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S04.E03: Step and Release

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Craig attempts to "adult" by helping Naomie throw a fundraiser, but the differences in their planning styles threatens to expose the cracks in their relationship. Meanwhile, Kathryn takes steps to become more responsible, just as Thomas decides it's time to rekindle his friendship with Landon. Later, it seems that Cameran's matchmaking skills are finally paying off after Shep and Chelsea share a romantic evening together. But when Shep leaves town without making his intentions known, Austen swoops in to take his place.

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This ep: 100% less Gizmo in a cart; 100% less interesting.

Why was "Achy Breaky" Billy Ray Cyrus out partying with Shep and Crew? (Haha, escatefromny! Great minds ;) )

By the previews I was annoyed that Austin was getting together with Chelsea but now I don't care. Shep is a jerk and I care not one whit for bro code, at least among these people because there is no honor among thieves.

Edited by ivygirl
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Kathryn talking about why she wants to start modeling again,   "my children are getting older"  what the bloody hell? Older than newborn,  yes, older than that. 

I don't care about Chelsea and Shep. I don't care if they had sex.  I don't care if they like each other, I don't care. 

Thomas is just gross. 

Craig and Naomi make a beautiful couple. Naomi can do much better, just saying. 

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Cameran might be committed to living child-free (and more power to her), but her "shouting shrilly into a phone that's on speaker, offering opinions on someone's romantic life they did not ask for" is classic mom behavior. Watching her pulls me back to my fourteen year old 'mooooom, staaaaahp' years.

I feel like in a lot of ways this show is doing Kathryn dirty, but I had to snicker when she decided that modeling was a good move for someone struggling with coke addiction.

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2 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Since I'm sure she reads the forums, seriously Naomi, what are you doing with Craig!

And Shep looks like he has jaundice.

Craig may not know how to use a printer, but he can sure hang a big sign; that's marriage material...

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B  O  R  I  N  G  !!!!!!!!!!   Horrible episodes so far, especially tonight.  They gave us NOTHING.  I can't take Landon with that whiny southern voice.   Who wants to see Cameron exercising?  Waste of time.  And, the best is Craig and Shep walking around with no jobs and no direction.   I miss Katherine and the ole T-Rav and their bickering.  The bar scenes and drinking is getting too stale.  These guys aren't young anymore.  YUK !

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Why are these people useful? Explain. Or, rather , explain who is more Useless! In order of uselessness! DISCUSS

Ill begin .

#1 tied for biggest Wastes of space, Landon and Thomas



I betcha Sheps place smells like Corn chips.

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I loved Naomi talking shit about Craig with her parents in French and her mom basically telling her life facts about men sucking at organizing or following through.  I love that Naomi is busy getting her MBA and managing her tasks and Craig is doing nothing and had 2 jobs-get a big banner and print off 4 pages.  And he was almost 0 for 2.  

That conversation between Chelsea and Austen was so awkward I was embarrassed by myself.  "Pick me up like a gentleman?"  I guess, if you want him to know where you live, STRANGER DANGER, CHELSEA!!!

Kathryn at the modeling agency KILLED me.  "May I see your portfolio?"  "I've prepared a PowerPoint presentation instead, here is my laptop."

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14 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

Why are these people useful? Explain. Or, rather , explain who is more Useless! In order of uselessness! DISCUSS

Ill begin .

#1 tied for biggest Wastes of space, Landon and Thomas



14 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

Why are these people useful? Explain. Or, rather , explain who is more Useless! In order of uselessness! DISCUSS

Ill begin .

#1 tied for biggest Wastes of space, Landon and Thomas


#2.. Shep & Craig

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Craig continues to annoy.  He is such a slacker.  I loved his law school classmate commenting how Craig looks like a good gardener, while this guy is practicing law.  Craig says he has no stress - well, fuck - if you have no repsonsibilities except wheeling a cat around all day, of course you have no stress.

I get that Shep is sounding like a person who is butting into other's lives, and their (Craig and Landon's) perception that Shep only wants them to be down.  I think that Shep is one of those super honest friends that will tell you, un-sugarcoated, that you are fucking up your life and you need to get your shit together. Yes, Shep probably shouldn't involve himself where he isn't wanted, but I still think that he genuinely cares for Craig and Landon.

Naomi is getting tired of Craig - quickly.  How long will they stay together without Craig showing some kind of ambition toward something.  I don't care if he wants to build plant boxes all day or be a gardener - fine - do it and do it well.  Take some classes on woodworking or gardening - go work for a carpenter or a garden center - just show some enthusiasm for something other than nothing.

I like Chelsea, but I think she's a little too camera-savvy, unlike that Daisie girl, who really just wanted to be on camera.  She looked as if she was ready to hop into bed with either Shep or Thomas, and let the cameras into the bedroom, too - just to be on film.  Glad her girlfriend got her away from Thomas, or she may have had her wish, and turned into Kathryn 2.0.

Austen is definitely trying to score with Chelsea just to get under Shep's skin.  Although, Chelsea doesn't have to reciprocate the interest.  I'm curious to see how that all plays out.

Thomas is really looking pathetic this season, and even with that, he is coming across better than Whitney.

I don't care what Cameron says - that girl has to work out.  Is it possible she could be that strong and toned without it?  (nah....)  And, I want to know where she shops for her clothes.  Cameron has got to be the best dressed woman on ANY Bravo show.  She is always appropriately dressed for each occasion, and impeccable to boot.  I love her style sense.

Kathryn - poor, poor girl - wake up and get a clue - you have had two kids, your body is not the lean, teen shape it was 10 years ago.  Plus, your face is not the same.  Kathryn is a perfect example of how makeup can change someone's looks.  She really is very, very plain without it.  And, no way would Thomas allow their children to do any modeling, especially with Kathryn.  

Edited by njbchlover
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O. M. G.

Shep's friend.

The mullet. The facial hair. The 80s mall glamour shot bangs. The shirt. 

Did he lose a bet? Did someone dare him to dress like that? Did his efforts to dress like a hipster go terribly wrong? Maybe he was binge watching old country music videos and just got really confused. 

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12 minutes ago, larapu2000 said:

Kathryn at the modeling agency KILLED me.  "May I see your portfolio?"  "I've prepared a PowerPoint presentation instead, here is my laptop."

Which is more than we can say for Landon last season, who brought a flannelboard and a set of puppets to describe her website to the investor/whatever-he-was dude last season.

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I'm unclear on why Cameron thinks Shep would get anywhere near a woman he could settle down with.  That's exactly the kind of woman he would ignore in favor of the easy fling.  The only reason he's more real with Cameron is that he knows there is no chance he'd have to actually be in a relationship with her. 

Instead of giving Chelsea tips on how to chase Shep until he catches her, she should have been telling Chelsea to stay far, far away from him if she actually wants a grown-up relationship in her life.

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Ah, Craig.  You big loser.  Glad you have such big plans for after you stop working (not sure he called it retirement), but, the key to having a successful life after having worked is to have worked in the first place.

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40 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Craig continues to annoy.  He is such a slacker.  I loved his law school classmate commenting how Craig looks like a good gardener, while this guy is practicing law.  Craig says he has no stress - well, fuck - if you have no repsonsibilities except wheeling a cat around all day, of course you have no stress.

I get that Shep is sounding like a person who is butting into other's lives, and their (Craig and Landon's) perception that Shep only wants them to be down.  I think that Shep is one of those super honest friends that will tell you, un-sugarcoated, that you are fucking up your life and you need to get your shit together. Yes, Shep probably shouldn't involve himself where he isn't wanted, but I still think that he genuinely cares for Craig and Landon.

Naomi is getting tired of Craig - quickly.  How long will they stay together without Craig showing some kind of ambition toward something.  I don't care if he wants to build plant boxes all day or be a gardener - fine - do it and do it well.  Take some classes on woodworking or gardening - go work for a carpenter or a garden center - just show some enthusiasm for something other than nothing.

I like Chelsea, but I think she's a little too camera-savvy, unlike that Daisie girl, who really just wanted to be on camera.  She looked as if she was ready to hop into bed with either Shep or Thomas, and let the cameras into the bedroom, too - just to be on film.  Glad her girlfriend got her away from Thomas, or she may have had her wish, and turned into Kathryn 2.0.

Austen is definitely trying to score with Chelsea just to get under Shep's skin.  Although, Chelsea doesn't have to reciprocate the interest.  I'm curious to see how that all plays out.

Thomas is really looking pathetic this season, and even with that, he is coming across better than Whitney.

I don't care what Cameron says - that girl has to work out.  Is it possible she could be that strong and toned without it?  (nah....)  And, I want to know where she shops for her clothes.  Cameron has got to be the best dressed woman on ANY Bravo show.  She is always appropriately dressed for each occasion, and impeccable to boot.  I love her style sense.

Kathryn - poor, poor girl - wake up and get a clue - you have had two kids, your body is not the lean, teen shape it was 10 years ago.  Plus, your face is not the same.  Kathryn is a perfect example of how makeup can change someone's looks.  She really is very, very plain without it.  And, no way would Thomas allow their children to do any modeling, especially with Kathryn.  

I agree with you on everything except Kathryn.  I do think she has great bones and there are a lot of models out there who are pretty plain sans makeup.  She would have to lose some more weight to model.  And I think she admitted in her TH that TRav wouldn't allow pictures of her with the kids but she went with it with when she was talking to the modeling agent because she didn't want to 'explain' her situation.  On another note, Kensy is absolutely gorgeous and could get jobs immediately.

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I didn't know Yolanda Foster was Naomi's mom.

Hee! If Yolanda was Naomi's mother than Noami would be on the modeling career path and less about school.

Eh. I do not think Shep was ever that interested in Chelsea as anything more than a hook-up, so I could care less that Austen is moving in on her. I actually kind of liked Austen in this episode. Well as much as you can like any of these idiots.

Landon's voice just grates on me. I want to rip my ears off whenever she speaks.

I loved Gizmo's reaction shots when Craig was struggling with the printer.

Thomas gets more smarmy in every episode. Did one of the women at the bar with Shep, Austen, Whitney, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Thomas, ask who the old man was in reference to Thomas?

When Naomi was talking to who I assume was one of Craig's law school buddies and the guy responded that from social media Craig looked like quite the gardener. That cracked me up.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I hope Craig isn't going to sponge off of Naomi forever. I believe she is an only child and her parents are quite wealthy. He needs to get it together and bring something to the table. These guys on this show. Ughhhh.

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Please, please tell me brunette Joe Dirt was sitting beside Shep at the table in that bar scene seriously engrossed in the conversation just so his glorious plumage could count as ironic set decoration....or please tell me he was planted there as an inside joke of Whitney or Shep's. He and his Billy Ray Cyrus mullet were all kinds of distracting television gold. I'd now be happy if mullet man and bitchfaced cat Gizmo could just randomly pop up in every further episode from here on out. 

Another "meh" episode...another episode of special snowflake Landon squeaking about her sad attempts at adulting and creepy T-Rav attempting to showmance her up. Or at least get in her pants one drunken evening or so. Speaking of drunken evenings, I still wanna know who "the old man" was that Tipsy McStagger was referring to; was it supposed to be Shep?! Because I saw several silvery dudes in the crowd beyond just T-Rav T-Ravving it up with barely legal chicks. 

Shep better watch it because he's quickly morphing into T-Rav 2.0 before our very eyes.

Austen is still too stiffly aware of the cameras, but he seemed slightly more relaxed and less guarded this episode.

Speaking of stiff, I'm liking Whitney far more in his regular special guest spots now. His awkward old hipster shtick works better in small doses, like when he almost charmingly was trying to reason with Patricia's dog army.

I'll never stop loving me some regular glimpses of Patricia in her natural habitat.

Cameron *has* to be lying about not being a gym-rat---her figure is way too tiny and toned, and look how easily she can do pull-up's! No lazy gas station food connoisseur could ever do that, no way, no how!!

Craig has been beyond boring and droll this season so far, with barely an ounce of his original charisma to spare. He almost seems depressed to me, like he's defeated and secretly knows he's a walking disappointment. If this is how he acts when completely sober, then I'm about ready to tell him to get back on the sauce and find his happiness again.

Kathryn was just...delusional as usual, yet again.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Was it just me or did the guys (Shep, Thomas, Austen, Whitney, and mullet-man) look out of place at the bar? They just looked so much older than anyone else there.

Edited by fliptopbox
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1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

O. M. G.

Shep's friend.

The mullet. The facial hair. The 80s mall glamour shot bangs. The shirt. 

Did he lose a bet? Did someone dare him to dress like that? Did his efforts to dress like a hipster go terribly wrong? Maybe he was binge watching old country music videos and just got really confused. 

He reminded me of my first husband with the shirt and mullet singing Neon Moon at the country bar on karaoke night. 

I had that memory blocked out until tonight.

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30 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I know parents think their children are beautiful; however, Kathryn your children are not cute.

I had to laugh when the woman at the modeling agency told Kathryn clients were looking for real life families to model.  Kathryn is asking for modeling jobs not endorsements.  People hate hearing they have healthy normal children.



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Was it just me or did the guys (Shep, Thomas, Austen, Whitney, and mullet-man) look out of place at the bar? They just looked so much older than anyone else there.

I definitely thought Thomas looked like a way old man in that group, I was actually kind of embarrassed for him. Cameron ALWAYS plays the self-depreciating act, about everything. Her body, hair, and life are perfect all by accident according to her. She had the same game with the cooking, making a big deal bringing out cookware from boxes and acting like she didn't know what it was. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I'm going to defend Craig a little. Naomi should have taken the step and repeat backdrop with her when she went to the restaurant. They really should have been at the restaurant 2 - 3 hours before the event if possible to set up. I've done a ton of blind auction setup for charities that I volunteer for. There are tons of weird things that you never realize that you need for events like that: boxes or phone books to create makeshift risers for the auction items. Extra fabric or craft paper to cover your risers. Small picture frames to put next to the auction items to describe the items in some detail. A laptop or a tablet. A flash drive. From the moment it took longer than 20 minutes to print, Craig should have packed up his laptop and headed to the event. But they're all such naifs and amateurs. There should be extra brochures for charity displayed on the auction table to describe the charity so that attendees can learn more about the charity as they browse. Yes, Craig is a lazy slacker, but I don't think anyone at the charity knew what they were doing. No one there should have relied on Craig to print the auction sheets because there is always shit that you have to print at the last moment.

 Ugh, this was so boring. 

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20 hours ago, fliptopbox said:

Was it just me or did the guys (Shep, Thomas, Austen, Whitney, and mullet-man) look out of place at the bar? They just looked so much older than anyone else there.

No, it's not just you.  They all look old in that crowd -- well, not so much Austen.  Look, Horseteeth is kidding himself.  To 21 year old girls, he's an old man.  They're looking at his fat wallet.  When that girl screamed, "Who's the old guy?", I honestly didn't know who the fuck she was talking about -- Thom-ass, Count Chocula or Horseteeth.  

Gotta say, Horseteeth is being especially skeevy this season -- in addition to being a total asshole.  OK, he's being an asshole to Craigie-poo & Snowflake, who both deserve to be told they're operating in dreamland, but still, Horseteeth is a jackass -- and a really, really sleazy jackass at that.

And just WTF is going on with Count Chocula?  He & Thom-ass are hanging out & trying to be "bros" with Austen?  Seriously, what the fuckety fuck is up with this shit?  Why the hell would Austen, who's what, like 30 years younger than those 2, cruise for chicks with them?  Austen hooking up with Chelsea to get a rise from Horseteeth is scripted bullshit.  Anyway, why would Horseteeth care at all if those 2 hook up?  He seems fine & dandy hooking up with random sleazy girls after his wallet.

So what does Thom-ass see when he looks in the mirror?  I see a waddling bloated old drunk.  He seems very happy when he looks in the mirror.  Is he seeing his image from 30 years ago?  Or is he just drunk or high?

OK, so we saw several reasons tonite why most girls would break off with Craigie-poo in 2 seconds.  He seems like a useless loser. right?  So why the hell is Naomie with him?  Is she an idiot?  Nah, I don't believe that.  If anything, she seems calculating.  Well, ya kinda have to break the 4th wall.  It's sorta like figuring out why Britney would be with a well-known horrible lowlife character like Jax.  So why is Naomie with a seemingly useless loser like Craigie-poo?  Er, to get a spot on a national TV show?  Or maybe because now he's not the useless loser we're seeing on the show (that's scripted crap) since he's probably making decent dough from Bravo?  Hmmmm.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm going to defend Craig a little. Naomi should have taken the step and repeat backdrop with her when she went to the restaurant. They really should have been at the restaurant 2 - 3 hours before the event if possible to set up. I've done a ton of blind auction setup for charities that I volunteer for. There are tons of weird things that you never realize that you need for events like that: boxes or phone books to create makeshift risers for the auction items. Extra fabric or craft paper to cover your risers. Small picture frames to put next to the auction items to describe the items in some detail. A laptop or a tablet. A flash drive. From the moment it took longer than 20 minutes to print, Craig should have packed up his laptop and headed to the event. But they're all such naifs and amateurs. There should be extra brochures for charity displayed on the auction table to describe the charity so that attendees can learn more about the charity as they browse. Yes, Craig is a lazy slacker, but I don't think anyone at the charity knew what they were doing. No one there should have relied on Craig to print the auction sheets because there is always shit that you have to print at the last moment.

 Ugh, this was so boring. 

You may be on to something.  I found this interesting:

I am getting a little tired of Craig of no job.  The guy is making six figures doing a reality show-may not be the wisest of career choices. Hopefully he takes and passes the bar. I doubt practicing law and being on a reality show will be a great mix.  I do like he and Naomi and since that is the only relationship we see it almost seems like producers are trying to thwart it.  Maybe they want a bunch of single guys chasing women around Charleston.  It doesn't seem to provide much entertainment if that is where the show is headed.   

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You know, it's really, really bugging me how Horseteeth is getting all over Craig for lying to him.  First off, fuck off & get over yourself, Horseteeth.  So you were lied to.  Big fuckin' deal!  We all are lied to every day.  Whatever.  I've known several people in Craig's position.  It's not so unusual at all.  It happens.  Maybe he flunked out of law school or maybe he just didn't have the interest or ability to finish.  We're not getting the whole story.  

I suspect there's some shame & embarrassment going on in Craig's mind -- maybe not so much toward Naomie (I bet he's mostly leveled with her), but probably concerning his parents who paid for him to attend law school.  Ah, but would asshole/jackass Horseteeth think of any of this?  Noooooo.  That's because he's a rich obnoxious self-absorbed asshole who sleeps till 3 every day & has never had a job or had to worry about money.  

God, those scenes of Horseteeth trolling after young chicks was making me wanna vomit.  In a sea of gross men on this show (and Thom-ass & Count Chocula are pretty damn gross), to me, Horseteeth is far & away THE grossest.  Man, if Austen is seeing Horseteeth as someone to look up to & emulate, then he's as gross as the others.

Uh, OK, count me as someone who thinks Kathryn as a beautiful gal.  But her thinking she can having some sort of modeling career was nuts.  Then again, how is it any different than Snowflake & any of her deluded babble?  What is it with Bravo shows & delusional, deluded women?

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

What is it with Bravo shows & delusional, deluded women

It's what happens when Bravo casts a reality show, the checks start arriving, the folks stop worrying about being interesting teevee. No one has an captivating storyline going, so they are doing whatever productions sets up for them. 

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8 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Holy mullet!!!  Shep's friend (?) , who joined the "boys" for drinks, was the highlight of episode for me  ... was that for rea?!??  Otherwise, pretty boring.

As the scene opened, I was sure it was a bachelor party and he was was wearing a wig forced on him by the others. Now I can only conclude that the poor guy must have taken a wrong turn somewhere in Bushwick and just kept walking south.  Do they want to follow him around for a few episodes?? I'm cool with that!  

I also see potential in a Craig and Gizmo spinoff, which is really the only potential he has going for him at the moment. "I don't stress," as Naomi astutely pointed out, is so insulting, as it's always code for "not my problem" and "someone else will deal with it" with people like Craig, the language of coasters blithely gliding behind others' Type A tendencies (or you know, acting like adults). Unlike his law career or JD's mentorship, he clearly doesn't yet realize that pissing away his shot with Naomi will have far worse emotional consequences for him. I see "too blessed to be stressed" Craig being stunned when she leaves him, when in fact she'll have already been done with him for awhile and was simply waiting for the right time to bail.

Not here AT ALL for the Landon/T-Rav barf-a-thon. 

The bar gymnastics are also so cringe-worthy, as others noted. I wonder if it will take these guys seeing themselves on camera to realize how pathetic they look trolling for women ten, fifteen, even thirty years their junior and what an empty, desperate charade the whole scene is. Nah. 

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Craig is giving me the Talented Mr. Ripley.

Cameran has the looks and wardrobe to die for.

One of the truest things I've ever read is the nanny's testimony that Kathryn considers her children to be toys or dolls. I'm pretty sure her substance abuse kept her from bonding with her children. Plus, she's a wealth-seeking narcissist, so there's that.

Agree that Shep is headed to TRav-land. Combined with his judgmental nature, it's not a good look. And speaking of looks, I think this show has held up a mirror to Shep's face. He's used to adoration and doesn't know how to handle it when viewed unfavorably.

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10 hours ago, bosawks said:

And Shep looks like he has jaundice.

He has also lost a lot of weight. All that drinking and alleged partying is not doing his looks any favors. With all of his sexual conquests it wouldn't surprise me if he contracted Hep C (tho I hope not). It would explain the yellow tint. He looks about the same age as TRav in this episode. My friends would say he's a waste of skin. 

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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Ah, Craig.  You big loser.  Glad you have such big plans for after you stop working (not sure he called it retirement), but, the key to having a successful life after having worked is to have worked in the first place.

He didn't study or take the bar, he worked (if u call it that) for that guy who owns the bar/restaurant, selling that liquor, and even then wanted to climb to the top in about five minutes.  He was also late for that job many times .. Probably hung over.  I think Craig thinks he can get by in life on his good looks ... And not HARD WORK.  

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10 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

O. M. G.

Shep's friend.

The mullet. The facial hair. The 80s mall glamour shot bangs. The shirt. 

Did he lose a bet? Did someone dare him to dress like that? Did his efforts to dress like a hipster go terribly wrong? Maybe he was binge watching old country music videos and just got really confused. 

All of the above. :) He is known as Crab Claw

Edited by Martinigirl
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