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S12.E17: A Case Of The Vickis

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2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

She hadn't had a solid night's sleep for a couple of days. She was 7 hours ahead and jetlagged. She'd been drinking the night before and hadn't had much to eat. She'd been hiking up and down glaciers. I'm unsurprised that she started vomiting and perhaps if she was still friends with women with sense, they'd have made sure she had soup, fluids, plenty of electrolytes, and rest. We could have skipped all of that palaver with Peggy. Though, Kelly's increasingly unhelpful additions were hilarious. "Maybe it's a heart attack. Maybe it's a stroke. Could be Ebola. Perhaps plague. But I'm sure you're fine."

In an earlier episode:

Kelly: what did you have, Hepatitus C?

Vicki: No, Influenza B

Kelly: Oh well, I knew it had a letter in there

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 22
4 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Exactly.  Tamra is about fifty now and has slowed the party train.  She’s really sincere in her health and fitness thing.

I don’t think Vicki had anything worse than a hangover, but her risk for heart attack and stroke is high because she’s an idiot who doesn’t take care of her health.  One of these days she’ll pay the price for “whooping it up”.  

If you go to Armenia and ask to become Armenian, you automatically become doctor.  But not temperature doctor, until you finish Armenian Community College course, which is better than ant US doctor course.  If you call your husband to ask, only.

My husband is great man, he has been kissed by angels in heaven. My husband takes my temperature 2 times a day every day. His thermometer is attached to his body underneath the belly button - he is miracle Armenian. In the morning it is done orally and at night it is done rectally. I know he will tell me my temperature as soon as he says oh god oh god. My husband, he prays all the time.

  • Love 21
17 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. I can always tell when Kelly is drunk because she says everything that comes to her mind right at that moment, and most of it is snarly and/or profane. Whatever slim filter she has is obliterated by the alcohol. 

The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh!

And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? The editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy. 

It seems whenever they show the times of these types of things it ends up being important.  Now I cannot remember, did anything that WOULD be important happen?  Or is it the fact Vicki is the fastest person ever to recover from a 'medical emergency'?  Straight from the hospital to Shitface Town.  She had to be drunk to allow herself to be filmed looking so horribly.  I don't know about y'all, but if I am sweating/hurling/rushed to the hospital and I feel semi ok upon release I am taking a shower.  

16 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Has Vicki turned 60?   Regardless, no one nearing that age can drink like that without consequences.  And I would love to know what kind of "shots" they gave her to self administer.  It can't be for blood clots nor would it be for high blood pressure.  So unless she's diabetic or needing an epi pen for allergies, I can't think of any condition she was complaining about that requires self injectibles.  

While I doubt everything that comes out of her mouth, yes, they do give people with blood clots self injectibles.  My husband had one behind his knee that was quite large.  He did the shots until it shrunk enough to be maintained by pills.  Its a gnarly drug.  

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, Normades said:

I love how Vicki still insists that people were spreading rumors about her and Brooks.  Hey dumbbell, it's not a rumor or gossip if it's TRUE!!!  You ARE a con-woman and you took part in a cancer scam to hurt fragile people and line your pockets!!  When Tamara was saying that she chose Brooks over her, I think she meant that she chose to believe Brooks over her when Tamara could clearly see the scam.  That's what was so upsetting to her.  It wasn't as if Tamara expected occupy the same place in Vicki's cold black heart.  She just wanted to be believed, and I get that!!

Exactly. Both Vicki and Brooks admitted their lies on national tv. It's not the same thing. Vicki isn't smart enough to focus her criticism on them highlighting her mistakes, while ignoring everything else about her. For example, there are people who continue to refer to Nelson Mandela as an ex-con, communist, and guilty of treason. All are true, but it completely ignores the context. Vicki is not even close to equivalent to him, but she could try to appeal to the other women on those grounds. But instead she's conflating lies and gossip with actual admitted facts and truth.

In another example, we've seen Brianna admit that she thinks Vicki exaggerates things and can be too tit-for-tat. What if we took that to mean that Brianna hates Vicki and is hoping for Vicki's swift death. I think both Vicki and Brianna would take issue with that characterization, but Vicki is just too dumb and self-absorbed to understand why they are different. The latter is gossip and conjecture that you could draw from things we've seen on screen, but at no point does it deserve to be bandied about as if it's as legitimate as things out of Brianna's own mouth. If you gave Vicki a dose of her own medicine, she'd be too dumb to figure out what you're doing.

This is why I said, at the beginning of the season, that Tamra and Shannon needed to lock Vicki out. Invite Vicki to everything, but don't say a single word to her. She says hello. Say a hello back. Smile, nod, and offer her a drink. Don't give the ogre bitch more than what you'd give a stranger. At least with a stranger, you don't know how they'll treat you. With Vicki, you know her pattern. 

  • Love 19

Aw you guys are the reason I miss this show!! I'm going to have to track you all down to see where you post because it's just the BEST!  I would think even in the special AMerican Vomitorium  Clinic they would have at least started an IV , got some fluids in her before they kicked to the curb.   I'm so glad they didn't indulge her one minute more than they had to.  Vicki is still moaning about not supporting her love for Brooks, she had to arrive at her own time.... Well no one else had to go along with that morally bankrupt sleeze ball.  Since I'm not familiar with Peggy I didn't know if she was drunk or those eyelashes were weighting her eyes at half masted  

How many more beautiful countries can Bravo expose these ill mannered people to? They need to have passports red flagged. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, ChitChat said:

For Vicki, sung to 'A Hard Day's Night':

It's been a hard day's night, and I've been drinking like a lush
It's been a hard day's night, and all that booze is such a rush
But when I get in my bed and rest my poor aching head
I will feel alright

You know I work all day so I can keep y'all in the green
And it's worth it just to hear you say, you're going to treat me like a queen.
So you know it's my goal to get a big casserole
You know I'll feel ok.
When I'm high everything seems to be right. 
Agree with me or it is you I will smite, smite

It's been a hard day's night, and I've been hiking up that hill
It's been a hard day's night, and I think I'll need a pill
So I will cover my head then they'll all think I'm dead
I hope I'll be alright.

When I'm buzzed everything seems to be right
When I'm buzzed, yes I am quite the sight, sight
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been whooping like a bird
It's been a hard day's night, and I've been acting like a turd.
But when I get in my bed and rest my poor aching head
I will feel alright
you know i feel alright

This is glorious!  My favorite line is, of course, the bolded! 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

How far away was the hospital? Did they say her clothes was cut off? I laughed at that like she was involved in a vehicular accident.

She didn't seem to be at the ER very long - in my experience with older parents - even in the ER on a slow night and older patients take priority - minimum of 6 hours. Every test is done - multiple blood tests, EKG, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen level. Then if they need to send out for various xrays, cat scan, MRI - that's 45 minutes for each procedure. Then you wait for lab/scan results - then you wait for the "expert" who knows how to interpret the chart.

In Iceland, they followed Shannon's advice and expedited Vicki's release


I'm with you AAC, if I were Meghan I would have stayed away from Vicki in case she had something like the flu. No need to expose herself and the baby.

According to what Lydia said on the show, Vicki was at the hospital less than 2 hours. So.......she wasn't very sick. LOL

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Normades said:

I love how Vicki still insists that people were spreading rumors about her and Brooks.  Hey dumbbell, it's not a rumor or gossip if it's TRUE!!!  You ARE a con-woman and you took part in a cancer scam to hurt fragile people and line your pockets!!  When Tamara was saying that she chose Brooks over her, I think she meant that she chose to believe Brooks over her when Tamara could clearly see the scam.  That's what was so upsetting to her.  It wasn't as if Tamara expected occupy the same place in Vicki's cold black heart.  She just wanted to be believed, and I get that!!

Yes, that is what I thought Tamra meant too. But then Vicki very oddly said "You chose Eddie over me!". And Vicki said it as if she meant it literally. So was all the time that Vicki spent trying to cause problems between Tamra and Simon because she wanted Tamra to herself? And then darn Eddie got in the way? Is Vicki really the gay one, and she is trying to put a wedge now between Eddie and Tamra? Hmmmmmm.

See how gossip starts, Vicki? 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

Aw you guys are the reason I miss this show!! I'm going to have to track you all down to see where you post because it's just the BEST!  I would think even in the special AMerican Vomitorium  Clinic they would have at least started an IV , got some fluids in her before they kicked to the curb.   I'm so glad they didn't indulge her one minute more than they had to.  Vicki is still moaning about not supporting her love for Brooks, she had to arrive at her own time.... Well no one else had to go along with that morally bankrupt sleeze ball.  Since I'm not familiar with Peggy I didn't know if she was drunk or those eyelashes were weighting her eyes at half masted  

How many more beautiful countries can Bravo expose these ill mannered people to? They need to have passports red flagged. 


Off topic, but I learned a new word at a hockey game of all places:  vomitory.  Every time I hear it at a game, I still think of the second definition rather than the first.  LOL.




1.  denoting the entrance or exit passages in a theater or amphitheater.

2.  rare

     relating to or inducing vomiting.


vomitory; plural noun: vomitories

1.  another term for vomitorium (sense 1).

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I am sitting here laughing my behind off when I am supposed to be doing serious work!  I do have one correction though.  She cannot be Satan's #1 concubine because that 'honor' is already taken by someone I know who eats people like Tamra for breakfast.  



Please tell us your acquaintance lives in SoCal and will be holding an orange next season....

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, SCS said:


Please tell us your acquaintance lives in SoCal and will be holding an orange next season....

Believe me when I say its best no one ever sees her!  I am waiting right now to see if the DA from the county she resides will file charges against her.  She is evil incarnate.  Sitting here trying to figure out which city would actually fit her best.  HA!

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

You guys are almost making me wish I was still watching. 1) no way would Vicki been able to give herself shots of Heperin. No way. ( She gags/ throws up when riding in the backseat of a car or some such thing. And makes her daughters illness about her). If you give them yourself a nurse  instructs you and they can go into upper leg but most give themselves in fatty part of stomach  you don't just casually say you are to pick up injectables at the pharmacy in morning  they give you enough to go home with until get insurance to cover them $$$$$  

Ok I broke down and watched on demand  

She was do evasive about what doctor said... Bull crap you need information to tell your own doctor upon return also is 911 international??  Examples of ugly ugly bad behaving Americans. She said she was waiting results of EKG and labs then doesn't relay that information. ??   You were dehydrated from too much drink and throwing up. 

I wouldn't expose a little baby's to these women. 

This if from Wikipedia, so take it with a grain of salt, but they use 112 in Iceland.  Also, Iceland trains its paramedics in Pittsburgh, and perhaps a doctor accompanies the paramedics as well?


  • Love 3
10 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I understand that the ladies were hungry, but if I was with somebody that had to be carted off in an ambulance and I was famished, I would've asked the host/hostess at the restaurant if they could throw something simple into a to-go box and I would eat it on the way to the hospital.  The goal being for me not to pass out, not to have a 7-course meal before I go see about my friend. 

That is what I was thinking.  Ask the kitchen to pack up some sandwiches or something and eat them on route to the hospital.  

That said, I’m glad they all didn’t go to the hospital after the terrible behavior they exhibited during Vicki’s episode.  Who are Kelly and Shannon to diagnose it as a panic attack?  Kelly yelling at Peggy, across Vicki in bed saying “Hey, Hey, Hey”, just terrible!  

In the end they didn’t know what could be happening with Vicki, she was in another country and should have had someone there, just in case.  I think Lydia and Peggy were right to go as soon as they could.  I think Peggy called her husband to get validation from him that she was right in thinking she should go.  She just can’t express herself correctly.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

How far away was the hospital? Did they say her clothes was cut off? I laughed at that like she was involved in a vehicular accident.

She didn't seem to be at the ER very long - in my experience with older parents - even in the ER on a slow night and older patients take priority - minimum of 6 hours. Every test is done - multiple blood tests, EKG, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen level. Then if they need to send out for various xrays, cat scan, MRI - that's 45 minutes for each procedure. Then you wait for lab/scan results - then you wait for the "expert" who knows how to interpret the chart.

In Iceland, they followed Shannon's advice and expedited Vicki's release


I'm with you ATC, if I were Meghan I would have stayed away from Vicki in case she had something like the flu. No need to expose herself and the baby.

When you obviously are not that sick, but f-ed up enough to need immediate attention you can get in and out quickly.  Taking an ambulance helps put you at the front of the line too.  I went to the ER around midnight on a Saturday night in LA (busy time in a busy city) and was in and out with a tetanus shot and 5 or 6 stitches in under an hour earlier this year.  I'm not that elderly though, just starting to be an Old. 

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

According to what Lydia said on the show, Vicki was at the hospital less than 2 hours. So.......she wasn't very sick. LOL

I never finished medical school, but I'm pretty sure they gave Vicki the WH-mar test to determine that she didn't need to be there.

Doctor: How are you feeling? Do you still have the same symptoms?

Vicki: Yes...so weak...dizzy...and numb.

Doctor: Ok. After we finish this test, we shall be able to determine if you need to be admitted or if it is safe for you return to the hotel to sleep, eat, rest, and vacation with your friends.

Vicki: Woo hoo! Margaritas and casseroles.

Doctor: I did not say anything about casseroles or drinking.

Vicki: Woo hoo! Margaritas!

Doctor: Please leave.

Peggy: I can spoon feed you some yogurt.

<Vicki: Yogurt is not a casserole or a margarita.>

Vicki: No thanks.

This November 1st, many a parent is using the child version of the WH-mar test, "Are you too sick for candy?" It's pretty reliable.

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

That said, I’m glad they all didn’t go to the hospital after the terrible behavior they exhibited during Vicki’s episode.  Who are Kelly and Shannon to diagnose it as a panic attack?  Kelly yelling at Peggy, across Vicki in bed saying “Hey, Hey, Hey”, just terrible!

After witnessing their behavior at the hotel, it probably is best that the whole group didn't go with her.  They are pretty much useless in an emergency.   Get them some CPR and basic emergency training, stat!  I did find it odd though that the ladies who stayed behind didn't really seem too concerned about whether she was having a heart attack or not.   I guess they figured it was just Vicki exaggerating, as usual.   Thing is, you never know with the heart.  My boss presented to the E.R. with all of the symptoms of a heart attack and even told them that's what was happening, but they thought it was a panic attack (which she's never had) and almost sent her home.  A few hours later in the E.R.  they finally called a cardiologist and it turned out to be a near-fatal heart attack.  Two stents and 100% blockage later, she's doing okay.  Seeing Vicki with the symptoms she had, it's best to take that seriously. 

  • Love 6

Peggy should never be around in an emergency.  She thought she was helping, but making things worse.   The hiding out in her hotel room all day/night was childish.  Why is she on the show?  

As much as I usually dislike Kelly, good for her to tell Peggy to stop telling her what to do.  I do love when Kelly challenges her, Peggy gets the dumbest look on her face.   Lydiot is just way too strange. 

When Vicki mentioned the "injection", I suspect it was for a previous, or current clot.  Heparin is often prescribed if you are planning on taking a long flight. 

  • Love 12

I think Kelly didn't go to the hospital because she knew she would be right back out. Her point before, was that Vicki was really injured, in a verified disaster that all had seen. Therefore, someone should have visited her because she could have been really messed up. This time, there wasn't anything wrong with her. Only Peggy thought there was something wrong, and wanted everyone to shut up so she could demand the doctor make her better. Kelly did go off on her though really hard core. Does anyone know what made Tamra laugh so hard? 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Kelly didn't go to the hospital because she knew she would be right back out. Her point before, was that Vicki was really injured, in a verified disaster that all had seen. Therefore, someone should have visited her because she could have been really messed up. This time, there wasn't anything wrong with her. Only Peggy thought there was something wrong, and wanted everyone to shut up so she could demand the doctor make her better. Kelly did go off on her though really hard core. Does anyone know what made Tamra laugh so hard? 

But Kelly herself declared "we don't know you're going to be fine; you could be having a heart attack" when she wanted to correct/one-up Peggy as Vicki was being loaded into the stretcher.

Last year, during that verifiable disaster, Kelly cracked open a brewsky while clutching her pearls and condemning Meghan and Vicki for not hauling ass over to a hospital based upon reports of an accident that neither had witnessed - so not verifiable to them in a firsthand sense. 

Kelly just uses these nominal threats to the the well being of her dear friend to vilify whomever she dislikes at the moment. 

3 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Peggy should never be around in an emergency.  She thought she was helping, but making things worse.   The hiding out in her hotel room all day/night was childish.  Why is she on the show?  

As much as I usually dislike Kelly, good for her to tell Peggy to stop telling her what to do.  I do love when Kelly challenges her, Peggy gets the dumbest look on her face.   Lydiot is just way too strange. 

When Vicki mentioned the "injection", I suspect it was for a previous, or current clot.  Heparin is often prescribed if you are planning on taking a long flight. 

Kelly loves to issues pronouncements and direct as much as Peggy: snapping her fingers, diagnosing Vicki with a mild panic attack before reversing herself and declaring that she could be experiencing a stroke or heart attack, telling Peggy "you have to wait for me," etc. 


Also ridiculous was the moment when Tamra and Kelly bonded over their synchronistic impugning of Peggy's educational pedigree and reliance on her husband because it's an important in principle to get academic training so "no man can tell you what to do."

Both Kelly and Tamra are part of the cast - like Peggy - by virtue of the wealth that men accrued and from which they benefitted. Tamra would not have been cast on the show if she had not lucked out in beguiling Simon with her trailer park charms.

And Kelly certainly let Michael tell her what to do when he fought off her last effort at divorce. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 9
45 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Kelly didn't go to the hospital because she knew she would be right back out. Her point before, was that Vicki was really injured, in a verified disaster that all had seen. Therefore, someone should have visited her because she could have been really messed up. This time, there wasn't anything wrong with her. Only Peggy thought there was something wrong, and wanted everyone to shut up so she could demand the doctor make her better. Kelly did go off on her though really hard core. Does anyone know what made Tamra laugh so hard? 

The editing was wonky, but I thought she was laughing at my daddy is going to call your daddy, and the fallout.  

  • Love 7
On 10/31/2017 at 3:22 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Why didn't Lydia ask Peggy to go with her to the hospital?

She probably did, but Peggy had to call Dicko first and ask him what to do.

22 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I don't believe she had a blood clot. I had one and was in the hospital on blood thinners for two days. Vicki is so dramatic. She had "elevated" blood pressure. I wonder how high. They probably just ran a few tests and then released her when they realized she was fine. Vicki being Vicki probably secretly wished she was critically ill. Imagine all the attention she would get then... and the casseroles. 

Also, she wasn't complaining of leg pain.  So, they probably wouldn't even check for a clot.

21 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Has Vicki turned 60?   Regardless, no one nearing that age can drink like that without consequences.  And I would love to know what kind of "shots" they gave her to self administer.  It can't be for blood clots nor would it be for high blood pressure.  So unless she's diabetic or needing an epi pen for allergies, I can't think of any condition she was complaining about that requires self injectibles.  

People do self inject for blood clots.  But, I don't think she was being truthful.

7 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know for a fact you aren't supposed to drink.  Alcohol is a blood thinner.  My husband has to take them daily for life.  He has some rare blood clotting disease so when we fly long distances he will need to do injections before each flight.  He hasn't flown since diagnosis so when we go to Poland he will have to do this.  My husband was never hospitalized and they did give him the injections to do himself.  If I remember correctly he needed to do them 2X per day until it dissolved.  The injections are very pricey apparently (covered by our insurance) and his clot dissolved before using all the autoinjectors so they asked him to donate his leftovers (sealed and not a risk of being germy or anything) to some organization that gives them to people without insurance.

Yes, many blood clots are treated outpatient now days.  However, if you have medicare, you may have to go to an outpatient center to get the injections every day. Medicare doesn't pay to get them at home. Have given lots of blood thinner shots where I work.


If Vicki was back from the hospital in 2 hours, she wasn't even hardly there long enough to get an IV hydration infusion.  I bet all her vitals were normal.  Like others said, she was just wore out from jet lag, no sleep, the high altitude, too much alcohol.  Then to have Peggy and Kelly hovering over her probably made her symptons worse.  I hate people glomming on to me, when I am sick.  Vicki just needed rest.


With the way Peggy was acting with the hotel doctor, I can only imagine how she reacted when she was diagnosed with cancer.  No wonder she insisted on a mastectomy.  

Edited by howiveaddict
  • Love 7
On October 31, 2017 at 0:51 AM, Audpaud said:

It must be that time of the season for Tammy Sue to display her wide range of acting skills. Drunk sobbing - drunk laughing pee pee? Riveting.

Never a tear was shed, while all that shoulder-shaking/convulsing. She acted out the same routine when she got engaged on the boat with Eddie. This time, she also managed to smear her makeup. Fake old Tamra.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Kelly didn't go to the hospital because she knew she would be right back out. Her point before, was that Vicki was really injured, in a verified disaster that all had seen. Therefore, someone should have visited her because she could have been really messed up. This time, there wasn't anything wrong with her. Only Peggy thought there was something wrong, and wanted everyone to shut up so she could demand the doctor make her better. 

Not only that, but hadn't they been at her side for hours in the hotel? In many cases I'd be irritated that they didn't go to the hospital. But in this case... sending one or two as representatives (IN SHIFTS!!11!1) seemed enough. What more could they do? It's not like Vicki was sitting around in the ER waiting room, right? They couldn't all cram into the place she was getting her tests done. If it were me, I'd be grateful that a couple friends came, and ok if the rest ate and got their own rest, etc.

  • Love 9

The first half of this episode was like a glorious fever dream.  The chaotic scene in Vickis room, Fredrik the hotel dude standing there, Kelly and Peggy beefing...

Hats off to the Icelandic first responders for grace under pressure.  They faced a situation in that room that no one can train for! I would have been slapping people left and right across the face including Vicki for her coyness about being under the treatment of a cardiologist or whatever the hell she vague-spoke when the dr was talking to her.

Love Shannon in the dining room immediately thereafter specifying her top shelf vodka preferences.

Tamra and her histrionic sobbing over VICKI of all people.  Did I hallucinate or when Tamra said something to Vicki about jealously over good marriages, was Vickis retort something about how Briana has the best relationship?  Bwahahah

good shot of Lydia primly studying her bible in a Nobleman t shirt and cross necklace the morning after.  

Casting Peggy was a big mistake..  Huge.   She is really the freaking worst.   And next were she's going to dare to step to Meghan over baby Aspen?   Grrrrrr

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

I hate people glomming on to me, when I am sick. 

I'm with you on that one!  That's why I don't understand the notion that everyone and their brother needs to go to the hospital when someone needs care, particularly when it's an ER visit.  The ER is crazy enough and I can understand having one person very close to you to go with you, but friends?? coworkers??  NO!  I felt Shannon and Meghan were totally right in not going after the accident last year and I didn't think this warranted a group outing.  It seems to me it's more about camera time than health and welfare.  Personally, I've gone to the ER alone several times, as long as I'm lucid. Once I have more info, I decide if I need someone to come sit with me or pick me up, but I find it much better that way.  I also think the staff  prefers not having twenty people with opinions and issues getting in their way.  ER staff have enough people to take care of and I feel having too many visitors adds to their burden.

  • Love 19
17 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

My husband is great man, he has been kissed by angels in heaven. My husband takes my temperature 2 times a day every day. His thermometer is attached to his body underneath the belly button - he is miracle Armenian. In the morning it is done orally and at night it is done rectally. I know he will tell me my temperature as soon as he says oh god oh god. My husband, he prays all the time.

You’re terrible, Muriel.

  • Love 6

I loved Vicki's "I love casseroles!!!" in her interview. LMAO! 

I do think it was right that Lydia went to the hospital right away to see Vicki (first nice thing I have said about her this season) even if everyone knew that it wasn't really a big deal  I think someone else, Peggy or Kelly. should have gone with her, too.  I don't think everyone needed to go. 

I had to fast forward through Tamra crying to Vicki.  That scene went on FOREVER! 

Tamra was definitely still drunk the next morning but she looked good in her face mask and no 20 layers of eye make up, especially all of the harsh eyeliner they all wear.

Was Kelly not wearing any make up in the scene where she in the robe and hair towel?  She looks amazing with no make up on!!

Like everyone else, I was WTF at Peggy's "I would disrespect my husband if I didn't go to the hospital right now."  I didn't think it was necessarily weird to call Diko just to discuss how she was feeling and if she should go to the hospital but she obviously took to a whole other weird Stepford Wife level.  I don't think she can handle being a HoWife if she had to take a day off after Kelly ridiculing her. 

What was Kelly's career before HoWifing?  Wasn't she a stay at home mom relying on Michael?  How does she (and Tamra) have room to tell Peggy not to rely on men??

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

My husband is great man, he has been kissed by angels in heaven. My husband takes my temperature 2 times a day every day. His thermometer is attached to his body underneath the belly button - he is miracle Armenian. In the morning it is done orally and at night it is done rectally. I know he will tell me my temperature as soon as he says oh god oh god. My husband, he prays all the time.

Holy shit, that has me rolling!

  • Love 2

Ok, does anyone think that Vicki used her being hungover/jetlagged/worn out from partying to garner sympathy as a way to cement herself back into the group?  I think she was sick - just throwing up/nauseous and then maybe thought hey I can use this to my advantage.  Maybe she does it all the time.  I've got a splinter - I need a casserole!!   She has to know that if she's only filming with a couple of folks, she could be on the chopping block.

While Kelly and Tamra are or were dependent upon the men in their lives for financial purposes, I don't see them asking their men, hey should I do this or that for every damned thing.  Go to the hospital or don't.  You can't make that decision on your own?  Then the I'll have my husband call your husband?  Tamra has always fought her own battles when needed, I think the same goes for Kelly.  That remark is some akin to "I'm gonna tell Mom!"  

Or is Peggy really that committed to the Armenian schtick - Armenian women always yield to the wishes/commands of our men/husbands?  Sure don't see that from our most infamous Armenian family - the Kartrashians.  They do whatever they want, men be damned.   Just waiting for the line next week how Armenian mothers are the best (or some variation).  Peggy needs to exit now, and no she doesn't need to ask Dicko first.

  • Love 8
On 10/28/2017 at 10:54 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

1.) I hope there's a giant Kelly/Peggy fight.  That would fill my cold shriveled heart with glee.

2.) Lydia's jacket is ridiculous and I love it (the jacket, not it being ridiculous).  It's the best sparkle she's had all season.

3.) Vicki looks like shit.  

THIS!! My exact thoughts! Lydia's jacket was ridiculous in the best way and draped around her shoulders a la a Kardashian and it was all I could see in that prayer circle.

Kelly getting so annoyed by every single thing Peggy said and did was hilarious. "We're going in SHIFTS!!", "It's an ANALOGY!!!" "How do you LIVE in America?!!" >.< LMAO!

Vicky... wow. She hated the ATVs and the glacier hike was rough and she was hurtin' and wanted to whoop it up! Can't she just whoop it up? She finally got to whoop it up in Shannon's room and cry and make up with Tamra because she had a medical scare for her heart condition  due to the high altitude. Hilarious. She did look like she was dying, complete with nausea, sweats, and face melting... from the worst Iwillneverdrinkagain Imgonnaneedadrink hangover ever. 

  • Love 11
On October 31, 2017 at 10:12 AM, islandgal140 said:

I appreciate that Peggy did seem highly concerned and visibly upset by Vicki's "condition" but she was literally seconds away from a Shirley McLaine style Terms of Endearment breakdown


It was odd. She is odd. The whole Diko thing? Frankly, I just think that she was feeling unsure and her instincts were telling her to go to the hospital but the other lady's behavior was making her doubt herself. Diko's direction was really just giving her 'permission' to do what she already felt she should do. I don't think she is in a controlling  or abusive relationship. She is more bravado than actual strength and was hiding behind Diko in this instance. 

This is just weird. I feel like this sentence should only really be uttered by a child to its mother. 

I just realized I hate Tamra more than I hate anyone else on this show, including Vicki. My hate for this urine soaked, vile bitch is abiding and ever-lasting. Yes, Vicki ain't shit, but Tamra is a malevolent, calculating piece of human garbage. I don't care if she was baptized using the tears of Jesus himself while a choir of angels sang Hosannas, that bitch will always be Satan's #1 concubine. What I hate about this whole season is everyone jockeying to be her friend and her pearl clutching over a rumor that has been around since Eddie even hit the show. After all the heinous shit she has said and done, a gay rumor is akin to alleging her curtains don't match her drapes. Don't get me wrong, Vicki is wrong for this, but I can't find a lick of sympathy for the drunk wasted chick. Nope.

The only real bond between Tamra and Shannon is their dislike of Vicki.  Shannon is gonna need to learn that being a 'true friend' to Tamra is a thankless job. 

I cannot like this enough. You expressed exactly my feelings for this whole flustercluck. 

  • Love 3
On October 31, 2017 at 10:40 AM, sasha206 said:

I agree.  I am embarrassed to admit I've rewatched this episode twice.  And damn it, Kelly Dodd has me laughing so hard.  Her annoyance with Peggy was just so, so funny.  I'd be okay with them keeping Peggy around as long as Kelly is kept too.

peggy is such a weirdo! She has a strange need to shut everyone up. WHY?? Lol why the need to shush? So we can watch them all sit in silence? I need to know what's driving that! Lol

Her bizarre, over-the-top worry over a shitty person she barely knows, whose obviously not in any danger, not unconscious, is WEIRD. Not coming out of her room all day...wtf?? Diko producing her, and directing her to the hospital pronto! So obviously a camera grab.

I don't like seeing her with diko, but love her in the group environment. She so doesn't fit in and it's becoming very entertaining for me. She's like an alien from another planet pretending to be human but missing all the social cues, all the 'normal' human behavior marks. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Normades said:

I'm with you on that one!  That's why I don't understand the notion that everyone and their brother needs to go to the hospital when someone needs care, particularly when it's an ER visit.  The ER is crazy enough and I can understand having one person very close to you to go with you, but friends?? coworkers??  NO!  I felt Shannon and Meghan were totally right in not going after the accident last year and I didn't think this warranted a group outing.  It seems to me it's more about camera time than health and welfare.  Personally, I've gone to the ER alone several times, as long as I'm lucid. Once I have more info, I decide if I need someone to come sit with me or pick me up, but I find it much better that way.  I also think the staff  prefers not having twenty people with opinions and issues getting in their way.  ER staff have enough people to take care of and I feel having too many visitors adds to their burden.

Can you imagine all those assholes piling in a bus and going to the ER and acting like they did in Vicki's room when the doctor and paramedics were there?  Iceland would issue a travel ban on Americans.  

3 hours ago, iloveit said:

I loved Vicki's "I love casseroles!!!" in her interview. LMAO! 

I do think it was right that Lydia went to the hospital right away to see Vicki (first nice thing I have said about her this season) even if everyone knew that it wasn't really a big deal  I think someone else, Peggy or Kelly. should have gone with her, too.  I don't think everyone needed to go. 

I had to fast forward through Tamra crying to Vicki.  That scene went on FOREVER! 

Tamra was definitely still drunk the next morning but she looked good in her face mask and no 20 layers of eye make up, especially all of the harsh eyeliner they all wear.

Was Kelly not wearing any make up in the scene where she in the robe and hair towel?  She looks amazing with no make up on!!

Like everyone else, I was WTF at Peggy's "I would disrespect my husband if I didn't go to the hospital right now."  I didn't think it was necessarily weird to call Diko just to discuss how she was feeling and if she should go to the hospital but she obviously took to a whole other weird Stepford Wife level.  I don't think she can handle being a HoWife if she had to take a day off after Kelly ridiculing her. 

What was Kelly's career before HoWifing?  Wasn't she a stay at home mom relying on Michael?  How does she (and Tamra) have room to tell Peggy not to rely on men??

I think at one point she was CEO of a mirror company or something like that.  All their money is from Michael.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Never a tear was shed, while all that shoulder-shaking/convulsing. She acted out the same routine when she got engaged on the boat with Eddie. This time, she also managed to smear her makeup. Fake old Tamra.

Don't forget the Harvard Razzy-worthy performance when Ryan announced his engagement/impending fatherhood.

  • Love 4

Someone should have ushered Peggy out of that room sooner. She was incredibly impatient and frankly, disrespectful. The doctor had an alert patient that he could ask about their symptoms and medical history before he began treating her. That was responsible of him...it was no help having Peggy there trying to rush the doctor along to do something when he was still doing his due diligence to ensure that he delivered proper treatment. Between the travel, jetlag, little hours of sleep and activity, maybe you should support your guest/friends nourishing themselves so they too don't end up in a hospital. Kelly was legit hungry - rare to see the women eat during an actual dinner but Kelly was inhaling her food at that table, lol. The casserole was well timed and I like that Vicki went with it, haha. 

I don't understand Tamra's thinking...I know she's had history with Vicki and they've both burned each other enough times but how do you try to repair a friendship when that friend has been so disrespectful and damaging to your own husband? There's a right and wrong party here and the wrong party is Vicki. And Vicki really is a moron. Vicki, you hurt your relationship with your own daughter because of Brooks. Stop being a fucking idiot. The people close to you did feel like you chose him over them because you cared more about your love tank to really listen to those around you that were trying to look out for your best interest even when you weren't doing that for yourself. 

I get where Shannon is coming from too...but she sounds bitter with the way she's addressing the issue. If I care about a friend, it would be upset me too if I thought that they were being emotionally manipulated into reconciling with someone who has constantly hurt them and their family. However, I think Tamra allows Shannon to believe that she's easily pulled to Vicki because of their history and a part of me still thinks Tamra is kinda a shitty friend and is probably doing it on purpose so that Shannon looks even more overbearing and crazy. I'm not sure Shannon truly grasps that Tamra isn't look to be best friends with Vicki, she just wants to take back control of her emotions and that means allowing herself to enjoy life even with Vicki around. 

And Lydia can shut the fuck up. If one of those women said or did something to hurt Doug would Lydia reconcile her friendship even if her husband said that he doesn't like or respect that woman anymore and would prefer if Lydia kept that toxicity out of their lives? I doubt it.  Peggy can also get off my screen. If you've got thin skin and want people to jump up and defend you, then you shouldn't try to dish out 'truths' to other people. 

  • Love 11
On October 31, 2017 at 2:58 PM, la patineuse said:

This is what I don't get either.  Lydia and Vicki had nothing to do with what happened with the other women, so Peggy still ignores them?  Maybe she is mad and hurt, but if someone comes to check on you or texts you to see if you are ok, you don't just keep sulking and ignore them.

She's nuts. Nothing she has done all season can be explained. She thought Meghan owed her a cell phone because it fell when it vibrated during Meghan's call to her. I know she was kidding, but the joke didn't land right. 

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