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Darcey & Jesse: Cougar Town

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 Are we sure she was actually able to scrape up enough for the trip? I’m very worried about her. When she was checking into the hotel in Nigeria, she mentioned that she was nervous about her credit card getting rejected. She said she might have to use two cards. 

There might be some D in Nigeria, but she really couldn’t afford it.

Lol wrong thread of couple. Unless Darcy also went to Nigeria in her desperate attempt to be little baby Darcy, gag. But yes I also heard Angela say she used more than one cc. Sad. 

  • Love 1

I feel bad for Darcey. someone emotionally ruined her at a young age and now she is so insecure.
Jesse has to be a serial killer. he is so controlling and speaks about their relationship with such detachment. His year or whatever in the military did bot do this to him.

Drinking game: every time jesse says BEAUTIFUL take a shot. Two shots gor his fake over the top OH MY GOD and kissing Darcey. Forgive my typing I just got a pounding headache.

I wanted to add his parents: betsey johnson and david lee roth pretending to be dutch.

Edited by pollywood
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, pollywood said:

I feel bad for Darcey. someone emotionally ruined her at a young age and now she is so insecure.
Jesse has to be a serial killer. he is so controlling and speaks about their relationship with such detachment. His year or whatever in the military did bot do this to him.

Drinking game: every time jesse says BEAUTIFUL take a shot. Two shots gor his fake over the top OH MY GOD and kissing Darcey. Forgive my typing I just got a pounding headache.

I wanted to add his parents: betsey johnson and david lee roth pretending to be dutch.

I don't think that he's a psycho. The two of them are a horrible match. He wants to be active, get out in the world and project a hip and cool persona at all costs  . Darcey wants to look in the mirror, do her lame and talentless vanity projects, ramble on about how her kids are everything as she ditches them to chase going D, drink wine and beat up her sister. Darcy is the one with the.assault conviction. Remember that the producers have so.much power in their editing 

  • Love 19

I just can't with them anymore, the nit-picking & constant bickering and fighting is exhausting to me as a viewer. The Bratz dolls  Silva sisters can barley stand each other, I noticed how Stacy was pushing onto Jesse how much nicer SHE is compared to Darcy, almost like she was trying to sell herself.  Also, I wonder who made the change to their hair first and who copied who- maybe that was the cause of the smack down between the sisters, who knows.. 

  • Love 7

This is an extremely toxic relationship. She is hissing at him and seething most of the time, while he oozes contempt. But did you notice how he became very sweet with her when she was crying and begging him? Isn't that classic for an emotional abuser?

What a horrible example she's setting for her daughters. Hopefully they will grow up determined not to be like her.

  • Love 15

Geez - the Silva sandwich with Jesse filling.  So completely and utterly unenjoyable. I coulnd't wait for that segment to end.


The Silva sisters both talk/move with bird-like twitchiness, which drives me batty.  Plus, they both rest their chins on the back of their hands with their gross fake nails fluttering and their eyelids closing when they talk.  Klassy.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I just can't with them anymore, the nit-picking & constant bickering and fighting is exhausting to me as a viewer. The Bratz dolls  Silva sisters can barley stand each other, I noticed how Stacy was pushing onto Jesse how much nicer SHE is compared to Darcy, almost like she was trying to sell herself.  Also, I wonder who made the change to their hair first and who copied who- maybe that was the cause of the smack down between the sisters, who knows.. 

Totally agree!  Stacey makes me like Darcey a little bit (like 55%).  Stacey was condescending and criticized her in front of Jesse, in the hope of making herself look better than Darcey.  I hope she beat Stacey's ass in that fight. 

I'm sure conjoined twins have a better relationship than Darcey and Stacey.  They desperately need to depart each other's orbit and develop truly separate identities.  Based on personal experience and observation, when family members don't separate physically and emotionally, personal growth is stopped.  These two old broads catfighting to the point of getting arrested proves this point.  A similar altercation ensued between a mother and daughter I knew who lived together for several years.

I watched the "Twin Life" video which showed the twins' parents.  Their mother likened Stacey to their deceased adored brother, and said dismissively "Darcey is Darcey".  Seems like Darcey has been swimming against the current for a long time.  Team Darcey!  Dump these losers and live for yourself!

Contrary to popular opinion, I think Darcey is more attractive than chipmunk-cheeked Stacey, who is apparently a filler devotee and has an angry persona.

Edited by Guest
On 8/27/2018 at 6:52 AM, AZChristian said:

Nothing turns a 24-year-old guy on more than a 43-year-old woman in full make-up curled up in bed and sobbing, "I just want to be loved.  Pleeeease - I beg of you."


Worse yet, with a cameraman in the room !   

How can that even happen ?  And how can she show her face in public ever again.   

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I just listened to a very interesting interview with Jesse. If any of you listen to podcasts, it's the Reality Life with Kate Casey. This weeks episode featured an interview with Jesse, and while I still think he's a douche, it was interesting to hear his side. I'm not taking what he said as completely truthful, BUT some of it had a ring of truth. He said that he was on a networking app to promote his business, which he later admitted is also used for dating, and he said Darcy messaged him. He said they started chatting online and texting and very soon after, she pitched the 90 day fiance show and said that she had already been in contact with casting. He said that he found out later that she was talking to several men about the same thing. He didn't come right out and admit that he did it for exposure, but he said he did modeling and commercials, so whatever. He also said he was unaware that she had pitched another reality show and was almost on Millionaire Matchmater.

Anyway, Jesse said that in their talking, texting and exchanging information, she only sent him pictures that were at least 10-15 years old, so when he saw her at the Amsterdam airport he was shocked. Re: her drinking, he said that the first week she was with him in Amsterdam, he had to go to work every day so he left her in his apartment and she was going to explore the city. He claims that she got completely wasted 3 times that first week, so he would come home and she was drunk, and then they would start filming, that's why the dynamic was so negative. He said that one day, he got home and she wasn't there and never came back, so he and the producers had to call the police to help them find her and when she did show back up, she was wasted. He claims that's when he told her that she had a problem and maybe she shouldn't drink. It wasn't after the first time she took a drink, it was the third time she got drunk in  matter of days. He also said that the day they went to meet his parents, he got home from work and she was already drinking and he found that disrespectful as they were going to meet his family. He also said that when she showed him the ring and talked about getting married, he was totally taken aback, that no way did he think their relationship was in that place. He also thinks she was damaged by earlier relationships, and the dynamic between her and her sister is crazy. 

He couldn't be specific about where their relationship is or what is going to happen on the show because he is precluded by his contract with TLC. But it was pretty clear that they are not together and he doesn't want to be around her and he did come off like an asshole. He of course doesn't see it as controlling. Kate asked about him getting mad about Darcy not knowing landmarks in NY, and he claims she had been talking all about how she lived in NY at one time, etc etc, so the Kate gave him a test about his knowledge of Amsterdam and he failed, but he has a pea brain, so he didn't get the irony. 

Interesting. Kind of confirms that they're a couple of famewhores and unsympathetic douches, imo anyway. 

  • Love 16
On 8/31/2018 at 6:52 AM, poeticlicensed said:

He didn't come right out and admit that he did it for exposure, but he said he did modeling and commercials

I listened to this last night. He came across ok, but It would have helped if I didn't watch this Emmy award winning show.  How can he think his portrayal will be an asset to him. The greasy hair, crappy clothes, and then there is that pesky nasty attitude.   They were horrible together last season, and he signs up for round 2. Famewhore(s). Kate Casey is great. Enjoyed her Amsterdam quiz, and agree-the irony totally slid off his slick hair.


  • Love 5
On August 31, 2018 at 11:44 AM, libgirl2 said:

I remember hearing this the first season of Before the 90 Days.... 

I remember hearing the same thing. He made such a scene on the show where all the couples were on together I was surprised that they were still together ( after that stomp out and yelling.)   If that's what you call it.. Together in a realign ship. 

Moat  floral shops  where I was at designer we  would save peddles of mature roses then  it got easier /?cheaper just ordering them from the wholesaler. I think some people think you are getting oing to take a dozen roses that cost $75. And tear them apart. 

Ricky 's new girl had a country look about her but I was surprised she slept with him right out of the gate? Does he think she's blown over by his good looks and romantic gestures? No remember he opened the car door for his daughter and later saying he's teaching her men treat women.  Hmmmmmmm

  • Love 2
On 8/31/2018 at 6:52 AM, poeticlicensed said:

[Jesse] He said that he was on a networking app to promote his business, which he later admitted is also used for dating, and he said Darcy messaged him. He said they started chatting online and texting and very soon after, she pitched the 90 day fiance show and said that she had already been in contact with casting. He said that he found out later that she was talking to several men about the same thing. He didn't come right out and admit that he did it for exposure, but he said he did modeling and commercials, so whatever. He also said he was unaware that she had pitched another reality show and was almost on Millionaire Matchmater.

As if I didn't already loathe Darcey, I find out that all of this is in pursuit of celebrity, and she's dragging her poor kids along with her.  At least Jesse's affecting only himself, so I'm going to have to be Team Jesse all the way.

  • Love 6

I still don't understand why Darcey didn't just use this guy as a "get her groove back" affair. He isn't marriage material. He doesn't want a partner.  He can't even take a simple question (ie did you put rub on the steak) without getting upset.

Really, Darcey should have just had a fun vacation with him when she visited him in Amsterdam, had a little love affair, and then just have a sweet fond memory of him. 

There is still time, Darcey. This guy isn't your partner. Just have some fun, and then let him go. 

Edited by nenya
  • Love 8

Just stumbled across this...


On 9/3/2018 at 5:27 PM, Horrified said:

To mangle a quote from the great Dr. Will on Big Brother circa 2001 (back when reality shows were good), those two "don't have issues, they have a whole subscription!"

Gotta love Dr. Will, the P.T. Barnum of Reality Television...

To mangle something else he said, I still remember him in kicking back in the hot tub after arranging a sequence of events. He looked into the camera and said, "Who is producing this show? I AM!" 

  • Love 16
14 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't know if anyone here listens to Auntie's Advice, but she said that someone has reported to her that Darcey rented the house because she no longer has custody of her daughters. Auntie was clear on the fact that she didn't have confirmation of this. If it's true, it's really sad.

It wouldn’t be surprising if true. She was really trying to overcompensate during that steak-a-roni disaster. Which totally jibes with Jesse’s description of her trying to portray herself as the perfect mom in that moment.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't know if anyone here listens to Auntie's Advice, but she said that someone has reported to her that Darcey rented the house because she no longer has custody of her daughters. Auntie was clear on the fact that she didn't have confirmation of this. If it's true, it's really sad.

I don't know anything about the house but I thought Darcey kind of intimated that she doesn't have at least residential custody of her kids in the first season she aired on.  She made a comment about how she only has her kids every other weekend or something but they got to stay with her the week or so before she left for Amsterdam.   I could be way off on this but I really do think I remember something like this happening.  

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't know if anyone here listens to Auntie's Advice, but she said that someone has reported to her that Darcey rented the house because she no longer has custody of her daughters. Auntie was clear on the fact that she didn't have confirmation of this. If it's true, it's really sad.

She lives somewhere though. Maybe the place is a mess? Or too small to fit her image? Or her sister would be lounging around in lingerie all day trying to catch Jesse's eye? 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, spankydoll said:

She lives somewhere though. Maybe the place is a mess? Or too small to fit her image? Or her sister would be lounging around in lingerie all day trying to catch Jesse's eye? 

I remember the 1st season she was on, looked like her sister and her shared a condo and I remember she was driving a Range Rover - now in this season she has a midsize car-what happened to the RR ?  I know she said that the girls dad lived about an hour or so away I believe.  I don't recall anything about the girls not living with her full time. Looks like Stacey is also divorced and I think she has 2 sons - I wonder if these sisters are sane enough to have full custodyimage.png.3abe887e4a478e64895fc837710258ac.png

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
forgot train of thought
  • Love 13

She and her sister share a condo.  I think we saw it during the first season, before she left for Amsterdam.  I've always suspected that Darcy does not have primary custody of the girls.  I think they likely spend more time with their dad.  Hopefully he's more emotionally stable 'cause she's a mess and you can tell her daughters are used to her hysterics.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Peper81 said:

I don't know anything about the house but I thought Darcey kind of intimated that she doesn't have at least residential custody of her kids in the first season she aired on.  She made a comment about how she only has her kids every other weekend or something but they got to stay with her the week or so before she left for Amsterdam.   I could be way off on this but I really do think I remember something like this happening.  


2 hours ago, spankydoll said:

She lives somewhere though. Maybe the place is a mess? Or too small to fit her image? Or her sister would be lounging around in lingerie all day trying to catch Jesse's eye? 


38 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

She and her sister share a condo.  I think we saw it during the first season, before she left for Amsterdam.  I've always suspected that Darcy does not have primary custody of the girls.  I think they likely spend more time with their dad.  Hopefully he's more emotionally stable 'cause she's a mess and you can tell her daughters are used to her hysterics.

I didn’t follow last season but I assumed Darcy didn’t have primary custody for her daughters. Just the things she said etc made it seemed like they lived with their Dad full time (in a near by metro area) and visited her or maybe stayed over sometimes (hence not having enough room). 

I also don’t think Darcy’s girls look older than their years. Remember puberty and growth spurts hit different for each kid, their faces still look very youthful and their bodies pubescent- they are just TALLER in the middle of gaining the weight most girls do during puberty. I would’ve figured them 12-14 and they are 11/13 so that sounds right. 

  • Love 1

I think I read somewhere that her husband and the twin's husband were to be on the show they pitched a while back about these funster twins. Fortunately someone had the sense to kill that dream.  

Weird thing about her is that she may have shopped for a warm body to have on this show and yet she seems rather proud of herself for bagging a young one and seems genuinely hurt when he didn't think an engagement ring was a good idea, calls her out for being a wingnut, etc.  Disappointed that they allow these two clowns to come on just to fight. Last season should've been enough. 

  • Love 3
On 8/27/2018 at 4:17 AM, pollywood said:

I feel bad for Darcey. someone emotionally ruined her at a young age and now she is so insecure.
Jesse has to be a serial killer. he is so controlling and speaks about their relationship with such detachment. His year or whatever in the military did bot do this to him.

Drinking game: every time jesse says BEAUTIFUL take a shot. Two shots gor his fake over the top OH MY GOD and kissing Darcey. Forgive my typing I just got a pounding headache.

I wanted to add his parents: betsey johnson and david lee roth pretending to be dutch.

Exactly!! Jesse is someone she needs to run away from not go toward. I can see him being physically abusive at some point. Darcey may be a mess, but Jesse is a narsacisst through and through!!

  • Love 4

I hate almost everything about Jesse. I think he’s a truly shitty narcissistic monster, but I also think Darcey is an alcoholic, or at least on her to becoming one, and I can see that Jesse recognizes that and in his own emotionally disenfranchised way is lashing out and and trying to draw attention to it while reminding everyone she’s wonderful. (He’s not. We see your desperation, asshole). Is Darcey going to honestly reflect and seek help for her issues? No fricken way. The best can hope for is these two famewhores stay far away from each other and devote their energies to the people who love them. 

1 minute ago, prickle bush said:

I hate almost everything about Jesse. I think he’s a truly shitty narcissistic monster, but I also think Darcey is an alcoholic, or at least on her to becoming one, and I can see that Jesse recognizes that and in his own emotionally disenfranchised way is lashing out and and trying to draw attention to it while reminding everyone he’s wonderful. (He’s not. We see your desperation, asshole). Is Darcey going to honestly reflect and seek help for her issues? No fricken way. The best can hope for is these two famewhores stay far away from each other and devote their energies to the people who love them. 

  • Love 4

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