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S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice

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6 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Ramona has not been a good friend to Bethenny. Really! Really! REALLY! I wonder why Bethenny went on WWHL after her female surgery and said the one friend who was REALLY there for her was Ramona. I wonder if she'll remember sayings that? 

Just because someone does good one time or sometimes doesn't mean he/she is overall a good friend or it gives him/her a pass to be or excuses being a shitty friend at other times.  From Bethenney's perspective, she's not looking at one act, but the bigger picture.

Edited by Talented Tenth
  • Love 22

No wonder beffy is so lonely......

She can tell if a man can shoot diamonds out of his dick and is very upset she can't find a man that can do the same for her.


One of my sisters was married to the 'worst man on the planet'.

If I didn't know her, I'd probably be more inclined to believe everything she said about him.

Beffy has an air of desperation - and the need to assure everyone that she is suffering some kind of trauma that no one would ever understand.


It's the kind of trauma that would break us mere mortals, but because she is Beffy Frankelstein,  a creature made up of nothing but tears, fears and bravery?

She can laugh (or cry) in the face of adversity.


I can see her and Kyle Richards sitting on a couch, trying to 'out pity' each other....

BF: Oh my god, Jason is such an asshole.....

KR::I know how you feel, Back when Mo and I were living in a two bedroom apartment, I had to be the handyman because Mo sucks at fixing things...

BF: Jason said I was just like my mother....


People talk about men saying a good indicator on how he treats the women in his life is based on his relationship with his mother.

I don't trust women who don't have a good relationship with their mothers.

Edited by ElDosEquis
because i can.
  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

What's wrong with Ramona? Aside from being crazy she's drinking too much.

sidenote: I want Dorinda's house and everything in it, non-working fireplace and all. And I love her wine glasses and those old fashion big Christmas light bulbs on the tree. 

Well, nothing wrong with being crazy or drinking too much,

But when you combine both?

Now everyone has to babysit her to keep her from falling down the stairs or starting a fistfight with someone else.

Instead of having fun at an event, I have to be a 'lifeguard' or a 'referee' for this pinhead the whole evening?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Just because someone does good one time or sometimes doesn't mean he/she is overall a good friend or it gives him/her a pass to be or excuses being a shitty friend at other times.  From Bethenney's perspective, she's not looking at one act, but the bigger picture.

One act that B thanked Ramona for very publicly. There have been other occasions when she didn't behave so well, the take down on the bridge, talking behind her back, bringing up the "porn" past in the nastiest of ways and repeatedly talking down to her about her "lack" of friends and let us not forget that at this point B is fully aware that Ramona was willing to move full steam ahead with tipsy girl and still lies about it. Maybe that's what comes out next week.

Too many people including Ramona talk about B only having that one friend. Just because she only has one that is willing to film doesn't mean she doesn't have a full life with friends who love her and aren't willing to be on this shit show. If having non-housewife friends film is a barometer for how many friends B manages to keep around then the others haven't got a leg up on her in the least. 

Edited by bagger
  • Love 14
49 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Really loved the fact that all of the gals were so happy to see the can shaped cranberry sauce. That's my house at the holidays. I want to make something wonderful and homemade (thanks Alton Brown), but all anyone wants on the table is the canned stuff. I loved that. 

Been there, done that!  Bring on the canned cranberry sauce (which I like too!)  Lucky for me, my in-laws are not picky eaters and appreciate anything I make for them, and when it comes to the holidays, the old standards - canned cranberry sauce, turkey, mashed potatoes, etc. is what makes everybody happy.  No need for fancy fixin's, although sometimes I'd like to try new things.  I did fix homemade creamed corn one time instead of just opening up a can of corn, and one SIL had to comment on the lack of canned corn.  I thought to myself, "you'll eat it, and you'll like it," which she did!

I don't know what to think about Jason & Bethenny.  I'd love to know the truth.  As far as the judge getting the whole truth, well, the truth can get skewed even when under oath.  I have a cousin who was going through a divorce a few years ago.  His soon to be ex-wife lied through her teeth before the judge and waged extreme accusations against him.  The judge bought it, hook, line, and sinker.  I'm not implying that Bethenny lied, but there could've been some embellishment from either side, and if you throw in a few tears,  that can be pretty persuasive. 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, Trooper York said:

Sometimes people get tired of the life they led and want to change. Somehow I don't think that Luann is going to whine. If anything she will walk away. I am sure they kept their assets separate. 

Why can't we wish them well. There is so little happiness in this world why begrudge someone a chance to find it in another no matter how damaged that person might be.

Who are we to do that? Bethenny?

And again we have Ramona basically telling Lu "ummmm so say that he cheats you know he does and that you're okay with it that's all we want and we'll let it go".


It's so damaged for someone to actually want that shit written out and signed in blood. That shit it so ridiculously unbelievable my head was spinning when they were sitting there pretty much DEMANDING the words come out of Lu's mouth.

That's not concern that's cornering Lu with RUMORS basically shouting her down begging that they get Lu to give them the pay off THEY are so desperately thirsty for.

Look Lu may or may not have reasons others disapprove of but how is that even remotely close to the sad pathetic display of Beth and Ramona chasing down a confession and itemized break down from a woman about her relationship with her fiance'? How is that something that NEEDS to happen for any reason???


  • Love 8

Bethenny's voice sounds like a cartoon character voice. I think it is worse than ever. She is so skinny, scrawny. I don't like her, so I don't really care if she feels tormented by Jason. Take out a restraining order and get into therapy. I agree, she does not want to be happy. Her "ex" will be her story line forever and I really think she loves every minute of it. It must kill her that Brynn is the spitting image of Jason and her MIL.

  • Love 18
12 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I can't stand Bethenny and firmly believe that she lives for being miserable, but I was living for Carole spilling the tea on Jason's behavior! I know Bethenny can't talk about it on air, but Carole can be her mouthpiece. Please say more, Carole! Calling Bethenny "Bernadette" is the kind of sick, cruel stuff I can totally see him doing....

But does anyone believe that Beth isn't just as cruel?

I don't condone the mental jabs and I'm not a mean spirited person AT ALL but I have had moments where I've been equally cruel in reciprocation. It happens. I'm not proud of it but from the vitriol I see coming from Beth for women who don't even remotely affect her life to any real degree... I can imagine the verbal abuse she tossed around that marriage and after and no one's a saint. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason sunk low a time or two to get some licks in himself. I doubt I wouldn't be throwing out some cutting shit to that bitch myself. Hell I don't even know her and I've imagined the verbal beat down I would have slathered her with if she were to ever aim that bitchy waste of energy attitude my way.  Any negative thing I hear about Jason in my mind is justified. Sorry. I know that's not the "mature" assessment but after seeing just how evil Beth is over matters no where close to the importance of what they are dealing with I'm ain't mad at Jason if once in a while he loses his cool and gives her a taste of her own medicine.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 21

So Carole started a fire with Dorinda's doorstops in non-working fireplace?  She's such a Debbie Downer with her plate piled with chicken but complaining (one of the things she does best next to bragging) about the farm conditions and then talking abut how she'll show them a horrid video after dinner. She's becoming that crazy aunt we all try to avoid.

The ladies need to save their fake concern over Luann. I think she and Tom have found what works for them and they are happy. I don't see what he would have to gain by marrying her, it's not like she's some sugar mama supporting him like a boy toy.  What does Tom have to gain by marrying her? To be on some silly reality show? I don't think a man stays unmarried until he's 50 just to get married to be ridiculed on national tv which I'm not sure will actually help his business so I don't see the tv exposure as a plus. I think the women are a tad jealous because it's not so much that they wanted him but he didn't want them, it's their egos.

Shut the F up Bethenny with her living in a dungeon and house of horrors, just shut the F up already.

Dorinda isn't a "classic beauty" but she really looks amazing and natural. And I like that she goes make-up free instead of the no make-up make-up look that a lot try and do (not wearing false eyelashes but tons of pancake isn't no make-up people). She was an amazing hostess and I really liked her not caring about the chair at all.

I think Ramona was on coke, X or pills, it seemed more than booze especially the way her and Sonja waltzed into the room during the group conversation. 

  • Love 18
14 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Carole's integrity is seriously lacking if she's going to spew on Bethenny's behalf like that.  We all see right through it, whether you're on Bethenny's side or not.  Carole the big journalist, the voice for those who can't speak.  Bitch, please.

Absolutely, her reaction to the fire place thing was above it all, self centered and not gracious. She was literally "it's not MY FAULT the flue was stuck shut" and stomps off with an eye roll not taking a shred of responsibility. How about helping with the mess you made and apologizing instead of deflecting your contribution! That's why she and Beth are great friends nothing is ever their fault,  they do not contribute to any conflict.  It's always 100% the other person at fault.  

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

It is kind of weird how Lu just starts listing their vacation itinerary when she's trying to articulate how much they were meant to be together. 

And interesting how there aren't a bunch of women claiming that Adam has been stepping out on Carole with them.

I take it as they have an itinerary for their relationship.

Look it's not everyone's cup of tea but what make companionship with a person who likes the same things you do some immoral decision?

And why is it necessarily some crime that she paints it as a fairy tale? What because it's annoying. Okay. So?

It's crazy just how hard the women are trying to turn Lu's situation into some crime against them against humanity and against the sanctity of marriage.

It's mind blowing is what it is.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:



she walked out on her long term boyfriend with the Count. 

In Luann's defense the boyfriend was NEVER going to marry her, she said so in her special. I can't blame a woman who wants marriage and children for leaving a man who will never give her those things for a man who will. The bf was fine playing house and the count could have dumped her after their week long fling but he knew he had a keeper. The count married her, met the parents gave her a life and a home and was a decent husband until he wasn't. If the bf had wanted her to stay he would have put a ring on it like the count did.

  • Love 15

Bethenny has delusions of grandeur- everything she goes through is more painful, more intense, more heartbreaking than what anyone else could bear. 

I don't doubt that Jason stooped to some low tactics, however, Bethenny has a quick temper, a sword tongue, and is bitter as frick, so it seems obvious she isn't a victim in that scenario. 

Perhaps Bethenny knows of what she speaks in regards to trick guys- if I took a drink of skinny girl margarita every time she mentioned Dick I would be unconscious!! Does Dennis' penis not satisfy? It was gross that she kept mentioning Adam in regards to sex....

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, bagger said:

Too many people including Ramona talk about B only having that one friend. Just because she only has one that is willing to film doesn't mean she doesn't have a full life with friends who love her and aren't willing to be on this shit show. If having non-housewife friends film is a barometer for how many friends B manages to keep around then the others haven't got a leg up on her in the least. 

Because I hate the idea of people being lonely, I hope she does have good friends IRL.  And, if that's so, I wish she'd lean on them off-camera and well....get off-camera and stay there.  Watching her express her bottomless rage (tm @film noire) is exhausting.  Yes, she has a quick wit and can be sarcastically funny. If anything, that's why I wouldn't mind watching her. But this constant martyrdom and endless vindictiveness make for FF TV for me.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Lemons said:

She's the most entertaining for me and she calls them all on their bullshit. She was pretty melodramatic tonight and that typically isn't her style. 

Luann was probably trying to help but it doesn't work when you remind someone who is in distress that they have so much going for them.  We don't know the extent of Bethany's ex husband's harassment but it must be bad if Bethany is having such an extreme reaction.  If he is tormenting her relentlessly, that's tough to take and can easily break someone.  And she's never been one to exaggerate or lie, so I believe it must be bad.  I feel bad for her.  

And she understood that when she saw just how strongly Beth was contesting that sentiment. Lu noticed it did more harm than good and went and told her she was sorry to upset her that she thought Beth was in a better place so those sort of words of encouragement aren't necessarily a bad thing to say. Sure you don't lay it on thick like that when the bruises are fresh but to Lu she thought Beth FINALLY jumped the hurdles she was facing over this long period of time. I'm not surprised she thought it was safe to go into such an optimistic look towards the future but when she noticed it wasn't landing like she thought she took the initiative to address her faux paus with Beth.

BETH. The bitch that looks for any reason to try and humiliate Lu. Lu was genuinely going over to apologize for making her feel worse. I'm not gonna lie. If it were me and Beth started the water works the best you woulda got outta me was a shrug, an ooopppss, a sip from my glass of wine and slight eye roll. Annnnndddddd, me trying to contain my spite and hiding a bit of smugness for the unintentional but still satisfying feeling of seeing the shoe on the other foot for a change.

Sorry not sorry.

  • Love 14

Because I hate the idea of people being lonely, I hope she does have good friends IRL.

There is a blonde friend in Miami that films on occasions and a brunette named Terri? as well.  Following her on snap there are lots of friends in and out.  They eat out all over NYC, visit at the Hamptons, meet up at Aspen and Vail, and some go on her long vacations when Brynn has her Hoppy weekends.  So there are friends.  Plus I do think that her response to Ramona etc say she's in therapy.  These words are therapists words for handling conflict.  i.e. I don't like how you're talking to me.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Tamara Tattles alluded to there being something in Dorinda's house that was damaged and that it was Sonja's fault. 

I think that was my favorite part of the episode!  

I don't really think she badmouths him that bad though. She will say she is in a bad situation but she never really gives specifics or details. 

I think people also need to remember that the whole Hoppy situation was escalating while this season of RHONY was filming. The incident at the school happened at the end of January which resulted in Bethenny getting a temporary restraining order against Hoppy that doesn't expire until the end of July. For a judge to grant that (and one for such an extended amount of time), there had to be a ton of evidence to support it. You can't just get one because you don't like your ex. I think that explains a lot of what we are seeing with Bethenny right now. Hoppy was escalating, he was sending hostile emails to both Bethenny and Dennis, and it resulted in Bethenny being overly emotional at times. 

Oh yes ya can.

Been there, done that.

In the state of NY too.

  • Love 4

I don't think it can be overstated enough that judges aren't out here handing out TROs willy-nilly. There usually has to be overwhelming evidence to grant one because, unfortunately, women aren't believed in situations like these. 

I want to copy and paste a couple of these types of things.  The restraining order can be argued on both sides.  It's easy, it's hard, etc.  BUT  for state to look at the documentation and declare that it rises to a level of criminal behavior and charge him with 3 counts, including stalking ... that says more than any restraining order.  His lawyer said they turned down the plea offer of anger management, one count remaining and cleared when he finished anger management.  His lawyer (his second fyi) says he's innocent and he's going to fight it. (I'm pointing that out for everyone that says Jason never talks to the press.  Cuz he does.) The restraining order might be soft and a lot ROs don't lead to criminal charges.  She got the RO based on the same documentation that led state prosecutors to charge him.  So I'm good with the texts and behavior being all kinds of bad, wrong and sick.

  • Love 22
6 hours ago, film noire said:

I don't think taking her word on anything is wise. She's proven to be an emotionally unstable and untrustworthy liar with a vicious tongue, no genuine self awareness, and a sour, bottomless rage she feels free to spew on anyone who crosses her path. 

She does. One of her biggest asshole moves tonight was slurping up sympathy from Luann, diving deep into those furry arms  -- with all the grace Sonja reserves for pawing up mashed potatoes  -- and then snottily trashing Luann later.  It's almost compulsive; like projectile soul vomit. And so profoundly hypocritical.

Just not enough middle fingers in the world.

Couldn't have said it better myself!!

But ummm yeah, she MUST be telling the truth...

Wondering where on this show she gave the impression that her hurtful words ALWAYS come from a place of truth and honesty.

Being a blunt asshole that "tells it like it is" doesn't mean a person is always trustworthy. It just means that if they have dirt on you and you piss them off they are going to share that information in the most public way in order to get at you. It doesn't mean they are some bona fide TRUTH cannon. A cannon yeah, but a TRUTH cannon?  Nah. Being brutally "honest" is a term that hateful people have come up with to try and skirt any responsibility for being mean spirited assholes who pounce at will. Somewhere along the way people actually started trying to assign some sort of legitimacy to the "honest" part of the title brutally honest and  he we are. People actually believe Beth speaks only truth...... always...mmmmkkkkaaayyy.

  • Love 14

Count me in for a roadtrip the Berkshires at Casa Dorinda.  That place looks just awesome, and I love Dorinda's hosting style.  She really does make it nice! 

Of course Bethenny, as usual, does her best to try to ruin the fun, mellow vibe.  Good gawd, woman, get a hold of yourself. The shrieking and the crying and the gossiping/insulting behind closed doors -- enough already!


22 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Bethenny has delusions of grandeur- everything she goes through is more painful, more intense, more heartbreaking than what anyone else could bear. 

I don't doubt that Jason stooped to some low tactics, however, Bethenny has a quick temper, a sword tongue, and is bitter as frick, so it seems obvious she isn't a victim in that scenario. 

Perhaps Bethenny knows of what she speaks in regards to trick guys- if I took a drink of skinny girl margarita every time she mentioned Dick I would be unconscious!! Does Dennis' penis not satisfy? It was gross that she kept mentioning Adam in regards to sex....

That's where I've landed on the whole situation.  We saw their relationship play out on national TV.  Jason really was head over heels for her; and I believe Bethenny saw him as somebody she could control indefinitely. Um, yeah, she fucked with the wrong guy. She was a complete shit to him (and his family) on Bethenny Ever After.  Has he been a shit to her since they've split (and probably before)?  Abso-frickin-lutely.  But they are both equally responsible for this current divorce drama. As the B herself would say: I've got NO effs to give about her and her "torment."   

  • Love 18

After a second watch I have to say this again, boo hoo Beth! Try having an absent father, very little child support and not a lot of money (and work 2 menial jobs in order to keep a roof over you and your 3 kids heads). This was my life growing up. 

Lu had her husband of 13 years (?) dump her via email having knocked up a much younger woman, you don't see her boo hooing all over the place! Then Bethanny  cryng all over Lu acting like she is sooooo concerned, then leaves the room to lay on the floor and trash her with her flying monkey. These two make me sick. Carole looks freakin awful. 

The way Bethanny tore Lu apart last season I can only imagine how she speaks to people OFF camera. I didn't watch her other shows so Hobby may be a psycho, but I  can only imagine the things she's said to him over the years! 

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, charming said:

Bethenny was "crying" with no tears as usual. I'm surprised she didn't ask someone to hand her a bottle of Skinnygirl vodka like last season to complete the scene.

Luann handled the coordinated attack very well. The more calm, cool and gracious she was the more upset they all got. I love it. She was giving good advice to Bethenny but what would Bethenny be if not a victim of everyone?

I thought it was interesting that we didn't see any Skinnygirl product placement this trip.  No gift baskets for Dorinda, no displays anywhere, no ripping a breakfast bar out of her purse.  It's interesting, because her focus and part of her storyline seems to be the real estate business with Fredrik now.

3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Loved at the end when Carole said she just couldn't do another toast. They were getting ridiculous. 

Loved Tinsley's comment that it was strange they were all there toasting Lu and her happiness but that only Dorinda scored an actual invite to the wedding. Loved Beth's rundown of the situation even more. That was some funny shit. 

Really loved the fact that all of the gals were so happy to see the can shaped cranberry sauce. That's my house at the holidays. I want to make something wonderful and homemade (thanks Alton Brown), but all anyone wants on the table is the canned stuff. I loved that. 

Loved the truths that were coming out....Beth saying she will never be out of it. She won't. Not ever. And Lu saying that you cannot change a 49 year old man. Nope, you cannot. She knows it and is fine with it. She has nice vacation plans and that is worth it all. 

Same here!!  There is just something about that canned stuff that makes a holiday complete!  I've made homemade, and served that and the canned sauce, and while everyone liked the homemade one, they felt they just had to eat the canned stuff.

(Plus, if you like turkey, stuffing and cranberry sandwiches the next day, the canned stuff spreads easily on bread/rolls!)

  • Love 8

Ramona seemed like she was a half glass or half pill away from slurring "I love you guys," oh wait, she did. 

Dorinda does sweat the small stuff, after her guests lit a fire in her non working fireplace she simply doused it with water and went on with the evening...(I would have opened a window) but I did wonder why her smoke alarm was not going off.  If there was a charity auction and the prize was a "Make it Nice Weekend with Dorinda" I would totally bid on that.  I loved that she served the Make it Nice cake in spite of the mishap.

Bethenny and Carole were awful, they would retreat after every confefe (tee hee) and dissect it behind closed doors, basically laughing at everyone and saying how stupid they were, this is the kind of stuff that makes for a good reunion after the other HW's have watched those scenes. 

Carole does look terrible, what has she done to herself?

Luanne is not having any of the nonsense those women are putting out there, she knows full well what she is signing on for but is too smart to let the others get a whiff of anything less than the perfect love story image she is creating.  She is no dummy.

Sonja plays the violin well, lol.

  • Love 15

Dorinda is the kind of hostess I aspire to be.  Damn, she even shrugged off the fire in the non-working fireplace and just dumped a pitcher of water on it.  She rocks.

Ramona is the kind of houseguest I hope to never be.  Everything is about her, she has to draw all the attention to stupid things.  Did all the women even get to draw for Dorinda's game before Ramona showed hers and was declared the winner?  She sucks.

Oh, Lu.  I think she's awesome and love how she kept her cool.  Whether she's down with an open marriage or is just saving face, they need to leave her the eff alone.  She's a grown up, she's going in with eyes open.

Bethenny - I just can't.  She can't see the forest for the trees and appreciate what she has in her life.  I would typically be right with her complaining about someone spouting "things happen for a reason" platitudes but really - she needs to let things go.  She can't control how her ex behaves but she can control how she reacts to him and how much energy she gives him.

  • Love 18

She does. One of her biggest asshole moves tonight was slurping up sympathy from Luann, diving deep into those furry arms  -- with all the grace Sonja reserves for pawing up mashed potatoes  -- and then snottily trashing Luann later.  It's almost compulsive; like projectile soul vomit. And so profoundly hypocritical.

That was what really turned it for me regarding Bethenny. I don't generally like her, but last night was thinking she was having some genuine moments. And the scene where she and Lu were alone and Lu was trying to comfort her was one of them. But the very next scene is her with Carole ridiculing Lu for what was some really pretty basic advice. That's where I think Lu was being genuine. When she says she looks forward and not back and was suggesting Bethenny be happy that she got Bryn out of the mess, that's not wrong advice. Sure Bethenny wasn't in a good place and Lu apologized when she realized that, but there's nothing inherently wrong with what Lu said. A lot of people feel that way. And heck it's healthy to do so. For all they get on Lu for being delusional, she seems like a very well-adjusted, self-aware person to me. Bethenny is none of those things.

The other way that Bethenny loses me is that she uses catastrophic language for everything regarding her own experience. She's being tortured, she's in a dungeon and will never get out, she's in hell... I can't even remember all of it, but when you get that dramatic and over-the-top in your language, I'm going to start side-eyeing what you're saying in a major way. And she does this with anything and everything to do with herself. All while barely acknowledging that others may have a point of view or opinion.

Someone upthread mentioned how the editing seemed off last night, I agree. I feel like we saw Sonja and Ramona get ready to go downstairs 3 different times, but this was all the same day wasn't it? I did laugh when they came down the second (3rd?) time, dressed like twins and entered the room with a kind of "ta-da" announcement of their presence and the other ladies were deep in discussion (I think Carole was letting them know how bad it was for Bethenny) and no one acknowledged S&R's entrance, so Ramona made another "ta-da" type noise and nothing. Made me laugh.

And Dorinda's house? There's a lot going on there decor-wise, but she certainly seems fond of velvet. Blue velvet couches in one room, purple velvet couches in another and Sonja and Ramona's headboard was also blue velvet.

  • Love 13

Growing up the all I ever knew was the canned cranberry sauce with the can ridges in it, my mother would use them as guide lines for slicing, I make the whole berry kind from scratch but if ever presented the canned...it is such a nostalgic trip for me I am almost weep over the ruby red perfectly round slice on my plate.

Now I want to write a cranberry haiku, lol.  

Long live Dorinda!  Martha Stewart has nothing on her!

If I ever get an invite to Ramona's house I am bringing a chocolate Santa or bunny just to watch her hump it!  OMG, her reaction to winning the Santa was so nuts.

Bethenny nailed the recap on why only Dorinda is invited to the wedding, she has her funny non toxic moments.

  • Love 18

Bethenny seemed to be acting relatively normal until  after she climbed all over Dorinda's kitchen looking for tequila and lime ( which, she apparently made in a coffee cup). After that, her behavior got really strange really quickly. Ditto on wtf with Bethenny carrying around her clutch purse ( what is in that thing that is so valuable)?! 

  • Love 4

Growing up the all I ever knew was the canned cranberry sauce with the can ridges in it, my mother would use them as guide lines for slicing, I make the whole berry kind from scratch but if ever presented the canned...it is such a nostalgic trip for me I am almost weep over the ruby red perfectly round slice on my plate.

Count me in as a Ocean Spray can fan.  But I loved the way she cut and served it.  I believe there should be an instructional video presented on Bravotv.

  • Love 3

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