Guest August 27, 2017 Share August 27, 2017 Live Eviction Link to comment
Popular Post Ananayel September 1, 2017 Popular Post Share September 1, 2017 Raven's hiccup tears give me life. What in the fresh hell was Julie wearing? Glad to see Elena was happy to see Mark. Cody's utter lack of fucks to give makes him one of my faves ever. Most important bullet point - can I drown all these people in a toilet? 31 Link to comment
Popular Post thefog September 1, 2017 Popular Post Share September 1, 2017 Matt has to be one of the most clueless and useless hgs ever. What a waste in casting. I hope Paul gets shock boot. And if he snakes his way to the Final 2, I hope history repeats itself and he gets screwed and comes in 2nd - again. 25 Link to comment
Gemma Violet September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I loved the Jury House segment. It was nice to see Cody again, and Mark is as sweet as ever. 22 Link to comment
Jel September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Yes, you guys should have listened to Cody. Loved that. Also enjoyed Matt's lackluster reception. 13 Link to comment
wait.what September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 The sleeves, oh my.... My eyes, my eyes....... 20 Link to comment
alihart41 September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Still dead at Kevin's goodbye message to Matt. 21 Link to comment
PaperTree September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 What are those furry things attached to Julie's arms? Oh Raven, you too are playing a very lying and dirty game. Pot meet kettle, honey child. "I never said that" whoops. You did Jason, but so what. This veto fight is hilarious. Matt is such a crying whining baby child. Defending the grifter he loves! Scumbag Paul sees an opportunity to rope in the dying girl for a nimber. Really Matt. Stop with the whole manhood bullshit. You are the biggest wuss in the house. I'm surprised he didn't stop for a bowl of cereal during his whine fest. Jason did well. He tries but can't keep his story straight. Alex being vile as always, refusing to back up her punching bag. So Paulsputin then sends his idiot flying monkeys after Kevin. It is truly disgusting how this miserable little troll is running this mess. Nasty XMas wants Alex out. Good. When is this thing over??? A slow motion train wreck I am compelled to watch. Jury house! Yeah! Elena looks good. Cody knows what's going on. Deadpan humor at it's finest. Mark is so cool. Always the happy puppy. Onward to the eviction. Go fuck yourself Matt. (You'll have to for at least a week.) I guess after all the blowjobs Raven deserved that tongue bath on live TV. I hope you are shunned in JH and choke on some Fruit Loops. Raven's speech was the ultimate of gross. That whole exit sequence was revolting. Matt grovels to Julie. Surprise! He wants in on the Arkansassy griftin' fortune. "Her first tattoo" Gag me with a spoon! Julie asked the obligatory questions and got exactly the answers she wanted. Snoooooze. 3 more weeks! 3 more weeks! 3 more weeks! I'm not sure I can handle all the excitement...................... Rain Delay? I assume Los Angeles could always use some rain in the summer but wow. 11 Link to comment
Mnemosyne September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Loved Kevin's goodbye to Matt. He wasn't worth more than that. I felt for poor Julie trying to interview Matt. The casting department for this show is horrid. Loved seeing Mark and Cody again, but I still don't buy that Elena has any feelings for Mark. 6 Link to comment
Artsda September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Julie went way to easy on Matt, she didn't ask him anything difficult at all. Loved the jury house segment. 6 Link to comment
Mumbles September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 It never ceases to amaze me how these people get very outraged when one of the players actually tries to PLAY the GAME. Like, how outraged they got because Kevin is friendly to people on the block. And they always set Josh off, and he works himself into a frenzy to the point of tears. As much as I hate Alex, I hope she or Kevin win the HoH. 3 Link to comment
Diana Berry September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Please let Kevin get hoh 13 Link to comment
Eolivet September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 4 minutes ago, PaperTree said: Jason did well. He tries but can't keep his story straight. Which was what caused this whole problem. Ugh, that was frustrating. Jason said himself he didn't say more than 68 words to them. So why make up a lie? The thing is, it totally served Paul's agenda, because he wants the couples to start "shooting at each other," but not Jason's. I get why he wouldn't put Kevin up, because he didn't trust his "allies" not to vote him out (and I don't blame him), but say "I don't know you that well, it's a game" and be done with it. This isn't Survivor where the jury questions are going to be "Name me three things you learned about me." These people live together for ... way too long, and their questions are all stupidly scripted. They might even respect you for being honest. Jason could've even fluffed their egos a bit -- "you guys are a duo, you're strong players, I have to split you up, it's nothing personal." Instead of just ... being all fake friendly to them and then stabbing them in the back (as they perceived it). I usually think Big Brother fights are stupid and overblown, but boy, Jason -- you walked into that one. Just don't lie when you don't have to. It's not that freaking hard! 5 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 11 minutes ago, Artsda said: Julie went way to easy on Matt, she didn't ask him anything difficult at all. Loved the jury house segment. It started off strong, and I had high expectations that it would be just as brutal as Mark's exit interview but...I definitely felt empty after it ended. On the plus side, we got an excellent jury segment and an excellent goodbye message from Kevin. 3 Link to comment
backformore September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) Once again - Paul whispers about how KEVIN is trying to be friendly to those on the block, and has an ulterior motive - to win the jury votes. this is what Paul is doing, but he plants the seed with the others that Kevin is being "shady". (being nice = shady, especially is it might help you win, I guess) Then Josh and Christmas follow the direction and begin to terrorize Kevin. Really - "Hey Kev, is it hot? are you going swimming?" "Yeah, Christmas, how about you? you going swimming?" followed by - WHAT!?!?! Are you messing with me?? How can you ask that?!?!?!?! I heard you! don't lie! you asked her if she was going swimming! It's like they don't understand, they can get somebody out by voting them out. No need to humiliate, shame, bully. Except that's what Paul wants. He wants the jury members to hate whoever is in the final 2 with him. Edited September 1, 2017 by backformore 15 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) 14 minutes ago, Eolivet said: Jason -- you walked into that one. Just don't lie when you don't have to. It's not that freaking hard! I totally agree with you on this he as Josh would say "played himself". But first... What in the flying world of fucks was Julie wearing!?! Did she lose a bet?? That was so hideous it looks like it was made by someone from Project Runway in, like, an hour. I can understand Matt losing his shit over Jason's lying/backpeddling claiming not to have ever told them they were pawns in a backdoor plan. For a guy who faces down bulls for a living he's surprisingly horrrrrible under pressure. I can't f'ing believe that both Paul and Alex were wearing their pool floaties. Paul, last year is over. Alex was even worse with the hat on hers. Of course she wanna be jus like her hero Paul... *retch* ETA: I had forgotten just how gimongous Elana's boobs are. That aside, I still don't think Mark is anything but her 'buddy'. Likewise, Raven was riding that 'he's my best friend ' thing pretty hard and saying she'll miss her 'cuddle buddy'. Way to be noncommittal on the romance there Raven. I love when showmances say 'We'll see what happens outside of the house'. Oh, and the 'rain delay' reminds me of 'LA Story' where Steve Martin records his weather segment ahead of time and that's the day it rains in LA. Edited September 1, 2017 by Wandering Snark 7 Link to comment
backformore September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) Julie apparently has embraced the new style of "bell sleeves" that are the most impractical, ugly fashion I've seen recently. It's even replaced, for me, the "cold shoulder" trend. Bell Sleeves will end up filthy if you work at a desk, they will interfere with any writing, they'll get hooked at door latches and in car doors, and, don't go near a gas flame when you wear them. back to the game - why do these people think that everyone is obligated to disclose how they voted? And how is everyone supposed to be "loyal" to everyone else? do they realize that they are all playing against each other? Edited September 1, 2017 by backformore 14 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 So that's what that abomination is called? Do they usually not match? That is wayy worse than the rampant 'sleevelet' tops on the BiP women! 6 minutes ago, backformore said: And how is everyone supposed to be "loyal" to everyone else? do they realize that they are all playing against each other? It's a critical semantic differnece, as I think they would all say they are playing the game with each other, not against each other. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post helpmerhonda September 1, 2017 Popular Post Share September 1, 2017 (edited) I'm sorry Josh, but you don't get to scream at somebody and "call them out," then cry when someone screams at you in response. Edited September 1, 2017 by helpmerhonda 26 Link to comment
PaperTree September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 39 minutes ago, Artsda said: Julie went way to easy on Matt, she didn't ask him anything difficult at all. Loved the jury house segment. She knew it was pointless to even try. She played nice just to get it over with. 2 Link to comment
North of Eden September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) Julie was a bit infuriating tonight...does she not realize what bad form it is to bring up the penalty vote and not tell what he DID? And who in the world told her it would be a good idea to show up with Pom Poms attached to her wrists. Lastlly you could see she was trying to make the best of interviewing a big lump of clay like Matt and was indcredulous he would throw away a half million for a roll in the hay. Matt was describing Raven's game play from some alternate universe. Ha! Where was this Kevin and Matt with fire in their bellies the entire summer? Oh, that's right....they don't have Cody and Jess taking fire to hide behind so they actively have to get involved in the actual game Speaking of Cody...I truly love how he despises these people and doesn't pretend that everything is cool, let's be friends, its only a game. With that said it will be painful to watch him put Paul's key in the box to win because there simply will be no other choice because nobody will play for themselves. Also love how Josh has no idea Christmas is playing him like a sock puppet in order to insure she's up against a goat on the chance that it's her sitting next to him on finale night instead of Paul. I so loved Alex in June now...she's just so pitiful that she is aping Paul by wearing a stupid rubber duck...her running to put it on coming back from commercial break was just pathetic. It will be grand moment when she gets on the block and realized Paul is doing nothing to save her. Edited September 1, 2017 by North of Eden 11 Link to comment
Blissfool September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 1 hour ago, PaperTree said: Matt is such a crying whining baby child. Defending the grifter he loves! Ummm...Matt never used the word "love" when referring to Raven. He did use it when talking about cereal, though. He's really bad at interpreting Raven's gameplay and the audience's perception of her. 4 Link to comment
RandomWatcher September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Double eviction next Thursday. I hope these people grow a brain and get out Paul 7 Link to comment
Ivana Tinkle September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Julie, I like that you snagged both your sleeves on your way out the door and improvised by throwing some lamp shades on in their place. That's some clever DIY shit right there. 19 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Wow, Matt said more in the first ten minutes than he's said the whole season. Guess it really upset him to realize he was about to be separated from his live sex toy. Cody's a tad bitter, huh? Gee, if only everyone had marched in lockstep to your command. If only they'd all fallen prostrate at your superior gameplay. Yeah, hope that ego keeps you comfy at night. 6 Link to comment
HurricaneVal September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Poor Julie. I don't know how the BB wardrobe department could have missed all that dryer lint stuck to her sleeves. What a trooper, she bravely soldiered on like nothing was amiss! 18 Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) Nice to see Cody still has no self-awareness. No, you weren't right about voting out Christmas, you were wrong about blindsiding your alliance in the first week so none of them trusted you anymore. That's why your game went down the toilet. But he'll probably go to his grave still thinking none of that was his fault. Do not miss him at all! Funny how him and Elena both were annoyed that Mark hugged people on his way out. Being a decent human being who understands it's just a game is just not in Cody's programming. Just once I want someone to call out the whiny hypocrites in the house. Happens every season, people bitching about others doing the exact same things they've done. When Matt and Raven were throwing their little hissy fit about how Jason should have been a man and told them the truth, I wish he'd responded "You mean like when you were a man and told Jessica that you weren't going to vote out Josh? OH WAIT..." They're going to be in for a big shock when they discover that Raven isn't America's Sweetheart and that most people can't stand her. Tonight was the first time I felt a little dislike for Kevin. He bitches about the others being liars but then becomes livid when Josh calls him out on the $25000 AND he continues to lie about it. It wouldn't have bugged me that much if there'd been a DR where he was like "Oh shit. They caught me so I had to pretend I was pissed off." But, nope, he was genuinely angry. Of course, he made up for it with that awesome goodbye message! Edited September 1, 2017 by Rachel RSL 6 Link to comment
jumper sage September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Raven the grifter - I think she is. Why would she play in the butter/slide comp? If she truly has machinery inside her abdomen then I would think falling on it hard would be a no no. She fell very hard many times. I looked up her gofundme page and she only has 4k in donations. Looks like the word is out and online there is something about her mother terrorizing anyone who disputes the scam. Matt - could not have looked more stupid if he tried. Does no one want to win for themselves? You know what is sexy to the opposite sex? 1/2 million! Someone above mentioned that Matt just may go along for the scam himself. Maybe, but I don't think Matt is living in the real world. She kept him busy (puke) and he fell for it. Remember the old days? Someone would just stand up and blow up everyone's game. I need that right now. This whole thing of apathy is sooooooo disappointing. 13 Link to comment
MarysWetBar September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 34 minutes ago, Ivana Tinkle said: Julie, I like that you snagged both your sleeves on your way out the door and improvised by throwing some lamp shades on in their place. That's some clever DIY shit right there. And here i thought she threw the clothes outta the washer into the dryer right before she left the house and didn't realize she dragged her sleeves thru the lint trap! 4 Link to comment
Gemma Violet September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 34 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said: Poor Julie. I don't know how the BB wardrobe department could have missed all that dryer lint stuck to her sleeves. What a trooper, she bravely soldiered on like nothing was amiss! You gave me my laugh for the night. lol 2 Link to comment
mertensia September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I'm guessing wardrobe hates this season and was getting back at Julie. It was nice to see Cody and Elena just sitting relaxing by the pool. I wonder how much it was raining that they had to postpone the comp. A drizzle? A downpour? 1 Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 7 hours ago, North of Eden said: Julie was a bit infuriating tonight...does she not realize what bad form it is to bring up the penalty vote and not tell what he DID? She did. She made it clear he got a penalty vote for breaking the Have Not rules by eating. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post? 4 Link to comment
North of Eden September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 27 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: I understand that if house guest's did nothing but. made and ate s'mores, played Scrabble, and sung Kumbaya, 24/7, that most people wouldn't watch. So, I can't get all that angry when these house guests rip each other to shreds. That said, I just think there needs to be a time out room and perhaps a snowflake room where people can go when things get too heated. Now that was SEASON 1 in a nutshell and exactly why it got revamped. Especially taking America's ability to vote away since they voted out the most controversial characters first and left the producers nothing to work with but a house of boring dullards. The epitome of that was when I think Brittany was allowed to tell Josh? in a video link with Julie that people were lying to him and he just sat there smiling blandly and did nothing with the information. Link to comment
ghoulina September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Welllll.....that fight was a letdown. Partly because Matt is a lame, smile-fighter. And partly because Jason is just so dur, dur, dur. He's lucky he can win comps, because he has NO game. He is so inarticulate, can't read a room, is not quick thinking, has no poker face. It's not fun to watch. It's just pathetic. Then you got Josh flipping out for no discernible reason one minute, and sobbing in the backyard the next. He's a hot mess. First of all, who CARES if Kevin is courting jury votes? He has literally nothing else to bank on. He's never won a comp, he hasn't made any moves. Might as well butter people up before they go off to jury. I always roll my eyes when people express outrage over others playing the game. But then.....he didn't even "call Kevin out" about that, as he said he was going to. He just flipped out over Christmas being asked if she was going in the pool and it was one of the more nonsensical fights of the season. Lord, these people. Don't care that Matt's gone. He and Raven are the oddest couple ever. Maybe now someone else can eat some cereal. I want to see Alex gone next. I think I dislike her the most. 16 Link to comment
ghoulina September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: I can't f'ing believe that both Paul and Alex were wearing their pool floaties. Paul, last year is over. Alex was even worse with the hat on hers. Of course she wanna be jus like her hero Paul... *retch* I'm used to Paul, and his dumb floaties, by now. The fact that Alex is trying to go that route as well just makes me hate her even more. She's such a follower, who THINKS she's original. 15 Link to comment
Pondlass1 September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 10 hours ago, backformore said: And how is everyone supposed to be "loyal" to everyone else? do they realize that they are all playing against each other? They all (except Paul, of course) need to be individually taken to the DR and have the rules of the game explained to them again. It's all about lies, backstabbing and treachery people! Why do they get so huffy? All Jason had to say was 'it's a game, folks, it's why people watch'. (I'm guessing Julie somehow lost her favourite sleeves and they were found in the BB toilet or garbage during veto search.) 3 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I had my eyes WIDE OPEN hoping to see anything good in Cody that I may have missed while he was in the house. I got nothing. I simply can't fathom still hating people even after you've stepped back, taken a breath & reminded yourself it's just a game. I was so disappointed that when he & Elena ridiculed Mark for being... I don't know... human? Mature? Civil? - Mark didn't defend his himself for not personally despising everyone who lasted longer in the game than he did. He caved to Cody & Elena's pressure to act like everyone else is in all ways inferior to them. You've showed you're a good person, Mark... don't let the robot shame you for it! I would never have figured out that Alex was the mystery Matt vote based on the info Christmas had. I thought that was some really good connecting of dots. Matt, Matt, Matt. Remember the good old days last week when you were just a cereal-eating non-entity? Wish we could go back. 6 Link to comment
laurakaye September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I actually fell asleep after I heard the satisfyingly bland applause from the studio audience upon Matt's boot. What a waste of casting space. And oxygen. Jason, don't attempt to get into a verbal altercation with anyone until Paul and Alex give you back your brain. You sounded like a stammering idiot. I am in 100% agreement that the editing crew, disgusted at having to watch these jerkweeds 24/7, concocted a brilliant scheme to have a bumbling intern spill grape juice on Julie's gorgeous white couture dress 60 seconds before airtime, upon which her stylist, also in on the scheme, grabbed the closet outfit she could - which just happened to be a blouse made of a recycled picnic tablecloth and an itchy wool sweater knitted by someone's Aunt Gertrude. I kept hoping Julie would drop her notecards because she couldn't see her hands. 5 Link to comment
illini1959 September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 12 hours ago, Ananayel said: What in the fresh hell was Julie wearing? My EXACT words last night. 4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: 11 hours ago, North of Eden said: Julie was a bit infuriating tonight...does she not realize what bad form it is to bring up the penalty vote and not tell what he DID? 4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: She did. She made it clear he got a penalty vote for breaking the Have Not rules by eating. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post? See, unless I'm really just missing something, all summer I've never known WHO the Have Nots WERE or how they got to BE Have Nots :/ Allllll this fighting/getting in each other's face/cussing each other out - most of the time for NO reason - has GOT to be producer driven. How else could they act like that, then at eviction its all I love you hug hug hug kiss kiss kiss miss you blah blah puke. I know it's not "reality", but I think they could back off of that some and not encourage that much fighting. I kept thinking "why, again, am I watching this?" And if Josh is like that at ALL in real life, gets in people's faces then cries like a little girl later, he's gonna have a hard road ahead in his life. Just sayin. 7 Link to comment
Pondlass1 September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 2 minutes ago, illini1959 said: See, unless I'm really just missing something, all summer I've never known WHO the Have Nots WERE or how they got to BE Have Nots :/ Me neither. The editing this season sucks. 6 Link to comment
candall September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) 4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: She did. She made it clear he got a penalty vote for breaking the Have Not rules by eating. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post? I started with this show because I thought it would be interesting to watch people locked in a closed environment for a long time and required to conspire against each other. Dividing those people even further by designating "privileged" and "deprived" was a brilliant way to make the dynamics even more intense. But they rarely even MENTION the "have-not" element, let alone make it any part of the story. I don't even know how it works! Why not spend more time on that angle and less time showing people getting ketchup squirted crotchward or canoodling adorably in a hammock. Maybe the whole "Have Not" thing is simply not very important to the hamsters? I'd think it would be so boring in there that cooking food/eating food/quality of food would be a very big deal. Edited September 1, 2017 by candall 4 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) Matt ia going to be shocked when he finds out America doesn't see Raven and her pacemaker like he does. Could you imagine if every person who had a knee replacement, or hip replacement or whatever all mentioned it all the time like Raven? I also said, what the hell, Julie? When I saw those sleeves. Josh can shut up. No sympathy here. He starts that shit all the time, and then plays the victim. Go Kevin. I'm glad he stood up for himself. You could see the moment he got pissed off. He tried to stay cool. Alex and the floaty and cat ears....dumb. Paul gets mad that Kevin wants jury votes. He is doing the same thing Paul is. So why is that wrong? Shut up, Paul!! 2 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said: 2 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said: Edited September 1, 2017 by Cherry Cola Whoops. Quoted myself. 2 Link to comment
eskimo September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) 9 hours ago, candall said: I started with this show because I thought it would be interesting to watch people locked in a closed environment for a long time and required to conspire against each other. Same here, but I didn't think it would evolve into a version of the 'Stanford Prison Experiment' in the way that it has. Edited September 2, 2017 by eskimo it's Stanford, not Sanford 3 Link to comment
cartoqueen September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I'm pretty sure the BB wardrobe department gathered all of Matt's hair that got caught in the shower drain all season and attached it to Julie's sleeves. 5 Link to comment
ghoulina September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 2 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Josh dishes it out, but can't take it. I don't think Christmas is doing Josh any favors by comforting him when he runs off and cries. I think the problem with Josh, is that someone is always there to cushion his fall. Maybe what he needs is to sit and cry alone for awhile without anyone comforting him. I still don't think he should have ever been cast for this show. When this season ends, they need to change the voting procedure so that the jury has the right not to vote for either of the two remaining house guests. If more people abstain, than vote, then declare no winner and give the money to charity. Preferably, one of those wild animal or pet adoption charities. I agree with you on both counts. Josh is incredibly unstable. I think a lot of the comforting, at least at first, was done because people were scared what would happen if he sat alone and cried for awhile. I would be! And your idea is genius! The option not to vote. I like it. Maybe more people would show up ready to play. 1 hour ago, candall said: I started with this show because I thought it would be interesting to watch people locked in a closed environment for a long time and required to conspire against each other. Dividing those people even further by designating "privileged" and "deprived" was a brilliant way to make the dynamics even more intense. But they rarely even MENTION the "have-not" element, let alone make it any part of the story. I don't even know how it works! Why not spend more time on that angle and less time showing people getting ketchup squirted crotchward or canoodling adorably in a hammock. Maybe the whole "Have Not" thing is simply not very important to the hamsters? I'd think it would be so boring in there that cooking food/eating food/quality of food would be a very big deal. In the earlier seasons, the Have/Have-not thing was a much bigger deal. We knew who was who every week. We knew exactly what the parameters were. There was at one point voting, to determine which foods they COULD have. I also remember, back in the day, there were food comps to EARN food for the house. I don't know how they do it know, but it appears these hamsters give out actual shopping lists, the way Matt was always scarfing down the cereal. 5 Link to comment
butterbody September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 The minute I saw Julie's sleeves, I thought "oooh I can't wait to get to the PTV forum!!!" I miss the have not stuff, too. There was always a fun competition and I liked when the viewers could vote on what they could eat in addition to slop. It was always some silly alliteration like 'scrapple and squid ink". Sometimes the hamsters would get very clever with their concoctions. 9 Link to comment
rockibirdi September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 I am watching the show from last night and I wish Jason would have stood up for himself. Jason: You are HOH, you won POV- you can do what ever you want. It's a game! I detest Matt and Raven. What a couple of whiners. Paul is something else- always working everyone. Smart, I guess! 4 Link to comment
rockibirdi September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 (edited) OMG- The fight between Kevin and Josh- I could not stand being in the BB house with these people. What a bunch of unlikable characters. Edited September 1, 2017 by rockibirdi 5 Link to comment
MMLEsq September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 Watching Christmas and Josh is like watching a mom handle a toddler who is having a meltdown. When Christmas told Josh to go sit in the corner of the lawn and face away from the house so that no one else could see he was crying, I turned to my 13-year-old daughter and said, "She put him in a time out!" 18 Link to comment
LGGirl September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 The more I watch Josh, the more I believe he's has some mental deficiencies. Christmas knows it. She treats him like he does. It's kind of sick that Paul uses Josh to start drama. Cody for AFP. That will blow Paul and his minions' minds. 6 Link to comment
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