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Annie & David: On An Allowance at 48? He's Good, I Think

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On 12/21/2017 at 5:58 PM, biakbiak said:

David according to David's bio he has a masters degree and is TEFL certified which would meet the requirements.

He has a masters in health administration.  I wonder if he started a career in that and the drinking caused him to go downhill?  

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On 12/19/2017 at 5:38 PM, ArcticWolfRS said:

So, I started trying to dig up stuff on David Poor, because I was *sure* that I remembered something posted in the early days of this thread about David's business (before he left the US) scamming people - it seems there are a few posts that have since been deleted. At any rate, while I was trying to dig for that info, I found THIS on Chris from 2010...


It's a long but VERY interesting read. Scammers and grifters stick together is all I can take away from it, in re: Chris and David's friendship. 

I also found this on David : https://www.koreanhorizons.com/app_view.php?idx=15007&Date_Available_Day=&Date_Available_Month=&Gender=&Nationality=&Photo=&Qualifaction=&keyword=&Certificates=&Field=&word=&record_start=296

He's claiming he's been an English teacher the past four years while out of the US. While I find it suspect that he truly worked, IF it's true, then he might have a whole pile of money stocked away somewhere that Annie doesn't know about, which makes the "Chris is hiding David's money for him" theory a little more likely. A friend of mine did something similar for a year and a half after she graduated college, and she made enough to just about pay off her student loans. The place she taught paid her rent and she got a per diem, so she pretty much had her whole salary sitting in the bank after she got back. 


Holy crap, that's the company I went through when I taught in South Korea. I must now dig through my Facebook, I have to know someone who knows him!

Oh, and I can concur about being able to make good money over there. How is he broke when he did something like that? I was there for 1 year and saved nearly $10,000 and I was certainly doing my fair share of drinking and having a grand ol' time. In South Korea, for public school, you get a monthly salary, paid rent, they give you $1,300 for your flight there and flight back. You get one month's pay as a bonus when finishing your contract, and you get a pension. What the heck did he do with all that money?

Edited by NetflixandChill
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On 11/7/2017 at 10:48 PM, meandyouzz said:

I think most of the David/Annie story is water buffaloshit. The ceremony with the dancing etc. is part of a marriage ceremony, not an engagement ceremony. Water buffaloes are never part of a dowry.

Thailand is not India, People here marry for love, the dowry is not that big of a deal-- it's usually just for show or nothing the guy can't afford to give. Traditionally the groom's family would pay it anyway.

Sometimes when a Thai woman marries an older foreigner the dowry is more than usual, but the foreigner usually is glad to pay it because of the guilt he has for marrying someone so young. He often wants to play the role of a knight in shining armor, so is happy to fork up the cash so he can tell family and friends back home how he "saved his bride from a life of poverty:"-- any excuse to make the oddball marriage less ridiculous.

Annie's family does not look that poor, at least in relation to the rest of rural Thais. Again Thailand is not India, girls don't have to sell themselves so their families can eat. Easy to find work here. Actually so much so that most of the crappiest jobs are done my migrant workers from Burma and Cambodia.

I also believe the Thai massage comment was realty TV BS. Real Thai massage is not relaxing anyway-- more torture than relaxation.

Annie's mother made it quite clear in the scene before she left for the states.  Annie is going to America to work and send money home to her family.  I am guessing that David just happened to be the sucker that was stupid enough to go along with it, and that Annie has tried to do this before. I don't feel sorry for her one bit!  I think she is a scammer working the US system only. THAT makes me angry.

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On 11/26/2017 at 8:26 PM, Emkat said:

ITA. Nikki is absolutely beautiful.

Personally I do not like Nikki. I think she is a trouble maker. Notice how in every scene she is deliberatley trying to bad mouth David and break them up? Let them fall or rise on their own, Nosey Nikki! I get it that she is fed up with Chris taking care of david for so long (no matter what that arrangement is) but keep your nose out of everybody else's business and tend to your own!

On 11/30/2017 at 9:06 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

I really am upset about the way he is impugning and shaming a young woman who is desperate enough to marry David Poor to escape her past. I loved his glorious insult that blended Penguin, Batman, Ninja Turtle, But he has thrown shade nonstop since then, and now he comes across as a jerk.

Sheesh, what's with all the pity for "poor Annie?" She is clearly trying to milk the US out of everything she can even if it means marrying somebody like David to do it. 

On 12/8/2017 at 1:31 PM, lucy711 said:

Wow, that is pretty bad if he is just working as a mascot.  Talk about humiliating.  Although if he and Annie are married now, she can get a job and get out of the firehouse.  My opinion of Annie has gone down after last week.  I think she just wanted to come to the USA and life the good life courtesy of Nikki and Chris.  David is a loser, but I think he is an honest loser.  He told her in Thailand that he doesn't have money.  The reason I look down on her is that she pretends to love and care about him (at least 90% of the time), but she doesn't.  I don't blame her for that, but her dishonesty in the relationship makes her lose respect in my eyes.

Thank you!! That is what I have been saying especially after her mom said Annie can go to the US , work and send money home. 

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I accidently turned on their focused episode and was surprised by how well Annie spoke when she was mad at David (or having to live in Kentucky), but then during her confessionals she had that stumbling, awestruck demeanor.  Yep, she's a poser as much as the others.

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On 12/8/2017 at 1:27 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Here’s the thing. These guys get, like, minimum wage. Maybe $60 for five hours work. How does David get a few hundred dollars? Sounds like Chris is trying to justify another handout to Nikki.

Exactly...I know someone who did this for a hair salon, was paid minimum wage. Had to stand in 110 degree weather for 8 hours, with breaks and lunch, of course. So, Poor David Pour Mascot was basically paid about $100.00 an hour!

On 12/31/2017 at 11:31 AM, Quof said:

Jeezuz, don't give TLC any ideas.

When we were first introduced to this couple, he said he was in a bar when he heard the "voice of an angel" singing and invited her too have a drink with him. 

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On 12/29/2017 at 5:53 PM, NetflixandChill said:


Holy crap, that's the company I went through when I taught in South Korea. I must now dig through my Facebook, I have to know someone who knows him!

Oh, and I can concur about being able to make good money over there. How is he broke when he did something like that? I was there for 1 year and saved nearly $10,000 and I was certainly doing my fair share of drinking and having a grand ol' time. In South Korea, for public school, you get a monthly salary, paid rent, they give you $1,300 for your flight there and flight back. You get one month's pay as a bonus when finishing your contract, and you get a pension. What the heck did he do with all that money?

I suspect hiding it like the astute posters suggested earlier.  Scammy Von Scammerson

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David's son was in shooting accident. His friend was playing with a gun and thought the safety was on and it wasn't. David's son got shot in the face. While I'm not a fan of David, I  hope his son fuly recovers and maybe this could be a wakeup call for David to get his drinking under control. 

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On 2/1/2018 at 8:02 PM, silverspoons said:

David's son was in shooting accident. His friend was playing with a gun and thought the safety was on and it wasn't. David's son got shot in the face. While I'm not a fan of David, I  hope his son fuly recovers and maybe this could be a wakeup call for David to get his drinking under control. 

I heard about this as well. I wasn't sure if this was the son that was on 90 days with the sister or another one?

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On 2/5/2018 at 7:21 AM, greekmom said:

I heard about this as well. I wasn't sure if this was the son that was on 90 days with the sister or another one?

I saw a picture and it looked like it was the young teenage son( I think he was like 18 ?) from the show. 

Edited by silverspoons
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On 2/1/2018 at 8:02 PM, silverspoons said:

David's son was in shooting accident. His friend was playing with a gun and thought the safety was on and it wasn't. David's son got shot in the face. While I'm not a fan of David, I  hope his son fuly recovers and maybe this could be a wakeup call for David to get his drinking under control. 

His friend is a moron and should do jail time and never be allowed to touch a gun again.  They are lucky it was a 22, though that could easily have killed him too.   

Gun Safety Rule 1: ALL guns are loaded Rule 2: Never point your gun at anything you are not prepared to destroy. Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on your target. 

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So does anyone know the relationship status of David and his Sugar Daddy?

Could we categorize their relationship under the Sunk Cost Fallacy? He's put so much money and emotional energy into this black hole that he can't bear to admit to himself that it's been a waste? After all, he would have to admit that a large chunk of his own life had been wasted.

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On 3/15/2018 at 1:21 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

So does anyone know the relationship status of David and his Sugar Daddy?

Could we categorize their relationship under the Sunk Cost Fallacy? He's put so much money and emotional energy into this black hole that he can't bear to admit to himself that it's been a waste? After all, he would have to admit that a large chunk of his own life had been wasted.

Not sure  what exactly the relationship is but it's very sketchy.   I always got the feeling that David had some first hand info on something Chris might have been involved with (possibly in Thailand) and Chris constantly "helping" him is his way of keeping David's mouth shut.  

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1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

Not sure  what exactly the relationship is but it's very sketchy.   I always got the feeling that David had some first hand info on something Chris might have been involved with (possibly in Thailand) and Chris constantly "helping" him is his way of keeping David's mouth shut.  

I thought that at first, but Chris seemed way too delighted by David for someone who was being blackmailed. If he were being threatened, he would pay up but keep him at arm's length.

Chris had some kind of strange attachment to David that he put above his smokin' hot wife and, for that matter, his family. He was willing to look like an ass alongside David. I don't understand what the allure is, but for whatever reason, Chris had a bonafide guy-crush. And he doesn't seem to realize that the day he runs out of money would be the day he runs out of David.

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Word is that David and Annie might be headed back to Thailand so they can work for Chris again. I hope for Chris and Nikki's sake that it's not true. If it is, I figure Chris's brain is still up for grabs. Well, we all know that, but somehow, David got access. After all, it was all up to David to try to worm his way back in again. Like, when any reasonable person would have slammed that door shut, David said something to the effect of, "Chris isn't giving me any money right now." Meaning, David's one and only money making skill is getting control of Chris's brain again. Don't worry about not being able to think for yourself, Chris. It doesn't matter what other people think of you.

Actually, the person that DOES matter is Nikki! This is why it is very sad if David is back in Chris's life in any level. There's no such thing as a healthy relationship between these two because David is desperate and he will exploit the hell out of it! And Chris can't give a hard no to anything without his wife to provide the spine.

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It's a bad reality show, so I cant get worked up over these twat mongers. The four of them are in this scam together and I dont think for a minute that Chris would give David money if he didn't want to. I think the four of them are trying to scam anyone they can and this "Chris wont give me money" bullshit is just a storyline to keep TLC thinking we all give two shits. At this point, I have zero fucks to give for these people, I watch simply because I cant believe someone can make such a fool of themselves on TV. It boggles a normal mind!

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On 6/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Word is that David and Annie might be headed back to Thailand so they can work for Chris again. I hope for Chris and Nikki's sake that it's not true.

Why would they have to go to Thailand in order to work for Chris again? Couldn't they do so in KY? I mean, didn't Chris offer the Bahtman a job earlier working at/for one of his businesses in KY? From the various tabloid articles though, it seems he owes tons of back child support, so they probably could (or are) garnishing his wages in the US, so that's most likely the reason.

I have now put more thought into David's job situation than he probably has....

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On 6/29/2018 at 10:15 PM, gingerella said:

twat mongers

Too funny! Bagel and lox spread just missed my computer screen! 

Seriously, how would you feel if you knew your parents would strike a deal with a total loser because they paid a dowry (or at least tried to pay).

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The anthropology student in my past cringes every time they say "dowry".  A dowry is something the bride's family pays, to compensate the groom for taking the bride off their hands, so they no longer have to support her.  What a groom pays is a "bride price", in cultures where the woman is actually a valuable asset to the family, so they are compensated for losing her. 

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1 hour ago, Quof said:

The anthropology student in my past cringes every time they say "dowry".  A dowry is something the bride's family pays, to compensate the groom for taking the bride off their hands, so they no longer have to support her.  What a groom pays is a "bride price", in cultures where the woman is actually a valuable asset to the family, so they are compensated for losing her. 

I always thought a dowry was what the family paid the groom but I thought maybe some other cultures used that word differently.

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@Nowhere thanks for posting the fantasy Thailand video.

Wow, David was totally a finger-snappin', hands clappin', gettin it done Tobo thing.

He's off the hook, dancing, drinking, flirtin' & fightin' with "Eva", who I guess is one of the ladies (Nikki alluded) who Tobo wanted to marry. I didn't see Annie.

The only time Chris did not look straight into the camera was when he said, "if you're not totally satisfied you'll get all your money back." (paraphrasing.) I did not get a sex vibe, but it was all males on this adventure, so who knows. 

Fascinating blast from the past! 

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On 2018-06-29 at 7:15 PM, gingerella said:

It's a bad reality show, so I cant get worked up over these twat mongers. The four of them are in this scam together and I dont think for a minute that Chris would give David money if he didn't want to. I think the four of them are trying to scam anyone they can and this "Chris wont give me money" bullshit is just a storyline to keep TLC thinking we all give two shits. At this point, I have zero fucks to give for these people, I watch simply because I cant believe someone can make such a fool of themselves on TV. It boggles a normal mind!

Ya I agree. I notice especially this season everything seems so contrived and fake. The show has really gone downhill.

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I agree as well.  I had never seen the TV show thing they were trying to pitch about Fantasy Thailand so they are well aware of trying to construct a storyline for a show.  And Nikki was in on it too.   All they had to do was find a thai shill to go along with her role and they are basically using a much bigger format with TLC to "star" in this version of a show.  Tobo was just renamed FatAss David Poor. 

I did have a thought that if Annie was actually real, she would have loved being with Sad Sack Larry from the other version of this show.  He actually had a really good job and was otherwise snowed by his Filipino Cupid bride but he wasn't the level of loser that David Poor is for sure.   But since Annie is just playing her role I'm sure she's happy to get out from under pile of sucking she had to do before she was hired LOL.

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On 7/7/2018 at 12:48 AM, Kalis said:

Am I the only one that looks at David and can only see The Penguin from Batman?  I can’t get past it!


Isn’t that what Antonio, Nikki’s brother said about him as well? The eyes, nose and gait are perfect!

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Is it wrong that it's 4 a.m. ish and I can't wait to read more? I had no idea David was so ick. I love how Annie spews venom and rolls her eyes every time tobo  opens his mouth and David's wife clearly married him for money but she's still one of my favorite people. Finally! I can bitch about 90 days to people who will listen!

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5 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Does Annie have her green card yet and if not, why not? She should be able to get a job at this point.

I always had the impression that David was being a little evasive when answering questions about the status of her green card.  Things like, "I'm working on it," or "It's in the process."  To me, it was like he was saying, "Well, I haven't mailed the application yet, but don't tell Annie!"

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"Congrats are in order! David Toborowsky has officially landed a new job and his wife Annie Suwan must be elated. The 90 Day Fiancé couple has endured their fair share of money issues on the show, but it looks like those days are over because he’ll be working as a college professor!

“David is listed in a Louisville area college’s course catalog as the professor for five different sections of English as a second language,” according to Starcasm."

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6 hours ago, ChiCricket said:


"Congrats are in order! David Toborowsky has officially landed a new job and his wife Annie Suwan must be elated. The 90 Day Fiancé couple has endured their fair share of money issues on the show, but it looks like those days are over because he’ll be working as a college professor!

“David is listed in a Louisville area college’s course catalog as the professor for five different sections of English as a second language,” according to Starcasm."

Welllll....not to rain on his parade but I think calling it an “impressive” new job is stretching it a bit. A lot of ESL type jobs are taught by college students so...yanno...not exactly Einstein level smarts required.  BUT, kadooz to ToBoomBoom for getting any job that is not connected to his scumbag pal, Chris. 


Have any of the sleuthy folks here found it if he actually put Annie’s green card papers in the actual mail?

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On 11/5/2018 at 7:48 PM, ChiCricket said:

“David is listed in a Louisville area college’s course catalog as the professor for five different sections of English as a second language,” according to Starcasm."

Doesn't the word professor imply that one has a PhD and teaches in a degree program? I'm assuming his official title is actually instructor. 

Edited by Gigglepuff
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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Probably a contract instructor or sessional. Some places/colleges want an instructor who has a minimum master’s.

I'm sure he loves referring to himself as adjunct staff.  Sounds better than "part-time teacher."

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On 11/6/2018 at 9:47 PM, Gigglepuff said:

Doesn't the word professor imply that one has a PhD and teaches in a degree program? I'm assuming his official title is actually instructor. 

It seems like fewer and fewer colleges have PHd's teaching anymore or at least at the intro course levels. David has said he wanted a job with prestige. I saw an interview where he answered why he just did not take a job at walmart or food service or  anywhere that is hiring, He said it was hurt his resume and he was holding out for a job with a title. I guess he got a job with a title but I bet he would make more as a bartender then as adjunct professor. I know the adjunct at of local college and university make $1500-2500 a class per semester. The $2500 goes to upper level or classes with labs. I doubt he is making enough to save, support both of them and send money to her family. Im sure he has some money coming in from elsewhere? Those tours he does or one of those business with his BFF. 

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He would need to be appointed as an adjunct. At least at a Canadian university. The colleges here hire folks with master’s degrees. PhD students would be doing assistantships and teaching. However, a lot of grad students here will not have a career in academia when they finish. Only about 10 percent may land a job at a college/university. David could probably move up the sessional instructor salary grid if he lasts long enough.

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My best guess is it's at a community college (because around here, most ESL classes are). Those classes are 2 'credit' hours, and considered continuing ed, so you don't actually get 'credit' for them. All that to mean that the pay for teaching those is at the very low end of the scale. 5 classes means 10 hours, because around here, you get paid per 'credit' hour and not per actual class hour. You also don't have to have much in the way of education to get certified to teach the ESL classes. So, all in all, my guess is he's getting paid about $300-350/week for all those classes. (Lowest end of the scale here is $25-30/'credit' hour/week. And we have a higher cost of living then Louisville, so it's possible that he's getting paid even less.)

Soooo.... good for him for actually getting off his ass and getting a job, but I don't think it was worth holding out for. I made 480/week working retail not too long ago. My resume hurt more having long periods of unemployment vs when I took any job I could get. As for a job with "prestige" Tobo needs to get a grip. His entire background, even before this show, means he won't get anything with real prestige. Add in 90DF and I think he's shot himself in the foot. He has delusions of grandeur to me.  

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On 11/6/2018 at 11:47 PM, Gigglepuff said:

Doesn't the word professor imply that one has a PhD and teaches in a degree program? I'm assuming his official title is actually instructor. 

If you have a terminal degree you can be a professor with only a masters, or if the college decides to give a professorship to someonevwith only masters degrees. But for what he is teaching I am guessing he's just an adjunct professor.

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