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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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14 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Devoted SAHDs are now rewarded with animal companions? E

Hahahaha I got excited for a minute because I thought it was stay-at-home dad. I was like, "which one of them is that progressive?!" I still wish Ben could stay home with the boys while Jessa went out to work. 

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4 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Maybe Willow decided she was Jana's dog. Or Jackson's dog. Dogs are like that. Sometimes a dog will decide his or her favorite person is not the person who owns the dog, especially if they live in the same house. 

Oh that's a really good point! 

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I believe a lot of crap about the Duggars but I don't believe this. Sorry, I just don't. I think that the real Jana Duggar would likely have declined to answer the survey in the first place. Secondly, I have NEVER heard them refer to JB as "daddy". 

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A long time ago, when asked why the girls wore long and permed hair I think Jill or Jinger replied because that is the way daddy likes it. However, I think Volderjosh started calling him Pops around the time he wed and it caught on. Jill referred to him as Pops before he walked her down the aisle.

Could it be only the marrieds, aka adults, can call him Pops? JK. I’m not a stunted fundie and I would not have answered the question. 

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1 hour ago, Tasya said:

I believe a lot of crap about the Duggars but I don't believe this. Sorry, I just don't. I think that the real Jana Duggar would likely have declined to answer the survey in the first place. Secondly, I have NEVER heard them refer to JB as "daddy". 

I don’t know if I believe it either. It would be crazy if they really did talk to Jana but I’ve heard them refer to JB as “daddy” plenty of times. I remember Joe, during a recent interview of some sort referred to JB as daddy, which got a lot of people talking. I guess they found out it’s a southern thing. 

Edited by Marthalord
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2 hours ago, Tasya said:

I believe a lot of crap about the Duggars but I don't believe this. Sorry, I just don't. I think that the real Jana Duggar would likely have declined to answer the survey in the first place. Secondly, I have NEVER heard them refer to JB as "daddy". 

I take it with a grain of salt, too, BUT . . .

Jana has no education to speak of.

She is not allowed to watch or read the news.

She has been taught her entire life that it is the will of God that she obey her parents and submit to the will of her headship. Despite our desire to see her break free and think for herself, there is simply no evidence that she has done so.

I think it's entirely possible that she votes like her daddy tells her to, and doesn't think there's anything odd about that.

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While I have no problem believing that Jana would vote how "daddy" told her to: 1)as political as this family is, there's no way they don't all talk about the various candidates, so she would have given a name when asked; 2) she's well-indoctrinated by this point. She doesn't have to be told who to vote for because she has her own opinions about the candidates, they coincide with those of everyone else around her. 

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I don't think Jana would volunteer ANY information of any kind to an anonymous caller asking questions. I'm sure that all of the kids have been carefully trained not to talk to "outsiders" without Daddy's permission and warned that any stranger asking innocent-sounding questions (especially about politics) could be an evil liberal blogger/reporter who will take whatever they say and twist it to make them look bad.

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On 11/22/2018 at 10:35 AM, lookeyloo said:

In my neck of the southern woods its "mama and daddy".  Not "my mama" or "my daddy".  Just mama and daddy like they are the parents of the world.  I am not southern by birth, so don't do that.

That’s the way we do it, like that’s their name.  I’m almost 60 and my parents have been dead for years but they are still Mama and Daddy and always will be. My daughter, however, calls us Mom and Dad.

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15 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

That’s the way we do it, like that’s their name.  I’m almost 60 and my parents have been dead for years but they are still Mama and Daddy and always will be. My daughter, however, calls us Mom and Dad.

That's what my aunt who's from Nebraska calls her parents too. Mama and Daddy. 

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Southerner here! Mama and Daddy. I do call them "my mom" and "my dad" when speaking about them, though. Sometimes I'll even infer that I call my dad Dad, to avoid looking childish, but it's Daddy all the way. I'm a daddy's girl through and through!

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I’m Chinese, and for a lot of dialects, they use a chinese pronunciation of mommy and daddy.  妈咪- mah-mi, and 爹地- dieh-di.  But we have a really weird way of picking and choosing what English words we want to acclimate to and which we don’t.  It’s always jarring to hear grownups say “bye bye” instead of “再见 - Zai jian”, or goodbye.  But none of these words there have the same childish connotations that say...someone living in Seattle would have.  

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On 11/30/2018 at 9:23 PM, Temperance said:

The oldest five single Duggar boys did a singing video and it sounded nice. 

Justin continues to look really un-Duggar-like... With the hoodie and that haircut, he'd blend right in at my local high school...

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On 11/30/2018 at 8:23 PM, Temperance said:

The oldest five single Duggar boys did a singing video and it sounded nice. 

Again, Jackson is lumped in with the Lost girls and not the Howlers. The oldest five single Duggar boys are ALL the single Duggar boys besides Jackson.  Is this cause his voice hasn’t changed yet? I do wonder. 

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2 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Again, Jackson is lumped in with the Lost girls and not the Howlers. The oldest five single Duggar boys are ALL the single Duggar boys besides Jackson.  Is this cause his voice hasn’t changed yet? I do wonder. 

Actually he's not "lumped in" with either. The girls have their own cd and Jackson is not singing on that. He and Tyler are a group I guess by themselves. 

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20 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Justin continues to look really un-Duggar-like... With the hoodie and that haircut, he'd blend right in at my local high school...

He looks too cute and normal to be a Duggar. I pray the Boob Curse doesn't take hold and ruin what he's got going on.

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13 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Actually he's not "lumped in" with either. The girls have their own cd and Jackson is not singing on that. He and Tyler are a group I guess by themselves. 

Yup you’re right! Poor Jackson. 

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On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 9:23 PM, Temperance said:

The oldest five single Duggar boys did a singing video and it sounded nice. 

That did actually sound pretty good. I always dreamed of having a family I could sing with. I did grow up singing on car trips with my parents and such like - Dad was huge into Polish Scouting, and there were always campfire songs, and a lot of Polish folk music, but as much as my parents did enjoy singing, harmony was beyond them, and as an only child, not the least bit interested in Scouting and too shy to find anything else to join, I figured that maybe someday I'd find my Captain Von Trapp, or a jolly Irishman with a red beard who liked to sing around the fire at night...But Mr Jyn has never sung a note in his life (though he is quite musical), and the only one of my three kids who enjoys singing only discovered that talent through karaoke well after he had moved out...I'm a complete sucker for a capella harmonies in pretty much any style and setting, though!

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I fondly remember traveling with a United Methodist youth choir all of my summers in high school. Any high school kid in the state could audition, and then we had a camp and tour. I wish the boys could use their talents in a Christian environment like that, and have some normal experiences! That would never be allowed, though, because there were definitely occasions for boys and girls to be together unchaperoned. 

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I agree the boys sounded good. I actually think several of the Duggars have some musical talent, but just not in violin and tuning and stuff.

Justin and Jeremiah are both the lookers of the howlers and they are Jessa's buddies, and she was a looker, so...evidently that was the sinner buddy team.

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This whole family singing things is a real sore point for me. My father was one of four boys and they sang together in a quartet, not for money but at church and family gatherings. Everyone including their mother took great delight in it. One of their daughters had a beautiful voice as well. I was in the church choir but when I was about 9 years old when grandma was visiting I was told to sing a capella for her. She shook her head and declared that I couldn't sing. So I was relegated to the sidelines from then on.

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2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

This whole family singing things is a real sore point for me. My father was one of four boys and they sang together in a quartet, not for money but at church and family gatherings. Everyone including their mother took great delight in it. One of their daughters had a beautiful voice as well. I was in the church choir but when I was about 9 years old when grandma was visiting I was told to sing a capella for her. She shook her head and declared that I couldn't sing. So I was relegated to the sidelines from then on.

Growing up my poor mother was so bad, the choir director stuck her in the back with the boys. The director's philosophy was the deeper male voices would drown her out. She still laughs about it to this day. 

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18 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Justin continues to look really un-Duggar-like... With the hoodie and that haircut, he'd blend right in at my local high school...

Not sinner twin looks not so good. Everyone else looks 5’7, so no thanks. 

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Jed looks like Joshley, to me anyway, and that makes me think he's unattractive.

3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Growing up my poor mother was so bad, the choir director stuck her in the back with the boys. The director's philosophy was the deeper male voices would drown her out. She still laughs about it to this day. 

I wish I hadn't been so sensitive, and could laugh about being told in the 4th grade that I didn't sing well.  From then on, I've mouthed the words when singing is required.  I have a deeper than normal female voice.  I'm not mistaken for a man on the phone though, so that's good.  Mr. Xword says I have a nice voice, but I know he's just being kind.  Of course, big sis was in the 'elite' choir all through school, and could play piano too.  I had such an inferiority complex!  

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I've never had a good singing voice, never thought or claimed to. But when I was in college, I had to take a music education class. it was that or art ed and my art skills were horrific. We had to teach a song to the group and had to sing it for the professor privately first. Okay, I was a special ed major, so the chances of me ever teaching anything music related were slim to none, and the song was supposed to be a "game" kind of song. I chose "Little Bunny Foo Foo". After I sang it for the professor he basically told me my voice sucked and I should play a recorded version of the song along with my singing. Oh hell, no! I didn't care, it was music ed and I was singing Little Bunny Foo Foo for god's sake. I BELTED it out the day of our lessons for the rest of the class. I couldn't have given less fucks if I tried about what the rest of them thought or the professor for that matter. Sure, a few of them laughed, but I also brought up him telling me I sucked to them all and most of them were of the "GO YOU!"  mentality when they heard that part. And seeing as my grade was based on my teaching the song and the hand motions, and not my voice, he had no choice but to give me a good grade. 

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My thoughts exactly! He's unattractive to me because he looks like Smugs Jr.

I hope Jackson doesn't develop an inferiority complex if he can't sing well enough to participate with the rest. Add that to the fact that he doesn't hasn't been accepted into the "boy group" either and soon he won't be allowed to hang with the girls, poor kid.

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22 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

I hope Jackson doesn't develop an inferiority complex if he can't sing well enough to participate with the rest. Add that to the fact that he doesn't hasn't been accepted into the "boy group" either and soon he won't be allowed to hang with the girls, poor kid.

They always grouped Jackson with the Lost Girls because he and Hannie had the most natural talking heads out of the littles. Probably wasn't the wisest idea at the time when everyone knew eventually he'd be separated from the younger girls. Don't worry. A few rounds of ALERT will solve anything he feels!

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3 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

James, Jer, Jed, Jason, Justin

Color me impressed every time someone can name off the J's like this - especially the boys, who all look like varying degrees of Josh.  

Hope James is enjoying his non-receding hairline for the moment.

Edited by laurakaye
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6 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Color me impressed every time someone can name off the J's like this - especially the boys, who all look like varying degrees of Josh.  

Hope James is enjoying his non-receding hairline for the moment.

Jason looks like some sort of elf, so it was easy to figure out. Plus he has the same hairline as Joe.


Jed was in the middle so naturally they had to put his twin beside him, because how else would they know they're twins?

James and Justin were process of elimination. Justin is still in the "maybe the Duggar curse will get him, maybe not". James is firmly in the "The Duggar curse has struck."

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Aw, James remains my favorite Howler. And he continues to look like cousin Amy rather than his siblings. I think the youngest three boys (James, Justin, Jackson) look less like Duggar-clones than the majority of the older boys, though Jackson might start looking more like the rest when puberty finally hits.

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6 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

James, Jer, Jed, Jason, Justin

Not pictured: Jackson and J'Tyler

They all have less than 5 years before the looks go. It's sad, but true. Jed is some kind of athletic Josh. Ew.

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On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 5:01 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

Justin continues to look really un-Duggar-like... With the hoodie and that haircut, he'd blend right in at my local high school...

It's the new (take your pick) Jackson Five, Jonas Brothers, N'Sync, NKOTB. Let's get 'em signed and bring in some more $ to the Duggar Kingdom, folks.

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