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I don't believe "It's a Wonderful Life" was ever marketed as a Christmas movie. However, George Bailey wasn't a soldier. I believe he lost the hearing in one ear when the pharmacist slapped George's ear for pointing out his mistake in filling a prescription.

Minor point (which doesn't make a difference to your overall post, just a point of clarification) - George loses his hearing when he's rescuing his brother from drowning, not from any interaction with the pharmacist.

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Spoilers rarely bother me.

I got spoiled for the new Star Wars, and just kind of shrugged and moved on. I didn't really try to avoid the, I figure spoilers are inevitable these days. Granted, I am not a high level fan, but I am still excited to see how the movie plays out on screen despite knowing where the story is going.

  • Love 1

Spoilers rarely bother me.

I got spoiled for the new Star Wars, and just kind of shrugged and moved on. I didn't really try to avoid the, I figure spoilers are inevitable these days. Granted, I am not a high level fan, but I am still excited to see how the movie plays out on screen despite knowing where the story is going.





                    Considering how they overwhelmed the  media and whole 'Net with nothing but promos and spoilers [to say nothing of hyping junk for sale this holiday] no point in getting annoyed but I'm not about to buy any of the above.


      MY unpopular opinion is that now that I know

that THE most likable character of the saga [Han Solo] gets killed by his woefully miscast son, Luke's been left with a claw for a hand replacement but has done little more than brood in exile for decades only to emerge for a wordless cameo despite being second billed, NO WAY am I going to pay money to see or even bother with it if anyone offered to show it me for free

.  I'd just like to see ONE so-called 'reviewer' actually review it rather than just eagerly join the countless shills pretending the emperor's clothed. BOO and hum bug to ALL the above.

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I haven't seen the new star wars but I am also in that camp. In about three months everyone is going to reflect on what they actually saw and it isn't going to be pretty.


So you've not seen it, but you already know that it's not good and people will realise they didn't really enjoy it? Okay. Maybe... just maybe, it's an enjoyable movie and that's why everyone who's seen it is saying that it is. Crazy idea, I know.


This idea that Star Wars fans have ridiculously, absurdly, unrealistically high expectations is unfounded, if you ask me. They didn't like the prequels because the prequels were bad movies. For a hundred different reasons, they were bad movies. Bad writing, bad directing, bad acting, too much CGI with too little that felt real, including emotion. But most Star Wars fans I know can happily poke fun at the shortcomings of the original trilogy too, yet they still love them.

  • Love 11

I don't care about Star Wars. I haven't seen them and I might do so someday, but I've never had a burning desire to see them, not really.


Amy Poehler saying she never cared about Star Wars the other day on Seth Meyers' show made my year, because almost everyone else in the media goes ON AND ON about loving them, and GOD FORBID one person admits they simply don't care. I wanted to cry tears of joy.


That said, I DO like the 70's disco remix version of the theme song, which went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1977, and making fun of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, because duh. 

Edited by UYI
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So you've not seen it, but you already know that it's not good and people will realise they didn't really enjoy it? Okay. Maybe... just maybe, it's an enjoyable movie and that's why everyone who's seen it is saying that it is. Crazy idea, I know.


This idea that Star Wars fans have ridiculously, absurdly, unrealistically high expectations is unfounded, if you ask me. They didn't like the prequels because the prequels were bad movies. For a hundred different reasons, they were bad movies. Bad writing, bad directing, bad acting, too much CGI with too little that felt real, including emotion. But most Star Wars fans I know can happily poke fun at the shortcomings of the original trilogy too, yet they still love them.


For me, the problem is a combination of the high expectations and the idea that you're a Grinch if you aren't overwhelmingly looking forward to seeing the new movie. I was telling someone last night how fed up I am with the ads and the internet chatter centered around it, and they're all, "People are excited!"


Yes, okay, people are excited and that's great. But I'm not some big meanie trying to rain on everyone's parade because the carpet-bombing Disney is pulling is pissing me off. And if the rumors are true about them trying to squeeze The Hateful Eight, which I actually do want to see, out of the theaters in favor of Star Wars, that just grates my nerves even more.

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"The Sound of Music" is one of my favorite musicals, but I hate Christopher Plummer in it. I haven't ever seen any chemistry between him and Julie Andrews. It didn't help that Plummer referred to the movie as "The Sound of Mucus" for years. Plus Georg is kind of an asshole. He should have married the Baroness; they were both shallow and superficial.

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For me, the problem is a combination of the high expectations and the idea that you're a Grinch if you aren't overwhelmingly looking forward to seeing the new movie. I was telling someone last night how fed up I am with the ads and the internet chatter centered around it, and they're all, "People are excited!"


Yes, okay, people are excited and that's great. But I'm not some big meanie trying to rain on everyone's parade because the carpet-bombing Disney is pulling is pissing me off. And if the rumors are true about them trying to squeeze The Hateful Eight, which I actually do want to see, out of the theaters in favor of Star Wars, that just grates my nerves even more.

It's one theater. That's why it seems petty to Tarantino. Being an LA boy and a cinephile he's very sentimental about showing his flick in 70mm at the Cinerama Dome.

It's one theater. That's why it seems petty to Tarantino. Being an LA boy and a cinephile he's very sentimental about showing his flick in 70mm at the Cinerama Dome.


IMO, that's because it is petty. And I'm not even from Los Angeles. Its Star Wars, and that means its going to make eleventy hundred bajillion dollars no matter how many screens it appears on or how many ads and tie-ins they run on TV. What is Disney worried about, exactly, that they aren't going to recoup their budget?

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IMO, that's because it is petty. And I'm not even from Los Angeles. Its Star Wars, and that means its going to make eleventy hundred bajillion dollars no matter how many screens it appears on or how many ads and tie-ins they run on TV. What is Disney worried about, exactly, that they aren't going to recoup their budget?


Does Disney own the theatre?  Did they directly solicit the exclusive screenings?  Is it just that the theatre owners think they can fill more seats with continuous showings of SW?  Who is the bad guy here?

  • Love 2

Does Disney own the theatre?  Did they directly solicit the exclusive screenings?  Is it just that the theatre owners think they can fill more seats with continuous showings of SW?  Who is the bad guy here?


Come for the snark, stay for the lesson in basic economics. See above for the mention of eleventy hundred bajillion dollars.


I believe the point of contention is that Disney threatened to not let that theater chain show SW:TFA at all unless it showed the movie in that specific theater set up for 70mm film through the opening week of The Hateful Eight.


This is what I'm saying. That Disney is apparently choosing to throw their weight around in support of a movie that everyone knows is going to rake in the cash is the reason some people think they're the real Evil Empire. God forbid there should be some money they can't get their hands on.

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Having just rewatched Mockingjay, Part One, I think I actually prefer it to Part Two.  I like them both, but I enjoyed having more time spent on the story rather than charging into the action.  Plus, the scene where Gale talks about the bombing of District Twelve really moved me, even given Liam Hemsworth's limitations as an actor.

  • Love 1

Having just rewatched Mockingjay, Part One, I think I actually prefer it to Part Two. I like them both, but I enjoyed having more time spent on the story rather than charging into the action. Plus, the scene where Gale talks about the bombing of District Twelve really moved me, even given Liam Hemsworth's limitations as an actor.

Is that an unpopular opinion, because if so, I'd like to have a seat at that table! I liked Part 2, but thought Part 1 was superior in many ways.

I believe the point of contention is that Disney threatened to not let that theater chain show SW:TFA at all unless it showed the movie in that specific theater set up for 70mm film through the opening week of The Hateful Eight.

Disney demanded, and got, two unprecedented things from the exhibitors:  1)  Over 60% of the ticket sales in the first week, and 2)  A guarantee that TFA will play a minimum of four weeks at any location which chooses to play it at all.  


If they gave the Cinerama a two-week demand, they were actually cutting them a break not afforded 99% of the others.. 

  • Love 2

I think the fun thing about the A Christmas Story marathon (and other marathons as well) is that you get to see the scene(s) that you like the most over and over again.  I never watch the entire movie, but there are some moments that I can never get enough of watching.  I can be watching other shows, but I know exactly when to turn to the movie for the scenes I want to see.

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I like A Christmas Story, but I also don't see the need for the 24-hour marathon.  Plus, it looked like both TBS and TNT were running it this year!


Yeah, I noticed that.  I guess the marathon is cool for people who can't see it at a specific time or DVR it, but doing that on 2 channels was just overkill.  I barely watched it this year anyway, and I hope they don't do the double marathon thing next year.

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Seeing the trailer for Joy reminded me that I have a visceral hatred for David O. Russell movies. I'm always puzzled when his films are praised for being profound or edgy, as i find them to be pretty trite.

The only movie I have seen of his is Silver Linings Playbook and I did not understand the acclaim at all. Take away the mental illness angle and it is basically standard romantic comedy fare to the point where if someone described the plot to me I would expect the stars to maybe be pre-oscar Matthew Mcconaughey and Kate Hudson.

  • Love 6

I have a friend who wants to see Joy and I haven't seen her in such a long time, that I'm willing to make an afternoon of it with her. I'm not sure if I'd have bothered had she not wanted to go.   I have only seen Silver Linings Playbook (and, like Kel Varnsen, I didn't care for it at all), and American Hustle.  I liked American Hustle better, but, I spent almost the first half wondering if I'd made a mistake--the second half of the movie made up for it. 

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If folks like that (or any ) movie that much, why don't they just buy a DVD of it to watch over and over again for all their 'fave' parts instead of having cable endlessly rerun it to annoy those of us who might want to watch something else from time to time?


I definitely agree with this, as someone who loves the movie, but also doesn't need it on 24/7, but I've seen the theory floated about that running just one thing over and over makes it easier for people working at the network to be at home on Christmas with their families, with really only one or two people needed if they're running the same thing over and over for the day. 


That still doesn't excuse having two networks run it simultaneously, though.




I love both Three Men and a Baby and Three Men and a Little Lady, and I might like the latter just a little bit more, if only for "Waiting for a Star to Fall" playing during the closing credits. 

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The only movie I have seen of his is Silver Linings Playbook and I did not understand the acclaim at all. Take away the mental illness angle and it is basically standard romantic comedy fare to the point where if someone described the plot to me I would expect the stars to maybe be pre-oscar Matthew Mcconaughey and Kate Hudson.


I'm sure I've said it before but I absolutely loathed SLP.  My hatred was fueled by two things: 1) I'd read that David O. Russell's son suffers from some mental illness so this was a very personal story and DOR wanted to accurately represent the mentally ill; and 2) the overwhelming positive reviews (I saw it post-Oscars).  I found his treatment of mental illness so patronizing, with the ending strongly implying that all you need is love to overcome schizophrenia (or whatever BC's character was diagnosed with, I think it was schizophrenia).  And I just do not understand how that was good acting on anyone's part -- is screaming your lines all it takes to be an Oscar-winner?

  • Love 6


I found his treatment of mental illness so patronizing, with the ending strongly implying that all you need is love to overcome schizophrenia (or whatever BC's character was diagnosed with, I think it was schizophrenia).

Thank you!  For a while, I thought I was the only one who thought that (although, Julia, I can see what you're saying, too).  I have ocd (not severe, but it's fairly powerful), but it's not even close to schizophrenia and I know that falling in love with a wonderful man sure didn't cure me.  However, I did think the acting was good--it was the story that I hated.  There was something else that bothered me, too, but I can't recall what it was.

  • Love 2

Thank you!  For a while, I thought I was the only one who thought that (although, Julia, I can see what you're saying, too).  I have ocd (not severe, but it's fairly powerful), but it's not even close to schizophrenia and I know that falling in love with a wonderful man sure didn't cure me.  However, I did think the acting was good--it was the story that I hated.  There was something else that bothered me, too, but I can't recall what it was.


Was it that Jennifer Lawrence was too young or that Bradley Cooper was too old? :-P


More seriously, I don't think BC's character was supposed to have been 'cured' by the end of the movie, because he spends most of it either teetering on the edge of an episode or having an episode. You don't just wake up one day and suddenly you're okay, and I don't remember that happening. I may have to rewatch to prove it to myself, because its been a while since I've seen it.

  • Love 1


Was it that Jennifer Lawrence was too young or that Bradley Cooper was too old? :-P

lol!  Well, now that you mention it...... :)   It might have had to do with a scene with his father. 



More seriously, I don't think BC's character was supposed to have been 'cured' by the end of the movie, because he spends most of it either teetering on the edge of an episode or having an episode. You don't just wake up one day and suddenly you're okay, and I don't remember that happening. I may have to rewatch to prove it to myself, because its been a while since I've seen it.

Of course it wasn't anything obvious that led me to feel that way, but there was a happy feeling to it--like  a "They fell in love and everything is going to be ok" kind of thing.  It just didn't feel right to me. 

Edited by Shannon L.

This is sort of related to Back to the Future so I'm going to post it here, even though it's airing on Netflix and I'm not sure where else it originally aired: Back in Time, a retrospective look at the movie for its 30th anniversary.


I don't care about the fans/collectors/people whose dream it was to one day own their very own DeLorean.  I care about hearing from the director, the writers, the actors behind the movie.  I wanted to hear more from Michael J. Fox. I wanted to hear from Elizabeth Shue, who took over the role of Jennifer, since we heard from Claudia Wells who originated the role. And oh boy, I didn't recognize her: her face has totally changed. I'm no expert, but did wonder if she had plastic surgery. I'm talking total change like Jennifer Grey changed.  I wanted to hear from Crispin Glover and Tom F. Wilson, who played George and Biff. We got James Tolkan, who played the Vice Principal, Lea Thompson, Christopher Lloyd.  And from Donald Fullilove, who played the mayor. We even heard from Huey Lewis, which was nice.  Didn't care about the others.


And I spent most of it, fast forwarding just to watch the people I was interested in hearing from.  I also learned something new: That Michael J. Fox, who was their first choice, wasn't available due to Family Ties and so they cast Eric Stolz! And it wasn't working. So they managed to get Michael, and wow, I wonder when he got to sleep! I'd always assumed he filmed this movie during the summer hiatus.  Not so.


There is footage of all the scenes with Eric. I'd like to see it. I wonder if it's on the 30th anniversary dvds. If there was a 30th anniversary dvd released? Just from watching the stills, he looked miscast. Though that could be my Michael J. Fox bias.


More and more, I find the special features on dvds, etc. from folks I don't care about; I want to hear from the actors that were in the movies.


Sue me.

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They're never going to release anything more than a couple of soundless clips of Eric Stolz because legal.


I'm going to watch it because I can see it for free, but otherwise, I'm never been that interested in Star Wars. The only thing from the space genre I liked was Star Trek, and that was because it actually had a lot of deep social commentary and character development in there.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm sure I've said it before but I absolutely loathed SLP.  My hatred was fueled by two things: 1) I'd read that David O. Russell's son suffers from some mental illness so this was a very personal story and DOR wanted to accurately represent the mentally ill; and 2) the overwhelming positive reviews (I saw it post-Oscars).  I found his treatment of mental illness so patronizing, with the ending strongly implying that all you need is love to overcome schizophrenia (or whatever BC's character was diagnosed with, I think it was schizophrenia).  And I just do not understand how that was good acting on anyone's part -- is screaming your lines all it takes to be an Oscar-winner?

I thought his illness was bipolar disorder, not schizophrenia. My impression from the movie was that he didn't seem to be all that sick--just very, very angry at a situation that would have made anyone angry (his wife cheating). If he hadn't assaulted the lover, would he even have been hospitalized?

Edited by GreekGeek
  • Love 1

I thought his illness was bipolar disorder, not schizophrenia. My impression from the movie was that he didn't seem to be all that sick--just very, very angry at a situation that would have made anyone angry (his wife cheating). If he hadn't assaulted the lover, would he even have been hospitalized?

Yeah, they changed it a lot from the book, which never puts a name to what is exactly wrong but I had a pretty good feeling was mostly about the head trama he suffered during the attack.

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The trailer reminded me of how young Jennifer Lawrence is for the part.


And that she seems to use the same "accent" for the David O Russell movies.


Unpopular opinion:  I didn't think The Force Awakens was that great; it was visually stunning and gorgeous to look at and on par with most other popcorn fluff movies.  To me it was nearly a complete rehash of A New Hope and I think once the sentimentality and nostalgia wear off people are going to realize that the movie was merely okay.

  • Love 3

 I found his treatment of mental illness so patronizing, with the ending strongly implying that all you need is love to overcome schizophrenia (or whatever BC's character was diagnosed with, I think it was schizophrenia). 


To be fair, I thought they made it pretty clear that any progress he was making was because he actually started taking his meds instead of claiming he could work it out without them. 


I may have mentioned this in this thread before, but since so many channels were showing them around Christmas, I'll state it once more with feeling: I despise both Love, Actually and The Holiday. Saccharine and sentimental stuff that just makes me roll my eyes until I get dizzy. 

I'll count this as a potentially unpopular opinion, based on the box office: I though In the Heart of the Sea was a pretty good movie.  It wasn't the greatest, and Ron Howard made some choices I definitely don't think worked the way he thought they would, but it deserved to do better at the box office.


Of course, I'm a sucker for movies set on sailing ships, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.  (Except for the Pirates of the Caribbean movies - the first one was dreadful and I refuse to watch the rest.  Plus, I hate Johnny Depp.)


In a similar vein: Master and Commander was a vastly superior film to The Return of the King, and deserved the Best Picture Oscar that went to the latter picture.

Edited by proserpina65
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Of course, I'm a sucker for movies set on sailing ships, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.  (Except for the Pirates of the Caribbean movies - the first one was dreadful and I refuse to watch the rest.  Plus, I hate Johnny Depp.)


In a similar vein: Master and Commander was a vastly superior film to The Return of the King, and deserved the Best Picture Oscar that went to the latter picture.


Hello, fellow reader of Napoleonic-era books. I do like that era and I like movies and series on ships except I got really sick of Pirates too. Master and Commander was better than Return of the King. I wish the ship trend came back on the big screen, but it looks unlikely since it's all about space ships now.

  • Love 1

Hello, fellow reader of Napoleonic-era books. I do like that era and I like movies and series on ships except I got really sick of Pirates too. Master and Commander was better than Return of the King. I wish the ship trend came back on the big screen, but it looks unlikely since it's all about space ships now.

I love that Peter Weir did M&C using the least CGI effects possible.  It made everything feel so real and immediate.  That's probably my biggest complaint about In the Heart of the Sea; there's too much CGI and I never really felt like a part of action as a result.  It was an opportunity lost, imo.

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