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S12.E21: Reunion Part 2

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The hug at the end was so unbelievably fake. That was three people trying to secure their oranges for next season. Tamra is a horrible person with no soul so I believe that she could truly take Vicki back and not miss a beat, but Shannon's not an actress and you could tell that she wasn't into it.

Next season, will they pretend like it's all water under the bridge? I don't know that I can watch another season of fake bullshit. Kelly did a podcast recently and mentioned that she thought that Heather might return. The show does need a voice of reason and the Meghan/Lydia combo was a total failure. No one seemed very excited for Meghan's announcement because I don't think any of them actually like her. She, Lydia, and Peggy can go.

  • Love 10

I'm not sure what happened at the end. It didn't add up. It was sort of hysterical that Vicki didn't care about about being called homophobic, a cancer scammer, con artist, etc., but once Tamra alluded that "Nothing looked good on her," that was offensive. Clearly to me Vicki has come to terms with her role as a scammer and hater, but imply her clothes don't fit and she loses it. It struck me how troubling and extreme her shallowness is.

But Vicki wants Shannon back to comfort her during her divorce (i.e., get the dirt on what happened and then use it against her later), and she wants to be friends with Tamra again for unknown reasons. Methinks that in real life, Eddie is NOT going to be okay with Tamra hanging out with Vicki. So that will create some tension. It will be interesting to see how Eddie supports Tamra and Vicki's relationship in the next season. Or if it's going to lead to Tamra claiming that she's being controlled by man and let it break them up. 

I was left realizing it's clearly Vicki, Tamra, and Shannon's show. And it sees that Tamra will do whatever she needs to do to stay on the show, even if it means ruining her marriage. Just thoughts now. 

  • Love 18

I hope nobody is buying Vicki's BS, I don't think Shannon does. She'll be there for Shannon, don't make me laugh.

As for her and Tamra, the next drunken row, Eddie will be gay again, and Brooks/cancer will come up.

Peggy, no tears, sorry not one. RBF , pouty little mare. Be gone! How could anyone be there for you, when your story changed week by week..ugh! 

Lydia, so boring, so stupid, go play with the fairy dust

Meghan, being pregnant agrees with you, beautiful woman, who doesn't take any bs!

Kelly was pretty laid back, wait until next season. Tamra was right once, Vicki doesn't look good in anything.

Bring on RHOBH!..




  • Love 19

    Early on when Andy started questioning Shannon Peggy started smirking and my blood pressure spiked. She may, may of been a teeny tiny bit redeemable if she acknowledged her bad behavior and acted embarrassed. Admitting your wrong goes a long way in life.

When Peggy said “Dicko doesn’t control me, he shows concern for me.” Big red flags went up. 

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Peggy is insane. That's all I have. "Nobody asked me?" after Shannon did ask her? She can't communicate which is her issue. She wanted to complicate things and she managed to do so. Why in hell would any normal person want to be on Reality TV the month her father dies and 6 weeks after a double mastectomy? She and Lydia are masters at attempting to turn things around on people. They are transparent and it doesn't fly most of the time with viewers but it seems to stun the women.

I can see she could have been going through a lot of trauma and emotional and physical pain between her father's death, the pre-cancerous results per her doctor (or cancerous results per Peggy), her double mastectomy, the expanders and any drugs she may have been on but, as you say, then it probably wasn't the best idea for her to do the show this season. 

A UCLA English major who can't communicate?  Really??????  I don't know if she really is such a poor communicator or if she purposely created drama and confusion through her mixed signals and inconsistent and incomplete explanations.  Also, she says that the women didn't understand her and didn't support her but, a) who would understand her given how badly she speaks and explains her situation to other people; and b) these women already aren't the most perceptive people, so they sure as hell wouldn't have been able to read Peggy's mind without some clues.  And when they did ask more questions because they didn't understand, she just got defensive.

Edited by la patineuse
  • Love 14

Voice of one:

All but Meghan came off really well tonight.   She was petty and stupid in her remarks the entire reunion. 

Shannon was the biggest phony in trying to couch her behavior as "supportive" to Peggy and in her one-sidedness with Lydia.  She's really on the defensive but I feel she has the capacity to see where she goes astray.  She really does lash out at others.  Glad she knows that and I hope she works at it. 

I believe the hug, etc.  How long it lasts is another story.  I agree with a poster above who said Andy's remarks at the end were a not-so-subtle warning that the 3 need to stop it already.

I would actually like to see Peggy and Lydia return.  Learning Peggy's backstory helped me understand her better.  Lydia got a raw deal from the beginning and I'd like to see her get a bit of payback where Shannon  is concerned - although I would like to see her temper her constant talk about Jesus.  Ugh.  Waaaayyyyy too much.

Anyone following media reports to know if the hug stuck?  

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Voice of one:

All but Meghan anad a came off really well tonight.   She was petty and stupid in her remarks the entire reunion. 

Shannon was the biggest phony in trying to couch her behavior as "supportive" to Peggy and in her one-sidedness with Lydia.  She's really on the defensive but I feel she has the capacity to see where she goes astray.  She really does lash out at others.  Glad she knows that and I hope she works at it. 

I believe the hug, etc.  How long it lasts is another story.  I agree with a poster above who said Andy's remarks at the end were a not-so-subtle warning that the 3 need to stop it already.

I would actually like to see Peggy and Lydia return.  Learning Peggy's backstory helped me understand her better.  Lydia got a raw deal from the beginning and I'd like to see her get a bit of payback where Shannon  is concerned - although I would like to see her temper her constant talk about Jesus.  Ugh.  Waaaayyyyy too much.

Anyone following media reports to know if the hug stuck?  

Shannon was asked on WWHL post-reunion filming to name three cast mates with whom she got along. She responded with Tamra and Kelly, then subsequently apologized to Meghan on Instagram for forgetting to mention her. Personally, I hope this means Meghan has no plans to participate in season 13. 

To me, it was comical that Shannon enumerated the apologies she'd issued during the course of the season and then effectively blamed Lydia for provoking her nutty meltdowns. She certainly is consistent in ascribing culpability for her reactions to others as with Vicki and the overeating. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Shannon was asked on WWHL post-reunion filming to name three cast mates with whom she got along. She responded with Tamra and Kelly, then subsequently apologized to Meghan on Instagram for forgetting to mention her. Personally, I hope this means Meghan has no plans to participate in season 13. 

To me, it was comical that Shannon enumerated the apologies she'd issued during the course of the season and then effectively blamed Lydia for provoking her nutty meltdowns. She certainly is consistent in ascribing culpability for her reactions to others as with Vicki and the overeating. 

So this must mean Vicki and Shannon haven't really recovered.  I wonder if Vicki and Tamra lasted a little longer???

Tamra has been coy on her Instagram for a few weeks about Vicki, so it makes me think they're in a good place.  I was surprised at how desperate for Vicki's friendship Tamra is.  I personally love them together, so I hope it sticks.  I enjoyed Vicki and Tamra agreeing to support each other's delusions wholeheartedly ("I was conned by Brooks" "My husband is 100% straight") and move forward.  These two need a mutual enemy next season to focus on. 

I hope Shannon is in a better place next season, because she can be fun when she's not being such a drag.

I don't hate Peggy, but it was clear her husband pushed her to participate in the show, and she mentally wasn't prepared for it.  I feel for her.

Lydia is clever and comes to bring the drama.  She doesn't seem to have a lot of fans here but my circle of friends enjoy her perspective.  She's never afraid to go against the Queen Bee, which is a good attribute.

Bye, Meghan.  You were funny occasionally, but you really fell flat on your face when you attempted to mix it up with Lydia and Kelly on the reunion.  I'm fine with you being gone.

Kind of telling this was a two part reunion.  This season was largely a waste.  Andy put the girls on notice - get your shit together or I'm recasting the whole thing!

  • Love 10

Vicki is beyond loathesome. In the midst of her denials that she never said a peep about Eddie, when she mumbled “I didn’t mean for it to go that far,” it surprised no one latched on to that as proof she lies (about everything) nor were her intentions anywhere near good. 

Everytime Lydiot rolled those ginormous eyeballs of hers, I kept hoping they’d cause her to topple over. Otherwise, she needs stuck back on the pencil she was taken off of and put back into the junk drawer.

So was twee Diko being protective having Peggy do the show while knowing she was so emotionally wrecked? It was odd she mentioned how they got to know each other the first few years after they were married (and secretly divorced). I can’t help but wonder if it was an arranged marriage. Her hairline weirdness was both fascinating and disturbing, but wasn’t enough to distract from the smug. 

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

    Early on when Andy started questioning Shannon Peggy started smirking and my blood pressure spiked. She may, may of been a teeny tiny bit redeemable if she acknowledged her bad behavior and acted embarrassed. Admitting your wrong goes a long way in life.

When Peggy said “Dicko doesn’t control me, he shows concern for me.” Big red flags went up. 

I don't know why, but Peggy saying she wasn't in an arranged marriage made me think that was the case.

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Does anyone picture Vicki and Eddie sitting with cups of tea, plates of crumpets and their pinkies crooked.?

Yes!. I was lol Who says that? Was that a dig to Eddie? Most people say I wanna get a beer or coffee, especially with a guy....but she wants to have tea with him? Whos bringing the crumpets?! 

6 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Does anyone picture Vicki and Eddie sitting with cups of tea, plates of crumpets and their pinkies crooked.?

Yes!. I was lol Who says that? Was that a dig to Eddie? Most people say I wanna get a beer or coffee, especially with a guy....but she wants to have tea with him? Whos bringing the crumpets?! 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, ezzy4 said:


 Just a group of middle aged women sitting around talking about popping illegal drugs like its just soooooo funny?!?!  Its so weird. 

And Peggy needs to go NOW! She's just the worst.  So damn dumb.

Lydia isn't a keeper either.  The game just moves too fast for her to keep up.

Alexis was the fun kind of stupid. I found her very likable after the rest of the women turned on her, because it was so undeserved (like she was never the most shallow, mean, stupid, crazy or materialistic, not even close), but their criticism of her still made some sense, and letting her answer for it a bit was fun/cringy to watch. She always tried her best to act like a christian and there have been moments in the past few season when I felt she was sorely missed. I would take her over Kelly, Lydia and Peggy any day (not to mention Vicky but the reason for not wanting her back are different).

"Rich" and clueless, with some mean on the side is what I want to see most in a show like this. Not just full on psycho, cruel, mind-numbingly stupid yet boring shite.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 15

I really hate that make-up with the three girls. I never really had much for Tamra, but I lost a lot of respect for Shannon in that moment. How dare you let Vicki win??? Let her get what she wants??? This isn't just toxic Vicki who is sometimes an asshole. This is a woman who has spread lies/rumors about BOTH of your husbands and helped HER man fake cancer. I will never, not for one second, believe that Vicki was totally in the dark in regards to Brooks's schemes. I would NEVER EVER tolerate her ass again. So I don't know what those two are thinking. I'm trying to give Shannon the benefit of the doubt. Maybe in the emotional place she's in due to her separation she just can't handle another feud, but dang.....I was hoping she'd hold out. 

I love how they all laughed about Vicki's off label usage of Xanax and NyQuil in a foreign country. 


So Megan's pregnant again. Big surprise. I wish her a healthy pregnancy. 


I hope Peggy is done. This woman does not know how to reality TV. I feel for her, with the loss of her father and going through such serious surgeries. But she never once expressed that any of that was the reason behind her behavior. And she never apologized, to my knowledge. Many of these women were issuing apologies (some more sincere than others), but Peggy couldn't tell Megan sorry for pinching her lips or insulting her parenting? 


Not much else to say. Kind of boring stuff here. Interesting that there were only two parts. OC is circling the drain. They need to make major changes next season. 

  • Love 21

I found myself rolling my eyes more than Lydia at these women.  Vicki is and always will be a cancer scammer.  Judging by Shannon's face during the hug, I also think she was forced into that hug.  Lydia is just awful.  Making faces throughout the reunion, calling Shannon a liar when she was the liar denying telling Kelly to be at that bar, and just being unChristian-like with her eye rolling and plan for a designer baby.  Peggy needs to go and get herself together.  She should have never been on this show in the first place while in such a bad emotional place.  Her bitch face and inability to apologize to Meaghan did not make her look good.  Agree with everyone about their hair and make-up.  Terrible.  Glad this season is over and hope there will be more likable women on next year to replace Lydia and Peggy.

  • Love 23
11 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Looks like Peggy’s wonderfully protective (and not at all controlling) husband shoved her into this shit-show way before she was ready after her surgery and loss - wonder if she blames him for ruining her reputation.

What reputation? Armenians have no use for reputations. Nor excuses, and they certainly don't admit when they are in pain or when they need concern. Strong like bull (shit) actually.

  • Love 18

I can't stand Vicki!  And if I want to see Lucy and Ethel I'll watch "I Love Lucy"  ugh.. Tamara is stupider than I thought if she stays friends with her!  boo!

Yeah - I am not a fan of the phony make-up hug.  I know this is a job and they have to make nice and get along for the sake of the show.  My personal take on it is if I had a friend that ever went that low on me, we would no longer be friends.  But Tamra's got to do what she has to do.  It's not Show Friends, it's Show Business.

Vicki lied for her BF, it's known, everyone knows what she did.  She protected him, not her friendships.  

Lydia - didn't like her at all.

Peggy - Vehemently didn't like her at all.  Can't stand her smug non-affect face.

Megan - She doesn't really live in OC, I can't see how they will explain her being on another season, living in a rental house, raising her kids in a different city from her hubs.  ??

Shannon & Kelly - Looking forward to seeing these two again next season navigating the divorced life.

  • Love 16
56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I never really had much for Tamra, but I lost a lot of respect for Shannon in that moment.

Judging how pained she looked during the threesome hug-it-out, I have a feeling she doesn't have a choice. If she wants to stay on the show (and I can't figure out why she would would want to do that), BRAVO probably told her they would have to film together and make nice. I mean, really, what else are they going to do next season? 

  • Love 13

What we just witnessed with that vomit-inducing hug ladies and gents, was Bravo and Andy Cohen telling these women that they had better get their shit together if they wanted this show to see another year. The most boring reunion ever recapping the most boring season in history. Geez, just the fact that they only had enough to make the reunion 2 episodes says it all. They can usually drag out even the most mundane season with 3 reunion episodes. But not this one. 

Andy has said in the past that Tamra is the most perfect HW because she does her job. And she did just that last night. It was her emotion (real or fake, I have no idea) that brought on the reconciliation. Her willingness to forgive the vile things that Vicki has done and said - both on the show and off - that made it all possible. She is doing her job which Andy will appreciate.  

  • Love 23

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