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S10.E01: Gouls Just Wanna Have Fun

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2 minutes ago, SCS said:

I don't disagree with you but, in 2018, there is no way her costume wasn't going to be controversial and she should have have the sense to -- O, wait, this is Lu. Never mind.

Last year we talked about all this in Lu's thread. I thought she should have gone as Cher. Still do. Here's the link to the page with that discussion --the poster who brought it over from Lu's SM did so on November 4th (halfway down the page).



I agree with you.  I thought of something else as an example.  Lindsay on Summer House got a really dark spray tan and said in her Instagram stories, "guys, I'm black!!".  That I thought was extremely offensive.  She was drunk and making fun of it.  That was terrible behavior.  I didn't see Lu's costume as making fun of at all, although I 100% agree she should have had better sense.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

She definitely looked down on Heather for having a home in the Berkshires ("Nobody goes to the Berkshires" or something like that).

Of course, she changed her opinion once Dorinda joined the show...

Yeah, because we know they are filming it charity events, but for some reason the producers aren't showing it to us. Didn't they walk down a charity runway show last year but we didn't see it? We only saw Dorinda walking down the runway at that event in last year's opening credits.

Maybe because the whole premise behind the Dallas franchise is the charity work these women supposedly do.  Though Bravo isn't opposed to repeating a theme, as was discussed ^upthread.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Sherilea43 said:

Plus, like I said...she needed to scoop her up immediately to get her to comfort, not film live on social media.

This!  I went through the same thing with my dog a few months earlier.  The only time I used my phone during and after the seizure was to call the vet.  My entire focus was on the dog and attending to his needs. The last thing I would have thought about doing is getting on social media to share what we were going through with friends, acquaintances, and probably for the most part a bunch of strangers.  That woman seems addicted to attention.  I think I understand why she stays on this show despite her successes in other areas.  Cameras!

  • Love 15

There's an afro and then there's what was on Lu's head. It took on more of a "wow, it's so huge, hilarious! haha! look at this crazy fro!" vibe which is gross to me. Her skin was even worse. If she had gone in with a long red dress and, as many have said, the flowing natural hair, no one would have thought anything. Even a regular afro with her regular skin would have been fine. I have to assume that anyone saying they don't get the difference between a woman wearing bronzer on areas of her face to look more healthy or tan and what Lu did is being deliberately obtuse. There's also a reason bronzer comes in many different shades - specific to your natural skin tone, I mean come on. Additionally, I am a white woman and am more comfortable leaving whether or not slathering yourself in a dark color to imitate a POC is offensive to the actual POC. 

She should have apologized and I'm very glad that she realized it and did.

  • Love 13

Having done a quick google search of Diana Ross' looks throughout the years, I would say that Luann's wig was beyond anything Diana ever donned. I wonder if the wig was packaged as a Diana Ross afro or if she just saw the largest afro in the costume store and thought that's what she needed. Having a comparison, I do think the wig does come across as a caricature of Diana Ross' look. While I still take no issue with the darkened make up in this situation (and other similar situations), but when the whole point is to come dressed as a celebrity, you look stupid when there isn't a single thing signature about your costume (whether it's from a movie, an event, an era, etc.). Part of me wonders if Luann went as Diana Ross solely so that she could wear that massive afro, which yes, is ignorant. Again, I hadn't read through posts before posting so it wasn't until after I googled Diana Ross and saw some other posts on here that I realized that Luann was quite off the mark with her costume in terms of being recognizably a Diana Ross costume. I do think one of the women did guess but one of the others in the group just guessed another black woman (can't remember who they mentioned) who happened to wear an afro as well.

52 minutes ago, SCS said:

I don't disagree with you but, in 2018, there is no way her costume wasn't going to be controversial and she should have have the sense to -- O, wait, this is Lu. Never mind.

Last year we talked about all this in Lu's thread. I thought she should have gone as Cher. Still do. Here's the link to the page with that discussion --the poster who brought it over from Lu's SM did so on November 4th (halfway down the page).



She apologized on WWHL. She sure as heck didn't apologize when she posted the pick to her Instagram back in November 2017. She pretty much patted herself on her back until last night

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I do think one of the women did guess but one of the others in the group just guessed another black woman (can't remember who they mentioned) who happened to wear an afro as well.

I think someone guessed Donna Summer, which was still waaaaay off the mark and maybe Gloria Gaynor, which might be a little closer. If someone had guessed one of the girls in Sister Sledge, that might have been pretty darn close.

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

You spelled prison wrong.

Don't you mean "camp?"

22 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I do think one of the women did guess but one of the others in the group just guessed another black woman

They guessed Donna Summer.  Actually I believe they said "Donna Summers." Like Diana Ross, she also often tended not to wear an afro but certainly has.  Now I need to go listen to Donna Summer music. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Tinsley, love the shade she threw at Carole,  "I'm not "sure what you're eating these days'. Since so many said Carole ate vegan   with Adam, and junk pre Adam. I think they really like each other as friends(C&T )and make more sense as girlfriends, than Bethany and Carole do. 

I agree and think that Carole finds Tinsley more her cuppa because they both come from what Carole would consider the same social strata in NYC. Bethenny is very acerbic in terms of her wit and that appeals to Carole, but generally Carole has more of a laissez faire attitude (that comes with privilege) towards most things in life (deadlines for books, dating, eating, etc.) and that is not Bethenny. So far they've navigated this because Carole's usually willing to go along on the Bethenny train, but I think eventually, perhaps during this season, those worldviews will come into conflict.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Man, the time between last season and this one really took a toll on Lu. She looks like she has aged 10 years and has that alcoholic look about her in her TH.

I thought that most of them looked like the last year has been a rough one for them.  Still, considering their ages most look pretty good compared to the general public.  Ramona is 61, Carole, Luann, Sonja, and Dorinda are in their 50's and Bethany is almost there.  Tinsley is the youngest at 42.  

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Sherilea43 said:

Retread what I wrote. I said you can raise awareness without detailing what you yourself did. I post on social media constantly for animal charities WITHOUT saying how much I volunteer or how much money I contribute. That is what I meant. She could have said we found out the supplies they needed and made sure we helped. Period. Not I did this, I did that. That's my point. It's a self serving agenda when you detail your work. That's my opinion, not being negative at all. 

But the point of the show is to chronicle the women. It was an important experience for Bethany, possibly an experience that made her realize that despite her career and motherhood, she did in fact have more of herself to give back to communities by not just her pocketbook but by actively being involved (perhaps in a way that she wasn't in the past). Yes, she did something great, but if it's a moment of realization for her, I don't necessarily think it's self-serving to be honest about that when the whole point is for the women to not only allow cameras into their lives and record important events, but also to give commentary to those events. Besides, it sounds like the charity did take up a good chunk of her time as things got going. If we had only seen her show up to a charity event with a red carpet and hear her give a speech, there would be people that would say 'typical celebrity, donates a drop in the bucket to a cause and gets all of the glory while the hard working volunteers roll up their sleeves and do the dirty work for free'. To be clear, I'm not saying that this is what you would say, but my point being that no matter what you do, there's always going to be people who can perceive it a way other than which you intended.

I mentioned in my original recap of the episode, I felt similarly about celebrities who would talk about how much they donated but I've come to see a lot of the other benefits to their public involvement. When celebrities are more actively involved in a charity, they are more likely to attract attention to their fans who will donate to their causes. I've seen many people say that certain celebrities have inspired them to be more active in their community and with charitable causes. There's no denying that if you're telling people what you're doing with your money and time, there's a degree of self-servingness to it, but there's a lot of good that can be inspired from it and sometimes, and for some people, that's the part that they value more dearly than the accolades people give them. I certainly get where you're coming from but I don't necessarily think it's an apples to apples comparison to look at how we approach charitable causes versus celebrities. Not that we're insignificant in the least, but the pay off for charities are far more significant when a celebrity is promoting them and a degree of 'humble bragging' conveys the message that a cause is important to them.

  • Love 9

Add me to the listing of people that don't have a problem with Beth talking about being charitable.  Good for her b/c she didn't just throw money at it, she went there. However, I understand WHY people are annoyed because she is an endless self-promoter.  She was much more enjoyable to watch when she was building her brand and was self-deprecating instead of the know-it-all she's become.

  • Love 17
16 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think someone guessed Donna Summer, which was still waaaaay off the mark and maybe Gloria Gaynor, which might be a little closer. If someone had guessed one of the girls in Sister Sledge, that might have been pretty darn close.


11 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

They guessed Donna Summer.  Actually I believe they said "Donna Summers." Like Diana Ross, she also often tended not to wear an afro but certainly has.  Now I need to go listen to Donna Summer music. 

Yup you're both right, Donna Summer was the other guess. I found the wig. It's advertised as part of a 'disco guy' costume. So Luann definitely wasn't misguided by a Diana Wig costume label. It was a stupid call to not have just worn a costume that matched what the wig was advertised for - a disco costume, lol.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

I love the camel episode so much. Kelly looked so gorgeous in that sweater, in that setting.


DANA16Z - Imgur.gif

Before I ever watched Seasons 2-4 with Kelly, I had only seen photos of her in bikinis where she looked like beef jerky.  When I actually viewed the show, I saw her beauty.  Still think she looks much better in a 1 piece, but she's a beautiful woman.  And I find her sooooo watchable, even when she wasn't having a mental breakdown.  Some of her comments were funny and I think she saw in Beth what most of didn't see back on Beth's first RHONY run.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

I didn't see anything wrong with Luann's outfit. She was trying to be Diana Ross. Is a white woman not supposed to dress up like a black woman entertainer? Is she only supposed to dress up as a white entertainer like Ramona, Tinsley and Dorinda  did? Black people dress up as white popular figures all the time. Granted, Luann's outfit was a little tacky, I didn't think the idea of it was out of bounds.  Dorinda's outfit was tacky as hell.  First of all, half the dress was missing!  But it was quite amusing, especially when the bubbles started falling off.  By the time she was leaving, it looked like she only had a leotard on.  I would not have guessed who Ramona was supposed to be if no one said it.  I think Tinsley did early Madonna better than Ramona did Brittany Spears.


11 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I was not offended by Luann's costume. Why can't someone dress up as someone they idolize just because their skin is a different color? She wasn't making fun of Diana Ross. She wanted to BE Diana Ross. Who wouldn't want to be Diana Ross? I've seen her in private concert. Her hair is big and she's awesome.

LuAnn can dress as any black entertainer she admires. She does not, however, need to add bronzer to her skin to portray that entertainer. It's lazy to do so. If someone is dressing as a character or entertainer for Halloween, then it makes the most sense to emulate their most signature look (such as the look that islandgal shared upstream of the white woman dressed as Lil Kim when Kim went to the MTV Music Awards). The woman didn't need to darken her skin at all to get across that she was dressed as Lil Kim. 

Similarly, the couple below didn't need to darken their skin to show that they were dressing as Bey and Jay from their "On the Run" tour. 


LuAnn was dumb, stupid, and idiotic to think that her costume needed that trash afro wig and bronzer. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 17
16 hours ago, Boofish said:

Lots of people talk about what they did and or are doing for charity. It sometimes brings awareness and donations. She was proud of what she did and the people she helped. Celebrities do this constantly. At least she is actually putting in money and resources and not just begging for money. She asking other people of means to help people without. I live in Houston and JJ Watt raised MILLIONS from ordinary people thru his "foundation" then paid millions to a friend to distribute the money. He took from people in need based on name recognition. At least Bethany took from the rich.

Can you clarify who he paid millions to? I'm also from Houston and haven't read anything close to this. I know JJ used foundations to pass the proceeds to people instead of directly giving it to victims of Havrey, which many people didnt like but I want more info on your claims.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I also wonder about drag queens.  I certainly never told my nephew not to wear the Snow White costume because he was a little boy, and little boys shouldn't wear girls' clothes.  Hell I encouraged him to rock his self and be creative and dance with the Prince Daniel Barbie if he wanted to (and for the record, it was adorable).  Is that offensive because homosexuals have been persecuted throughout history?  I don't know.  Slippery slope.


Those who are offended have every right to be because of the way they feel.  I love Diana Ross and I would love to dress up like her.  But I would not and could not because I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.  Bronzer does not offend me.  But shoe polish would.  Where is the line drawn between idolizing someone and being a caricature of someone?  We know Lu loves to sing and perform, so I saw it as idolization. 


Drag culture,  specifically drag queen culture as it is now, is intrinsically tied to the LGBT community and has been for decades. While drag in America came out of vaudeville (with straight performers), drag queens emerged from gay clubs and the gay underground scene. It was seen as seedy and deviant because of its connection to homosexuality. So it's not the same, as it came from and was embraced by that community. Your nephew sounds adorable and should rock on with whatever he wants to wear. Someone, anyone, could dress as Tiana or Moana or Diana Ross without putting bronzer on.

I don't think Luann deliberately went out to be offensive (or, at least, I can believe she does like Diana Ross), but just because she meant no offense doesn't mean it wasn't offensive. It's baffling to me that people still do this and sound shocked at the backlash because it happens again and again. It's not hard to just focus on the costume and not slap on bronzer.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 22

Luann should have been demoted for her behavior... her keeping an apple and a spot on the cast is rewarding her for her bad behavior.

Why did Tinsley get a 2nd season?  She's a void.

Carole running a marathon.. the most she has contributed to the show in three seasons.

Ramona.. she reminds me of Elmira from Tiny Toons.. anytime she takes you on as a project, run or she'll smother you.

Dorinda/Sonja... alcoholics

4 minutes ago, janie2002 said:

Can you clarify who he paid millions to? I'm also from Houston and haven't read anything close to this. I know JJ used foundations to pass the proceeds to people instead of directly giving it to victims of Havrey, which many people didnt like but I want more info on your claims.



You Caring site Watt used to collect the money takes 2.9 percent plus 30 cents a transaction. With the amount currently in the fund, $1,139,646.13 will be deducted for the donation processor.

  • Love 3

We had two costume parties on Bravo this week and somehow Luann managed to put together a cheaper and worse looking costume than Sheree, who is actually broke, and Sonja, who is nearly so.

On Atlanta there was:

  • Cleopatra--Eva
  • Cleopatra--Sheree
  • Zombie bride--Porsha
  • Sexy Pennywise the Clown--Kandi
  • Victoria's Secret Angel--Kenya
  • Playboy bunny--Kim
  • Pest control person and roach--Nene and Gregg
  • Mermaid--Shamea
  • 50 Cent--50 Cynt (Cynthia)
  • Niecy from B.A.P.S.--Marlo

On New York there was:

  • Amelia Earhart--Carole
  • Lady Gaga--Dorinda
  • Like a Virgin era Madonna--Tinsley
  • Britney Spears--Ramona
  • Lucille Ball--Sonja
  • Barbie(?)--Bethenny
  • Diana Ross?--Luann

Even worse is the fact that Nene picked her costume up at a Party City and she looked better and more original than Luann. Of course it didn't hurt that Nene's was a final salvo in the season long feud with Kim. Luann literally didn't try or even think through her costume, which is why it looked cheap and ended up kind of offensive.*

*Drag queens and cosplayers manage to do cross-race drag and cosplay all the time without resorting to painting/bronzing themselves. It can be done.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Boofish said:



You Caring site Watt used to collect the money takes 2.9 percent plus 30 cents a transaction. With the amount currently in the fund, $1,139,646.13 will be deducted for the donation processor.

Serious question are there any donation sites that dont charge a processing fee? JJ start trying to raise a small amount that grew to a huge amount, I wonder if it was cluelessness on his part. When you said he gave to a friend I thought you actually meant straight up gave to a person as a "salary" to oversee distribution.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, janie2002 said:

Serious question are there any donation sites that dont charge a processing fee? JJ start trying to raise a small amount that grew to a huge amount, I wonder if it was cluelessness on his part. When you said he gave to a friend I thought you actually meant straight up gave to a person as a "salary" to oversee distribution.

When you give directly to the people affected you don't pay a fee which was my point in what Bethenny was doing as opposed to having people donate to a foundation. 

His friend works for You Care and I'm sure that was a deciding factor in getting them to help distribute the funds. Perhaps you are right. He set out to raise $200,000.00 and when he collected 33 million he was overwhelmed. Not saying his heart wasn't in the right place but it turned into a s**show quick, fast and in a hurry. I'm surprised as someone from Houston, you didn't hear about the controversy. When people finally started calling on him to take action, he chose somewhere where he had personal connections and all it did was add fuel to the fire.

Edited by Boofish
  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

So I went back to the TiVo to really look at Luanns costume.  Guess what?  When she first walks in, look over her right shoulder, and at the bar is a younger woman in the EXACT SAME BRITTANY COSTUME as Ramona?  Maybe it was on sale?

Nope because Ramona actually stole hers from the set of Lip Sync Battle.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Boofish said:

When you give directly to the people affected you don't pay a fee which was my point in what Bethenny was doing as opposed to having people donate to a foundation. 

His friend works for You Care and I'm sure that was a deciding factor in getting them to help distribute the funds. Perhaps you are right. He set out to raise $200,000.00 and when he collected 33 million he was overwhelmed. Not saying his heart wasn't in the right place but it turned into a s**show quick, fast and in a hurry. I'm surprised as someone from Houston, you didn't hear about the controversy. When people finally started calling on him to take action, he chose somewhere where he had personal connections and all it did was add fuel to the fire.

The most I heard was people were pissed the money went to other charities that werent direct Harvey issues. Which I agreed with, I think it could have been handled better, at least it didnt go to the red cross.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Boofish said:

If it's done for the specific purpose of dressing up as someone of a different race, then yes I personally find it offensive. Luann was not tanned. She used bronzer to give her skin a darker appearance because she was dressed as someone black. One year I dressed as Tom Cruise in Top Gun but kept my black skin and people still recognized me. You don't need to darken your skin to go as someone black for Halloween. 

Fair enough. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, SCS said:

I don't disagree with you but, in 2018, there is no way her costume wasn't going to be controversial and she should have have the sense to -- O, wait, this is Lu. Never mind.

Last year we talked about all this in Lu's thread. I thought she should have gone as Cher. Still do. Here's the link to the page with that discussion --the poster who brought it over from Lu's SM did so on November 4th (halfway down the page).



That's the baffling thing about her wearing the costume and then apologizing for it. Every damn year there's at least one celebrity that gets called out for dressing up as a black celebrity or character, including making their skin darker. And every damn year it's a controversy -  there's no good reason for Luann to not have known that she would get backlash for it. I wouldn't have minded at all if she had stuck to her guns and not apologized, but to wear the outfit and then apologize is a confirmation of sorts to me that Luann is guilty of being tone deaf to current social issues...or at least this social issue.

  • Love 1

She did A LOT, helped hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

Absolutely. But, assholes do good deeds all the time. It doesn't mean they're still not assholes.


...instead of filming your sick dying dog for your fans, why not get her to a vet as soon as you can so they can make her as comfortable as possible?

Why do that though, when you can get an audience to watch what happens live as your pet takes its last breath, with an aftershow featuring your self-indulgent crackout?

For the first time ever I wasn't that moved/emotional over someone losing their pet, and it was a little unnerving. Thanks a lot, Frankel.


I don’t recall Britney Spears having a Pinot Grigio pregnant  paunch ! 

Ramona was just adding some 2007 VMAs Brit Brit realness. 

I was hoping one of them would choose that Divine costume that was shown in the background at the store.


Dorinda is positioning herself very nicely to be the drunk den mother for the Vanderpump Rules chucklefucks.

Right? She needs to follow Katie's lead, and trade out some of the fifty-'leven martinis for weed. I'm sure Carole can hook her up.

Speaking of Carole, the blonde is terrible. The cut's fine, though, and props to her for going from couch tater to running a marathon.


Maybe Luann was channeling 70's Diana Ross. 

More like Naked Gun's O.J. Simpson.

The Toxic Twins Beth and Ramona going at it is already tired. You're both fucksticks, ladies. 

  • Love 8
41 minutes ago, janie2002 said:

Can you clarify who he paid millions to? I'm also from Houston and haven't read anything close to this. I know JJ used foundations to pass the proceeds to people instead of directly giving it to victims of Havrey, which many people didnt like but I want more info on your claims.

Here is where the JJWatts money went-$30 million to four designated non-profits and the balance set aside for 2018.  http://www.khou.com/article/weather/harvey/jj-watt-announces-game-plan-for-hurricane-harvey-funds/285-486336568

  • Love 6

I think  are looked better than she has over the past few years. I love the hairstyle, which is much more flattering than her longer darker hair. 

Sonja’s talking head (red dress) makeup was frightening and really aged her.

LuAnn just doesn’t get it. Also, after having to listen to her gloating over her wonderful Tom the past two seasons, I think the rest of the cast is showing great restraint in not throwing it back in her face. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I love me some drunk Dorinda, but what was the deal with lecturing the women on the etiquette of greeting the host(ess) when arriving at the party, and then leaving her own party early because she got too sloshed? 

I'm way too casual to be up on all the etiquette rules for UES parties....but, it seems to me, that it's equally rude for the hostess to sit in the corner with her gal pals and not greet guests as they arrive. I swear, every year at least two of these bitches are fighting over who should have said "hi" to whom first. It's mind boggling. 


4 hours ago, ancslove said:

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

Well, there was the whole issue with Cindy having a party in Quogue. 


4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

She’s like Scheana on Vanderpump Rules, who claimed she loved her current boyfriend for the past 11 years—Lisa Vanderpump had to remind her: uh, you were dating and married to “the love of your life” for six (or whatever it was) of those years. Selective blackout memory. Denying reality in the moment (by effusing about how great things were) and then rewriting history by denying they’d initially ignored any problems

People on reality TV are really bad at math. Amber on TM is constantly exaggerating the time she's with the scumbags that mooch off of her. 

  • Love 9

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