace up, industrial strength boning and hopefully adding more fabric coverage to the bra cups (but that's just a guess.) 

She will look like Violet Beauregard from holding her breath in. I am not a fan of hers but I hate to see someone made a fool of by a so called professional. Hopefully Robalee can repurpose the dress into a canopy for her bed afterwards.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I don’t see her holding May over their heads, she’s never said a word even close to “you’ll never see your grandkid again”. Nicole must dump May on them every chance she gets, who watches her while she’s serving lattes? I think they’re more scared that she WILL take off and leave them stuck with May. 

Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see the grandparents giving May much more than a perfunctory hug and kiss and pat on the head, the rest of the time she’s lolling on the floor playing with lint or hanging upside down on the chair in a restaurant. It’s all about Nicole. 

To be fair, we only see a snapshot of their life and that snap shot is what TLC stages wants us to see.  We really don’t know what really goes on IRL.  From what has been disclosed on the show, Robilee and Nichole’s sister takes care of Mae most of the time, not Nichole.   Nichole has threaten to take Mae to live in Morocco which is why Nichole’s dad agreed to sponsor Azan.  Robilee was not happy when she found this out.

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18 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

To be fair, we only see a snapshot of their life and that snap shot is what TLC stages wants us to see.  We really don’t know what really goes on IRL.  From what has been disclosed on the show, Robilee and Nichole’s sister takes care of Mae most of the time, not Nichole.   Nichole has threaten to take Mae to live in Morocco which is why Nichole’s dad agreed to sponsor Azan.  Robilee was not happy when she found this out.

Exactly.  She did use that threat to take Mae to Morocco and you could see that devious smile on her face.  

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11 hours ago, Mothra said:

If he did, Chris paid for it.  Guaranteed.

I wonder if he waddled when he wasn't fat--if he has some kind of problem with his hip.

Putting all that weight back on can’t be very healthy given his history of stroke. Maybe Annie took out a life insurance policy on him?

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On 6/8/2018 at 5:31 PM, LilaFowler said:


On 6/8/2018 at 3:58 PM, RichiesOlderBro said:

TLC may use local camera crews rather than send a US based crew to each foreign location.  

I would think that would be more trouble than it's worth. They'd have to enter into a contract with foreign nationals and adhere to employment standards and restrictions that may differ from ours. I think the crews are entirely American.

The show is produced by Sharp Entertainment, which is based in Manhattan, but has an office in London.  Sharp Entertainment is owned by Endemol Shine Group based in Amsterdam. 

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1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

To be fair, we only see a snapshot of their life and that snap shot is what TLC stages wants us to see.  We really don’t know what really goes on IRL.  From what has been disclosed on the show, Robilee and Nichole’s sister takes care of Mae most of the time, not Nichole.   Nichole has threaten to take Mae to live in Morocco which is why Nichole’s dad agreed to sponsor Azan.  Robilee was not happy when she found this out.

Even if her father did agree to sponsor Azan ( to be clear I am new to this show, I only caught random episodes and scenes, so there are many things I haven’t witnessed), in part to keep May and Nicole here, she did take May to  meet Azan there. She’s saying now that she intends to take May and wait for the K-3, which could take a long time, especially if Azan drags his heels. If Azan refuses to marry her or the K-3 is denied, how long can she stay?

I think my point is that from what I see they are equally concerned about Nicole and May.

Cutting off financial aid to Nicole, taking away the free apartment, not being available to babysit ( forcing her to spend money on daycare) and in general just telling her flat out that they will not be a party to this idiotic fantasy will force her to face reality on her own or have reality kick her in her ample ass when she finds herself and her daughter abandoned in Morocco. Once her visa expires, all she can do is come home with her tail between her legs (same way  she returned from Texas , hopefully this time without a bellyful)

It does seem at this point that either she left May here or sent her home while she remained in Morocco, or possibly both she and May are home. TLC lives to fuck with us so who knows.

I just don’t see Nicole’s actions as blackmailing them with May. Yeah she gives them that smug self satisfied “what about that!! smirk... but they could easily wipe it off by let’s say RobbaLee saying “No  Nicole I won’t be paying for your wedding dress” and walking out the store and let  Baby Huey have her tantrum. 

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12 hours ago, seniorpatriot said:

It reminds of that Russian woman who married some American guy. I forget their names. She had a 6-7 year old very undisciplined boy who didn't mind her. She was his fourth wife? Anyway, she actually said to the guy's best friend "I never told him that I loved him."  Maybe Russian women are just more honest all around. Or is that 2 different cultures just do not have enough in common to make it work?

I am not from Russia but an Easter European country and I do think that we are more honest. If we say we love you then it is real. We also have a different word for love between two people and let’s say I love chocolate. Love for us is it something we take light on. 

By the way that boy was perfectly behaving and was not undisciplined at all! She seemed like a very good mother! And he was also in to making it work with her Max. 

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8 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m sure Mae’s father exited her life so quickly because the whole sex with Nicole was supposed to be on the down-low. 

But he announced on his facebook that they were expecting a girl?

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8 hours ago, iwasish said:

I just don’t see Nicole’s actions as blackmailing them with May. Yeah she gives them that smug self satisfied “what about that!! smirk... but they could easily wipe it off by let’s say RobbaLee saying “No  Nicole I won’t be paying for your wedding dress” and walking out the store and let  Baby Huey have her tantrum. 

I think Robalee was told (by production), "Okay.  Today's script involves Nicole going shopping for a wedding dress.  As soon as we're done filming today, you'll get your check for appearing in this episode.  But if you don't want to go into the store with Nicole, you can just stay home or wait in the car and you won't get a check.  Ready?  Let's go."

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On 6/11/2018 at 10:49 PM, Lucky Santangelo said:

Here’s the cake.fd84429b397ce2f2a9660587c722ba24.jpg

Oh my gosh I love it.

I am in NO WAY defending Nicole but I belong to a wedding board where people post their "Back and Married" photos and let's just say there are A LOT of girls out there with arms that are.....not fit and still wanna rock that sleeveless look when a bolero or a dress with sleeves would be so much more flattering.

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On 6/11/2018 at 12:17 PM, OrchidThief said:

Molly, Molly, Molly. I'm a native southerner, and that put-on, little-girly version of a southern accent makes my breakfast come back up. You don't have to put that act on to make people think you're stupid...we already caught on. How does she run a business? And what kind of lingerie business trip is in...KENTUCKY? Most textile mills are in states a bit farther south, in cotton country, and I'm not sure Kentucky is a thriving fashion center. Maybe there's a thong convention?

As annoying as Nicole is (well they all are, actually) Molly and that VOICE are just vomit inducing.  And what she has to say is even worse:  "I think Luis is not understanding this" or "I think I may ask him to leave....." I am paraphrasing but that "Oh gee I am not sure what to do....." is just rage inducing.  His name is not on the title (we hope and pray) so ask him to leave and if he refuses tell him you are calling the sheriff to have him evicted for trespassing.  Seriously, I do not play.

You brought your vacation f&*k back, you tried to change him into what you wanted, you placed your children below your vacation f&*k and they resent him and you (especially your older one) and well.......live and learn, cut your losses and move on.  

This is coming from someone who remarried last fall to a guy I knew since we were kids and we dated for a year before I introduced him to my kids.  The first time they saw us kiss was our wedding day, so I am coming from a different viewpoint, obviously.  I had zero expectations of him being a stepfather.  Didn't force anything and it it all came naturally.  So I was glacier pace - Molly was WARP SPEED AHEAD!!!

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24 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

As annoying as Nicole is (well they all are, actually) Molly and that VOICE are just vomit inducing.  And what she has to say is even worse:  "I think Luis is not understanding this" or "I think I may ask him to leave....." I am paraphrasing but that "Oh gee I am not sure what to do....." is just rage inducing.  His name is not on the title (we hope and pray) so ask him to leave and if he refuses tell him you are calling the sheriff to have him evicted for trespassing.  Seriously, I do not play.

You brought your vacation f&*k back, you tried to change him into what you wanted, you placed your children below your vacation f&*k and they resent him and you (especially your older one) and well.......live and learn, cut your losses and move on.  

This is coming from someone who remarried last fall to a guy I knew since we were kids and we dated for a year before I introduced him to my kids.  The first time they saw us kiss was our wedding day, so I am coming from a different viewpoint, obviously.  I had zero expectations of him being a stepfather.  Didn't force anything and it it all came naturally.  So I was glacier pace - Molly was WARP SPEED AHEAD!!!

You nailed it. If Molly was really into Luis she would continue with the child care she must have had beforehand, and encourage him to get a job that allows him to be out and around other people. There must be an Applebees or even a Starbucks nearby where Luis can use his serving experience and just have fun joking around with the customers. Then you have a happy Luis who is also earning $$. Win/win. However, Molly insists on forcing a stay-at-home dad role on Luis, which is her fantasy of how life should be. In this way, she is just as delusional as Nicole.

  Not to be completely negative, I enjoy Molly's loud glam drag style. It brings some life to the show- imagine how grim their segments would be if they both looked average. Also, Luis frolicking in the snow in that big fur coat was awesomeness.

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Regarding the bridal shop owner selling Baby Huey that atrocious dress. I made my daughter's wedding dress. But, we went to two bridal boutiques to get ideas on silhouette and fabrics. I flat out asked our very nice sales associate at the first store about why bright white, strapless gowns were being worn by 90% of brides, most of whom would look SO much better in a different style. She told me that strapless gowns are cheaper to make, far easier to alter and many lace up the back, giving much more flexibility in fit. I then asked her if she tried to steer clients toward a more flattering silhouette/style. She's said the only time she was allowed to make suggestions was if a bride asked for help in choosing a flattering style. If she tried to steer a client away from a dress that looked like crap on them without being asked, she could get fired. She said it was really hard to not tell women that the strapless dress they were in love with made them look like a big, white, badly stuffed sausage. She was looking for a different job.

My daughter's dress turned out beautifully and was exactly what she wanted. But, the thought of sewing silk chiffon still gives me nightmares?

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Add me to the list of people that think strapless gowns should only be worn on women who have nice arms!  When I got married, I was a size 6.  I tried on a strapless number and hated the way my arms looked in it! I was thin and it looked like crap on me.  I also hated the super lacy, super beaded gowns on me.  After trying on a multitude of wedding gowns, I found a very simple number in the back of the store.  It had caps sleeves, pearl on the bodice and tulle below.  It was very simple and elegant, and also inexpensive!  I had so many compliments on it and 22 years later, the dress still looks beautiful in photos .    

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I think Robalee was told (by production), "Okay.  Today's script involves Nicole going shopping for a wedding dress.  As soon as we're done filming today, you'll get your check for appearing in this episode.  But if you don't want to go into the store with Nicole, you can just stay home or wait in the car and you won't get a check.  Ready?  Let's go."

Let’s add, “We (TLC) have taken care of the dress.  Just play along.”

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1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

My daughter's dress turned out beautifully and was exactly what she wanted. But, the thought of sewing silk chiffon still gives me nightmares

I'm impressed.  I would have to sew one out of corduroy!!

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1 hour ago, Kickboxer said:

You nailed it. If Molly was really into Luis she would continue with the child care she must have had beforehand, and encourage him to get a job that allows him to be out and around other people. There must be an Applebees or even a Starbucks nearby where Luis can use his serving experience and just have fun joking around with the customers. Then you have a happy Luis who is also earning $$. Win/win. However, Molly insists on forcing a stay-at-home dad role on Luis, which is her fantasy of how life should be. In this way, she is just as delusional as Nicole.

  Not to be completely negative, I enjoy Molly's loud glam drag style. It brings some life to the show- imagine how grim their segments would be if they both looked average. Also, Luis frolicking in the snow in that big fur coat was awesomeness.

But you see, that would make sense and we can't have that on this show!!!  Luis bugs for many reasons, but that smug holier than thou attitude/look on his face just makes me want to punch him in the throat.  And I am a mild mannered girl from Minnesota.  

If Luis got a job like you described, Molly would be afraid of meeting a girl his own age or younger with no kids and leaving.  Actually that would be a gift at this point but Molly can't see it.  Let him sponge off someone else for a bit!

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I don't know what kind of "business trip" Mole-ee went to, but when they showed her talking to her mom on the phone, Mole-ee was dressed in what looked like a Santa's elf costume . . . ?

It was maddening to see Nicole's mother cave at the bridal store.  Either Nicole is having conversations with "My World" away from the cameras, or she is completely delusional.  We have not seen Azan agreeing to any of the wedding cr@p Nicole is talking about.  Nicole thinks that if she says it, it's true.  She really is out of touch with reality.  Even though she's bringing this all on herself, I'm going to feel bad for her when it all comes to a crashing dead end. 

Edited by suzeecat
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Seriously, Robbalee is a pushover. I don't see much redeeming about her at all. She may squawk a bit but she's soon defeated by Nicole's fits of pique. If she had any smarts at all she would have put her foot down with her foolish daughter years ago. And since she didn't, now she should let her sink or swim. But she can't make up her mind. She makes a brave stab at truth telling and tough love, but then she backs down immediately. She just wrings her hands and frets. Eh. I have no empathy to spare for Robbalee. She's dumb. She's arguably smarter than Nicole, but so is your average, moderately sophisticated kitchen appliance.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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18 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Do we know if Nicole is her youngest child? just curious Robalee called Nicole her baby a few times. I know Nicole has at least 2 sisters and I thought one might be younger?

Way back before she went to Morocco the first time there was a family dinner which had her brother, Thomas.  He's like 16, and the smartest of all of them.


2 hours ago, Kickboxer said:

You nailed it. If Molly was really into Luis she would continue with the child care she must have had beforehand, and encourage him to get a job that allows him to be out and around other people. There must be an Applebees or even a Starbucks nearby where Luis can use his serving experience and just have fun joking around with the customers. Then you have a happy Luis who is also earning $$. Win/win. However, Molly insists on forcing a stay-at-home dad role on Luis, which is her fantasy of how life should be. In this way, she is just as delusional as Nicole.


 Luis doesn't have his green card yet and can't legally work.  Molly had the right thinking about how the guy stuck at home can save them some money by watching Kensley part time, but the wrong guy for the job in Luis.

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37 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I don't know what kind of "business trip" Mole-ee went to, but when they showed her talking to her mom on the phone, Mole-ee was dressed in what looked like a Santa's elf costume . . . ?

It was maddening to see Nicole's mother cave at the bridal store.  Either Nicole is having conversations with "My World" away from the cameras, or she is completely delusional.  We have not seen Azan agreeing to any of the wedding cr@p Nicole is talking about.  Nicole thinks that if she says it, it's true.  She really is out of touch with reality.  Even though she's bringing this all on herself, I'm going to feel bad for her when it all comes to a crashing dead end. 

90%...would have been 100% but I feel like Nicole should crash hard, this may be the only way she can learn from her mistakes.  

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42 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I don't know what kind of "business trip" Mole-ee went to, but when they showed her talking to her mom on the phone, Mole-ee was dressed in what looked like a Santa's elf costume . . . ?

My guess it was a convention of a sort where woman centric vendors were selling their goods and wares, so I guess she was selling lingerie. Molly looked like she was attempting a retro pin up look, (fail).

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