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Season 5 Discussion

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I have to defend the use of the child leash on May. According to my parents, when I was a very small child/toddler, I refused to hold anyone’s hand. I wanted to be independent and be a “big girl.”  My parents ended up getting a little leash for me to keep me safe.  I was happy as a clam with it because it meant I didn’t have to hold anybody’s hand when walking around.  And it made my parents feel better because they could keep me safe and know where I was at all times.

Let’s face it: with a mom like Nicole, May needs all the help she can get to stay safe.

Edited by PityFree
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I cringed when Nicole strapped Mae's car seat in the rear right seat instead of the middle and then crammed her fat ass in between Mae and Azan. Did she not know the proper placement of a car seat or did she do that to sit next to Azan?

      Thanks for the heads up on Evelyn's singing. Had my finger on the FF button so I avoided it!

Edited by hoosiermom
Mother effing spell check!
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Nicole, get your (big more than a little bit) ass back here and take a parenting class.

I see no signs of mental illness in Evelyn, so I have no qualms snarking on this self-centered, self-indulgent, delusional, narcissistic bitch.  She really sees herself as God's gift, doesn't she?

Edited by Desert Rat
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I really could not stand the smug attitude that Evelyn had with her friend.I am hoping this relationship blows up in her face the way most of them do. We didn't get to see enough of David to figure him out yet.  I agree with most of the people on this site that they are using this show for exposure for her career.,What Christian singer has such sexy pictures on her website?      I thought that when May said "Daddy" when she met Azan that it sounded dubbed in - I could be wrong. TLC must have gotten to Azan because he is acting a lot more receptive to her than I remembered from the last time. David, you have no business marrying anyone until you get your life together but particularly not a gold digging woman from Thailand!  How can he even spend the time over there when he should be at home looking for a new job?  I actually feel sorry for Molly because she seems so desperate that she is willing to risk losing her daughter's love (not to mention her bigoted father)for some very young guy she barely knows. All her success apparently hasn't made her feel secure enough to live without a man in her life.

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28 minutes ago, PityFree said:

The way she phrased it tells me that May’s real dad is around — at least in some form. Maybe with some child support.  I’d love to know what he thinks after he finds out May is calling Azan “daddy.”

I doubt it, I just think Nicole is inarticulate. I imagine if he was doing anything like child support her parents would have tried to bribe him to no sign off on getting a passport for Mae which he would have to do if he had any legal rights over Mae.

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On 10/10/2017 at 0:04 PM, gonecrackers said:

I get the feeling this show is just one big advertisement for Evelyn & her family band. I don't like her attitude either as others have stated here. She also looks like a very 'old' 18.

She doesn’t have a very good voice in my opinion That band is going nowhere fast 


9 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Nicole is the type of bitch mother who would accuse her own daughter of being flirtatious and asking for it if any accusations of sexual abuse should arise (heaven forbid).

Women like Nicole and Molly (to a bit of a lesser extent) make me think that declaring yourself 'a good mom' is much like calling yourself classy - if you have to say it, odds are you aren't.

Evelyn sounds like she is in the midst of an asthma attack when she sings. So damn breathy. Oh, and she is kinda a bitch, a little bit. 

It’s really too bad Maes biological father is not in the picture He probably could have stopped Nicole taking that child out of the country 


10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Molly is over 40, has her own home, owns a business and has two kids, yet her mom wants to know if her dad is going to give her away.  What's to give away?  That ship sailed long, long ago. 

Found  it interesting that Molly’s mother suggested that her father is racist yet Molly clearly has a biracial child. I can just imagine how that went down!

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5 minutes ago, Xena1833 said:

Found  it interesting that Molly’s mother suggested that her father is racist yet Molly clearly has a biracial child. I can just imagine how that went down!

Great point. I think Mother Molly is still bitter after the divorce. If Father Molly did not accept his biracial grandchildren, Molly would probably not seek his approval of her relationship with her young, new boy toy (sorry, forgot his name).

1 hour ago, Northernlights said:

Agreed - but how 'bout Molly's brother?  Dude's kinda hot!!

You're being sarcastic, right?

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1 minute ago, Xena1833 said:

Found  it interesting that Molly’s mother suggested that her father is racist yet Molly clearly has a biracial child. I can just imagine how that went down!

Molly's mom is clearly the enabler. Also maybe there are some sour grapes there. I didn't see her dad expressing any bigoted views. He was making true statements and asking Molly the hard questions. To which she seemed oblivious. How do you not know what your legal options are if the marriage fizzles early on? I get that she wants to believe that this boy (who could be her son) is there for the long haul. But be at least a little prepared. What's she going to do when he hooks up with girls his age? Or makes advances towards her daughter? Or won't work? The scenarios are endless.  

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4 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

Father Molly did not accept his biracial grandchildren, Molly would probably not seek his approval of her relationship with her young, new boy toy (sorry, forgot his name).

I know people who have biracial children and some who have biracial grandchildren who love them but are still racist, people can often compartmentalize about specific individuals.

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Wait! Evelyn's Spanish boyfriend David is staying with Pastor Tim? Is this a cross-over show with "The Americans"? 

edited to add: As if Evelyn's singing voice wasn't bad enough, her speaking voice sets my teeth on edge. Very fast, indistinct pronunciation with some vocal fry and upspeak thrown in for good measure. 

Edited by magemaud
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David "It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul and then robbing Peter again...."   Ha.  Isn't his name Chris?  Cue Chris' wife for a talking head please.

I did get annoyed at the whole 11 is a magical number because it's you 2 together whatever BS explanation that was for $6800 of gold.  Where retail and random fairytale collusion meet over 24 carat gold jewelry?  Please.

And when she said "It would be so PERFECT!"   She was breathy and emphatic.   Is $6800 worth of jewelry represent that perfect of the start of a marriage??  That's not worth the starter husband that she's looking for.   I'm not even sure why she thinks she deserves it other than it's apparently cultural.  She hasn't found some Thai guy to give her the jewelry and pay the big wad to her parents, why even bother with David?   She knows he can't afford it now....she should just cut bait and go fish for the next American guy with more money.   Unless she just doesn't get that many offers........and then she should dial back the pouting and demands for around 20K to marry her ass.  Eye roll.

I love Evelyn.  She's nasty and self centered wrapped up in pink fluffy cotton candy denial.   Good TV.   This isn't edited like Duggarville, this is 90 day Fian-CRAY.   You know they all thought this show would be a commercial for their horrible band because she never thought anything terrible would happen with her K1 fiancee to exploit on TV.   Sucker.

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On 10/13/2017 at 6:47 PM, Bugfrey Von said:

Wow. Evelyn is a super asshole. She's really shitty to her friend Michaela, you can tell that she's used to always being in the forefront, gripping to Michaela about one of her eleventy boyfriends (and never listening to a word she says), being the "pretty"friend.  I really think  Michaela needs to let her little Duggar friend marry this dude and drop it. She'll get the last laugh at their high school reunion. She is way too cute and way too SMART to work herself into a lather over a friend that only wants to use her as a sounding board/ compliment machine. 

Come sit by me Bugfrey.

I can't find myself getting too passionate about it.  Evelyn is a typical, invincible, 18 year old in love.  Teenagers tend  to make piss poor decisions.  I want to know more about the fiance.  What's his job?  Why is it so easy for him to move countries and not work for several months?  I understand it for the girls who are just looking for someone to support them and Azan who's a personal trainer (not a spoiler, they told us last season), and Luis the bartender.

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On 10/13/2017 at 3:01 PM, Cranky One said:


David reminds of some actor who does bit roles. I have no idea what this actor's name is and it's bugging the crap out of me.

He reminds me a bit of the bald guy from The Office.  He kind of has that generic "we need a balding guy in his 40s Caucasian" character actor face for sure.  Accountant, cop, judge, lawyer.....broke American looking for love in Thailand...

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My dvr is only recording this every now and then, and not complete episodes. I thought I was in a freaky parallel universe when I saw Nicole talking about going to Morocco. I was expecting to see Before the 90 Days. Anyway. I am sorry but I melted when I saw Azan with May. However I am wondering when that was filmed because I thought May was 2 over a year ago? I don't know anything about children but I do know that age accumulates year by year.


Who is this "Atlanta" (Woodstock is barely a suburb, it's so far out) lady with the bad plastic surgery? And she has a Dominican fiance? Haven't we done this already?


The Christian singing girl - Evelyn I think? - no way her fiance is a virgin. If he is, I am. And maybe she's not one either. Her dad looks like her brother. I am confused by these people.


The little I saw of the Thai lady made me think of Anfisa. Noon did not have all of these dowry requirements.


I think that's everyone I saw. I need to read these posts to figure it all out.

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7 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Is she a smoker?

If Nicole isn't a smoker, a cigarette may be the only thing tht doesn't go in her mouth.  

2 hours ago, pollywood said:

Her dad looks like her brother. I am confused by these people.

They are the Partridge Family.  


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8 hours ago, Standard Staples said:

<snip> When I turned 18, my parents were excited for me to go to college and seek out a decent career. They would have lost their collective minds if I'd said "now is the time for me to marry a 26 year old girl in another country that thought I was attractive online. We're in love. That's all that matters."


8 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

I’m not trying to be Judgy McJudgerson, but:  Evelyn seems like a sweet girl (by the standards set on this show), but her family creeps me out a little.  Her parents are a little too cool with her marrying a stranger at 18, and her bro is odd with his intensity about breaking up the band.  <snip>


8 hours ago, SuzyLee said:


As for Evelyn, how the hell can her parents support this?  Why does an attractive, seemingly intelligent 18-year-old girl (who cannot fucking sing, ohmygod) have to go to these extremes to find a suitable partner?  For that matter, why does an attractive, seemingly intelligent 18-year-old girl have to get married RIGHT NOW (*cough* Joy Duggar *cough*)?  I have never seen such rampant indulgence in the whims of someone so young.  It seems that everyone in her life besides that one friend is kissing her ass and condoning this idiocy.  She was such a bitch to her friend.  I keenly remember being a young girl of barely 21 (with the maturity and experience of someone much younger) and insisting to everyone in my life that the greasy, unemployed druggie I’d known for five weeks and was about to marry was a great choice for a life partner.  I had that same smug look on my face with my friends and family as I assured them that there’s no way he would turn out to be an abusive deadbeat dad who paid child support when the mood suited him.  I was cut down to size in due time in my youthful arrogance/ignorance and Evelyn will be, too.  When a young person decides to do something like this, it’s nearly impossible to convince them otherwise.  Poor Evelyn’s parents will come to regret green-lighting this lunacy and when they do, they should buy that friend of hers a drink or four and apologize for not listening to her when they had the chance.  


7 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

<snip>...Evelyn to slow down and stop being an idiot get to know jerk bag David better before marrying. My son is 20 and if he talked to me about marriage, I'd lock him in the basement. He still needs to finish schooling, get his own place and start his career. THEN think about marriage. Why do her parents not feel more like this??? 

This is VERY typical of fundamentalist/evangelical Christian families, though.

The women don't need college, because their calling is to be wives and mothers, not breadwinners. Marriage? The younger the better. Early marriage lessens the chance of the girl succumbing to temptation and having sex "out-of-wedlock" ("Oh noooooos!") and not being a virgin on her wedding night. Early marriage also means it's less likely she'll be exposed to "worldly views" which might make her question her predetermined role in life and decide to choose a different path for herself. (Which is another reason she's not being encouraged to get a college education).

Also, among the fundamentalist/evangelical set, it is believed when you fall in love you are "giving away a piece of your heart," so multiple relationships are discouraged (because if you're "giving away a piece of your heart" each time, by the time you find "the one" you won't have any heart left to give). <SMH> Note: this "not having any heart left to give" only applies to relationships with the opposite sex. Not your own children. Apparently that very same heart IS able to expand to accommodate 10, 15, 20 kids....

IF the marriage does go south, it will be Evelyn's fault (according to the fundamentalist/evangelical way of thinking). It will be because she wasn't supportive enough of her husband, wasn't a good enough homemaker, didn't give him sex every. time. he. wanted. it., expected him to "chip in" with the household chores/childcare, was too "demanding," etc.

I'm not going to hate on Evelyn, because I feel sorry for her. It's because she's 18 and her parents raised her the way they did she doesn't even realize she's been indoctrinated, and won't unless and until her storybook marriage doesn't turn out the way she's envisioning. Which, statistically, is more than likely to happen.

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24 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Phew!  Wasn't just me then.   

Oh, no, it wasn't just you Granny58! :) 

Seemed like she was doing all of this over-stylized breathy, trills and whatnot to makeup for lack of actually having a strong voice. 

Voice lessons might help. A good voice teacher would train her to quit doing a lot of that stuff.

Let's hope she doesn't sing at her own wedding. 

I can just here it now. "Well, the best wedding singer we can get is actually sitting right here... ME!"

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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7 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Nicole is the type of bitch mother who would accuse her own daughter of being flirtatious and asking for it if any accusations of sexual abuse should arise (heaven forbid).

Women like Nicole and Molly (to a bit of a lesser extent) make me think that declaring yourself 'a good mom' is much like calling yourself classy - if you have to say it, odds are you aren't.

Evelyn sounds like she is in the midst of an asthma attack when she sings. So damn breathy. Oh, and she is kinda a bitch, a little bit. 

Yep.. Nocole and Molly are both the type of Mom who loudly proclaim their kids are everything to them and then choose strange, shady men over their safety and wellbeing.  

In fairness to Nicole, Azan is less shady than she is.  But, he is NOT May's "Daddy" and is clearly in it for the green card.

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7 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I cringed when Nicole strapped Mae's car seat in the rear right seat instead of the middle and then crammed her fat ass in between Mae and Azan. Did she not know the proper placement of a car seat or did she do that to sit next to Azan?

      Thanks for the heads up on Evelyn's singing. Had my finger on the FF button so I avoided it!

You  should go back and listen, I insist. We all had to subject ourselves to it.  And it really is amazing how awful she is. 

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Regarding Nicole putting Mae on a leash (and whether you call it a tether, a lead or a leash, it is still a leash), I normally oppose leashes for kids.  But, in the case of such an irresponsible mother, who is going to be paying even less attention to her daughter than usual, as she pursues the man who doesn't want her, it is a reasonable precaution.

Then again, Mae might be better off with whatever random Moroccan finds her when she wanders off, than with her trashy mother.


Edited by Bryce Lynch
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1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm not going to hate on Evelyn

Everything you said, plus Evelyn has zero higher brain function.  And while I do not hate her, I'm going to be fast forwarding through her segments from now on.  Because what is duller than watching a fundamental christian virgin who thinks she can song talk about being in love?  

58 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Let's hope she doesn't sing at her own wedding. 

I'm willing to fast forward through that, too.  

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On 12/10/2017 at 7:34 AM, Phoebe70 said:

I also find it difficult to believe that her fiancé is also a virgin at his age.

That was my first though " yeah, right!"

I also am going to FF through their segment

10 hours ago, Standard Staples said:

Just when you think Nicole can't make any more stereotypical poor decisions... she puts poor Mae on a leash. 

I think it is a good idea. Mae is going to take off or get kidnapped - big bucks for little white girls. Nicole sure as hell can\t go running after her because we all know that excercise isn't her thing

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10 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I loled at how gingerly Azan embraced her. He barely touched her. He's obviously on his best behavior. Keep telling her you love her. 

I think she might have been kind of stinky after that long plane ride. Plus he is used to a more manly embrace.

Edited by booboopbedoo
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Evelyn may be young, uneducated, unworldly and overly coddled by her family, but that is no reason to so smug, arrogant and unpleasant to her bestest friend. Girlfriend  has some nasty character flaws that aren't going away anytime soon. My take on her family dynamic is that they see her as the star of their sad little ragtag band. They view her as their golden ticket and treat her that way. Her brother said he was afraid about what was going to happen to the band without her. Her mother commented that she does not want her daughter in Spain, she wants her living here. They want to keep their perceived golden goose close to home so they can control her. Early marriage, too many kids, no education is the perfect recipe for lifelong family dependence. I imagine they do flutter around her and treat her with more deference than she deserves, but they still want to control her. On the subject of control, anyone else notice she may have some eating issues? She is painfully thin. Then the mother offered to cook her one egg, which she picked at. Maybe too early to tell, but I think it's possible. 

Thank God nobody else seems to like her signing. Am first to admit that I am not too with it musically speaking, and I was afraid I was the only one whose ears hurt when she started howling to the music.  Thanks guys for the validation. :-) 

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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Annie, do a credit check on David.  He's a bankrupt broke ass living on his friend's handouts. 

Why? The top prize isn't David or the gold.  the prize is the ticket to Amerika.  The gold is just the cherry on top.  I loved how she was berating him for not having a safety net of stashed cash for a rainy day.


9 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I cringed when Nicole strapped Mae's car seat in the rear right seat instead of the middle and then crammed her fat ass in between Mae and Azan. Did she not know the proper placement of a car seat or did she do that to sit next to Azan?

8 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

Molly's mom is clearly the enabler. Also maybe there are some sour grapes there. I didn't see her dad expressing any bigoted views. He was making true statements and asking Molly the hard questions. To which she seemed oblivious. How do you not know what your legal options are if the marriage fizzles early on? I get that she wants to believe that this boy (who could be her son) is there for the long haul. But be at least a little prepared. What's she going to do when he hooks up with girls his age? Or makes advances towards her daughter? Or won't work? The scenarios are endless.  

@hoosiermom - she wanted to sit by her Bae.  Proper car seat placement be damned.

@Awfarmington - word.  You don't know your legal options if this relationship fizzles? What about her security (i.e. house, business, etc?) if they divorce.  Damn, Molly is so stupid. I thought she would have more sense then being led by her nether regions.  

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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:



I'm not going to hate on Evelyn, because I feel sorry for her. It's because she's 18 and her parents raised her the way they did she doesn't even realize she's been indoctrinated, and won't unless and until her storybook marriage doesn't turn out the way she's envisioning. Which, statistically, is more than likely to happen.

You make some good points and she is a victim in many ways. Very Duggarish. (And we know those fiends blindly follow the famous pedophile Bill Gothard.)

It's just that she's so f*cking annoying. That arrogance! It's clear that she looks with down on the rest of us who don't know how to live.

Her parents should be taking a closer look at that control freak she's marrying. Jeez.

She's a victim of her upbringing but that arrogance. I think that's a personality trait that's hers all hers. (What does the Bible say about haughty eyes, byatch?)

Besides, she'll be dismissive of us as worldlings whose opinions don't matter.

I won't hate on her but I will dislike on her plenty.

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4 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Why? The top prize isn't David or the gold.  the prize is the ticket to Amerika.  The gold is just the cherry on top.  I loved how she was berating him for not having a safety net of stashed cash for a rainy day.


@hoosiermom - she wanted to sit by her Bae.  Proper car seat placement be damned.

@Awfarmington - word.  You don't know your legal options if this relationship fizzles? What about her security (i.e. house, business, etc?) if they divorce.  Damn, Molly is so stupid. I thought she would have more sense then being led by her nether regions.  

The ticket to America is great, but I don't think it is nearly as valuable when it does not include at least a minimal level of financial security.  I would imagine she could find an equally desperate man who at least has a job, a home and few dollars in the bank.  I wonder if David even meets the financial requirements to sponsor her for her visa.  Maybe his pal, (or Nicole's Dad) will sponsor her. :)

Great point about Molly.  David is pretty much immune to being taken in by a gold digger, because he has no gold to take.  Molly appears to have a nice home and a successful business.  She has more than just her heart (and her daughters) at risk.   She definitely needs a prenup.  Even with one, I imagine she would be stuck repaying any government support that Luis gets for 10 years.  

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Has David even begun looking into the actual K1 process?  He's a guy living (working?) in Thailand because he lost basically everything stateside.  There's no way in hell that he meets the income requirements for the visa and there's zero chance Nikki will sign off on being a cosponsor.  Annie is an idiot.  If your goal is to get to the US, don't pick the guy living in Thailand.

And this has been bugging me, a dowry is something paid TO the groom/groom's family.  A bride price is something paid FROM the groom.

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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Per Evelyn, 7 out of 10 people are committing Visa fraud. Is that true?  Loren, what do you think?

I looked at a few websites and apparently the approval percentage has historically been in the high 90s but has recently dropped to the low 80s.  Also, many who eventually get approved are initially denied the visas.  

If 90 Day Fiance is any indication of the quality of these relationships, I think the rate should be in the teens. :)

18 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Has David even begun looking into the actual K1 process?  He's a guy living (working?) in Thailand because he lost basically everything stateside.  There's no way in hell that he meets the income requirements for the visa and there's zero chance Nikki will sign off on being a cosponsor.  Annie is an idiot.  If your goal is to get to the US, don't pick the guy living in Thailand.

And this has been bugging me, a dowry is something paid TO the groom/groom's family.  A bride price is something paid FROM the groom.

Yeah, I don't see how David could be approved, if he lost everything in the divorce and has been living off of handouts from his friend.  

I think many Americans confuse dowry and bride price.  I think the term dowry is far more well known and the concept of a young woman's family paying someone to take their daughter off their hands isan unfamiliar concept to most Americans.  I guess the closest thing to it is the tradition of the bride's family paying for the wedding, but even that tradition is fading.  

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11 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Molly is over 40, has her own home, owns a business and has two kids, yet her mom wants to know if her dad is going to give her away.  What's to give away?  That ship sailed long, long ago. 

The father giving the bride away is a longstanding tradition.  Even for a young, first time bride, it doesn't mean quite the same thing that it did years ago.  I think her father giving her away would by symbolizing that he approves of (or at least condones) the marriage.  Most people want those they love to approve of their marriages. 

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11 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

I really like Azan. Seriously, what he is getting from Nicole? He doesn't seem needy or a huge scammer, somebody explain his motivation to me. The Von Trapp family singers make me puke. Your daughter is too young to get married. Yes,  he seems like a decent guy, but just cause your teen marriage made it, doesn't mean hers will.


ETA, hell yes, Molly is an older Amber from Teen Mom 2, it's the face and brows. 

Azan is purely doing this for the money you get from being on the show. Same with Nicole and her family. After the shit show that was last season , you could definitely see that there was no way Azan wanted anything to do with her.  But you know producers come back to them and talk them into doing another season—and Azan was like “ ok, I can put up with for another couple of weeks for the cash”. 

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11 hours ago, Standard Staples said:

Just when you think Nicole can't make any more stereotypical poor decisions... she puts poor Mae on a leash. 

A leash is a must if you have an active toddler. Period. its hard for them to hold your hand all the time, they have to hold their little arms up and its tiring and uncomfortable. Little kids can get away in the wink of an eye. If I had a two year old with me in an airport you can bet that kid would be on a leash. They give the child a feeling of autonomy and allow the parent/caregiver to keep them safe.


10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I really could not stand the smug attitude that Evelyn had with her friend.I am hoping this relationship blows up in her face the way most of them do. We didn't get to see enough of David to figure him out yet.  I agree with most of the people on this site that they are using this show for exposure for her career.,What Christian singer has such sexy pictures on her website?    

What Christian singer has sexy pictures? Think of Jessica Simpson and her creepy, over engaged father who bragged about her "double D's!"

Its obvious that Evelyn and her family want TV exposure for their band. I think they must only gig at weddings within their faith community and local strawberry festivals and the like. That nice house they have wasn't paid for with the proceeds from those. What does daddy do for real work? I'm guessing her brother is a "youth pastor" (that is, unemployed) and the mother probably has a real job and supports them all. I think they wanted a show like that other Christian family who had a band--who were they? But they were offered this instead, and they jumped at it.

Evelyn and her priggish, scoldy friend were equally insufferable, to me. Evelyn is living in some fool's paradise where the lord will provide, and her friend needs to hop off. Its not her life, and if she and Evelyn are such good friends and so close she should know that once Princess Evelyn has her mind made up, she will not be swayed.

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2 minutes ago, Inga said:

Azan is purely doing this for the money you get from being on the show. Same with Nicole and her family. After the shit show that was last season , you could definitely see that there was no way Azan wanted anything to do with her.  But you know producers come back to them and talk them into doing another season—and Azan was like “ ok, I can put up with for another couple of weeks for the cash”. 

If Nicole is really in it just for the cash, it makes her even more despicable for telling poor Mae that Azan is "Daddy".   

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11 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Like to everything ya’ll already had to say...

Why does TLC feel the need to show a preview of the show during the commercials?  They said the show would be back in 2 mins and we were already 3 commercials in.

Nicole is a self-entitled brat and her parents are to blame.  I’m only slightly judging the backpack tether thing.  I don’t have kids, so I don’t know, but I’m guessing Nicole can’t muster up the energy to keep track of a toddler. OR maybe her family insists on it because she (Nicole) is easily distracted.

Totally agree here, Nicole’s parents are to blame for her disgusting behavior and it only had to get worse when Mae came into the picture because now they feel like they have to enable her for the sake of Mae. Example number 672: NICOLES MOTHER DRIVES HER AND MAE TO THE AIRPORT!!!  if you are so against this and realize how awful your daughter is , but then agree to take her to the airport so she take your 2 year old granddaughter to Morocco??? Let her find her own ride and stop enabling her!! Ugh, this family needs an intervention. 


I also used to be against children on leashes, but have no problem with them now—children sprint away like crazy.

Agree with another poster about Mae being handed off to Azans family — Nicole has not watched Mae by herself for 2 weeks straight since Mae was born —she has no idea what it’s going to like to have to actually parent her by herself. And once again, since her mother takes care of Mae all the time, Nicole will just keep getting pregnant and living of the govt. so she will never have to get a job and support herself.

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6 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

In five years I hope Evelyn's friend (if she's still her friend) smugly asks her "Have you ever been divorced?" because the answer will be a definite yes if this wedding happens.

Pride goeth before a fall, and this marriage is going to take her down a couple of notches. She'll discover that she's a human being capable of making mistakes and not SuperChristian. 

Hopefully she'll come out of it a kinder, gentler person because if what she showed her friend is any indication, YIKES! I'd hate to see how she treats her enemies.

Maybe that's how she handles people who gently critique her singing. That explains so much actually. ("My daddy says I'm the best and we get fully offering plates at every church we perform at. How dare you say I need lessons!")

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