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S03.E01: Ciao, Napoli!

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When I see these snotty, demanding rude women on TV, I always wonder where they came from. I wonder what types of homes, families they were raised in, financial family backgrounds,etc.  I can’t help but imagine a lifetime of feeling “less than”... there is no other explanation for their behavior and attitude towards others. All I see is a bunch of little girls pouting and imagining how they are going to get back at others who hurt them once they become “rich and famous “.  It’s rather sad .

  • Love 16

I read the forum before watching and still couldn't believe how obnoxious most of those guests were!  Except the one non-weave wearing Black woman.  She was very quiet and didn't complain.  Probably thinking "get me the eff off this boat and away from these shrieking harpies!!"

Edited by jalady
ETA, maybe I should say "non obvious weave wearing", LOL.
  • Love 15

I agree with all of the above regarding the horrid guests.  The redhead reminded me of Kate Flannagan (Meredith from The Office).  I loved how she was stoopid-drunk.  I hope there is backlash in regards to their behavior.

One thing that confused me about NUTGATE- Adam gave the stu a bowl for the pistachio shells but when she brought the nuts she said "here are some peanuts and walnuts".  No pistachios.  And then bitchy woman #1 said "I wanted almonds".  Well, then why didn't you order almonds?  I just can't.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Michelle Gainey. Atlanta. Founder & CEO of Silverstone International (sports management & consulting)

Areca Whatmore.  Blowsy drunk redhead.

I think her name is actually Nichelle Gainey.  There is a lady named Michelle Gainey in NC.  I don't think they are the same, but I have not put any time into researching it, because quite frankly, she's not worth my time!  I only looked because I live in NC and wanted to make sure she didn't live near me.  If she did, my lawn would be displaying a FOR SALE sign asap!!  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nichelle-gainey-51840110/

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Maccagirl said:

I think her name is actually Nichelle Gainey.  There is a lady named Michelle Gainey in NC.  I don't think they are the same, but I have not put any time into researching it, because quite frankly, she's not worth my time!  I only looked because I live in NC and wanted to make sure she didn't live near me.  If she did, my lawn would be displaying a FOR SALE sign asap!!  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nichelle-gainey-51840110/

Thanks - I went back and corrected my original post.  These old eyes thought they saw "Michelle" on my screen; I should know better than to trust them.  ;-)

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, checkmeboo said:

I work in the service industry and sadly, yes people like this do exist and it is always a treat dealing with them :)

It takes a special talent to deal with such jerks - kudos to you - I have a good friend that works in a hospital and sees all kinds - she tells me stories... I can't even imagine - I have no patience - LOL :) Nor tolerance for such folks... tis why it's best I sit behind a desk utilizing my artsy fartsy talents, ha ha... I'm always in awe of folks who deal with the general public and do it well... I can barely tolerate being out in with the GP and witnessing bad behavior.... lawd... 

1 hour ago, Koalagirl said:

But were they honey roasted????

ha ha ha :) Because nothing says "luxury" like honey roasted nuts... ha ha ha... *snort* tee hee hee... those women.. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

When I see these snotty, demanding rude women on TV, I always wonder where they came from. I wonder what types of homes, families they were raised in, financial family backgrounds,etc.  I can’t help but imagine a lifetime of feeling “less than”... there is no other explanation for their behavior and attitude towards others. All I see is a bunch of little girls pouting and imagining how they are going to get back at others who hurt them once they become “rich and famous “.  It’s rather sad .

I think you hit the nail on the head.  People are cruel to those who they feel are "less than" them because of color, race, class, gender, etc.  So when some folks get money/power they're like, "I'm going to make everybody feel the way those that hurt me made me feel."  Like they say, "hurt people hurt people."  I mean I think about Nichelle and all of the shit she probably had to take being a black woman in business.  I think about the shit I've had to take, and I'm not even in business.

You are correct, her name is Nichelle.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 10
26 minutes ago, dleighg said:

shouldn't that stew have been using a patch for the seasickness? It doesn't look like it was so rough that *something* wouldn't help.

I've used a patch, the bracelet, Dramamine, literally nothing helps except being out on deck with a breeze.  I've also continued to be seasick on land after docking.  The only thing that cures it is walking around on land.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, jennylauren123 said:

I didn't understand how the women were rejected. I mean, I understand why, but not how. Can some kind poster fill me in on what happened? Thanks!

The motored up to the massive yacht, held up a champagne bottle ("It's really good champagne!") and said they wanted to have a hospitality visit or something. Whoever was on deck (likely a deckhand) said "No way." No smile, no friendly wave. Just more or less "go away".

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, dleighg said:

shouldn't that stew have been using a patch for the seasickness? It doesn't look like it was so rough that *something* wouldn't help.

Scopolamine patches. They work great and don’t cause the sleepiness that Dramamine causes me. You put one on behind your ear on upper neck near the hairline. They can take 24 hours to work and usually after wearing one for a few days you adjust and no longer need to keep replacing them (one per day). The downside is that you can’t drink alcohol while wearing them. It can cause vomiting or a worse reaction. As sick as Casey was I don’t think she wanted to drink. 

  • Love 5

Sometimes when you are on a yacht it doesn't necessarily have to be bad weather and choppy seas. For me, if the boat is rocking because it's  windy or for what ever other reason,  it's the slow motion rocking back and forth of the boat that makes me sick to my stomach. If you take Dramamine, it has to be taken before you get sick, not during. It's too late by then. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

We don't eat any starch"  --> Orders grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti. The worst thing you could tell a chef is that his food looks like 'slop.' I don't care for Adam but that hits below the belt. 

Even if the food wasn't to their liking, these neanderthals could exercise some class and voice their displeasure in a more diplomatic way. Geez, and this Nichelle is a professional woman? Would she let anybody talk to her that way? And if she doesn't like to eat out of a bowl, put it on your freakin' preference sheet. NO BOWLS, thankyouverymuch!

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Even if the food wasn't to their liking, these neanderthals could exercise some class and voice their displeasure in a more diplomatic way. Geez, and this Nichelle is a professional woman? Would she let anybody talk to her that way? And if she doesn't like to eat out of a bowl, put it on your freakin' preference sheet. NO BOWLS, thankyouverymuch!

Although I agree that they did seem to be very vocal about their perception of service and food...I also thought our crew was a bit wordy when walking away and saying unkind things under their breath. Even the deck crew had something to say after they took they female guests on a husband hunting tour...ahem...hospitality tour. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

One thing that confused me about NUTGATE

I can see the confusion since almonds are not true nuts.  Idiots!

5 hours ago, sadie said:

The other yacht turning them down was totally worth the price of admission. 

It was awesome.

2 hours ago, Thumper said:

Is "hospitality check" a real thing in yachting?

I tried to dig to see if it was but mostly I found that it means to check in on your guests, like a hotel would do.  I can just see them overseeing a group somewhere and then pulling the "hospitality check" to get into men's rooms.  Shiver!

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think you hit the nail on the head.  People are cruel to those who they feel are "less than" them because of color, race, class, gender, etc.  So when some folks get money/power they're like, "I'm going to make everybody feel the way those that hurt me made me feel."  Like they say, "hurt people hurt people."  I mean I think about Nichelle and all of the shit she probably had to take being a black woman in business.  I think about the shit I've had to take, and I'm not even in business.

You are correct, her name is Nichelle.

I looked at your link and went, "Aha!"  She was last awarded anything in 2010.  roflmao.

The chickie poo from Long Island who had experience.............I had to laugh when she said the boats she worked on never left the bay.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, eggsnbacon said:

The worst guests ever on Below Deck. Part of me was hoping old Adam would spike their food with starch and they deserve it. They are horrible sad too old to be acting like that human beings.

The payback for the crew is when the guest watch it play over and over again on Bravo. For all their friends, family and business associates to see.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 18

Now I know this is reality TV, and the type of "cruise" was completely different but.....

We just got back from a NatGeo boat trip around the Galapagos. Small guest list (48). 20 staff. Every single person on that trip (who is by definition, more than "comfortable" given the prices for these trips) was uniformly nice to the staff. People felt sorry to have to ask for iced tea at dinner more than once, as they are perhaps being a pain. I mean, you're on a nice boat in a wonderful place. If you want something, ask for it. But don't bitch. And don't talk like that to the chef. Never a good idea :)

  • Love 19

These women were the worst type of people and they are also very stupid.  Why would you treat the people making your food and cleaning you so angry with you.  The chef could do so many things to your food.  The stews make you drinks and have access to your personal items.  If I were a stew I would be tempted to use their toothbrushes to clean the toilets, like I did to my evil stepmonster when I was ten years old.  In my defense, when I came for weekend visits with my dad, she would make me clean her house while she and her daughters went to the movies.  I was too afraid to tell my parents so it was the only way my devious  10  year old brain could think of to get back at the Shebeast.

  • Love 21

Oy that charter group was awful.  The scene of them trying to visit the other yacht was cringeworthy and I wonder if their increasing bad behavior wasn’t somehow influenced by their embarrassment.  You know the horrid one only asked for a grilled cheese with “truffles” to sound rich...when she probably really binges on cheese whiz at home.  

The bosun is super cute.  I’m really hoping that Adam redeems himself this year.  

Sooooo glad that Bobby is gone.

  • Love 16
21 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

My snarky mind went ther too.

Looks like the primary gets even worse with her criticism. Glad they showed her name and company info at the beginining so that people can avoid the bitch and her overly rude guests. They should be ashamed of their nasty behavior.

Personally I hope her clients watch like 7 minutes of her and her friends and their atrocious behavior and drop her ass by minute 8. You know she made sure her name and business name would be front and center. I'd love to know how that's working out for her today and after next week. 

On a side note, I don't think I've ever liked so many posts in one episode thread in my life, and that includes while live posting during things like awards shows. These guests were so disgustingly horrifying the reactions were just amazing. 

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

I've had the pleasure of traveling as part of a group where some people created complaints just so they wouldn't have to tip the guides and would have something to base a request for a refund (after the trip was over of course). Very classy indeed...

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.  I think you hit the nail on the head.  It's a scam, complain about the service and not leave a tip.  Quite klassy.

  • Love 11

Nichelle reminded me soooo much of my ex-boss, it made me a little nauseous (just not as nauseous as Kasey). The mannerisms, the ego, the heightened sense of self-importance, lacking in class but reeking of desperation to come off as classy, being totally unaware of what she came across like, trying to act like a head bitch in charge... ugh. The #1 reason I quit my job! I couldn't imagine even lasting a day on a yacht with her. 

  • Love 10

I just gotta say this other thing I noticed watching a second time: these crazy women bitched about dinner being served in bowls, but the lunch that they loved was also served in a bowl.  The first bowl was square, not round, but a bowl nevertheless.  So much for never eating out of bowls.  LOL!  I really hope they get some kind of satisfying comeuppance, whether it be being kicked off the boat or catching LI gal's sea sickness.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I just gotta say this other thing I noticed watching a second time: these crazy women bitched about dinner being served in bowls, but the lunch that they loved was also served in a bowl.  The first bowl was square, not round, but a bowl nevertheless.

Not that I'm defending them, but I think it was that DINNER should not be served in bowls, that it seemed more like a lunch. I mean, it's a strange thing to fixate on.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, dleighg said:

Not that I'm defending them, but I think it was that DINNER should not be served in bowls, that it seemed more like a lunch. I mean, it's a strange thing to fixate on.

I watched it again this morning (because I couldn’t believe the insanity) and yep, they reference lunch in the complaint.  They said it was served like lunch and that is apparently not cool or chi chi enough for them. 

I’m now DYING to find out what sets Sandy off and has shouting that she just wants to fire Hannah and putting the boat at jeopardy.  It can’t just be her hooking up with Babyface Bosun. Surely there is more to it than that because dude, hook ups happen.  Otherwise we wouldn’t be on Season 3 of this show.  LOL.  

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3 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Surely there is more to it than that because dude, hook ups happen.  Otherwise we wouldn’t be on Season 3 of this show

When the new girl was saying that her boyfriend was someone from the last yacht she worked on (Bosun...sorry can’t recall exactly), then Hannah asked her his name. Hannah then said that it’s ok as she didn’t think that she hooked up with him. No wonder she’s exhausted after 8 years. Hard work and many many hook ups. Still for 30 she looks pretty good, but that way of life must be getting old  

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Adam needed to open a can of Alpo, garnish it 7star style and served it with a straight face.

I hope they are getting hammered by those that know them in real life.




No class trash. This is why they don't have men in their lives... and never will.

  • Love 10
On 5/16/2018 at 4:23 AM, Lizzing said:

Yep, Siobhan Fallon.  I was also getting Kate Flannery vibes too, but that could be because I've been binging The Office lately.

I'm about 90% of the way convinced these guests' demanding  attitude is an entire put on for the show.  The whole thing with the nuts---I could swear that happened on another episode of either BD or BDM (maybe BDM S1?  I've seen them all but not entirely in order, so they're jumbled in my memory).  In the event that the guests' food demands weren't an act everyone was in on, this would be probably the only time I'd feel bad for Adam.

But even if the guest drama is all fake, the Italian scenery is absolutely worth it.  The pure blue of the water alone is worth watching for.


That's going to be their explanation for their abhorrent Behavior

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Adam needed to open a can of Alpo, garnish it 7star style and served it with a straight face.

I hope they are getting hammered by those that know them in real life.




No class trash. This is why they don't have men in their lives... and never will.

Call the Alpo pate and they'll never know the difference!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Also, the dinner scene when Areca was complaining about the food and she asks for the grilled cheese with truffles.  She pulls her hair over her mouth like she is either eating it or smelling it.  I’m hoping she was crazy drunk judging by her posture and the way she was walking but dude...  Come on.  

That request felt like it was from Top Chef.  "You have to elevate a childhood classic."  And had Areca been a cheftestant, she would have failed.  

  • Love 6

Did anyone notice that the big yacht that they approached had an arabic name. As such the owner was probably a Saudi and therefore a muslim - so what do they do, approach waving a big bottle of alcohol !! Yes - a sure fire way of getting onto a yacht like that !! Idiots !

I can understand them doing that if they owned the yacht they chartered (even then you save the socialising for the yacht clubs) - but considering they were in effect renters, that was just so common ! They say they have class and are use to the finer life - then do that !  They are just cheap boozy broads !

  • Love 14
On 5/15/2018 at 8:24 PM, breezy424 said:

What was her name?  Yikes, you've never been out of Long Island Sound?  Why the heck did you even apply?

On 5/16/2018 at 2:57 AM, Caseysgirl said:

If the "Princess" was planning on taking a job where she was going to be out to sea, shouldn't she have practiced actually being on a boat that wasn't docked in the bay?She was obviously cast for her looks and potential for pageant girl drama.


I snorted when Princess Puke-A-Lot said the boats she worked on never left the dock.  Not sure how exciting this season will be. And once again we have 1st mate trying to one up the bosun - 

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