violet and green February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) Geez, I sat through fourteen hours of this tosh to end up with the four worst prospects for hometown visits and/or final two in any series I can recall. I was really looking forward to seeing Becca M in the final stages of this thing. Now it is dull woman, boring pissy-mouth woman, and kooky woman he's not been on a single one-on-one with, that's how into her and serious he is, and Tia who I really liked a hundred hours ago, but who has looked as dull and grey as Ari since arriving in Europe and is rivalling pissy-mouthed snow queen Lauren in peeved looks... Oh, well, we'll always have the Women Tell All. I cannot believe his choices. Forgot to say: Jacqueline, how could you do this to me?! You were my only real hope. Argh. Edited February 13, 2018 by violet and green 12 Link to comment
MBJ February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Just want to add I liked how Arie acted when Jacqueline rejected him. Some people react very very badly to that but he acted with a lot of class, I thought. I thought it was very much Jacqueline who kept making out with him, and he didn't know what to do. He's Arie. But I have to say he was really nice about it. 16 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 25 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Just want to add I liked how Arie acted when Jacqueline rejected him. Some people react very very badly to that but he acted with a lot of class, I thought. I thought it was very much Jacqueline who kept making out with him, and he didn't know what to do. He's Arie. But I have to say he was really nice about it. I agree but what was really odd was his parting comment, although romantic and very sweet: “If you regret this later, come back to me.” What??? What about the other b’ettes? Is he going to abandon one of the final four, or final two, or even the F1 for her, depending on when she regrets it if she does? I have to say I am enjoying Arie and also this season’s slower paced more normal “falling in love” developments vs previous seasons. Intense chemistry isn’t coming across with anyone, whether that’s editing or reality. We don’t have to see anyone fake-sneaking into his room late at night, and no nap-dates. The b’ettes are all friendly with each other—Tia wasn’t sabotaging Bekah in a mean way, imo, and Bekah didn’t really seem that upset about it. And the scenery is spectacular. 10 Link to comment
adhoc February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Was it Catherine (in Sean's season) who said that she and Sean had lots of interesting conversations during filming, but none of those made it to air, leaving viewers shocked that he picked her? I also remember Trista, in her season, saying that Ryan Sutter was actually a pretty funny guy, but Production never showed his wittier moments with her, so he came across to some viewers as a lot less interesting than he really was. Question: Why did Arie get up and leave when Lauren said she was falling for him? It just seemed a bit random, and he certainly hasn't done that with the other ladies. Could he actually not contain his excitement at her revelation, was that it, and he needed a moment? Did Production have any hand in it (maybe signaling from off-camera that he should get up and walk away for a bit)? And when he returned, did he actually explain his "moment" to Lauren a little, and that part was not shown? Inquiring minds want to know. Assuming that Lauren is, IRL, a soft-spoken and kind of low-key person, maybe she's actually not a bad match for Arie. He's not exactly an intellectual giant or a chatty guy, and Lauren doesn't seem to require him to have those qualities. I think a lot of guys would *love* being with a very attractive blonde who didn't yammer on and who also didn't seem their intellectual superior. I'm just sayin'. 10 Link to comment
Popular Post JudyObscure February 13, 2018 Popular Post Share February 13, 2018 Jacqueline's visit to Arie's room to break-up with him followed by a sobbing slide down the wall to sit in the hotel hallway was identical to Ali's performance and she got to be the next B"ette for her performance. Hmmm. Once again scheduling meant I had to watch, "The Westminster Dog Show," and, "The Bachelor" at the same time and it got confused in my head. Arie as judge continually runs his hands over the women and studies all parts for looks with only the slightest nod to temperament. Becca is a light hearted, beautiful setter by anyone's standards with just the tiniest hint of too much length in the muzzle. Kendell is an intelligent Saluki with a fine thin face but may actually bite occasionally. Tia has the dazzling brown eyes of a soulful hound but made a nearly fatal mistake by nipping at one of the other dogs. Bekah is a cute little Terrier but needs another year or two to settle down her tendencies toward crowd distraction and hyper activity. Lauren is the long legged, slim hipped Afghan hound with the gorgeous blonde coat.. Not known for their brains, they still always show well and overly impress inexperienced judges. Sometimes a mere lick of the hand can fill the judge with such emotion he has to walk away for a minute to get a grip on his emotions, because awarding "Best of Show," before the utility trials would ruin the event. 55 Link to comment
bosawks February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 9 hours ago, Jazzhands said: Was anyone else waiting for a used, wadded-up Kleenex to fall out of the sleeve of his grandpa cardigan? I was waiting for him to check his pocket watch and pull out a magnifying glass to read small print....... 8 Link to comment
Popular Post TheFinalRose February 13, 2018 Popular Post Share February 13, 2018 Quote Arie is also clearly into Lauren. He was preening for her with the bike tricks. She says very little. She gives him very little but I think he has written their story. So any time she does any little thing that he can make fit into their story, I feel it's a huge sign for him. But having very little experience in watching this, I'm pretty shocked how much projection he's doing. I felt like I was watching something out of the Theater of the Absurd with them: Lonely man falls in love with fragile and silent mannequin who can only communicate with her eyes. Desperate for her love, man worries that he will have to return her to the store for a refund. So comatose is she that only a soccer ball thrown at her at a high velocity is able to wake her up. After two whole days together where she utters less than ten complete phrases, she suddenly announces she is falling in love. Man is so overwhelmed by the depths of their relationship that he leaves the fragile one momentarily alone, which is exactly what the mannequin fears most. Just as suddenly, we are deprived of man's feelings in the moment, as he moves off stage and the theater settles into complete silence. The man then returns to table as if he'd been there all along, leaving audience with gaping hole in man/mannequin love story. Quote Just want to add I liked how Arie acted when Jacqueline rejected him. Some people react very very badly to that but he acted with a lot of class, I thought. I thought it was very much Jacqueline who kept making out with him, and he didn't know what to do. He's Arie. But I have to say he was really nice about it I like Arie. He's low key and mature in the way he deals with the nutty emotions. I can't point to a Bachelor who was "better"? They've all been flawed and extremely lame in the role. The win goes to Jacqueline for announcing that she couldn't see Arie sitting at the dinner table with her parents. What would they talk about? Hehe. I love that she got outside of herself long enough to conclude that she couldn't trust her feelings for Arie enough to keep participating in "the journey." Girl will make a good psychologist (that is what she is working toward ... yes?) 28 Link to comment
Popular Post Jazzhands February 13, 2018 Popular Post Share February 13, 2018 1 hour ago, adhoc said: Question: Why did Arie get up and leave when Lauren said she was falling for him? The prune juice kicked in. 40 Link to comment
GracieK February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) I liked Arie during Emily's season.. I thought he was soft-spoken and very attentive. He definitely shines when he's in a position to compete. Put into a situation where he's being competed for is a bad look for him. His moves on Emily, which seemed charismatic and romantic, are cheap and shallow when used on multiple women at the same time.. sometimes within minutes of each other. I think Lauren is his new Emily, and he's molded her in his mind as such, much like Jimmy Stewart to Kim Novak in Vertigo.. I don't know if this will end as tragically, but I suspect that Arie may take some of his Emily heartbreak out on Lauren. From what we have seen there is absolutely zero substance in their relationship. I agree with those that said Bekah looked super young last night. Like creepy young in relation to Arie... it seemed all of her wise beyond her years bravado crumbled before our eyes. But I also suspect much of it was an act. I love Kendal and wouldn't mind seeing her as the next Bachelorette. Edited February 13, 2018 by GracieK 9 Link to comment
JudyObscure February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 How many times has Arie said, "I love that!"? Often over the most mundane things. You could probably gage how into a woman he is by how many occasions he finds to say it. I'm waiting for, "Lauren used her dinner fork on her salad. I love that!" 51 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said: I like Arie. He's low key and mature in the way he deals with the nutty emotions. I can't point to a Bachelor who was "better"? They've all been flawed and extremely lame in the role. I agree. I've been making fun of Grampy Possum but that's just how I watch this show. If you compare him with Jake, DUI Chris, or Juan Pablo, Arie is a real gentleman and seems very kind. I liked how he shut down Tia's criticism of Bekah even though he was planning to cut Bekah and could have used Tia's words as an excuse. 21 Link to comment
sadie February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I thought Lauren looked A LOT like Emily during their one on one and in that moment I finally got why he’s “falling in love” with her, her physicality (thanks T-Rav) fits his quest to replace the one that got away. , maybe she is super interesting and they aren’t showing it but I’m guessing Arie is about as deep as a puddle so that is not a prerequisite for him falling in love. Done and done. 6 Link to comment
seacliffsal February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Bekka initial reaction to Tia telling her what she said to Arie (which, by the way, I have a lot of respect for her telling Bekkah), seemed to be really typical of someone who has never been told "no" or wasn't treated like the most specialist snowflake ever before. The whole "I want people to see my heart" really reeked of not having faced any challenges in life. Yes, people saw your 'heart' but that doesn't mean they have to like you. It seems to me that Bekkah built her own "story" throughout this show-life of the party, overjoyed at every announcement, opportunity, etc, the sex-kitten of the group, etc. She never saw that she wasn't everyone's favorite. She certainly said some negative things about Krystal, but then couldn't take it when someone else said something negative about her. I almost immediately deleted this episode from my dvr, but then remembered they were in Tuscany so ended up watching it really for the scenery. The best date by far for me was Sienne's date as I loved the activity and then that amazing meal with an amazing family. I wonder who told Arie that he should always walk with his hands in his pockets. It just looks so weird to me. I never see that in real life. Bachelor Greatest Hits: 1. Jacqueline pulling an "Ali" when she broke down crying in a hotel hallway after telling the bachelor that she had to leave due to her job, I mean schooling. 2. Arie pulling an "Arie" when he pushed Emily, I mean Becca into a wall to kiss her. I'm sure that there were other "greatest hits" and I just missed them... 12 Link to comment
phlebas February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I'd noticed this a couple times before, but Arie did it again last night and it makes me uncomfortable. When kissing, I've noticed he'll sometimes grab the girl's neck. Not like resting his hand on the side of her neck like he was going to slide it into her hair or something, but with his thumb on the other side of her trachea like he was going to strangle her. He did that again with Jacqueline during their breakup making out, and I find it creepy AF. That might be a "me" thing and an "I hate Arie" thing and a "you aren't worthy to touch Jacqueline" thing. 6 Link to comment
backformore February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 9 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said: How could anyone declare their love for Lauren based on what we've seen of her? She is the human equivalent of paste. I think there are blowup dolls with more programmed phrases than she has in her arsenal. I have to assume that they have more conversation than what we've seen. I wish the editors would show more of the non-kissing interactions. Because at this point, it looks like Arie is judging a kissing competition. He picks the top 3 kissers, then it's off to the fantasy suites to judge their other talents. We're not getting a sense of who any of these women are, or what the relationships are like. Arie could have a three hour conversation with a woman, and all we see is them making out afterwards. 12 Link to comment
Lamb18 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Lucky me, I am sick and am working from home today, so I get to watch The Bachelor while working! No rose ceremony this week!! So I wonder who will go home. Trying to figure out if that's another Triumph, maybe it's a Fiat. Funny if it breaks down. What I don't understand why it's so important to be able to "see" and "visualize" situations that may happen in the future. For example, Jacqueline saying "I can't visualize bringing him home to meet my family" or whatever it was she was saying. Yay, Becca! First rose of the episode and hometown date. I wonder if they'll show Minneapolis or Prior Lake or both. (Prior Lake is around 20 miles south of Mpls.) Lauren gets another date? Lauren has kind of a mean look to her, not just a resting bitch face, but just kind of a mean look. Aw, they didn't even show Becca showing off her rose to the others. I was wondering if Ari was even dressed when Jacqueline was knocking. Maybe he would be wearing his footie race car pajamas! But no, he is fully dressed. Ari doesn't look too well in this scene. Wow, this sure is a mixed message scene. She has doubts, isn't confidence, thinking of leaving, but is all over him with kissing and touching and embracing. And I think he really liked her. If this wasn't just a silly TV show, I'd think it was kind of sad. Kendall, Jacqueline is not dying, she is just leaving. Becca stands there with her arms folded, whatever, let's get this scene over with. Coming up: Lauren talking in a monotone voice. 5 Link to comment
Etta Place February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I am torn about Lauren - on the one hand, I kind of think that if there were any conversations of interest happening between her and Arie, the producers would show them just to keep the viewing audience from falling asleep. It's funny (?) once to have all her soundbites from one date consist of "wow"s, but then we can move on. On the other hand, I have to wonder if the conversations they might be having have moved so far beyond the typical getting-to-know-you stuff that they would spoil Arie picking her. Maybe every conversation they have is about silverware patterns and room colors, looking at real estate listings, coming up with baby names. I mean, I'm not saying that's what's really going on. I might prefer to think that their conversations are really just random phrases here and there to break the long, long silences and they both think they're in love because the other person seems to be a really good listener. 2 Link to comment
Mabinogia February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 13 hours ago, JenE4 said: Coming up next week: a play wedding with taxidermied rats, a cocktail weenie toast And this makes me want Kendall for Bachelorette! 12 hours ago, Mu Shu said: arie cant eat possum, that’s cannabalism! So, Kendall will serve him possum? hahahaha I hope Lauren wins just to save the others from being stuck with Arie. Becca and Kendall are too good for him, all the women who left last night were too good for him. Tia sucks, sorry girl but I HATE when someone feels it is their job to tell the bachelor what another girl is thinking without having actually asked said girl what she thinks, so she could have him but I don't think he's actually interested in her. Maybe he just gave her the rose to encourage her ratting out the rest of them to him. I was indifferent to Arie going in, I didn't watch Emily's season because I can't stand her, so I didn't have any opinion other than that I was excited to see a more mature bachelor. Well, that backfired. This guy is an aging immature playboy who just wants to find an Emily replacement. So Lauren for the win at this point. Kendall and Becca....RUN!!!! Follow Jacqueline, Bekah and Sienne who are probably having more fun packing and heading home than you are pretending you're excited about your journey with Arie. 3 Link to comment
Scrappygrrl February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 14 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Tia looks like somebody, who is it? And I don't mean Raven. She looks like Kelly MacDonald, who was in Gosford Park, Trainspotting, lots of other things. I'm just glad they got rid of the Ramona and Sonja lookalikes from RHoNY. 2 Link to comment
Lamb18 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Tuscany sure is beautiful! I can't tell if Lauren really means it or if she's just saying she's starting to fall in love with him because it's the right thing to say at this point. She says she thinks before she speaks and it was almost like she thought this was the right thing to say to keep her in the game. I wonder if he walked away to ask Production what he should do, like, is it OK to give Lauren this rose? That was an amazing mascara dribble down Bekah's face in the preview! Yay, dogs! That truffle looks like a dog turd. Fun to see those little dogs digging around. I'd suspect that the truffle Siene dug up was planted but it didn't look like the ground was broken before she dug into it. Like the dogs under the table! They know where the good stuff is. And that pasta looks so good. (All this truffle talk reminds me of the Chopped episode where one of the contestants dropped his truffle on the floor and couldn't find it anywhere.) Was that dinner with Siene at midnight? I was counting the chimes and there were at least 12. Score! Kendall said "his and my relationship." She has to be The Bachelorette! We need one who knows how to use pronouns. Poor Siene, but on the other hand, maybe I should congratulate her and say she dodged one. I think she may feel more mortified than hurt. Man tears coming up! Here's Tia, ratting out Bekah. And Tia says "this is very serious." Ha! Since when is The Bachelor serious?? Bekah does the quivery lower lip pretty well and crying without tears. Oh here we go, her mascara shed a tear. Funny if Bekah took Ari on hometowns and her family had no clue what was going on. Well, Bekah finally bit the dust. 6 Link to comment
dleighg February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I know I'm just stating the obvious, but Jaqueline's departure seemed so "normal" once you realize how stupid all of this is. I mean, it's sort of like when you're 16 and maybe the coolest guy in the school pays some attention to you. You think the universe just made you top princess. Until you realize that the coolest guy in the school is an idiot and makes fart jokes with his friends and has nothing in common with you. But these gals are in a weird Stockholm Syndrome situation where the whole goal is to get the coolest guy (who ISN'T) to fall in love with you. Jaqueline figured it out! Good for you! 19 Link to comment
nlkm9 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 3 hours ago, JudyObscure said: Jacqueline's visit to Arie's room to break-up with him followed by a sobbing slide down the wall to sit in the hotel hallway was identical to Ali's performance and she got to be the next B"ette for her performance. Hmmm. honestly, Jaquelines was way more heartfelt. Ali basically just went in and had a tantrum--no longing to kiss Jake or anything like that--she threw herself down on the floor and embarrassed herself in my opinion. Jaqueline on the other hand, truly made me believe last nite that she was very attracted to him, she was torn, but felt that she was in love with love and she is the only one out of all of them I really like now. 7 Link to comment
bosawks February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 It's almost like Jacqueline had an epiphany that a free trip to Italy just wasn't worth all this.... 10 Link to comment
kira28 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) Arie is totally into Lauren. Not sure if it's the Emily resemblance or her hard to get act. She did seem much happier on this date. Why did he suddenly get up and leave when she expressed her feelings? Did he have to get permission to gush about his feelings for her? He was thrilled thst she's finally into him. He seemed attracted to becca k but not that invested in her. He's completely invested in Lauren. All she has to do is breathe and occasionally smile and he's on cloud 9. I also noticed that arie dressed the "youngest" on his date with Lauren. My grandfather has the same outfit arie wore on his becca date lol. Becca got the Emily pushed against a wall sexy make out session. Jackie was too dramatic. I think Becka m was only there for the world travel and Instagram followers and now that it's down to the wire she needed to bail. Plus apparently she didn't even tell her family she was going in the show so I doubt she was in any position to take him to her hometown. I noticed she sort of dressed like she gave up this episode. Little makeup baggy clothes. She was done. She also liked like she was 14 years old lol. I hated how he led sienne on. She's way too good for him. Tia is very pretty but she's filling the same buddy position as Raven did. I still enjoy Kendall it even tho arie claims he's really into. Her I just don't see it. I liked that Kendall brought up Actual real world things such as she would move because she doesn't want a long distance relationship. Bye bye baby Becka. Edited February 13, 2018 by kira28 6 Link to comment
backformore February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Bekah was hoping for Peter as Bachelor! This cracks me up. She acts like she's into Arie, but when she's rejected, her "fuck you" is basically, "I signed up thinking Peter was the bachelor". 8 Link to comment
TheFinalRose February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Quote Ali basically just went in and had a tantrum--no longing to kiss Jake or anything like that--she threw herself down on the floor and embarrassed herself in my opinion. Ali was all histrionics, no substance. I really disliked her, to the point where hers was the only season of this show I skipped. I knew I could never muster up a minute's worth of interest in her as the lead. 1 Link to comment
mostlylurking February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 14 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Tia looks like somebody, who is it? And I don't mean Raven. Martha from The Americans. At least that's what I noticed last episode, lol. 14 hours ago, saber5055 said: This tattling gets so tiring every season, I don't care who the subject is. Just stop. And it nearly always why do they keep doing it??? 2 Link to comment
MBJ February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 41 minutes ago, dleighg said: I know I'm just stating the obvious, but Jaqueline's departure seemed so "normal" once you realize how stupid all of this is. I mean, it's sort of like when you're 16 and maybe the coolest guy in the school pays some attention to you. You think the universe just made you top princess. Until you realize that the coolest guy in the school is an idiot and makes fart jokes with his friends and has nothing in common with you. But these gals are in a weird Stockholm Syndrome situation where the whole goal is to get the coolest guy (who ISN'T) to fall in love with you. Jaqueline figured it out! Good for you! Jaq seems super cool and all - honestly - but when she said "I went into this not thinking I'd have any deep feelings" my first thought is of course, why the hell were you on this show, then? It's not like she was captured and forced into it. It all just seems disingenuous. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why Kendall likes Arie. It makes no sense to me. Just the vibes I get from Arie, I 100% do not think he's ready for marriage. This guy is such a playboy. And there's nothing wrong with that, he doesn't seem SLEAZY.... he's like a "nice" womanizer. LOL. 11 Link to comment
dleighg February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said: he's like a "nice" womanizer. LOL you mean, like when he "comforted" poor weepy Beckah after she was criticized by Tia, with a great big sloppy kiss on the lips? 3 Link to comment
Mabinogia February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why Kendall likes Arie. It makes no sense to me. I'm pretty sure they are all given the Kool-Aide to drink when they first arrive. You know, the special kind that brings on a heavy dose of Stockholm Syndrome. There is no other excuse for Kendall, Bekah, Sienne, or Jacqueline falling for this guy. Not one of them seem like they would be into this type of guy if they hadn't been brainwashed into thinking he was the last available man on earth. Becca, Tia and Lauren I could see falling for him as they seem about as dull and low key as he is. 8 Link to comment
ByTor February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 20 minutes ago, mostlylurking said: Martha from The Americans. At least that's what I noticed last episode, lol. I don't see it. 2 Link to comment
mostlylurking February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I think they look so similar! Different strokes. I don't see the resemblance to Deanna, Andi, or Lilly Munster (lol). 1 Link to comment
ByTor February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 16 minutes ago, mostlylurking said: I think they look so similar! Different strokes. I don't see the resemblance to Deanna, Andi, or Lilly Munster (lol). LOL neither do I! 4 Link to comment
alexa February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 I think the person Tia reminds me of is Jana Kramer that was on DWTS. I don't follow country music, but from seeing her on DWTS that is who I see when Tia is on. 1 Link to comment
backformore February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 2 hours ago, dleighg said: I know I'm just stating the obvious, but Jaqueline's departure seemed so "normal" once you realize how stupid all of this is. I mean, it's sort of like when you're 16 and maybe the coolest guy in the school pays some attention to you. You think the universe just made you top princess. Until you realize that the coolest guy in the school is an idiot and makes fart jokes with his friends and has nothing in common with you. But these gals are in a weird Stockholm Syndrome situation where the whole goal is to get the coolest guy (who ISN'T) to fall in love with you. Jaqueline figured it out! Good for you! Yeah, it's like she suddenly realized "if you pick me, I'm supposed to say I'll MARRY you! You want to come to my house and talk to my parents about MARRIAGE!" You're fun to kiss, let's make out, but MARRIAGE? no. 9 Link to comment
calpurnia99 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 Obviously he likes Lauren the most because she is SKINNY and has a hot bod. This is all men care about. He just wants to walk around with her on his arm. He wants something pretty to look at. I think they are perfect together. I've not been to Lucca but I've always wanted to visit. I got a kick out of the Italian family. Actually the mother so "So you've known each other for a long time" lol lol lol. They translated it to "How long do you know each other?"lol lol lol. The food looked amazing. Well I wish him and Lauren B. the best of luck in their boring life. 4 Link to comment
Irlandesa February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 2 hours ago, backformore said: Bekah was hoping for Peter as Bachelor! This cracks me up. She acts like she's into Arie, but when she's rejected, her "fuck you" is basically, "I signed up thinking Peter was the bachelor". That has to happen a lot, right? For people who have watched more of this than I have, has anyone ever gone "you're not the bachelor/bachelorette I signed up for so 'bye?'" 2 Link to comment
dleighg February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 2 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said: she is SKINNY and has a hot bod. She certainly looked hot from the back side, but what is with the blown-out knees? Is that supposed to be a good look? Do men find kneecaps sexy? I'm confused. 6 Link to comment
calpurnia99 February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 6 minutes ago, dleighg said: She certainly looked hot from the back side, but what is with the blown-out knees? Is that supposed to be a good look? Do men find kneecaps sexy? I'm confused. men find skinny a good luck, the rest is unimportant 4 Link to comment
Ohwell February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 3 hours ago, backformore said: Bekah was hoping for Peter as Bachelor! This cracks me up. She acts like she's into Arie, but when she's rejected, her "fuck you" is basically, "I signed up thinking Peter was the bachelor". She might have been hoping for Peter but I don't think she would have lasted as long if he'd been the Bachelor. He doesn't strike me as going for the "cute" factor as much as Arie. I think he would have found her kind of interesting for a minute, then dumped her. So yeah, Bekah, thank your lucky stars that you lasted as long as you did. 12 Link to comment
greeneyedscorpio February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 17 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Tia looks like somebody, who is it? And I don't mean Raven. I think she looks like a prettier JoJo 3 Link to comment
StatisticalOutlier February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 17 hours ago, dizzyd said: The episode winner was Tuscany. A close second is Kendall, using the right pronouns again, advancing from "Arie's and my" last week to the double possessive pronoun "his and my" this week. 16 hours ago, adhoc said: The heck with Tia's swearing. I wish Production would just bleep all the "likes". They're driving me crazy. It's just awful. I was disappointed that Sienne does it, too. It's not like she's uneducated. I'd like to think she's code switching, to fit in with the Bachelor universe, but I'm not sure even she is that smart or talented. 17 hours ago, crgirl412 said: Oh my God, NO!!! I am completely missing when he and Lauren built up to their deep "in-love-ness." I try to FF through as much of this as possible. I saw a TH of Lauren saying Arie told her he's falling deeply in love with her, I thought, "Oh, no, sweetie, he didn't actually say that," and I rewound it and he DID say that. Wow. 8 Link to comment
Mu Shu February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) 6 hours ago, Jazzhands said: The prune juice kicked in. I wanted to make a poop/age joke, but thought it may be unseemly. Thank you for taking the plunge. ETA: I don’t see anything sexy about Lauren. She’s dull, and some dumbass guy may want her on his arm, but hot? Nah. More like plain Jane Edited February 13, 2018 by Mu Shu 8 Link to comment
mostlylurking February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 21 minutes ago, Ohwell said: She might have been hoping for Peter but I don't think she would have lasted as long if he'd been the Bachelor. She would not have lasted past the second episode with Peter. 8 Link to comment
Andromeda February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 49 minutes ago, Irlandesa said: That has to happen a lot, right? For people who have watched more of this than I have, has anyone ever gone "you're not the bachelor/bachelorette I signed up for so 'bye?'" Yeah, that creep Bentley on Ashley's season, who signed up hoping for Emily. In his confessionals, he called Ashley a "butt-er-face" -- a real pig, that one. 6 Link to comment
OldWiseOne February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 3 hours ago, kira28 said: Arie is totally into Lauren. Not sure if it's the Emily resemblance or her hard to get act. She did seem much happier on this date. Why did he suddenly get up and leave when she expressed her feelings? Did he have to get permission to gush about his feelings for her? He was thrilled thst she's finally into him. This is what I thought - he wanted to tell her he reciprocated her feelings but needed to check in with production to make sure it was ok. 6 Link to comment
Palomar February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 17 hours ago, phlebas said: Run, Jacqueline. Run far, run fast. Don't look back. Find a guy who respects your intellect without being scared of it. I actually think he DID respect her intellect. He did not want her to go....even trying to convince her to stay by saying they would have a lot of time to work things out after the show. I think she was going to be one of the final 4. 7 Link to comment
MBJ February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Irlandesa said: That has to happen a lot, right? For people who have watched more of this than I have, has anyone ever gone "you're not the bachelor/bachelorette I signed up for so 'bye?'" Yeah when Kaitlyn won Bachelorette over Britt (the first season I watched). At least one guy very honestly said, I was hoping for Britt, I'm leaving. Which I respect more than the opposite route, which is staying anyway to try and get Instagram fame. Bekah M. 42 minutes ago, greeneyedscorpio said: I think she looks like a prettier JoJo Aw man! I think Jojo is 10x better looking than Tia. I thought Jojo and Caroline really resembled each other and I was surprised when Arie cut Caroline. Edited February 13, 2018 by Ms Blue Jay 8 Link to comment
BuckeyeLou February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 36 minutes ago, Mu Shu said: I wanted to make a poop/age joke, but thought it may be unseemly. Thank you for taking the plunge. ETA: I don’t see anything sexy about Lauren. She’s dull, and some dumbass guy may want her on his arm, but hot? Nah. More like plain Jane LOL...that's what I thought too! I was amazed that production would show a Bathroom break taking place! I still cant figure out what that jumping up from the table was all about? I guess he had to talk to somebody to get advice on giving the rose to Lauren or not.... I admit I am a Bekah fan....her interview with Jimmy Kimmel last night was so funny. She has a sassy personality and she was making Jimmy laugh. She said she was with her friends on a farm and yes they are "weed farmers" :) Jimmy said her earrings looked like they were made on a weed farm...they were long, dangly, bright red earrings. I am sure she is thrilled with all the publicity she is getting. 3 Link to comment
Kbilly February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) It was kind of obnoxious to me that they didn't even bother to learn really basic Italian in order to somewhat communicate, like hello, please, thank you? Yes I'm a fuddy duddy. I don't get why they aired Arie bolting the table (to fart?) Why not just edit it out? To include with no explanation was just bizarre. I'm so irritated that he said he was falling DEEP in love with Lauren. It was like an Arrested Development "HER?" How and why?! @BuckeyeLou you're in my head! I really liked Bekah too, I found her charming. I felt like she brought out a lightness in Arie. I don't see a real connection with any of these girls left. Edited February 13, 2018 by Kbilly 4 Link to comment February 13, 2018 Share February 13, 2018 (edited) Arie's reaction to Lauren was a dead giveaway how he is feeling. It looked like shock that all his pretty blonde dreams were coming true mixed with a need to speak to producers about the logistics of how the rest of the episode would go if he gave out his second rose there. There was a moment when they were playing soccer where she looked just like Emily, and I got it. She also is very reserved and measured in what she says... just like Emily. I'm in love with Jacqueline! But now it all makes sense as to why the producers shunned her all season- she broke the facade of every woman on the show believing the lead is the best thing that could happen to them, and she didn't bother pulling an Ali-esque excuse of being called away for work, she just flat out said she didn't trust that her feelings at that point were enough to justify meeting the family. I totally get where she was coming from with the mixed signals though. The guy is hot (and yes I still think so despite the cardigans), and she had fun with him, and in real life she'd probably date him for another couple months and enjoy it. Maybe if fantasy suites came before hometowns she would have stuck around to test drive that before calling it quits, but introducing her parents to ABC wasn't worth it just for some hot sex. I was extremely surprised Kendall got a rose, but also psyched about it. I'm a fan. Her tears over Jacqueline probably had a lot to do with losing the most intellectual conversation partner in the group. Finally!! Bekah is gone!! Thanks for making all my wishes come true, Arie. She seemed like such a child during that group date! Her THs and interactions with Arie all showed more of an interest in selling a fairy tale (which she probably would have gotten bored with as soon as the publicity ended) versus an actual interest in marriage. There was no reason to burst into tears when Tia mentioned what she'd told Arie- they were some pretty mild comments compared to what Bekah had to say about Krystal. And yeah, she looked like a baby next to him (or his very young niece at the least) when he was holding her out in that garden. I respect Arie for knowing that regardless of how fond he was of her, it wasn't going to be a lasting relationship (and the creepy factor of being a 36 year old man meeting a 22 year old's parents probably had something to do with it). I love Tuscany but was surprised we saw none of Florence. Arie was clearly there in the first intro shots of the episode at the Piazzale Michelangelo, then none of the dates took place there... but correct me if I'm wrong. I didn't catch where the group date or Seine's date were located, but they definitely looked like they were in the countryside. Hometowns look particularly fun this year!! Edited February 13, 2018 by 6 Link to comment
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