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S05.E01: Rescue Me

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43 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 What in the heck did she say she wanted to smell?!?!?!? Please don’t let it be afterbirth.  I should not have eaten dinner before watching the show.

Yep, she wants to smell the placenta. And she asked about consuming it. She'll eat anything. 

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 Thank you! I totally mixed their names up.

I always think Ashley and Heather are the same person..just like Tal and Todd..#Twinning

Edited by Christi
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Just now, aliya said:

"The mental hospital or the reg....?"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  I'm sure one day my son will say that to me.  

They are just all taking little mini-pot-shots at here this episode!!! First Babs with the "pea brain" comment and now Ashley!!! Bwahhhahhhahhaaaaaa!!!!!

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To recap my humble musings/horror:

  • For the talking heads: how much make-up is Twit wearing?? Especially the concealer under her eyes?!?! 
  • “Learning this one number” - but she isn’t even doing the anything CLOSE to the same moves that the other 3 are doing!! What is she “learning”?????? 
  • Getting ready to do a year-long tour as a back-up dancer and she complains that it’s HARD. Uh. Yes. It’s hard. Even for REAL professional dancers, training for a new gig is Hard. It’s work. Duh. This isn’t BGDC - this a real thing (at least for the FM. Wahhhhh…wahhhh…. 
  • The “success is the best revenge” tank top is jut TOO ironic since she’s running away from this “tour” because she can’t do it. 
  • When she plays the recording of Avi - it sounds like they’ve changed his voice. Like filtered it to make it unrecognizable or masked. And since they blur his face, I’m guessing he’s not down with being on this sh*tshow in any way, shape or form. 
  • Henchi’s face!! Glaring at the camera like “damn! The bitch is back!”
  • When she sits -particularly on a couch- she looks more and more like she’s having trouble sitting up. As if her belly is so big she can’t sit up. 
  • She really is cursing a LOT more the past couple of seasons. 
  • She’s taking Judaism 101??? And Bab’s comment about her “pea brain”… Go Babs. OH MY GOD!! “I consider myself a Buddhist” - wtf?!?!?! Hanging an Om sign and a Hamsa does NOT make you Buddhist!!!! You STUPID A$$HOLE!!!!
  • “Y’all keep goin’ and I’ll pick it up” - uh… yeah. THAT I’d like to see. Get OVER yourself!!!
  • So Todd is responsible for moving BGDC to Daliana’s?? But Twit is the one who had any contact with Daliana… not Todd. You ASKED him to take over BGDC, he didn’t just come in and usurp it without you knowing about it. 

This is going to an even bigger -and surprisingly more boring- train wreck than we expected, I do believe. 

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Typical Whitney, seems like whenever she is not getting enough attention she creates a situation which allows her to steal the spotlight, hence the hospital visit because she is dizzy. If it is real it sounds like a panic attack, which will probably lead into her depression storyline that she has been posting about on FB.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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7 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Typical Whitney, seems like whenever she is not getting enough attention she creates a situation which allows her to steal the spotlight, hence the hospital visit because she is dizzy. If it is real it sounds like a panic attack, which will probably lead into her depression storyline that she has been posting about on FB.

Narcissistic personality disorder I say.

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16 minutes ago, Kid said:

Narcissistic personality disorder I say.

Possibly. I'm on board with the Histrionic Personality Disorder for sure. But I could see both. Whoever suggested HPD a while back was spot on. No PhD or PsyD needed. 

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35 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:


  • She’s taking Judaism 101??? And Bab’s comment about her “pea brain”… Go Babs. OH MY GOD!! “I consider myself a Buddhist” - wtf?!?!?! Hanging an Om sign and a Hamsa does NOT make you Buddhist!!!! You STUPID A$$HOLE!!!!

Whitney's idiotic comment offended me, but it didn't surprise me - everything about her is so superficial, self-serving, and crafted for maximum attention.

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It's not simply that her attitude toward religion is so cavalier.  It is also how disrespectful she is toward others in telling them how they must react to her momentous news.  It appeared her brother had reached the end of his patience with her.

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Pardon the crudeness, but someone might just mention to Whitney that it is not uncommon for a woman in labor to defecate in the process. Would she like to smell that, too?  Poor Ashley - I don't think she realized quite how repellant Whitney could be before she agreed to use her as a birth coach.

Someone should also tell her that the term "Jew-Bu" is considered flippant and rude by both Jews and Buddhists.

My first career was as a professional dancer, and I am very familiar with the process of a dance company getting ready to put a new show on the road. No dance company ever has enough time or money so it's always a super-intense time.  There was no way in hell Whitney was ever going to be able to keep up with TFM and the booties, and listening to her whine about it while munching pork rinds made me hope we'd get to see her fired on camera.

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38 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

Possibly. I'm on board with the Histrionic Personality Disorder for sure. But I could see both. Whoever suggested HPD a while back was spot on. No PhD or PsyD needed. 

 Yes, this does appear to be the better fit as it includes inappropriate sexual behavior. Whatever it is, unless the show is entirely scripted, there is something wrong with her. She has no filters and no boundaries whatsoever.

And as a previous poster said, her brother really appears to be fed up with her.  

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Oh my word.  So Twit gets Tal and Todd to pick her up without warning, and she walks into her parents' house "without warning them", yet they are mic'ed up and made up for tv?  Try pulling the other one, TLC - it's got bells on it!  This show still sucks as far as storyline goes.  They're not even hardly trying to hide the fact that they're scripting this all.

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33 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

Whitney's idiotic comment offended me, but it didn't surprise me - everything about her is so superficial, self-serving, and crafted for maximum attention.

I know 2 people who converted to Buddhism. It's a process. They didn't just 'consider' themselves Buddhist.

I actually converted to Reform Judaism years ago (have left, but that's another topic). That's a process, too, that involves classes that lead to conversion (not just classes about Judaism) and/or direct instruction with a Rabbi. I was the only person in my class who was doing it because of a personal conviction, not 'just' because they were getting married to a Jewish person, so I was pretty serious. I don't see Whit as serious about anything.

And, since we are engaging in armchair psychoanalysis, Whit absolutely wanted her mother to find those books in her car. If they weren't in the car, they would have been left somewhere else for Babs to find and for there to be big drama about it, because that's what Whit wants - drama and attention. 

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On 12/27/2017 at 10:44 AM, sainte-chapelle said:

I want Fitness Marshall to spill the tea on what really happened. Lord knows she could never keep up with him.

The scene I saw, FM and others were doing acrobatic things, going down to the floor, and Whit's there doing what Whit does when she dances.

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1 minute ago, aliya said:

I know 2 people who converted to Buddhism. It's a process. They didn't just 'consider' themselves Buddhist.


I worked with a couple of dancers and their coach. All three practiced Buddhism at the time and were very serious about it. I interviewed one for a course I was taking and I asked him something about being a Buddhist and he corrected me to say that he did not consider himself a Buddhist but he practiced Buddhism. Again, he studied it in depth and had a serious practice of it. Twit doesn't understand sh*t about anything serious. Not her health, not her dance career, and certainly not religion of any flavour! It's cool to be all spiritual and have Buddha heads and statues around the house and om signs and hamsa's and so BOOM she's a Buddhist. Cuz that's all it takes right?? Next December she'll buy a menorah and BOOM she'll be Jewish! smdh. AND did y'all catch that she did a DNA test?? Wonder when THAT will come into the storyline?? God help us!! 

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When she dumped her broccoli on her brother's plate, you could tell he was over her. Apparently, she's too lazy to cut her own broccoli. Or she didn't want to dare try a dangerous vegetable.

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On 12/31/2017 at 10:50 PM, Irate Panda said:

Whitney “helping” the pregnant lady.  

Yes, I don't recall Ashley from before.  Was she there?
And I agree about the motel, because the suite she was in, especially the bed, didn't look like it went in that motel.
I've stayed in motels for a week or so in the past, for conferences or classes, and it could get boring, but you'd usually socialize with other attendees, and I never felt the need to bring family photos.

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Todd is the best frenemy in the world. I could watch this all day. Go Todd! Since when is actually having energy, teaching techniques and encouraging people a sign of having a big ego? It's called actually being a good dance teacher, Whitney! Todd should just make his own class, tho. He doesn't have to wait for her failures.

I can't tell if the producers are trolling Whit or if they were all on the Avi thing together. Hearing how delulu she is over him just makes me super excited for the fall that will come later this season. Can't wait!

I knew Whitney wasn't going to make it through that tour. It's just common sense.

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2 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Can anyone more clever than myself post side by side pictures of Whitney in each season? This is my first season watching  and I would love to see her weight progression. I love all your snark about this show so I have to watch it now! I love to watch a good train wreck.(to a point)

My 600 Lb Life can make this show look like a smooth landing.  It starts in the next day or so.

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12 minutes ago, auntjess said:

Yes, I don't recall Ashley from before.  Was she there?
And I agree about the motel, because the suite she was in, especially the bed, didn't look like it went in that motel.
I've stayed in motels for a week or so in the past, for conferences or classes, and it could get boring, but you'd usually socialize with other attendees, and I never felt the need to bring family photos.

I think Ashley is from the first or second season...I didn’t watch them though

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Twit decorated her "dance studio cum garage " from Target...I saw several decor items since I was just shopping there before the show tonight.  

And HEY! !!!!! Why didn't anyone warn me that it was s TWO-HOUR premiere????   There's only so much bad "acting" or mugging for the camera that I can take.  The only comfort  were the snide comments from her family and barnacles.  

My husband came through the room when I was watching and guess what he said?  Yep, "Has she gained weight" ?   Yep, I told him that we all are speculating 20-50 lbs more up to the 425-450 range. 

And damn, girl, have some fucking pride to buy some higher quality ice cream and fixings than from Wally World.  And make the table look nice by putting the stuff in bowls and use nice silverware and real dishes, not cardboard bowls.  

If I was Barnacle Tal, I would be embarrassed for bringing my new boyfriend to my low-rent, trashy obese friend's  house.  Also, I would have warned my new boyfriend to watch out for cat hair. Also, If I was Barnacle Tal,  I would hope I got a good price for selling my soul for this crap TLC show, pretending to be Twit's caring friend--for a paycheck.

I lived how Twit had to prompt her barnacles/family about her new boyfriend's name.......um...um... Avi.  Oh, yeah, right, sure. That's the ticket (SNL , circa 1980's? )

 This shit show was just plain fakey stupid. 

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I'm only about half way through this one, but things are going to have to move really fast, for the show to get to trying on wedding gowns, because the guy hasn't been mentioned yet.
Does Glenn have a shotgun?

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38 minutes ago, auntjess said:

My 600 Lb Life can make this show look like a smooth landing.  It starts in the next day or so.

I love that show and love being able to post while show is on. Heck, I have been trying to change my work schedule so I am off Wednesday evenings. I have my priorities straight damn it!

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I, for one, am glad that she left the tour.  I think both the FM and Whit are extremely annoying, and I was worried that the concentration of all that annoying in one place would rip a hole in the fabric of the universe.

FM:  Eat your cake.

Me:  No.

FM:  Throw it on your face.


Edited by MrHufflepuff
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10 hours ago, MegD said:

She really enjoys shit stirring. Todd doesn't have to run everything past you when you are "away". Be happy that he's keeping your name alive. And the forcing interaction between Buddy and Heather is just rude. Let them work out their own shit. It's not your business.

She likes to fondle her friends. Keep your mitts off Ashley's stomach unless you ask. While she's talking to the doctor, you don't need to interject your own commentary and make it all about you.

I got the distinct impression that she was secretly enjoying the awkwardness and pain.  I betcha she set up that whole shitty ice cream social (really, disposable bowls?) with poor clueless Tal JUST to see Heather and Buddy squirm.  Remember the  game from two seasons ago where Buddy/Heather were showing up her and Lenny?  Yeah, she's still exacting her revenge over that.

Did anyone catch that when Heather asked her to be her birth coach (just before Twit made that unfortunately disgusting comment about the smell), Heather said "but you can't make it about you."  Also, what about the baby's dad being the birth coach?  She alluded to the fact that they were still together.  Shouldn't he be there coaching her through the delivery?

Edited by notyrmomma
it wasn't Pictionary that they were playing, it was some kind of "how well do you know your partner" game
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3 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

When the show first started, I actually loved the message of not waiting until you have the "perfect" body to live life....for instance, I loved the scene where Whit and friend went to the beach, perfect beach body be damned.  However, while I completely agree with living life where you are, I do NOT think that equals being complacent with being so overweight.  For one, I know from personal experience that you reach a point where you are so big you CAN'T live life.  You can't fucking move.  You hurt every minute of every day.  And sorry Whit, but you are NOT healthy.  You might not have high blood pressure, you might have gotten your blood sugar within normal range, you might not have high cholesterol, or whatever other things overweight people throw out to try and convince themselves and others that they might be big but are still healthy....but not buying any of it.  For one, the absence of those things does not equal healthy.  Just the amount of stress being that big puts on one's body is in and of itself unhealthy.  The strain put on your skeletal system, your heart/other organs, the long term effects of having a fatty liver (and yes, if you're a big girl, your liver is fatty and huge), the increased risk of all kinds of cancer from being overweight, and on and on....

And that is all, because I honestly don't really know what else to even say.

Yes.  As a former plus size person too, this is exactly why I started watching.  But, and I think this started in early S3, she twisted it into how fabulous it is to be morbidly obese.  Plus she makes it clear that anyone who points out how not-fabulous it is to be morbidly obese is just a hater or discriminating against fat people.

Speaking of hate and discrimination, did anyone else think that Twit claiming to be a Buddhist or thinking that she can just snap her fingers and become Jewish was a little bit of cultural appropriation?  Wouldn't someone who is Jewish or Buddhist be a little angry about her attitude? I am Catholic and if she would have been that flippant about being a Catholic when she is not, I would be angry (I'm kinda a half-assed Catholic, but if I saw her trying to receive Communion when I knew she wasn't Catholic, I would be PISSED!) There is a lot more to converting to an established religion than declaring yourself as such.

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7 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

As to Theory #2, as a former big girl (5'2", 345 lbs), I can tell you, unequivocally from personal experience, that being that size is anything but fabulous.  And I think each season we've seen a decline in the very limited number of things Whit could do in the first place.  Before I lost 200 lbs 7 years ago, I can remember walking up the SIX stairs in front of my office building and being so out of breath that I would pray I wouldn't run into anyone before I could immediately duck into the ladies room, where I'd spend the next 5 minutes wiping sweat off myself and trying to be able to breath again.  SIX stairs!  

Congrats on your weight loss . . . I was once over 100 pounds heavier than I am now, so I have similar memories.

One of the things I did after losing the weight was to go into Sam's Club and pick up two 50-pound bags of dog food.  Then I had Mr. AZC take a picture so I could show how much I had lost.  But the thing is . . . I could barely pick it up, and I sure couldn't walk with it - not because of the bulkiness, but because of the sheer weight.  

That's what the NitWhits on Facebook need to do.  Pick up something that weighs 100 pounds more than they do, and try to walk around Sam's Club with it.  Try dancing a couple of steps.  And then continue to insist that Twit's weight doesn't keep her from doing things.  That, of course, is impossible for lots of them; they have to use the electric cart because they're already built like Twitney and can't walk to the dog food aisle on their own.  


Edited by AZChristian
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11 hours ago, LivinLovinLife said:

And she asked about consuming it.

That is just sick.  She's got a serious problem with smells.  First, she smells Roy's under arm on her first day of working at the radio show, next she doesn't just smell her cants breath, but she inhales it, she loved smelling Lennie's beard, and now the placenta?  She is so much ore sicker than we give her credit for.  That's just sick...

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23 minutes ago, writerchick57 said:

That is just sick.  She's got a serious problem with smells.  First, she smells Roy's under arm on her first day of working at the radio show, next she doesn't just smell her cants breath, but she inhales it, she loved smelling Lennie's beard, and now the placenta?  She is so much ore sicker than we give her credit for.  That's just sick...

"Hedonic reversal."  I checked with Dr. Google.

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I thought this was a pretty good start for the season.  Some pretty interesting situations are in the mix.  The pregnancy and birthing coach thing sound amusing.  Eating the placenta isn't a new thing.  It's been popular for quite a while now.  

  I'm not too surprised that Heather and Buddy have trouble.  Something is seriously wrong with him.  He's mumbling, looking zoned out, and refusing to act normal.  Stay clear Heather.  I'd require an evaluation to bring my kids around him.  I know she says he's great with the kids, but, still.  Somethings not right.  His friends have to have some idea of what's wrong with him, right?

I suspect the touring for a year with the dance group was just a tv idea, right? There's no way that Whit really thought her body was up for that.  I'd respect her more if she just came out and said, my body is just not up for this.  I mean, it's no sin.  Even average sized people, who work out a lot would find that challenging.  

I also think that Whit is relieved that Todd is teaching her class.  This means less work for her.  Maybe, this is really ideal.  I mean, I'm sure they'll work something out by season end. 

The whole marriage kick is almost too much to believe, but, we'll see where that goes.  I'll admit that I wonder how this guy is leading her along and yet so uninvolved with her family and friends.  But, it is amusing too.  I'm glad they've moved on from Lenny, but, it does concern me that Avi loves her rolls of fat. That tells me that he must not be concerned about her health.  All those rolls, mean danger from a medical standpoint.  No good, imo. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I am thoroughly enjoying watching Todd throw Shitney under the bus and not putting up with her crap. I only wish he didn't go with Tal to pick up Shitney. Tal is a really sweet guy. Much too sweet to be friends with that self absorbed cow. 

So let me get this straight. She has been back in town for over a week and her boyfriend doesn't have the time to see her? And she's going to try on wedding dresses? Something is seriously wrong with this womanchild. There is a huge disconnect in the wiring of her brain. 

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15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought this was a pretty good start for the season.  Some pretty interesting situations are in the mix.  The pregnancy and birthing coach thing sound amusing.  Eating the placenta isn't a new thing.  It's been popular for quite a while now.  


It’s more common to bury the placenta in the yard but yes, some people eat it. However it is almost always the mother who consumes it.  The theory being it replaces nutrients and can ward off postpartum depression. But the BIRTh COACH doesn’t eat it and as far as I know, no one looks forward to smelling it!!

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12 hours ago, aliya said:

Jeez Louise. I didn't know this was the new season. I just happened on it by mistake. Buddy looks awful. The young woman is probably well rid of him.

Is it a millennial thing to need to share everything about your self and your relationships with everyone in your group? I wanted them to just shut up about everything and deal with it. Wanna keep dating? Fine. Wanna stop? Fine. Just stop talking about it.

And yeah, Whit quit the tour because she couldn't keep up and because it was probably necessary for the show.   No way I would have driven so far to pick her up. She wanted to quit, let her find a way home. The planes and buses leave everyday, even from Indianapolis. That's what an adult does when she makes a decision. They could have picked her up at the airport.

Who is this Avi guy? Was he on last season? Word to the wise, Whit. When a guy comes right out and says he's a commitment phobe, you can take that to the bank. Where is he? Why hasn't he met her parents if the relationship is serious?

Finally - she looks huge. Just huge.

Her & her friends talked and acted like tweens the whole show complete with head and finger wagging -grow TF up!

. So glad ice-cream is a part of twit's life again-she really needs it! Is her ambition to have a show called My Big Fat Fabulous 600 Pound Life?

there was no tour ,who are they trying to kid?

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12 hours ago, aliya said:

Jeez Louise. I didn't know this was the new season. I just happened on it by mistake. Buddy looks awful. The young woman is probably well rid of him.

Is it a millennial thing to need to share everything about your self and your relationships with everyone in your group? I wanted them to just shut up about everything and deal with it. Wanna keep dating? Fine. Wanna stop? Fine. Just stop talking about it.

And yeah, Whit quit the tour because she couldn't keep up and because it was probably necessary for the show.   No way I would have driven so far to pick her up. She wanted to quit, let her find a way home. The planes and buses leave everyday, even from Indianapolis. That's what an adult does when she makes a decision. They could have picked her up at the airport.

Who is this Avi guy? Was he on last season? Word to the wise, Whit. When a guy comes right out and says he's a commitment phobe, you can take that to the bank. Where is he? Why hasn't he met her parents if the relationship is serious?

Finally - she looks huge. Just huge.

Just like she "quits" other things. "Ow, my toe, we gotta postpone the dance-off" (but later we see her running around without her boot). She probably kicked a wall  to cause bruising to get out of the dance battle.

"Ow, my back, I can't do the parade".

"I fainted, I can't complete the dance marathon."

This time it was "I'm lonely." And she told her class she'd be gone a year.  FULL. OF. SHIT.  She really sounds like those 600 lb life people and their endless excuses. 

I'd say it can't get much worse, but this is only the first episode. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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Watching this shitfest now. First of all, the FM rehearsals they showed were just embarrassing. Whit should be embarrassed. (Although I could say that every episode.) Whitney does what we in the business call "fake exercise." She doesn't move her feet. Seriously. Watch her closely when she is supposedly dancing full-out. She wasn't even at 1/4 the effort level of the FM and his thinner dancers. She waves her arms and breathes a bit hard and thinks we are all fooled that she is "working out," then she eats a metric fuckton and thinks it'll all even out.

The Avi situation is so clearly fake I can't even. And Whitney says he loves fat women and only dates fat women, but it's not a fetish. Idiot. It's OBVIOUSLY a fetish. And nobody should ever be surprised when a fetishist cheats on them, because fetishists by definition dehumanize their sex partners/objects. 

Whitney's fetish for nasty smells is so repulsive to me. Cat breath, placentas, this disgusting woman doesn't even have the good grace to be ashamed of how grossed out everyone is by her. I also, heaven help me, am grossed out by Whitney's flopping around. When she flops herself into a car or flops herself onto a couch or the floor, I just...my stomach turns. Maybe I am confronting my own "fatphobia" here, but it just makes me uneasy. I am also repelled by her voice, which is hoarse and extremely loud. And I am repelled by her ridiculous exaggerated facial expressions that are beyond clownish. When she says something disgusting, then acts SHOCKED AND APPALLED when Buddy says something like "my dogs are barking" referring to his feet (which is a common phrase I say all the time), it is just gross to me, how she looks. Sorry not sorry.

I don't understand why Whitney and Todd can't each teach their own fucking dance class. This doesn't have to be World War 3, for Christ's sake.

God, I'm only halfway through this episode and I'm already fed up. Not sure how I'll get through the season.

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17 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I also, heaven help me, am grossed out by Whitney's flopping around. When she flops herself into a car or flops herself onto a couch or the floor, I just...my stomach turns. Maybe I am confronting my own "fatphobia" here, but it just makes me uneasy.

My ex-sister-in-law was probably over 300 pounds.  We had a bentwood rocker, which I loved.  Whenever she was coming over to visit, I'd tell one of my kids:  "Sit in the rocker and don't get out unless you let me know, so I can sit there."  The driver's seat of the x-s-i-l's car had a 2x4 bracing the back . . . because she'd get in and in the process of readjusting herself, she'd push back on the seat.  Until it broke.  There are multiple examples in our family of what her weight did to stuff.

It's not just what people like Twitney are doing to their own bodies . . . it's the wear and tear they put on inanimate objects that aren't made to handle that amount of weight.  

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Just now, AZChristian said:

My ex-sister-in-law was probably over 300 pounds.  We had a bentwood rocker, which I loved.  Whenever she was coming over to visit, I'd tell one of my kids:  "Sit in the rocker and don't get out unless you let me know, so I can sit there."  The driver's seat of the x-s-i-l's car had a 2x4 bracing the back . . . because she'd get in and in the process of readjusting herself, she'd push back on the seat.  Until it broke.  There are multiple examples in our family of what her weight did to stuff.

It's not just what people like Twitney are doing to their own bodies . . . it's the wear and tear they put on inanimate objects that aren't made to handle that amount of weight.  

YES. She looks like she's gonna break the couch, or the bed, or the car, or the floor...it's almost like I'm bracing myself for the crack of the wood and the inevitable Lucille Ball "WAAAAAAAH"ing that would ensue.

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16 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Watching this shitfest now. First of all, the FM rehearsals they showed were just embarrassing. Whit should be embarrassed. (Although I could say that every episode.) Whitney does what we in the business call "fake exercise." She doesn't move her feet. Seriously. Watch her closely when she is supposedly dancing full-out. She wasn't even at 1/4 the effort level of the FM and his thinner dancers. She waves her arms and breathes a bit hard and thinks we are all fooled that she is "working out," then she eats a metric fuckton and thinks it'll all even out.

The Avi situation is so clearly fake I can't even. And Whitney says he loves fat women and only dates fat women, but it's not a fetish. Idiot. It's OBVIOUSLY a fetish. And nobody should ever be surprised when a fetishist cheats on them, because fetishists by definition dehumanize their sex partners/objects. 

Whitney's fetish for nasty smells is so repulsive to me. Cat breath, placentas, this disgusting woman doesn't even have the good grace to be ashamed of how grossed out everyone is by her. I also, heaven help me, am grossed out by Whitney's flopping around. When she flops herself into a car or flops herself onto a couch or the floor, I just...my stomach turns. Maybe I am confronting my own "fatphobia" here, but it just makes me uneasy. I am also repelled by her voice, which is hoarse and extremely loud. And I am repelled by her ridiculous exaggerated facial expressions that are beyond clownish. When she says something disgusting, then acts SHOCKED AND APPALLED when Buddy says something like "my dogs are barking" referring to his feet (which is a common phrase I say all the time), it is just gross to me, how she looks. Sorry not sorry.

I don't understand why Whitney and Todd can't each teach their own fucking dance class. This doesn't have to be World War 3, for Christ's sake.

God, I'm only halfway through this episode and I'm already fed up. Not sure how I'll get through the season.

She can't move her feet. She physically can't. The whole thing was an embarrassment and what's funnier, FM's references to food: "Eat your cake!" We all remember how much she doesn't like cake...........

Me too, I was thinking this same thing about her when I watched the episode. The flopping around, her loudness, the facial expressions, how she looks when she's flopping around. Yeah, right there with you. 

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