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S22.E07: Week 7

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Arie and the bachelorettes travel to Tuscany, Italy; Becca K. joins Arie on a romantic picnic; Lauren B. tries to convince Arie she's ready for the next step in their relationship; Kendall, Tia and Bekah M. battle for the final rose.

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Sheesh, Arie and Lauren are perfect together. I mean, have you ever seen two more boring people? The cameras have shown us nothing of substance in their convo so far--no "what do you want out of life", for example--and yet they each think the other is amazing

I will say, Lauren rocked the heck out of that backless dress. Odd to me, though, that she would call attention to herself with the way she dresses sometimes, considering how reticent she is.

Edited by adhoc
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8 minutes ago, adhoc said:

Sheesh, Arie and Lauren are perfect together. I mean, have you ever seen two more boring people? The cameras have shown us nothing of substance in their convo so far--no "what do you want out of life", for example--and yet they each think the other is amazing

I will say, Lauren rocked the heck out of that backless dress. Odd to me, though, that she would call attention to herself with the way she dresses sometimes, considering how reticent she is.

Oh my God, NO!!!  I am completely missing when he and Lauren built up to their deep "in-love-ness."

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It was weird how Jaq kept passionately kissing Arie while dumping him, no?

Bekah M. I thought was so fake.  I thought the entire thing was such a performance.  I couldn't bear it.  She is just such an actress, through and through.

Lauren is such a boring weirdo but to be honest she reminds me of women I know who always seem to get a lot of guys.  Doesn't say much or do much, just looks like that, and apparently that's enough. I couldn't believe all of Arie's declarations of love for her, jeez.

Kendall is so gorgeous, but I find Arie and Kendall's personalities so completely mismatched.  I think he's just confused because she's really really gorgeous (my opinion.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think Arie got choked up and overcome with emotions when Lauren admitted that she was falling for him, because she is the one that he wants.  I have a feeling she reminds him of Emily. 

Sienne, sweetie, it’s not you, it’s him.  You are intelligent and beautiful.  You will do much better than Arie.  I promise. 

Given that at the moment, no one knows who is going to be the next Bachelor or Bachelorette, I wonder how potential candidates would know if they are “a perfect match.”

Edited by Adeejay
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Bekah was not the right match for Arie, but she was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise mundane season. Girl, you lucked out, boring Arie would suck all the bubbliness out of you. Be you and be free.

Arie has tried to "be logic" multiple times today, anyone else notice that?

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Tia the Shrew Bitch gets the rose. Good job, Arie.

Now that I know Arie a little better, I can say Bekkah M isn't right for him ... she deserves much better. You know. someone who can carry on an English conversation using full sentences, plus stay up past 9 p.m. And won't fall asleep in his easy chair while wearing his best cardigan.

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I couldn't even watch the entire episode. I'm done with this season, and I typically stick it out. I'm bored. There isn't anyone I feel like he's really clicked with. I really liked Arie back in the day, but I don't care if he finds love or not. 

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After Tia threw Bekah under the bus, I was sure Tia was a goner.  So now, we know the kind of guy Arie is, he gets exactly what he deserves.

Look, he was freaking out about Bekah being 22 all along.  I have been in relationships all my life with older and younger:  my first husband was 5 years older, my second was 12 years older and current is 8 years younger.  Point is, look at the person and screw the number.

He’s an idiot.

Edited by b2H
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1 hour ago, alexa said:

Why does he dress like an old man?

Because he is 103 years old.

loved Beckah looking to see where the cameras were while old grandpa possum was dandling her on his knee and giving her werthers candies to stop her sniveling about mean old Tia Tia.  

My god he and Lauren dullard are awful.  “Like, yeah, you know, little bike,  let’s do some like stuff and other stuff.  Like, you’re falling in love with me?  That’s like great, you know.

i watched 3 of my favorite pimple popping videos on a loop and some kid named Chloe Kim.  

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Arie gives Becca a full-blown Rose-posal, and the most Sweeping Love’s Journey Music in Bachelor History commences! Either the music editor is REALLY going all out blowing all the pretenses, or s/he is over-compensating for a lackluster love connection this season. 

But it appears to juxtapose with the Sounds of Horror and Dread underscoring Jaqueline’s breakdown and impending Talk of Doom with Arie. I think they even threw the “Lost” title card sound effect in there as they went to commercial break! Oh, ABC, going through all the sound archives. That was a really confusing break-up—Jaqueline still making out with Arie several times. Now she’s Mesnick crying in the hallway—worrying about making the wrong choice. Jeez, girl, just hang out until HE dumps YOU; nobody is expecting you to get married TODAY. I think most likely she knew that she wasn’t going to make it through this round, so make it seem like it’s her choice, or cry-smooch until he begs you to stay...which he did not. Oops.

Lauren has ANOTHER silent date. Ah, the ol’ requisite “impromptu” soccer game with a group of local kids—the moment she begins to utter 3 words. Wait, what!? My daughter was talking to me and then suddenly Silent Lauren is proclaiming her love and Arie runs away?!? What did I miss?!? What the hell???? Now Arie is back and saying he’s falling deeply in love with her!!!! Huh?? Why?? There must be a lot NOT “as seen on TV.”

Ok, now I think they went overboard on Becca’s music because although she got a very emotional overture from Arie, there was no declaration of “deep love” as there was toward Lauren—and the editors want us to see them both as F1 contenders.

What is this international trial run of a hometown date with each being interrogated by a complete stranger’s family about their relationship instead of spending time with each other? Arie is trying to talk Sienne out of their relationship—just like he did with Jaqueline on their last date. Neither is jumping at the chance of moving to Scottsdale posthaste, so they’re out.

Tia takes the opportunity to turn the 3:1 into a typical 2:1 dynamic by Wrong Reasons Accusing Bekah to tears, who’s blubbering about how people don’t see her “for what she really is” and instead see her as an inexperienced young woman. Um, Bek, the temper tantrum isn’t aiding your cause. This is what ALL kids do: Nobody understands meeeeeee! But Bekah shows Arie her 3 gray hairs to “prove” her maturity. Tia did manage to turn this into a 2:1—and now she regrets her life choices. Arie is stone-faced as Bekah says she’s falling for him. This guy has no poker face. Bye, Beks! But NOW he has a tear in his eye?

Coming up next week: a play wedding with taxidermied rats, a cocktail weenie toast, and an assortment of unsupportive parents. But first, can the -ors and -ettes bridge language barriers to find love while competing in games of sport? So many tears for only 4 episodes! Granted, with Ashley and Claire, those half dozen different scenes could have been the first half hour of episode 1. See you tomorrow at Winter Games, gang!

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Awww...I liked Bekah....she was cute, and spunky, but she was NOT a match for "Grandpa" Arie.  I think she felt hurt at the end, but not heart-broken.  Would she make a good Bachelorette?  I think Arie likes Lauren the best(maybe she reminds him of Emily?), but she is SO boring, she has nothing to say(unless all her interesting remarks are being edited out).   I am enjoying the lovely scenery of Tuscany.

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I gotta admit, I kind of hoped Arie would pick Bekah just so we could all agree what an idiot he is and how little interest he actually has in settling down with these women. That being said, I hope somebody (Bekah) informs everyone at the Tell All that all these 24-26 year-olds don't have a world of experience over a 22-year-old. Jeesh, talk about stereotypes. There was a 23-year-old on the show but her age wasn't an issue. And we all know anyone over 30 on this show is considered a leper.  I guess you're only capable of finding love between the ages of 23-29. 

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  • The heck with Tia's swearing. I wish Production would just bleep all the "likes". They're driving me crazy.
  • And yep, Dizzyd, I noticed how Arie kept replacing the word "logical" with "logic." 
  • I've decided that part of Arie's charm must be that he comes over as this affable, go-with-the-flow, comfortably touchy-feelly guy. Because each contestant seems to think he's just a very special, very wonderful,very "the real deal" guy. 
Edited by adhoc
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I had to tune back in to this snooze fest of a season for Tuscany having recently returned from there. Sigh, I love me some Italy! Bekah is ultra fake.  Arie is such a bore, he needs to make super boring and empty headed babies with Lauren. 

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I was LOL at Bekah showing Arie her "white" hairs.  I enjoyed Bekah because she just acted So young :)  The way she giggled, rolled her eyes, the cute way she dressed(I loved her outfit at the 3:1 date), she just seemed so fun which I think Arie liked, Tia is just so determined, she doesn't seem fun. 

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This season has been a terrific travelogue!

Good-bye, Betty Boop. Or rather, Arrivederci, Bella! Plus, did anyone seriously think this season would be a duplicate of last season, couple-wise?

But who foresaw that "I'm just not that into you" exit stage-left by Jackie?!

Tia has a weasel-face, all thin and pointy. Lauren is....nothing; the proverbial dime a dozen. Who are the others, again?

Oh, yeah; Taxidermy Kendall. And in the preview Arie looks like he has FUN playing with stuffed and costumed white rats, straight outta "Dinner with Schmucks"!

And Becca, right? She's the most beautiful woman left, IMO.

So, next week we see Arie get grilled and threatened by Protective Dads; and see the women get admonished by Shocked Moms.

And Tia? Be careful what you wish for. Arkansas (not to mention your Central-Casting mother) I predict rings the death knell for your time with Grandpa Possum.

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I couldn't be paid to watch one episode, let alone a full season, of Bekah M. as Bachelorette.  I'm sure that you can download old episodes of Hannah Montana to get the same effect.  She irritates the hell out of me.  I'm sorry but I can't see the argument that this 22 year old probably drama major is ready to be on a show that is meant to find your future spouse.  I'm sure she'll go on American Idol next or whatever.  She's trying for Instagram fame, nothing else will do.  I don't even believe she's attracted to anyone besides herself, or a camera.

How many times did she point how many roses were left, and calculate exactly what percentage of chance she had left to still get one?


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How will TPTB depict Tia's Arkansas? Did they use up all the mud flinging, frog gigging, gun shootin' and 4-wheelin' the last time they were there? Will Tia's family cook up some possum and chitlins for Arie's dinner? The suspense!

I'll miss Bekah, the only one who could keep me awake. And SHOCKER of all shockers, she didn't have those stuck-on spider eye lashes. I guess those are just for OLD PEOPLE.


I don't even believe she's attracted to anyone besides herself, or a camera.

You pretty much described everyone who goes on this show, including the lead.

Edited by saber5055
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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

How will TPTB depict Tia's Arkansas? Did they use up all the mud flinging, frog gigging, gun shootin' and 4-wheelin' the last time they were there? Will Tia's family cook up some possum and chitlins for Arie's dinner? The suspense!

I'll miss Bekah, the only one who could keep me awake. And SHOCKER of all shockers, she didn't have those stuck-on spider eye lashes. I guess those are just for OLD PEOPLE.

Oh definitely Ozark Hillbilly theme.  

arie cant eat possum, that’s cannabalism!

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Echoing what everyone else is saying - what a bore!  There MUST be more to these “relationships” than we’re being allowed to see.  Maybe TPTB are just trying to edit this so we can’t tell who the “winner” is.  If that’s the case, they’ve succeeded to a fault.  I can’t see one scintilla of actual interest between Arie and any of the remaining women.  I was one of those who loved Arie on Emily’s season and was so excited for this season, but it’s just impossible to give a darn about any of it...

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2 hours ago, b2H said:

You didn’t see the mascara streaming down her face??

It was mostly fake but I think some tears were for not being able to ham it up on tv anymore.  

None of the eliminated ever seemed that broken up unlike other seasons.  

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

What is it that makes some b-ette (usually several) every season tell the Bach who isn't good for him. Why can't the Bach just say, "I'm capable of making up my own mind. Can I walk YOU out." This tattling gets so tiring every season, I don't care who the subject is. Just stop.


Totally agree. That was so unnecessary. I liked Tia before but now not so much. If the lead can't figure these things out for themselves than the tattler don't need them, right? If she doesn't win I really hope they don't make her the B'ette.

3 hours ago, b2H said:

You didn’t see the mascara streaming down her face??

Exactly. Those were definitely tears. I don't think they would have made it but I think they had a genuine fondness for each other. Even Arie shed a tear or two.

3 hours ago, phlebas said:

Run, Jacqueline.  Run far, run fast. Don't look back. Find a guy who respects your intellect without being scared of it.

Of the four left I wouldn't mind seeing Kendall as the B'ette and to a lesser degree Becca. But I would really love to see Jacqueline get it. I know it's not very feasible with her having a lot of school ahead (and she didn't finish in the top 4) but I think she's stunning and intelligent. Heck she proved that by eliminating herself tonight. Just no Tia or Lauren please.

Edited by yorklee2
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After the show, a few things:

  • If Tia thinks she's going to be the next Bachelorette after playing tattletale to Arie regarding Baby Bekah, she just kissed her chances goodbye after that. Yes, Bekah was young, but I guess Tia didn't know that Arie loves jailbait. Heck, her homegirl Raven would make a better B-ette! Oh, well! If she could sing and had green makeup, she could be part of the road show of Wicked.
  • Kendall barely had screen time and she gets a rose instead of Seinne? In a perfect world, Seinne would be my pick for the next Bachelorette.
  • Lauren B(oring) is more of a conquest than a companion for Arie. She's a perfect runner-up.
  • Arie has issues. When Jackie was going back and forth regarding him, all he could do was suck face with her? In fact, he sucked face with Baby Bekah before he let her go as well. Cut down on the kissing and hold a conversation for once, you idiot!
  • Speaking of Baby Bekah, why was she dressed like an eighth grader sans makeup? Her and Arie's makeout scenes made me want to call child services. As for her becoming the next Bachelorette, she would be perfect...in 2022.
  • I guess Becca K. wins by default.
Edited by Nedsdag
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2 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I think she looks like Deanna Pappas (Stagliano now). 

I think she looks like Andi the lawyer.

I was Team Bekah because she's a breath of fresh air. She can do better than Arie. Lauren is incredibly boring. I'm shy, but fun once I'm comfortable. Nothing fun about Lauren.

I also was thinking about the bell tolling for Seinne. She'd know the reference, but not Arie, lol. 

Tia turned into a class A bitch tonight. I'll laugh when Arie dumps her. 

Edited by Andromeda
Andi isn't Abdi.
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40 minutes ago, Nedsdag said:

Cut down on the kissing and hold a conversation for once, you idiot!

Oh so much word to this... I think he really prefers all 'dates' to be one nice compliment/turn of phrase then a pause then 10 minutes of sucking face. Then some wine, a plaintive stare and right back to more kissing. I don't think he has the capability to sustain a conversation of any kind.

Wow, an insecure teary torn-down Bekah without all her bravado and 'sparkle' made her come of as super young and one dimensional. 'Comaprisons are a bitch' and she was really left in the dust by Kendall. So was Tia actually who to me took a giant downgrade with her jealousy of Bekah. Her having to "protect" Arie from Bekah aka throwing Bekah under the bus was not a pretty look on her.

I'd have appreciated someone being grounded enough that when I tell them I'm falling for them they don't need to walk away for five minutes to get their shit together. The whole leaving me alone at a table in the middle of nowhere to wonder just what in the complete fuck was going on would not have been appreciated. I found that so odd but he obviously has it bad for her boring self.

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I wish I could figure out why Arie ever seemed attractive. Maybe because he was competing for Emily--who was the one carrying the show, not him--and was making effort to impress her whenever they actually had time together.  Maybe it all seemed more sincere and romantic because he wasn't saying the same thing to five other women and kissing them all  as if he is doing his job for the show.

It seems like it should be easy to like a relaxed, laid back, confident but soft spoken man.  But he just has no dynamism, isn't fun, and doesn't seem to bring much energy to the dates. I'm glad to see others here calling him "grandpa" because...yeah.  I don't know what happened.  He isn't bringing out anything in the women either, no one I'm thinking of as the B-ette. (Lots of candidates for Paradise, though. )   No one to root for either because those who seem to have a lot to offer are MUCH too good for Arie.

Great season travel locations, though, but even the beauty of Tuscany can't save this.

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"So, are you going to break my daughter's heart tonight or are you going to sex her up real good first and why am I not kicking your ass right now?" I don't blame him for booting Bekah, but I regret not getting to see THAT confrontation. I think her family may not be as chill about Arie as she seemed to think.

Does Kendall have a twin?  I need to visit LA.  It'll be hard to find them, but maybe I can carry a dead hedgehog or something around and wait for her to find me. Is it weird that I'm more invested in the idea of Kendall and Jacqueline being friends after this than whatever other pairs come out the other end?

God I hate Arie. (Dude -- when someone says she loves you, don't excuse yourself and walk away from the table. I would have given much to see Lauren walk out while he was having his senior moment.)

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