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Season 2 Discussion

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17 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

By continuing to film Danielle, TLC is basically exploiting a mentally ill woman.  Nothing and no one will convince me that Danielle does not have developmental issues.  That's why I can't even feel too frustrated with her.  She probably shouldn't even be in charge of her own financial affairs, much less permitted to participate in a TV show, however dysfunctional.  Her friends and family are just as culpable as the producers when they appear in scenes with her and egg her on.  I hate Mohamed as much as the next halfway sane, self-respecting woman, but he doesn't owe Danielle an explanation for any woman he wants to date (or "date").  Restraining orders and block buttons were made for women like her.

I agree.  However I need to work on my frustration with her.  She really does seem to struggle and there are times where I feel very badly for her and others I want to throttle her and tell her to have some freaking self respect.  Those that love her need to help her not embarrass or degrade herself (she could use a minder/conservator in my opinion).  The only good thing I can see coming out of this for her kids is she is making a bit of money so they can eat and maybe worry less about being homeless.

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8 hours ago, Granny58 said:

1.  Russ:  "I'm comfortable in my skin and in my cowboy boots."  He wins.


2.  Danielle.  Stop looking up Mo on social media and getting pissed.  What do you expect to find?  And her friend grabbing the phone telling Mo to stop bothering Danielle.  Um.....she called HIM!  


3.  Alexei needs to learn to take a moment before he speaks.  I get that he was blindsided by this news, but this will happen all through life...unexpected bad news.  Think before you talk.  

I love cowboy boots.  I am not into country music per se and I am from the beach area but I have worn them since I was a toddler (still have my first pair).  If my husband didn't have such big flipper feet (size 14) I would get him a pair.  

Russ, even though I think your storyline is boring, your wife a rude bitch, rock those boots anywhere you want!   His face just exudes sweetness (who knows if he is) and he deserves a nicer woman or whoever he wants to spend his life with.

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I had no idea that Miami turns women into selfish bitches. I'd like to send a big fuck you out to Pao.

Danielle might not be too bright, at least she's pretty. 

Sarcasm?  Really - the woman is a slobby mess.  Or how Mo put it - adequate. 

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45 minutes ago, GoGamecox said:

If we were to reverse the scenario and any of the men were trying to slap/punch their women, we would definitely NOT tolerate that. I mean, Jorge sucks for lying to her when she has been direct about her desire to be a gold digger, but no one should be getting physically assaulted by their spouse in a legal conference room. 

Sorry I couldn't help it. Replace players with Jorge and Anfisa 

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19 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Come on, TLC.  This Tourette Syndrome storyline has to be just that: a producer-driven storyline.  You mean to tell me that her parents, at the very least, never did hardcore research on a condition that she's had all her life?  Her pediatrician would have given them all of the information they could possibly take in (assuming her parents were paying attention, which I believe they were).  Laying aside the question of how much Loren knew about Tourette Syndrome, I'm going to need Alexei to not have kids for a really, really long time.  If that's how he's going to treat his wife for having an actual medical condition, he should think long and hard about bringing children into the world if there's even a possibility that he'll be resentful of Loren.  I'm not usually Loren's biggest fan, but that poor girl, having to basically apologize for having an inheritable condition that she still struggles with on a daily basis.  Just wow.

I just Googled Tourette Syndrome and the first two results both mentioned Tourettes is hereditary.  Each page had a link "What causes Tourettes?" And both discussed it being hereditary.  I agree with you.  Lauren and her parents had to know that it is indeed.  When my nephew was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child....the WHOLE family did mega research on the disease to get as much information as possible.  I do not believe Lauren or her parents were oblivious to this information.

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I actually recently moved from a Miami adjacent city... I lived about 15 minutes from what is truly considered Miami. I hated Miami and only went there when required by work/school. There are a ton of cheaper options than living in "Miami". I much preferred Ft Lauderdale to Miami, but maybe I'm just a boring person... but that could be a good compromise if Pao would be willing to hear it (which I don't see happening) 

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3 hours ago, Quilty said:

Maybe Russ and MotherChantel can hook up. He's got the boots. She's got the tiny hat. That's more in common than the other couples have.

Pure gold! Thank you for making me laugh on a hot, muggy Monday afternoon just outside of D.C.!

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19 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

KBrownie, so true!! Russ went out of his way to speak Spanish to Pao's friends. He is a charming man who lives his wife and is an adult with regards to mortgages, jobs, etc. I liked Pao before,  but now.... Pao's friends are a cliche.

That was so rude of Pao and her friends to speak in Spanish constantly while Russ was there to socialize with them.  They spoke English just fine.  And why in the world would Pao take Russ to a club with 3 friends while he is in town.  A more appropriate even would be to just meet for lunch or dinner to visit and meet.  AND did you hear when Pao told Russ he should take at least a BARTENDERING JOB while he was in Miami to pay the bills.  Isnt that what was suggested to her by her agent and she refused implying that was ridiculous?  Pao is a spoiled self centered beyooootch.  She should never have let her "friend" talk to Russ like that!!

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I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I thought that it was customary for ethnic Jews to go to genetic counseling prior to marriage due to the increased risk of Tay Sachs amongst Ashkenazi Jews. If Alexei and Loren would've went to genetic premarital counseling, they would've learned about Tourette's being hereditary then and there. 

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45 minutes ago, gigiann said:

I just Googled Tourette Syndrome and the first two results both mentioned Tourettes is hereditary.  Each page had a link "What causes Tourettes?" And both discussed it being hereditary.  I agree with you.  Lauren and her parents had to know that it is indeed.  When my nephew was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child....the WHOLE family did mega research on the disease to get as much information as possible.  I do not believe Lauren or her parents were oblivious to this information.

That's my point. Besides the obvious Wikipedia on Tourette's Loren - it's not that huge of a deal in the scope of things. Your nephew has CF - which is terrible. Real people problems. I can only assume his parents spent huge amounts of money (a good bit likely not covered by insurance) to redo their entire house and HVAC system. I hope he's doing well. I'm pretty sure your family would have much preferred a Tourette's diagnosis.

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Loren has established a pattern of not telling thinks to Alexi until it's convenient for her.  Last week it was the intentionality of hurting him, this week it was the fact that what she previously told him about the heredity issues related to Tourette's was not accurate.  Whether she knew the truth or not, it seems that she reassured him that Tourette's was not hereditary before they married.  Alexi being upset has nothing to do with accepting her and her Tourette's as he has been nothing but supportive to her about it, but everything about knowingly passing on a condition to children, and especially male children (as it is more commonly manifested in men).  However, once again, Loren puts Alexi in the position of being 'the bad guy' which then means she, once again, gets to be the 'victim.'  He even correctly pointed out to her that the things she accused him of saying are the things she actually said.  I also find it hard to believe that she went to meet with the TAA without researching more information prior to the meeting.  And, if I'm going to be bad I might as well be bad the whole way, I think the only reason she wants to be a spokesperson for TAA is that it might still keep her in the limelight.

As for Danielle, she wants it all her way.  She can have a boyfriend, but Mo can't have a girlfriend.  I am so tired of her refusal to accept that she does not have a relationship with Mo and that he was never attracted to her.  Several of her comments indicated that she holds out hope that Mo wants her and will return to her.

Jorge seems to think that the viewers are on his side through his comments, and even his "I might have a little bit of responsibility.."  I really think that he lets her calls and messages play because he thinks he will gain sympathy from letting the cameras capture it, and the viewers hear it.

Pedro and Chantal?  I think Pedro is right about not being with her family.  Chantal and her family put all the blame for this fiasco on Pedro.  Until they accept responsibility, there will continue to be problems.

Edited by seacliffsal
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6 hours ago, Diamond Dog said:

Paola is an ugly person, and her true self showed up big time last night. She thinks she's hot shit, but she's cold-hearted snake with bad eyebrows, and a shitty weave

Russ needs to call it off, go back home, and start fresh. Leave that trash behind in Miami. 

Danielle. The fake bf is something TLC probably cooked up to make it seem like Danielle isn't as pathetic as she truly is. Much like that roller skating boytoi they hired last season. Nobody wants Danielle. Mo was hoping he'd get in, and get out, but Danielle is stuck to him like a barnacle on a ship. She doesn't want him to move on, because she is obsessed with him. 

Can I just say that I like neither Loren, or Alexi? Loren is whiny, hyper, and insecure, but Alexi seems very pig-headed, macho, and wooden. He reminds me of some of my very traditional, patronizingly sexist Ukrainian relatives. Wifey has to look pretty, cook, and clean, and forget about being even the slightest bit independent. I could be wrong, but that is the vibe I get from him. 

Anafisa - she brings it to crazy town every episode. Jorge is the daftest, biggest lump of shite ever seen on tv, but Anafisa is outmatching them all with the shrieking Russian routine. 


Anfisa cracked me up when she was in the car asking for the red bag.
River. 'Nuff said.

Edited by Landlord
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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Pedro and Chantal?  I think Pedro is right about not being with her family.  Chantal and her family put all the blame for this fiasco on Pedro.  Until they accept responsibility, there will continue to be problems.

There  was so much crazy this episode that I almost forgot about the scene where Pedro and Chantel went to her parents' house to "help them pack". Jesus, could they have been any more lackadaisical? People, we know its all staged. but you have to try to make an effort to be convincing. All this listless milling around, tearing off sheets of gift wrap (! gift wrap? no one could be arsed to go and get a newspaper at least? for authenticity?) and shoving things into boxes with no packing, no bubble wrap ("be careful with that, its an antique". Sure it is.) Though we did get to be treated to River's latest do and his precious little pouts and moues. Poor Pedro. He's a nice guy but Chantel is a perpetual teenager, I can's see her ever crawling out of her own ass long enough to be a true partner to anyone.   

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I just remembered something about Pao. Last season when she left her Miami vacation and went back to OK to tell Russ she wanted to move, she was fighting with Russ and got on the phone to facetime with her parents and they were all laughing and making fun of Russ, once again going on about what a hillbilly he is.  He was sitting there humiliated wondering what they were laughing at because naturally they were talking in spanish. My point is Pao has been a mean, nasty, spoiled, rude, self centered, narcissistic bitch from day one. And her parents are assholes. Good job mom and dad. 

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5 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

That said, the pull of Miami is that it's such a Latino mecca, centered around Cuban emigres -- which in turn draws South and Central Americans and Puerto Ricans. There's no other area in the US outside of states bordering Mexico (I live in LA) with a more vibrant Hispanic culture. The one plus for Russ out of this side trip to Miami is that he might have seen more of what's out there, are relocate to a more metropolitan area where he'll have more social choices.

Yes. I also live in LA and while the west coast has a vibrant Latino culture and history, the predominant influence is Mexico... Miami has a larger South American/carribean influence (my BIL has lived there for a decade). Basically it's the closest to Colombia that Paola could have gotten to in the US.

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23 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Come on, TLC.  This Tourette Syndrome storyline has to be just that: a producer-driven storyline.  You mean to tell me that her parents, at the very least, never did hardcore research on a condition that she's had all her life?  Her pediatrician would have given them all of the information they could possibly take in (assuming her parents were paying attention, which I believe they were).  Laying aside the question of how much Loren knew about Tourette Syndrome, I'm going to need Alexei to not have kids for a really, really long time.  If that's how he's going to treat his wife for having an actual medical condition, he should think long and hard about bringing children into the world if there's even a possibility that he'll be resentful of Loren.  I'm not usually Loren's biggest fan, but that poor girl, having to basically apologize for having an inheritable condition that she still struggles with on a daily basis.  Just wow.

I agree! I found it hard to believe that no one in her family,  including herself, bothered to do any research on the condition she has. I also felt bad for her though,  she didn't ask to have that condition and it certainly isn't her fault, so to kick her while she's already struggling is just sad and cruel.

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10 minutes ago, S86226 said:

I agree! I found it hard to believe that no one in her family,  including herself, bothered to do any research on the condition she has. I also felt bad for her though,  she didn't ask to have that condition and it certainly isn't her fault, so to kick her while she's already struggling is just sad and cruel.

In my own personal humble opinion, I think she KNEW it is hereditary.   Seems like she is less than truthful when the pressure is on or she wants to avoid conflict.   I think when it came out on the show, she was forced to tell Alexei.  

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On 7/10/2017 at 9:47 AM, lovesnark said:

I get the feeling that Miami was Pao's endgame all along.

I agree with this.  Until last night, I was firmly on TeamPao.  But my God, what an ugly way to treat anyone, much less the man you agreed to share your life with.  

My husband and I both speak German fairly fluently.  We speak it very often to each other to keep ourselves in practice.  It can be kind of fun to have our own "secret" language when it is the two of us, and I will admit to making snarky random comments to him auf Deutsch sometimes.  We would never do it in a group of people, though, unless they were German speakers, too.  That was a rude, nasty thing to do, and I wonder if Pao did it as a means of getting back at Russ for her experiences in Oklahoma.  Whatever her motivations, it was not the way to treat anyone, especially your husband.  He knew that they were talking about him.  SHE knew that he knew that they were talking about him.  It was a nasty and coldhearted thing to do.

The thing that broke my heart the most is when Russ, with his limited Spanish, tried to join in the conversation, and the gaggle of Latina skanks refused to slow their speech down so that Russ could feel a part of things.  I have been studying Spanish for over ten years and I will admit to finding it quite difficult to learn. Old dog, new tricks.  Yet every Spanish speaker I have encountered has been more than gracious about helping me as I try to practice.  


Edited by bethster2000
Latina, not Latino
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I still can't believe Paola literally referred to herself and her friends as "spicy Latinas." Whoever said she's a caricature is spot on. I never liked her to begin with. Maybe I sensed that her sweet, wide-eyed, exotic little lady act was just that. She's a selfish trick.

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16 hours ago, urusai said:

How many cars does Jorge have?  He seems to have a different car every episode and they seem to get downgraded each time.

Jorge went from an new Audi R8, to a used Caddy Escalade to a rental Jeep Patriot. I can see the rental car no smoking sign on the front window if you freeze frame Jorge talking.

Notice how the other two vehicles have been absent from this season? I think he's out of money and has bad credit (that's normally why someone would have a long term rental car).

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24 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

I agree with this.  Until last night, I was firmly on TeamPao.  But my God, what an ugly way to treat anyone, much less the man you agreed to share your life with.  

My husband and I both speak German fairly fluently.  We speak it very often to each other to keep ourselves in practice.  It can be kind of fun to have our own "secret" language when it is the two of us, and I will admit to making snarky random comments to him auf Deutsch sometimes.  We would never do it in a group of people, though, unless they were German speakers, too.  That was a rude, nasty thing to do, and I wonder if Pao did it as a means of getting back at Russ for her experiences in Oklahoma.  Whatever her motivations, it was not the way to treat anyone, especially your husband.  He knew that they were talking about him.  SHE knew that he knew that they were talking about him.  It was a nasty and coldhearted thing to do.

The thing that broke my heart the most is when Russ, with his limited Spanish, tried to join in the conversation, and the gaggle of Latino skanks refused to slow their speech down so that Russ could feel a part of things.  I have been studying Spanish for over ten years and I will admit to finding it quite difficult to learn. Old dog, new tricks.  Yet every Spanish speaker I have encountered has been more than gracious about helping me as I try to practice.  


It's been a while since I watched their original episode. But, I don't remember anyone (save Russ's uber conservative mom) treat her any way but nice. She didn't like living with his parents, so he got an apartment for them. I remember all of his friends being very welcoming and friendly and trying to do fun stuff with her. I also hated it when the gaggle of Latino skanks - love this - refused to slow their speech down when he was trying to engage in the conversation. 

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9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

It's been a while since I watched their original episode. But, I don't remember anyone (save Russ's uber conservative mom) treat her any way but nice. She didn't like living with his parents, so he got an apartment for them. I remember all of his friends being very welcoming and friendly and trying to do fun stuff with her. I also hated it when the gaggle of Latino skanks - love this - refused to slow their speech down when he was trying to engage in the conversation. 

Russ' friend are assholes (in Pao's book) because they sided with Russ in the half naked photos scandal. There's nothing more to it.

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1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

In my own personal humble opinion, I think she KNEW it is hereditary.   Seems like she is less than truthful when the pressure is on or she wants to avoid conflict.   I think when it came out on the show, she was forced to tell Alexei.  

You do make a good point. I really never looked at it from that point of view but it does make me think twice about it, especially after the past episode where we learned her BFF took the fall for the bachelorette party....

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7 hours ago, gigiann said:

I just Googled Tourette Syndrome and the first two results both mentioned Tourettes is hereditary.  Each page had a link "What causes Tourettes?" And both discussed it being hereditary.  I agree with you.  Lauren and her parents had to know that it is indeed.  When my nephew was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child....the WHOLE family did mega research on the disease to get as much information as possible.  I do not believe Lauren or her parents were oblivious to this information.

Sorry if this is off-topic, but your post really touched me. My sister-in-law has CF and turned 42 this year. Sending good thoughts to your nephew and the rest of your family. 

On-topic; there's no way Loren, Alexei, or any of their family members haven't done a recent Google search about Tourettes. Maybe it's just me, but I Google everything! Certainly a disease with which I'm not familiar. 

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12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

All. Of. This.^^^ !  My hate grows for Pao every episode.  How dare she tell Russ to get a bartending job? Oh, and where exactly is she really living? With all those model wannabe girlfriends?  I really wish Pao would find herself some rich old Miami sugar daddy who will use her and then dump her by the time she's 35 for some younger, hotter, 22 year old!  Payback is a bitch, Pao! 

Yeah that was rich telling him to get bartending job instead of getting it by herself. She said in previous episode that Russ wouldn't want her to be bartender and instead expects him to support her expensive dye  hair jobs and partying. WTF?  Her agent took her in just to get herself and her agency and models free TV advertising not because she has great potential. There is thousands of Pao's walking streets of south Florida and she is nothing special there. She would be more exotic and probably get more work in Oklahoma. Pao should wake up out of her modeling dream the moment the agent told her she wouldn't call her for any jobs under 100 USD and that she should get bartending job to get by. And she didn't book anything in the month she has been in Miami and her agent doesn't return her calls. But to get a bartending job would be beneath her and she has a husband who she doesn't give a shit about to pay for her new expensive lifestyle so why should she? She doesn't want to compromise and only thinks about what makes her happy. Russ can go kick rocks and work. She will go get her roots touched up and then go trash talking her supportive husband while sipping margaritas he paid for. She is nasty ugly user and sooner Russ realizes this is who she is the better. He can still build the life he wants with someone who will care about his happiness and supports him instead of taking him down.

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I'm over hearing Loren cry about having Tourette's,everything with her has to be So over dramatic. I'm sorry if I sound like a real asshole but she's acting as if she has this terminal illness that leaves her sick all the time. She has lived a good lifesaving friends,getting married,,working in New York City,etc etc. most people probably have no idea she even has Tourette's. She's a drama queen. I usually like Alex but their argument made me think of what would he do if they had a child with Down syndrome or autism? Regardless you should be with someone who is going to love your future children no  matter what.


This season has made me dislike pao,i use to think they would be the couple that actually lasted but now no. How come her & these "friends" only hangout in places that serve alcohol & skimpy clothing? It's like she wants to be the Latina Sex & the city group. I'm still waiting to see these paychecks from her "career" or find out about the "life she's starting in Miami" so far I've just seen night clubs & bad fashion.  

Russ deserve's better,but he won't realize it until he has absolutely nothing left & will end up living with his parents because everything was wasted on pao. 


Chantal needs to grow up,you're already married,you missed your chance at getting a bachelorette party when you chose to lie & keep your engagement a secret until 5 days before the wedding. Why is her teenage brothers approval so important? I wouldn't let someone with hair like that judge my relationship. 


Danielle is pathetic. She's always saying how mohamed didn't use her but then gets mad everytime he hangs out with a girl who is young,skinny & pretty. DING DING Danielle that's exactly why he left you once he got the green card,because he's not attracted to you. I'm more worried that her stupidity will be passed down to her kids then Loren passing down her  Tourette's. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 5:55 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Do you think she thought of that two weeks ago and wrote it down on a post-it, saving it for a time that she was on camera? She certainly seemed pleased with herself. 

Pao is dead to me. What a selfish, self involved, shallow little bitch. 


20 hours ago, GracieK said:

Really Pao? Russ's friends treated you the way Juan is treating him? So they insulted and disparaged you in front of Russ in a language you couldn't understand and called you fat while Russ sat there and giggled about it with them? Please, bitch. No one is buying your poor persecuted routine. And while finding a place to settle down is a compromise and I don't think she should have to settle on Oklahoma, there are plenty of compromises to be made. A warm climate and a coastal city that isn't quite as expensive as Miami can be found all over the country. And now she wants Russ, who has paid for an education and has an engineering degree to take a bartending job?? Why don't YOU get the bartending job just like your "agent" suggested since you're the one with limited marketable skills and income potential. Ugh at this point I don't even know what Russ sees in her. She's an asshole. 

Totally a buzzy sloppy drunk move from Pao smirking enjoying those two fighting over her she loved it. What I loved was her humid hair and frizzy split ends at the bar all a hot MESS then flashing to her looking put together with good make up and the blonde wig in her in her TH. Pao you are not as special as you think ! Esp in Miami!  

Deport 1) Mo, 2) Pao. She has no interest in living in partnership with her husband. 

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23 hours ago, Swim mom said:

If my spouse called in two camera men and then proceeded to tell me, in my non-native language, that there is a chance that our children may suffer from something that HE suffers from and describes as a horrible, HORRIBLE, condition,  I probably wouldn't come off looking so great. Alexei has never described touretts as horrible, Loren has. As a matter of fact,  Loren daily describes her condition as nearly unbearable.   Perhaps Alexei was trying to express how hard it will be for the children,  not how hard it will be for him.

Until I see more, I'm still team Alexei.

I can see your point here. When we watched this last night, we thought he was being dickish about the whole thing. However, this morning I think it was an edit job to make him look that way. I took the time to look up Tourette syndrome on Wikipedia, particularly the information on how it is transmitted between generations. After reading that, whether I personally had Tourette's or was married to someone who did, I wouldn't have any reservations about having children. Apparently, some people who are born with it and who also display the tics and intonations end up not having any outward signs by the time they're adults; as the afflicted person matures, the tics and intonations tend to diminish. If you haven't read about it, it's actually very interesting.

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7 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

I'm over hearing Loren cry about having Tourette's,everything with her has to be So over dramatic. I'm sorry if I sound like a real asshole but she's acting as if she has this terminal illness that leaves her sick all the time. She has lived a good lifesaving friends,getting married,,working in New York City,etc etc. most people probably have no idea she even has Tourette's. She's a drama queen. I usually like Alex but their argument made me think of what would he do if they had a child with Down syndrome or autism? Regardless you should be with someone who is going to love your future children no  matter what.


This season has made me dislike pao,i use to think they would be the couple that actually lasted but now no. How come her & these "friends" only hangout in places that serve alcohol & skimpy clothing? It's like she wants to be the Latina Sex & the city group. I'm still waiting to see these paychecks from her "career" or find out about the "life she's starting in Miami" so far I've just seen night clubs & bad fashion.  

Russ deserve's better,but he won't realize it until he has absolutely nothing left & will end up living with his parents because everything was wasted on pao. 


Chantal needs to grow up,you're already married,you missed your chance at getting a bachelorette party when you chose to lie & keep your engagement a secret until 5 days before the wedding. Why is her teenage brothers approval so important? I wouldn't let someone with hair like that judge my relationship. 


Danielle is pathetic. She's always saying how mohamed didn't use her but then gets mad everytime he hangs out with a girl who is young,skinny & pretty. DING DING Danielle that's exactly why he left you once he got the green card,because he's not attracted to you. I'm more worried that her stupidity will be passed down to her kids then Loren passing down her  Tourette's. 

Through luck or the grace of God, Danielle's daughters seem a lot smarter than she is.

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Gonna jump in and defend Alexei a bit here...from what I have noticed on the show he seems like he needs time to process his feelings. Like he reacts quickly at first, but after he is given time to sit and reflect he becomes more reasonable. I think he reacted quickly to finding out it was genetic, but then after he had a chance to process he apologized for wording his concerns wrong. I think she flies off the handle way too quickly and he doesn't have a chance to gather himself.

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21 minutes ago, BXD said:

Gonna jump in and defend Alexei a bit here...from what I have noticed on the show he seems like he needs time to process his feelings. Like he reacts quickly at first, but after he is given time to sit and reflect he becomes more reasonable. I think he reacted quickly to finding out it was genetic, but then after he had a chance to process he apologized for wording his concerns wrong. I think she flies off the handle way too quickly and he doesn't have a chance to gather himself.

Yes, but the part that annoys me is when he said (I paraphrase) ''And you did not tell me''. Now I know editing, and fabricated drama, but I watched it as she told him first time she got a chance after her meeting. Not like she waited a year to tell him. Yes, her timing was ill-chosen, but she did tell him.

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21 minutes ago, BXD said:

Gonna jump in and defend Alexei a bit here...from what I have noticed on the show he seems like he needs time to process his feelings. Like he reacts quickly at first, but after he is given time to sit and reflect he becomes more reasonable. I think he reacted quickly to finding out it was genetic, but then after he had a chance to process he apologized for wording his concerns wrong. I think she flies off the handle way too quickly and he doesn't have a chance to gather himself.


 I agree. I think Loren forgets he comes from a whole different place,people in other countries react to things differently then Americans (well I tend to think so) plus he's a guy & they usually need time to process things. I feel like Loren is the type to start jumping on his case once he walks threw the door after work.

One more thing. Why was Loren setting up that god awful pull out bed for his mom? Especially after she had a long flight from another country. I'm sure she would of liked a little privacy & a chance to relax. Why didn't she offer his mom  they're room? It looked like they had a big comfy bed. 

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Alexei also told her he didn't understand a lot of what she was saying because of the language barrier. He had to ask her what resent meant. I'm going to call bullshit on Loren and her family not knowing about the heredity factor. The technology available to us these days leaves no room for ignorance when it comes to anything to do with a health matter. My dearest friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer almost 5 years ago. I know more about ovarian cancer, the various chemo drugs used to fight it, the new biologicals they're using, the side effects of all the treatments, you name it than I ever imagined I'd know. And, I don't even have the disease!

Edited by lovesnark
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Pao's behavior is reprehensible. Instead of shutting down the conversation immediately and springing to Russ's defense by saying something in Spanish like "You will NOT say things like that about my husband!" she translated Juan's comments and joined in the laughter at his expense. And why didn't she get off her ass and follow Russ when he left the table? She stayed behind and continued to make fun of her "amor." 

edited to add: Quite simply, I think Paola is the definition of a "mean girl" who surrounds herself with other mean girls including Juan. 

Edited by magemaud
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14 hours ago, lizzie3 said:

Sorry if this is off-topic, but your post really touched me. My sister-in-law has CF and turned 42 this year. Sending good thoughts to your nephew and the rest of your family. 

On-topic; there's no way Loren, Alexei, or any of their family members haven't done a recent Google search about Tourettes. Maybe it's just me, but I Google everything! Certainly a disease with which I'm not familiar. 

One of my sisters did that when I was diagnosed with MS.  No one else besides my husband and his family did this.  Including my other sister.  It certainly helped them understand what I was dealing with!  It surprised me big time that she didn't know this already.  I think others are right that she did but didn't mention it.

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2 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:


 I agree. I think Loren forgets he comes from a whole different place,people in other countries react to things differently then Americans (well I tend to think so) plus he's a guy & they usually need time to process things. I feel like Loren is the type to start jumping on his case once he walks threw the door after work.

One more thing. Why was Loren setting up that god awful pull out bed for his mom? Especially after she had a long flight from another country. I'm sure she would of liked a little privacy & a chance to relax. Why didn't she offer his mom  they're room? It looked like they had a big comfy bed. 

I didn't see this since my recording stopped early (GRRR!).  I always give my bed to guests.  Always.   I visited my more selfish sister a couple of years ago.  They had a 2 bedroom house and my niece who was 12 had her own room with a queen sized bed.  Guess where Aunt Natalie with her bad back and jimmy legs slept?  On the window seat upstairs that had a maybe 1 inch old mattress/pillow on it.  I got to see the sun rise as I was laying there hoping my back would allow me to stand up when everyone woke up 3 hours later.  Last time I 'slept' there.

I am going to be able to watch this show lickety split next week since I ff through most of them.

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I'll never understand women like Pao who are over the age of 16, not tall and not a size 0-2 who think they can start a modeling career. She's attractive but too old, too short and too curvy to do any real modeling (fashion/runway). She's going to be stuck doing car shows and "glamour" modeling.  She really gets rude to her husband when her friend is there, not a good sign.  Russ needs to get over men looking a his woman, especially since she wants attention.

Danielle needs therapy and to put her kids first.  Any woman who goes with Mohamed gets what she deserves.

Loren needs to grow up. Alexi was just fine in Israel and gave up a lot to come to the US

I don't blame Pedro for worrying about Chantal and her bachelorette party considering she was grinding up on some guy the last time they went out and Pedro was right there. 

Anfisa and Jorge are the gift that just keeps on giving. "Get my red make-up bag!!!!"  I love how she pronounced debt as depth. He's an idiot and I hated her the first season but I'm team Anfisa now. She has always been honest about being a gold digger and I admire that in her, even though she's a horrible person.

Edited by Ki-in
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Those 3 bitches called Russ fat the minute he sat down. It would have been very hard not to give Juan a smack upside the head, all 3 of them for that matter. Cut your losses Russ and go home, she's already gone. 

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13 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Chantal needs to grow up,you're already married,you missed your chance at getting a bachelorette party when you chose to lie & keep your engagement a secret until 5 days before the wedding


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Jorge misrepresents his financial status to Anfisa to get her to come to USA and marry him.  Acting like a hotshot wealthy man buying her love with purses, shoes, jewelry, etc .  Like it or not she has always been honest with her reason for coming to USA.  We all know his reason for choosing her was her hot body and looks.  So he has lied and then tells her "shouldn't you love me no matter what?"  What if Anfisa had packed on 40 lbs before she showed up in USA and gained another 30 once she got here.  Don't you think he would be upset????

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Nothing changes with the people on this show. 

Why even talk about Danielle anymore?  Mo played her like a pro, enough said. 

Chantel is beautiful and smart and could have had her pick of smart career guys back home.  Instead she hooks up with loser Pedro who wants to control her like a piece of property. 

Jorge will always be a doormat. 

Pao's asshole friend Juan is immature and pathetic.  You can see his resentment and jealousy over her marriage to Russ, he seethes with it.  Husband > BFF, pal, grow up and get over it.  Pao needs to learn the hierarchy too, a decent wife would have stuck up for her husband there, not play the middle.

The Tourette's gene can be passed on, it doesn't mean the person will develop it.  And many people have it and live normal lives.  I know, I have the condition.  Alexei was being a dick.  Let Loren have kids with someone else then if you are that worried.

Edited by Dobian
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On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 6:02 AM, bichonblitz said:

There were never two more mismatched people on earth than Russ and Pao.  They need to end it now. Pao is exactly where she wants to be and is never going to move away from Miami and Russ is never going to mold her in to the sweet mid-western housewife he wants her to be.  I wouldn't be surprised if Pao eventually goes back to Columbia to be with her bestie because she's not going to make it as a model and actress. Well, actually, she is an actress right now, so I take that part back! 

So I guess Danielle is an actress right now too!  LOL

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Just now, gigiann said:


Im so curious if TLC pays for Pao and Ruus's stuff--Where is Pao living and who pays for that? I hte how she treats him and agree he should be gone!!

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I wonder if Alexei is feeling duped by Loren.  He believes what she tells him and then, at a later date, he finds out what she told him wasn't true.  If it was me, I would wonder if I could ever trust anything she said.

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19 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I wonder if Alexei is feeling duped by Loren.  He believes what she tells him and then, at a later date, he finds out what she told him wasn't true.  If it was me, I would wonder if I could ever trust anything she said.

As Danielle would say, it's so fustrating.

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