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S06.E13: Making Fashion History

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I had to mute over Ann's critiques.  Geez, just embarrassing.  Those guys are total class acts behaving respectfully to her.  And then when she said "It's been a pleasure mentoring you" it was totally eye-roll worthy.  If they're going to do the whole mentor thing it should be someone who can actually offer something.  The way it came across, it seemed like these designers should have been mentoring her!

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

Fabio is a gorgeous man with an amazing, rich voice, and he seems like a great guy, too...but I actually hate his designs.  I just find them dowdy and unattractive.  

Sometimes I feel very "The Handmaid's Tale" from him, which is no good.

12 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

This really was a wonderful top four...and I include Ken, who deserved to be there tonight.  


  • Love 9

Catherine Zeta Jones was all class in my eyes.  And, what I really appreciated, she said she would buy Anthony's clothes; most of the guest judges just say "I want that dress" and imply that the designer should give it to them.  Also, she has a collection on HSN-I say linens so I'm not sure if she also designs clothes.  And the red carpets that she has walked!  She gets it.

During the episode, Candice, Helen, and Amanda all talked about how long it was taking Anthony to finish a garment because he wanted everything done correctly (infrastructure).  Well, even though they meant it as a diss or an implication that he wouldn't finish on time, in my view it just shows how attention to detail and structure pays off in the end. 

I think Stanley blew it by keeping the leather collar on his final dress as all of the judges had stated that they didn't like it.  Anthony demonstrated that he listened to all of their critiques, while Stanley demonstrated that he listened to some of them.  However, Stanley will be working on that mini-collection with Isaac, so big things are coming his way.

Although I thought Fabio's collection was striking when we saw all of the collections in the workroom, it somehow didn't seem to work so well on the runway for me.  

I was so surprised and happy that Anthony won.  He has a wonderful future ahead of him (as do all of the final four).  I wish nothing but happiness and success for them.

  • Love 13

Apparently The Little Mermaid's look was based on Alyssa, so that must be why she emotionally connected with her finale dress...

I really wish Fabio had kept his bird top from last week, I thought it was beautiful. The top he replaced it with looked like a sunny side up egg to me. 

Thrilled for Anthony, he deserved that win! When the judges talked about how they wanted the winner to also appreciate and understand the prize, I had a feeling it was going to be him. He seems so humble!

  • Love 11

I was shocked, but delighted that Anthony won!

I loved every one of his outfits and thought they were very flattering.

I appreciate Stanley's talent, but that collection was kind of blah, in my opinion. I was imagining the red dress a lot fuller and impressive. Maybe it was the dull salmon color that did it in for me.

I have never gotten Fabio's style.  I thought that first striped skirt was very unflattering, and would have been no matter what it was paired with. Also thought that next striped top was very unflattering.  And those shoes? ugh...

Overall, a great season and not a lot of conflict, which made it much more enjoyable for me.

Hope they replace Ann - she doesn't add anything in my opinion.  When she commented that she would be happy to work with any of the 3 designers when the 6 of them were standing there seemed rude to me.  Maybe it is just because I dislike her so much.

Loved Georgina's dress -the color, the fit, just lovely.

Sad that it is over.

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I actually thought that Anne really offered good mentorship advice in the workroom this time around.  Usually her advice is on the order of "listen politely, nod your head, get her to move on, then do the opposite" since when the designers followed her advice, they usually ended up on the bottom, and when they ignored her advice, they ended up on top.  But this time, I think she really brought it.  Where was this Anne all season?  Does she think her role is to be a trickster?  To shake up the workroom?

I am happy with the win.  I mean, I would wear Stanley's clothes for sure, but he never broke out to be fabulous.  I think he'll be successful even without this win.  Plenty of women appreciate those classic lines and colors.  Fabio...Fabio is a nice person, and a lovely man, but I don't get his aesthetic and I don't understand why the judges have gushed over his designs.  But Anthony really brought it last night, he did, he did.  When that final dress came sweeping down the runway, I gasped.  I know he got dinged for producing red carpet gowns all the time, but dammit, play to your strengths, and he brought it.  His other garments were fine too.  His "signature look" from last week was missing from the entire collection, so he actually did one more look than the other designers in the same amount of time, so wowza!  I also like how self-aware Anthony is:  "I'm more than just a bunch of funny one-liners" so he knows how his "character" is used by production, and he's happy to use that right back to get to the end.  Well done. 

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, MadLove said:

Holy shit! Does Ms Milano ever look in a full length mirror? That green dress is just fucking awful!


Anthony for the win!!!

Came here to say this. It's hard to believe Alyssa is qualified to be judging fashion when what she wears most of the time makes me want to curl up and die. The green dress was not only ugly by itself but somehow was made uglier with the fit.



  • Love 12

I like Stanley and his collection looked very cohesive but using such a somber color palette made it look like it was straight from Banana Republic. Adding that coral dress definitely helped, but I thought the dress itself was too simple. It was just a plain dress that you could probably get at J. Crew right now.

This 100%!  I was so excited to see Stanley's collection and then was completely underwhelmed!  Anthony fully deserved to win.  I too absolutely adored his personality, kindness to others, gratitude and sense of humor.  This was a feel good show, sorry it is over now.   

  • Love 11

I'm thrilled with the shocking, to me, winner!  Anthony so deserved the win for that collection, which is why I never dreamed he would get it.  I was sure the fix was in for Fabio's style, or as I call it "Brandon Redux" (of Project Runway last season). 

It was heartwarming to hear Anthony tell each of the judges what he learned from their notes, and exactly how he incorporated them into his collection.  I also loved how drama-free this season was and how much all three finalists supported one another. 

It would be awesome to see Catherine Zeta-Jones wear Anthony's final dress on a red carpet.  The dress was simply beautiful, and she would look gorgeous in it.

Lastly, I thought Georgina Chapman looked particularly stunning, and the less said about Alyssa's finale look, the better.

Edited by SnarkyTart
oops fixed it, thx @dgpolo
  • Love 14

I'm so happy! I thought Anthony's vision was really clear and the collection was cohesive, and you could tell it was well-constructed. The high necks screamed Audrey Hepburn, and there was just enough edge to make it Rihanna-esque. The open back of the black one-shoulder gown with the peacock feather was GORGEOUS. I also loved the final gown - the print was a showstopper. And his work really has improved over his time on the show. When they showed the flashbacks, you could see how 

I did not like the yellow cover-up Fabio did on the bird print. I liked the bird print! It was subtle. The yellow looked clunky.

Pick up that name, Zac. I get it, you know famous people.

Great final 4! I like them all and I like their friendship. I hope it continues. I want to see more from all of them, especially Anthony (can he be on more TV?).

I HOWLED when Anthony said "Stanley, we're not doing 8 piece with two sides and a biscuit on this challenge."

  • LOL 1
  • Love 11
19 hours ago, Laurie14 said:

Alyssa looked like a big green fish, with that scaly dress. Most of her outfits are pretty bad, but this took the cake. 

When Alyssa came out, my first thought was that she wanted to be cast in a sequel for The Shape of Water 

17 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

how bold of him to scrap his original signature piece when it was so well-received.

It was bold to scrap his already well receiveed dress. It was almost insane to scrap a look already finished given that they had to make even 1 more look than they originally thought and he has time management problems anyway. I would have thought he would open with the original one and close with the new one. But I'd need to see his whole collection side by side again to see why he didn't think the blue one fit the collection

16 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

I should have gotten the hint when Candace was complaining/commenting about Anthony's collection, behind his back of course.  History has shown that the one who's having problems, might not get finished in time, etc. usually wins.  Ah...Anthony!


Wasn't she just complaining about his time management and process? I don't remember her criticising the collection itself

15 hours ago, GaT said:

Why do they keep getting these random people to be judges? What does Catherine Zeta Jones have to do with anything?

That was a pretty lame final runway, couldn’t they put together something that didn’t look like the same runways they’ve had all season & had a good sized audience?

I thought CZ-J brought absolutely nothing to the judging except star power... it was mostly about how she would wear it, buy it, loved it.

It seemed like the audience was primarily PR alum and "family"... old contestants.. stuff like that. It was lame.

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I still can't believe that the designers were given less than a week to create their collections. Come on, you guys! Remember when the designers were given MONTHS to create their final collections?

I like Stanley and his collection looked very cohesive but using such a somber color palette made it look like it was straight from Banana Republic. Adding that coral dress definitely helped, but I thought the dress itself was too simple. It was just a plain dress that you could probably get at J. Crew right now. 

I didn't think Stanley's looked cohesive at all. I remember when a judge (Kors, maybe?) described the difference between a line and a collection. One of the hallmarks of a collection is that the same "girl" would have (or want) all the pieces in her closet vs having a bunch of them that all went together perfectly or could mix and match.
Stanley's collection looked like half would be in one person's closet and half would be in a completely different person's closet. The fact that they shared a color palette didn't bring them together. Looking at the picture of them all standing together, it's easy to see A, B, A, B, A, totally out of place C, B... I can't imagine the client that would wear the white flared dress would also wear that black and white 2 piece thing that looked like she was wearing the skirt as the top over cropped leggins.. .yes the shapes mimicked, but the actual looks wouldn't appeal to the same "girl".

8 hours ago, Maya said:

Can someone please clue me in on what was so fantastic about Stanley’s plain red dress with the too-low waistline.

Looked like a LuLaRoe dress to me. Nothing special about the pattern / sillouette at all. I was shocked the judges praised it. I'm pretty sure one of the LLR dresses has that same cut / pattern.

7 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

I think it's the rushed aspect of making them jam 7 looks in 5 days.  Why???  I like when they let the designers return home and work on their collections with a decent amount of time.  Plus, I like the home visits.  Also, it lacks the excitement and energy of a true NY Fashion Week.  That runway show was so underwhelming despite the fantastic effort by the designers.

 Fabio 's weird accordion music.  Hee! 

Did they ever do home visits and lots of time for finale' collections on All Stars? I thought only OR did that

3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I actually thought that Anne really offered good mentorship advice in the workroom this time around.  

he actually did one more look than the other designers in the same amount of time, so wowza!  I also like how self-aware Anthony is:  "I'm more than just a bunch of funny one-liners" 

I don't get the Ann hate... granted, I wasn't paying close attention all season to workroom stuff each night, so this was the only one I watched without distraction. So maybe that's why I don't understand the reaction to her all season. She seemed fine for this episode. I'm not a fan of Tim though, so maybe that's why I'm not critical of the other judges. Zanna was the worst in my book, and Joanna the best.

I wonder if Candice was aware of how much more Anthony was doing when she was criticising his time management?

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

When Alyssa came out, my first thought was....

For some reason, the song, "Puff, the Magic Dragon" kept going through my head.

35 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

Wasn't she just complaining about his time management and process? I don't remember her criticising the collection itself

You're right.  It was poor wording on my part.  :)

13 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

I don't get the Ann hate...

Same here.

  • Love 5

I thought all three final collections were great in their own way, and really reflected the style of each designer. Fabio's aesthetic is not my taste, but he produced some really well-crafted pieces. Agree with those who say Stanley's is a bit too "ladies who lunch" and it also lacked some cohesion. Anthony elevated his game and it paid off.

Good season - I hope all iterations of the show find a new home - as much as it aggravates me sometimes, I would really miss it!

  • Love 5

This was shot two years ago?  I have not watched All Stars in a while, is it just me or is it more low budget?   I loved Anthony's collection, would have liked to see Ken.  I am not very fashion forward because Fabio and Stanley's collections (other than a few pieces) did nothing for me.   What did the winner get? I always fast forward through that part. 

8 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I actually thought that Anne really offered good mentorship advice in the workroom this time around.  Usually her advice is on the order of "listen politely, nod your head, get her to move on, then do the opposite" since when the designers followed her advice, they usually ended up on the bottom, and when they ignored her advice, they ended up on top.  But this time, I think she really brought it.  Where was this Anne all season?  Does she think her role is to be a trickster?  To shake up the workroom?


I was gonna say that this was the first time Anne actually seemed comfortable with the designers. Her mentor segments always seemed so stilted and forced. I don't know the filming schedule but I wonder if she saw herself in previous episodes and adjusted accordingly or something.

Congrats to Anthony even though I think Stanley had the overall better collection. Loved all 3 though.

  • Love 7

I'm so elated that Anthony won.   I appreciate that he was humble, and grateful to learn from the judges, and all the other designers. It really showed in his work. He was listening, refining, and finding who he was as a designer. 

This was my all time fav season of All Stars. It goes to show that drama isn't needed to have a winning show. I especially enjoyed the 3 female designers coming to help with the collections. They all worked well together. All three collections were great, and I had a hard time deciding who should win. Each designer had a piece or two that I adored, but, Anthony's concept, and execution of his vision was exquisite. 

Lastly, one last bit of snark:  What in the Kermit the Frog, swamp thing couture was Alyssa wearing? The camera panned out long for the shots of her on the stage.  It really wasn't a becoming look for her at all. 

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Sorry I'm late but YAY ANTHONY!!!  I think this is the very first time someone that I was pulling for has actually won on this show.  I had even typed a very four letter word filled rant (that I didn't have to post Thank God) because I thought for sure they were going to announce Fabio the winner.  When she declared Anthony the winner, I actually teared up.  And then when he teared up I teared up even more.  I thought his whole collection was absolutely stunning.  Again, YAY ANTHONY!!! 

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

But Anthony really brought it last night, he did, he did.  When that final dress came sweeping down the runway, I gasped.  I know he got dinged for producing red carpet gowns all the time, but dammit, play to your strengths, and he brought it.  His other garments were fine too. 

If ever there's a time to add a red carpet gown, it's the finale piece in the final collection so I'm glad that he added that dress (for multiple reasons- to remind us how awesome he is at red carpet dresses, to use that fabulous fabric in a dramatic way, and to see an exclamation point at the end of his collection).

  • Love 4

LI muted the actual shows as I could not bear to hear Ann muttering inanely to each designer. 

I really thought Anthony would come in last...feared Fabio might win to show the “with-it” young vibe of the judges. But his clothes do have a medical/uniform sort of vibe crossed with a kimono-type style that often look made of muslin. 

I did not care for Stanley’s massive button/circles, pins or no.

And Alyssa...good grief girlfriend. Stay true to your baaaad style.


Really hope the orginal PR is picked up elsewhere. As a reality show it is miles above others even when it frustrates and Heidi, Tim and Zac are good value to me anyway...I enjoy all three. There are so many channels and so many truly terrible shows...I do not know who half the people are who have shows. At least PR has a sort of function and goal and COULD produce a great designer along the way. Christian is worth all of the bad seasons and off-shoots alone. He is changing the industry all by himself. Maybe he would have made his way in any case but maybe not. Hoping Anothony can become the next red carpet designer to the stars...he deserves it. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, atlantaloves said:

wait wait wait, are you all saying that Project Runway has been cancelled?

Jaded posted this link over on page 8 of Project Runway Media thread  Go to Wednesday's posts.

We've all heard about the Weinstein problems and their tie in to Georgina's designs appearing on the red carpets.  The link talks about A&E reneging on the three PRs that they signed up for. Those three are probably the one we just watching, the one PRAS that was filmed after it, and maybe a PRJR.  Or one of the already ones could be a PR original.

All this could explain why Heidi has been building her empire elsewhere.

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I would be amazed if PR or a clone of PR doesn't surface somewhere.  TWC will probably try to bundle all of the popular stuff as a buy all or buy none kind of deal, which may or may not work, but even if that fizzles, I would think someone would clone the concept ala American Idol/The Voice/etc.  Unfortunately, it could take 2, 3, or more years to fruition.  

How would you like to be a designer that is inked to appear in the next season/s of PR?  Sad.  I hope it gets worked out and quickly.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Token said:

Yeah, but what emotion is she trying to express???

The emotion of the the unimaginative perhaps? Her clothes are just boring, yawns...they do nothing for her and she does nothing for them. She might as well go to her local dept. store and pick something off the rack. In fact, she looks just like that. 

I noticed Isaac was wearing broaches and I loved it. Bring back the bling. Mix the old and new. Another reason I love that Anthony won; he gets it.

Edited by AntAnn
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On 4/6/2018 at 7:03 AM, pasdetrois said:

I smell some kind of mini-special coming with the final four. Unless PRAS is finished forever. Maybe another network will do it.

Congratulations to Anthony. I liked all three collections.

Every time I look at Stanley's work, I think Oscar de la Renta, Geoffrey Beene, Michael Kors. Stanley does Ladies Who Lunch beautifully.

I'm surprised no one commented on Anthony's avante-gardish white and black long dress - the one with the leather thingy/corset around the mid-section. It was interesting.

I tweeted PR last night saying "please cast the fab four in something, ANYTHING and I will watch. But if you can't do all four, Anthony, please. Anthony forever." And the PR account "liked" my tweet, so I'm holding on to that as hope! If you're on Twitter maybe encourage then as well! I need more Anthony! 

  • Love 13

 A surprisingly strong set of finale collections - maybe the most even match I can remember.  I would have been OK with any of them winning but I kind of thought they were going to give it to Fabio because the show clearly likes him and  this collection was by far the best work I've ever seen from him on the show.  He always SEEMED like he ought to be producing interesting stuff, but for me his own outfits always outshone his runway outfits.  I loved that Anthony was as surprised that he won as I was - good for him.

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This was perhaps the best season of All Stars so far, and I think it had a lot to do with the fact there was no previous winner in contention. It felt like a more even playing field, and going into the finale, I wasn't sure who was going to win. 

If, say, Stanley had produced the same collection he did for this finale, but was a previous winner, he would have won again this time. 

  • Love 4
On 4/5/2018 at 8:05 PM, susannot said:

I liked how all of Anthony's models were styled to look like RiRi.  That was clever.

They looked like Audrey Hepburn as well.  Giving them all the same pixie haircut that both AH and Riri wore was smart.

On 4/6/2018 at 10:12 AM, DeeReynolds said:

I really wish Fabio had kept his bird top from last week, I thought it was beautiful. The top he replaced it with looked like a sunny side up egg to me.


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If ever there's a time to add a red carpet gown, it's the finale piece in the final collection so I'm glad that he added that dress (for multiple reasons- to remind us how awesome he is at red carpet dresses, to use that fabulous fabric in a dramatic way, and to see an exclamation point at the end of his collection

We've seen before that when it's close, the winner tends to be the one that really thought about how to put on a runway show, not just show off the pieces that they made. Combined with the fact that Anthony listened and used all the judge's advice, he was perfect for the win. So happy!

  • Love 4

Just finished watching the finale - So glad Anthony won!  He was the most entertaining of all contestants this season and his final collection was very upscale and contemporary.  I really liked that first  classy black dress with the edgy paint splatter and of course his finale peacock dress - drama for days!

Of course Stanley (and to a lesser extent Fabio) had a super collection too but Anthony shone above them all.

Oh yeah, what's with that Ann Full&Wider - she has the personality of a wet mop and her fake 'charm' is hard to stomach.  It was kinda fun to see the designers lack of enthusiasm each time she lumbered into the workspace to critique their designs.  She will not be missed.

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On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 8:29 AM, Jodithgrace said:

I was sorry to see Alyssa swallowed by that large green crocodile. 

^^  Hahaha!  Glad I wasn't eating or drinking when I read this-- I probably would have choked to death!


On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 8:44 AM, Bebecat said:

I muted the actual shows as I could not bear to hear Ann muttering inanely to each designer. 



On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 1:41 PM, cinsays said:

Hope they replace Ann - she doesn't add anything in my opinion.  When she commented that she would be happy to work with any of the 3 designers when the 6 of them were standing there seemed rude to me.  Maybe it is just because I dislike her so much.


I cannot stand Anne.  Lookswise, she reminds me of Janet from The Good Place, which is fitting, since Janet is basically a robot, and I find Anne to bring no emotion to anything she says.

On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 5:12 PM, Empress1 said:

I HOWLED when Anthony said "Stanley, we're not doing 8 piece with two sides and a biscuit on this challenge."

Me too!!

On 4/6/2018 at 3:06 PM, SnarkyTart said:

It was heartwarming to hear Anthony tell each of the judges what he learned from their notes, and exactly how he incorporated them into his collection. 

I think this is why he won it.  I mean, this and that amazing final gown.  But when the decision was so close for the judges, I think they really appreciated that Anthony took all of their direction over the season (and years) to improve his design and construction.  Like when he told Zac that he was inspired by his ... boning (??)... and then said he used that technique for his final gown - I think he won Zac right there.  It's like kissing up, but in the most constructive and intelligent way. The judges want to see improvement, and they want to take some credit for it.  Anthony made some beautiful clothes, but also made the smartest choices for his final show.  And he's the nicest and funniest - which is just an extra bonus. 

  • Love 15

Fabio:  I appreciate his aesthetic and think he makes beautiful pieces. Some of it may not be to my taste, but I like looking at it, appreciate it on others,  and would wear some pieces.  I sure do love Fabio himself, though ... MMMPPHH.  I don't think I could tire of him. Besides being (and sounding) beautiful, he seems so genuinely kind.  That makes him even more beautiful to me. (More Fabio, please!)

I ended up really liking this season. I loved the finalists, loved their interactions, and appreciated the almost non-existent drama. I'll take more just like this. (I do wish Ken had a spot in the finale, too. I really felt for him!)

Any of them winning would have been fine with me. I liked all the collections, though some pieces from each stood out more than others. There was nothing life-changing here, but it was all beautiful, well-made, solid, lovely work. I don't envy the judges.

I hope PR and PRAS are not canceled. I really love all incarnations of PR. I'm not too proud to admit it. :)

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 6

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