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S04.E09: Finale

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I just gotta ask, and I do mean this seriously: how does parading her virginity around help Christen's brand? I mean, conservative Christian types aren't likely to approve her teensy bikini or her appearing on the franchise.

Should we be emulating Dan Ackroyd's character in Dragnet and always refer to her as "the Virgin Christen [Last name]"? Also, that looked like fear she was displaying when Jack Stone suggested the fantasy suite.

Go away, Amanda. Forever.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

Was it just me, or was Lacey walking into her date with Daniel like Frankenstein's monster?  

Lacey walked like that on the beach.  When she sits down she lifts her leg way too high to cross it over and then slouches, her eye makeup is upside down, her teeth need whitening, and her hair is too flat at the crown.  I want to send her to one of those charm schools they had in the 50's and then convince her that she is way too nice a girl to be hanging around someone like Daniel pretending to find his insults funny. 

Daniel needs to climb back over that wall to Canada and stay where the cold weather might preserve him. He looked about 53 in the bright hotel lights, I think he has some missing molars.

Derek's proposal was beautiful. I have high hopes for them, but I expect Taylor will be shedding quite a few tears on her steep learning curve about compromise in relationships.

I'm guessing the show brought Raven's parents along because  Adam told a producer he was going to propose, but Raven got cold feet. 

Amanda seems to be the type of girlfriend who expects her guy to be ever at her side, gazing at her frozen face, listening to her baby talk, going shopping, and texting "hi," to friends.  If Robbie couldn't be that guy, no one can.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

I felt like the lady in the studio audience who when Dean was giving his lame, "I'm sorry" excuses made a dismissive wave like she wasn't buying his remorse.

Rosa from Brooklyn 99 LOL

9 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Jasmine is easily the most annoying person in the history of all the bachelor franchises. Sit down and shut up for a change.

Co-sign.  I feel too much second hand embarrassment when she's onscreen.  Every time another woman had a happy moment she was jumping and cheering.  It was not believable.  

7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

 I guarantee you no one has ever looked her in the eye and expressed affection for another woman. 

Wait, what?  The exact same thing happened to D-Lo on Nick's season.  All we know about D.Lo is that she gets dumped on this show.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Artsda said:

So Dean wants Kristina again? 

When Dean has something, he doesn't want it, and when he lets it go and can't have it again, he wants it again ;)

I still like Daniel.  He just came on the show to have fun.  Nothing wrong with that.  My Canadian loyalty runs deep.  I didn't mind Lacey at all, either.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:


Jasmine is easily the most annoying person in the history of all the bachelor franchises. Sit down and shut up for a change.

Agree -- 1000%!

7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


I thought it was odd that Jack Stone just wanted to continue to get to know Christen and she thought leaving hand in hand was a big deal. She didn't seem all that bright to me, so in the end I think she did Jack a favour. I would love it if he was the next bachelor. Smart, nice and good looking. What's not to like? 


I agree completely.  He seemed to really like her, realized that a "fantasy suite" date was not the best way to pursue a relationship with her, and simply wanted to leave with the intention that they would see where things might go.  He seems like a great catch -- I'm not sure why Christen was there if she won't even contemplate whether a relationship with someone that she appeared to like (at least to some extent) is worth considering for 10 seconds.  (And, I guess I'm old and/or old fashioned, if I've been hanging out with someone and kissing them multiple times, I'd like to think they would rise from the level of "acquaintance" to at least "friend.") 


6 hours ago, backformore said:

So Lacey and Daniel had hooked up, dated, were friends, before the show.

  I don't get it - if you know someone, and you want to date him, do you both have to go on a reality show, and compete to "get a rose"  in order to date him?  And what is the big deal about having sex in the "fantasy suite" - don't you have an apartment?   

This show gives the impression that this group of people, who all know each other, can only date if they both show up in Paradise, and can only have sex if they get CH's blessing to spend the night in the FS.  SO, If BiP is cancelled, all of these people will spend the rest of their lives single.  

Well, to be fair to them, they live thousands of miles apart (Lacey in NY, Daniel in Vancouver), so this might have been the most logical way to spend some concentrated time together to see where things might go.  


Is everyone not contractually obligated to return for the reunion?  I was more interested in hearing what Matt might have to say than the twins who were only there for a couple of hours.  Did Danielle (blond -- left after kissing Wells) even say one word?  And Wells was there, but was never introduced (???).  I would have like to hear his take on the couples based on his somewhat impartial/objective point of view.

Edited by MMLEsq
  • Love 9

Dean is messed up and needs to be seeing a therapist.  Seriously, he has abandonment/childhood issues, and this is making it so that as an adult he has trouble getting into relationships.  He's got some work to do on himself.  Not a judgement, it's just his life circumstance.  Maybe he will be a guy that stays single through his 40's.  He's not husband/boyfriend material.  Sorry Deanie Baby.  

Amanda looks like the typical Irvine/Mission Viejo Orange County Housewife, she reminds me of Tamra Judge.  I actually think Amanda should try to get onto RHOC, she would totally fit in.

  • Love 3

Ugh, Danielle.  Have some self respect. She hooked up with Dean AFTER he dumped her like that?!? WTH. At least with Kristina, Dean was vague and confusing enough about his emotions. With Danielle he told her he wanted to go back to Kristina. 


I'm surprised/not surprised that the twins didn't get called out on the reunion. Let me ask a question here, do you think if any man had referred to any of these women as "slim pickings" they wouldn't have been booed by the audience? I almost understand their behavior on the show (they're playing a role, badly) but I think we saw their true colors last night. Totally self involved and just mean and nasty women. I had hoped Chris Harrison would respond with, "Oh, by 'slim pickings' do you mean a doctor and a lawyer? What exactly is it you two do again?" I don't know how Jack didn't call them out last night. He probably figured it wasn't worth fighting two airheads. 


It's always interesting listening to the audience cheer the intros of people. Not a lot going on. Dean got booed. Kristina got the most applause. Everyone else was pretty tepid response. The crowd seemed to like Alexis, for some reason. 

  • Love 18

I flipped on TV about 15 minutes before the end of the show. Is it my imagination, or is "slut-wear" now the official uniform of women participants in this franchise? Did any woman actually *not* have at least half of her breasts exposed? I couldn't see everyone, so maybe there were 1 or 2 women who did not look vulgar and I just missed it.

I would love to think that the next crop of will be a bit older, a bit classier, and displaying better diction all around. (I cannot stand these whiny, nasally voices. And was it Taylor who kept saying "Like, you know..."?) Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

  • Love 9

I get why people don't like him, but I still think Dean is one of the more compelling and certainly open people to have been on this show. He probably needs a good therapist a lot more than stupid Corinne and Demario do. He seemed so unhappy and almost punishing himself last night--he wasn't looking for sympathy. I wonder if he told the producers he was going to leave after Kristina left and they just threw up their hands and decided to end the show early; the rest of the cast couldn't carry an episode compared to his drama (not that the bar was particularly high there). I liked seeing him be the first one to give Taylor and Derek a combo hug at the end of this episode.

Corinne and Amanda remind me of Kardashians--pointless people who have been thrust into the spotlight for commercial reasons and just won't leave.

My biggest regret was Adam Jr. not being in the audience--did Raven stab him with a stiletto?

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 13

I actually enjoyed the format they used at the end.
Daniel is a creep, but we knew that. But.....they knew each other and hooked up before?! Ok then....
I thought Kristin acted like she was 13. Jack Stone wasn't proposing, he was just asking her to see where it went. Poor Scallop Fingers!
Jasmine is just odd......
Robbie is a cheater and no one believes him!
Amanda....stay away from this franchise and go back to being a mother!!

Dean is just so immature, he is not ready for any relationship. Kristina is surely a fan favorite. I could see them casting her as The Bachelorette if there are all duds on Arie's season. (still cannot believe Arie is the Bach!)
Diggy chose Jamie over Dom. Then Jamie dumps him.....probably for another girl!
I cannot even remember who Tickle monster dumped!
Adam seems like the NICEST guy. Hope Raven realizes she has a keeper.
I thought the proposal of Derek to Taylor was one of the nicest we have ever seen.

  • Love 3

Was I the only one who thought that CH totally forgot whose parents were being brought to the stage? He very clearly said to Raven's parents "This is Raven!". I played it back, and Raven was laughing and pointing at Chris. For me it was the most entertaining part of the whole show. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

?  And Wells was there, but was never introduced (???).  I would have like to hear his take on the couples based on his somewhat impartial/objective point of view.

I have wondered about why they switched bartenders on the show.    I don't buy the excuse that the previous one (Jorge?)  decided to start that business.  He was there at the start, when the Corinne/DeMario drama went down.    Then, when the show resumes after break, a new bartender is there.  AND we hear that the participants are limited to a certain number of drinks per hour, there is talk about Corinne being black-out drunk, lots of lecturing about responsible behavior and verbal consent.     

Makes me wonder - did they have to get rid of Jorge because of the accusations that Corinne had too much to drink and he continued to serve her?  If the show was afraid of a lawsuit, that they "allowed" Corinne to be "victimized", firing the bartender might have been a way to be proactive, and implicate Jorge.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Lacey walked like that on the beach.  When she sits down she lifts her leg way too high to cross it over and then slouches, her eye makeup is upside down, her teeth need whitening, and her hair is too flat at the crown.  I want to send her to one of those charm schools they had in the 50's and then convince her that she is way too nice a girl to be hanging around someone like Daniel pretending to find his insults funny. 

I noticed all that about her too and yes the poor girl needs some help. I have never been one for unnecessary cosmetic procedures but in some cases I do think it's a good thing. Like Danielle M looked so much better after her breast enhancement I think Lacey could benefit from lip plumping (not sure what it's actually called). She hardly has any lips. Her top one completely disappears when she smiles.

  • Love 1

Watching all these dudes walk around in their swim trunks reminds me of a pet peeve I've always had - the guy who pumps up his upper body and ignores his legs when he works out. Back when I worked as a personal trainer, I always felt they looked like upside down avocados on toothpicks. Still do. Work your legs, boys. Don't ignore them and pump up your upper bodies. Balance is important. This has been a public service message. 

  • Love 12

Dean probably does need therapy. But he's also immature and bad boyfriend material. Being damaged and being a f*ckboy are not mutually exclusive - you can certainly be BOTH. There are lots of people who have difficult families or upbringings who wouldn't treat women that way. I'm glad Danielle called him out for hooking up with her after filming wrapped. He was still trying to play EVERY side: I love Kristina, I have feelings for Danielle, I am so upset, I hate myself, please consider to cast me for The Bachelor. Barf.

I suspect Dean has had it easy with the ladies his whole life given his looks so he's never had to learn anything differently. From my own personal experience when I stopped trying to understand/fix these guys is when I eventually met Mr. Thejuicer (together 7 years, married for 1).

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, backformore said:

I have wondered about why they switched bartenders on the show.    I don't buy the excuse that the previous one (Jorge?)  decided to start that business.  He was there at the start, when the Corinne/DeMario drama went down.    Then, when the show resumes after break, a new bartender is there.  AND we hear that the participants are limited to a certain number of drinks per hour, there is talk about Corinne being black-out drunk, lots of lecturing about responsible behavior and verbal consent.     

Makes me wonder - did they have to get rid of Jorge because of the accusations that Corinne had too much to drink and he continued to serve her?  If the show was afraid of a lawsuit, that they "allowed" Corinne to be "victimized", firing the bartender might have been a way to be proactive, and implicate Jorge.  

I think I have linked this article three or four times already LOL but no, it was  announced that he wasn't coming back in the end of January.  


  • Love 7
9 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Because this cannot be said enough: D-Low is owed nothing. Not Dean's apologies, not public sorrow, not Kristina's consideration - NOTHING. Can we please stop collectively kissing her smug home-wrecking ass?! Yes, it is mostly Dean's fault, but Danielle shares some of this blame. I am constantly gobsmacked by the way Dean and Chris Harrison deflect for her.

Dean and Kristina get this beautiful package, and Dean is clearly shaken,and for about a whole minute the focus is solely on them, because that was a real if brief connection, and of course Danielle can't handle not being the center of attention so she has to interject as though she's some injured party. Bitch, please. You're just bitter you didn't get to break up with Dean yourself. I guarantee you no one has ever looked her in the eye and expressed affection for another woman. 


And of course Danielle seems surprised after seeing Dean mention he loved/loves Kristina and only then outs him that they had been hooking up after the show.  She was pissed she didn't get the same declaration.  Still wouldn't be surprised if they did start seeing each other again.  Yep, she is definitely not used to being number 2 or 3 or 4.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Wait, what?  The exact same thing happened to D-Lo on Nick's season.  All we know about D.Lo is that she gets dumped on this show.

If I remember correctly, D. Lo made it through phase 1 of the 2-on-1 and was chosen over the other girl. She went to dinner with Nick. She was dumped only after she told Nick she was falling in love with him. In her dismissal, no stronger feelings for one specific woman were mentioned. We all know Nick let her go because they couldn't carry on a conversation. I highly doubt any guy has told D.Lo "I'm in love with this other woman."

I fast-forwarded so much of this episode that it only took me a few minutes to watch the parts where something happened.  No, Chris, I don't want to watch the summary of what happened on the show or each remaining couple's story.  And, no, I don't want to watch either Corrine or Demario ever again.

I felt for Jack Stone, but many of these contestants developed feelings that were not returned.  At least he was able to leave without damaging his reputation.  I am so over Jasmine who has to make it about herself at every opportunity.  I didn't like her during the season and I didn't like her over-reactions during the audience segments.  She can leave and take the twins with her.  Not only did the twins disparage two men who seemed genuinely kind during their time on the show (and Jonathan was ready to go on the date with the twins, so he never turned them down but still got caught up in their remarks), they were awfully quick to jump on Robby in defense of Amanda.

I don't hate Dean, but I am worried for him as he just seemed so devastated in the finale that I hope he does not harm himself.  I think he got in way over his head during a show that was just supposed to be summer fun.  I think that he just wanted to have fun and kept trying to communicate that to Kristina but never made one strong statement to clearly communicate this.  

I'm glad that two couples are happy and in love.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I like Derek's proper usage of both "literally" and "figuratively." This is literally one of the best proposals in Bachelor History. The "I can't even" handwave lady is now jumping in her seat. She wins for best audience member in Bachelor Live History.

I've only been watching the Bachelor/ette/Paradise franchise for a couple of seasons, but I think that was the most sincere proposal I've ever seen on one of these shows. It was sweet without being over the top and she looked genuinely happy. Also, smart move on his part to nab that free Neil Lane ring while it was up for grabs, lol. 


Kristina STILL blames D-Lo, but even Dean somehow has enough emotional intelligence to recognize that HE'S the one "at fault" for the love triangle. Oh, snap! The tea has been spilled!! He was was still playing them both after Paradise! That woman in the audience with the "I can't even" handwave is all of us!

I was a little irritated that he got a round of applause for admitting the obvious, it's all his fault. Good for Danielle for piping up and exposing him for the after-Paradise hook-up. 


Dean's self-deprecation is over the top and insincere. It drives me crazy.

Same. He uses the wounded little boy routine as a get out of jail free card. He fucks up and then pours on the self-deprecation to gas light the woman into feeling guilty for being angry with poor little him, so they end up comforting him and trying to rebuild him, leaving him free to go ahead and do the same thing again. 


Robby is still being billed as a social media influencer.  Based on his intelligence and vocabulary, this can only mean that he simply clicks the 'like' button repeatedly in various apps.  Exactly who would be influenced by this empty vessel and why remains a mystery.

Lol. A mystery I'm not eager to solve, the thought of anyone wanting to emulate this utter cheeseball with his ridiculous hair is just too sad for words. 

Speaking of billing, what is Amanda's job title/chyron? I know she's a big Instagram shiller, which is what I assume "social media influencer" refers to, but I don't believe she's billed that way. 

I was a bit shocked that she was able to muster up those crocodile tears over her "relationship" with Robbie. I'm sure she was dying for her big moment of rejecting someone who was "in love" with her, but I didn't think she'd actually be able to work up tears. 

Her wishy-washy response to the cheating rumors at the reunion was more typically her style. Kudos to Robbie for containing himself enough not to tell the meddling twins to fuck off. Do those two EVER have anything going on in their own lives?


Amanda looks like the typical Irvine/Mission Viejo Orange County Housewife, she reminds me of Tamra Judge.  I actually think Amanda should try to get onto RHOC, she would totally fit in.

Except that she has no personality and no variance in her emotions. She thinks Robbie cheated on her and her response was kinda "well, I guess that's okay." That would never fly on a Housewife show, lol. 


Raven & Adam surprise everyone by confirming their status as a couple.  CH lets slip his personal and professional exasperation with this season by noting it's one rare bit of good news.

I was thinking the same thing, that was one long bummer of an episode. The assembly line style of rejection after rejection was just weird. People who weren't even together managed to "break up" as they passed through the tent on their way out. Like, when were Jasmine and Tickle Monster ever a thing? 


I thought it was odd that Jack Stone just wanted to continue to get to know Christen and she thought leaving hand in hand was a big deal. She didn't seem all that bright to me, so in the end I think she did Jack a favour. I would love it if he was the next bachelor. Smart, nice and good looking. What's not to like? 

That was so weird. She has such a vacancy behind her eyes, I think Jack Stone dodged a bullet there. I was a little amused watching him try to state and restate that he was not asking her for any big commitment, while her brain was melting trying to process words. 

Overall, that was a major bust of a season. So choppy and strange and extremely light on anything funny or interesting, but given all of the upheaval with the shutdown, I'm not willing to say the show should end, it was just a bad season.

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

If I remember correctly, D. Lo made it through phase 1 of the 2-on-1 and was chosen over the other girl. She went to dinner with Nick. She was dumped only after she told Nick she was falling in love with him. In her dismissal, no stronger feelings for one specific woman were mentioned. We all know Nick let her go because they couldn't carry on a conversation. I highly doubt any guy has told D.Lo "I'm in love with this other woman."

I don't understand these assumptions about Dlo and her dating life. Is it only because she is beautiful? Because Dlo has said nothing, done nothing to support them. Beautiful women get mistreated by jerks all the time, just like average and below women.  They are not spared from assholes. 

I honestly don't get some of the vitriol Dlo has received..speaking generally.  I would understand if she acted liked the twins, but she doesn't at all. I get no sense of entitlement from her, like I do from other women on this show like Jasmine and Kristina as well IMO.  She seems just as nice and sweet as Kristina, if not more so. Maybe Kristina is the one who is not used to being dumped, which is why she is carrying on the way she is...so bitter towards Dlo. And Dlo is used to immature jerks like Dean who can't make up their minds, which is why she has been carrying herself with class throughout this whole ordeal. who knows.

Edited by dirtypop90
  • Love 16

I don't think Danielle was shown to have much of a personality for those of us who did not have any exposure to her before BIP (or as I think of her, Dull-o). She did choose to engage in hijinks with Dean post-BIP (and Kristina seemed to be laughing about it so I don't think she was surprised), didn't she?, already knowing who she was dealing with, so two to tango and lie down with dogs and birds of a feather and all that when she wanted to come across as all self-righteous and wrongfully wronged in her big reveal about it. I have no idea what her back story or occupation are.

I was sorely disappointed not to have the other Danielle get some airtime.

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, nutty1 said:

(still cannot believe Arie is the Bach!)

When was this announced? I only saw a commercial for him being the next Bach while the show aired but when was it officially announced? Did I miss something? I didn't watch Emily's season but I see what all the hype's about. He's a very good looking man. Hope he's a good bachelor.

ETA: Never mind just caught up on the Bachelor thread. I was really out of the loop..lol.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I was sorely disappointed not to have the other Danielle get some airtime.

Given how crappy this season turned out I kind of wish the show had followed her to wherever it was she was going to help needy children. She could have taken Wells along. It would be far more interesting and watchable than any of the loser spinoffs (Ben and Lauren, the Twins) that have come from this show.

But naturally they aren't going to let the articulate, smart one talk. No, let's get more of the morons. They make good TV. (I don't think I understand what good TV is anymore).

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, mertensia said:

Should we be emulating Dan Ackroyd's character in Dragnet and always refer to her as "the Virgin Christen [Last name]"?

Hah, great reference. "I spent the evening with The Virgin Connie Swayle."

Anyhow, put me among the people that wish Danielle M & Wells got together. Also would ahve been nice to hear from him about relationships as he was the only one above the fray that witnessed or heard a lot about what was going on and with who. I admire her for getting a reasonable boob job and not going to say Raven's size...

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

Hah, great reference. "I spent the evening with The Virgin Connie Swayle."

Anyhow, put me among the people that wish Danielle M & Wells got together. Also would ahve been nice to hear from him about relationships as he was the only one above the fray that witnessed or heard a lot about what was going on and with who. I admire her for getting a reasonable boob job and not going to say Raven's size...

Mr MML kept asking me if thrte was something wrong with Raven's left balloon in that bikini top talking head. Not a good look. 

Danielle M and Wells, yes please, make that happen, Show.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

I don't understand these assumptions about Dlo and her dating life. Is it only because she is beautiful? Because Dlo has said nothing, done nothing to support them. Beautiful women get mistreated by jerks all the time, just like average and below women.  They are not spared from assholes. 

I honestly don't get some of the vitriol Dlo has received..speaking generally.  I would understand if she acted liked the twins, but she doesn't at all. I get no sense of entitlement from her, like I do from other women on this show like Jasmine and Kristina as well IMO.  She seems just as nice and sweet as Kristina, if not more so. Maybe Kristina is the one who is not used to being dumped, which is why she is carrying on the way she is...so bitter towards Dlo. And Dlo is used to immature jerks like Dean who can't make up their minds, which is why she has been carrying herself with class throughout this whole ordeal. who knows.

Thank you. I was shocked by the amount of hatred D-Lo (?) was receiving. It makes me sad that people feel the need to bash the "other woman" just because they happen to be fans of one; I find it pretty juvenile and pathetic. 

Edited by Hcw0227
  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

I didn't watch this season, but I caught a bit last night channel-surfing. It was right when Chris brought out Robby to face Amanda. Apparently his occupation now is "Social Media Influencer"?!

Cannot. Stop. Laughing.

Yeah he told Raven that's what he is, on their date at the beginning of the season and she of course had a great talking head bit where she mocked him.   And of course the show changed his bio to read "Social Media Influencer".   Probably one of the best moments of the whole stinkin season.

52 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

That's just how some humans look, though.  I find it sad that looking like a natural human being has become out of fashion.

I never said they didn't look like a natural human being. I didn't say they looked hideous or other awful terms I've heard used on here to describe some of these women. I was trying to say I understand when some women feel the need to tweek some things as long as it wasn't grossly overdone. I mean I'm sure at least half of the women in this country (maybe more) would love to change something about their appearance. I would but unfortunately I've never been able to afford the costs. I wasn't saying Lacey looked unearthly or ugly just that I thought she would look better with a few beauty boosts and tips (like the ones @JudyObscure suggested also). Danielle M is a beautiful woman but I see nothing wrong with her wanting to enhance her breasts since unfortunately but honestly she looked like she had the chest of a tween girl in a 30 something woman. She realized and knew this or she wouldn't have had the procedure done obviously. Good for her. If a women is happy with the way she looks than that's great also as no woman's worth should be judged by how they look but I also think a woman has the right to improve or enhance upon it as she sees fit.

ETA: I must be in the minority because I also think Raven's new breasts look great on her. Not too big and fit her body well unlike some posters seem to think. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I like Raven. I honestly think they look good. She did a little more than Danielle but she was also bigger than Danielle naturally so it makes sense. I think both ladies new enhancements look great.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, AudreyHorne said:

I'm going on the record right now:


Kristina as the next Bachelorette.  Dean shows up halfway through the season to the consternation of every other guy.  He makes it to F2 and redeems himself to the point where he is at least in the conversation to be the Bachelor because "Kristina opened his heart to the possibility of love".  Mark my words.

I would love to see Kristina as the next Bachelorette. She is pretty & tough with boys like Dean. I love her accent

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I'm surprised/not surprised that the twins didn't get called out on the reunion. Let me ask a question here, do you think if any man had referred to any of these women as "slim pickings" they wouldn't have been booed by the audience? I almost understand their behavior on the show (they're playing a role, badly) but I think we saw their true colors last night. Totally self involved and just mean and nasty women. I had hoped Chris Harrison would respond with, "Oh, by 'slim pickings' do you mean a doctor and a lawyer? What exactly is it you two do again?" I don't know how Jack didn't call them out last night. He probably figured it wasn't worth fighting two airheads.

I was hoping for this as well. What a couple of twats.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, yorklee2 said:

TA: I must be in the minority because I also think Raven's new breasts look great on her. Not too big and fit her body well unlike some posters seem to think. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I like Raven. I honestly think they look good. She did a little more than Danielle but she was also bigger than Danielle naturally so it makes sense. I think both ladies new enhancements look great.

Raven didn't get new boobs recently.  She tweeted out that they were 6 years old.   (Or maybe 8.  I can't remember and am embarrassed that I actually remembered the gist of a tweet about a women who is a stranger to me made about her fake boobs but I spent half the day trying to remember if my niece was turning 4 or 5)

ETA: I agree that the enhancements both look "normal" on Raven and Danielle M.   As a woman who is Danielle M size, I would get an upgrade in a heartbeat if I had the money.

Edited by LBS
  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Ladies, never trust a man (Dean) who can't look you in the eyes while he's talking to you. 


I'm pretty sure that "breakup" with Danielle was an attempt to redeem himself for consideration for the Bachelor. 


Are these people contractually obligated to have sex in the fantasy suites? What's the big deal? Just go and hang out in a hotel room for the night, enjoy some room service, relax for a day. Not sure why they think it's such a big deal. "Break up" later. 


scallop Fingers wouldn't  even look at Jack when he was talking to her... RUDE BWAHAHAHA

18 hours ago, Stan39 said:


Jasmine grosses me out... girl, you nasty!

Edited by mcmrdh
added scallop finger comment
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

I honestly don't get some of the vitriol Dlo has received..speaking generally.  I would understand if she acted liked the twins, but she doesn't at all. I get no sense of entitlement from her, like I do from other women on this show like Jasmine and Kristina as well IMO.

I don't get it either.  Further, I don't get the declarations that Kristina is so "sweet."  Having had a difficult background doesn't mean that she can't be a nasty adult.  I'm not necessarily saying she's not a nice person, but I don't get sweet vibes from her either...I have a feeling she's not a whole lot different than any other multiple contestant on this franchise.

I can think of a non-surgical way for Lacey to look better; IMO her hair is way too dark, I think she'd look loads better if she added some dimension to her hair color.

  • Love 8

I'm sooooooooo over Kristina.  I just don't find her particularly interesting or compelling. TBH I never did so I guess that explains it.

I find it kind of funny that there was so much psychoanalysis of Dean's "behaviour".  Even though, yes, I enjoyed doing it too.  I mean he's what, 25?  And he's on Bachelor in Paradise.  He acted how I would expect, I guess.  I agree with the poster who said it was pretty interesting that he was so open about it.  I think all of the proposals are nice and all but to me it's more weird that people get engaged on this show than fool around.  It's BIP not like.....  Monks Go Tame 

  • Love 9

Do the editors always show Taylor and Derek making out in slow motion?  Every time they kissed it always looked Super Slow.  They seem drugged.  I don't believe they had not yet had sex.  No judgement, just my opinion.

Twins are rude.  Nurse Danielle got the world's smallest boob job but still got that caved in chest look.  Bad surgeon.

I hope I never have to see Dean again.  I hope Kristina and DLo both reject him.  Some people on the stage didn't say a word.  Why even come back??

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 3

Good point, Blue Jay. I think the issue is that Dean and Kristina were both "fan favorites" with many in Bachelor Nation hoping they would be leads and overly invested in their Love Journey. So when they got together, I bet a lot of fans considered them the "Brangelina" (or whoever is the hot celebrity couple is nowadays) of Bachelor Family. And fandom got all aflutter thinking of their wedding and future babies. (I have NOT seen that around this group, but I can only imagine. Some of those reunion audience members practically needed smelling salts!) I think if it was any other guy with any other girl, there would NOT be any wild controversy. Rather, Dean would be beloved for bringing the drama as a modern-day Chris Bukowski. (Never forget!)

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

If I remember correctly, D. Lo made it through phase 1 of the 2-on-1 and was chosen over the other girl. She went to dinner with Nick. She was dumped only after she told Nick she was falling in love with him. In her dismissal, no stronger feelings for one specific woman were mentioned. We all know Nick let her go because they couldn't carry on a conversation. I highly doubt any guy has told D.Lo "I'm in love with this other woman."

I remember that date and her telling him she was falling for him.  I thought that was TOO early for her to be saying that as it wasn't even close to hometown dates, and they had barely had any one-on-one time.  She just seemed desperate to wanting to be in love instead of really getting to know the person.

28 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I think the issue is that Dean and Kristina were both "fan favorites" with many in Bachelor Nation hoping they would be leads and overly invested in their Love Journey. So when they got together, I bet a lot of fans considered them the "Brangelina" (or whoever is the hot celebrity couple is nowadays) of Bachelor Family.

I think you're right. Because both were beloved it was easy to ship them. I bet production wanted them to work too. Imagine the ratings for that wedding! In the end, it just wasn't there. Wrong time perhaps. Maybe Dean really does care about Kristina but just isn't ready yet to settle down. Maybe Kristina got too invested too quickly.

I have a feeling Kristina wanted a relationship and Dean just happened to be the guy she latched onto. I just never felt that much chemistry between them and their "conversations" were...practically non-existent. I mean really, "I dare you to get it up" "Can you touch it?" "Nah". Not exactly a love to last all time. 

I just think they were two people who were looking to get very different things out of Paradise. As for DLo, I can't tell. She seemed okay with just having a good time with Dean, which is what he was looking for. Which is why it makes sense he dumped Kristina for her. 

  • Love 9

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