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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Thank you, thank you.  I thought I was the only one seeing that hideous dress and shoes.  Also, I'm sorry, but she looks about 30.

What's disrespectful about it?

Masiah = Messiah probably seems disrespectful. (I thought it was kind of funny but posters do have a point)


eta: funky double post corrected...

Edited by Almost 3000
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I haven't seen Josiah in a while, and despite the receding hairline, he looks good!  Unlike the other Duggar males, he's improving with age.  The last time I remember noticing him, he had severe acne, was extremely awkward, and sobbing while rubbing the sore arm that Jim Bob twisted.  I don't want to jump into the whole debate, but this courtship just seems over the top in how hard it's being pushed.  I hope it's not the Duggars reacting to gossip.  What a crappy thing to do to a seventeen and eighteen year old.

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I guess "Mariah" is a done deal, but I like "Marsiah". It's not a name on it's own, it includes Siah so it's immediately apparent who we're talking about, and it's just catchier, I think. Could we have a poll? 

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I thought Masiah was hilarious as well and it saddens me to see the thread title changed.


Wedding bells on the chalkboard!?!!  Yikes.


Marjorie reminds me of Rachel Berry from Glee and Josiah reminds me of Kurt.

Edited by CofCinci
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I guess "Mariah" is a done deal, but I like "Marsiah". It's not a name on it's own, it includes Siah so it's immediately apparent who we're talking about, and it's just catchier, I think. Could we have a poll? 

Plus it seems like we'll be able to avoid the inevitable "Who is Mariah?" questions, since Mariah is an actual name. I think Marsiah makes it clearer who we are talking about.

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Regardless of being outgoing, Marjorie's family is still Fundie. If they weren't they wouldn't be friends with the Duggars. If her parents really wanted the best for her they'd be sending her to college or a performing arts school, not shipping her off to get married at 17. To me they're just another version of the Seewalds.

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Personally, I like the ____________? myself! I find the poll hilarious but I will say that I got a few nice messages thanking me for changing the title from Masiah to Mariah and I was sad that I couldn't take credit for any of the title edits! I just made the first post, so the title is completely out of my hands. It'll be interesting to see what wins.

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Just saw the courtship announcement…. man, Marjorie is the over the top, always on, kind of kid I can't stand. I hope she tones that down real quick or she's going to get super annoying super fast. On the plus side, I bet Michelle hates her and that kinda makes me smile.

I hope she doesn't tone it down, this family could use some spunk! I hadn't thought of Michelle hating her, now really looking forward to some new episodes. I bet high school cheerleader Michelle was a lot like her.

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I'm not sure how Michelle will respond to Marjorie. I think there is a chance they might get along. Maybe Michelle could teach her a few cheers since she's homeschooled too. They could start a whole Duggar cheer squad for Jesus with Michelle, Marjorie, Joy, and Johannah (and anyone else interested). As long as Michelle gets to be head cheerleader, I think she would love this.

Edited by Temperance
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I don't see Marjorie's perkiness as cheerleader type. She really seems theatre to me. There is a pretty big difference between the personality of a theatre kid and a cheerleader. To me she seems smart, confident, and outgoing. And I hope she stays that way.

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I am perturbed by the poll...like what? LOL! I blame whoever coined Brangelina for this need to merge couple names.

Before Brangelina, there was Bennifer. Anyway, I thought the celebrity couple name smush had seen its day.

Never thought I'd see a Duggar paired off with a theater kid...not prior to leaving the fold, anyway. I'd like to think this courtship came about because Josiah had been sneaking around to see her, willfully side hugging and holding hands behind Jim Bob's back, and this was a way to make it respectable among their circle. One of the Bates kids confessed to kissing before marriage: that would make a juicy very special episode of 19 Kids and Counting if it happened with one of the Duggarlings. But Jim Bob and Michelle might see it as the beginning of the end.

Edited by Dejana
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I've never liked hanging around theater kids. The ones at my high school were, to put it bluntly, obnoxious as hell. But as long as I don't have to personally deal with them, IDGAF. Marjorie can be the next Rachel Berry for all I care. And a theater kid personality just might be the thing to inject some life into the Duggar dullards. 

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I love that he found himself a campy little theater girl. it just seems right. He was always one of the kids I liked and felt for. I just hope they can do them as much as possible and not take the internet slaying too personally. 

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Also, just an FYI for everyone here LGBT people don't live a lifestyle we just live lives (I'm a lesbian BTW).


Understood - I was brain tired, and couldn't come up with the proper terminology.

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One thing about theater that makes me excited about Marjorie is that it is nearly impossible to be interested in theater or be on stage without an imagination. Not only that people interested in theater tend to love to be imaginative. Since we know imagination has been stifled horribly in the Duggar household I love the thought of them being around an imaginative and creative person.

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I've never liked hanging around theater kids. The ones at my high school were, to put it bluntly, obnoxious as hell. But as long as I don't have to personally deal with them, IDGAF. Marjorie can be the next Rachel Berry for all I care. And a theater kid personality just might be the thing to inject some life into the Duggar dullards. 


Yes, there were definitely "theater kids" at my high school who had a bit of trouble distinguishing between on-stage and off. I like to see the "big personality" onstage. When it's appropriate at least. But give it a rest when you're off-stage, kids. No one's lining up for your autograph yet.

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Cheerleaders HATE theatre kids in traditional high school set ups. That wasn't my high school, and we all know it doesn't apply to these kids, but I bet it applies to Michelle. After all, she is still defining herself by high school.

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This thread reminds me that high-school stereotypes are alive and well in the adult world.

They never die.  I joined an alumni FB group for my high school.  Not because I really care (High School wasn't good for me or my friends) but rather because I thought some people I lost touch with may show up.  Instead, the group is full of people who graduated pre-1980 (a good 10 years before we did), and they have no interest interacting with us.  They were all pitching a fit about a new school being built (the old one is 100 years old, and hasn't been adequate since the mid 80's), yet none have kids in the district, and few pay taxes to the district. Several of us spoke up in favor, and were quickly smacked down, and told we were "bitter" and "hateful" (because they want their kids to have a school that isn't falling apart?).  One of the ones who spoke in favor of it was a kid I graduated with.  They were pretty mercilessly hating on him big-time, and then one added "Gee.  Guess you never left high school like some of us did.".  Pot calling kettle....line two.

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Regardless of being outgoing, Marjorie's family is still Fundie. If they weren't they wouldn't be friends with the Duggars. If her parents really wanted the best for her they'd be sending her to college or a performing arts school, not shipping her off to get married at 17. To me they're just another version of the Seewalds.

Derrick and Ben aren't fundie.

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They are both very Fundy. Derick's mother is Fundy-lite, and he was likely raised that way. Her comment about illness being a satanic attack is not mainstream. Derick's family is Vision Forum Quiverful, often considered a sibling subculture to Gothardism.

Not sure what specific subculture Marjorie comes from. I'll need to listen to her speak more to hear her and her family's specific cues. Language always gives you away in the end! :)

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Cheerleaders HATE theatre kids in traditional high school set ups. That wasn't my high school, and we all know it doesn't apply to these kids, but I bet it applies to Michelle. After all, she is still defining herself by high school.

In my high school a few cheerleaders were in theater and no one thought twice. Michelle was probably the Regina George in terms of personality in her day.

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Cheerleaders HATE theatre kids in traditional high school set ups. That wasn't my high school, and we all know it doesn't apply to these kids, but I bet it applies to Michelle. After all, she is still defining herself by high school.


Amen. Me-chelle couldn't be more stuck at "cheerleader age 17" than if she'd been mummified then.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Amen. Me-chelle couldn't be more stuck at "cheerleader age 17" than if she'd been mummified then.

I see that, too. But, I think the biggest problem Marjorie might have is just getting to Michelle's "heart." I don't think anyone I've seen on TV is truly close to her except her husband and possibly the school/best friend that is shown sometimes. Marjorie may talk so much Michelle cracks, but Marjorie might have no/little interest. I guess it partly depends on where the couple lives if they do get married.

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So, which one was rumored to be sniffing around a Bates girl? For some reason, I thought it was Josiah? 


Is Josiah also the child who DID NOT tow the party line when MEE-chelle announced another impending blessing on the Today Show and was basically bullied by JB into following marching orders?  


Perhaps distancing himself from his parents is a reason he's courting so young,  I can dream.

Joseph is. He is roommates with the somewhat effemeninate Bate's boy. Joe is getting to be friends with Tori.

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I kind of want to watch Josiah's graduation episode again to see if I can spot Marjorie :)

Also wasn't it his idea to do the video thing with Josh when the kids did the dinner theater for their parents?

I just went through the graduation scenes on youtube. No dice!

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They are both very Fundy. Derick's mother is Fundy-lite, and he was likely raised that way. Her comment about illness being a satanic attack is not mainstream. Derick's family is Vision Forum Quiverful, often considered a sibling subculture to Gothardism.

Not sure what specific subculture Marjorie comes from. I'll need to listen to her speak more to hear her and her family's specific cues. Language always gives you away in the end! :)

Derick's Mom and step dad go to Fellowship Bible Church. It is a Bible teaching church. Women wear pants, capris, arms are bare. It is really a one size fits all. My sister and nephew go there. I have been there. My nephew was involved in a young boy's group that made him sign a pledge of purity which included no masturbation. He was taught at age 12 that masturbating was not helping to maintain pure thoughts. It wigged me out. He is 21 now and he is a warped young man.

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I'm not sure how Michelle will respond to Marjorie. I think there is a chance they might get along. Maybe Michelle could teach her a few cheers since she's homeschooled too. They could start a whole Duggar cheer squad for Jesus with Michelle, Marjorie, Joy, and Johannah (and anyone else interested). As long as Michelle gets to be head cheerleader, I think she would love this.

I'm imagining matching ankle length skirts and sweaters with big J's on the front. As far as the physical part of cheer, like dancing, jumping and gymnastics, that might be too defrauding so they can probably just stand there and recite bible verses in unison.

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There is a lot more to Fundy thinking that a given church or clothing. The denomination I was raised in, for instance, had churches that are very Fundy (we attended one) and some that are extremely liberal. All of them are "Bible believing." It's really hard to explain subcultures if you aren't part of it. Comments from Cathy about the supernatural aspect of illness, for instance. Another comment was that she didn't encourage her sons to court per se, but why waste all that "time and money" on girls they wouldn't be with? She was tacitly agreeing. I think Derick grew up a lot more religious that we were led to believe by a working, pants wearing mother, and just tipped overboard in college. That's actually far more common than you might expect.

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There is a lot more to Fundy thinking that a given church or clothing. The denomination I was raised in, for instance, had churches that are very Fundy (we attended one) and some that are extremely liberal. All of them are "Bible believing." It's really hard to explain subcultures if you aren't part of it. Comments from Cathy about the supernatural aspect of illness, for instance. Another comment was that she didn't encourage her sons to court per se, but why waste all that "time and money" on girls they wouldn't be with? She was tacitly agreeing. I think Derick grew up a lot more religious that we were led to believe by a working, pants wearing mother, and just tipped overboard in college. That's actually far more common than you might expect.

Very true. I actually met my husband at a non-denominational church, that in the course of about 5 years, went from a church comprised of everything from former Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Charismatics and Pentecostals, to Quiverfull, Tea Party, Homeschooling, Duggarific Strangeness. No one officially followed Gothard or Quiverfull movements, but over that span of time, all the "character traits," "purposing", "courting," "fellwoshiping," "headship", "homeschooling" business started creeping in and took over. 


In my opinion, between the Internet, social media, Pinterest, Campus Crusade being backed by mostly conservative Baptists, etc., a whole lot of college students like Derrick turn fundie when crisis strike, in his case, dealing with the death of his father and finding comfort in a lifestyle of faith that has a lot of rules that make everything neat and awesome. Plus, as a shy guy, he has GOD (their interpretation, I know) telling him he's a Manly Man who gets to rule the roost and call the shots, because God says so. 


Back to Josiah - he's intelligent, he's curious, he hasn't had his spirit broken (yet). The best way to ensure he doesn't start actually reading, learning and comparing other religions (even within Christianity, other ways of thinking) and lifestyles, is to lavish him with attention and distract him with a wife. Enforce that he's being rewarded for towing the line, and he'll not only stay, but will be vocal about how their beliefs are the only beliefs worth having.

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I like knowing about the new couples/first babies to see what things will be like. Then, I lose interest like with Josh and Anna. Until they run off and do something wild or brand new, I am not interested. Maybe Josiah sand Marjorie will do something really interesting. Maybe Josiah will start acting, too. Or, maybe they- not Jessa and Ben- will be famous evangelists. It definitely interests me to see.

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I'm fence sitting on Marjorie.  She came across as overly perky and a bit annoying but it was her first time on camera.  I would probably come across weirdly if I knew that it was going to be broadcast on international TV!  I don't want to jump to conclusions about her being in it for the fame or fake based on 2mins of footage.  

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Agreed about theatre kids.  They always seem fake and putting on a show.  Trying to get people to love them.  Maybe from not enough love at home


Just a little theory of mine, but I think a whole lot of people in "show biz" are Leos and lastborns. Born show-offs, all of them - LOL. And on a serious note, the world needs entertainers too. Maybe now more than ever. They also serve who only 'buck and wing...'

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I just deleted a whole bunch of off topic posts. This will happen again in this thread and across the forum so beware. We've asked all of you to take a break from posting unless you have something meaningful to say and many of you aren't heeding our wishes so we are going to delete away for the foreseeable future.

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Finally watched the video--if it weren't for my occasional bouts of insomnia, I'd never keep up with all my stories!--and I find it pretty cute. I think Josiah and Marjorie are being true to their own personalities and their behavior is age-appropriate. What's NOT so age-appropriate is their talking about marriage instead of prom or college plans.

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Just a little theory of mine, but I think a whole lot of people in "show biz" are Leos and lastborns. Born show-offs, all of them - LOL. And on a serious note, the world needs entertainers too. Maybe now more than ever. They also serve who only 'buck and wing...'

I just finished up being a part of a very prestigious theatre world in affluent Virginia suburbs. A LOT of first borns (including mine) and an ENORMOUS amount of ego. These were children who had tremendous amounts of positive reinforcement. Marjorie was very familiar. Not a lot has gone badly in her life, and she's been well liked in a good way (as opposed to a hidden away because she's so "precious to us " kind of way.). She's 17. She thinks she had life all figured out. Better that than seine who is afraid the world is going to leave her behind in the rapture and mowing the lawn might break up people's marriages because she's kissed some boys, so I'd better marry the guy who says he can save me from myself. Oh, does that describe someone we know?

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